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The connection of skew Boolean algebras anddiscriminator varieties to Church algebras

Karin Cvetko-Vah and Antonino Salibra

Abstract. We establish a connection between skew Boolean algebras and Churchalgebras. We prove that the set of all semicentral elements in a right Church algebra

forms a right-handed skew Boolean algebra for the properly defined operations. The

main result of this paper states that the variety of all semicentral right Church algebrasof type τ is term equivalent to the variety of right-handed skew Boolean algebras with

additional regular operations. As a corollary to this result we show that a pointed

variety is a discriminator variety if and only if it is a 0-regular variety of right-handedskew Boolean algebras.

1. Introduction

Skew Boolean algebras are non-commutative one-pointed generalisations of

(possibly generalised) Boolean algebras. A typical example of a skew Boolean

algebra is provided by the algebra of all partial functions from a given set A to

{0, 1}, with properly defined operations. Just as Boolean algebras have a lattice

reduct, skew Boolean algebras have a skew lattice reduct, to be defined below.

By a result of Leech [11] every skew lattice S embeds into the direct product of

a right-handed and a left-handed skew lattice, called the right and left factors of

S (See Section 2.3 for definitions of right- and left-handedness). It follows that

right- and left-handed skew lattices are not just special cases of skew Boolean

algebras but rather reveal significant structures. For instance, it was proven in

[5] that a skew lattice S satisfies an equational identity if and only if both the

left and the right factor of S satisfy that equational identity. The significance

of skew Boolean algebras is revealed in part by a result of Leech [12] stating

that any right-handed skew Boolean algebra can be embedded into some skew

Boolean algebra of partial functions. This result has been further explored in

[1] and [9], where results show that any skew Boolean algebra is dual to a sheaf

over a locally-compact Boolean space.

Skew Boolean algebras are closely related to pointed discriminator varieties,

i.e. discriminator varieties with a constant term. To see this, one needs skew

Boolean intersection algebras, i.e. skew Boolean algebras that are closed under

finite infima with respect to the natural partial order ≤ which is defined

precisely in the next section. We denote by PD0 the pointed discriminator

variety of type (3, 0) generated by the class of all pointed discriminator algebras

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 03G10; Secondary: 08B26.Key words and phrases: skew Boolean algebra, Church algebra, discriminator variety,

factor congruence, decomposition operator.

2 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

(A; d, 0), where d is the discriminator function on A and 0 is a nullary operation.

By a result of Bignall and Leech [3] the variety PD0 is term equivalent to the

variety of all right-handed skew Boolean intersection algebras.

The key observation motivating the introduction of Church algebras [14]

is that many algebras arising in completely different fields of mathematics -

including Heyting algebras, rings with unit, or combinatory algebras - have

a term operation q satisfying the fundamental properties of the if-then-else

connective: q(1, x, y) = x and q(0, x, y) = y. As simple as they may appear,

these properties are enough to yield rather strong results. We mention here

that central elements in the sense of Vaggione [18] are especially convenient to

work with because they can be given a simple equational characterisation in

Church algebras. A central element a of a Church algebra satisfies the identities

q(a, a, 0) = a = q(a, 1, a) and determines a pair (θa, θa) of complementary factor

congruences. The identity q(a, a, 0) = a implies that θa equals the principal

congruence θ(a, 0) and, similarly, the identity q(a, 1, a) = a implies θa = θ(a, 1).

We also mention that central elements of a Church algebra constitute a Boolean

algebra with respect to the operations x ∧ y = q(x, y, 0), x ∨ y = q(x, 1, y) and

x′ = q(x, 0, 1).

In [16] the notion of a Boolean-like algebra was introduced as a generalisation

of a Boolean algebra. A Boolean-like algebra is a Church algebra A such that

every a ∈ A is central. Boolean-like varieties can be characterised in terms

of discriminator varieties: a double-pointed variety V of a given type τ is a

Boolean-like variety iff V is a discriminator variety such that |A| = 2 for every

subdirectly irreducible member A of V.

It also turns out that some important properties of Boolean algebras are

shared not only by Boolean-like algebras, but also by algebras whose elements

satisfy all the equational conditions of central elements except x = q(x, 1, x).

These algebras, and the varieties they form, were termed idempotent semi-

Boolean-like in [16]. Idempotent semi-Boolean-like algebras are closely related

to double-pointed discriminator varieties. Actually, a double-pointed variety is

a discriminator variety iff it is idempotent semi-Boolean-like and 0-regular [16,

Theorem 5.6].

In the present paper we study how skew Boolean algebras are connected to

Church algebras. Our aim is to compare the characterisation of one-pointed

discriminator varieties by Bignall and Leech [3] to the characterization of

double-pointed discriminator varieties by Salibra et al. [16]. In Section 3

we introduce the one-pointed version of Church algebras. We define a right

(resp. left) Church algebra as an arbitrary algebra of a given type τ with a

fixed ternary term q and a constant 0 that satisfy the identity q(0, x, y) = y

(resp. q(0, x, y) = x). We generalise the notation of a central element and

introduce the notion of a semicentral element that satisfies all the equational

conditions of central elements except q(x, 1, x) = x. In Section 4 we introduce

semicentral right Church algebras as right Church algebras with all elements

being semicentral. We show that operations can be defined on the set S(A)

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 3

of all semicentral elements in a right Church algebra A such that S(A) with

these operations forms a right-handed skew Boolean algebra. We prove that

the variety of all semicentral right Church algebras of type τ is term equivalent

to the variety of right-handed skew Boolean algebras with additional regular

operations. In Section 5 we study the connection with discriminator varieties

and prove that a pointed variety is a discriminator variety if and only if it is a

0-regular variety of semicentral right Church algebras. New systems of axioms

for skew Boolean intersection algebras are provided.

2. Preliminaries

If A is an algebra and x, y ∈ A, then θ(x, y) denotes the least congruence

on A including the pair (x, y). We denote respectively by ∆,∇ the least and

the greatest congruence of the congruence lattice Con(A).

2.1. Factor congruences.

Definition 1. A congruence φ on an algebra A is a factor congruence if there

exists another congruence φ such that φ ∩ φ = ∆ and φ ◦ φ = ∇. In this case

we call (φ, φ) a pair of complementary factor congruences.

Under the hypotheses of Definition 1 the homomorphism f : A→ A/φ×A/φdefined by f(x) = (x/φ, x/φ) is an isomorphism. Hence, we have: (φ, φ) is a

pair of complementary factor congruences of A if, and only if, A ∼= A/φ×A/φ

under the natural map x 7→ (x/φ, x/φ).

So, the existence of factor congruences is just another way of saying “this

algebra is a direct product of simpler algebras”.

The set of factor congruences of A is not, in general, a sublattice of Con(A).

∆ and ∇ are the trivial factor congruences, corresponding to A ∼= A×B, where

B is a trivial algebra; of course, B is isomorphic to A/∇ and A is isomorphic

to A/∆.

