The Catenian Association OUR LADY MOUNT CARMEL, R€¦ · Mass Times & Intentions Confessions...


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2015 Diocesan Directories

available from the parish office , cost £4.50 ring bound, or

£3.50 each

St Benedict’s Social Club Rowan Rd Batchley

Available for hire Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and other occasions. Telephone the Club on 01527 60345

BINGO Every Sunday 2.30pm & Monday 8pm

Hadzor Prayer Group Friday mornings 11am-12.30pm to reflect on the Gospel for the coming Sunday. Refreshments provided

Feckenham Ecumenical Prayer Group Meet every Wednesday at 9.15am in the Anglican Parish Church

St Mary’s Alvechurch Ecumenical Faith Group On the third Wednesday of every month at 10.30 am – all welcome

New LIFE Care Service in Redditch EVERY FRIDAY 10.30am-12pm

in the Parish Centre - telephone 07516 257409 Free National Helpline 0808 802 5433

In the porches there are some LIFE cards which we would ask you to take and place in your doctor’s surgery

“My house shall be called a house of prayer”

Please be sensitive to those who want to pray in silence before Mass. Before Mass Talk to God During Mass Listen to God After Mass Talk to each other

Please pray for the following priests of the diocese -

Sunday 24th May Fr Patrick Gilsenan Monday 25th May Canon Peter Gilsenan Tuesday 26th May Fr Malcolm Glaze Wednesday 27th May Fr Michael Glover Thursday 28th May Fr Peter Gee Friday 29th May Fr David Gnosill Saturday 30th May Fr Stephen Goodman

Statue Visitation for the Consecrated Life

Parishioners are invited to receive the statue of Our Lady for one week and place her with flowers and candles in a prominent position in the home. Each day you are committed to praying the rosary to which parishioners can be invited to join in if you so wish. If you would like to participate in this, please see one of the clergy or contact the parish office.

ROTA SO FAR ......... Sunday 24th May Vincent Sampays Sunday 31 May Linda Gordon Sunday 7th June Sarah Reynia Sunday 14th June Vera Whyte If your date is not convenient for you, please either swap with someone else or let the parish office know. Could you welcome the statue of Our Lady into your

home? - Yes? - please contact the parish office!

If you wish to contact the parish St Vincent de Paul group, please telephone 07531 818731

(the SVP phone) and leave a message with your contact details so we can return your call.

THE SHRINES OF OUR LADY & THE SACRED HEART To have the lamp burn for your intentions or loved ones, please contact the parish office, suggested donation £5.

The Catenian Association

‘Strengthening family life through friendship and faith’ The Redditch Circle meets on the Third Thursday of every month and welcomes new members. For further information please contact Andrew Farrell on 07767831548 or Brian Green on 01527 543111 or visit our website on

Please help! Rebekah Taylor will be taking part in a tandem sky dive in July, (mad or foolish?) to raise funds for the Primrose Hospice. If you would like to sponsor her, all donations will be gratefully received. You can donate online by going to, clicking on

‘give’ and searching for Rebekah Taylor. Alternatively, you can tel. 01527 878867 and speak to her about sponsorship if you prefer. Thank you for your support for this worthwhile cause.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje

9th/16th June/13th/20th October 2015

Birmingham to Dubrovnik with Monarch Air Hotel Sulic 3* Full Board £260 per person sharing (£75 single room supplement) Price includes Hotel, Airport Transfers & Local Guide. Air Fares & Travel Insurance are NOT included in this price. AIR FARES BOOK EARLY & SAVE MONEY! Contact Deacon Pat Flanagan (Christ the King, Coventry) 024 76 335383 or email PATRICKFLANAGAN7@HOTMAIL.CO.UK

Redditch Choral Society present:

J S Bach’s St Matthew’s Passion

Saturday 6th June 7.30pm in SS Matthias & George

Church, Astwood Bank - Tickets £12 (Concessions £10)

available from ticket secretary 01527 546735 or Christian

Word Bookshop at St Stephen’s Church, Redditch

GOING INTO HOSPITAL IMPORTANT Please let us know if you are going into hospital.

