The Conditions of '‘La ilaha ‘illa Allaah’ & Its Excellence - Hafidh al-Hakami


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  • 8/3/2019 The Conditions of 'La ilaha illa Allaah & Its Excellence - Hafidh al-Hakami



    The Excellence ofLa ilaha illa Allaah

    There is None Worthy of Worship, in Truth, Except Allaah


    Hafidh al-Hakami


    Taken from his book

    Maarij al-Qabool

    Translated by

    Abbas Abu Yahya

    The words in the testification La ilaha illa Allaahare words which are the path

    to the success of entry into Paradise and salvation from the fire.

    Allaah -Azza wa Jal-said: > [Al-Imraan: 185]

    It is the way and path to happiness in the two worlds which cannot be reached

    except by these words. It is with this statement that Allaah sent His

    Messengers and with it, He revealed His Books. The Dunyaand the Hereafter,

    Paradise and Hell-Fire were created for this statement.

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    Happiness and wretchedness are directly related to this testification. Due to it,

    the records of deeds will be taken either to the right or the left and the scale

    will be eitherheavy or light. By it is being saved from the Fire after its advent

    whilst not adhering to La ilaha illa Allaahis remaining in the Fire.

    Due to it, Allaah took the covenant, because of it is recompense and

    accountability and regarding it, will be the questioning on the Day of Meeting.

    As AllaahTaala-says: > [Al-Hijr: 92-93]

    Allaah Taala- said : >[Araaf: 6]

    As for AllaahTaala- questioning those to whom La ilaha illa Allaah was

    sent, on the Day of Judgement, then from that is His saying- > [Qasas: 65] along with the preceding, following and other


    As for Allaah questioning the Messengers then from that is the saying of Allaah

    Taala-> [al-Maidah:109] and there are other similar


    It is the greatest of blessings from Allaah -Azza wa Jal that He blessed His

    slaves and guided them to La ilaha illa Allaah. This is why Allaah Taala

    mentioned it in Soorah an-Nahl,the Soorah of blessings, so He proceeded with

    it before every other blessing.

    He said: [Nahl: 2]

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    It is the statement of testification and the key to the land of happiness. It is the

    foundation of the Deenand its founding principle, the head of the affair, the

    trunk of its tree and the pillar of its canopy.

    The rest of the pillars and obligations of the Deenextend and branch out fromthis testification. Its completion is restricted to adhering to its meaning and

    performing what it requires. It is the strong handhold that will never break

    regarding which Allaah -Azza wa Jal- said: > [al-Baqarah: 256]

    Saeed bin Jubayr and Dhihaak said that:

    It is the contract which Allaah -Azza wa Jal-mentioned when he said: [Maryam: 87]

    Abdullaah ibn Abbas -radiAllaah anhuma- said: It is the testification of La ilaha illa

    Allaah, renouncing any capability or strength for other than Allaah and not

    hoping except in Allaah -Azza wa Jal.

    La ilaha illa Allaah is al-Husna(the best i.e. its meaning as stated by Allaah -

    Azza wa Jal-when He said: [Layl: 5-7]

    This was also mentioned by Abu AbdurRahman as-Sulamee, Dhihaak and was

    narrated by Ateeyah on the authority of Ibn Abbas.

    It is the statement of truth which Allaah -Azza wa Jal-mentioned when He

    Taalasaid: > [Zukhruf :86] as stated by al-Baghawi.

    It is the statement ofTaqwaa(piety) as Allaah -Azza wa Jal-mentioned when He


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    worshipped but Allaah) and they were well entitled to it and worthy of it. >>[Fath: 26]

    This was mentioned by Ibn Jareer and Abdullaah bin Ahmad, by Tirmidhi with

    asaaneed (chains) up to Ubayy bin Kaab -radiAllaah anhu- on the authority of the

    Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam.

    It is the statement which is firmly-fixed as Allaah -Azza wa Jal-mentions when

    He says: [Ibraheem: 27]Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of al-Bara bin Aazib -radiAllaah

    anhu-from the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam.

    It is the good statement (kalimah Tayyibah) which was previously made a solid

    example as Allaah Taala- says: [Ibraheem: 24]

    This is what was mentioned by Alee bin Talha on the authority of Ibn Abbas.

    The foundation of this statement La ilaha illa Allaah is firmly fixed in a

    believers heart, its branches are righteous actions which ascend to the sky - toAllaah -Azza wa Jal.

