The Civil War Round Table Distinguished Lecture Series War Roundtable of Chicago Lecture List.pdf081...


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  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    001 09/20/51 Seymour J. Frank We’ll Hang Jeff Davis to a Sour Apple Tree

    002 10/19/51 Holman Hamilton Old Rough and Ready & the Civil War

    003 11/02/51 Gen‟l Jim Dan Hill The Red River Campaign

    004 12/05/51 Ralph Korngold The Nature of Secession

    005 01/09/52 Elmer Gertz Chas A. Dana: The Eyes of the

    Government at the Front

    006 02/08/52 Raymond Dooley Abraham Lincoln, Logan County,

    Lincoln, IL

    007 04/11/52 E.B. „Pete” Long U.S. Grant, The Man Behind the Memoirs

    008 05/27/52 Lloyd D. Miller The Union Left Flank, July 2d, 1863

    009 06/2052 Otto Eisenschiml Gettysburg

    010 06/21/52 Bruce Catton The Army of the Potomac:

    A Problem in Command

    011 09/17/52 W. Norman Fitzgerald The Campaign of Mobile

    012 10/17/52 Wm. Townsend The Lion of Whitehall:

    Cassius Marcellus Clay:

    013 11/09/52 Benjamin P. Thomas Mr. Lincoln Reads his Mail

    014 01/16/53 Harry Hershenson Thaddeus Stevens:

    A Thorn in Lincoln’s Side

    015 04/30/53 Bruce Catton The Battle of Five Forks & Gen’l Sheridan’s

    Indictment of Gen’l G. Warren

    016 05/07/53 D. S. Freeman Five Problems of Critique for the

    Civil War Historian

    017 05/07/53 Mr. Hatch The Two Sieges of Yorktown

    018 05/08/53 Panel Discussion The Civil War Today (Radio Program)

    019 06/12/53 Elmer Gertz Reporters for the Union

    020 01/14/54 Robt. Browne Brice’s Crossroads: A Story in

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    Military Leadership

    021 02/19/54 Panel Discussion Has the Lincoln Theme Been Exhausted?

    022 03/18/54 T. Harry Williams A Pattern of a Historian – A Critical

    Discussion of D. S. Freeman and his

    Biography of R. E. Lee

    023 05/14/54 T. Harry Williams Beauregard at Shiloh

    024 05/15/54 Bell I. Wiley Trail of the C.S.A., A History of

    the Confederacy

    025 10/10/54 Hartnett T. Kane Spies for the Blue and the Gray

    & Louis M. Starr The Civil War Newsmen in Action

    026 11/19/54 Harold Hyman Lincoln’s McCarthy:

    John F. Potter of Wisconsin

    027 12/09/54 Multiple Speakers Stonewall Jackson in 1862

    028 04/14/55 R. Gerald McMurty Zollicoffer and the Battle of Mill Springs

    029 05/06/55 T. Harry Williams Beauregard, the Man

    030 05/12/55 W. F. Stauffer Northern Army Correspondents

    031 05/21/55 Erza J. Warner Generals in Gray

    032 06/16/55 Otto Eisenschiml An Unorthodox View of the Civil War

    033 10/21/55 Benjamin Thomas A Candid View of Grant

    034 01/09/56 Chas. H. Coleman Thos. Lincoln: Father of the President

    035 03/11/56 Avery Craven The Civil War 100 Years Later

    036 04/12/56 W. B. Hesseltine Andersonville

    037 05/17/56 Frank Van Diver Rebel Brass

    038 06/??/56 Gilbert Piper Civil War Firearms

    039 09/11/56 Gilbert Govan Confederate Personalities (Incomplete)

    040 10/11/56 Col. Ned Julian The Savannah Campaign

    041 11/08/56 V. C. „Pat‟ Jones Ranger Mosby (Incomplete)

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    042 12/07/56 Vic Thompson How to Enjoy the Civil War

    043 01/17/57 Jas. A. Johnston A Friendship with D. S. Freeman

    044 02/18/57 E. B. „Pete‟ Long Ft. Sumter – Panel Discussion

    045 04/12/57 Bruce Catton The Civil War

    046 05/15/57 Col Wm. Caper Stonewall Jackson the Man

    & Lee Bushong Winchester & the Civil War

    047 12/02/57 Elmer Gertz James Harrison Wilson

    048 01/24/58 Mr. Tilberg Gettysburg

    049 02/19/58 R. Gerald McMurty Lincoln’s Address at Gettysburg

    050 03/07/58 Ray Billington The Frontier Origin of the Civil War

    051 04/22/58 Bell I. Wiley The Confederate Congress

    052 05/09/58 Otto Eisenschiml Why the Civil War?

    053 06/06/58 Edw. G. Borthell Some Civil War Apocrypha

    054 11/14/58 Avery Craven Southern Secession

    055 01/08/59 Hubert Hawkins John Hunt Morgan & his

    Raid Across the Ohio

    056 02/06/59 Wm. B. Hesseltine Lincoln and Reconstruction

    057 04/10/59 Clyde C. Walton Recent Writings on the Civil War

    058 05/20/59 Mrs. Karl Betts The Civil War Commission

    059 09/11/59 Allan Nevins The Darkest Hour of the

    War in the Northwest

    060 01/15/60 Alan Nolan Brawner’s Farm: The Baptism of

    the Iron Brigade

    061 02/19/60 Robt. L. Kincaid Memorable Moments Along

    the Lincoln Trail

    062 04/08/60 John P. Hunter & Symposium on the Battlefields

    E. B. „Pete‟ Long of Virginia

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    063 05/27/60 T. Harry Williams The Generalship of the North & South

    064 10/??/60 Col. Allen Julian Glory or Good Management?

