

THE COLD WAR BEGINS. Yalta & Potsdam Conferences. -Meetings of the Allied leaders during World War II to decide what to do with Germany - United Nations formed at Yalta meeting - serious differences started between Stalin & Truman at Potsdam. Germany Divided. British. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Yalta & Potsdam Conferences

-Meetings of the Allied leaders during World War II to decide what to do with Germany - United Nations formed at Yalta

meeting - serious differences started between Stalin & Truman at Potsdam

Germany Divided

● Berlin, the capital city, was divided

● After World War II, Germany was divided into four zones, occupied by French, British, American, and Soviet troops






United States


● The era of confrontation and competition between the U.S. and the Soviet Union when the threat of

nuclear war created constant world tension


Soviet Union


The Cold War

• Multi-Party Democracy•Unions openly negotiate with employers•Free enterprise system/supply & demand set prices/limited gov’t involvement•Free exercise of religion•Freedom of the press & expression

• One party – Communist Party• All labor groups run by Communist party•Industries-farms owned by state/ central planners determine needs/ limited private property•Religion discouraged•Secret police arrest opponents

United States Russia

Soviets take over Eastern EuropeSoviet troops move into Germany near the end of World War II

● As World War II ended, the Soviet army occupied the countries of Eastern

Europe that Germany had conquered during the war

The Iron Curtain

“An iron curtain has descended across the Continent”

– Prime Minister Winston Churchill

Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary Bulgaria and East Germany became satellite nations of Soviet Union

Peep under the Iron curtain

March 6, 1946

Who is “Joe”?

What part of Europe is sealed off?

What does the wall symbolize?

Truman Doctrine● U.S. foreign policy established by President Truman saying

the U.S. would protect democracies throughout the world

“It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures” -- Harry Truman

● It pledged that the United States would fight Communism worldwide

Truman Doctrine

American tanks provided by the Truman Doctrine roll through Turkey

● Secretary of State George Marshall toured Western Europe.

Aid for Europe

Children in a London suburb, waiting outside the wreckage of what was their home

●Marshall feared that poor Europeans would turn to Communism

Marshall Plan● U.S. plan for rebuilding Western Europe, and stopping communism after World War II

● Plan pumped billions of dollars into Western Europe for food and supplies

George C. Marshall

Marshall Plan aids Western EuropeThe Marshall Plan proved to be a great success

● In June of 1948, the French, British and American zones were joined into the nation of West Germany after the Soviets refused to end their occupation of Germany.

East and West

Germany formed

West Germany

East Germany

West Berlin

East Berlin

● In response, the Soviets cut off West Berlin from the rest of the world with a blockade.

Eventual site of the Berlin Wall

Berlin Airlift● President Truman

decided to avoid the blockade by

flying in food and other supplies to the needy people

of West Berlin

Berlin Airlift

● The Berlin Airlift saved the people of West Berlin from falling under Soviet Union control

Birth of NATONorth Atlantic Treaty


● Formed in 1949 to protect Western

Europe from Soviet


Red Scare● U.S. citizens in late 1940’s through

the 1950’s feared Communists wanted to take over the world. This

fear was known as the Red Scare.

Red Scare

Movie stars Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart lead a protest during height of Hollywood Blacklist controversy

● People who were accused of being Communists were often “blacklisted”

● If someone was blacklisted, it meant they were denied work or ostracized from society

Cold War spreads to Asia ● Communists

take over in China

● The country of Korea became the next battleground in the Cold War

China Korea

The Korean War

● Following World War II, the Allies divided Korea at the 38th parallel

● Soviets controlled North Korea; U.S. sets up a democracy in South Korea

The Cold War gets HOT

The Korean War

●“Domino Theory”

A “Police Action” (1950-1953)

If one country falls to communism, others around it

will fall as well

The Korean War● On June 25, 1950, North Korea invades

South Korea

● Communist forces push UN forces to

brink of defeat, but UN forces push back

● UN forces under Macarthur come to

the aid of South Korea

The Cold War gets HOT

The Korean War● North Koreans pushed back to border with China

● Chinese enter war on the side of North Koreans

● Macarthur calls for an invasion of China, wants to use the atomic bomb

An artillery officer directs UN troops as they drop white phosphorous on a Communist-held

post in February 1951.

The Korean War● War ends in

a stalemate● Korean War ended July 1953

● U.S. began a major military build-up; began using military force to prevent spread of communism

● Korea was divided at the 38th parallel

McCarthyism● In 1952, U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy began holding Senate hearings

● McCarthy turned the hearings into witch-hunts, destroying people’s reputations

The Warsaw Pact

● The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet Union’s

response to the creation of the North

Atlantic Treaty Organization

Russians launch Sputnik

The Russians have beaten America into space—they have the

technological edge!

The Space Race Begins● In 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri

Gagarin blasted off into space, making the Soviet Union the first

nation to launch a human into space

● Kennedy said he wanted U.S. to land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s

● on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first human to step

foot on the moon

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” –

Neil Armstrong

The Space Race Begins

Castro embraces Communism


Cuban dictator Fidel Castro embraces Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev

Berlin Wall Built● Soviets wanted to keep Germans from moving out of East Germany into West Berlin

Bay of Pigs Debacle

● CIA-trained Cuban exiles led an attack at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba in an

attempt to overthrow Castro

● Invasion was a disaster and failed;


Cuban Missile Crisis● U.S. and Russia

came extremely close to nuclear war when Russians place nuclear missiles in Cuba in November of 1962

Cuban Missile Crisis● United States places an embargo on incoming shipments to Cuba from the Soviet Union

Cuban Missile Crisis

● The Russians agreed to take their missiles out of Cuba if the U.S. removed theirs from Turkey

● Kennedy threatens a U.S. invasion of Cuba unless Soviet missiles are removed

President John F. Kennedy thinking in the Oval Office during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962