The Clouds.doc


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  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc



    Which metal is heavier, silver or gold? (Gold)2. How many legs do butterflies have? (6)3. Which is the country with the most people? (China)4. Which state is the biggest in the U? !Alaska)". Which country has the largest area of land? !Russia)#. Which is the country hosting the 2$$% &lympic 'ames? !China)(. Which indoor sport is the most popular in the U? !Basketball)

    %. Which golf player)s mother is from *hailand? !Tige !ood)+. What is urora -orealis commonly nown as? !Nothen lights)/$. Which is the non0contagious disease that is the most common in the world? (Tooth de"a#)//. Which was the album the -eatles recorded the last time together? !Abbe# oad)/2. Which instrument did 1iles avis, the a musician, play? !Tu$%et)/3. What is the sport in which you could get into a headloc? !Westling)/4. 5n which country was golf first played? !&"otland)/". Which is the sport where you could be out )leg before wicet) or )hit a si6)? !Ci"ket)/#. When did baseball originate in the U? !'th"entu#)/(. Which is the sport wherein you would use a )sand iron)? !Gol)/%. What is the largest mammal in the world? !Blue !hale)/+. Which is the country where reggae music originated? !*a$ai"a)2$. Who was the creator of 7eeves and Wooster? !%+g+!odehouse)2/. Who painted the ceiling of the istine 8hapel? !,i"helangelo)22. Who was the writer of lice)s dventures in Wonderland? !Le!is "aol)23. fter which famous person was the teddy bear named? !Theodoe Roose-elt)24. Which is the smallest ocean in the world? !A"ti" o"ean)2". What is the rhino9s horn made of? !.ai)


    : ;amni

  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc


    : 1ount &lympus is in 'reece.: *he mountain range in Aussia that is regarded as the boundary bFw Durope @ sia is Urals.: 1argalla Hills of 5slamabad are e6tension of Himalaya range.: Ural mountains separate sia from Durope.: &rdovician is oldest rocs.: &ldest mountain system is raveli.: Goungest mountain system is Himalayas.: ndes 1ountains are in outh merica.: Aing of ire is volcanoes in 8ircum0

  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc


    : Jaba is in 7ordan.: -andar -ushier is in 5ran.: -ristol is in U=.: 8ardiff is in U=.: e Harve is in rance.: 1arseilles is in rance.: ;ew &rleans is in U.: ataia is in yria.:

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    : What is rance9s longest riverK >oire: Hundroo !Hundrubagh Water alls are in 5ndia.: n iceberg floating in sea will have one0tenth of its mass above the surface of water.: 7og alls are the highest waterfalls in 5ndia.: Which river is in >ebanon? Aiver >atina: Highest salinity is found in the 'reat alt >ae in U.: ;iagara alls was discovered by >ouis Hennepin: 1adagascar is popularly nown as the 5sland of 8loves: ;iagara alls was discovered by >ouis Hennepin

    : Aiver arling is in ustralia.: 'ateway of ae is in frica.: ource Aiver 7ehlum is Eerinag.: >ae uperior is the largest fresh water lae in the world. 5t is located in ;orth merica !U08anada.: >ae Eictoria is located in =enya0*anania and Uganda.

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    : 'reat -ear >ae is located in 8anada.: Huron >ae is in U08anada.: 5n which country would you find >ae isappointment ustralia: *he maon river dolphins are what colour0 an0=a *so in *ibet? utle: Eolga river pours its water into 8aspian ea it is longest river of Durope.: on is a river of Aussia.: >ae Drie !;.merica is most polluted lae in the world.: >ae 1ead on the riona0;evada is largest man0made lae in U.

    : -aial >ae is in iberian desert.: ae.: *he Eictoria alls in frica is located on river Bambei. 5t is the highest fall of frica.: 1t 1erapi is located on 7ava.: What is the longest river in ustralia0 1urray0arling: 'ulf tream is an ocean current named after the 'ulf of 1e6ico.: *he panch ae situated in the Himalaya 1ountains is the highest lae in the world.: swan dam is in Dgypt.: Word *sunami is of 7apanese language.: >argest coral reef is in ustralia.: 8olorado Aiver forms 'rand 8anyon.