    065 03/10/61 Richard Current The Continuing Civil War

    066 04/07/61 Frank Van Diver The Confederacy and the New South

    067 05/12/61 Dr. Robt. Meade Judah P. Benjamin: Confederate Statesman

    068 09/15/61 Otto Eisenschiml Do We Need a Code for C.W. Writers?

    069 10/12/61 Harold Hyman Lincoln’s Mars: Edwin M. Stanton

    070 01/17/62 Grady McWhiney Braxton Bragg: Misplaced General

    071 02/15/62 Rev. L. Genovsky Some New Light on the

    Lincoln-Pickett Relationship

    072 04/11/62 Dr. Richard Mudd The Assassination of A. Lincoln: The Trial

    and Imprisonment of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd

    073 04/27/62 Multiple Speakers Antietam

    074 05/11/62 Everett Lewy The Battle of Chickamauga

    075 06/15/62 Donald L. Smith The Twenty-fourth Michigan

    076 01/18/63 Edw. M. Coffman The Notorious Capt. Thos. H. Hines

    077 02/28/63 Dr. David C. Mearns The Gettysburg Address: The Mysteries

    of the Manuscript

    078 03/22/63 Col. Allen P. Julian Snake Creek Gap: The Historian and the

    Principles of the Civil War

    079 04/24/63 Sen. R. Yarborough Some Irregular Notes on the History

    of the Douglas Battery

    080 05/17/63 Jas. V. Murfin Antietam: The Enigma and the Significance

    081 06/14/63 Chas. L. DuFour Henry Hotze: Rebel Propagandist

    082 09/26/63 Bruce Catton Politics of the Army of the Potomac

    083 10/25/63 Gilbert E. Govan The President and the General

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    084 11/15/63 Shelby Foote Grant’s Seven Failures Above Vicksburg

    085 02/??/64 Clyde C. Walton The Training of the C.W. Soldiers

    086 04/17/64 T. Harry Williams The Civil War in Louisiana

    087 04/29/64 Chas. Roland The Generalship of Albert S. Johnston

    at the Battle of Shiloh

    088 10/16/64 John Hope Franklin The Military Occupation of the South

    089 01/15/65 Edwin C. Bearss The Ironclad Cairo

    090 03/12/65 Gen‟l Jim Dan Hill The Command Structure in the Union

    and Confederate Navies

    091 04/09/65 Victor Searcher Lincoln’s Last Journey

    092 05/14/65 Glenn Tucker Chickamauga

    093 06/11/65 T. Harry Williams The Valley Campaign of 1864

    094 09/10/65 Clement Silvestro None But the Patriots: The Union

    Leagues of the Civil War

    095 10/13/65 Gilbert Govan Background of the Battle of Chattanooga

    096 10/14/65 Herbert Kerwood The Story of the Chattanooga Rebel

    097 10/15/65 Franklin M. Garrett Atlanta During the Civil War

    and a Brief Comment on Gen’l Hood

    098 12/14/65 Gen‟l Mark Clark America’s Wars

    099 02/10/66 J. A. Johnston Grant and Lee: Move and Countermove

    100 04/11/66 Sir Dennis Brogan The War as a War

    101 06/10/66 Frank E. Van Diver Toward the Second Centennial

    102 09/19/66 S. I. Nieman Judah P. Benjamin

    103 10/12/66 Ralph G. Newman Benjamin F. Butler: Politician or Hero?

    104 11/15/66 Col. Allen P. Julian Gallant John Hood

    105 12/08/66 Dr. Frank L. Klement Vallandigham and the Civil War

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    106 01/13/67 Dr. Geo. J. Fleming Political Generals: Esp. John A. Logan

    107 03/20/67 Col. H. B. Simpson Jefferson Davis & the U.S. Camel Corps

    108 04/21/67 Dr. Howard Monnett Westport and the Sterling Price

    Invasion of 1864

    109 04/22/67 Col. L. B. Wickoff The Siege of Lexington, Missouri

    110 04/26/67 Fred G. Benton, Jr. The Battle & Siege of Port Hudson

    111 05/25/67 Henry E. Simms Northern Censorship of the Press:

    Necessary or Needless?

    112 06/23/67 J. Robt. Smith Gen’l Mike Lawler

    113 09/08/67 Elmer Gertz The Assassinations of Pres. Lincoln &

    Kennedy as Seen by Jack Ruby’s Lawyer

    114 10/27/67 Dr. Mark M. Krug Abraham Lincoln & Lyman Trumbull

    115 11/10/67 Ralph G. Newman Readin’, Writin’, and Round Tables

    116 12/15/67 Phillip R. Davis Justice in the Confederacy

    117 01/12/68 Glen H. Seymour Illinois in the 1850’s

    118 02/09/68 Lloyd Ostendorf The Faces of Abraham Lincoln

    119 03/08/68 Shelby Foote Grant Comes to Washington

    120 05/02/68 Joseph P. Cullen The Battle of Chancellorsville

    121 05/03/68 Ralph Happel The Chancellorsville Family

    of Chancellorsville

    122 05/10/68 Leroy H. Fischer The Civil War in Today’s Perspective

    123 06/07/68 T. Harry Williams A Yank at Oxford

    124 09/13/68 Lloyd D. Miller The Union Left on the 2d Day at Gettysburg

    125 10/11/68 Virgil C. Jones The Union Naval Forces

    126 11/08/68 Francis F. Wilshin The Recapture of a Battlefield: First Bull

    Run in Light of New Evidence

    127 12/13/68 Francis A. Lord Weapons & Their Effect on Tactics

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    128 03/14/69 John Brooks Davis The Battle of Perryville ~ 1862

