The Cooke Legacy: Chapter Eighteen - Secret Society Let Down




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The Cooke Legacy: The Cooke Legacy: Chapter Eighteen – Chapter Eighteen –

Secret Society Let DownSecret Society Let Down

A joint legacy between ilovereecee & meadowthayer

Hi there; I’m Hannah Cooke, the cute blonde in the middle and I’m the generation heiress to my family’s legacy. That’s pretty exciting since I’m a romance aspiration and the last heir that shared my aspiration was my great-great-great grandmother Caroline. My father Grant, his father Felix, and his father’s father Eddison were all secondary romance aspirations. It’s not really the same as having a primary aspiration. Needless to say it’s been a long time coming and I plan to make the most of my aspiration has heiress – no baby raising, homemaker bones in my body! Anyway, enough about me, these cool kids standing beside me are Howie and Hope. Howie’s my big brother – a boring old family aspiration and Hope is a little more like me with a popularity aspiration. At least she might be some fun in college!

My siblings and I wasted no time settling into our new place in Desiderata Valley. We were all packed and ready to head out to life on campus at Academie le Tour! It definitely wasn’t the party school SSU was known to be, but maybe I can liven things up a bit here on campus! Upon moving in we had no extra cash, so our means of entertainment consisted of playing darts – not my ideal Friday night! But anything beat homework!

“Look Howie, is that a spider’s web in the corner!?” Hope wasn’t concerned about any webs. She was very concerned about winning the darts game though, so while my innocent big bro was distracted she ran up to the board and placed her darts in the center to ensure a big win!

“I didn’t see any spider’s web Hope, but maybe. . . Hey! When did you get so good at darts?”

“This talent is all nat-ur-al, my friend!” Hope gloated while brushing off her shoulder. Howie never suspected a thing!

“Hey cheerleader girl, we should totally become best friends. You know, because I’m a popularity aspiration and best friends are my thing.” Hope started wanting to befriend everyone immediately upon meeting them. It was almost annoying sometimes.“Um, my name isn’t cheerleader girl. And I don’t really have time to be your best friend – do you know how many houses I have to randomly bust into and cheer in? It’s a lot.”

Growing up as twins, you might thing my sister and I were the best of friends, but the truth is we were never really close. Being in college and on our own now gave us something to bond over though. I hope to become closer with her over the next four years. It looks as if things are headed that way too

Much to my surprise, Howie was the first one to meet a secret society club member. He went to check out the local café and met Brenda Dalton – apparently this is where all the club members hung out. He said he saw like four people clad in the black jackets! I can’t wait to find out more about this secret club, everyone I ask knows nothing about them. Not shocking though since it is a secret. . . a secret that I am determined to uncover!

Howie and Brenda hit it off right away. He’s very smart to woo a member of the secret society in order to join the club. I wish I had thought of it sooner – if my lame older brother gets asked to join before I do, I swear my social life is going to be over before it even begins!

I almost fainted the next day when Brenda came to the door asking for Howie! I thought she was going to take him to her secret lair where she and all the other club members chill. Much to my relief, she just came over to hang out. Looks like she’s not that willing to expose her not-so-secret secret status as a club member. She and Howie did spend a lot of time together though, I’ve got to hurry and befriend someone in that little black jacket!

The first semester of college went by in the blink of an eye. It almost went too fast; before I knew it, finals were over and we’d all aced our tests! We had enough money to buy painting easels (all Howie’s idea obviously) so that we didn’t have to rely on money at the end of the semester from good grades anymore. Now we could sell our paintings for quick cash whenever we needed it.

Painting and spending weeknights at home studying was totally not my thing! I spent a lot of time out at the local music club competing in dance contests. My super cool moves earned me a first place blue ribbon, five hundred bucks and a great rep with the other dancers at the club.

Soon enough I was the one throwing down the music! Everyone was dancing to the tunes I spun – which were of course wicked! I was the life of the party and just waiting for one of those secret society members to walk in and see me. Pretty soon I’d be one of them, I could tell!

Brenda was hanging out at the house a lot more lately with Howie. I don’t know how someone as timid as my brother befriends a secret society member so quickly, but whatever, I totally used this to my advantage. Soon Brenda and I were hanging out outside of the house. Hopefully this gets the on the fast track to earning my own black jacket.

