THE CALL Event Handbook 2013



The handbook for the Event attendees also has many resources and information that is useful to any man involved in a Men's Group or Men's Ministry.

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Ph: 09 627 0101 | Fx: 09 627 3526PO Box 163083, Lynfield, Auckland 1443, | www.promisekeepers

journey, however, the decisions we make after that determine our spiritual destination and destiny.

This Event has been nearly a year in

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What next?After we have prayed that prayer, the Holy Spirit lives within us as sons of God. While we will still be challenged with sin and failure, the Holy Spirit’s power helps us overcome areas of bondage to sin and live godly lives. (John 14:16-18, 26; 16:7-14; Romans 6:22)Accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour is the first step in a process of discipleship and transformation. To grow further it is important to:

• Be baptised in water as soon as possible. • Get involved in a Spirit-led, Bible-believing church fellowship.• Join a Men’s Group for friendship, encouragement, accountability and discipleship in your new walk with Christ.

PRAY THIS PRAYER TO ACCEPT OR REAFFIRM YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF CHRIST:Father, I’ve come home. Please make me Your son. I confess my sin. I receive Your forgiveness made possible through Jesus Christ by His death and resurrection. I place my faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone. I receive Him as my Saviour and Lord. I want to follow and serve You. Let today be the beginning of my journey as Your son and a member of Your family. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Jesus loves us so much that He doesn’t want to leave us where we are. Jesus came and promised life and that life

abundantly. Are you living it?Every promise has its conditions so what is the catch? What do I need to have an abundant life? Jesus.

When He was on the Earth, Jesus preached repentance. Repentance is when we confess the things we have done wrong and turn from them to God, whether it is things we have done or should have done. Jesus said that if we do that then He will

not only forgive us but also cleanse us from every sin.

That is why it’s called Good News. The next

thing He asks us to do is believe. Only


The Bible says that we are saved by faith and not by works. So you don’t have to do anything except believe.

Jesus made it very plain that there is only one way to the Father and that is through Him. If you accept God you need to talk to Him and tell Him all the stuff you did that you shouldn’t have done and the things you should have done, but didn’t. Do it on your knees as an act of faith and know that His desire is to bless you. He wants you to have abundant life.


Why the Church needs menToday financial challenges and the speed of social change are part of the times that try men’s souls and test their spirits. It doesn’t matter what you are facing, God is bigger than your problems! We serve a powerful God; we should be confident in our faith. There is no place for wimpy Christianity – it is Christianity with muscle.

Men who understand God’s wisdom, love and power are vital to the advancement of the Christian faith. In almost every church that has closed its doors it is the men who have left first. On the other hand, fathers are the most influential people in bringing families into the church. If Dad comes to Christ first, 93% of families will follow.

Remember Jesus called and invested Himself into the lives of twelve men for three years. Those twelve men changed the world.

Families, churches and communities need men who are healthy and active. They need men to be men. Men are very important in the life of our churches because:

• Men are action-orientated and their focus on the outside world brings a healthy perspective.

• They are hard-wired for risk taking and rise to a challenge.

• They bring their resources into the church, be they technical, financial or natural giftings.

When men understand and appreciate their purpose, they will bring greater strength and resources to their church,

and be a godly influence in their homes, workplaces, and every area of their lives.

Churches who understand men are keen to develop a productive and dynamic Men’s Ministry. Men’s Ministry brings men out of isolation and gives


a band of brothers to experience adventure with, process

life with, so that together

they can confront today’s


Come & See

Promise Keepers Events

Focus on creating dynamic momentum

• Encounter with God

• Building team together• Creating momentum

Social Activities

Focus on connecting men

• Fishing/Golfing• Go-carting/4WD driving• Rugby nights/Movie nights• Breakfasts

Men’s Camps & Courses

Focus on spiritual growth and friendships

• Biblical teaching• Building friendships• Fun

Community Activities

Focus on bringing in unchurched

• Acts of service or serving inthe community

• Contacting and connectingwith individual men withpurpose

Church Activities

Focus on connecting all the men of the church

• Working bees• Helping to move and/

or clean up property forchurch families in need ofhelp

MEN’S GROUPS – the powerhouse of men’s spiritual growth

Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men

Spiritual Growth

• Grow 7 times faster in smallgroup

• Learn by asking questions• Receive sustained prayer• Feed on God’s WordIron sharpens iron

Character Issues of Life

• Making changes necessaryfor life

• Plumbline for life:– Work– Sex– Family– Finance

Building Friendships

• Build friends you can trustto help you encounter Jesuswhen trials come

• Receive:– Guidance– Wisdom– Correction

Equipped for Mission

• Growing a heart and focusfor ministry and mission

• Encouragement to fulfilGod’s purpose & calling

Developing Team

• Identifying potential teammembers

• Observing character andgiftings

• Communicating upcomingactivities

Go make disciples

Ministry Opportunities

• Widows & solos• Marriage ministry• Healing• Ministry to elderly• Connecting with youth


• Supporting or going:– In New Zealand– Outside New Zealand


The focus on “gathering activities”, courses and events is to provide opportunities to bring men from the congregation together, as well as unchurched men when the activities are suitable. This should be seen as a starting point to building friendships and begin or continue the process of spiritual growth. Obviously some activities should have a different focus. Some will emphasise making contacts and strengthening friendships, others will provide opportunities for continuing spiritual growth.

Unfortunately in a large number of Men’s Ministries across the nation, gathering activities are the only type of men’s activities that take place, causing them to miss out on the real potential and power of men in the church.


Men’s groups are at the very heart of Ministry with Men in the local church. When men gather together regularly as part of a group, they experience growth as they learn to pray for others effectively, apply the Bible to their lives and harness the power of each other’s experience and wisdom while building friendships.

Regular attendance at a men’s group will activate spiritual growth up to 7 times faster than only attending Sunday church services. This is because most men learn by asking questions which is not possible during most regular Sunday services. By asking questions they are able to apply truths and receive biblical wisdom from other men in the group at a pace that they can understand and implement.

How Promise Keepers can help you to energise your Ministry with Men!

Gather, grow, go - the essentials for a powerful Men’s Ministry. These three words give clear purpose and direction for your Men’s Ministry. Do all three well and you unleash the power to change men and see them influence others.By keeping men’s groups as the central mainstay of the ministry, men become involved on different levels of “gather” and “go”. Strong interconnections are a vital strategy for success.

Ministry with Men• Planning and evaluation tools• Training webinars• Online resources• Personal help from Field Representa-

tives• Expert Consultancy or ongoing Coaching

Men’s Groups• Training - “How to get started” and “How

to maintain a group”• Promise Keepers Study Guides• Resources – including DVD courses and


Get more from Promise Keepers via EMAIL! Subscribe to PK NEWS now to stay connected and to be resourced for life! Phone 0800 PROMISE or email


Continued pg 6

Men frequently are confronting issues that require time, sustained prayer, encouragement and perseverance to be resolved and overcome. These issues may be associated with character, faith, relationships, work, family or finance. Men receive discipleship and mentoring from the group which gives them the necessary guidance, wisdom and correction to confront and overcome these challenges.Men grow in groups - whether they are open or closed groups. As men get to know each other they see character, leadership qualities and potential in others. These men can form the nucleus of multiple teams to organise “gathering events” to continue drawing men into the church.

Every church needs an open men’s group. When a new man arrives at church on a Sunday and asks what is available in Men’s Ministry that week, it is likely that the only opportunity for him to participate in Men’s Ministry will be in an open men’s group that meets weekly. Meeting weekly provides consistent opportunities to invite other men from both inside or outside the church to attend.


As friendships are built and men are equipped spiritually, it follows that they want to fulfil their ultimate purpose in life with ministry and mission.


September 2013


Transforming men!

Life is far more pleasant if you don’t

take things personally.

The mind is a funny thing. It’s amazing how much our life is affected by the way we think. I recall hearing David Riddell say something like, you have to make your mind your friend before you can be a friend to others.

When things go against us, it can be hard to stay balanced in our thinking. Tiredness, stress and difficult circumstances can derail the best intentions.

Aaron Ironside states that “people become thin-skinned because they’re well bruised.” We know as Christians that God has good plans for our life and a higher purpose. We need to constantly battle negative thinking and rejection by focusing on our relationship with God and reflecting Him by maintaining good relationships with others wherever possible. I know that I can trust God but I can’t always trust my feelings.

As the Delirious song goes:

When it’s all crashing down on you When there’s nothing you can do There is someone who can carry you Every little thing’s gonna be alright

That song has carried me through some dark hours, so that I can enjoy life with others and God.

Are there any changes you need to make to enjoy healthy thinking?


John Subritzky

Imagine that you are floating in a canoe on a slow-moving river on a sunny afternoon. Suddenly there is a loud thump on the side of the canoe, and it rolls over. You come up sputtering, and what do you see? Somebody has snuck up on your canoe, flipped it over for a joke and is laughing at you. How do you feel?

Now imagine the exact same situation again: in a canoe, the loud thump, being dumped into the river, coming up sputtering, and what do you see? A large submerged log has drifted downstream and bumped into your canoe. This time, how do you feel?

The facts are the same in each case: you’re cold and wet, and your picnic is ruined. But when you feel personally picked on, everything feels worse. The thing is, most of what bumps into us in life - including e m o t i o n a l reactions from others, traffic jams, illness or mistreatment at work - is like an impersonal log put in motion by 10,000 causes upstream.

Sam’s boss told him to be certain his project report was free of mistakes. Sam’s internal response to that statement was to get angry and think, “Why on earth did she tell me that? Does she think I’m stupid?”

Sarah’s husband said he wanted to make sure they did something special for their son’s birthday. Sarah found that comment to be insulting and thought to herself, “What kind of mother does he think I am?!”

How do you behave when

someone, deliberately or not, seems to belittle, humiliate or reject you? Do you become resentful? Do you issue a counterattack? Do you curl into the foetal position?

Or do you shrug it off as “their problem”?

If it’s the latter, then you’ll be in on this secret: Life is far more pleasant if you don’t take things personally.

However, most of us can think of too many times when we took others’ words the wrong way. How did we get so prickly?

Firstly, it is a biological response our brain has been developing since childhood. Running subconsciously in the background, our brain has an alarm system alert for threats to physical and psychological needs. At the instant we register a threat, our body prepares for action. Cortisol and adrenalin are secreted. Breathing and heart rate quicken, sending increased blood and oxygen to our limbs to ready us for fight or flight.

The function of anxiety and anger is to warn of danger so that we take self-protective measures. To succeed at this task, we

overestimate threat. The only sure-fire guarantee that

Taking Things Personallyby Aaron Ironside

Better Choices, Better Outcomes

As men, every day we are confronted with the pressure to make choices. It may be about work, family, finances or the future. The decisions we make will impact us and those around us long after they have been made. They may even impact our destiny.It is crucial to make right decisions so we live a life of no regrets.

There is a way to make better choices so that you enjoy better outcomes in your life. The Bible exhorts us to seek wisdom – the wisdom that comes from the Father. To get that wisdom you want to enjoy some time each day focusing on growing closer to Jesus, and seeing your spiritual life outworking in your daily world. Reading scripture and processing it, conversing with the Father in prayer – you want to do that every day but often the opportunity slips by.

Then you go to an awesome event like Promise Keepers and come home buzzing, but as the weeks pass by, the excitement of feeling God so close to you in the company of brothers becomes an increasingly distant memory.

The team at Promise Keepers knows that the demands of a busy life can distance us from that close relationship with our Father that we deeply long for. Good intentions don’t make good relationships. What we focus on is what we become passionate about.

This is why we have created WiseChoices just for you! WiseChoices is a resource pack that we mail out to over 1100 men every month. It includes Men of Integrity, inspirational readings that men love to use every day.

Here’s what Daryl said about Men of Integrity:

I find WiseChoices to be excellent for today’s busy men. Each day takes only a minute or two to read and absorb, with links to relevant scripture also.

The brilliant thing about this small, easy to read booklet is that it is topical, with a weekly theme. It is written by men for men, and really makes you think about how you live out your Christianity in everyday life as a man of God.

On top of that, there is a monthly newsletter containing inspiring articles relevant for men, and then every couple of months there is a DVD that brings back the atmosphere of Promise Keepers with a speaker, music, drama, panels, funnies and more!

Now you too can easily access these premium resources. Don’t let another day slip by. Subscribe to WiseChoices today so that you can make the most of every day and live life with no regrets.

