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1 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

The Canterbury Tales

August 2013

And the construction began…July 28 at 7 a.m…Hurray!


Earth movers

Water trucks


Cheering section

Superintendent Michael January

Tilton Pacific

Construction, Inc.

2 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

From the Pastor… Walking Together What excitement is in the air with the sounds of tractors and the sight of dirt (and rocks!) being pushed and shaped into the very place where our First Church will rise up! Dreams are becoming reality and God’s calling for us is all around us. This is our time for preparation. We are asking ourselves and each other, “What is God up to in our neighborhood?” and “How can we be a part of what God is up to?” We are about to receive the gift of having a building to use in offering hospitality. We will open the doors with love, inviting all to come and worship, sing, pray, cry, laugh, and most of all to find love and hope in a complicated world. Let us gather up our joy for this new thing and offer it up to God with gratitude that we have such a wonderful opportunity in our lives. We have lots to pray about, plan for, and to do! And together we will…God is calling us and we are answering with our lives. Onward! God’s Peace, Pastor Liz

Pastor Liz on the job!


In this issue…

Construction Begins……..…………….…….…………….…....1 missio:Engage!………………………………………………………..…8

From the Pastor..….………………………………………………2 Faith Stories…………………….………………………………….….....9

Called to Build……………………………………………………. .3 Journal of a Seminarian...............................................................10

Calendar…………………………………………………………..….3 Birthdays, Anniversaries, Companion’s Corner ………….11

Announcements & News………………………….4, 5, 6, & 7 Church Contact Page………………………………...………………12


3 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

Called to Build…


Campaign Goal $500,000

Campaign Pledges to Date $532,099

Total Collected to Date $307,046

Gratitude for Results

‘Give and it will be given to you. A good

measure, pressed down, shaken together,

running over will be put into your lap; for the

measure you give will be the

measure you get back.’ (Luke 6:38)

Calendar Check

Save the Dates!

August 24 ‘Let It Be’

Annual Family BBQ

Games, Food & Music

September 6 & 7 Faith Stories Retreat

September 8 Sunday School Kick-Off

September 21 Deanery Bible Conference

Featuring New Testament scholar

The Rev. Peter Rogers, from our Diocese.

9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

St. John's Church in Roseville.

September 29 Fall Festival

@ The Blue Goose

4 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

Leader Team

On July 27, members of the Vestry and missio:Engage! Team as well as ministry leaders (34 people in all!) gathered for a day-long, transition planning retreat led by Pastor Liz. We remembered who we have been and have come to be over these last 23 years as St. Augustine Church. We dreamed and planned for how we can collaborate with God and with each other as we make the transition into our new permanent building. One result of our wonderful time that day was the forming of a Leader Team that will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for a regular time of teaching, sharing and planning. This new Leader Team will involve representatives of the Vestry, missio:Engage! and ministry leaders. The purpose of the Leader Team is to be more intentional about communication and collaboration in all that we do, discerning together what God is calling us to be a part of and how to make the most of all of our resources. This is such a challenging time and this team of Leaders has an exciting calling. St. Augustine is on the move!

Join the Moms Connection!

5 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

Service Times & Events

8:30 a.m. Sunday Service

At 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, there is a simple service without music, using Rite II. This quiet service with communion will appeal to some every week and to others occasionally as a quieter way to worship.

10 a.m. Sunday Service

At 10 a.m. on Sundays, there is a full service. Sunday School begins at 10 a.m., excepting some Holy days and special occasions.


St. Vincent de Paul Food Locker

August ~ Canned Foods

St. Vincent de Paul really needs your support, during the summer months. Hunger and poverty do not take vacations…unfortunately, donors do.

Our August “food of the month” for St. Vincent de Paul’s food locker is any canned food. Cans and plastic jars please. And add a salad dressing to the basket.

Also any clothing, sheets, light blankets and pillow cases are always needed.

Thank you for your contributions.

Tickets on Sale!!!

‘Let It Be’ Family BBQ

Saturday, August 24 4:30 – 9 p.m.

Mark your calendars and be sure to attend our annual Family BBQ. This year looks to be fabulous with the Knuckleheads performing live music featuring many of the Beatles Tunes!

Rob Shonk has prepared a Karaoke-style opportunity for any person or group to come up and sing your heart out. Prizes will be awarded to the top performances. Lyrics will be provided. The band plays 6 – 8:30 p.m.

Kids’ events include the water slide and batting cage as well as air brush tattoos, face painting and some fun games. We are currently working on a really fun surprise for the kids. Please make sure you invite everyone in your neighborhood to come! Kids’ activities will begin at 4:30 p.m.

Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. The dinner will be Jack’s famous barrel-booked chicken and sides. We will have a hot dog alternative for the kids, if desired. We will also have beer, wine and soft drinks.

Ticket Prices Adults - $10

Children Under 10 - $5 Beer - $3 Wine - $4

Tickets will be available after church. Or you may call the Church office at 916.435.9552.