Three college kids all living under one roof can get pretty messy at times. This is why we decided to hire a maid to help us keep the place above “liveably clean”. The maid center sent us a pretty cute maid, he might be good use for more than just cleaning! My sister got to him first though, being a popularity sim she wants to meet everyone that she can and then immediately become best friends.

While Hope was checking out the new maid, I was still on my quest for an invitation to join the secret society! Zoe was over to hang out with my brother a lot, I guess you could say they were an item now. Sometimes Zoe brought friends, usually really popular ones like cheerleaders, and I wasted no time getting in with that crowd too! You never know how might be able to help me get my own black jacket!

School seemed to be less important to all of us these days. The last thing on our minds was going to class. Once Hope learned that she could simply befriend her professors to earn the grade, she spent a lot of time chatting them on the phone.

I took Hope’s little discovery to the next level entirely! I learned that befriending a professor between the sheets earned you more than just a few extra A’s in the grade book. It helped my GPA and my aspiration meter all at once!

“Howie, all this time I thought your younger sister Hannah was only talented in the chemistry lab, turns out she’s got some talents in the bed –” “Whoa dude, too far!!! That’s my baby sister!” Not everyone appreciated that I was earning my grades via “extra curricular activity” style.

Howie and Zoe are going steady and soon they were sharing their first kiss together. I just happened to walk in and see them pecking, but I left to give them a little more privacy. It’s cute to see my big brother in a happy committed relationship. I know he only wants to settle down and have a lot of children and he’s headed in the right direction – I don’t agree with that path in life, why settle for one person!? But to each his own!

Hope continues to greet every student that strolls by the house. If she could meet and befriend every person on campus, I truly believe she would!

She seems to have taken an interest in one of the passersby though, his name is Thomas Gilscarbo and even I have to admit he’s kind of cute. Although he loses major points for chatting my sister about the weather!

With the cold weather coming on and all of the stresses of college, well okay, the stresses of having to “persuade” my professor for grades is totally getting to me. It’s almost junior year and I think it’s time for a little “Hannah time” in the islands!

Totally the life for me! Soaking up the sun, feasting on fabulous Caribbean food and enjoying every moment outdoors with the wind in my hair! Hopefully there will be some cute boys here on a little holiday away also. You know the saying, what happens on vacation, stays in vacation

I did start meeting some pretty cool people. Twikki Island was home to some attractive island dwellers! Cara and Jim were just two of the awesome natives I met while on my trip.

Jim and I hit it off right away, he was such a flirt, just like me and we got along great!

I was having a blast with the new friends I was making on Twikki Island, but vacation is supposed to be about relaxing and I hadn’t done any of that yet. So I dedicated my last day on the island to doing just that. I got a fantastic deep tissue massage and even got to soak in the hot springs – a perfect end to my vacation get-a-way.

And of course I couldn’t go home without a little loving! I invited Jim Reeves, one of the local’s I’d met, over for a nice date night on my last evening in the hotel.

Of course we may have taken our “good time” a little too far, but Jim is pretty hot and I definitely needed this. Woohoo with my professor just doesn’t do it for me!

I was running a little late the next day getting home and I missed my first class. I had only been gone a week, so I was shocked when my brother Howie proposed to his girlfriend Zoe over grilled cheese. Well, as long as they’re happy, then I’m happy for them

I don’t care if they are engaged now, if Howie gets to join the secret society club before me, I’m still going to be super mad!

I’m making it my mission to get into the secret society club before I graduate – and that’s not too far away. I decided to throw a little congratulations party for Zoe and Howie and Zoe brought some of her friends over. I befriended her cheerleader pals immediately in an effort to get my sleek black jacket!

Zoe and I are even becoming closer as time goes on. Maybe it’s because she’s engaged to my brother, or maybe it’s because all of the time I spend with her trying to get an invite. . . either way, it can only lead to good things

Hope and Thomas are becoming closer and closer with each day. I wasn’t surprised when our maid told me he walked in on them sharing a smooch. Looks like they’ll be the next in the house to get engaged!

While my brother and sister are making plans to get hitched, I’m making as many plans as possible to do the complete opposite! I really enjoy not having to earn my grade in college and I still get to have my fun with other people aside from my professor as well. College is great!

