The Chandlers First Christmas 2013




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Est. 2013


Merry Christmas 2013



I wanted to do something a bit different instead of a card this year. There is

just too much that has happened this year to put onto one 5x7 piece of card-

stock. As you most likely know we adopted an amazing baby boy in March

and our 19 year journey of wanting a child had finally come to a beautiful


We hope you enjoy this review of the best year of our lives. Not only were we

blessed with a child but we were blessed with the sweetest, funniest, happy,

and well just perfect baby!!! Every minute has been nothing less than joyful

(yes even those toxic diapers).

So sit back and enjoy & know this is definitely the merriest of Christmases as

we give constant thanks to Jesus for this perfect blessing!

M a r c h

F e b r u a r y


WAI T ING………. .

January was spent thinking we were getting a little girl due in

March but God had different plans…….

T H E B I G N E W S !

On February 15th, 2013 I received an email stating that after 3

times of being chosen 2nd or 3rd we were chosen FIRST! Our

birth mom was 35 and chose us by looking at our “life book”.

They then set up a conference call which was totally nerve

wracking and then after a few phone calls back and forth we

met in person and had a wonderful time chatting and laugh-

ing for 3 hours!

J a n u a r y

Our very merry year

HE ARRIVES! On March 28th, 2013 I received a text message from

the birth mom at 11:32am stating she was at the hos-

pital! We got there as fast as we could and our best

friends arrived shortly after. We waited and waited

anxiously and then the doctor said they were prep-

ping her for a C-section in an hour—WE WERE HAVING

OUR BABY BOY THAT DAY!!! It was pure shock and

nervousness mixed with excitement. He arrived via C-

section at 2:43pm. He was just gorgeous! After a very

intense 48 hours she signed the paperwork and we

were able to take our baby boy home.

M a r c h


On March 30th, 2013 at 3:45pm after all of the paperwork was signed we got to

take our 4 1/2lb baby boy home (do we look nervous or what?). We were in

complete shock that the wait was over after 19 1/2 years and it all seemed like

a dream. We weren’t sure if it would happen until those papers were signed so

we could finally let down some emotional walls. What a roller coaster the jour-

ney was but absolutely worth it!

Our dear friends Ginger & Amber

threw the most beautiful baby shower

two weeks after Camden had arrived

home. It was amazing to see all of

the love that went into it and I loved

that my mom was able to be there.

B A C K T O W O R K :

Well my heart broke as I had to go back to work. But it was ac-

tually much easier than I had thought it would be. There are

cameras at his daycare so I stalk him all day and the ladies just

love all over him so I knew he wasn’t missing us too much. Our

greatest moments are going to pick him up each day and see-

ing that huge smile.

M a y

A p r i l

J u n e

A B L U R :

April is a total blur! We had no idea what we were

doing but it all seemed to come very natural

(thank God). He was the “perfect” baby! I was

SUPER excited when my mom came down to help

and then my sister Jennifer TOTALLY surprised us

with a visit. So much LOVE! Our friends also threw

us the most amazing shower!!

A N O T H E R B L U R :

I cannot actually remember May. It was just a lot of

feedings, diaper changes, and staring at our sweet

precious baby boy. He really was a great baby - only

had gas a few times and never had formula issues

(another big praise to God)!!!

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him ………… Psalm 37:7-9

J u l y F I R S T T R I P !

We decided with our best friends to take a weekend trip for the

4th of July and due to the short notice we had a hard time find-

ing an available place but we finally found one and it was PER-

FECT! We spent the weekend in a very old house from the 1800’s

in the middle of a 650 acre ranch - there were a ton of animals

and the best part was having a golf cart to explore! Camden did

J u n e ( c o n t . ) F I R S T D A T E N I G H T

The time came to get a babysitter for a date night to celebrate

my best friend’s birthday. My heart pounded as we drove away

but I was quickly comforted by text messages full of a smiling ba-

by. It was nice to get out and walk around and enjoy the sounds

of adults talking however we were so excited to drive back home

and see our sweet one.

O c t o b e r

N o v e m b e r


A N O T H E R B L U R !

I’m pretty sure I have the worst case of “baby

brain” in the history of motherhood! I only remember holding

and cuddling Camden, but those are the best memories.

A D O P T I O N D A Y !

On October 11th, 2013 we went to the Fort Bend Count court-

house and Camden legally became our son. There were A

LOT of happy tears and we had some of our amazing friends

there to join us. We then threw a big bash the next night to

celebrate! We were so surprised by all the gifts our friends and

loved ones showered him with. We are beyond blessed to

have such incredible people in our lives who love Camden so


A u g u s t — S e p t e m b e r

N o v e m b e r A L L S O R T S O F C H A N G E S !

This month brought so many changes in Camden. He is sitting

up, starting to crawl (he can go backwards, do a 360 on his

belly, and do the “crawl rock” but hasn’t quite mastered going

forward yet. He LOVES his exersaucer and bouncer - just laughs

and keeps himself entertained. He is now eating solid foods -

not 100% of the time but getting there slowly. He LOVES bana-

nas and sweet potatoes. He is great about going anywhere

with us, but we have to be careful because he flirts with ALL the


The Gift of Life

I didn't give you the gift of life,

But in my heart I know.

The love I feel is deep and real,

As if it had been so.

For us to have each other

Is like a dream come true!

No, I didn't give you

The gift of life,

Life gave me the gift of you.



December 1st, 2013

Started saying “UP”

Well Camden has a girlfriend

in daycare & they hug and

hold hands! He is now sitting

up and rocking his crib so

hard they decided to move

him up to the next class. We

are sad that our baby boy

was growing up so fast!


From just December 15th

to 16th Camden started

crawling forward, had his

first bottom tooth come

through, and started calling



“My mom loves to post all

sorts of silly pictures on


I did not carry my child in my body,

I carried him in my prayers, hopes, dreams, tears,

imagination, and heart.

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart ..."

Jeremiah 1:5

Not flesh of my flesh,

Nor bone of my bone,

But still Miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute,

You did not grow under my heart,

But in it.

We cannot express how overjoyed we are to finally have

our baby in our arms. Most of you have taken the 19 1/2

year journey with us and we cannot express how deep our

gratitude is. We are beyond thrilled that you get to share

this joy with us for many more years to come.

So we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a

very happy new year!!!

All of our love,

The Chandler Family

Gene, Brandy, & Camden