    129 04/12/69 Warren W. Hassler A New Look at McClellan

    130 06/06/69 Chas. L. DuFour The Blue and the Gray in Mexico

    131 09/??/69 John T. Hubbell J. S. McPherson

    132 10/10/69 Bell I. Wiley Diary from Dixie: Mary Chestnut

    133 05/01/70 A. A. Lawrence A Satirical View & Impact on American

    History had the South Won at Gettysburg

    and Eventually the War

    134 10/16/70 Edwin C. Bearss Vicksburg

    135 11/13/70 Joseph A. Daly Battle at Pilgrim’s Point

    136 12/18/70 John P. Hunter Haskell of Gettysburg: The Iron

    Brigade’s Finest

    137 01/18/71 Hobart G. Cawood Cold Harbor

    138 02/19/71 Harry Anderson The Sioux Campaign

    139 03/12/71 Frank Rankin Morgan’s Raids

    140 03/19/71 Edwin C. Bearss Port Republic ~ Cross Keys

    141 04/03/71 Ned Julian Margaret Mitchell

    142 05/14/71 Harry M. Caudill Guerrilla War in Kentucky

    143 06/11/71 Joe Eisendrath Lincoln Myths

    144 09/10/71 Grady McWhiney Jefferson Davis & His Generals

    145 10/08/71 Jerry L. Scholer Mary Ann Pittman

    146 11/09/71 Chas. Wesselhoeft Civil War Railroads an Overview

    147 12/10/71 E.B. „Pete” Long The War Beyond the River: The Trans-

    Mississippi and the Influence of the

    War in the West

    148 01/14/72 Jas. „Bud‟ Robertson The Stonewall Brigade

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    149 03/10/72 Alan T. Nolan The Iron Brigade & the Reasons Why

    150 04/21/72 T. Harry Williams Grant as President

    151 05/12/72 Damon Wells, Jr. Stephen A. Douglas & the South

    152 06/09/72 Robt. H. Fowler New Discoveries about the Civil War

    153 09/23/72 Lowell H. Harrison General John C. Breckinridge, C.S.A.

    154 10/13/72 Dan Lapinski The Battle of Island No. 10

    155 01/12/73 Victor Hicken The Civil War Fighting Man: Comparison of

    Past and Present

    156 03/09/73 Bell I. Wiley Confederate Women of the Lost Cause

    157 04/13/73 Dana M. Wegner Commodore Dirty Bill Porter

    158 05/10/73 Edwin C. Bearss Lee’s Movement up the Rappahannock up to

    July 1st and the Battle of Gettysburg

    159 05/18/73 Edw. C. Johnson Embalming Surgeons of the Civil War

    160 06/08/73 Geo. Hartzog Our Endangered C. W. Battlefields

    161 09/12/73 Paul Simon Freedom’s Champion: Elijah Paris Lovejoy

    162 10/13/73 Gerhard Clausius Stephen A. Hurlbut

    163 02/08/74 Dick Blake A Look at Lincoln & the

    Schimmelfennig Singers

    164 03/08/74 Marshall Krolick Lee & Longstreet at Gettysburg

    165 06/??/74 Gordon Whitney 1st Nevin-Freeman Award given to

    Bruce Catton

    166 05/09/75 Ralph G. Newman Lincoln’s Incredible Funeral

    167 03/12/76 Roger G. Holloway Great Britain & the Civil War

    168 10/14/77 John Hunter The Capture of Jefferson Davis

    169 11/17/77 E. B. „Pete‟ Long A Broader Approach to C.W. Strategy

    170 12/09/77 Lewis Croce Lincoln & the Federal Bureaucracy

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    171 01/13/78 Sherman Lavigna Benjamin Butler: Beast or Benefactor?

    172 03/10/78 Jas. I. Robertson Civil War Chaplains

    177 04/14/78 Marshall Krolick The Battle of Brandy Station

    178 05/12/78 Kenneth Carley The Sioux Uprising of 1862

    179 09/08/78 Merlin Sumner The 67th Ohio Volunteer Inf. Rgt.

    180 10/13/78 Harold Hyman Has the Lincoln Conspiracy Theme

    Been Exhausted?

    181 12/08/78 Brooks Davis The Perryville Campaign

    182 01/17/79 Grady McWhiney Conf. Gen’ls: Strengths & Weaknesses

    183 03/09/79 Herman Hattaway Stephen D. Lee

    184 04/06/79 Wm. A. Frassanito Antietam: The Photographic Legacy of

    America’s Bloodiest Day

    185 09/14/79 Bill Mallory Actions North of the James

    186 10/12/79 Robt. K. Krick Edw. Porter Alexander, C.S.A

    187 11/09/79 Daniel Jordan Richmond: First City of the Confederacy

    188 12/14/79 Henry Pomerantz Aldie, Middleburg, & Upperville

    189 01/11/80 John Y. Simon Grant as Historian: Memoirs Revisited

    190 02/08/80 Jas. McDonough The Final Day at Stone’s River

    191 04/11/80 Ralph G. Newman The Lights Go On Again at Ford’s Theater

    192 05/09/80 Walter Brown Albert Pike as a Confederate General

    193 03/30/81 E. B. „Pete‟ Long The Saints of the Union

    194 11/12/82 Stephen B. Oates John Brown: Catalyst for the Civil War

    195 12/10/82 Perry Jamieson Artillery Tactics of the Civil War

    196 03/11/83 John E. Devine Cavalry Campaigns: Prelude to Gettysburg

    197 04/08/83 Robt. Johannsen Stephen A. Douglas & the Spirit of the Age

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    198 06/11/83 Multiple Speakers Nevins-Freeman Assembly

    199 09/09/83 Walter H. Herbert Fighting Joe Hooker

    200 10/14/83 Robt. K. Krick Cedar Mountain

    201 12/09/83 Karen Osborne Women in the Civil War

    202 01/13/84 Myron Cohn The Signal & Telegraph Corps in the C.W.

