The Carillon - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church · break for the summer and resume in September....


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The Carillon Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church - NALC

connecting families to Jesus

“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit”

Acts 2:4

Members are encouraged to wear red!





Our Saviour’s Choir and Praise Team will

break for the summer. That opens up the

opportunity for others to share their musi-

cal talents with our church family during


Whether you sing or play an instrument, it

is all music to God’s ears. Please call the

church office to schedule a Sunday.

Pastor Paul will be on vacation June 3rd through June 16th. There will be no

communion on the weekends of June

9th & 16th.

Bible Study is off for the summer.

We will see you back in the fall.

Our Special Needs Service will also

break for the summer and resume in


Mark Your Calendars For—

Vacation Bible School Fortune Lake Staff July 22nd - 25th 9am - 3pm

Transformed Community

“Do not be conformed to this world, but

be transformed by the renewing of your

minds, so that you may discern what is

the will of God—what is good and

acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2, NRSV

If you would be interested in helping with

VBS, please call the church office.


Approved $300 from Women’s Ministry

to complete the quilt that will hang in the

sanctuary behind the Praise Team.

Approved the name change for Christina

Maki’s position from Financial Secretary

to Financial Administrator.

Approved our Summer Worship time of

9:00am for the months of June - August

to continue on a yearly basis. Approved from First Fruits a yearly birth-

day gift of $45 for our World Vision child,


Accepted the minutes of the Spring

Congregational Meeting, May 12, 2019.

Referred the issue of sand removal to the

Building & Grounds Committee.


Church Insurance - comparing quotes

Security Update - Chris from Teck Solu-

tions presented

New Server & 4 computers - receiving


Committee Updates - Youth Committee

met to go over 2019-20 schedule.

Baccalaureate Sunday, May 19th, 8:30am

with the fellowship in their honor.

VBS - Fortune Lake Staff July 22-25th -

Host families are needed.

Church Picnic - Sunday, August 11th at

City Park

Mark Your Calendars for

Sunday, August 11th

at City Park.

Special thanks to those that helped cook,

haul and serve the Bay College Meal.

Staff & students were fed a meal of brats,

cheesy potatoes, salad & dirt dessert.

Our Saviour’s is one of many local

churches who take part in this ministry twice a year.

Meeting called to order by Council Presi-

dent, Sonya Nelson.

Opening Prayer given by Pastor Paul Strom.

Joy Nasi was appointed as recording


#1 M/S/C to Accept the Agenda with the

removal of Michele Johnson from the

ballot and adding nominations from the


Appointment of Tellers -

John Kelm and Geoff White

#2 M/S/C to approve Minutes from

Annual Meeting – January 27, 2019

#3 M/S/C to approve the 2 resolution changes under 2. Distribution of Funds for

the Endowment Constitution.

#4 M/S/C to approve the OSL Constitution

change under Congregational Meetings -

Article B3.02. to hold one meeting per year

instead of two.

Opened the floor to nominations for a

council member to complete a one year

term vacated by Greg Jarski.

#5 M/S/C to unanimously elect the four

members recommended by the Nominating

Committee to the Church Council with

terms expiring in January 2022:

Bruce Buckman, Nick Jungles, Jaeme Kaski

& Bev Wadke

And our nominee from the floor – Jim

Meier with his term to expire in January


Thanks & gratitude was extended to

outgoing Council members:

Eileen Anderson, Nancy Buchcuski,

Mark Klossner & Sonya Nelson

#6 M/S/C to adjourn the Spring Congrega-

tional Meeting.

Prayer and Benediction were led by Pastor

Paul Strom

Radio Broadcast & Altar Flowers

We have several weeks open for our Radio

Broadcast and Altar Flowers. They can be

sponsored in memory, in honor or celebra-

tion of a person or an event. Cost for radio

is $50, but any donation over $25 is listed

in the bulletin. Altar Flowers are $30.

Please call the church office to sign up.

Eighth Graders Confirmed

On Sunday, May 5th fifteen youth were confirmed at Our Saviour’s. They have completed

our 3 year Confirmation program. We welcome and encourage them to become active in

the mission and ministry of our church. Confirmands are:

Row 1 - Bryce Plonke, Brett Ramme, Sam Yake, Alyssa Englund & Elaina Bortolini

Row 2 - Gabe LaFreniere, Troy Watt, Paige Janousek, Marcella Martonen,

Mackenzie Primeau

Row 3 - James Chartier, Cole Mylllyla, Galen Sleik, Ellie Smart & Autumn Sleik

Row 4 - Pastor Paul Strom

1 Everett Anderson

Mia Counter

Mandy Jarski

Michael Weber

2 Nicholas Markell

Bob Martonen

Edward Miller

Dan Ohlsen

3 Doug Forstrom

Evan Scott

Ruth Truscott

Kathy Willman

4 Lukas Gareau

Elaine Hendrickson

5 Al Peterson

6 Charles Laurila

7 Grant Bates

Rhiannon Hamby

8 Arlene Huotari

9 Lois Granquist

Bradley Suheski

10 Muriel Beaulier

Theresa Caylor

Violet Maki

Peter Radakovich

Michelle Scott Dennis Veale

11 Adyson Weber

12 KarenCerasoli

Shari VanRemortel

Blanche Walimaa

13 Glenn Anderson

Benjamin Cowen

Claudia Rigoni

14 Marjorie Bantle

Ginny Gibson

15 Steve Huglen

Lindsay Rigoni

16 Bob Forgette

Clara Lacosse

18 Owen Baij

19 Ted Gustafson

Karen Rahoi

Megan Tousignant

20 Isabella Rosenthal

21 Colin Erickson

Linda Westman

22 William Anderson

Ron Huotari

Kathy McNelis

Chance Metras

Laird Trepp

23 Erin Kreh

Melanie Olson Brian Scott

Eli Slade

Anna Strom

24 Brent Buchcuski

26 Scott Metras

27 Raquel Boone

Dean Nelson

Angelica Rowell

Beverly Wadke

28 Charlotte Emond

Staysha Jarski

Weston Jarski

Linnea Marchetti Craig Nault

Sophia Schinderle

29 Vincent Mancuso

Lois Martonen

Erin Ohlsen

Vivian VanGuilder

Robert Wakeham

30 Todd Bowles

Amber Conery

Eden Janousek

Scot Luke

Marianne Perron

Abby Richer

Pamela Tedesco

LIFEST A Party With A Purpose!

Summer is just around the corner, which

means it’s almost time for Lifest, one of the

nation’s largest Christian music festivals, held

July 11 - 14 in Oshkosh, WI.

With over 100 artists: Casting Crowns, For King and Country, Sidewalk Prophets,

Skillet, Matthew West, Mandisa, Danny

Gokey, and many more. There’s a style of

music for everyone!

Dozens of speakers will give talks, seminars

and workshops, making it like a conference

within a festival. Other activities include

bonfire worship, comedians, camping, artist

meet & greet, KidZone, inflatable games

sports tournaments (dodgeball, volleyball &

basketball), 5K Run, food and vendors.

For more info on Lifest visit or

call 800.955.5433.

Pasty Luncheon Tuesday, June 18th

North Pavilion - Lake Antoine Road

They will gather at 11:30am with lunch at

noon. Bring your own beverage. RSVP

to Connie at 774.6698.

Important healing takes place when we ex-

perience and express grief with people who

understand the process and are able to

provide caring support. OSF Home Care

Services provides a couple opportunities

for people to gather and connect with

others who are sharing in similar situations.

If schools are closed due to inclement

weather, groups will not meet.

Grief Group Meetings - They meet

the second Thursday of every month

from 1– 2:30pm at DCH chapel. No

registration is required and meetings

are free and open to everyone. Dates

are June 13, July 11, August 8, Septem-

ber 12, October 10, November 14 and

December 12.

Grief Group Luncheons - When they

gather it is the third Thursday of the

month at Maple Creek Restaurant in

the Midtown Mall from 11:30am - 1pm.

Everyone is welcome and each attendee

is responsible for purchasing their own

lunch. For more info, call Erik Barnhart

or Diane Johnson at 906.786.4456.

Dates are: September 19, October 17

and December 19.

Every wedding anniversary is a special one and we wish that God’s rich blessing and

love will continue to sustain and fill each


June 11th - 25 Years

Nathan & Kris Czerwan

June 15th - 45 Years

Peter & Peggy Heczko

Sincere Sympathy to:

** Family & friends of Delores Perron

** Matt & Kristen Janousek & family on

the death of his father, Ronald


Thank You:

Debra Rodebaugh

We Welcome Into Our Church Family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism:

** Jaylynn Marchetti, daughter of Matt

Marchetti & Jessica Schaut.

Congratulations to:

** Ethan & Mackenzie (Gregg) Metras on

their recent wedding.

LWR June Collection

This month we will collect individually

wrapped toothbrushes for our LWR

Health Kits. Although we

feature one item each

month, feel free to drop off

other items we collect anytime.

Financial Report Attendance

May 5 304

April Receipts $46,357.00 May 12 241

April Expenditures $28,954.00 May 19 214

Balance $17,403.00 May 26 172

Monthly Benevolence $300.00 Alpha Omega Local

Disbursed $474.49 AGAPE Fund

It’s hard to believe another school year has

flown by! As always, it was another year

filled with many blessings from God. We

were blessed to have full classes for both

our preschool and prekindergarten. We

were also blessed with two wonderful

groups of students who brought lots of

energy, happiness and an eagerness to learn

both academically and through our Bible

lessons teaching us about our Savior and his

love for us.

To wrap our school year the preschool

students finished their lessons on weather.

They learned about rain and rainbows. We

read the story of Noah’s Ark which tied in

nicely with this particular unit. The prekin-

dergarten kids learned about butterflies,

bees and ladybugs. We even had twelve very

hungry caterpillars delivered to our class-

room. We were able to watch them grow

and grow and grow, then make chrysalises

and transform into butterflies! We were

able to release them outside once their

wings were strong enough for them to fly


We had our spring program on May 16th and the students all did a wonderful job singing

their songs for their families and friends.

