The Conditions, Pillars and Requirements of the Prayer - Imaam Muhammad Bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab


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Daar-ul-Kutub Publications presents:

شروط الصالة وأرآانها وواجباتهافي جداول

The Conditions of the Prayer:It’s Pillars and It’s Obligations

(I Ch t F )(In Chart Form)

Compiled and Translated by Aboo ‘Imraan al-Mekseekee

The Conditions of the Prayer:The Conditions of the Prayer:It’s Pillars and It’s Obligations

(In Chart Form)(In Chart Form)

Compiled and translated by the one in need of Allah’s pardonAb ‘I ‘Abd S b bi T M ld d l M k k Aboo ‘Imraan ‘Abdus-Saboor bin Tomas Maldonado al-Mekseekee

-may Allah forgive him, his family, and all of the Muslims-

First EditionCopyright © 2008

(PDF C i b U K t b h All h d h )(PDF Conversion by Umm Kutubah-may Allah reward her)

[Permission is granted to all who wish to print this document for public or private use without the consent of the compiler under the grounds that such printing be done solely for educational purposes without any desire for monetary profit or



Before you dear brothers and sisters is a chart form in both English and Arabic detailing Sh kh l I l M h d bi ‘Abdil W hh b’ (rahimahullah) “Shuroot us Salaah” I Shaykh-ul-Islaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab’s (rahimahullah) “Shuroot-us-Salaah”. I had originally made these charts available separately but then I decided to combine them for anyone who wanted to teach referencing both charts. I ask that my Muslim brothers &

sisters make Dua’a for me and ask Allah to forgive me, guide me, and to increase me in g gknowledge and sustenance.

Your brother in Islaam, the weak one,Aboo ‘Imraan al MekseekeeAboo Imraan al-Mekseekee

Th C di i f h P i Pill d iThe Conditions of the Prayer, its Pillars and its Obligations

The Prayer has nine conditions, they are :

1) One must be M li

2) One must be sane3) One must have reached the age of


6) The private parts5) All impurities from


4) One must make


6) The private parts must be covered

the area of prayer must be removed

4) One must make Wudhoo

9) One must have the intention to Pray

8) One must face the direction of the Qiblah

7) It must be time for the prayer

Concerning al-Wudhoo

3) One must be1) One must beIt has ten conditions:

6) Removing whatever makes Wudhooobligatory

5) Accompanying its rulings by intending not to stop making Wudhoo until purification is completed

4) Intention3) One must be

in puberty2) One must be sane

1) One must be Muslim

10) The time of Wudhoo for those who constantly break it

9) The removal of all things that prevent water from reaching the body parts washed

8) Clean water that is permissible to use

7) Cleaning the private parts with either water or stones

10) The time of Wudhoo for those who constantly break it

It has six requirements: 3) Wiping all of the head to th r

2) Washing the hands up to the

5) Following the order of Wudhoo

4) Washing the feet to the

the earselbows

1) washing of the face which includes rinsing the mouth and inhaling water in the nose and blowing it out, its boundary is

the hair to the chin and to the ears anklesthe hair to the chin and to the ears

I h i h llifi 2) The exiting of any foul impure substance 1) Whatever comes out of the two

6) Performing the steps of Wudhoo in succession

It has eight nullifiers

3) Loss of intellect4) Touching a woman

out of desire5) Touching the private parts with the hand

) g y pfrom the body

)private parts

6) Eating camel meat

7) Washing the deceased 8) Apostasy from Islam, Allah protect us from it!