An algebra A is directly indecomposable if it admits only the two trivial

factor congruences (∆ and ∇).

Clearly, every simple algebra is directly indecomposable, while there are alge-

bras which are directly indecomposable but not simple: they have congruences,

which however do not split the algebra up neatly as a Cartesian product.

2.2. Decomposition operations. Factor congruences can be characterised

in terms of certain algebra homomorphisms called decomposition operations

(see [15, Def. 4.32] for more details).

Definition 2. Let A be an algebra of type τ . A decomposition operation on

A is a function f : A×A→ A satisfying the following conditions:

• f(x, x) = x;

• f(f(x, y), z) = f(x, z) = f(x, f(y, z));

• f is an algebra homomorphism from A×A into A.

4 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

When τ = ∅, the third condition of Definition 2 is redundant.

There exists a bijective correspondence between pairs of complementary

factor congruences and decomposition operations, and thus, between decompo-

sition operations and factorisations like A ∼= B×C.

Proposition 1. [15, Thm. 4.33] Let A be an algebra of type τ . Given a

decomposition operation f on A, the binary relations θf and θf defined by:

x θf y if, and only if, f(x, y) = x,

x θf y if, and only if, f(x, y) = y,

form a pair of complementary factor congruences. Conversely, given a pair

(φ, φ) of complementary factor congruences, the function f defined by:

f(x, y) = u if, and only if, yφuφx, (2.1)

determines a decomposition operation on A such that φ = θf and φ = θf .

Notice that if (φ, φ) is a pair of complementary factor congruences, then for

all x and y there is just one element u such that yφuφx.

2.3. Skew Lattices. We review some basic definitions and results on a non-

commutative generalisation of lattices, probably the most interesting and suc-

cessful: the concept of skew lattice [11], in fact, along with the related notion of

skew Boolean algebra, has important connections with discriminator varieties;

the interested reader is referred to [13] or [17] for far more comprehensive


Definition 3. A skew lattice is an algebra A = (A,∨,∧) of type (2, 2) satisfy-


• Associativity: x ∨ (y ∨ z) = (x ∨ y) ∨ z; x ∧ (y ∧ z) = (x ∧ y) ∧ z• Idempotence: x ∧ x = x = x ∨ x• Absorption: x∨(x∧y) = x = x∧(x∨y); (y∧x)∨x = x = (y∨x)∧x

It is not difficult to see that the absorption condition is equivalent to the

following pair of biconditionals:

x ∨ y = y iff x ∧ y = x; and x ∨ y = x iff x ∧ y = y .

Definition 4. A skew lattice A is called left-zero ( right-zero) if a ∧ b = a

(a ∧ b = b) for all a, b ∈ A.

Skew lattices that are as noncommutative as possible are rectangular skew

lattices. They include left-zero (right-zero) skew lattices and other remarkable


Definition 5. A skew lattice is rectangular if it satisfies the identity x ∨ y =

y ∧ x.

We collect in the next lemma and propositions some useful properties of

rectangular skew lattices.

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 5

Lemma 1. The following conditions are equivalent for a skew lattice A:

(1) A is rectangular.

(2) A satisfies x ∧ y ∧ x = x.

(3) A satisfies x ∨ (y ∧ x) = y ∧ x.

(4) A satisfies (y ∧ x) ∨ y = y ∧ x.

(5) A satisfies x ∨ y ∨ x = x.

(6) A satisfies (x ∨ y) ∧ x = x ∨ y.

(7) A satisfies y ∧ (x ∨ y) = x ∨ y.

(8) A satisfies x ∧ y ∧ z = x ∧ z.

(9) A satisfies x ∨ y ∨ z = x ∨ z.

Proposition 2. Every rectangular skew lattice A is isomorphic to a direct

product of a left-zero skew lattice and a right-zero skew lattice.

Proof. Define X = {x ∧ A : x ∈ A} and Y = {A ∧ x : x ∈ A}. It is

not difficult to show that A can be embedded into X ×Y via the mapping

f(x) = (x ∧A,A ∧ x). �

Every rectangular skew lattice is completely distributive: the identities

x • (y ∗ z) = (x • y) ∗ (x • z) and (y ∗ z) • x = (y • x) ∗ (z • x) are satisfied for

{•, ∗} = {∨,∧}.

Lemma 2. In any skew lattice the relation, defined by

a ≤ b iff a ∧ b = a = b ∧ a or equivalently a ∨ b = b = b ∨ a,

is a partial ordering.

Observe that a ∧ b ∧ a ≤ a ≤ a ∨ b ∨ a for every a, b.


pxq = {y : y ≤ x} and xxy = {y : y ≥ x}.It can be seen that pxq = {x∧ y ∧ x : y ∈ A} and xxy = {x∨ y ∨ x : y ∈ A}

are subalgebras of A, by means of which we can identify further interesting

subclasses of skew lattices:

Definition 6. A skew lattice A is normal if pxq is a lattice for every x; it is

Boolean if pxq is a Boolean lattice for every x ∈ A.

Normal skew lattices are a variety, axiomatized relative to skew lattices by

the equation

x ∧ y ∧ z ∧ x = x ∧ z ∧ y ∧ x.In any skew lattice A we define a preorder:

a ≤d b iff a ∧ b ∧ a = a iff b ∨ a ∨ b = b.

Observe that a ∧ b ≤d a ≤d a ∨ b and b ∧ a ≤d a ≤d b ∨ a, for every a, b. The

equivalence induced by ≤d, denoted as D, is in fact a congruence, and A/Dis the maximal lattice image of A. The D-equivalence class Da of an element

a is {a} iff, for all b ∈ A, a ∧ b = b ∧ a. We remark that Da ≤ Db in A/D iff

a ∧ b ∧ a = a in A.

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Proposition 3. Let A be a skew lattice.

(1) If a, b ∈ Dx then a ∧ b, a ∨ b ∈ Dx.

(2) If B is a rectangular subalgebra of A, then aDb for all a, b ∈ B.

(3) For every a, Da is a maximal rectangular subalgebra of A.

Proposition 4 ([11]). Let A be a skew lattice and let x, y be members of A/D.

(1) If x ≥ y, then for each a ∈ x there exists b ∈ y such that a ≥ b in A,

and dually, for each b ∈ y there exists a ∈ x such that a ≥ b in A.

(2) Let c ∈ x ∧A/D y be given and pick a ∈ x and b ∈ y such that c ≤ a, bin A. Then c = a ∧ b = b ∧ a in A. Thus:

x ∧A/D y = {a ∧ b : a ∈ x, b ∈ y, and a ∧ b = b ∧ a}.

Similar considerations hold for ∨A/D.

We have that:

Proposition 5. Every skew lattice is regular, i.e., it satisfies the identities

x ∧ y ∧ x ∧ z ∧ x = x ∧ y ∧ z ∧ x and x ∨ y ∨ x ∨ z ∨ x = x ∨ y ∨ z ∨ x.