    This is what was mentioned by Dhihaak, Saeed bin Jubair, Ikrima, Mujahid

    and others.

    It is the goodness which Allaah Azza wa Jalmentions when He says:


    AllaahTaalasaid: [Naml: 89]

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    This was mentioned by Zain al-Abideen and Ibraheem an-Nakhaaee and it is

    ascribed to the Messenger on the authority of Abee Dharr - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam

    that he said: It is the best of righteous deeds.1

    This statement La ilaha illa Allaahwipes out sins and mistakes.

    It is the highest description which Allaah -Azza wa Jal-mentions when He says:

    > [Room: 27]

    As was mentioned by Qatadah and Muhammad bin Jareer, also by Malik on the

    authority of Muhammad bin al-Munkadir.

    It is the means for success as is mentioned in Saheeh Muslim that when theProphet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam heard the Muadhin (the caller to the prayer)

    saying: Ashhadu alla ilaha illa Allaah (I testify that there is none worthy of

    worship in truth except Allaah) he - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said: You have exited

    the fire.2

    On the authority of Ubadah bin Saamitt -radiAllaah anhu- who said: I heard the

    Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam saying: Whoever testifies that there

    is none worthy of worship in truth except Allaah and that Muhammad is the

    Messenger of Allaah then Allaah prohibits the Fire for him. 3

    In the hadeeth of intercession: Take out from the Fire whoever said La ilaha

    illa Allaahand had in his heart the like of an atoms worth ofEemaan.4

    1 On the authority of Abu Dharr who said: I said: O Messenger of Allaah advise me. The Messenger -

    sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said: If you do a bad deed then follow it up with a good one and it wipes it out.

    Abu Dharr continued: I said: O Messenger of Allaah is La ilaha illa Allaah from the good deeds? He

    answered: It is the best of righteous deeds. Narrated by Ahmad and al-Albani graded it Hasanin Saheehah(1373).

    2 Saheeh Muslim

    3 Saheeh Muslim

    4 Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Khuzaimah and al-Albani graded it as saheehin Kitab as-Sunnah (852)

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    La ilaha illa Allaah is the means of entering into Paradise as is mentioned in

    Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Ubadah bin Saamitt -radiAllaah anhu- who

    said: The Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said: Whoever says

    Ashhadu alla ilaha illa Allaah wahdahu la shareeka lahu wa anna Muhammadan

    Abduhu wa Rasooluhu(I testify that there is none worthy of worship in truthexcept Allaah Alone and He has no partners and that Muhammad is His slave

    and Messenger) and that Isa is the slave of Allaah and the son of Allaahs

    female slave, he was created by a word which was sent to Maryam and he is a

    command from Him, that Paradise is true and the Fire is true, then Allaah will

    enter him into Paradise from whichever of the eight doors of Paradise he


    In another narration: Allaah enters him into Paradise with what he has of


    It is the best thing with which Allaah -Azza wa Jal- is remembered and the

    heaviest thing on the slave of Allaahs scale on the Day of Judgement as

    mentioned in Musnad on the authority of Abdullaah bin Amr -radiAllaah anhu-

    from the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam:

    When death was approaching the Prophet of Allaah, Nooh -sallAllaahu alayhi wa

    sallam he said to his son: I will narrate to you my bequest; I command you with

    two things and prohibit you from two things. I command you with 'La ilahailla Allaah' (There is none worthy of worship in truth except Allaah), if the

    seven heavens and the seven earths were placed upon one scale and 'La ilaha

    illa Allaah' was placed on the other, then 'La ilaha illa Allaah' would be


    If the seven heavens and the seven earths were a closed circle then 'La ilaha illa

    Allaah'would be able to break it.

    1 Bukhari & Muslim

    2 Bukhari & Muslim

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    The second thing I command you with is Subhana Allaahi wa bihamdihi (Far is

    Allaah from imperfection and praise is for Him), since it is a supplication for

    everything and by it, the creation is given its provision.

    I prohibit you from Shirk and pride. (The narrator said: I asked or someone

    asked) : O Messenger of Allaah as for Shirk then we know about it, but what is

    pride? Is it that one of us has sandals with two good straps?

    The Messenger answered: No.

    He asked again: Is it that one of us has companions and they sit with him?

    The Messenger again answered: No.

    Someone asked: O Messenger of Allaah, what is pride?

