The Calvary Call -...


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Greetings Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Psalm 100:1-5 says, “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with glad-ness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

When Jacob fled his homeland to escape from his brother Esau, he had nothing but the clothes on his back and a staff in his hand. When he returned twenty years later, he realized that God had richly blessed him. He had twelve sons and one daughter. He had many servants. He had large numbers of flocks and herds. Jacob was thankful for all that God had done for him. And as he returned home he paused to pray. Included in his prayer were these words of thankfulness: “I am unworthy of all the kindness and faith-fulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed the Jordan, but now I have become two camps” (Genesis 32:10). Shortly after that Jacob built an altar at Bethel to worship the Lord and thank Him for His blessings.

The attitude of Jacob certainly should be our attitude today. In spite of any prob-lems and troubles which may confront us, God has richly blessed us. He has given us our family and friends. He has provided us with food, home, clothes, and all that we need for our earthly lives. And, more importantly, God has blessed us spiritually. He has given us his Word and Sacraments. He has given us our church. He promises to forgive our sins for Jesus’ sake, to protect us from Satan and all enemies, to listen to our prayers, to lead us safely to the peace and joy of our eternal home in Heaven. None of us deserves any of these blessings. They are all gifts of God’s grace.

Like Jacob, our hearts should be filled with gratitude and thanks. And one of the best ways to show our thankfulness is by taking the time to come to Calvary, to our

(Continued on page 4)

Calvary Lutheran Church 2016

The Calvar y Cal l

Inside this issue:

Youth & Children News


CLWL Cookie Walk is Coming!


The Election 3

Automatic/Electronic Giving


November Calendar 5

Worship Assistants 6

Mercy Meals report 7

Our Church Family 9

Book Club 9


The Outreach Board is sponsoring a free Thanks-giving Meal for Calvary’s members and guests. We will be inviting our friends from Pheasant Acres and you are invited to bring friends as well! We will be having roasted turkey, potatoes, corn, rolls and the fixings. To make it a fun meal we are asking that members bring your favorite dessert to share! Give thanks to God for all His many gifts.

Thanksgiving Dinner, Sunday, Nov. 27

A Time for Thanksgiving & Prayer — Michael Kipp, DCE

High School Youth/Parent Meeting - Sunday, November 6th, after the 10:30 service (approx. 11:30 AM) – To plan and pick High School Events for 2017. Sign-up sheets will be available for the events and for volunteers to help lead or organize an event.

We’re Having a Lock-In!! All Youth in grades 5-8 are invited to come to Calvary on Friday, Novem-ber 11 for a Lock-In from 6 pm to Midnight. Fun, Food & Fellowship! Add your name to the sign-up sheet in the Friendship Room and bring a treat to share. Pizza & pop will be provided.

The IDW Senior Youth Gathering will be at the Embassy Suites downtown Des Moines Novem-ber 18-20 for all youth in grades 9-12 with the theme "Still Standing."

The 2017 Y4Life in Washington D.C. trip will take place on January 26-29, 2017, and is open to any high school or college student.Adults are wel-come to attend as well at their own cost. This year we will be attending the annual March for Life and the 2017 Students For Life Conference, as well as see the sights and learn and grow together in Christ! Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn about the ways you can speak for Life and join with hundreds of thousands of others in support of the unborn. Space is limited, so reserve your spot as soon as possible! i

Calvary Youth Coming Events:

Page 2 The Calvar y Cal l

The Calvary Lutheran Women’s League (CLWL) will hold the 25th Annual Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 3, 2016. Volunteer workers and bakers are needed.

We are planning a Gingerbread House contest along with the cookie walk. If you want to make a Gingerbread House but don’t want to enter the con-test, you are invited to just make a house. The houses will be sold at cookie walk.

Set up for the Cookie Walk is Friday, December 2, 1-7 pm. Sign up sheets for bakers & workers will be in the Friendship Room during November. Please consider helping to make this mission event a suc-cess.

CLWL Cookie Walk Coming December 3, 2016

Youth & Children’s Christmas Service—

We will present our annual Youth & Children's ser-vice on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2016, at 4 pm. The theme is “We have a Story to Tell.” Practices will be on Satur-

days, Dec. 10 & 17 , 9-11 am.