Each class had an end of the year party at

Crystal Lake Park on the last day of school

to celebrate our successful school year!

New Beginnings Women’s Jail Ministry

Ministering to released women.

Directing them to agencies in our com-


Driving them to church, support groups

or appointments.

The Women’s Responsibilities Include:

Learning to serve in the church they are


Making crafts and healthy snacks to be

sold to help assist paying fines.

New Beginnings Future Needs

People willing to drive the women to

appointments or to help with gas money.

People willing to give a monthly offering

to the ministry.

Long Term Goals

Acquire a building for the transition


Apply for grants.

Attract and train new volunteers.

Offer Freedom Life Skills

( training to

released women and the public.

For information please contact Deborah

LaFaive at 906.221.2144. Donations are also

being accepted at UP State Bank - Iron


Bauer Lodge Green Lake Conference Center

Green Lake, WI September 20 - 22, 2019

Join women from across the NALC WI &

Upper MI Mission District for a weekend

focused on discovering and understanding

God’s plan for our lives. Join them for spiri-

tual renewal through Word and Sacrament.

“And I am sure of this, that he who

began a good work in you will bring it to

completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Philippians 1:6 ESV

Session Topics include:

Discovering the unimaginable riches

that are beyond our wildest dreams.

Understanding God’s plans for each of us, that we are under construction.

Preparing our hearts and homes to glo-

rify God in wise daily choices.

Learning what God has planned for each

of us and that we have a legacy of faith.

Retreat Schedule

Friday, September 20th

4pm check in

5pm Dinner (Optional in registration)


Opening Prayer

Session Holden Service

Prayer/Evening social

Saturday, 21st

7:30am Breakfast


Session One “Who Am I?”


Noon Lunch/Afternoon Free Time

5pm Dinner

Music Session Two “Who Are We?”


Movie Option/Free Time

Sunday, 22nd

7:30am Breakfast

10:00am Check Out

Retreat continues with prayer time


Chapel w/Holy Communion

Offering will be take for WI & Upper MI WNALC

Lunch (Optional ) or Depart

Costs Retreat Materials $35

Meal Package $75 You can decline Friday

supper & Sunday lunch to lower cost.

Room Price varies from type of room to

how many in a room $268 or as low as $82

for both nights. For more info call the

church office. Group rates end July 11,


Pastor’s Link

The day of Pentecost falls on June 9th this

year. Pentecost is one of the principal festi-

vals in the church year. It marks the descent

of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples fifty

days after Easter Sunday. The story of the

descending of the Holy Spirit is found in

Acts 2: 1-4: “When the day of Pentecost

had come, they were all together in one

place. And suddenly from heaven there

came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where

they were sitting. Divided tongues as of

fire, appeared among them, and a

tongue rested on each of them. All were

filled with the Holy Spirit and began to

speak in other languages, as the Spirit

gave them ability.”

In the Old Testament, the fiftieth day after

Passover was celebrated as “the feast of

Weeks.” In Deuteronomy 16: 9-10 we

read: “You shall count seven weeks; begin

to count the seven weeks from the time

the sickle is first put to the standing

grain. Then you shall keep the festival of

weeks for the Lord your God, contribut-

ing a freewill offering in proportion to

the blessing that you have received from

the Lord your God.”

The season of Pentecost is the longest

season in the Church year. Originally this

season was set around particular saints’

days: St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Michael.

Pentecost focuses on the actions of the

Holy Spirit. The Third Article of the Apos-

tles Creed brings together what it means to

have faith in God as revealed in Jesus

Christ. The Spirit “calls, gathers, enlightens

and makes holy.” If all of what the Creed and Luther have said is true, but not true

for you, it will make little difference in your

life. That is why God does not leave it up

to you. Left to ourselves with the knowl-

edge of God as creator and the story of

Jesus we would not be able to believe it or

join ourselves to it. It is the work of the

Holy Spirit of God to bring us to trust this

story as our own and to join us to a com-

munity of others who know this same trust.

It’s interesting that the Old Testament

account calls attention to proportionate

giving; while the New Testament account

talks about violent winds and other lan-

guages. Maybe they fit together more than

we realize. The Spirit brings about violent

and positive change in lives, opening our

hearts and our treasures as gifts to God. It

is the Spirit that sends us out into the world to do ministry in Jesus’ name.

Thank God for the gifts of the Spirit which

allow us to understand God, come to God

and to go out in God’s Name.

Pastor Paul

Senior Pastor - Rev. Paul Strom Church Phone: 774.2733

Phone: 828.1624 Church Fax: 774.4069

Email: Email:


Saturday Evening: 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 9:00am

(Broadcast live on WZNL 94.3 FM)

Summer Fellowship & Coffee

after service on Sundays.

Schedule begins on Sunday, June 2nd.


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