    He said: Ridiculing the truth and belittling and reviling the people.1

    Also in Musnad on the authority of Abdullaah bin Amr -radiAllaah anhu- from the

    Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam: Musa alayhi Sallam-said: O Lord teach me

    something by which I can remember You and supplicate to You.

    He said: O Musa say'La ilaha illa Allaah'

    Musa said: O Lord everyone of Your slaves says this.

    He said: O Musa say'La ilaha illa Allaah'

    He said: 'La ilaha illa Allaahbut I want something specific for me.

    He said: O Musa if the seven heavens and the seven earths and what is in them

    other than Me were placed on a scale and 'La ilaha illa Allaah'was placed on

    the scale then 'La ilaha illa Allaah'would outweigh them.2

    1 Silsilah Saheehah: 1342 This narration has been declared Daeef by Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Waadi'ee in his checking of al-

    Mustadrak by al-Hakim 1/1988.

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    In Tirmidhi, Nisaee and in Musnad on the authority of Abdullaah bin Amr bin

    al-Aas -radiAllaah anhu- who said I heard the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa

    sallam saying:

    Indeed Allaah will single out a man from myUmmahin front of all the people

    on the Day of Judgement. Ninety-nine scrolls will be unrolled for him; every

    scroll will stretch as far as the eye can see.

    Then Allaah will say: Do you deny anything of this? Did the Angels recording

    your deeds oppress you?

    So the man will say: No, my Lord.

    Allaah will say: Do you have an excuse?

    The man will say: No, my Lord.

    Allaah will say: Yes, indeed, We have a good deed for you and indeed, there will

    be no oppression upon you today.

    Then a card will be brought forth and in it will be: I testify that there is none

    worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His slave and His


    Then Allaah will say: Bring your bad deeds.

    The man will say: What is this card compared with these scrolls?

    Allaah will say: Indeed, you will not be oppressed.

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    The Prophet continued: The scrolls will be put on one side of the scales and

    the card will be put on the other side, the scrolls will be light and the card will

    be heavy, there can be nothing more heavy than the name of Allaah.1

    All Praise belongs to Allaah, may His peace

    and blessings be upon our final

    Prophet Muhammad, his

    family, his companions

    and all those who

    follow his


    Taken from Maarij al-Qabool

    P. 410 vol.2

    1 Silsilah Saheehah: 135

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    Conditions ofLa ilaha illa AllaahThere is none worthy of worship in truth except Allaah


    Hafidh al-Hakami-Rahimahullaah-

    Taken from his bookMaarij al-Qabool

    Translated byAbbas Abu Yahya

    The first Condition: al-Ilm Knowledge

    The meaning ofLa ilaha illa Allaahand its intent are affirmation and negation,so knowledge negates ignorance.

    Allaah Azza wa Jal- said:

    > [Muhammad: 19]

    Allaah Taala- said:

    > [Zukhruf: 86]

    Which means that they testify to La ilaha illa Allaah>[Zukhruf: 86]with their hearts and they pronounce its meaning with their tongues.

    Allaah Taala- said:

    [Aali-Imran: 18]

    Allaah Taala- said:

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    [Zumar: 9]

    Allaah Taala- said:

    >[Faatir: 28]

    Allaah Taala- said:

    > [Ankaboot: 43]

    In the Saheeh of Imaam Muslim on the authority of UthmaanRadhiAllaahu anhu-who said that: the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: Whoever diesknowingLa ilaha illa Allaahenters Paradise.

    The Second Condition:Al-Yaqeen- Certainty

    The second condition is certainty which negates doubt, such that the one whopronounces La ilaha illa Allaahdoes it with certainty of what these wordsindicate, with a decisive certainty. This is since Eemaancannot do without

    certain knowledge (Ilm al-Yaqeen), as opposed to suspicious knowledge (Ilm al-Thann), and what would be the case if doubt entered Eemaan?

    Allaah -Azza wa Jal- said:

    [Hujuraat: 15]

    So certainty was a condition for them having truthfulness in their Eemaanin

    Allaah and His Messenger and also that they did not have uncertainty or doubtLa ilaha illa Allaah.

    As for uncertainty then that comes from theMunafiqeen(hypocrites) and weseek refuge with Allaah. They were the ones about whom Allaah -Taala- said:

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    > [Tawbah: 45]

    In the Saheeh of Imaam Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Huraira RadhiAllaahuanhu-who said that the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: I testifythat none is worthy of worship in truth except Allaah and that I am theMessenger of Allaah. There is no servant of Allaah who meets Allaah withthese two testifications, not doubting in them, except that he enters Paradise.