    : Aiver Ahine is in Western Durope.: *he Eictoria alls is located in Bimbabwe.: Highest fall of world ngel alls is on river 8arrao Eeneuela.: ;iagara fall is in ;orth merica bFw merica @ 8anada.: Aibbon fall is in ;orth merica.: ilver trand fall is in ;orth merica.: 'rand 8anal is located in

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    : ;eaw Bealand is in outh

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    : *ala 1aan desert is in Qining !8hina.: eserts in frica areK =alhari, ;amib, and ahara.GEOGRA2.0CAL D0&CO3ER0E&

    : Dric the Aed discovered 'reenland.: 1arco

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    their franchise.: *he readings of a ahrenheit and a 8entigrade temperature is the same at 04$R.: 'regory 1endel is called the ather of 'enetics.: enugree seeds can benefit a patient of diabetes mellitus by normaliing his blood sugar level.:

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    : Eatican is the smallest country in the world in terms of area.: nae is a limbless reptile.: U is the world9s principal producer of oyabean.: tromboli is a volcano in icily.: *ape worm has no digestive system because it is a saprophyte.: *he Aoad head is written by -ill 'ates.: *orah is the sacred boo of the awrence of rabia ;obel >aureate ength of a terrestrial mile is lesser than that of a nautical mile.: -hata *uaram was a contemporary of urangeb.: Universal

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    : *he word

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    : How many ero) are in / trillion? /2 ero: What 8hinese 1uslims are called in province of 8hina?provinceV Qiniang Uygur, muslims named as V 'eys) 1aars: *he conJuest of 8hina, begun under 'enghis, was completed #" years later under =U->5 =H;.: How many members were in the U; when it was established? "/: outh

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    : What is the 5slamic eJual to the red crossK Aed 8rescent: What are 1unroesK 1ountains in cotland: What does an alopecia sufferer lac Hair: What is a baby rabbit called =it or =itten: Which country had *he auphin as a ruler rance: What is a Winston 8hurchill 8igar: Who or what lives in a formicarium nts: 5t9s a floc of sheep what)s a group of owls called adah and ;D: eflation is contraction in volume of money or credit that results in a decline of price level: Which one of the following is not allied to 'eophysical ciences? isa: Dric rthur -laire was the real name of which authorK 'eorge &rwell: Which country do inologists studyK 8hina: What is &rchesis 0 either professional or amateurK rt of ancing: Whose autobiography was *he long wal to reedomK ;elson 1andela: 8lyde *onbaugh discovered what planet in /+3$K

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    : Where is the worlds largest gold depositoryK ederal reserve ban 1anhattan: What is # inches bigger in ummerK Diffel tower: Which /+"# film caused riots in cinemasK Aoc around the cloc: rom what language does the word alphabet comeK 'ree 0alpha beta: What was the first film made in cinemascopeK *he robe: pearmain is what type of fruitK pple: What did 'od create on the fifth day !bothK ea creatures and birds: What were the first false teeth made fromK 5vory: Which leader lives in the ama

    : Which country invented the concentration campK -ritain 0 -oer war: cotopic people can do whatK ee in the dar: What is the most critical thing eeping bananas fresh transportK *emperature not below /3 8 "": What city has =ogoshima as its airportK *oyo: What is a baby whale calledK 8alf: &n what is the 1ona >isa paintedK Wood: Which bird turns it head upside down to eatK lamingo: Who rode a horse called -ucephalusK le6ander the 'reat: Who invented popcornK merican 5ndians: or what is spirits of salt another nameK Hydrochloric acid: What flower is the symbol of secrecyK Aose: What is the white trail behind a et plane made fromK 5ce 8rystals: 5f you were doing vaccimulgence what doingK 1iling a cow: Who was the 'ree goddess of loveK phrodite

    : What is the only creature that can turn its stomach inside outK tarfish: What is the worlds most popular green vegetableK >ettuce: Which country had the first women 1ight: What was -ritain)s first colony !anne6ed in /"%3K ;ewfoundland: sul is a group of which animalsK o6es

    : Who was the 'oddess of the rainbowK 5ris: Who was the first actor to appear on cover of *ime magaineK 8harlie 8haplin: 5n which country did the turnip originateK 'reece: Which animals can live longest without waterK Aats: Which fruit contains the most proteinK vocado: 5n sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctorK 8oo: muster is a group of which birdsK

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    : U has most airports which country has second mostK ustralia: 5n /%2+ Walter Hunt invented what common itemK afety