Even Adrian, the maid, and I are becoming closer. It didn’t take long before our friendship grew into something more. A few hours in the hot tub with the hot maid are never bad

Hope and Thomas are really enjoying each other. Hope has even skipped a few homework assignments to spend more time with her beau. They really are cute together and I’m happy my sister found someone that she enjoys spending so much time with. They’re so in love!

Hope and Thomas have grown so close and have fallen so deep in love with each other that they are ready to take it to the next level. Woohoo is a wonderful thing, and it’s about time my sister experienced it! Apparently Hailey the cheerleader shares my feelings on this situation!

“Thomas Gilscarbo, I can’t live another minute without you as my fiancé. Say you’ll marry me!?” After sharing the intimacy of their first woohoo together, Thomas and Hope got engaged. Just as I foresaw!

While my sister and soon to be brother in law were upstairs celebrating their engagement, I was making friends with Hailey, one of the cheerleaders on campus. It quickly turned to more than just friends as the night went on though.

One thing lead to another and before I knew it, I was waking up beside Hailey! She was the first woman I’d ever been intimate with and it was so new and exciting. Plus, you never know what connections she might hold with the secret society.

The end of our college career came a lot faster than I would have ever thought! We all graduated with stellar grades from school and lots of good college memories. Howie and Zoe planned to get hitched as soon as they moved back home – they can’t wait to start their own little family!

Hope was thrilled to have graduated with a 4.0 (something the rest of us couldn’t say we did). She started looking for a job right away in the ads and also for a small place to call her own home with her fiancé Thomas.

Although I didn’t have the highest grades or a fiancé, I had the best time in my college career! I didn’t get into the secret society unfortunately, but I had a great time trying to do so. I met a lot of friends, and fell in love over and over – which is fine for me, I have a total fear of being tied down to one person. This is the life for me – I hope it stays somewhat the same once I move back home!

Howie and Zoe moved back to our home town and into a small two bedroom house. They didn’t want to wait to have a big lavish wedding with family and friends and so they tied the knot in their new living room. Zoe became Mrs. Howie Cooke and she’s now my official sister in law! I’m proud to say she’s also one of my best friends in the world. Although marriage isn’t something I would choose for myself, I’m happy for my brother and best friend!

Howie and Zoe always wanted a large family, and it sure happened quicker than they ever thought! Zoe’s first pregnancy resulted in my three gorgeous nephews and niece! Their family was complete in just nine short months!

Ivan was the first of the triplets to be born. He looks the most like my family due to the alien genetics. Ivan has his mother’s darker complexion, but his facial features are all thanks to Howie. Ivan is a cute little boy and loves to play peek-a-boo with anyone that is willing! Of course with two family aspiration parents, someone is always willing!

Irvin was the second child of the triplets to be brought into the family. Irvin is the opposite of his older brother Ivan. He has his father’s lighter skintone, but his mother’s delicate facial features. Irvin is a quiet child, which Howie says he loves because having three kids is tough enough!

And last, but not least, my precious niece! Ivanna was the last one to be born out of the triplets and she is the apple of her parents eye. Being the only girl in the group, she always gets just a little extra TLC from mommy! She looks a lot like her mom, but definitely has Howie’s small nose.

And just like that, the large family that Howie and Zoe always wanted was complete! With just one pregnancy, Ivan, Irvin and Ivanna were brought into this happy couple’s lives forever.

Now my sister Hope and her fiance are living in this really neat apartment! It’s actually very hip – I’m pretty jealous that I’ve got to move back home with mom and dad and she gets a cool new place with Thomas! Tom and Hope tied the knot in their brand new kitchen and my sister is no longer Hope Cooke, but Mrs. Thomas Gilscarbo!

It wasn’t very long into their marriage that Hope found out she was going to be a mother! Unlike my brother Howie, Hope only had one child with her first pregnancy. She gave birth to a beautiful girl named India. Now I have two nieces and two nephews to dote on

Hope and Thomas’s daughter was the light of their lives. Little India looked a lot like Thomas, but with Hope’s small nose. Again, that seems to be the thing being passed down to the girls this generation from my family’s alien side. India completed the Gilscarbo family and was the only child Hope had.

And that will wrap up this chapter! Hope that you enjoyed reading about Hannah, Hope and Howie

in college and seeing the spare’s lives after the cap and gown!

Next chapter you’ll see Hannah Cooke, the current heiress, back at home with her parents.

Thanks again and come back for the next chapter!