Two further preorders can be defined on a skew lattice:

(1) x ≤l y iff x ∧ y = x;

(2) x ≤r y iff y ∧ x = x.

The equivalences L and R, respectively induced by ≤l and ≤r, are again


Definition 7. A skew lattice is left-handed ( right-handed) if L = D (R = D).

L (R) is the minimal congruence making A/L (A/R) a right-handed (left-

handed) skew lattice.

Lemma 3. The following conditions are equivalent for a skew lattice A:

(1) A is right-handed;

(2) for all a, b ∈ A, aDb implies a ∧ b = b;

(3) for all a, b ∈ A, a ∧ b ∧ a = b ∧ a.

2.4. Skew Boolean algebras. If we expand the skew lattice signature by

adjoining a subtraction operation and a constant 0, we get the following

noncommutative variant of Boolean algebras (see [12]).

Definition 8. A skew Boolean algebra ( SBA, for short) is an algebra A =

(A,∨,∧, \, 0) of type (2, 2, 2, 0) such that:

• its reduct (A,∨,∧) is a normal skew lattice satisfying the identities

x ∧ (y ∨ z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ z) and (y ∨ z) ∧ x = (y ∧ x) ∨ (z ∧ x).

• Both x ∧ 0 = 0 = 0 ∧ x and x ∨ 0 = x = 0 ∨ x hold.

• the operation \ satisfies the identities

(x ∧ y ∧ x) ∨ (x \ y) = x = (x \ y) ∨ (x ∧ y ∧ x);

x ∧ y ∧ x ∧ (x \ y) = 0 = (x \ y) ∧ x ∧ y ∧ x.

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 7

The commutative SBAs are precisely the class of all generalised Boolean


Recall that SBAs satisfy the generalised De Morgan laws:

x \ (y ∨ z) = (x \ y) ∧ (x \ z) and x \ (y ∧ z) = (x \ y) ∨ (x \ z).

An SBA is primitive if it consists of exactly two D-classes: A > {0}, where

A is a rectangular skew lattice. Of interest here are right-handed cases, whose

operations have the following descriptions for x, y 6= 0:

∨ 0 y

0 0 y

x x x

∧ 0 y

0 0 0

x 0 y

\ 0 y

0 0 0

x x 0

Particularly important are the right-handed SBAs 3R and its subalgebra 2R

with respective D-class structures {1, 2} > {0} and {1} > {0}. To within

isomorphism, 3R and 2R are the only nontrivial subdirectly irreducible right-

handed SBAs. Thus every right-handed SBA is a subdirect product of copies of

3R and/or 2R. As a consequence an equation is an identity on all right-handed

SBAs if and only if it holds on 3R. In general, the right-handed primitive SBAs

are the directly indecomposable right-handed SBAs.

Lemma 4 below yields some further easily verified identities that simplify

computation in right-handed SBAs.

Lemma 4. Let A be a right-handed SBA and x, y, z ∈ A. Then:

(1) (x ∨ y) \ z = (x \ z) ∨ (y \ z),(2) (x ∧ y) \ z = (x \ z) ∧ (y \ z),(3) x ∧ (y \ z) = (x ∧ y) \ (x ∧ z),(4) (x \ y) \ z = (x \ z) \ (y \ z),(5) x \ (y \ z) = (x \ y) ∨ (x ∧ z ∧ x).

Proof. All five equations are easily seen to hold on 3R. Thus they hold on

right-handed SBAs. �

Lemma 5. For right-handed SBAs the following are equivalent:

(1) xDy;

(2) x ∧ y = y & y ∧ x = x;

(3) x ∨ y = x & y ∨ x = y;

(4) x \ y = 0 & y \ x = 0;

(5) ∀z, x ∧ z = y ∧ z;

(6) ∀z, z \ x = z \ y.

SBAs such that every finite subset of their universe has an infimum w.r.t.

the underlying natural partial ordering of the algebra stand out for their

significance. We denote the infimum of x and y w.r.t. the natural partial order

by x ∩ y and refer to the operation ∩ as intersection in order to distinguish

it from the skew lattice meet ∧. It turns out that SBAs with the additional

8 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

operation ∩ can be given an equational characterisation provided we include

the operation ∩ into the signature.

Definition 9. A skew Boolean ∩-algebra is an algebra (A;∨,∧,∩, \, 0) of type

(2, 2, 2, 2, 0) s.t.:

• the reduct (A;∨,∧, \, 0) is an SBA and the reduct (A;∩) is a meet


• A satisfies the identities

x ∩ (x ∧ y ∧ x) = x ∧ y ∧ x;

x ∧ (x ∩ y) = x ∩ y = (x ∩ y) ∧ x.

The next theorem by Bignall and Leech [3] provides a powerful bridge

between the theories of SBAs and pointed discriminator varieties:

Theorem 1. (i) The variety of type (3, 0) generated by the class of all pointed

discriminator algebras (A; t, 0), where t is the discriminator function on A and

0 is a constant, is term equivalent to the variety of right handed skew Boolean


(ii) Every discriminator variety is term equivalent to a variety V of right

handed skew Boolean ∩-algebras with additional operations (gi)i∈I such that, for

all algebras A ∈ V, every congruence θ on the term reduct (A; t, 0) is compatible

with gi for all i ∈ I.

3. Right (Left) Church algebras

We recall that a Church algebra [14] is a double-pointed algebra with a term

operation q satisfying the fundamental properties of the if-then-else connective:

q(1, x, y) = x and q(0, x, y) = y. To compare Church algebras and SBAs, in

the following definition we introduce the one-pointed counterpart of Church


Definition 10. A right (resp. left) Church algebra (RCA) (resp. LCA) is an

algebra A of type τ , where we fix a ternary term q and a constant 0 such that

q(0, x, y) = y (resp. q(0, x, y) = x).

Of course, every pointed algebra is an RCA (LCA), because the third (second)

projection map is a term. The notion of an RCA (LCA) is a terminological

convenience, to be supplemented by further demands in the main results of the


A0 = (A, q, 0) is the pure reduct of A.

The following right (resp. left) derived operations will be important in the

remaining part of the paper:

• x ∨ y = q(x, x, y) (resp. x ∨ y = q(y, x, y));

• x ∧ y = q(x, y, 0) (resp. x ∧ y = q(y, 0, x));

• y \ x = q(x, 0, y) (resp. y \ x = q(x, y, 0)).

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 9

Without loss of generality, in the following we develop the theory of RCAs.

An element x of an RCA is idempotent if x ∧ x = x.

Example 1. The following are examples of RCAs:

1. Lattices with bottom, where q(x, y, z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ z.

2. SBAs, where q(x, y, z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ (z \ x) (see Section 4.1).

3. Rings, where q(x, y, z) = xy + z − xz (see Section 6).

3.1. Factor Elements. An element e of an RCA is a factor element if the

binary operation q(e,−,−) is a decomposition operation. If e is a factor element,

then by Proposition 1 the relations

θe = {(x, y) : q(e, x, y) = x} and θe = {(x, y) : q(e, x, y) = y}

constitute a pair of complementary factor congruences of A.