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    : *he name of which 5ndian city means Eillage of -oiled -eans 0-angalore: What county has its map on its flag08yprus: >ucnow is a city in 5ndia 0 and what other country08anada: What invention was nicnamed the ;oisy erpent in /+$20Eacuum 8leaner: What country has a regiment of bicycle mounted soldiers0witerland: Which animal has legs but cant wal0 Hummingbird: 5n what city /+%" was the worlds first computer museum opened0-oston: eleton is derived from 'ree 0 what is its literal translation0ried Up: Ddward Hunter U 7ournalist invented what term =orean war0-rainwashing

    :: What word in Dnglish has the most definitions0et: esire for more cows is the translation what ansrit word0War 0 same in Dnglish: What is the most mentioned name in the -ible0avid 0 7esus is second: What is a spermologer interested in0 *rivia: What is 2$$$ in Aoman ;umerals0 11: What is the sacred animal of *hailand0White Dlephant: We have all heard Hari =rishna 0 what does =rishna mean0ar as a cloud: eline cats 0 -ovine 8ows 0 Juiline what 0Dagle: What animal is the symbol of long life in =orea0eer: What animal was the symbol of freedom in ancient Aome08at: *ime 1againe named what as the 1an of the Gear /+%20*he 8omputer: What animals teeth were used as nife blades by the 5ndians0-eaver: 5f you were studying 5atrology what would you be studying0cience of 1edicine

    : *he United ;ations in ;ew Gor were originally where0an rancisco: 5n what country is the northernmost point of frica0*unisia: 5n what film 0 8harlie 8haplain have his first speaing part /+4$0*he 'reat ictator: What atin for who are you0Iui: ;apoleon had a fear of what 0 elurophobia08ats: 5f you graduate with a degree in music what colour tassel wear0

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    : *he 'olden Aain is the common name of what tree0>aburnum: What countries nation anthem is >and of *wo Aivers05raJ: Iueen le6andria)s is the worlds largest what0-utterfly / foot wing: 8ollective nouns 0 train of what 08amels: Who said C*he child is the father of the manC0Wordsworth: 8ollective nouns 0 a strea of what0*igers: *here are over /3$$$$ species of what on earth0-utterflies: ote was the original name of what element0;itrogen: What animals cannot swim0'orillas

    : *he U5* govern what sport05nternational shooting union: *here are more telephones than people in what city0Washington U: 5f you landed at rlanda airport where would you be0tocholm weden: What country declared itself first atheist state in /+#(0lbania N banned religion: What is the Aoman numerals for 3$$$0111: What are 7ean -ernard,

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    : What food are astronauts prohibited before a mission -eans 0 arts damage spacesuits: What does a myrmecologist study0nts: Women do it twice as often as men 0 what 0-lin: first man to set foot on all five continents0 8aptain 8oo: What gives onions their distinctive smell0 ulphur 0 taen in when growing: What animals name comes from the ansrit to steal01ouse N 1usha: What is a Winter -anana 0 variety of pple: Where are the glasshouse mountains0 Iueensland ustralia: 1esopotamia means0 -etween two Aivers

    : &nly three ngels are named in -ible 'abriel 1ichael and who0 >ucifer: What animals name translate from rabic as He who wals fast 'iraffe N from Qirapha: What is in the Aed ata -oo0 Dndangered pecies: Who wrote the boo 0 8all of the Wild07ac >ondon: What is the name of the scale measuring depth of coma !'80 'lasgow 8oma cale: Which /+th century battle U= F U fought after peace signed0 -attle of ;ew &rleans: What place is nicnamed C*he 8ity of >iliesC0 lorence: 5n what literary wor would you find the yahoos0 'ulliver)s *ravels: What place was nicnamed C*he

  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc


    : What cities underground has the most stations0;ew Gor: ;ame the Hong =ong stoc e6change0Hang eng: What is a bandy bandy0 nae: What is the fastest creature raced for sport0

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    : 5n nimal arm what was the name of the farm0 1anor arm: Where was pia first invented 1ilan: 5n what country did the abines live0 5taly: &peration *hunderbolt was the nicname given to which raidK 5sraeli raid on Dntebbe: *he cast iron plant is another name for which pot plantn spidistra: *he word 1ongol means what in 1ongolian0 -rave: 5n the U what is 1arine &ne0 aurence of rabia: Hydrosis is the medical term for what 0weating: What does per capita literally mean0 b0inland: 5n the animal ingdom what creatures are in the orderX8hiroptera0-ats: What would you do with a wandering sailor0