    203 02/17/84 Panel Discussion Senate Confrontation: Nov. 12th, 1860

    204 03/09/84 Roy K. Flint The Defeat at Cold Harbor

    205 04/13/84 Richard McMurry John Bell Hood

    206 05/04/84 Edwin C. Bearss John Pope

    207 05/18/84 Walter N. Trenery John Pope

    208 06/08/84 Dan Jordan The Life & Adventures of John S. Mosby

    209 09/15/84 Multiple Speakers Nevins - Freeman Assembly

    210 10/12/84 Jim/ Alice Trulock Joshua L. Chamberlain

    211 11/09/84 Merlin Sumner Grant’s Staff: A Plus or a Minus?

    212 12/14/84 David Finny The Death of Stonewall Jackson

    213 01/11/85 Brooks Davis The Grand Army of the Republic

    214 02/08/85 Herman Hattaway How the North Won

    215 03/08/85 Gary Gallagher Stephen Dodson Ramseur

    216 04/12/85 William J. Sullivan The Trans-Mississippi in 1864

    217 05/02/85 Multiple Speakers Hatcher‟s Run to Five Forks

    218 05/03/85 Edwin C. Bearss The Corps Organization thru Petersburg

    219 05/04/85 Harold Howard Confederate Veterans

    220 06/14/85 Paul J. Beaver Lincoln’s Political Race in Central Illinois

    221 09/20/85 John Y. Simon Editing the Papers of U. S. Grant

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    222 10/11/85 Kent M. Brown Alonzo Cushing & his Battery at Gettysburg

    223 11/08/85 Donald C. Pfanz The 11th Corps at Chancellorsville

    224 12/13/85 Chris Caulkins The Ragged & Starved Confederates: An

    Examination of Lee’s Army, 1864 – 1865

    225 01/10/86 Multiple Speakers Our Ethnic Ancestors in the Civil War

    226 02/14/86 Dr. Mark Neely Lincoln and Douglas

    227 03/15/86 John Y. Simon Grant as Commander

    228 03/15/86 Tom Arliskas Grant at Belmont

    229 03/15/86 Wiley Sword Grant at Shiloh

    230 03/15/86 Marshall Krolick Grant’s General Order No. 11

    231 03/15/86 Edwin C. Bearss Grant at Vicksburg

    232 03/15/86 Gordon Whitney Grant at Chattanooga

    233 03/15/86 Robert K. Krick Grant from the Rapidan to the James

    234 03/15/86 Richard J. Sommers Grant at Petersburg

    235 04/11/86 Edgar G. Archer Orthopedic Surgery during the Civil War

    236 05/01/86 Robt. K. Krick James ‘Pete’ Longstreet

    237 05/02/86 Edwin C. Bearss Coastal Artillery

    238 05/09/86 Gordon Whitney The President Will Now Make a Few Remarks

    239 06/06/86 Jas. I. Robertson General Ambrose Powell Hill

    240 09/12/86 Harold Hyman Lincoln and Yuppie Lawyers

    241 10/10/86 Richard F. Selcer Lee and Pickett

    242 11/14/86 A. Wilson Greene The Bloody Angle at Spotsylvania

    243 12/12/86 Alan T. Nolan A Historic View of Robt. E. Lee

    244 01/09/87 Marshall Krolick From Captain to Brigadier: The Promotions

    of Custer, Farnsworth and Merritt

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    245 02/20/87 Ralph G. Newman Robt. Todd Lincoln & the Civil War

    246 03/13/87 Howard McManus The Battle of Cloyd’s Mountain

    247 04/17/87 Mike B. Chesson The Richmond Bread Riot

    248 05/01/87 Richard Hatcher Capt. Nathaniel Lyon

    249 05/02/87 Edwin C. Bearss Career Summarization of the Pea Ridge

    Battle Commanders

    250 05/08/87 Betty J. Otto Maryland Remembers the Civil War

    251 06/05/87 Mark Boatner The Civil War Dictionary

    252 09/11/87 James T. Hickey Robt. Todd Lincoln’s Relationship with

    Authors and Artists

    253 10/09/87 William Saffire Lincoln’s Constitutional Excesses

    254 11/13/87 James Ramage John Hunt Morgan

    255 12/11/87 Gordon Dammann In Defense of the Civil War Surgeon

    256 01/08/88 James Vlazny Robt. Barnwell Rhett: Father of Secession

    257 02/12/88 Wm. Hanchett Abraham Lincoln: Man in the Middle

    258 03/11/88 Holzer & Neely The Confederate Images of the Lost Cause

    259 04/08/88 Michael T. Snyder The Battle of Seven Pines

    260 04/27/88 Edwin C. Bearss A Comparison of Both Armies in the East,

    1862 - 1864

    261 04/28/88 Frank VanDiver Lee & Jackson: Model Partners

    262 05/13/88 Gerald Linderman The Experience of Combat in the Civil War

    263 06/10/88 Edward G. Longacre The Army of the James, 1863 – 1865

    264 09/09/88 Robert K. Krick The Army of Northern Va., Sept. 1862

    265 10/11/88 Herdegen & Beaudot The Railroad Cut at Gettysburg

    266 11/11/88 Gordon Whitney Sherman & his Lieutenants

    267 12/09/88 Karen Osborne A Civil War Christmas

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    268 01/13/89 Bruce Bazelon Gettysburg After the Fight

    269 02/10/89 Jas. McPherson Lincoln & Liberty

    270 03/10/89 Jerry L. Russell The Battle of Pea Ridge

    271 04/14/89 Chas. Wesselhoeft The Army of the Tenn. Under Grant

    272 05/12/89 Edwin Simmons Fort Fisher

    273 06/09/89 John Y. Simon Edward Baker at Ball’s Bluff

    274 09/08/89 Mark E. Neely Was the Civil War Total War?