We denote by F(A) the set of factor elements of an RCA A.

The following trivial proposition equationally characterises the factor ele-


Proposition 6. A factor element e satisfies the following identities for all

x, y, z, x, y ∈ A:

(A1) q(e, x, x) = x.

(A2) q(e, q(e, x, y), z) = q(e, x, z) = q(e, x, q(e, y, z)).

(A3) q(e, g(x1, . . . , xn), g(y1, . . . , yn)) = g(q(e, x1, y1), . . . , q(e, xn, yn)), for

every g ∈ τ .

Of interest is the fact that the set of all factor elements of an RCA forms a

subalgebra of the pure reduct.

Proposition 7. Let A be an RCA. Then F(A) is a subalgebra of the pure

reduct A0.

Proof. Let a, b, c be factor elements and let d = q(a, b, c). We show that d is

also a factor element.

q(d, x, x) = q(d, q(a, x, x), q(a, x, x)) by (A1)

= q(a, q(b, x, x), q(c, x, x)) by (A3)

= q(a, x, x) by (A1)

= x by (A1)

q(d, q(d, x, y), z) = q(d, q(a, q(b, x, y), q(c, x, y)), z) by (A3)

= q(a, q(b, q(b, x, y), z), q(c, q(c, x, y), z)) by (A3)

= q(a, q(b, x, z), q(c, x, z)) by (A2)

= q(d, x, z) by (A3)

Similarly for q(d, x, q(d, y, z)) = q(d, x, z).

10 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

In the following we apply in each line axiom (A3).

q(d, g(x), g(y)) = q(a, q(b, g(x), g(y)), q(c, g(x), g(y)))

= q(a, g(. . . , q(b, xi, yi), . . . ), g(. . . q(c, xi, yi), . . . ))

= g(. . . , q(a, q(b, xi, yi), q(c, xi, yi)), . . . )

= g(. . . , q(d, xi, yi), . . . )

Proposition 8. Let A be an RCA, e ∈ A be a factor element, and se, te :

A → A be two maps defined by te(x) = e ∧ x and se(x) = x \ e. Then the

following conditions hold:

(1) te and se are endomorphisms of the pure reduct A0.

(2) ker(se) = θe and ker(te) = θe.

Proof. (1) The map te is a homomorphism:

te(q(x)) = e ∧ q(x)

= q(e, q(x), 0) by def of ∧= q(e, q(x), q(0)) by q(0, 0, 0) = 0

= q(q(e, x1, 0), q(e, x2, 0), q(e, x3, 0)) by (A3)

= q(te(x1), te(x2), te(x3)).

The proof is similar for the map se.

(2) We show that ker(te) = {(x, y) : q(e, x, y) = y}. Assume te(x) = te(y).


q(e, x, y) = q(e, q(e, x, 0), y) by (A2)

= q(e, q(e, y, 0), y) by e ∧ x = e ∧ y= q(e, y, y) by (A2)

= y by (A1)

In the opposite direction, let q(e, x, y) = y. Then we have:

q(e, y, 0) =Hp. q(e, q(e, x, y), 0) =(A2) q(e, x, 0).

We show that ker(se) = {(x, y) : q(e, x, y) = x}. Assume se(x) = se(y).


q(e, x, y) = q(e, x, q(e, 0, y)) by (A2)

= q(e, x, q(e, 0, x)) by x \ e = y \ e= q(e, x, x) by (A2)

= x by (A1)

In the opposite direction, let q(e, x, y) = x. Then we have:

q(e, 0, x) =Hp. q(e, 0, q(e, x, y)) =(A2) q(e, 0, y).

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 11

3.2. Semicentral Elements. We recall from [16] that an element e of a

Church algebra is central if it is a factor element (in the terminology of Section

3.1) satisfying the identity q(e, 1, 0) = e. This last condition can be split into

two identities, the first one expressed in terms of the constant 0 and the second

one in terms of the constant 1.

Proposition 9. Let e be a factor element of a Church algebra A = (A, q, 0, 1).

Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(1) q(e, 1, 0) = e;

(2) q(e, e, 0) = e and q(e, 1, e) = e;

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2). q(e, e, 0) = q(e, q(e, 1, 0), 0) =(A2) q(e, 1, 0) = e and similarly

q(e, 1, e) = q(e, 1, q(e, 1, 0)) =(A2) q(e, 1, 0) = e.

(2) ⇒ (1). Let (θe, θe) be the pair of complementary factor congruences

associated with e. From the hypothesis and the definition of θe, θe it follows

that eθe0 and 1θee. Since θe, θe are congruences, then 0θee and eθe1. It follows

that q(e, 0, e) = 0 and q(e, e, 1) = 1. Then we conclude the proof as follows:

q(e, 1, 0) = q(e, q(e, e, 1), q(e, 0, e)) =(A2) q(e, e, e) =(A1) e. �

Proposition 10. In the hypothesis of the above proposition we have:

q(e, e, 0) = e iff θe = θ(e, 0); q(e, 1, e) = e iff θe = θ(e, 1).

Proof. If q(e, e, 0) = e, then θ(e, 0) ⊆ {(x, y) : q(e, x, y) = x} = θe. Conversely,

if q(e, x, y) = x, then, by e θ(e, 0) 0 we have x = q(e, x, y) θ(e, 0) q(0, x, y) = y.

The second equivalence can be proven in a similar way. �

Since RCAs are one-pointed algebras, we introduce semicentral elements as

the best approximation to central elements of Church algebras.

Definition 11. A factor element e of an RCA A is called semicentral if it is

idempotent; that is, it satisfies the following further axiom:

(A4) q(e, e, 0) = e.

We denote by S(A) the set of semicentral elements of A.

If e is semicentral, then the pair (θe, θe) of complementary factor congruences

determined by the decomposition operation q(e,−,−) has a good behaviour.

Proposition 11. Let A be an RCA and e ∈ A be semicentral. Then,

(i) θe = θ(e, 0), the minimal congruence relating e and 0.

(ii) The congruence θe permutes with every congruence, i.e., φ ◦ θe = θe ◦ φ for

every congruence φ ∈ Con(A).

(iii) ∀a, b ∈ A, aθeq(e, b, a)θeb.

Proof. (i) By the proof of Proposition 10.

(ii) Let aφbθec for some b. By aφb we have q(e, c, a)φq(e, c, b) and by bθec we

have q(e, c, b) = c. Moreover, aθeq(e, c, a) holds because q(e, a, q(e, c, a)) =(A2)

q(e, a, a) =(A1) a. In conclusion, aθeq(e, c, a)φc.

12 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

(iii) Since (θe, θe) is a pair of complementary factor congruences, then there

exists a unique u such that bθeuθea. Notice that 0θee follows from q(e, e, 0) = e.