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    : *he angel shar has what other name0*he monfish: Which creatures communicate by touch, smell and dance0-ees: 5n which country did the study of geometry originate 0Dgypt: What was the capitol of Aussia before 1oscow0aint angerhans do0ecrete 5nsulin: What capitol is on the slopes of the volcano

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    : 5n which Duropean capitol city is a cannon fired at /.$$ pm daily Ddinburgh: Worldwide most capitol cities begin with which letter0 -: What creature is the symbol of medicine0 nae: Which vegetable is also a flower0 -roccoli: What nationality was 8leopatra0 'ree: university has a campus what does it literally meanK ield: What does the name racula mean in AomanianK on of the evil: Whose name translates as Dmperor of all0'enghis =han: Which country was the first to issue paring ticetsKrance

    : ;ame the first war submarine invented by avid -ushnell it san *urtle: 5n which city was 'alileo born0 enoir: *he scientist who asserted the earth to be a huge magnetK -en ranlin: *he scientist who discovered water.-elinda 1ooney: *he scientist who asserted the earth to be a huge magnetK William 'ilbert: ll of the o6ygen that you breathe has been produced by the splitting of water during &6idative phosphorylation .: Ddible part of tomato is whole fruit.: &ne micron is eJual to &ne0thousandth of a millimeter.: irst world war was began on /+/4 .. and second world war started in /+3+ when germany attaced on poland, it is also

    considered as 'reatest war.: 8olumbus discovered america on /4+2 ..: *he Aoyal 1aesty ship Iueen Dliabeth !U= is the largest pessenger ship in the world.5t is 3/4 metres long and 3# metreswide.: *he cambodian language is a language which has a total number of (4 alphabets.: *he umerian civiliation is considered to be the oldest civiliation of the world.: 7ericho,situated in the 7orden valley is the oldest town of the world.: *he ma6imum ever temperature of /3#.4 was recorded on september /3,/+22 in the city iia !>ibya and *he minimumtemperature of 0/2+.# was recorded in the town of Eosto near ntarctica on 24th august , /+#$.: *he highest rainfall for one month was recorded at 5ndian town of 8herapoone. 3##,/4 inches rain fell there during the monthof uly /%#/.: ierra >eone has the lowest '< per capita of "/$ U dollars and >u6embourg has the highest '< per capita of 3#,4$$ Udollars.

    : *he Umayyad ynasty !##/0("$ . was the first 1uslim dynasty.: >ight is the fastest thing in the universe.5t travels at a phenomenal speed of /%(,$$$ miles per second.: ccording to the orbcs magaine, *here were 3// individual billionaires in the world.out of these, /$% belonged to U,44belonged to germany and 34 were apanese.: *he earth is the densest planet of universe .5t has density of "."/" time that of water.: >a

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    : bout half of the world population speas indo0european languages. *he 5ndo0Duropean branch to which english belongs isgermanic.: *he original inhabitants of U are nown as Aed 5ndians.: &ut of the /+3 sovereign independent nations of the world /4( are republics and other 4# are under personal rules !/4 ings,/emperor,3 Jueens,( hereditary sheihs,/ grand due,2 sultans,/ constitutional monarch etc.: 'wadar became a part of paistan on september +,/+"%.: ll india mulim league was formulated on december 3$,/+$# and first president was ir gha =han.: fghanistan got independence on /+th aug /+/+.: ir conditioner invented by Cwillis H. carrierCU.. in /+$2.

    : 8amera!photographic has been invented by C7oseph ;. ;iepceCfrance in /%22.: unlight is composed of seven colours: C-raille systemC is used for the education of -lind.: >ousis -raille of rance made it possible for the blind to read and write.: -lue color has shortest wavelength: ee Harry &swald: *he first -ritish University to admit women for degree courses was >ondon University: *he country nown as the >and of *hunderbolts is -hutan: *he literal meaning of Aenaissance is Aevival: 7ulius 8aesar was illed by -rutus: *he title of esert o6 was given to ield 1arshal Drwin Aommel: *he word YIui) was coined by 7im aly 5rishman: *he original meaning of YIui) was *ric: dolf Hitler was born in ustria