6 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013


Any woman who feels called to a life of prayer, service and evangelism is invited to come to our Daughters of the King meetings after the 10 a.m. service on the second Sunday of the month, in the school conference room.

Our next meeting will be Sunday, August 11. The group will continue studying the book, The Scarlet Cord. This month’s chapter is Mary.

June Meredith, Susan Landolt and Carol Ann Hackley began a DOK Membership Study in July, led by Greer Nave.

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew holds its regular

monthly meetings at 9 a.m., in Canterbury Hall. Coffee

and refreshments are served. All men are welcome and

encouraged to attend a meeting.

If you have an interest in learning what the

Brotherhood of St. Andrew is about, contact Jack

Dillon, Director, or John Redmond, Vice Director.

Please join us for the August 10 meeting at 9 a.m. in Canterbury Hall. Breakfast will be provided by one of our Brothers. Please come and be with us for a love-filled, compassionate and energizing experience listening to God’s words, sharing, raising each other up and helping one another.

Peace to all Jack Dillon, Director 2013

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is meeting in Canterbury Hall on the second Monday of the month from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be August 12.

The prayer shawls are for those needing a physical reminder of our love and concern in times of healing and stress. Our hearts are warmed each time we receive a note of gratitude.

Please contact Greer Nave, if you are interested in this ministry, or would like to make a donation.

Holy Baptism

Baby Caleb Diaz was baptized into the Kingdom of God

at St. Augustine Church, Sunday, July 28. Matt and

Kara are his proud parents. We welcome Caleb into our

Church family.

7 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

St. Augustine Youth Group

The FISH Youth Group will not meet during August.

We will resume meetings in September. Enjoy the last

month of summer!!!

Small Group Study Series

Watch for new small study groups beginning in the fall. This is an opportunity to read and discuss a particular Bible passage or inspirational book in depth. Contact Charley Berger, if you have ideas to present or are interested in hosting. He will help with planning, advertising and sign-ups.

What is God calling us to do globally and locally for our brothers and sisters? How should we as Christians respond to God’s call? Join Jim Quinney in a small group book study, The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns, CEO of World Vision.

The group study is scheduled to begin Monday, September 9 and will last six weeks. Please call email the church office to sign-up.

Living Water Mission Trip

An exciting collaboration between St. John’s Roseville and St. Augustine is in the planning stages. The two parishes are exploring a date and location for a Living Water Mission trip in 2014.

If you are interested in supporting this mission, please contact Jim Quinney.

Church School News

Hello, Children!

This has been an exciting year for the St. Augustine Church School. We heard lots of Bible stories and learned many new songs. We made calendar necklaces, Advent Christmas trees, rosaries, pictures, a whale with Jonah popping out, Jesus walking on water and God’s eyes. Now we are working diligently on preparations for a new Church School year. Our Kick-Off Sunday for the new year is September 8. We will have more stories, fun new songs and lots of exciting projects. And we will have Bible stories and activities for our toddlers, too.

We invite all children to join us each Sunday at 10 a.m. sharp in Canterbury Hall.

Hello, Parents, Grandparents and Friends!

Would you like to teach or help with Church School lessons or craft projects? Would you like to be a caregiver for our youngest children? Please contact Susan Lampton, if you are interested in helping in the Church School program.

8 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013


Growing Closer to God

One of the ways in which I try to grow closer to God is by listening to a local Christian radio station. The beautiful and uplifting songs help me to focus on what is important. As I drive to and from work each day, I find the music really helps to put me in a peaceful mindset as I tap into this source of grace. If I’m lucky, I will catch a short segment where a listener will call in and share an experience in which they noticed God’s presence in their life. An answer to prayer, small, everyday miracles and some pretty amazing ones as well ~ Evidence of God working in ways that people actually notice. Listening to others share about where they see God in their lives really encourages and moves me deeply. You can see the joy in their faces and feel the power of lives impacted by God. Personal stories of faith experiences help me to become more aware of God working in my life, too. The funny thing is that when I become more aware of God in my life, the more He shows up.

Joan Howe The missio:Engage! Team would like to invite you to a very special time of listening to faith stories. Tom Riley, with Faith Alive, will be coming to St. Augustine to share his stories and help us to discover our own. Please mark your calendars for this extraordinary opportunity to laugh with Tom as he bumps into God in the least likely places.

Friday evening, September 6 at 7:00 p.m., we will host coffee and dessert to welcome Tom. Saturday, September 7 at 11:30 a.m., we will have a potluck lunch with more from Tom.

Don’t miss this incredible chance to be inspired by the stories of faith!

9 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

St. Augustine Episcopal Church Invites you to

Faith Stories


● Friday, September 6 7 – 9 p.m.

Welcome/Dessert Buffet ● Saturday, September 7

11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Potluck lunch with small group breakouts ● Child Care provided both sessions!