Then we have:

a = q(0, b, a)θeq(e, b, a)θeq(e, b, u) = b,

where the conclusion q(e, b, u) = b follows from the assumption bθeu. �

In the following proposition we show that q(x, x, 0) is semicentral for every

factor element x.

Proposition 12. Let A be an RCA. Then (S(A), q, 0) is a retract of (F(A), q, 0)

through the onto homomorphism f : F(A)→ S(A) defined by f(x) = q(x, x, 0).

Proof. Let x, y, z be factor elements. We show that f is a homomorphism:

q(f(x), f(y), f(z)) = q(f(x), q(x, f(y), f(y)), q(x, f(z), f(z))) by (A1)

= q(x, q(x, q(y, y, 0), q(z, z, 0)), q(z, z, 0)) by (A3)

= q(x, q(y, y, 0), q(z, z, 0)) by (A2)

= q(q(x, y, z), q(x, y, z), 0) by (A3)

= f(q(x, y, z)) by def. f

By Proposition 7 q(x, x, 0) is a factor element if x is such. We now show that

q(x, x, 0) is idempotent:

q(q(x, x, 0), q(x, x, 0), 0) = q(x, q(x, x, 0), 0) by (A3), (A1)

= q(x, x, 0) by (A2)

4. Semicentral RCAs

In a generic RCA there is no need for the set of semicentral elements to

comprise all of the algebra. In this section, we define under the name of

semicentral RCA those RCAs where this actually happens. We prove that

every variety of semicentral RCAs is term equivalent to a variety of right-handed

SBAs with additional operations.

Definition 12. An RCA is called a semicentral RCA ( SRCA, for short) if

every element is semicentral.

An SRCA is thus a pointed algebra A of type τ for which a ternary term

operation q is defined such that

q(0, x, y) = y. q(x, x, 0) = x. q(x, y, y) = y.

q(w, q(w, x, y), z) = q(w, x, z) = q(w, x, q(w, y, z)).

∀w, q(w,−,−) : A×A→ A is a homomorphism w.r.t. the τ -operations.

Given an RCA A, by Proposition 12 the algebra (S(A), q, 0) of all semicentral

elements of A is an SRCA. The set S(A) is not in general closed under the

operations of type τ .

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 13

Example 2. Every algebra in a one-pointed discriminator variety is an SRCA

with respect to the ternary term operation q(x, y, z) = s(x, 0, z, y).

Example 3. Let Pf(X) be the set of all finite subsets of a set X. Define a

ternary operation on Pf(X) as follows:

qP(F,G,H) = (G ∩ F ) ∪ (H \ F ), for all F,G,H ⊆f X.

Then the algebra (Pf(X), qP , ∅) is an SRCA.

Example 4. (see [7]) Let F(X,Y ) be the set of all finite functions from X

into Y . If f ∈ F(X,Y ) then dom(f) is a finite subset of X. Then the algebra

(F(X,Y ), qF , 0) is an SRCA, where

• 0 = ∅ is the empty function;

• For all finite functions f : F → Y , g : G → Y and h : H → Y

(F,G,H ⊆f X),

qF (f, g, h) = g|G∩F ∪ h|H\F .

The following characterisation of the directly indecomposable SRCAs will

be useful in the proof of the main theorem of Section 4.1.

Lemma 6. Let A be an RCA. Then A is a directly indecomposable SRCA if,

and only if, for all x, y, z ∈ A:

q(x, y, z) =

{y if x 6= 0;

z if x = 0.

Proof. (⇒) Given the assumption on A, for each x ∈ A, either θx = ∇ and

θx = ∆ or θx = ∆ and θx = ∇. If x 6= 0, then θx = θ(x, 0) = {(y, z) :

q(x, y, z) = y} = ∇, making q(x, y, z) = y for all y, z.

(⇐) A is an SRCA because, for every x 6= 0, the condition ∀yz(q(x, y, z) = y)

implies that x is semicentral.

By the way of contradiction, assume now A to be directly decomposable.

Let (φ, φ) be a pair of nontrivial complementary factor congruences, and let

a 6= 0. Since φ ◦ φ = ∇, then there exists b ∈ A such that 0φbφa. We have two


(b = 0): from 0φa it follows that y = q(0, x, y)φq(a, x, y) = x, contradicting

the nontriviality of φ.

(b 6= 0): from 0φb it follows that y = q(0, x, y)φq(b, x, y) = x, contradicting

the nontriviality of φ. �

In particular, the rule for q in Lemma 6 holds in every subdirectly irreducible


4.1. A term equivalence result. In this section we prove that every variety

of SRCAs of type τ is term equivalent to a variety of right-handed SBAs with

additional regular operations.

14 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

We start with the pure case, where τ = {q, 0}. Consider the following

correspondence between the algebraic similarity types of SBAs and of pure


Beginning on the SBA side: q(x, y, z) := (x ∧ y) ∨ (z \ x) and 0 := 0

Beginning on the SRCA side: x ∨ y := q(x, x, y), x ∧ y := q(x, y, 0)

y \ x := q(x, 0, y) and again 0 := 0.

If B is an SBA, then Bq = (B; q, 0) denotes the corresponding algebra in the

similarity type of SRCAs. Similarly, if A is an SRCA, then A∗ = (A;∧,∨, \, 0)

denotes the corresponding algebra in the similarity type of SBAs.

Theorem 2. The above correspondences define a term equivalence between the

varieties of pure SRCAs and of right-handed SBAs. More precisely,

(i) If A is a pure SRCA, then A∗ is a right-handed SBA;

(ii) If B is a right-handed SBA, then Bq is a pure SRCA;

(iii) (A∗)q = A and (Bq)∗ = B.

Proof. Given a subdirectly irreducible SRCA, by Lemma 6 we have:

x ∨ y = q(x, x, y) =

{x if x 6= 0;

y if x = 0.

x ∧ y = q(x, y, 0) =

{y if x 6= 0;

0 if x = 0.

y \ x = q(x, 0, y) =

{0 if x 6= 0;

y if x = 0.

But these are primitive right-handed SBA operations. Thus the derived algebra

of a subdirectly irreducible SRCA satisfies all identities holding for all right-

handed SBAs. Since any SRCA A is a subdirect product of irreducible cases,

the derived algebra A∗ = (A;∧,∨, \, 0) is a right-handed SBA.

Conversely, if B is a primitive right-handed SBA, setting q(x, y, z) = (x ∧y) ∨ (z \ x), one has

q(x, y, z) =

{y if x 6= 0;

z if x = 0.

Thus (B, q, 0) is a directly indecomposable SRCA by Lemma 6. Hence, for any

right-handed SBA B, Bq = (B, q, 0) is an SRCA since right-handed SBAs are

subdirect products of right-handed primitive SBAs.

That (A∗)q = A and (Bq)∗ = B are easily seen when A and B are

subdirectly irreducible. Therefore this occurs in general. �

Remark 1. Directly indecomposable (subdirectly irreducible) SRCAs thus cor-

respond to directly indecomposable (subdirectly irreducible) right-handed SBAs.

