The Crisis in British Rural Democracy


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  • 8/12/2019 The Crisis in British Rural Democracy.


    The crisis in British rural democracy

    On the 20thof February 2014 Devon county council voted to allow a badgercull on council owned land, desite three etitions being handed in the monthbefore totalling more than !,000 signatures oosing it, which was not

    mentioned before the vote" The eole of Devon who care about their wildlifealso eered their councillors with articles and information, including acomrehensive reort of the disastrous 201# badger culls, to which many ofus received inade$uate or no relies" The vote in Devon was #%&th for abadger cull and half of those voting declared an interest as being members ofthe 'F( or )ountryside *lliance, but unli+e the farmers who are not allowedto vote on such issues, these largely )onservative councillors could" as+ed ifthose councillors who are members of hunts could also declare an interest,but received no answer on this either"

    This government has failed rural communities - has undermined democracy

    both locally and nationally, and it has a long history in doing so" n the mid1.00/s wealthy landowners and the aristocracy could control the votes of theirtenant farmers, by threatening to evict them if they didn/t the right way, and sothey gained ower by the bac+ door, circumventing the democratic rocess"They urosely clung to feudal ways of wor+ing and undermined our fledglingdemocracy" They sent hired thugs on horsebac+ into the crowd of 0,000eaceful men, women and children gathered at eterloo Fields nearanchester, at the first camaign for universal suffrage and for electoralreform, such an end to oen voting" The hired militia cut them down withsabres" )ountless numbers died both on the day and afterwards from infectedsabre wounds, and it became +nown as the eterloo massacre" 3e theneelled the lead members of the )hartist movement that followed, deortingthem to *ustralia as Traitors to the state for demanding better democracysuch as an end to safe seats" 'ow, some 1&0 years later, the same feudalattitude towards democracy is haening again, if it ever truly went away atall, and it is most clear in the countryside and in rural olitics"

    n 201# we saw the 'F(, the )ountryside *lliance and other members of thehunting community controlling farmers and landowners in the badger cull5ones" 6treme ressure was ut on farmers to ta+e art in a badger cullranging from threats of hysical violence, to having their feed suly

    terminated or to having their mil+ $uota reduced" *ny one of these measurescould ut someone out of businessand all those affected are too intimidatedto sea+ to the media about it" This ressure continued during the badger cullwhen the $uota of dead badgers was not reached, and those who had notagreed to ta+e art were again ressured to 7oin in, to get the numbers ofslaughtered badgers u" eanwhile those rural communities were riven in twoon this issue with neighbour itted against neighbour, farmer against farmer,farmers against the 'F( and farmers against villagers" t will ta+e manydecades for these communities to heal from what was done to them by3estminster"

    The eole of the Forest of Dean decided they didn/t want a badger cull andthe Forest of Dean district council did the democratic thing, listened to their

  • 8/12/2019 The Crisis in British Rural Democracy.


    constituents and banned a badger cull on council owned land" ore than thatthey did not have the ower to do" *mong David )ameron/s election romiseswere8 an end to 9top down Government:" ;e romised 9devolved power tothe regions:" ;e romised 9more power to local governments:" But heimosed badger cull on the Forest of Dean anyway" ;e bro+e his election

    romises" There are large shooting estates at the centre of both the 201#badger cull 5ones, and it is those large landowners who set the terms as towhere a badger cull would ta+e lace" t was notbased on areas with highrates of bovine TB"

    This Government have broken their promises. 'ot only are they not the

  • 8/12/2019 The Crisis in British Rural Democracy.


    our democratic system, demand the divorce of the 'F( from the corridors of3estminster, so that the net government, of whatever olitical colour cannotcontinue this abuse of ower, and the bastardising of our democracy"