    : 5n the year /%//,incoln: *he famous 5sland located at the mouth of the Hudson river is 1anhattan: *he famous painting Y1ona >isa)is displayed at >ouvre museum,ove apple: *he famous words YEeni Eidi Eici)were said by 7ulius 8aesar: isneyland is located in 8alifornia,U: rchimedes was born in icily: *he famous 'eneral 1otors company was founded by William urant: *he country that brings out the 5* is 5taly: *he White House was painted white to Hide fire damage: CHistory is -unCwas said by Henry ord

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    : *he term YYastrology) literally means tar peech: *ogo is situated in frica: *he first ruler who started war games for his soldiers was 'enghis =han: *he first talie feature film in U was *he 7a inger: *he name of the large cloc on the tower of the House of ondon is called -ig -en: ithuania, >atvia and Dstonia.: panish is the official language of rgentina.: *he maority of 7apan9s

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    : *he criminals of the econd World War were trailed in the city of ;uremburg.: =obe is a 7apanese city and port heavily bombarded in World War05, serious earthJuae hit in /++(.: Hague is the city of Holland.: 1auna >oa !U is the largest active volcano of the world.: Aobert 1ugabe is the personality of Bimbabwe.: ;ewton was of Dnglish &rigin.: 'eorge -ush is 44th U president and /"th to be elected twice.: 'reatest number of space wal !/$ is held by le6ander erebrov of Aussia.: 'oethe was 'erman in origin.

    : Harat -ullay hah was a famous ufi poet of

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    : 5raJi general who brought about military revolution in 5raJ by ousting ind aisal on /4th 7uly /+"% was bdul =arim Iasim.: rench economist named rancois Iuesnay proposed the concept of >aisse0aire in the /%th 8entury.: *he name of 1esopotamia was changes to 5raJ in the year /+3".: merican war of 5ndependence started in /((# and came to an end in /(%3.: 5n /+%2 the allands war was fought between -ritain and rgentina.: adam Hussain -ecame

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    : isaM belonged to 5taly.: *he >abor party believes in ocialism.: *he U enate comprises /$$ members.: LWarsa amM has been built on the Aiver =abul.: " 7une is nown as World Dnvironment ay.: L*he un also AisesM is written by Darnest Hemingway.: -lac eath reaches Dngland in /34%.: 5ntifada denotes

  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc


    : 'eneral secretariat of the Duropean parliament is in >u6emburg.: &n 2nd ugust, /++$, 5raJ occupied =uwait.: *he term Pintifada9 means uprising.: *he city of 7erusalem is nown as Pl Iuran9.: HeadJuarter of & is in *unisia.: 5n Dast 7erusalem Pwailing wall9 is a sacred place of 7ews.: Hindenburg line is a boundary line between

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    : -uddhism accounts for /$$O total population in -hutan.: 1auritius is the part of the world that is nown as Pstar and ey of the 5ndian ocean9.: *ower of silence is ead.: World)s largest delta is in -angladesh.: 'rand 8anyon ;ational

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    : t the eJuator, the eJuation of the day is /2 hours.: ingapore city is nown as Plion city9.: *he instrument used for measuring the velocity of wind is nown as anemometer.: *he chemical name of baing soda is sodium bicarbonate.: ondon carnival was first started in /+#4.: 5ndira 'andhi was the famous

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    : *anania was formed by the unification of two countries, *anganyia and Banibar.: *he first atomic power station of ive lue, biologically called asciola, is found in liver of sheep.: Darthworm is a bi0se6ual.: Dyes of insects are compound.: il is obtained from cocoon of sil worm.: 8linical thermometer usually measures in ahrenheit.: *ube light emits radiation even after it is disconnected. 5t is due to luorescence.

