The Chocolate War Novel Vocabulary Map



The Chocolate War Novel Vocabulary Map. By: Kayla Dudley. Chapters 1-4. lassitude. benevolently. languidly. surreptitiously. contemptuous. ingratiating. feigning. audacity. Chapters 5-8. irrevocable. inscrutable . bewilderment. nemesis. Sacrilegious . wistful. Chapters 9-16. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: Kayla Dudley

Chapters 1-4

LASSITUDEDefinition: weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor.

Evidence from the novel:“He was unwilling to abandon this lovely lassitude but he had to , of course.” pg.3

My Sentence:Walking in the house lassitude, from my early morning jog.


BENEVOLENTLYDefinition: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings

Evidence from the novel:“Archie turned and smiled at him benevolently, like a goddam king passing out favors.” pg.7

My Sentence:The benevolently child helped the girl get friends, her name is Jenifer.


LANGUIDLYDefinition: lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow

Evidence from the novel:“They came out in the spring and stayed until October , hanging around, calling taunts to passersby occasionally but most of the time quiet, languid and peaceful.” pg.18

My Sentence:The sloth in the tree, moving languidly, as all sloths do.


SURREPTITIOUSLYDefinition: obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine

Evidence from the novel:“He studied the photograph surreptitiously and then closed the magazine and put it back where it belonged, on the shelf.” pg.17

My Sentence:I opened the box surreptitiously, because I want no ones eyes to see.


CONTEMPTUOUSDefinition: manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval

Evidence from the novel:“The guy’s voice was contemptuous . Pg.20

My Sentence:Contemptuous, then man punches his boss directly in his face.


INGRATIATINGDefinition: charming; agreeable; pleasing.

Evidence from the novel:“On the surface, he was one of those pale, ingratiating kind of men who tiptoed through life on small, quick feet.” pg.24

My Sentence:The leader of the group, named Charlie, was an ingratiating man.


FEIGNINGDefinition: to represent fictitiously; put on an appearance of

Evidence from the novel:“Archie asked, feigning surprise, trying to keep any trace of the mockery out of his voice.” pg.26

My Sentence:Feigning for Twitter, I run in to the computer.


AUDACITYDefinition: boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.

Evidence from the novel:“Archie was surprised by Leon’s audacity, knowing his connection with The Vigils and bringing him in here this way.” pg.27

My Sentence:I couldn’t believe the audacity of my sister, Kaylin, she just put on my shirt without asking.


Chapters 5-8

IRREVOCABLEDefinition: not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable:

Evidence from the novel:“Thursday, Archie said, a command in his voice, no nonsense, final, irrevocable.” pg.36

My Sentence:Everyone told me that I had a good night last night, we went to a party, it was irrevocable.


INSCRUTABLE Definition: 1. incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable. 2. not easily understood; mysterious; unfathomable

Evidence from the novel:“Ready,” Archie said, keeping his face expressionless, inscrutable as usual, even though he felt a bead of perspiration trace a cold path from his armpit to his rib.” pg.37

My Sentence:The inscrutable woman , Mary Louis, disappeared .


BEWILDERMENT Definition: confusing maze or tangle, as of objects or conditions

Evidence from the novel:“He looked at the kid Goober who stood there in bewilderment, looking as if he were going to cry.” pg.38

My Sentence:Sitting in bewilderment, the prisoner thinks about why he’s in jail.


NEMESIS Definition: something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.; an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome.

Evidence from the novel:“The black box was his nemesis.” pg.37

My Sentence:Heart rushing, blood pumping, I run away from my nemesis.


SACRILEGIOUS Definition: 1. pertaining to or involving sacrilege: 2. guilty of sacrilege

Evidence from the novel:“I know you wouldn’t consider anything so sacrilegious.”

My Sentence:Sun shining, the kitty sits in my window so sacrilegious.


WISTFUL Definition: characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning.