It is ESSENTIAL that you ask for a Catholic Chaplain when in hospital. Chaplains are no longer given names of patients. Many health care providers (Hospitals, Nursing Homes) appor-tion resources for chaplaincies in line with how many requests are made, so you are actually doing the Church a favour by requesting the Catholic chaplain and the sacraments. The Catholic Chaplain for the Alexandra Hospital is Father David.

Mount Carmel Seniors Group

Thursdays at 2.30pm St Benedict’s

Wednesday 27th May Trip to Grace Dieu Manor (Fr Denis) and Mount St Bernard Abbey and lunch. Coach leaving St Benedict’s at 9.45am.

Feckenham Flower Festival

Thank you to all those who helped or supported this event in any way last weekend. The amount raised for the parish after expenses was £1256.95.

Nepal Earthquake Appeal

Thank you to everyone who gave to this appeal, the amount raised was £1079.09. Please note the figures given last week were for the Cafod Lenten Family Fast day.

Mount Carmel Church Children’s Choir

Parents, if any of your children are interested in joining this choir to sing at the 11 o’clock Mass on a Sunday, please give your name and contact number to Fr David or Mrs Mayne after Mass or the parish office during the week


Beoley Road West, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 8LT (01527) 63096

Email: Website:

The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No. 234216.

Parish Clergy: Fr Anthony Rohan, Fr David Doran & Fr Cornelius Safe

Permanent Deacons: Revs Des Chilton & Peter Griffiths


Page 23 Acts 2:1-11 Psalm 103 1 Corinthians 12:3-7.12-13 Gospel John:19-23

Carmel … Come and See


10.30am—4.15pm Redditch Town Hall

A day exploring the spirituality of the Carmel-ites, an 800 year old Catholic religious family from the Holy Land thriving today in Britain and worldwide with communities of friars, enclosed nuns, sisters and lay people committed to God in prayer and service of others. Looking to see if there is interest in a future Carmelite Spirituality Group in the Redditch area. Open to denominations and walks of life. No registration, free entry Further information contact Mr John Berry 07772962872. For information about Carmelites see PLEASE NOTE : You should take along with you a packed lunch, tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided .

Recommissioning of Extraordinary

Ministers of the Eucharist

11am Mass Sunday 7th June Solemnity of Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Procession & Adoration

3pm Procession together with devotions in Church Garden


Last weekend Pope Francis canonized the first Pales-tinian Saints. Saint Mariam Baouardy was born in Ibillin near Nazareth. She was miraculously cured by Our Lady after she had her throat cut and was left for dead. She joined the Carmelites abd because she spoke Arabic oversaw the building of a Carmel in Bethlehem. She died in 1878. Saint Marie Ghattas was born in Jerusalem and joined the Sisters of the Holy Rosary of Jerusalem. They worked for the poor and the education of Palestini-an Christians. This work is still done by her sisters today. She died in 1927. To find out more visit the Latin Patriar-

chate of Jerusalem website:


The birthplace of Christianity, where God walked amongst us, is in modern day Israel and Palestine. The population there is now only 2% Christian and Christians are fleeing because of the troubles and persecution. The Friends of the Holy Land (FHL) try and help these Christians. There are a number of parishioners who have FHL boxes to raise money. Please could you contact the Parish Office in order to provide your name and box number so that rec-ords can be updated. The next collection of boxes is in November.


The Parish AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED society is organizing a sponsored walk to help raise funds for persecuted Christians around the world. It will start at 9:30am at Mount Carmel and go around the Arrow Valley Lake and back. The sponsored walk is under the patronage of our two new Palestinian Saints! If you would like a sponsor form contact the Parish Office or see the Parish Website:

Mass Times & Intentions

Solemnity of Pentecost

Week beginning Sunday 24th May 2015

Saturday Mount Carmel 5.00 pm Ints of ARC Hadzor 5.00 pm Galton Trust

Sunday Mount Carmel 8.30 am Bridie O’Sullivan 9.45 am Polish Mass 11.00 am Anna Grogan 6.00 pm Larry & Gertie Byrne Alvechurch 9.45 am People of the Parish Feckenham 10.15 am Bernardette Rugen

Monday Mount Carmel 9.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Ron & Agnes Jones