The Story at WNAC:

Everyone is invited to come and share The Story on Wednesday Nights at Calvary!. Adults are meeting with Pastor Horkey in the Conference Room at 5:45 pm, and we have classes for preschool, elementary and high school students. Our 5th & 6th Grade students meet with DCE Mike Kipp and 7th & 8th Grade students meet with Pastor Travis for Con-

firmation instruction.

Remember: WNAC has something for every-

one!! Come and see!

Sunday School & WNAC News

Page 3


Abortion & Euthanasia Renewed Forms of Idol Worship at the High Places

High Places & Idols: “At every high place they burned incense, as the nations whom the Lord had driven out before them had done. They did wicked things that aroused the Lord’s anger. They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, ‘You shall not do this.’” 2 Kings 17:11-12

High places refer to worship sites on the top of mountains/hills. Maybe a better name is “Place of Convenience.” God commanded his people to wor-ship in Jerusalem at the temple, which for many meant traveling a fair distance. Going to a high place meant avoiding the long trip, sleeping in, saving money, etc. Do we ever avoid worship for the sake of convenience? What about idols? We don't make and worship statues of false gods like Baal any-more. An idol can be anything or person who domi-nates our time and energy. How often are we tempted to worship the idol of Facebook, YouTube,

sports, pleasure, or even freedom from bur-dens? How often is an unborn child sacrificed in a place of convenience to an idol of pleasure, sports, or even freedom from responsibility?

Prayer: Lord God Heavenly Father, forgive us for worshiping when and where it is convenient in-stead of hearing Your Word. Forgive us when we worship idols of technology, music, sports, pleasure or even freedom from responsibility. Lord, because of these idols it is easy to understand why the unborn and elderly are sacrificed. Forgive us as Christians for standing idly by when our neighbor needs our sup-port and aid. Forgive us and our whole country for Jesus sake! Use us to model to others the joy that comes from hearing you and from avoiding high places! Thank you God, for taking our sins by sending Your Son Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer. In His name we pray. AMEN

What does God say about this election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton? After all, I thought character mat-ters? But with these two, there is nothing but sin!

The scripture says two things directly: First, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has insti-tuted…” (Romans 13:1-7) Realize, that God will use either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton if they are elected as His authority! He will bring law, order, and justice through whomever is president.

Secondly, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests prayers, in-tercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Sav-ior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-3 Here we are told to pray for both Trump and Clinton and whoever becomes President so that they would be used by God and that they would repent and believe and follow Jesus! He wants to save them just like each of us from our sin.

It brings me comfort that God is bigger than this election,

he is in control and despite the miserable errors of our soci-ety he is striving to save the people of the United States. With this said, should we stay home on election day? The answer is no to staying home, after all, we are able to vote for people who prayerfully we believe best will stand up against abortion, who will protect marriage, and who will continue to guard the freedom of religion so that we can live in peace as Christians.

Stand up and vote as you are God’s authority in this elec-tion through your vote!

Let us pray, “Lord God heavenly Father, watch over Presi-dent Obama, the congress, and the judges of our land. Give them health so that they can defend our freedoms and pro-tect us from our enemies. Help them to stand up for the poor, the widow, the orphan, the unborn, and those who are aged. Allow the make, administer, and judge our laws so that we as Christians are able to live and practice our love of you in peace and quietness. Use our votes to elect the candidates that you would have govern. Forgive our failures to stand up for you and our tolerance for evil as good. Guard our land so that more and more people turn and follow you. In Jesus name. Amen

The Election — What the Bible says about this Mess!?

Idol Worship —- Pastor Travis

house of God, to worship the Lord. Coming to church to worship really should be the high point, the most important part of our Thanksgiving celebration. Taking time to worship and spending time in His Word should be more important than eating good food, going hunting or even watching a football game.

Psalm 95:1-7 states, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King

above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pas-ture, the flock under his care.”

Thanks be to God for all the blessings and gifts that He gives to us in our lives, especially the gift of His Son Jesus.

In Christ, Michael Kipp, DCE

(Continued from page 1)

Page 4 The Calvar y Cal l

There are many families in Sioux City who are in need of food all through the year, and has the holidays approach, there will be even more who will need help.