    In another narration: there is no servant of Allaah who meets Allaah with thesetwo testifications, not doubting in them, who is prevented from enteringParadise.

    Also in the Saheeh of Muslim on the authority of Abu HurairaRadhiAllaahu anhu-

    from the long hadeeth that the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- sent him with hisshoes and said: Whoever you meet behind this garden that testifies La ilahailla Allaahwith certainty in his heart then give him the glad tidings ofParadise.

    So the Messenger made the entrance into Paradise of the one who says La ilahailla Allaahconditional upon his having certainty of it in his heart, with nodoubt in it. So, if the condition is removed then the reward is also thenremoved.

    Third Condition: al-Qabool- Acceptance

    Acceptance of what this statement necessitates is with the heart and the tongue.

    Allaah -Azza wa Jal - narrates to us the news of what preceded regarding thosewho were previously saved and regarding the punishment of those whorejected and refused to accept this statement. As Allaah Taala said:

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    So We took revenge of them, then see what was the end of those who denied(Islaamic Monotheism)>>[Zukhruf 23-25]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    > [Yunus: 103]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    > [Room 47]

    He -Subhanahu wa Taala - informed us of what He promised to those whoaccept La ilaha illa Allaahof reward and what He has prepared of punishmentfor the one who rejects La ilaha illa Allaah

    As Allaah -Taala- said:

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    And we had no authority over you. Nay! But you were transgressing people(disobedient, polytheists, and disbelievers).

    So now the Word of our Lord has been justified against us, that we shallcertainly (have to) taste (the torment).

    So we led you astray because we were ourselves astray.

    Then verily, that Day, they will (all) share in the torment.

    Certainly, that is how We deal withAl-Mujrimoon(polytheists, sinners, criminals,the disobedient to Allaah, etc.).

    Truly, when it was said to them: La ilaha illa Allaah(none has the right to beworshipped but Allaah), they puffed themselves up with pride (i.e. denied it).

    And (they) said: Are we going to abandon our (gods) for the sake of a madpoet? >> [Saaffat: 22-36]

    Allaah -Taala- made the cause of and thereason for their punishment theirarrogance towards La ilaha illa Allaahand their belying of thosewho came

    with it. So, they did not negate what Allaah negated and they did not affirmwhat Allaah affirmed, rather they said rejecting and proudly:

    > [Saad: 5-7]

    And here they said :

    Then Allaah -Azza wa Jal refuted them and turned that back on them viaHis Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- and He said:

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    who brought Allaahs religion - Islaamic Monotheism).>>[Saaffat: 37] to the endof the Aayaat.

    Then He said about those before them:

    >[Saaffat: 40-43] to the end of theAayaat.

    And Allaah -Taala- said:

    > [Naml: 89]

    And in the Saheeh on the authority of Abu Musa RadhiAllaahu anhu-that theProphet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: The like of what Allaah sent me with ofguidance and knowledge is like heavy rainfall which poured onto the ground.

    There was some land which was fertile which absorbed the water and manyplants and grass began to grow. There was some land which was arid but it heldthe water and Allaah made the people benefit by it, so they drank from it, usedthe water and used it for agriculture.

    There was some other land which was affected by the water but was flat landwhere nothing would grow. It did not hold the water nor did it allow plants togrow. That is the example of the one who has understanding of the Deen andbenefits from what Allaah sent me with, so he learns it and teaches it and theexample of he who cannot raise his head due to it and does not accept theguidance of Allaah withwhich I have been sent.

    Fourth ConditionAl-Inqiyaad- Submission & Obedience

    Submission and obedience to what La ilaha illa Allaahrequires and that itnegates disobedience.

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    Allaah -Azza wa Jal said:

    > [Zumar: 54]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    [Nisaa: 125]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    [Luqman: 22]

    Which means holding onto La ilaha illa Allaah

    > [Luqman: 22]

    The meaning of which is, that he submits his face to Allaah i.e. he obeys Him,and he is a righteous person worshipping Allaah Alone. Whoever does notsubmit his face to Allaah and is not a righteous person then he has not heldonto the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.

    That is the meaning of the saying of Allaah -Azza wa Jal which follows:

    [Luqman: 23-24]

    Fifth ConditionSidq- Truthfulness

    Truthfulness to La ilaha illa Allaahnegates lying, falsehood and it is to sayLailaha illa Allaahtruthfully from ones heart and to make ones speech inaccordance to what is in ones heart.