    : *he conversion of gases into liJuid under high pressure and low temperature is called regulation.: 5f a green leaf is seen in a red light its color will be blac.: Dmerge of E5-'G&A from one side of the prism is due to refraction and dispersion of light.: in does not e6crete oil.: egumes increase the fertility of the soil by adding nitrogen to the soil.: ;ew varieties of organisms can be brought about by hybridiation.: 1ale child is born if 6y chromosomes are united.: ertiliation is fusion of two game tics of different strains.: ruit developed from single ovary is called simple fruit.: eeds are developed from &vule.:

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    : nae have been evolved from liard.:

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    : Aesin is sticy liJuid that emits from plants.: ens at the end of the compound microscope is called obective.: argest earthJuae fatalities occurred in 5mir, *urey in /+++.:

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    : addam Hussain e6ecuted on 3$ ecK 2$$#.: *he idea of A8 originated in the mind of Bia ur Aehman.: argest ;ations-y rea/. Aussia2. 8anada3. 8hina4. U". -rail#. ustralia(. 5ndia%. rgentina+. =aahstan

    /$. udan-y owest tempK was recorded at Eosto, ntarctica 0%+.2R 8.: Highest rainfall is recorded at 8herrapuni !5ndia.

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    : ialot has the highest annual rainfall.: *he largest district of

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    : Weight of electron V +./ 6 /$ power 03/ g: 8harge on electron V /.# 6 /$ power 0/+ coulomb: Weight of proton V /.## 6 /$ power 02( g: 8harge on proton V /.# 6 /$ power 0/+ coulomb: proton is /%3# times heavier than an electron: &rdinarily and atom is a neutral particle: Drnest Autherford, a ;ew Bealander, in /+$% discovered tomic ;ucleus: peed of sound is faster in hot air than in cold air: Ultrasonic are sound waves of high freJuency V /2$$$ cyclesFsec and higher

    : ound travels faster in moist air than in dry air: ound travels more rapidly in solids: 1a6imum limit of sound beyond which a man can become deaf is /2+ decibel: udible sound is 2$02$,$$$ cyclesFsecond: 5naudible sound Z2$,$$$ cyclesFsecond: Eelocity of sound at $ degK 8 is 33/.( mFs: Dcho can only be produces when the distance of the obstacle is at least /( meters: When we hear a sound, its impressions remain in our ear for /F/$th of a second: 5mage persists for about /F/$th of second in our eye: or creating a persistence of vision, pictures are proected at the rate of /$ or moreFsec: ;uclear Dnergy is not a source of alternative energy.: Eideotape used in camcorders to record audio and video signal employee fine grains of iron o6ide.: *emperature inside a refrigerator is 4$ degK : *he laws of reflection were first discovered by a al0 Haen

    : $.2$$ grams are eJual to one carat.: &ne million cycles per second is called 1egahert.: 8arbon fiber is made by heating te6tile fibers. *hese are used in tennis racets and racing yacht: 8atalytic converter reduce the harmful fumes the engine emits: 5f you double the voltage you double the current !&hm9s law: What product uses the most silver08amera ilm: *he speed of sound depends on the medium through which the waves are passing. *he speed of sound in gases depends onwhat? ensity: *wo or more molecules of carbohydrates are lined together through glycosidic bond: peptide bond b]w amino acids, oined to form proteins, is the linage bFw ; and 8: n android is any robot thatK has the ability to mae decisions and formulate plans: emaphores were used between sailors for many years to communicate between ships: &ne of the first long distance communication system invented in /(+$ was the semaphores towers

    : *elegraph was invented in /%2/: *elephone was invented in/%(#: Us inventor amuel 1ore developed the system of dots and dashes of telegraph that was nown as 1orse 8ode: cientist now thin that protons and ;eutrons are themselves made of still smaller particles called Juars.: aser produce light of one particular wavelength and it is s single, pure color.

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    : *he first hologram was mae in /+#2: >aser V >ight mplification by timulated Dmission of Aadiation: Iuart0halogen bulbs are used in overhead proectors and spotlights: Helium is uses to fill airships and balloons: Helium is used to pressurie hydrogen fuel in rocets and the air in diver9s air tans: part from radon, which is radioactive, the noble gases are used in lighting.: *he noble gases have very low boiling points.: >iJuid helium is the coldest substance.: gas only becomes liJuid at 02#%.+ degK 8

    : 8ombustion is a ind of o6idation reaction.: t room temperature the particles in air travel at around /%$$ mFh the same speed as a bullet fires from a rifle.: 'enerators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.: *he principle behind the generator is electromagnetic induction. 5t was discovered by 1ichael araday.: >ovell telescope is at 7odrell -an the site for space observatory: ;icolous 8opernicus !/4(30/"43 was born in