In particular, the rule for q(x, y, z) in Lemma 6 provides directly indecomposable

SRCAs. The derived SRCA (3R)q corresponds to the subdirectly irreducible

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 15

right-handed SBA 3R defined in Section 2.4. As such, the subdirectly irreducible

algebra (3R)q is a generator for the variety of all pure SRCAs. Also, an SRCA

equation is an identity for all pure SRCAs iff that equation is an identity in


Corollary 1. Let A be an RCA. Then the algebra (S(A),∧,∨, \, 0) is a right-

handed SBA.

Example 5. The reduct (F(X,Y ),∨,∧, \, 0) of the SRCA (F(X,Y ), qF , 0)

of Example 4 is a right-handed SBA (see also [7]), where f ∨ g = f ∪ g|G\F ,

f ∧ g = g|G∩F and f \ g = f |F\G.

Theorem 2 can be likewise extended to a generic variety of SRCAs of type τ .

Definition 13. An algebra of type τ is a right-handed SBA with additional

regular operations if it is a right-handed SBA satisfying the following identity

for all g ∈ τ :

(x ∧ g(y)) ∨ (g(z) \ x) = g((x ∧ y1) ∨ (z1 \ x), . . . , (x ∧ yn) ∨ (zn \ x)).

Theorem 3. Every variety of SRCAs of type τ is term equivalent to a variety

of right-handed SBAs with additional regular operations.

4.2. SRCAs and the Green’s relation D. Let A be an SRCA. Define the

relation D on A as follows:

xDy ⇔ (y ∧ x = x) and (x ∧ y = y).

Besides the equivalent conditions of Lemma 5 for right-handed SBAs we now


Proposition 13. For any SRCA A the following conditions are equivalent,

for all x, y ∈ A:

(1) xDy;

(2) θx = θy;

(3) yθx0 and xθy0;

(4) q(x, a, b) = q(y, a, b) for all a, b ∈ A.

Proof. (2) ⇔ (3) Recall that θx = θ(x, 0) and that yθx0 is equivalent to

θ(y, 0) ⊆ θ(x, 0).

(3) ⇔ (1) yθx0 iff q(x, y, 0) = y. Similarly for xθy0.

(1) ⇒ (4) Given xDy, by applying the term equivalence of Theorem 2 we


q(x, a, b) = (x ∧ a) ∨ (b \ x) =Lemma 5 (y ∧ a) ∨ (b \ y) = q(y, a, b).

(4) ⇒ (1) x ∧ y = q(x, y, 0) = q(y, y, 0) = y and y ∧ x = q(y, x, 0) =

q(x, x, 0) = x. �

Proposition 14. Let A be an SRCA. Then the following conditions hold:

(1) D is a congruence on the pure reduct A0.

16 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

(2) On each equivalence class Dx (x 6= 0), q(x, y, z) = y for all y, z ∈ Dx.

Proof. (1) The pure SRCA A0 and the right-handed SBA (A0)∗ share a

common underlying set, with the operations of each algebra polynomially-

defined from those of the other. Thus both algebras share common congruences,

making the congruence D on (A0)∗ a congruence on A0.

(2) By Lemma 5 x ∧ y = y = y ∨ x and x \ y = 0 = y \ x in all D-classes

of a right-handed SBA. Then, by the term equivalence result of Theorem 2 in

each D-class we have:

q(x, y, z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ (z \ x) = y ∨ 0 = y.

Example 6. Let (F(X,Y ), qF , 0) be the algebra of Example 4. If f : F → Y

and g : G → Y are finite functions (F,G ⊆f X), then we have that fDgiff F = G. The pair of complementary factor congruences associated with

f : F → Y is defined as follows:

g θf h iff g|G∩F = h|H∩F ; g θf h iff g|G\F = h|H\F .

Then the algebra (F(X,Y ), qF , 0) can be decomposed as a Cartesian product of

(F(F, Y ), qF , 0) and the algebra (F(X \ F, Y ), qF , 0):

(g : G→ Y ) 7→ (g|G∩F , g|G\F ).

4.3. Ideals. The bijective correspondence between the Boolean algebra of

central elements and the Boolean algebra of factor congruences is one of the most

important properties of Church algebras. RCAs lack this full correspondence.

Semicentral elements of an RCA correspond to a proper subset of the set of

factor congruences. In this section we introduce ideals of RCAs and show that,

for every semicentral element e, the equivalence class 0/θe is a principal ideal,

which is an idempotent semi-Boolean-like-algebra (see [16, Definition 4.1]). We

also characterise the Boolean algebra of central elements of a principal ideal.

Definition 14. Let A be an RCA. An ideal I is a subalgebra of the pure

reduct A0 satisfying the following condition:

x ∈ A and y, z ∈ I ⇒ q(x, y, z) ∈ I.

Notice that, if I is an ideal, then x ∧ y, y \ x ∈ I for all x ∈ A and y ∈ I.

An ideal I is principal if there is an element e ∈ I such that q(e, x, y) = x

for all x, y ∈ I. In such a case, the principal ideal I is said to be generated by


Proposition 15. Let A be an RCA and e ∈ A be semicentral. Then we have:

(1) The equivalence class 0/θe is a principal ideal generated by e.

(2) The algebra Ae = (0/θe, qAe , 1Ae , 0Ae), where qAe = qA, 1Ae = e and

0Ae = 0A, is a Church algebra.

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 17

Proof. (1) 0/θe is an ideal because q(x, y, z)θeq(x, 0, 0) = 0 for all x ∈ A and

y, z ∈ 0/θe. By q(e, e, 0) = e we get e ∈ 0/θe. Moreover, the ideal 0/θe is

generated by e since q(e, x, y) = x for all xθey.

(2) By definition of θe we have xθe0 iff q(e, x, 0) = x. �

We recall from [16] that a double-pointed algebra B is a semi-Boolean-like-

algebra if it is a Church algebra all of whose elements are factor elements

(that is, they satisfy axioms (A1)-(A3) of Proposition 6). B is idempotent if it

satisfies (A4).

By Theorem 2 and Lemma 2 the relation ≤, defined by

x ≤ y iff x ∧ y = x = y ∧ x,

is a partial ordering in every SRCA.

Proposition 16. Let A be a pure SRCA and e ∈ A. Then we have:

(1) The Church algebra Ae is an idempotent semi-Boolean-like-algebra.

(2) ↓e = {x : x ≤ e} is a subalgebra of Ae.

(3) The algebra (↓e,∨,∧,′ , e, 0), where

x ∨ y = q(x, e, y); x ∧ y = q(x, y, 0); x′ = q(x, 0, e),

is the Boolean algebra of central elements of Ae.

Proof. (1) The identities (A1)-(A4) hold in Ae because they hold in the algebra


(2) We have ↓e ⊆ 0/θe. Let x, y, z ≤ e. We show that q(x, y, z) ≤ e:

q(x, y, z) ∧ e = q(q(x, y, z), e, 0) by Def.