Evidence from the novel:“Emile smiled at Archie, suddenly wistful.” pg.51

My Sentence:Wistful , Jordan turns around and waves goodbye.


Chapters 9-16

BEDLAM Definition: a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion.

Evidence from the novel:“My God,” Brother Eugene cried as he entered the classroom and beheld the bedlam.” pg.70

My Sentence:The p.e. teachers, Ms. Flowers and Mr. Randy, cant control the class because the students cause so much bedlam.


RANGY Definition: given to or fitted for ranging or moving about, as animals.

Evidence from the novel:“He continued to fade, fade, easy, easy, stalling until he could spot The Goober, tall and rangy, downfield where he’d be waiting if he had managed to elude the safetyman.” pg.77

My Sentence:Rangy, the girl runs down the hill.


ADULATION Definition: Obsequious flattery; excessive admiration or praise.

Evidence from the novel:“Despite the adulation of the guys of the guys at school, he felt as if there was some kind of distance between him and the fellows.” pg.80

My Sentence:The young girl, Kayla, was adulating herself a lot.


EDIFICE Definition: 1.a building, especially one of large size or imposing appearance. 2. any large, complex system or organization.

Evidence from the novel:“He poured it on like Niagara-school sprit, the traditional sale that had never failed, the Headmaster lying sick in the hospital, the brotherhood of trinity, the need for funds to keep this magnificent edifice of education operating on all gears. Pg. 68

My Sentence:Looking at the edifice building, the class of students stand quietly.


TUMULTUOUS Definition: raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy

Evidence from the novel:“He watched Leon storming away, pushing his way through the tumultuous corridor, disappearing into the swarming stream of boys.” pg.74

My Sentence:Loudly, the tumultuous crowd was put of the movie theater


SIMONIZING Definition: to shine or polish to a high sheen, especially with wax

Evidence from the novel:“…; and good ole reliable Uncle Louie who was always simonizing his car although simonizing cars seemed part of the Dark Ages these says;…” pg.89

My Sentence:Simonizing, the windows they shined bright.


COMMISERATION Definition: Evidence from the


My Sentence: Image:

Chapters 17-20

BUOYANT Definition: not easily depressed; cheerful.

Evidence from the novel:“Brother Leon was buoyant today and his mood had spread throughout the class.” pg.117

My Sentence:Sun shining , the little kids buoyantly play in the pool.


PANDEMONIUM Definition: wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos

Evidence from the novel:“Suddenly, pandemonium reigned.” pg.132

My Sentence:Ms. Green had a substitute, on Friday, and it what a lot of pandemonium.


Chapters 21-24

FARCE Definition: a light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character; humor of the type displayed in such works; foolish show; mockery; a ridiculous sham.

Evidence from the novel:“Nobody want to sell the chocolates in the first place and its turned into a kind of farce in some classes.” pg.147

My Sentence: Image:

SCAPEGOATDefinition: a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.

Evidence from the novel:“He had the feeling that Brother Leon was that kind of character, that he would needed a scapegoat and Brian would be closest at hand” pg.151

My Sentence:Kaitlin, the little girl in the class, played the scapegoat for everything.


CALISTHENICS Definition: gymnastic exercises designed to develop physical health and vigor, usually performed with little or no special apparatus.

Evidence from the novel:“Even though the place was deserted, the aftermath of that final period of calisthenics lingered, the stink of boy swear;” pg.143

My Sentence:Fast breathing, heart pumping, the boys played on the floor enjoying the calisthenics.


QUOTA Definition: the share or proportional part of a total that is required from, or is due or belongs to, a particular district, state, person, group, etc.

Evidence from the novel:“Those are the only ones who either made the quota or topped it, Brother Leon.” ph.153

My Sentence:As I was turning in my money the fundraiser, a cookie sell, the teacher told me I met my quota.