  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc


    : Aadio waves also come from sun and outer space. stronomers use radio telescope to hear them.: Aadar uses microwaves.: nything that is warm produces infrared waves including us. *he hotter the thing the more 5A.: 5nfrared waves are used in *E remote control.: Q0rays have shorter wavelength and more energy than ultraviolet rays.: 'amma rays come from radioactive materials. *hey are used to ill cancers.: Without e6posure to ultraviolet light our bodies would not be able to mae vitamin .: UH, ultra high freJuency are radio waves used for *E broadcast: 1icrowaves are used in radar, mobile phones, microwave oven, communication networ

    : Dach light color is of different wavelength.: Aed light has the longest wavelength while violet light has the shortest.: Waves with a longer wavelength than red light are invisible they are called infrared waves.: 5nvisible Ultraviolet wave have wavelength shorter than violet light.: Aed, -lue, 'reen are prime colors.: Aed \ -lue \ 'reen V white: *he wavelength of visible light is between /3"$02"$$: n obect that reflects all the light loos white.: >oud speaer converts electrical energy into sound energy.: >ight coloured clothes are generally worn in summer: *he electrical device which transform voltage K transformer: nuclear reaction in which two or more than two lighter nuclear are fused together to form a relatively heavier one K nuclearfusion: *he three colours combination which produces the sensation of white light K Aed green and blue

    : *he clear sy loos blue because of dispersion of light: When light waves travel from air to glass the wavelength and velocity variables are affected.: Dlectrical lines of forces are imaginary.: reJuency distinguishes ultrasound from normal audible sound. 5ts f Z 2$,$$$ H.U;5* & 1DUAD1D;*: / horse power is (4".( watts: / horse power V wor eJual to lifting ""$ lbs of weight to one foot for one second: / calorie is eJual to 4.2 7oules: / barrel is eJual to /"+ liters: # feet V / fathom: / wh V 3.# 6 /$ power # oules: /$$ watt bulb lights for / hour uses /$$ watt hour of electricity: 02(3 degree centigrade is called absolute ero temperature.

    : tandard pressure is (#$ mm or /4.( lbFin2: 'ross is eJual to /2 doens: 1ach 2 V "$$ miles per hour: / nautical mile V /%2" meters: Unit of pressure is

  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc


    : Unit of wave length of light is ngstrom: Unit of energy is Dlectron volt: Unit of brightness is >ambert: Unit of luminous flu6 is >umen: 5ntensity of illumination or unit of luminosity is >u6, 8andela and 8andle power: Unit of magnetic pole strength is Weber: Unit of A !Aadiation bsorbed ose is 'ray: Unit of Dlectric 8urrent is mpere: Unit of inductance is Henry

    : Unit of conductance is siemens.: Unit of heat is 7oule, 8alorie, -*U !-ritish *hermal Unit: Aadio activity is measured in currie: Autherford K strength of radioactivity: *orrK pressure: ermi K length _ unit of length eJual to one femtometer !/$0/" meter`: ved berg unitKsedimentation rate: ioptreK power of lense: 1ho K conductivity: HenryK inductance: 1a6wellK magnetic flu6: -ecJuerelK radioactivity: =ilo watt hourK power: 8oulombK unit of electrical charge

    : WeberK unit of magnetic flu6: *eslaK unit of magnetic flu6 density: iemenK unit of conductance: AutherfordK unit of rate of decay of radioactive material: aradayK unit of electric charge: ngstromK unit of length, used especially to specify radiation wavelengths:

  • 8/14/2019 The Clouds.doc


    : &ne inch is eJual to 2."4$$ cms and one mile is eJual to /.#$+3 ms.: &ne micron is eJual to &ne0thousandth of a millimeter.: 2.4(/$" acres is eJual to what 5 unit0Hectare: What word describes one tenth of a nautical mile08able: What is measured on the *orro scale 0*ornados: unit of sound named after0 le6ander 'raham -ell 0 ecibel: *he density moe is measured on the Angelmann scale0: Unit of electromotive force in Eolt.: ight energy is stored in the form of chemical energy due to the activity of 8hloroplast.: unlight is composed of seven colours: &il rises in a wic of oil lamp on account of a property of matter called 8apillary ction: What is a ata 1organa0 *ype of 1irage

    : reon0trademar for any of a number of chemical compounds containing fluorine, and often chlorine or bromine. UseK assolvents, as aerosol propellants, in refrigeration. 5t is commonly used in refrigerator.