We appreciate all that you do to provide for these families throughout the year and ask that you bring donations of non-perishable boxed and canned

goods to church.

You may bring your donations to the church and place them in the box in the Friendship Room. (Be sure to check the expiration date on your items. We cannot use food that has “expired.”)

Thank you for all that you do to help us meet the needs of our neighbors.

Food Pantry News

We give because Jesus first gave to us, but if you are like me, I forget to give! Did you know that there is an extremely easy way to give offerings that you can’t for-get? If you already pay most of your bills automatically or electronically, you can do the same with your offer-ing. You may also be familiar with electronic banking if you are receiving your Social Security check via the electronic deposit, another example of how simple banking can be. Calvary’s Stewardship Board is in the process of researching options to give and we found we can use our existing bank’s services without incurring any fees for you or our church. (Using third parties can cost up to 3% of the gift.)

You can sign up to give offerings in two different ways: The first method is on-line: if you do on-line bank-ing you can designate the church and use either “auto-pay” or “on-line bill pay” to contribute an offering. The second way is to fill out a form at the bank to set up a recurring offering that will debit your account on the schedule you determine works best for you: To do this, simply go to the bank and a banker will walk you through the 5 minute form. Either way, the bank writes

a check on the date that you ask and mails it to the church. Believe it or not this is a free service at most banks (No charge for postage or checks)! The offerings then are received in the mail and placed with the Sunday and Wednesday offerings and recorded on member’s statements.

Our Stewardship Board contacted the following lo-cal banks and all provide this free service: Security Na-tional Bank; Central Bank; Great Southern Bank; FSC Credit Union; Pinnacle Bank in Hinton. If your bank is not listed, let us know and we will be happy to research options at your bank. If you would like help from the church one of our members, Kathy Spitz, is willing to walk with you through this process of getting signed up! She can be contacted at 248-467-7473.

Testimony: “I have been using on line bill pay for almost 3 years now and love it. Since, I do not carry cash or checks it was easy for me to forget to give to God! I don’t forget anymore! There is no cost for stamps and the bank keeps a record on my state-ment!” Pastor Travis

Automatic/Electronic Giving

Page 5

Calendar here


Page 6 The Calvar y Cal l

Elders: Sunday, 8 am: Bruce Lahrs, Denny Barto, Kent Kilstrom, James Anderson Sunday, 10:30 am: Brian Hickman, Phil Ubben Wednesday, 7 pm: Charles Kennedy

Ushers: Sunday, 8 am: Clark Boddy, Dave Clausen, Chris Mansfield, Phil Ubben

Sunday, 10:30 am: Jeff Woolridge, Connor Woolridge, Clyde Walker, Jessa Walker

Chancel Guild: Wednesday, Nov. 2, 7 pm: Penny Hofer, Vicki Boddy Sunday, Nov. 6, 8 am: Ramona Mehrer, Carol Casotti Wednesday, Nov. 9, 7 pm: Sharon Junck, Lorraine Anderson Sunday, Nov. 13, 10:30 am: Sheryl Sleeper, Terri Guy Sunday, Nov. 20, 8 am: Sharilyn Steck, Rhonda Hageman Wednesday, Nov. 23, 7 pm: Joan Mansfield, Teri Mevius Sunday, Nov. 27, 10:30 am: Diana Lahrs, Julie Clayton

Greeters: Sunday, 8 am: Ramona Mehrer, Carol Casotti Sunday: 10:30 am Bob Livermore

Acolyte Schedule: Wednesday, Nov. 2, 7 pm: Acolytes: Arich Weitzel, Avery Beller; Projector: Keiton Weitzel Sunday, Nov. 6, 8 am: Acolytes: Holly Duax, Michael Duax; Projector: —Amelia Duax. 10:30 am: Aco-lytes: Micah Travis; Projector: Micah Travis. Wednesday, Nov. 9, 7 pm: Acolytes: Mackenzie VanRoekel; Projector: Pastor Travis Sunday, Nov. 13, 8 am: Acolytes: Briar Lahrs; Projector: —. 10:30 am: Acolytes: Hannah Mogensen; Pro-jector: Chris Osterholt. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 7 pm: Acolytes: Carter Casotti, Madelyn Casotti; Projector: . Sunday, 20, 8 am: Acolytes: Matthew Hawkinson; Projector: Emma Hawkenson. 10:30 am: Acolytes: Will Schindler; Projector: Dylan Levine. Wednesday, Nov. 23, 7 pm: Acolytes: Brody Spies, Kenedi Spies; Projector: Grace Larsen. Sunday, Nov. 27, 8 am: Acolytes: Ushers; Projector: Christy Cale. 10:30 am: Acolytes: Isaac Travis; Pro-jector: Micah Travis. Wednesday, Nov. 30, 7 pm: Acolytes: Natalee Junck, Caden Winters; Projector: Alex McFarland