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    Allaah -Azza wa Jal said:

    [Ankaboot: 1-3]

    Allaah -Taala- said regarding theMunafiqeen(hypocrites) who said La ilaha illaAllaah, speaking falsely:

    [al-Baqarah: 8-11]

    How many times has Allaah -Taala- mentioned them and exposed them,repeatedly exposing their cover and revealing it. He makes their humiliation

    manifest in more than one place in His Book such as in Soorahs Baqarah, Aali-Imran, Nisaa, Anfaal, Tawbah as well as a whole Soorah dedicated to them(i.e.Al-Munaafiqoon) along with other Soorahs.

    In Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Muaadh bin Jabal RadhiAllaahu anhu-from the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-:There is none who testifies that La ilaha illa Allaahand that Muhammad isHis slave and Messenger truthfully from his heart except that Allaah prohibitshim from entering the Fire.

    So Allaah made being saved from the Fire, for the one who says this statement,conditional by saying it truthfully from his heart. Merely pronouncingLa ilahailla Allaahdoes not benefit the one who says it unless there is agreement withthe heart.

    Also in Bukhari and Muslim from the hadeeth of Anas bin Malik and Talha binUbaydullaahRadhiAllaahu anhumaa- in the story of the Bedouin who was Damaam

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    bin Thaalabah, a delegate of Bani Saad bin Bakr when he asked theMessenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- about the rulings of Islaam and wasthen informed by him. He then asked the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam Do Ihave to do anything else?

    The Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- answered: No, except if you perform itoptionally.

    Then the Bedouin said: I swear by Allaah I will not increase upon that nordecrease fromit.

    So the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: He will be successful if heis truthful.

    And in some narrations: Indeed if he is truthful then he will enter intoParadise.

    So the Messenger made it a condition for his success and entrance intoParadise that he was truthful.

    Sixth Condition:Al-Ikhlaas- Sincerity

    Sincerity is purifying actions from all the stains ofShirk with righteousintention.

    Allaah -Tabaraka wa Taala - said:

    > [Zumar:3]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    [al-Bayyinah: 5]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    >[Zumar: 2]

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    Allaah -Taala- said:

    > [Zumar :11]

    Allaah -Taala- said:


    Allaah -Taala- said:

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    Seventh Condition:Al-Muhabbah- Love

    Which is having love for this statement, what it necessitates and indicates,loving its people those who act upon it, adhering to its conditions and tohate what violates it.

    Allaah -Azza wa Jal said:

    [al-Baqarah: 165]

    Allaah Taala - said:

    [Maaidah: 54]

    Allaah -Azza wa Jal - informed us that His worshippers, the believers, are moresevere in their love for Him. That is because they do not associate anyone else

    with Him in their love for Him, unlike those from theMushrikeenwho claimedthey loved Him but then also took partners with Allaah whom they loved justas they loved Him.

    The sign that the slave of Allaah loves his Lord is that he submits to whatAllaah loves, even if it opposes his desires and that he also hates what his Lordhates, even if his desires are inclined to it. The slave of Allaah is loyal to

    whomever Allaah and His Messenger are loyal to and he has enmity towardswhomever has enmity towards Allaah.

    He follows His Messenger, - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- imitates his example and acceptshis guidance. All of these are signs of the presence ofthe conditions of love.

    It is not conceivable to have love without its conditions being present.

    Allaah -Tabaraka wa Taala said:

    [Furqaan: 43]

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    Allaah -Taala- said:

    [Jaathiyah: 23]

    So everyone who worships other than Allaah along withHim, then in reality heworships his own desire. Every sin by which Allaah is disobeyed, it is due tothe slave of Allaah submitting to his desires rather than tothe commands of

    Allaah - Azza wa Jal and the avoidance of His prohibitions.

    Allaah -Taala- said regarding loyalty and enmity for the sake of Allaah:

    > [Mumtahana: 4]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    > [Mujadilah:22]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

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    Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, thewealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline and thedwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allaah and HisMessenger and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allaahbrings about His Decision (torment). And Allaah guides not the people whoare the rebellious, disobedient to Allaah. >> [Tawbah: 23-24]

    Allaah -Taala- said:

    >[Mumtahana: 1]

    to the end of the Soorah. And there are other Aayaat.

    [Following the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam]

    Allaah -Taala- said regarding the conditions for following His Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam:

    [Aali-Imran: 31]

    The Messenger of Allaah- sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-

    said: There are threecharacteristics, whoever has them finds the sweetness of Eemaan: that Allaahand His Messenger are more beloved to him than other than them; that whenhe loves a person he loves him only for Allaahs sake and that he hates toreturn to disbelief after Allaah has saved him from it just as he hates to bethrown into the Hell-FireNarrated by Bukhari and Muslim from the hadeeth of Anas Radhiallaahu anhu.

    Also, Bukhari and Muslim narrate on the authority of Anas and of Abu HurairaRadhiAllaahu anhu- who said that: the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

    None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his son, hisfather and all mankind.

    That is what the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallambrought, information aboutAllaah, the commands relating to what Allaah loves and is pleased with andprohibitions of what Allaah dislikes and rejects.

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    So if the slave of Allaah follows what Allaah commands and keeps away fromwhat Allaah prohibits, even if that opposes his desire, then he is a true believer.So what is the case if he desires nothing other than this?

    In a hadeeth: The strongest part ofal-Eemaanis loving and hating for the sakeof Allaah.

    Ibn Abbas RadhiAllaahu anhu-said: Whoever loves for the sake of Allaah, hates forthe sake of Allaah, is loyalfor the sake of Allaah and has enmityfor the sake of

    Allaah then he obtains the alliance of Allaah due to that.

    What has become common amongst the people today is a brotherhood basedupon the affairs of the Dunya, which does not benefit its people in anything.

    Hasan al-Basri and other than him from the Salaf mention that: There were apeople who claimed the love of Allaah -Azza wa Jal - so Allaah tried them withthisAayah:

    [Aali-Imraan: 31-32]

    Bukhari -Rahimahullaah-said: Muhammad bin Sinaan narrated to us that Faleeh saidthat Hilaal bin Alee narrated to us on the authority of Atta bin Yassar on theauthority of Abu HurairaRadhiAllaahu anhu-that the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahualayhi wa sallam- said: Everyone from my Ummah will enter Paradise, except the one

    who refuses to enter.

    They asked: O Messenger of Allaah, who would refuse?

    He said: Whoever obeys me enters Paradise and whoever disobeys me hasrefused to enter.

    Bukhari said Muhammad bin Ubadah informed us that Yazeed narrated to usthat Saleem - and he praised him - narrated to us that Saeed bin Meenanarrated to us - or I heard - Jaabir bin Abdullaah say: Some angels came to the

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    Prophet while he was sleeping. Some of them said: He is sleeping. Otherssaid: His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake.

    Then they said: There is an example for this companion of yours.One of them said: Then set forth an example for him.Some of them said: He is sleeping.

    The others said: His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake.Then they said: His example is of a man who built a house then offered abanquet thereinand sent an inviter (messenger) to invite the people. So

    whoever accepted the invitation of the inviter, entered the house and ate of thebanquet and whoever did not accept the invitation of the inviter, did not enterthe house nor did he eat of the banquet.

    Then the Angels said: Interpret this example to him so that he may understandit.Some of them said: He is sleeping.

    The others said; His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake.Then they said: The house stands for Paradise and the caller is Muhammad;whoever obeys Muhammad, obeys Allah; and whoever disobeys Muhammad,disobeys Allah. Muhammad distinguished between the people (i.e. throughhis message the good is distinguished from the bad and the believers from thedisbelievers).

    Here it should be known that the testification La ilaha illa Allaahis notcomplete except with the testification that Muhammad is the Messenger of

    Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam.

    It should also be known that loving Allaah Azza wa Jal - cannot be completeexcept by loving what He loves and disliking what He dislikes. There is no wayto knowing what Allaah Taala- loves and is pleased with or what He dislikesand rejects except by following what the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wasallam- ordered and keeping away from what he prohibited.

    So loving Allaah necessitates loving the Messenger of Allaah, believing in himand following him. This is why loving Allaah is connected to loving theMessenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- in many places in the Quraan, such

    as the saying of Allaah -Azza wa Jal:

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    brings about His Decision (torment). And Allaah guides not the people whoareAl-Fsiqn(the rebellious, disobedient to Allaah). >> [Tawbah: 24]

    There are many otherAayaatlike this one.

    All Praise belongs to Allaah, may His peaceand blessings be upon our final

    Prophet Muhammad, hisFamily, his Companions

    and all those whofollow hisguidance.