SIBILANTDefinition: hissing

Evidence from the novel:Renault . . . Zero,” Brother Leon said, his voice in a sibilant whisper.”

My Sentence:Sibilating, all the kids run away from the cat.



APATHYDefinition: lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.

Evidence from the novel:“Infected by the disease we could call apathy.” pg.155

My Sentence:Sitting with apathy on his face, the little boy, John, does none of his work in math class.


BELLOWSDefinition: The lungs

Evidence from the novel:“His chest rose and fell like human bellows.” pg. 158

My Sentence:Heart racing, sweet dripping., the mans body moves like human bellows.


DISEMBODIEDDefinition: lacking in substance, solidity, or any firm relation to reality

Evidence from the novel:“He had never spoken to Leon on the telephone before and the disembodied voice at the other end of the line had caught him off balance.” pg.161

My Sentence:Disembodied the girl, Kayla, sit in the corner.


PRECARIOUS Definition: dependent on circumstances beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable; insecure

Evidence from the novel:“Funny, he knew Leon was always in a precarious position and yet there was always the danger of underestimating him.” pg.165

My Sentence:Precarious, the killer walks around the group of the remaining victims.


MALINGER Definition: To feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work.

Evidence from the novel:“The malingers , the malcontents – they always rally around a rebel.” pg.165

My Sentence: Image:

EXULTANCY Definition: To rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant.

Evidence from the novel:“ For the first time, exultancy to him, a lifting of the sprit.” pg.177

My Sentence:With exultantly, the girl walks around the car lot to pick out her new car, a mustang.


DERISION Definition: Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule.

Evidence from the novel:“The chuckle turned into a hoot of derision.” pg.192

My Sentence:Quickly, the soft laugh of the crowd turned into a derision.


CAMARADERIE Definition: a spirit of familiarity and trust existing between friends

Evidence from the novel:“Well, Renault, perhaps I do make a habit of losing landscapes, after all,” he said, and Jerry felt a rush of camaraderie for the teacher.” Pg.195

My Sentence:Heart rushing, as the boy was running down the hallway but as he stopped and talked to the teacher he felt a sense of camaraderie.


WAYLAYING Definition: to lie in wait for and attack

Evidence from the novel:“However, he’d seen some of the more prominent Vigil members waylaying kids in the corridors, checking on their sales, whispering menacingly to those who had only sold a few boxes . Pg.198

My Sentence:Waylaying, the boy then shoots the deer.


MAVERICK Definition: a person of independent or unorthodox views

Evidence from the novel:“He shuffled to the back of the bus, grateful that it wasn’t one of the crowed school busses but a maverick bus that appeared at odd hours.” pg. 215

My Sentence:The boy, john, was glad that he attend a maverick class that day because he was felling sick.


LUMINOUS Definition: Emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light

Evidence from the novel:“Instantly awake, he glanced at the alarm clock’s luminous face.” pg. 218

My Sentence: Image:

DISHEVELED Definition: 1. Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as hair or clothing

Evidence from the novel:“The harassment had taken its toll on his father’s face, his hair disheveled, purple crescents under his eyes.” pg.219

My Sentence: Image:

DESECRATED Definition: to treat with sacrilege; profane.

Evidence from the novel:224

My Sentence: Image:

TABULATION Definition: to put or arrange in a tabular, systematic, or condensed form; formulate tabularly

Evidence from the novel:226

My Sentence: Image:

RANCID Definition: having a rank, unpleasant, stale smell or taste, as through decomposition, especially of fats or oils

Evidence from the novel:226

My Sentence: Image:

SANCTIMONIOUSLY Definition: making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness

Evidence from the novel:228

My Sentence: Image:

CAJOLING Definition: to persuade by flattery or promises

Evidence from the novel:Pg.232

My Sentence: Image:

SUBMISSIVENESS Definition: inclined or ready to submit; unresistingly or humbly obedient

Evidence from the novel:Pg.234

My Sentence: Image:
