The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-03-25 [p...


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Surprise PartyGiven For Mt.Zoar Minister

A surprise birthday dinrier'was given to the Pastor of theMount Zoar Baptist Church(Cheek Road) Saturday even-ing March 18, 1972 at 6:30p.m. Happy birthday was ledby Mrs. Dozell Scott. A specialprayer for the occasion was ledby the Reverend W. E. Daye.

The gift of appreciation waspresented to him by Mrs. MaryVanhook, for his many, manyoutstanding achievement as thepastor and a leader of our greatchurch.

The Willing Workers Mis-sionary Circle wish to thankour loyal members of ourchurch and our many friends

for their contribution and pre-sent at thjs dinner. Our specialguests were Mrs. NevellaParker and daughter, Rever-end and Mrs. W. E. Daye and

daughter; Reverend and Mrs.Crutchfield & daughter; Rever-

end P. R. Jones; Mrs. Van-

hook, Mrs. Mildred Lyons;Mrs. Bertha Peaks; Mrs.Salomn Cozart, Mrs. Saber

Turntine; W. M. Philpot, Otis

Daye, Howard Daye; Linwood

Taylor; Mrs. Harvey Lee Black,H. L. Hudson; Mrs. Isabel)

Thomas; Nathaniel Pettiford;Mrs. Lola Goss; Mrs. EugeneGreen.

Mrs. Geneva Hudson pre-sented Rev. and Mrs. Parker abeautiful birthday cake.Greetings were extended tohim by Rev. P. R. Jones, Rev.Crutchfield and Rev. W. E.Daye. A closine prayer was ledby Rev. P. R. Jones.

The C. B. NoellAward DriveHeld Sunday

The C. B. Noell award

drive was held Sunday March19, 1972 at 3,00 p.m. at the

Mount Baptist Church(Cheek Road). This program issponsoring each year the 3rdSunday in March, by the Dur-ham Ushers Union. The firstprogram was held in 1963honoring the late Charles B.Noell for his achievement inworking with the ushers overthe State of North Carolina.

The members of the Dur-

ham Ushers Union wishes to

thank all who made a donation

to this cause. To his ever de-

voted daughter and son, C. B.Jr. and Mrs. M. Venters wewill be forever gratefully fortheir contribution to this scho-

larship drive that some boy orgirl may be able to continue

their education.The Reverend A. H. Parker,

Pastor of the Mount Zoar Bap-tist Church, delivered the mes-

sage from the book of Haggai1:5 verse. He urged the ushers

to continue to work togetherfor this cause, but let love exist

with everyone. Music was

rendered by the male choir ofthe Mount Zoar BaptistChurch.

We were saddened to hearthat Mrs. Belvin Mitchell had

fell and broke her arm also

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lassiter

were in an auto accident in

High Point. A prayer was ledby Mr. Curch Coley. President

Clyde Moore, Jr. asked the

ushers to please meet for the

mid-year session which will be

held at Franklin, April 9,1972.

We were dismissed by Rev-

erend Parker.

Allen's Chapel ToObserve Men's Day

Sunday, March 26

Allen's Chapel A.M.E.Church of Woodsdale, North

Carolina will observe its An-

nual Men's Day Service Sun-

day, March 26, 1972. Rev.I. W. Knight, Pastor, will speakat the 11:00 A.M. WorshipService. Dinner will be served

following morning service.

Rev. D. L. Morrison, Pastorof St. Matthew A.M.E. Churchof Raleigh, choir, officers andcongregation will render the

Annual Men's Day service at

3:00 p.m. You are cordiallyinvited to attend these services.

CHOW SENIORS? In the North Car-olina Central University Touring Choir con-fer over plans for their last Tour of theEastern seaboard Standing from left arePatricia Klnard, tour mgr.; Carolyn Fields,soloist; frtgrid Edmonds, Choir Sweetheart;Jalrus Poston; Jean Atlas, vice president;Mary S. Harrison, president; Ella C. Wilder,

Revival BeginsAt RussellMemo. Church

Revival services will be held

at Russell Memorial C.M.E.Church, 703 S. Alston Avenue

beginning Monday, March 31,1972. The guest evangelist will

be the Rev. Jesse L. Douglas,pastor of the Thirgood C.M.E.Church, Birmingham, Alaba-

ma. Rev. Douglas is in greatdemand as a gospel singer and

preacher. He attended LaneCollege and the Interdenomi-

national Theological Center in

Atlanta Georgia.In 1960, Rev. Douglas was

one of the two plaintiffs in a

suit against Governor Vandiverto desegrate the eating facili-ties in the state capitol. He

also pastored in Montgomery,Alabama during the historical

Montgomery boycott and he

succeeded the late Dr. Martin

Luther King as the presidentof the Montgomery Improve-ment Association.