Note: Check to make sure these times and dates work! Notify the Church office of changes–239-1575. It is the re-sponsibility of the acolyte to switch if you cannot be at the designated service.

Worship Assistants for November 2016

November 6 & 9—All Saints Day—Pastor Horkey

November 13 & 9—A Few Good Men… and Woman—Deborah, Pastor Travis

November 20 —The Faith of a Foreign Woman—Ruth, Pastor Travis

November 23 —Thanksgiving Eve—Communion

November 27 & 30—Standing Tall, Falling Hard—King Saul, Pastor Travis

Services for November


Page 7


Ushers: Men & Women are needed to assist at the Worship services by handing out bulletins, answering questions, assisting worshipers looking for a place to sit, taking up the offerings, and being a welcoming presence for Calvary. See the Sign-Up sheets in the Friendship Room or call the church office 239-1575 and volunteer.

Greeters for the Sunday worship services at 8am contact: Vandy Junck, 712-239-2293; for 10:30 am contact Mary Ann Burg, 712-239-2848, to sign up for one month at a time. Thanks for taking the time to serve!

We are looking for a few good Men (& Women!)

Mercy Meals of Siouxland surpassed packaging one million meals on Saturday September 24. We have packaged 1,011,263 Mercy Meals since the ministry began on June 23, 2012.

A huge thank you goes out to all of our volunteers, donors, support-ers, and individuals who have submit-ted Thrivent Action Team Projects for Mercy Meals.

Mercy Meals is still in need of do-nations to replace the two-year

$20,000 LWML grant that was expended in June of this year.

Please pray for Mercy Meals of Siouxland and the children we serve.

Recent Shipments:

Kisumu, Kenya – 43,000 Kids Against Hunger meals

Haiti - 249,480 Mercy Meals

Blessings, Larry Joines

Mercy Meals Report:

Page 8 The Calvar y Cal l

“All human governments, even bad ones, are actually God’s agents of stability and order. How wonderful when individ-ual Christians and their congregations don't just hunker down and hide in their holy fortresses until judgment day. How wonderful when they get out into their communities and help, clean, repair, and build. How wonderful when their acts of love and mercy, given as freely as Christ’s love and mercy, touch and bless the lives of their neighbors, not just fellow church members. And how respectful when Christians refrain from ridiculing their elected officials, even when they strenuously disagree with them. To love God is also to love your country, you know.” Rev. Mark Jeske, – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

From Lutherans for Life

Commemorate a special occasion or remember a loved one by providing altar flowers for the worship services through November of 2016. Sign your name to the poster in the Friendship Room or call the church office at 712-239-1575, and we will order a bouquet from Terry Lee’s Flower Shop for a cost of $37.45. If you prefer to provide your own flowers, please let the office know at least one week before your date. We can accommodate up to 2 bouquets each week. Thank you for adding to our services with flowers.

Altar Flowers

Income Received for September, 2016 Envelopes ........................................................... $ 19,800.50 Plate ...............................................................................388.35 YTD Envelope & Plate Total: ........ $ 178,711.93 Other: Sunday School Missions .............................................. 25.00 Building Fund ................................................................. 80.00 Parish Hall use ............................................................360.00 Office Supplies .............................................................. 29.39 Food Pantry ................................................................... 64.00 I. Scheive Missions ....................................................... 64.00 Pastor’s Special Fund ................................................... 64.00 Youth Events ................................................................. 63.95 Church Picnic ..............................................................676.00 WNAC Pizza................................................................. 35.00 Podcasts ......................................................................... 35.00 “The Story” materials ...............................................245.26 Youth Bibles ................................................................150.00 Greg West Fundraiser .................................................. 5.00 Thrivent Choice Deposit ........................................... 79.00

Total ................................................... $ 22,164.45

Deposits: 09/07/2016 ........................................................... $ 6,755.40 09/11/2016 ............................................................... 6,886.35 09/18/2016 ............................................................... 3,067.20 09/25/2016 ............................................................... 5,376.50 09/06/2016 Thrivent Choice ..................................... 79.00

Total .................................................. $ 22,164.45 2016 Year-to-Date Total: .............. $ 221,839.65

Finance Secretary’s Report

September, 2016—

Checking Account Balance, 09/01/16 $ 25,938.70

Plus Income $ 22,160.45 Less Expense — 26,108.71 Plus Interest 1.05 Plus transf. from LCEF 0.00

— 3,947.21

Checking Account Balance, 09/30/16 $ 21,991.49 LCEF Steward Account Balance 09/01/16 $ 226.19 Plus Transfers In $0.00 Less Transfers Out 0.00 Plus Interest 0.12


LCEF Steward Account Balance 09/30/16 $ 226.31

Dedicated Funds

Social Ministries $ .00 Building Fund 2,431.00 Designated Memorials 8,999.26 Undesignated Memorials 541.89 Dedicated Accounts 28,609.79 Outside Purposes — 35.43 National Youth Gathering — 96.47 World Missions 2.94 Capital Improvement 1,001.98 Total All Obligated Funds $ 41,454.96 Un-obligated Funds — 19,237.16 Total Checking & Savings Funds $ 22,217.80

Treasurer’s Statement of Income & Expense

Bulletin & Newsletter Deadlines: All information for the weekly bulletins must be turned into the Church Office no later than 12 noon on Thursdays. All

information for the monthly newsletter must be turned into the Church Office no later than 8 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month. Thank you! The Calvary Call is published

monthly by Calvary Lutheran Church, 4400 Central Street, Sioux City, Iowa, 51108. Contact us: Phone 712-239-1575; FAX 712-239-2466; email — Pastor Travis: Church Office:; Church Website:; Face book-

If you haven’t heard about this organization, now is the time to take a closer look. This is the pro-gram whereby you can contribute and your dollars will benefit families wanting to send their children to Lutheran elementary and secondary schools. The benefits you receive are two-fold: 1) You get to see more children experiencing the love of God every day, and, 2) You will receive a 65% tax credit on your Iowa state income taxes and possibly a charita-ble deduction on your Federal return. You may get as much as 90% of your money back in credits or deductions. We are currently at 13% of our 2016 goal. For further information, please contact Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991. You might also check the websites: and

Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization

Page 9


Calvary’s Members at Home

Baptism: Ava Kay Livermore, daughter of Dustin & Lisa Livermore, October 16, 2016. Sponsors: Kari Livermore and Jenny (Gotch) Smith. May the Holy Spirit keep this child in saving faith until life ever-lasting.

Transferred to the Church Triumphant:

Greg West was called to his Eternal Rest on Sat-urday, October 1, 2016. The funeral service was held at Calvary on Tuesday, October 4, 2016. Our prayers go out to Sheryl, the family and all their friends.

Our Church Family

Please pray for these members:

• Trisha Hansen

• Daniel Musselman

• Aaron Jessen, Phoenix

• Nick Hickman

• Joe Mansfield, North Carolina

(If your family has someone in the Military, call us and we will add their names to the list. 712-239-1575)

Book Club will meet on Thursday, November 17 at 11:30 for lunch and discussion of the book Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. Discussion Leader: Alice Lawrenson

Our Members in the Military Book Club

Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Permit No. 886 Sioux City IA

Plan Ahead!

25th Annual CLWL Christmas Cookie & Candy Walk

Saturday, December 3, 2016.

8 am—12 Noon

Choose from dozens of homemade cookies and candies for only

$6 per pound!

Join us for hot coffee & fresh cinnamon rolls while you shop!

New this year:

A Gingerbread House Contest!

Come and vote for your favorite!

(Note: The Houses will be available for sale during the Walk)

Calvary Lutheran Church

4400 Central St.

Sioux City, IA 51108

Bringing Faith, Hope, & Strength to All Christ's People

Electronic Service Requested

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