Tuesday Mount Carmel 9.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Jack Barron (a) 6.30 pm Marty, Catherine, Anna & Barbara Cornyn

Wednesday Mount Carmel 9.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Div Coyne 5.00 pm Polish Mass

Thursday Mount Carmel 9.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Mary Bird 6.30 pm Exposition 7.00 pm Gerry Flynn

Friday Mount Carmel 9.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Ints of Richard Donovan & family 5.00 pm Polish Mass

Saturday Mount Carmel 9.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Ints of Marea Ward The following fulfils Sunday Obligation Mount Carmel 5.00 pm Ints of Redditch Catenian Circle President Hadzor 5.00 pm Ints of Claire Phillips

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Week beginning Sunday 31st May 2015 Mount Carmel 8.30 am Div Coyne 9.45 am Polish Mass 11.00 am Anthony Juwah 6.00 pm Ints of John & Vicki Jenkins Thanksgiving for their marriage Alvechurch 9.45 am People of the Parish Feckenham 10.15 am Don Cooper

Parish Diary ….

Sunday Solemnity of Pentecost Psalter Week 4

Monday Schools closed for half term holiday 7pm Choir Practice in church

Thursday 8am Churches together in Redditch Ecumenical Breakfast

Saturday Tea & Coffee after 5pm Mass in the Parish Centre Tea & Coffee in the Newman Room after 5pm Mass at Hadzor

Sunday Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Psalter Week 1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The tree of hope is near the shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel for anyone who wishes to hang a leaf for their own particular petition or sorrow. Feel free to take a leaf anytime and write a name or message on it to hang on the tree and spend sometime in prayer.


The Harlequins proudly presents ‘HONK’ a musical comedy

based on the Ugly Duckling at the Palace Theatre on

Thursday/Saturday 11th/13th June, 7.30pm each night with

Saturday matinee at 2.30pm

All tickets £12.75 each.

B’ham Newman Circle Saturday 16th May 2-4pm

St Chad’s Cathedral, Ullathorne Room ‘Celebration of

Religious Sisters & Brothers and their missionary approach’


Sunday 28th June 12 noon - 4pm

In the Presbytery Garden

Raffle Tickets available soon

Confessions at Mount Carmel

During Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Benediction Saturdays 10-10.50am

Parish Bereavement Group Grief can be very lonely even when you have loved ones around. The Bereavement Support Group offers help to those who are

experiencing difficulties in coping with the death of a loved one. This includes miscarriages and still births. We also offer

support to those suffering from terminal illness, and support to their loved ones.

For details please contact the parish office.

Mount Carmel First School Quiz Friday 5th June - £3 per person, maximum of 6 in a team,

pay on the door, 7.30pm start, adults only. Bar available.

Monday Saint Bede the Venerable

(673-735) St Bede was born in England. As a Benedictine Monk, he was, ‘the most observant and the happiest of all monks’. His writings wre full of sound doctrine so he was called ‘Venerable’ while still alive. He wrote commentaries on Holy Scripture and treatises on theology and history. He died at Jarrow, England.

Tuesday Saint Philip Neri

(1515-1595) St Philip Neri was born in Florence, he was ordained a priest in 1551 and founded the Congregation of the Oratory. He is noted for his zeal in converting sinners through the Sacrament of Penance. He was a catechist and a spiritual guide of extraordinary talent. He died at the age of 80. Wednesday Feast of Saint Augustine of


(+605) St Augustine was sent by St Gregory the Great to England to convert the English people to Christianity. He baptised King Ethelbert of Kent and many of his subjects. At Canterbury, he erected a monastery and there established his Episcopal See.

Friday The Solemnity of Dedication

Saturday Our Lady on Saturday

Thank you’s

The Redditch Catholic Fellowship would like to thank 5 o’clock Mass parishioners for their kind donation of £150 raised through the teas and coffee after Mass. They would also like to thank Mount Carmel First School for their kind donation of £250 raised through their Lenten Charities.

St Benedict’s Club would like to thanks George Hook & Lynda for their very kind donation towards the dance held recently there. Very many thanks.

Are you concerned about Climate Change?