1800 Wildcat Boulevard ~ Rocklin, CA 95765

Come laugh with Tom as together we explore our faith journeys!

Led by Tom Riley

10 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

Journey of a Seminarian…

Hello, my Parish family! It has been so wonderful being home for the summer and having the opportunity to come to our Church regularly. I hope you realize what a special community of disciples you are. I brag about my home parish at seminary on a regular basis. Over this summer, I have been completing my Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), through Sutter Medical Center’s Spiritual Care Department. Every seminarian seeking ordination in the Episcopal Church, as well as many other denominations, must complete one semester (typically over a summer) of CPE. This is to acclimate individuals to the hospital setting and provide them numerous opportunities for personal, interdisciplinary, spiritual and emotional growth. It is a 12-week program that began the first week of June.

I am serving as a chaplain intern at Sutter General Hospital, working Monday – Friday, 8:30 - 5 p.m. with one on-call (24-hour shift) per week. I work on the 5th floor with Neurology, Telemetry (cardio) and Medical/Surgical patients. When I am on-call, I serve all patients at both Sutter General and Sutter Memorial. As part of the CPE experience, I meet throughout the week with my fellow six chaplains for our “ministry group.” We address areas of difficulty for us personally and as a group. I have been incredibly blessed with amazing fellow chaplains (including a Catholic seminarian, Unity pastor, Druid pagan, Baptist pastor, Yogic Interfaith pastor and another Episcopal lay person). The directors have created a safe and peaceful environment. I have grown in many ways and have had experiences with patients that I know will serve me throughout my ministry. I am sad to be nearing the end of CPE, but excited, and a bit nervous, to begin my next year at CDSP. Next semester I begin my duties as Community Council president at CDSP and pray that I can learn to delegate and say “no” when necessary for my own well-being and for the benefit of others’ ministries. I also begin my field education, where I will be the seminarian assisting Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. I will be leading youth activities, Baptism and Confirmation classes, forums and preach on occasion. I am very excited! My course line-up will include a preaching course at the American Baptist and the Dominican Seminaries, Theology at CDSP and Field Education. I will continue to work with several music therapy clients in our area, one day a week, during my fall semester. The financial impact of attending seminary continues to be my greatest challenge. This struggle has forced me to trust solely in God to provide and take care of me. God has called me to this ministry and I have to respond. I have completely turned over my finances to the Lord and with that have come enormous blessings from God. The most recent blessing is a housing opportunity. Next year I will live in an intentional Christian community through All Soul’s Episcopal Parish in Berkeley. This church is a five-minute walk from my campus and the rent is actually affordable. I will have my own apartment. The other residents are close friends and classmates of mine, so I will feel safe and loved. I remember to trust always that Jesus is with me and, side-by-side, we will survive this ‘seminary experience.’ Your support and prayers are an incredible aid and comfort. I also ask for prayers as I enter into interviews for Candidacy in September and ordination to the transitional Diaconate in the beginning of 2014. Sending you lots of love!

Sarah Quinney

11 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

August Birthdays

August 1 Mary Morehead August 2 Bob Deering August 3 Sierra Nelmes August 4 Lydia Nelmes August 8 Barbara Sawyer August 9 Carole Peterson August 10 Jack Buffington August 13 Scott Drageset August 17 Arianna Grauel August 20 Rick Rae August 26 Miranda White August 27 Sandy Derby August 28 Larry Buckmaster August 31 Rhonda Wampler

August Anniversaries

August 8 Bill & Marcia Rush August 11 Rob & Deidre Shonk

August 24 Jim & Stephanie Tilton

August 26 Robert & Dorothy Branch

Proverbial Wisdom

Proverbs 23:4 - 5

Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich; restrain

yourself! Riches disappear in the blink of an eye; wealth

sprouts wings.

From The Message Bible

Companion’s Corner


I would like to share the words of a wise Sufi poet named Rumi that urge us to be open to our experiences on a daily basis:

This human being is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,

Still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has

been sent as a guide from beyond.

A blessed August dear friends,

Carole Peterson

12 Vol. 2 No. 8 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church ~ Rocklin, CA August 2013

A Foyer Group Dinner

Joe Cavanagh - Susan Lampton - Karon Nelmes - Karon’s Dad

Lloyd & Priscilla Kriner - Joan Cavanagh - Photo by Ken Nelmes

Contact Information

Pastor Liz Armstrong Cell 916.201.3319

Church Office 916.435.9552

Normal Work Days Sunday – Thursday

Please contact the Church Office or Pastor Liz for pastoral emergencies.

The Mission of St. Augustine Church With God’s Help To Worship God

To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ To reach out to our community and the world in service and education

St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church A Safe Place for People Seeking God

1800 Wildcat Boulevard Rocklin, CA 95765

Phone: 916-435-9552 FAX: 916-435-9577









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