= q(x, q(y, e, 0), q(z, e, 0)) by (A3)

= q(x, y, z) by y, z ≤ e

The other identity e ∧ q(x, y, z) = q(x, y, z) holds because q(x, y, z) ∈ 0/θe.

(3) We recall from [16] that an element x of a semi-Boolean-like algebra is

central if, and only if, q(x, 1, 0) = x. Since 1 = e, then an element x ∈ 0/θe(that is, q(e, x, 0) = x) is central iff q(x, e, 0) = x. It follows that x ∈ 0/θe is

central iff x ≤ e. �

4.4. A generalised Boolean algebra of factor congruences. Factor con-

gruences in a general algebra do not satisfy any particular condition. For

example, the set of factor congruences is not in general a sublattice of the

lattice of all congruences. In this section we show that, if A is an RCA and

ConF (A) = {θe : e ∈ S(A)}, then a structure of generalised Boolean algebra

can be given to the set ConF (A).

Consider the algebra

(ConF (A),∧,∨, \, 0),

whose operations are defined as follows, for every φ, ψ ∈ ConF (A):

(i): 0 = ∆, the diagonal relation;

(ii): φ ∧ ψ = φ ∩ ψ

18 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

(iii): φ ∨ ψ = φ ◦ ψ, where the symbol “◦” denotes the composition of binary


(iv): φ \ ψ = φ ∩ ψ, where ψ is the factor congruence which is the complement

of ψ.

Recall that the join of two factor congruences is just the composition of the


Proposition 17. The function θ : S(A) → ConF (A), mapping e 7→ θe, is a

homomorphism from the right-handed skew Boolean algebra (S(A),∧,∨, \, 0)

onto the algebra (ConF (A),∧,∨, \, 0). The kernel of the map θ is Green’s

relation D.

Proof. (1) θe∧d = θe ∩ θd:

If q(e, x, y) = x and q(d, x, y) = x then

q(q(e, d, 0), x, y) = q(e, q(d, x, y), y) by (A3)

= q(e, x, y) by q(d, x, y) = x

= x by q(e, x, y) = x

If q(q(e, d, 0), x, y) = x, then

q(e, x, y) = q(e, q(q(e, d, 0), x, y), y) by q(q(e, d, 0), x, y) = x

= q(e, q(e, q(d, x, y), y), y) by (A3)

(∗) = q(e, q(d, x, y), y) by (A2)

= q(q(e, d, 0), x, y) by (A3)

= x

By (*) we have x = q(e, x, y) and x = q(e, q(d, x, y), y). We conclude as follows:

x = q(e, q(d, x, y), y) =(A3) q(d, q(e, x, y), y) = q(d, x, y).

(2) θe∨d = θe ◦ θd:

Let x θe y θd z. Then we have:

q(q(e, e, d), x, z) = q(q(e, e, d), q(e, x, y), z) by q(e, x, y) = x

= q(e, q(e, x, z), q(d, y, z)) by (A3)

= q(e, q(e, x, z), y) by q(d, y, z) = y

= q(e, x, y) by (A2)

= x by q(e, x, y) = x

In the opposite direction, let q(q(e, e, d), x, z) = x. Then we prove that

x θe q(e, z, x) θd z. We have

z = q(q(e, e, d), z, x) by q(q(e, e, d), z, x) = z

= q(e, q(e, z, x), q(d, z, x)) by (A3)

= q(e, z, q(d, z, x)) by (A2)

= q(d, z, q(e, z, x)) by (A3)

Moreover, q(e, x, q(e, z, x)) = x by (A2).

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 19

(3) θe\d = θe ∩ θd:

Let q(e, x, y) = x and q(d, x, y) = y. Then

q(q(d, 0, e), x, y) = q(q(d, 0, e), x, q(d, x, y)) by q(d, x, y) = y

= q(d, x, q(e, x, y)) by (A3)

= q(d, x, x) by q(e, x, y) = x

= x by (A1)

In the opposite direction, let q(q(d, 0, e), x, y) = x, so that q(d, y, q(e, x, y)) = x.

Then we have:

q(d, x, y) = q(d, q(d, y, q(e, x, y)), y) by q(d, y, q(e, x, y)) = x

= q(d, y, y) by (A2)

= y by (A1)

andq(e, x, y) = q(e, q(d, y, x), y) by q(d, x, y) = y

= q(d, y, q(e, x, y)) by (A3)

= x by q(d, y, q(e, x, y)) = x

By Proposition 13 the kernel of the map θ is Green’s relation D. �

Corollary 2. The algebra (ConF (A),∧,∨, \, 0) is a generalised Boolean algebra

of permuting factor congruences.

5. A characterisation of one-pointed discriminator varieties

In this section we characterise pointed discriminator varieties in terms of

SRCAs and provide a new system of axioms for skew Boolean ∩-algebras.

We recall that a pointed variety V is 0-regular if the congruences of algebras

in V are uniquely determined by their 0-classes. Fichtner [8] has shown

that a pointed variety is 0-regular if, and only if, there exist binary terms

d1(x, y), . . . , dn(x, y) satisfying the following two conditions:

(1) di(x, x) = 0 for every i = 1, . . . , n;

(2) d1(x, y) = 0 ∧ . . . ∧ dn(x, y) = 0⇒ x = y.

Theorem 4. The following conditions are equivalent for a pointed variety Vof type τ :

(1) V is a discriminator variety;

(2) V is a variety of SRCAs satisfying the following identities for a suitable

term d(x, y):

d(x, x) = 0; q(d(x, y), x, y) = x.

(3) V is a 0-regular variety of SRCAs.

(4) V is a variety of SRCAs satisfying the following identities for a suitable

term x ∩ y:

x ∩ x = x; q(x ∩ y, y, x) = x.

20 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

(5) V is a variety of SRCAs satisfying the following identities for a suitable

term x ∩ y:

x ∩ x = x; x ∩ y = y ∩ x; q(x ∩ y, x, 0) = x ∩ y.

(6) V is a variety of right handed skew Boolean ∩-algebras with additional

regular operations (see Definition 13).

Proof. (1 ⇒ 2) Let A be a subdirectly irreducible algebra in V. Define

q(x, y, z) = s(x, 0, z, y). The algebra A is an RCA because q(0, y, z) =

s(0, 0, z, y) = z. If x 6= 0 then q(x, y, z) = s(x, 0, z, y) = y; thus A is an

SRCA by Lemma 6.

Define d(x, y) = s(x, y, 0, s(x, 0, y, x)). Then

d(x, x) = s(x, x, 0, s(x, 0, x, x)) = 0.

We prove the other identity. Assume x 6= y.

q(d(x, y), x, y) = s(s(x, y, 0, s(x, 0, y, x)), 0, y, x)

= s(s(x, 0, y, x), 0, y, x) by x 6= y

if x = 0: = s(y, 0, y, x) = x

if x 6= 0: = s(x, 0, y, x) = x.

(2⇒ 3) If d(x, y) = 0 then x = q(d(x, y), x, y) = q(0, x, y) = y.

(3⇒ 1) Let A ∈ V be a subdirectly irreducible algebra. Define

d(x, y) = d1(x, y) ∨ · · · ∨ dn(x, y).

We have d(x, x) = 0 because 0 ∨ 0 = 0. Let a 6= b. If n = 1, then d(a, b) =

d1(a, b) 6= 0. If n > 1, then there exists a least 1 ≤ i ≤ n such that di(a, b) 6= 0.

In the following we write dj for dj(a, b) (j = 1, . . . , n).

d(a, b) = (d1 ∨ · · · ∨ di−1) ∨ di ∨ (di+1 ∨ · · · ∨ dn)

= 0 ∨ di ∨ (di+1 ∨ · · · ∨ dn)

= di ∨ (di+1 ∨ · · · ∨ dn)

= q(di, di, di+1 ∨ · · · ∨ dn)

= di (by Lemma 6)

6= 0.


s(x, y, z, t) = q(d(x, y), t, z).

Then we have: s(x, x, z, t) = q(d(x, x), t, z) = q(0, t, z) = z. Let now x 6= y, so

that d(x, y) 6= 0. Then by Lemma 6 we obtain s(x, y, z, t) = q(d(x, y), t, z) = t

for all t, z ∈ A. Then s is the switching quaternary term.

(4⇒ 2) Define d(x, y) = (x∨y)\x∩y. Then we have: d(x, x) = (x∨x)\x∩x =

x \ x = 0. We now show that the identity q(d(x, y), x, y) = x holds in every

subdirectly irreducible member A of the variety. Let x 6= y. Then A |= x∨y 6= 0

since by Lemma 6

x ∨ y =

{y if x = 0;

x if x 6= 0.

Vol. 00, XX The connection of skew Boolean algebras to Church algebras 21

It follows that the identity q(x ∨ y, x, y) = x holds. In conclusion, we have:

q(d(x, y), x, y) = q((x ∨ y) \ x ∩ y, x, y) by Def.

= q(q(x ∩ y, 0, x ∨ y), x, y) by Def.

= q(x ∩ y, y, q(x ∨ y, x, y)) by (A3)

= q(x ∩ y, y, x) by above

= x by Hyp.

(2 ⇒ 4) Define x ∩ y = (x ∧ y) \ d(x, y). In every subdirectly irreducible

member of the variety we have:

x ∩ y = q(d(x, y), 0, x ∧ y) =

{x if x = y;

0 if x 6= y.

Then the identities x ∩ x = x and q(x ∩ y, y, x) = x are easily derived.

The equivalence of (4), (5) and (6) can be easily derived by showing that in

every subdirectly irreducible member of the variety we have:

x ∩ y =

{x if x = y;

0 otherwise.

6. Rings

Rings are a good source of examples of skew lattices and SBAs (see [11]).

We recall from [6] that, if the idempotents of a ring R are closed under

multiplication, the idempotents form an SBA under the operations x ∧ y = xy,

x∇y = x+y+yx−xyx−yxy and x\y = x−xyx. More generally, any maximal

normal band of idempotents in a ring forms an SBA under the above operations.

The given join operation ∇ becomes the more familiar join x ∨ y = x+ y − xyin the left or right handed cases.

A ring R is an RCA with respect to the operation q(x, y, z) = xy + z − xz.In this section we show that the semicentral elements of R are the idempotents

e satisfying the identity exy = xey for all x, y ∈ R.

Theorem 5. Let R be a ring and set q(x, y, z) = xy + z − xz. Then:

(i) (R, q, 0) is an RCA,

(ii) S(R) = {e ∈ E(R) | ∀x, y ∈ R : exy = xey}, where E(R) denotes the

set of all the idempotents of R,

(iii) S(R) contains the generalised Boolean algebra of all central idempotents

of R, and

(iv) S(R) is a right-handed SBA for the operations defined by

x ∧ y = xy, x ∨ y = x ◦ y = x+ y − xy and x \ y = x− yx.

Proof. (i) q(0, y, z) = 0 + z − 0 = z.

(ii) Note that all elements of R satisfy (A1), and that (A2) and (A4) are

satisfied exactly by the idempotents of R. Hence S(R) ⊆ E(R) and S(R) is

22 K. Cvetko-Vah and A. Salibra Algebra univers.

the set of all the idempotents e in R that satisfy (A3) for either of the basic

operations +, −, ·. First we check that all the idempotents satisfy (A3) for

either + or −. Indeed, for e ∈ E(R) we have

q(e, x1 + x2, y1 + y2) = e(x1 + x2) + y1 + y2 − e(y1 + y2) =

ex1 + y1 − ey1 + ex2 + y2 − ey2 = q(e, x1, y1) + q(e, x2, y2),


q(e,−x,−y) = e(−x) + (−y)− e(−y) = −ex− y + ey =

− (ex+ y − ey) = −q(e, x, y).

Finally, e satisfies (A3) for the basic operation · if and only if q(e, x1x2, y1y2) =

q(e, x1, y1)q(e, x2, y2) holds for all x1, x2, y1, y2 ∈ R. This further simplifies to

ex1y2 − ex1ey2 + y1ex2 − y1ey2 − ey1ex2 + ey1ey2 = 0. (6.1)

We claim that e ∈ E(R) satisfies condition (6.1) for all x1, x2, y1, y2 ∈ R if

and only if it satisfies condition

exy = xey, (6.2)

for all x, y ∈ R. So, assume (6.1) and take x1 = x2 = 0, y2 = e. Then

(6.1) simplifies to y1e = ey1e, for all y1 ∈ R. Using this, (6.1) simplifies to

ex1y2 = x1ey2, for all x1, y2 ∈ R, which is exactly our condition (6.2). To

prove the converse, assume that (6.2) holds for all x, y ∈ R. Taking y = e

we get exe = xe, for all x ∈ R, and thus the left side of (6.1) simplifies to

ex1y2 − x1ey2, which is equal to 0 by (6.2). Thus, (6.1) follows.

(iii) Follows from (ii), since condition (2) is satisfied by all central idempotents


(iv) S(R) forms a right-handed SBA for the operations defined by x ∧ y =

q(x, y, 0), x ∨ y = q(x, x, y) and x \ y = q(y, 0, x). In our case this simplifies

to x ∧ y = q(x, y, 0) = xy, x ∨ y = q(x, x, y) = x + y − xy = x ◦ y and

x \ y = q(y, 0, x) = x− yx. �

Acknowledgment. We hereby acknowledge the contribution by an anony-

mous referee, whose suggestions helped us to correct numerous inaccuracies in

a first draft of this paper.


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Karin Cvetko-Vah

University of Ljubljana, Department of Mathematics, Jadranska 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana,Slovenia

e-mail :


Antonino Salibra

Universita Ca’Foscari Venezia, Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and

Statistics, Via Torino 155, 30172 Venezia, Italy

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