The public is cordially in-

vited to share in these services

and to hear this dynamicpreacher and gospel singer.

Pine Knoll RestHome ObservesAnnual EventThe Pine Knoll Rest Home

celebrated the Ist Anniversaryof the Daily Blessing Devo-tional service, Saturday March18, with a full course dinnerfor patients and friends.

The Daily Blessing Devo-tional services originated underthe management of Mrs.Eunice Gilchrist. It has been agreat spiritual and mental helpfor both employee andpatients.

Saturday's service centered

on expressions of love withsongs, prayer, piano recitalsand uplifting of hands. Thetopic was "A more powerfulweapon."

It was a very beneficialand enjoyable anniversarycelebration.

soloist; and Hazel Graham, soloist. Seated isHervTy White, a section leader in the choir.Seniors and pictured are Annie E. Maim, sec-retary; Stephen Davis, and Sophia Edgerton.The Eastern Seaboard tour began last FVidayin Brooklyn, N. Y. and ended Tuesday hiWashington, D. C.


Also being presented in con-cert will be instrumentalists,string bands, and full orches-

tra from NCCU and Hillside

High School.

NCCU Student ToSpeak At MountCalvary Church

Mt. Calvary United Churchof Christ is presenting CollegeDay on the fourth Sunday,March 26 at 11:00 a.m. Theguest speaker will be MissJacqueline Pittman, who is astudent at NCCU. Along withMiss Pittman, other collegestudents will be on the Ros-trum.

the deciding point in the case

of "Hightones vs "Lowbrows."Mr. District Attorney came

forward and rtade it known

i that class distinction was not

| to be tolerated - "no group| here can sing so well that they! can afford to tum down help."

It was easy to see that the

delayed benediction a

I thorn in the flesh of the"hightones". And the moment

the "amen" was uttered, theyfiled out of Fellowship Hall,out witted, out numbered, out-done. How could anythinghave gone so wrong wheneverything had been so beauti-fully typed up.


St. Joseph's Choir to

Present AnnualEaster Program

WomenPast2lWITH BLADDER IRRITATIONSuffer Many TroublesAfter 2), common Kidney or BladderIrritations affect twice as many womenas men and may make you tense andnervous from too frequent, burning oritching urination both day and night.Secondarily, you may lose sleep andsuffer from Headaches, Backfche andfeel old, tired, depressed. In such irri-

; tation, CYSTEX usually brings fast,relaxing comfort by curbing irritatinggerms in strong, acid urine and by anal-

! gesic pain relief. Get CYSTEX at drug-gilts See how fast it can help you.

Continued from page 4A

quiesced. Anxious "hightone"blurted out; "but out music isplanned for every 4th Sunday.We don't need any help.""Perry Mason" had given hischauvinist a bombshell andleaned back in his seat to enjoy

The Senior Choir of St.Joseph's A.M.E. Church willpresent its annual performanceof "Seven Last Works of

Christ" Friday, March 31 at

8:00 p.m. with soloists Mrs.Katie Smith, J. W. McClinton,Eugene Eaves, Joseph Mitchell,


WITH S3 WORTH OF DRY CLEANINGWe give back S i .00 with each claim check for $3.00worth of garments cleaned at regular price. Whenbrought in Mon.-Tues.-Wed.

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Note of ThanksThe family of the late

Bishop Broomfield Johnson

wishes to thank our manyfriends for their thoughtful-ness in the likenesses of kind-nesses, expressions, assistance

and concern rendered to them

during the death of Dad John-

son. Moreover, we wish to ex-press our sincere appreciationto the membership of the

Mount Calvary Holy Church

Inc. of America for its co-operation and encouragementduring 43 years of BishopJohnson's organization and

administration of the Mount

Calvary work.John and Lu ChasityChat let t Families




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