There are fourteen pillars of the Prayer

2) Saying the Takbeerthat starts the Prayer

3) Recitation of the Faatihah1) Standing for the one

who can do so that starts the Prayer

6) Prostrating on all seven 5) Coming up from 4) Bo ing

who can do so

) glimbs

) g pbowing

4) Bowing

9) Observing tranquility in all of these pillars

8) Sitting in between the two prostrations

7) Standing upright after Bowing

10) Following the order of Prayer

12) Sitting while reciting it11) Reciting the final


14) Giving the Salaams to the left and the 13) Sending prayers upon the Prophet right

(sallaa Allahu alayhi wa salaam)

There are Eight Obligations of Prayer

1) Saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is Great) in every action of prayer other than the first


2) Saying; “Subhaana Rabbil-’Atheem”(Glorified is My Lord the Mighty) while


3) Saying; “Samia’ Allahu liMan Hamidah”(All h h hi h i Hi ) h th it

4) Saying; “Rabbnaa wa Lakal-Hamd”


(Allah hears him who praises Him) whether it is the Imam or the one praying alone

) y g;(Our Lord to You is all Praise)

6) Saying; “Rabbee Ighfirlee” (My Lord, Forgive me) in the two prostrations

5) Saying; “Subhaana Rabbil-’Alaa”(Glorified is my Lord the Most High) while in


7) Reciting the First Tashahhud


8) Sitting while reciting it

Arabic Arabic SectionSection

أ شروط الصالة وأرآانها وواجباتها

شروط الصالة تسعة



دث ال ف ة ا الن ةإزالة ال ت456

ستر العورةإزالة النجاسةورفع الحدث789

النيةاستقبال القبلةدخول الوقت

رفع الحدث، وهو الوضوء المعروف، وموجبه الحدثة ش طه ش قلال ل ةل ل 1234 النيةالتمييزالعقلاإلسالموشروطه عشرة

انقطاع موجبواستصحاب حكمها بأن ال ينوي قطعها حتى تتم الطهارة



إزالة ما يمنع وصول الماء إلى البشرةطهورية ماء وإباحتهاستنجاء أو استجمار قبله

لفرضه دائم حدثه من عل وقت دخول


دخول وقت على من حدثه دائم لفرضه10

غسل اليدين إلى وأما فروضه فستةف

مسح جميع الرأس ألذ


ومنه األذنينالمرفقين

الكعبين إل الرجلين غسلالترتيب غسل الوجه، ومنه المضمضة واالستنشاق، وحده طوال

من منابت شعر الرأس إلى الذقن، وعرضا إلى فروع ألذ


6 غسل الرجلين إلى الكعبينالمواالة

انية ث نونواقضه ل ال ن ج دالخا ال ن الن ش الفا ج الخا


12 الخارج الفاحش النجس من الجسدالخارج من السبيلينونواقضه ثمانية

أآل لحم الجزورمس الفرج باليد قبال آان أو دبرامس المرأة بشهوةزوال العقل 3456

78 الردة عن اإلسالم أعاذنا اهللا من ذلكتغسيل الميت 78

أرآان الصالة أربعة عشر

قراءة الفاتحةتكبير اإلحرامالقيام مع القدرة123

ع مم إل

منهالرآوع السجود على األعضاء الرفع 456

ىالرفع منهالرآوعالسبعة

بين جميعالجلسة ف الطمأنينة 789

الجلسة بيناالعتدال منهالسجدتين

الطمأنينة في جميع األرآان


الجلوس لهالتشهد األخيرالترتيب101112

صلى اهللا عليه -الصالة على النبي التسليمتان التسليمتانوسلم


ثمانية الواجبات ثمانيةالواجبات


سبحان ربي العظيم في الرآوع: قولجميع التكبيرات غير تكبيرة اإلحرام12

ل د:ق نف ال ا لإل ده نح ل اهللا ع للكل د الح لك نا ل ق34

قول ربنا ولك الحمد للكلسمع اهللا لمن حمده لإلمام والمنفرد:قول


رب اغفر لي بين السجدتين: قولسبحان ربي األعلى في السجود: قول56

الجلوس لهالتشهد األول78

ول وسه ج

شروط الصالة وأرآانها وواجباتهاأفي جداول

End of End of Publication

( ith th i t f All h)(with the assistance of Allah)

Daar-ul-Kutub Publications Copyright © 2008

Daar-ul-Kutub Publications: Encouraging the Muslim Community to learn the language of the Quraan
