The Child’s Growth : Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual Maturation



The Child’s Growth : Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual Maturation. Sigit Wisnu Tamtomo 69080061. The Child’s Growth : Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual Maturation. This chapter, we will examine : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Child’s Growth :Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual

MaturationSigit Wisnu Tamtomo


The Child’s Growth :Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual MaturationThis chapter, we will examine :• The development of the brain and the way genetic and environmental forces work together do determine brain growth and function.• Explore motor and growth patterns that infants and children follow and the factors that speed up or slow down these patterns.• Explore puberty, its characteristics and the factor that influence its course.

Brain Development in Infancy

• The largest portion of human brain consists of the two conected hemisphere that make up the celebrum.• Cerebrum is a mass of tissue that embodies attributes particular to human ( speech and self-awareness ) and attributes shared with other vertebrate animals ( sensory perception, motor abbilities, and memory )

Brain Development in Infancy

• The covering layer of the human cerebrum.• Specific function, such as seeing, hearing, moving, feeling, thinking, speaking can be traced to specific regions of the cerebral cortex.

Cerebral cortex

Brain Development in Infancy

• A cell in the body’s nervous system consisting of a cell body. •A long projection called an axon•Several shorter projections called dendrites• Neurons send and receive neural impulse or message throughout the brain and nervous system


Brain Development in Infancy

• Glial Cell is a nerve cell that supports and protects neurons and serves to encase them in myelin sheaths•Myelination is a process by which glial cells encase neurons in sheaths of the fatty substance myelin• Neuron proliferation is the rapid formation of neurons in the developing organism’s brain


Brain Development in Infancy

• Sysnapse is a specialized site of intercellular communication where information is exchanges between nerve cells, usually by means of a chemical neurotransmitter


Motor Development

Hand SkillAge What the

infant doNewborn Grasping reflex

& Prereaching3 month Directed

reaching5 month Grasping Muscle growth, postural control,

control over the movement of arms and hands, variery of perceptual and motor abilities

Grip According to the size and shape of the object

Over the first year

Use objects as tools

Spoon, pointing, to show objects to others

2 year Skillfully in play Building a tower of blocks3 year Scribble crayons Copy vertical line on a page

Motor DevelopmentLocomotionAge Phases or transition

Newborn Moving the legs in the rhythmic stepping motion like walking

Disappears about 2 months old

Second half first year

Reappearance of stepping movements

About 1 year of age

Walk without support, running, galloping

2 and 3 year Hopping Requires balance and stregth

Motor Development

Age Phases or transition

Maturational Theorist

Walking depends on development of the motor cortex

Cognitive Theorist Walking is a response to cognitive plans or representations that are the consequence of watching other people walk

Thelen’s dynamic systems Theorist

Walking skills are determined by the interplay of emotional, perceptual, attentional, motivational, postural, and anatomical factors

Theories of how walking develop

Physical Growth• Cephalocaudal Development

•Growth occurs from the head downward, the brain and neck develop earlier than the legs and trunk

• Proximal-distal patternGrowth from the center outward, the internal organs develop earlier than the arms and hands

The factors are affect Height and Weight

• Genetic• Nutrition• Physical training

Why people are growing taller ?

• Medical care, personal health and nutrition have improved.• socioeconomic conditions have generally improved ( living conditions such as housing and sanitation )• Genetic factors ( intermarriage among people of different racial and ethnic background )


Do you think my body is good looking

? I don’t think

so..My body is better than you



• The condition in which a person’s weight is 30% or more over average weight for his or her height and frame.• In a study of 5 to 8 year old Australian Children, nearly 60% of the girls and 35% of the boys wanted a thinner.

Why do children gain too much weight ?

• In north America, nearly 18% of children are obese. 14% of preschoolers are obese.• More than 20% of Mexian American boys and African Americans girls are overweight; Asian Americans are the least likely to be overweight.

Why do children gain too much weight ?

• Genetic factor.

Why do children gain too much weight ?

• Lifestyle

Little exercise

Junk FoodToo much watching TV

Consequence of obesity

• Variety of phisical problems :AsthmaSleep problemsHipertensionDiabetesHigh cholesterol levelsCardiovascular problems

• Psychological problems : Body image disturbancesDiscrimination by ther thinner peers

Treating overweight children• Involve the family ( parents, sibling, peers ) in any treatmant programs.• To increase the child’s physical expenditure of energy in innovative ways , such as :1. additional 2000 steps per day2. Reducing calories by replacing sugar with

noncaloric sweeterner 3. Spend less time in sedentary behaviors, such as

waching TV and playing computer games4. To increase physical activity by riding an exercise

bike or exercising to an aerobics tape

PracticeScidimering keding kedingScidimering kedu................ I LOVE UScidimering keding kedingScidimering kedu................ I LOVE UI LOVE U in the morningAnd in the afternoonI LOVE U in the eveningAnd underneth the moon......uppsss Scidimering keding kedingScidimering kedu................ I LOVE U

Eating disorders in adolescence• An eating disorder in which people, usually young women, are preoccupied with avoiding abesity and often diet to the point of starvation

Anorexia Nervosa

Eating disorders in adolescence• An eating disorder in which people, usually young women, alternate periods of binge eating with vomiting and other means of compensating for the weight gained.

Bulimia Nervosa

Sexual MaturationThe onset of sexual maturity

PubertyHypothalamus stimulates

the pituitary gland to secrete certain hormones

Sex maturationAverage Age of Onset

Girls Boys

10 Breasts ( breast buds ) begin to develop11 Public hair appears, it is sparse and slightly

pigmentedTestes and scrotum begin to grow

12 Public hair, lightly pigmented, begins to appear

12 to 13 Underarm hair begins to appear13 Breasts continue to enlarge; areola and

nipple project above contour of breastSpermarche: first ejaculation of semen

13 to 14 Menarche : beginning of menstruation14 Public hair becomes denser, but area

covered is smaller than in adult womanUnderarm and facial hair begin to appear

15 Breasts and pubic hair coverage are fully mature

Penis, testes are fully developedPubic hair coverage is completeMustache and beard hair begin to grow

What determines the timing of puberty ?• Inheritance

• Girls whose mothers matured early tend to mature early themselves.

• Environmental factors• Gymnasts, figure skaters, and ballet dancers who practice

intensively, perform regulary, and diet to keep fit may delay the onset of menstruation by as much as 1 year ( Brooks-Gunn & Warren, 1985 )

• In fact, of dancers in one study, only 30% were either early or “on time”, in contrast to 80% of a comparison group of girls who were not dancers ( Brooks-Gunn, 1988 )

• After girls reach menarche, their periods may not be regular if they train hard and keep their weight low. Runner and gymnasts sometimes stop menstuating or become amenorrheic ( Brooks-Gunn & Warren, 1985 )

The Effects of Early and Late Maturation for boy

Early Late

Being considered by their peers to be more physically attractive, athletic, masculine, and popular

Less Attractive and masculine, more childish, bossy, talkative and attention seeking

The Effects of Early and Late Maturation for girl


• More negative, dramatic, and long lasting•Tend to have poorer body image because of the changes in their bodies and body functions ( eating disorders, smoking, drinking, pooer academic achievement, earlier sexual activity, delinquent behavior )• Smaller networks of close friends and were more likely to engage in adult behaviors

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