    275 10/06/89 Gary Gallagher Edward Porter Alexander

    276 11/10/89 Herbert Schiller The Bermuda Hundred Campaign

    277 12/08/89 Armin Wing The Gods of War & Prince of Peace

    278 01/12/90 Wm. J. Sullivan Chicago During the Civil War

    279 03/09/90 Michael Andrus General Edward ‘Allegheny’ Johnson

    280 04/13/90 Richard McMurry Confederate Journalism

    281 05/03/90 Dennis Frye Davis’ Cavalry Escape from Harper’s Ferry

    282 05/04/90 Edwin C. Bearss Antietam Generals

    283 05/11/90 William E. Parrish Confederate Governors

    284 06/08/90 Jerry L. Rogers The Protection of Battlefields

    285 09/14/90 Richard Huebner The Meserve Civil War Record

    286 10/13/90 Gary Gallagher Early & Sheridan in the Valley

    287 10/13/90 Mark Neely The Emancipation Proclamation

    288 10/13/90 Robt. K. Krick Jackson & Banks in the Valley

    289 10/13/90 Edwin C. Bearss Sherman & Hood at Atlanta

    290 10/13/90 James Robertson Abraham Lincoln & Jefferson Davis

    291 11/08/90 William Burton Ethnic Soldiers in the Union Army

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    292 12/14/90 C. Robt. Douglas Granny Lee: Fiasco in West Va.

    293 01/11/91 Marshall Krolick Cavalry Battle at Gettysburg

    294 02/08/91 Terrence Winschel Relief of Fortress Vicksburg

    295 02/12/91 James McPherson Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

    296 03/08/91 Gerald A. Regan The Walk of Correspondents Browne, Davis

    And Richardson: 340 Miles to Freedom

    297 04/12/91 A. Wilson Greene The 11th Corps on the 1

    st Day at Gettysburg

    298 05/02/91 Edwin C. Bearss Shiloh through the Capture of Corinth

    299 05/02/91 Wiley Sword Albert S. Johnston: How Good a General?

    300 0510/91 Michael Hughes Chattanooga Campaign during the Fall 1863

    301 06/14/91 Jean H. Baker The Abraham Lincoln Marriage

    302 09/13/91 Blake Magner Stannard’s 2d Vermont Brigade

    303 10/04/91 James Hickey The Lincoln Collection at Lincoln College

    304 10/11/91 Gary Gallagher Jubal Early & the Myth of the Lost Cause

    305 11/08/91 Alan Nolan The Generalship of R. E. Lee

    306 12/13/91 Mary Abroe Battlefield Commemoration & Preservation

    307 01/10/92 Osborne & Crane A Women’s War: Two Perspectives, No. & So.

    308 02/14/92 Wm. Robertson Gen’l Thos. J. Wood at Chickamauga

    309 03/13/92 Herman Hattaway Teaching the Civil War at West Point

    310 04/10/92 Dennis Frye Mosby Vs. Sheridan in the Shenandoah

    311 04/30/92 Edwin C. Bearss Lee & his Problems with his Corps Cmdrs

    312 05/01/92 John Coverick The Fighting for Culp’s Hill and

    East Cemetery Hill (Gettysburg)

    313 05/08/92 Lawrence Hewitt Port Hudson: Best Photographed

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    314 06/12/92 Steven Newton Joe Johnston: Politics, Ego &

    Rationalization after the Battle of Seven Pines

    315 09/11/92 Wiley Sword A Perspectives on Franklin and Nashville

    316 10/09/92 Shelby Foote Epilogue of the Civil War

    317 11/13/92 John Hennessey Return to Bull Run

    318 12/11/92 Peter Cozzens The 21st Ohio on Horseshoe Ridge

    319 01/08/93 Brooks Davis Jeff Davis & Abe Lincoln as Cmdrs in Chief

    320 02/12/93 Brian Pohanka Digging into Custer’s Last Stand

    321 03/12/93 Frank Byrne Civil War Prisons: Myth and Reality

    322 04/16/93 Carol Reardon Images of Pickett’s Charge in Southern Hist.

    323 05/07/93 Terry Winschel Grant’s March Through Mississippi

    324 05/08/93 Edwin C. Bearss Union Gunboats on the Mississippi

    325 05/14/93 William Piston Clio & the General: Jas. Longstreet and the

    Writing of Southern History

    326 06/11/93 Frances Kennedy Community Benefits to Battlefield Preservation

    327 09/10/93 William Young Pickett’s Charge

    328 11/12/93 K. Jerry Williams The C.S.N. & Blockade Running in England

    329 12/10/93 Paul I. Kliger The Confederate Invasion of New Mexico

    330 03/11/94 Gordon Sullivan Grant’s Challenges as Cmdg General, 1864

    331 04/08/94 Kenneth McKenzie Confederate Charleston

    332 05/05/94 Dennis Frye The Shattered Shenandoah

    332 05/13/94 Robert Krick Lawyers, Politicians and Clerks: The

    Regimental Cmdrs of the Army of Northern Va.

    333 06/06/94 Stacey Allen New Discoveries at Shiloh

    334 09/09/94 Frank Williams Abraham Lincoln: Our Ever

    Present Contemporary

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    336 11/07/94 Terry Van Meter The Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac

    337 12/09/94 David E. Long Emancipation Issues in the

    1864 Presidential Campaign

    338 12/09/94 Lincoln College Rosehill Cemetery

    339 01/13/95 Jas. „Bud” Robertson New View Points On Stonewall Jackson

    340 02/17/95 Ralph G. Newman A Handful of Lincoln & C.W. Authors

    341 3/10/95 Ervin Jordan Afro-Confederate Loyalty in C.W. Va.

    342 04/14/95 William Hanchett Lincoln’s Assassination After 130 Yrs

    343 05/12/95 Tamara Melia Jas. B. McPherson & the Ideals of the Old Army

    344 06/09/95 John Y. Simon Forging a Commander: Grant and the First

    Year of the Civil War

    345 10/13/95 Richard Current Rediscovering the Civil War

    346 11/10/95 David Herbert Donald The Reticence of Abraham Lincoln

    347 12/08/95 Wm. C. Davis Davis, Johnston, and Beauregard

    348 01/12/96 Harold W. Nelson Teaching Gen’lship on C.W. Battlefields

    349 02/16/96 Jas. Ogden The Battles of Chickamauga & Chattanooga

    (Microphone not at podium, Audio Weak)

    350 03/08/96 Brian Wills Nathan Bedford Forrest: Uncivil Warrior

    351 04/12/96 John C. Waugh The Class of 1846

    352 05/10/96 Marshall Krolick The Cavalry in the Chancellorsville Campaign

    353 06/14/96 Michael Kauffman The Lincoln Assassination: The

    Investigation Continues

    354 09/20/96 Stephen R. Wise The 1863 Charleston Campaign

    355 10/18/96 Jas. B. McPherson Married Soldiers in the Civil War

    366 11/08/96 Phillip Paludan Lincoln & the Propaganda of War & Peace

    367 12/13/96 Robt. L. Krick The Army of Northern Virginia’s Staff Corps

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    368 01/10/97 Kurt Carlson Patrick Cleburne: What Makes a Gen’l Great?

    369 02/21/97 Bruce Allardice Civil War Generals, Poltroons,

    Patriots and Politicians

    370 03/14/97 Dale Phillips Benjamin Butler & the Occupation of N. O.

    371 04/11/97 David Ruth The Peninsula Campaign of 1862

    372 04/18/97 Larry Hewitt Admiral David E. Farragut

    373 04/19/97 Ted Savas The C.S.S. Arkansas

    374 04/19/97 Brian Wills The Fort Pillow Massacre

    375 04/19/97 Gene Salecker The Sultana Disaster

    376 04/19/97 Marshall Krolick Grierson’s Raid

    377 04/19/97 Terry Winschel In the Defense of Vicksburg

    378 04/19/97 Edwin Bearss The Vicksburg Campaign

    379 05/09/97 Wm. J. Cooper Jefferson Davis

    380 06/13/97 Mark Grimsley Myths of Sherman’s March to the Sea

    381 09/12/97 Wiley Sword Southern Invincibility: The Civil War’s

    Mental Confrontation

    382 10/17/97 Chris Von Vielle The Wilmington Campaign

    383 11/14/97 Theodore Karamanski Bronze Men, Marble Memoirs, Sculpture,

    Commemoration and the Memory of the C.W. in Chicago

    383 12/12/97 Larry Gibbs Reconstruction: The Unfinished Legacy of

    the Civil War

    384 01/09/98 Dan McCarthy The 83rd


    385 02/13/98 D. Scott Hartwig The 69th Pa. Inf. At Gettysburg

    386 03/13/98 Mark L. Bradley The Battle of Bentonville

    387 04/17/98 Keith Rocco Civil War Art

    388 05/08/98 Nathaniel Hughes Forty Years on the Firing Line

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    389 06/12/98 John M. Priest Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg

    390 09/11/98 Brian Pohanka When History Meets Hollywood

    391 10/09/98 Wm. C. Davis Myths & Realities of the C.W.

    392 11/13/98 Robt. O‟Neal The Fed. Cavalry in the Peninsula Campaign

    393 12/11/98 Paul Finkelman Lincoln, Race, & Slavery

    394 01/15/99 Marshall Krolick Meade and his Generals

    395 02/12/99 Edwin C. Bearss The Attempted Escape of John Wilkes Booth

    396 03/12/99 Peter Cozzens My Poor Little 9th

    397 04/09/99 Lance Herdegen The Iron Brigade

    398 05/14/99 Michael Andrus The Confederate Cover-up at Seven Pines

    399 06/11/99 Thos. P. Sweeney General ‘Fightin’ Tom” Sweeney

    400 09/17/99 Kenneth Winkle New Salem’s Role in the Rise of Lincoln

    401 10/08/99 David H. Donald The friendship of Lincoln & O. Browning

    402 11/12/99 Chas. P. Roland Anti-Southern Defends Slavery

    403 12/10/99 Cullom Davis The Law Practice of A. Lincoln

    404 01/14/00 Cathy Geeler The Battle of Monacacy

    405 02/11/00 Thos. Cartwright The Tennessee Campaign of 1864

    406 03/10/00 Craig Symonds Battle of Mobile Bay

    407 04/11/00 Robt. Girardi The Real War Will Never Get in the Books

    408 05/12/00 Robt. Zeller The Civil War in Depth

    409 06/09/00 John Simon Lincoln & Grant

    410 09/08/00 Thos. Lowry Sex in the Civil War

    411 11/11/00 Marshall Krolick The Federal Reaction to Mosby’s Tactics

    412 11/11/00 Edwin C. Bearss Stump Ed……..

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    413 11/11/00 Jean Baker Mary Todd Lincoln: The White House Years

    414 11/11/00 Stephen Ambrose Civil War Round Tables and the Railroad

    415 11/11/00 Lance Herdegen Those Damn Black Hats at Gettysburg

    416 12/09/00 Gordon Rhea The Overland Campaign

    417 01/12/01 Terry Winschel Shut-up in a Trap: Vicksburg Siege

    418 02/09/01 Jack Welsh Union Generals as Patriots

    419 03/29/01 Mark L. Bradley The Surrender in North Carolina

    420 05/11/01 Anne Bailey After Atlanta: How the Confederacy Self

    -Destructed in the Western Theater

    421 06/08/01 Leslie J. Gordon Gen’l Geo. Pickett: Life and Legend

    422 09/14/01 David C. Hinze Philip H. Sheridan’s Early Years in the C.W.

    423 10/02/01 Chas. P. Roland Leadership Character of R. E. Lee

    424 10/12/01 Brooks Davis Stephen A. Douglas & A. Lincoln:

    Friendly Enemies?

    424 11/09/01 Kathleen Ernst Too Afraid to Cry: Civilians in Antietam

    425 12/14/01 Wm. McGrath The Sinking of the U.S.S. Cairo

    426 01/11/02 Daniel R. Weinberg Tattlings of a Collecting Voyeur

    427 02/08/02 Joe D. Davis Shiloh Revisited

    428 03/08/02 Steve R. Wise The Union/ Confederate Navies

    429 04/12/02 Patrick Brennan Brandy Station

    430 5/10/02 Theodore P. Savas Lifeblood of the Confederate Machine:

    George Washington Raines and the August

    Powder Works

    431 09/13/02 Jennifer Cain Eternal Soldiers: The Role of Civil War

    Bohrnstedt Letters in Shaping History

    432 10/11/02 Harold Holzer Politics, Dissent and Terrorism: Lincoln

    and Civil War New York

    433 11/08/02 John W. Schildt The Stonewall Brigade: 1742 – 2002

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    434 12/13/02 David C. Hinze For Glory & Southern Retribution:

    Jo Shelby’s Daring 1863 Raid

    435 01/10/03 Thos. G. Clemens Lee’s Intentions in the

    Maryland Campaign of 1862

    436 02/14/03 Gerald J. Prokopowicz All for the Regiment: The Quest for Decisive

    Battle in the Civil War

    437 03/13/03 Edwin C. Bearss A Comparison of Civil War and WWII

    Medical Treatment

    438 04/11/03 Kenneth Noe Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle

    439 05/01/03 D. Scott Hartwig A Study in Command at Gettysburg

    440 05/02/03 Edwin C. Bearss Lee’s Command Structure

    441 05/09/03 Wm C. (Jack) Davis A New Look at the Confederacy: A State

    More Centralized Than the Union

    442 06/14/03 John M. Priest The Cavalry at Antietam

    443 09/12/03 Noah Andre Trudeau The Appomattox Campaign: Lee’s

    Greatest Victory

    444 10/10/03 Jerry L. Russell Battlefield Preservation – From the Beginning

    445 11/14/03 Eric J. Wittenberg Little Phil: A Critical Assessment of the

    Civil War Generalship of Philip H. Sheridan

    446 12/12/03 Hans L. Trefousse Booth Shot Better Than He Knew

    447 01/09/04 Arnold W. Schofield Forgotten Warriors: American Indians

    in the Civil War as Allies & Adversaries

    448 02/11/04 Lawrence Hewitt The Confederacy’s Best Chance for Victory:

    Robt. E. Lee and the Battle of Annihilation

    448 03/12/04 Thos. Schwartz Crazy Folks…Why I Must Only Take My

    Chances: Abraham Lincoln & Death


    449 04/16/04 James Ogden ’…Inflicting All the Damage You Can…’

    Sherman Targets the War Resources

    450 05/14/04 Bruce Tap The Committee on the Conduct of the War:

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    It’s Origins, Assumptions & Significance

    451 06/11/04 Mark Bradley The Command Partnership of Robt. E. Lee

    and Jos. Johnston in 1865

    452 09/10/04 Parker Hills The Forgotten Vicksburg:

    The Louisiana Campaign

    453 11/12/04 Dorothy Kelly A Want of Confidence: The Failure of

    Longstreet’s East Tennessee Campaign

    454 12/10/04 David Zarefsky Lincoln, Douglas and Slavery: The

    Crucible of Public Debate

    455 01/14/05 Terry Winschel Stephen D. Lee and the Making of an

    American Shrine

    456 02/11/05 Robt. J. Miller Both Prayed to the Same God – Religion,

    Faith and the Civil War

    457 03/11/05 Bruce Allardice The Vote to Win the War:

    The Election of 1864

    458 04/08/05 Kent Gramm A More Perfect Tribute: Lincoln and the

    Gettysburg Address

    459 04/28/05 Edwin C. Bearss Grierson’s Raid

    460 04/29/05 Terrence Winschel Union Victory at Vicksburg: Crucial to the

    Outcome of the War

    461 05/13/05 Daniel Nettesheim Winfield Scott Hancock: Leadership and the

    Subordinate General

    462 09/09/05 Richard McMurry Forty-years to a New Framework for the

    Civil War

    463 10/14/05 Edwin C. Bearss The Most Forgotten, Misunderstood & Least

    Appreciated Civil War Battles and Soldiers

    464 11/11/05 Edw. Bonekemper A Victor Not a Butcher – U.S. Grant’s

    Overlooked Military Genius

    465 12/09/05 Steven Fratt Civil War Tactics and Technology

    466 01/13/06 Multiple Speakers The Most Significant ‘What-Ifs’ of

    Civil War History

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    467 02/10/06 Jas. McPherson Abe Lincoln’s as Commander- in-Chief

    468 03/10/06 Gail Stephens Lew Wallace: Controversial Civil War


    469 05/12/06 Mark A. Noll How the Bible Helped Start the Civil War

    470 06/09/06 George Rable Fredericksburg in the Larger Civil War


    471 09/08/06 Michael Kauffman American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and

    the Lincoln Conspiracies

    472 10/13/06 Gordon E. Dammann A Museum, A Battlefield and A Hero

    473 11/10/06 Bob O‟Neill Philip St. George Cooke, John Buford,

    Wesley Merritt, Alfred Pleaston and

    George Armstrong Custer

    474 12/08/06 David Bridges Fighting with J.E.B. Stuart: Major James

    Breathed and the Confederate Horse Artillery

    475 01/12/07 Kurt Carlson Backing the Boys: Chicago Business and

    Industry in the Civil War

    476 02/09/07 Dan Paterson, Jr. A Longstreet Pictorial History

    477 03/09/07 Peter Cozzens A Lesson in Patriotism ~

    Ambrose Bierce’s Civil War

    478 04/13/07 R. E. Lee Krick A True Story of Brother Against Brother:

    The Terrill Generals of Virginia

    479 05/03/07 Edwin Bearss The Marine Corps in the Civil War

    480 05/04/07 Dale Floyd Conducting Research at the Nat’l Archives

    481 05/05/07 Michael Kauffman The Lincoln Conspiracy Trial

    482 05/11/07 Crickett Bauer Pohanka Battlefield Preservation

    483 06/08/07 John Coski The Confederate Battle Flag:

    America’s Most Embattled Emblem

    484 09/14/07 Horace Mewborn Stuart’s Ride Around McClellan

    in June 1862

    485 10/12/07 A. Wilson Greene Civil War Petersburg: Confederate City

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    in the Crucible of War

    486 11/09/07 John Y. Simon Could the South Have Won the Civil War?

    487 12/14/07 Gordon Rhea Chas. Whilden and the Wilderness

    488 01/11/08 Edw. T. Cotham, Jr. The Southern Journey of a CW Marine

    489 02/08/08 David E. Long Lincoln, Davis, and the Dahlgren Raid

    490 03/14/08 Brian Wills The Civil War in Cinema

    491 04/11/08 Jennifer L. Weber Copperheads: The Rise and Fall of

    Lincoln’s Opponents in the North

    492 05/09/08 Vernon Burton The Age of Lincoln

    493 06/13/08 Bill Farina U. S. Grant

    494 09/12/08 Peter Cozzens The 1862 Shenandoah Valley

    Campaign Reconsidered

    495 10/17/08 Gloria Swift Ford’s Theatre’s Secrets Revealed!

    496 11/14/08 Rick Hatcher Fort Sumter – 1829 to 1947

    497 12/12/08 Craig Symonds Lincoln and his Admiral

    498 02/13/09 Bruce Allardice Lincoln as War Leader

    499 03/13/09 John Latschar Reinterpreting Gettysburg

    500 04/17/09 Stephen Wise Gate of Hell: The 1863 Campaign

    for Battery Wagner & Charleston

    501 04/25/09 A. Wilson Greene Is Interest in Civil War Study Declining?

    502 04/25/09 Phil Seyfirt The Murder of Union Maj. General

    Wm. ‘Bull’ Nelson

    503 05/08/09 James Ogden Chickamauga – Rescue at Horseshoe Ridge

    504 06/12/09 Tom Cartwright Cleburne & Sherman at Missionary Ridge

    505 09/11/09 Tom Chaffin H. L. Hunley

    506 10/09/09 Craig L. Symonds The Blockade: A Reassessment

  • The Civil War Round Table of Chicago

    Distinguished Lecture Series

    Tape Date Speaker Subject

    Each CD $9.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling

    Purchase 3, receive 1 free plus $3.00 shipping & handling, 5 or more shipping is free.

    Make checks payable to “CWRT” and send to Hal Ardell, 6781 N. Keota Ave., Chicago, IL 60646

    507 11/13/09 Patrick A. Schroeder Myths about Lee’s Surrender

    508 12/11/09 Brooks Davis Lincoln and Davis as War Leaders

    509 01/08/10 Robert Girardi Railroad Defense in the Atlanta Campaign

    510 02/12/10 Paul Finkelman Lincoln and Emancipation

    511 03/12/10 Eric Jacobson The Battles of Spring Hill and Franklin

    512 04/09/10 David O. Stewart The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    513 05/14/10 Wm. W. Freehling The Strange, Difficult Triumph of the

    Southern Secession

    514 06/11/10 John V. Quarstein Battle of the Ironclads

    515 09/10/10 Wayne Mahood Union General Jas. S. Wadsworth

    516 10/08/10 Earl Hess Soldier Life in the Trenches at Petersburg

    517 11/12/10 Robert Girardi Civil War Corps Command: A Study In


    518 12/10/10 Samuel C. Hyde A Wisconsin Yankee in the Confederate

    Bayou Country