Do you think our politicians should be trying to work together? Do you know about the One Climate, One World lobby of Parliament on June 17th? Further details from CAFOD Birmingham Office on 01922 722944

Lamp at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mt Carmel

This week the lamp burns for the Intentions of the BREWSTER FAMILY .... next week the lamp burns in loving memory of CHRISTOPHER AVERN (ANNIVERSARY)

Lamp at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart

This week the lamp burns for the VICTIMS OF THE NEPAL EARTHQUAKE .... next week for the Intentions of REBECCA BREWSTER & ALEXANDER BUGLER on the occasion of their marriage (6th June)

For the dead ...

Your prayers are asked for MARGARET HOLLOWAY Funeral Service Monday 1st June at the Abbey Chapel, DAVID ANTHONY MOSSELEY Funeral Service at the Abbey Chapel Thursday 4th June at 1.15pm May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace

Please pray for the sick...

Deacon Des Chilton, Kathleen Kavanagh, Thomas Adams, Alison Cole, Johannah White, Chris Burke, Selina Kilker, Mary Hickey, Carmel Fiolka, Anna Byrne, Fred & Pauline Clarke, Mark Collins, Mary Grady, Delia Bree, Matthew Smith, Paul Hart, Anne McVicker, Ruby Urka, Jane-Christina Thomson, Bob & Caroline Holland, Mick Halloran, Sr Catherine Devaney, Allan Barber, Chris Figgett, Peggy Woods, Martin Webb, Joseph Curtagar, Cynthia Williams, Gina (SVP), Teresa Grantham, Edwin McGlynn, Dave Pugh, Francis Latchford, Simon Taylor, Lilian Lee, Lottie Hatcher, Fiona Short, John Gannon, John Gill, Phyllis O’Brien, Mary Hillier, Bridget Wynne, Margaret Hughes, Lily Robinson, Kitty Fanning, Thomas Henry Burnside, Bridget Heatley, Winifreda Olga Hall, Mike McLarney, Teresa Cole, Kathleen Donovan, Brian & Devan Dixon, James Vaughan, Jill Bennett, Kerry Boyd, Zofia Srebniak, Andrew Berry, Pat Conner, Aidan & Ita Hayes, Margaret Beddows, Helen Hardwick, Kate Shenton, Dawn & Alex Robinson, Margaret Daly, Clifford & Christopher Browne, Michael Smith, Michael Burke, Andrea Ferguson, Loretta Burns, Charlie Walker, Maureen Reavey, Lynda Rose, Ann Lowe, Michael O’Leary, baby Ellis Morbey, Peter Daniel, Emma Martin, Jim Gallagher, James Cull, Daisy Mae Williams (aged 3), Pat O’Boyle, Sas Burford, Jackie Gallagher, Jayden Reyes (aged 10), G Smith, Megan Collier, Cee Sheriden (Hadzor), Thelma Edwin, Martin Twomey, Gregory Daniel, Maura Lee, Kath McDermott, Sheila Nicholson, Gordon Taylor, John Laugharne, Dick Bell, Timothy Mills, Tony Gillespie, Rob Court, Chris Whyte, Margaret Clarke, Paul Kearns, Joyce Tremeer, Philip Broom, Darren Merrick, Alan Purvis, Paul Woodward, Brigit Broom, Oscar Rees, Monty Breslin, Judy Mitten, Nellie Gilbert, C J McColgan, Sean Harkin

Congratulations to ………

James Tysall & Toni Sweeney married in Mount Carmel last weekend


Weekend 16/17 May 2015 1st Collection £824.86 2nd Collection £360.25 Attendance 862 (No Polish Count) These figures do not include Standing Orders


Baptism To arrange for the baptism of your child/children you will need to contact the parish office on 01527 63096 to find out when the next available Baptism Meeting is for you to attend. At this meeting you will be given the Baptism Form to take away with you for completion. Once completed please bring it with you to the parish office on either a Monday or Friday morning between 10am—11am when one of the priests will be able to see you and book the date for baptism. Baptisms normally take place on a Sunday at 12.30pm in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. There is an administrative fee of £30 for Baptism which should be paid at the time of arranging the date.

(Malayalam) Monthly Mass 6.15pm Rosary followed by Mass,

First Saturday of the month.

