THE COCHRANE LIBRARY COCHRANE REVIEWS (Database of Systematic Reviews) DARE (Database of Abstracts...


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COCHRANE REVIEWS (Database of Systematic Reviews)DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects)CCTR (Clinically Controlled Trials)CENTRAL (Central Register of Controlled Trials)METHODOLOGY REVIEWSCMR (Methodology Register)COCHRANE COLLABORATION & COCHRANE COLLABORATIVE REVIEW GROUPS

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Then Cochrane Library – Intranet access, and

click to enter the Cochrane Library

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see list of databases available

…then page down database menu and select Wiley Interscience

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Cochrane Library in the search box. Click on Go.

Click on Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library homepage allows Browsing the different parts of the database, Search options,

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Advanced search is to be simplest as the framework is supplied on the screen. Terms may be typed into the search box(es) using the Drop-down menus to select

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Boolean search operators

• And links terms, eg: Mental Health and Geriatric

will retrieve records which contain both terms

• Or retrieves records which contain either term, eg:Neonate or Premature

• Not excludes records containing the term, eg: Acupuncture not Dry-needling

will retrieve records which contain the first term, but not if the second is also present

To search for an exact phrase, enclose term in inverted commas. Use wildcard character * to search for variants, e.g. “pregnan*” will locate

pregnancy and pregnant. See Search tips for further variations

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The Drop-down menu enables you to limit

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Records will display up to 25 at a time. Click on Record to display more detail

A review appears. To display full text (where available),

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MeSH Search Tips appear to the

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All headings containing that word are listed. Select the term most relevant to

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term (in red). Explode will search

for the narrower terms below as well

Search History contains a list of all searches done in the current session. Searches are listed #1, #2 etc.

To combine searches, or combine an existing search with another term, enter # and number

linking search numbers or terms with and/or/not.

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