The suggested donation of only $10 per month enables Promise Keepers to produce these powerful resources and continue to serve more men. WiseChoices is even available if you are unable to donate because we know how useful it is to every man!

How do I sign up?1. Sign up now at the WiseChoices table in the foyer and take home the current issue!


2. Fill out the “I want to be on the Promise Keepers Team” form in this Handbook (page 32). Forms will be collected during the offering on Saturday night.

Men often become Christians or find a revitalised faith when they are in prison. It can be a time of reflection, change and new direction. Promise Keepers wants to extend the program of sending WiseChoices to prison, so that more men can use the Men of Integrity booklets. These help them work through what it means to be a man of God, living with hope, a purpose and a future.

Will you step up and help sponsor this outreach?

Sponsor 1 prisoner: $30 per yearSponsor 5 prisoners: $120 per year / $10 per month.

See page 32


My wife was the one who endorsed

subscribing - something timeless

and worth so much to my own personal growth and keeping alive

the Promise Keeper values through the

year has no price. Steve

Call 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47) and get connected with better outcomes!


The first two Tama Tane Malosi Events have broken new ground

in the Samoan community. Tama Tane Malosi (Mighty

Men of Valour) are Promise Keepers Men’s Events held in the

Samoan language.At this year’s Event in June

there was a dramatic impact on men as taboo issues were dealt with openly in true Promise

Keepers style. A very significant feature was the wide range of denominations represented, as the men were inspired to be mighty men of valour.

Nerony’s highlight was “to come together and worship God [as] one. We

have different denominations but we all come together as one in God. This Event gives me this great opportunity to get to know God more.”This has been a powerful initiative by Samoan men. Tavale Matai’a, a Promise Keepers Board member, says, “Whenever we held PK Events, countless Samoan men who cannot handle the English language

very well, from a number of churches, would ask me why we could not do the same

for them in the Samoan language. I alerted the Promise Keepers Board to this and they agreed to launch the first Tama Tane Malosi Event last year.”

The Samoan leadership team is keen to build on this foundation as they plan for future Events.

Coming with my father is [the] answer to years of prayer. Today was a day I will never forget what God has done in our lives. Donald

[I] give praise to God for this Event. It’s challenged me a lot to put into action what I learned and heard today, to respect my wife and love her the way Jesus loves me. The Tama Tane Malosi conference is worth continuing for the sake of men. Frank

I could not imagine how fantastic this program [is]. Learn so much, feel so much and see so much. Lifts my spiritual level to another level. Misi

Highlight - Seeing my wife as Jesus saw the Church… How can I not care for my wife as Jesus cared for me/Church? Isaia

Promise #5: A Promise Keeper is committed to supporting the mission of his church by honouring and praying for his pastor and by actively giving his time and resources.

Pastor Appreciation Month - October

Christchurch 24-25 SeptLevel 2 26 Sept

Auckland 22-23 OctLevel 2 24 Oct

Geoff Wiklund

Why would a pastor attend this conference?  First of all, pastors who have attended profess its value, and more significantly, they return – some more than twice. Secondly there is nothing else like it in this country, as it is based on material accumulated by Pastor Jack Hayford and filtered with my own experiences of churches and church planting in New Zealand.

I see four key things happening:

• Firstly there is great interaction and learning with other pastors.  Friendships and relationships are being formed as we share and spend time in the presence of God together.

• Secondly some key truths are imparted that help us to grow in the ministry and increase our impact on our community and congregation.

• Thirdly there is a great connection with the Word and every pastor has gone home inspired with ideas to preach.

• Most importantly there has been refreshing and healing as hands have been laid on each participant and words of encouragement spoken and prayed over one another.

Many pastors felt stirred up to achieve more, having been equipped with tools to be more effective. The fact that a number of pastors have chosen to return a second time speaks of the perceived value by those who have attended.

COMING UPA new level two course will be added later this year which will be very practical and include actually planning out next year.

I encourage you to attend this Event and bring some other ministers who you believe need refreshing.For more info visit the Promise Keepers website:

Pastor’s Conferences



All Hail King Jesus Traditional Awesome God Rich MullinsCornerstone Hillsong UnitedCrown Him with Many Crowns Matthew BridgesGive Me Jesus Fernando OrtegaGlorified Shaun GriffithsGreat is Thy Faithfulness Thomas ChisholmHoly is the Lord God Almighty Chris TomlinHow Great is Our God Chris TomlinHow Great Thou Art Carl Boberg I Am Free NewsboysMighty to Save Hillsong UnitedNew Zealand National Anthem Thomas BrackenOpen the Eyes of My Heart Lord Michael W SmithOur God Chris Tomlin10,000 Reasons Matt RedmanThe Stand Hillsong United


















<perforated for removal

Promise Keepers is calling men to lead the way back to the eternal truths of God’s Word. The time is now! It’s time for men to answer the call to be the godly men we were created to be. Called to a vision for what we can be. Called to a hope for the future.

Where are the men… who are unashamed of their love and personal faith in Jesus Christ, who know His voice, and who are learning to live in the world but not be of the world?

Where are the men… who are no longer isolated but who are living life deeply and authentically connected with a few other brothers in Christ, knowing they need each other to remain faithful to God and those they love?

Where are the men… who are honest about their own battles and temptations and sincere in their pursuit of ethical, sexual, moral and spiritual integrity?

Where are the men… who champion their family, helping them thrive through the biblical values of love, respect, honour, patience, sacrifice and service?

Where are the men… who love the Body of Christ and who willingly offer their God-given talents and gifts to serve others and advance the mission of their church?

Where are the men… who champion the unity of God’s family and who are more passionate about God’s Kingdom than about their denomination or ethnicity?

Where are the men… who make it their aim in life to expand Christ’s Kingdom by demonstrating and sharing the love of God with other people regularly and practically in daily life?

Are you willing to be a Promise Keeper?

A Promise Keeper is committed to:

1. Honouring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer and obedience to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. Pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.

3. Practising spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity.

4. Building strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.

5. Supporting the mission of his church by honouring and praying for his pastor and by actively giving his time and resources.

6. Reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

7. Influencing his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).








If you can help provide financially for Promise Keepers without affecting your giving to your church please fill out this form (see other side). If you are married, please discuss this with your wife to ensure you are in agreement.



d for




YOU can join the Promise Keepers team!Promise Keepers is a resource for men! There is more interest than ever before in men growing together spiritually and building friendships. Year round, Promise Keepers is out working with men and churches, communicating valuable concepts, championing the importance of men, coaching churches and running men’s Events. This is a time of unprecedented interest and opportunity. To seize the moment and progress forward we need to take the challenges seriously. That means having the right people and resources available year-round to reach more men. Promise Keepers needs people to invest into this work – individual men, families and businesses. How can you help? Can you pray? Can you give ongoing financial support? Are you subscribed to WiseChoices? Can you volunteer your time and skills? We appreciate everyone who joins us in the battle for men’s souls. Join the team today!

Pursue vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that I need brothers to help me keep my promises.

Honour Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, and obedience to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Build strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.

Support the mission of my church by honouring and praying for my pastor and by actively giving my time and resources.

Reach beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

Influence my world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20).

Practise spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity.

I have chosen to become a Promise Keeper.

Signed: Date: | |

please print clearly Name: __________________________________________ PK ID (if known) _______________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________________ Postcode: _______________

Phone: Day _______________________________ Even. _______________________________

Fax: ___________________________________ Mob: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________________________

I will support the ongoing ministry of Promise Keepers in New Zealand, which will not affect my financial commitment to my local church.

I will do this by giving:

oMONTHLY GIFT OF: o$10 o$25 o$50 o$100 oOther $__________

oQUARTERLY GIFT OF: o$30 o$50 o$100 o$250 oOther $__________

oONE-OFF PLEDGE: I pledge a gift of $______ before 31/12/13

oOFFERING: I have put $______ in today’s offering. Please send me a receipt.The law requires receipts to be issued on donations over $5.00 if requested. Please consider carefully if you need a receipt for donations under $20 as processing the receipt can cost Promise Keepers more than the donation!

I wish to pay by:

oOnline Donation oCredit Card oAutomatic Payment oCheque

Credit Card Number: oVisa oMastercard oAmex

|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ Expiry: ____|____

Card Name: _______________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________

oWiseChoices: Please subscribe me to WiseChoices and send me:

oNewsletter is sent to every subscriber - monthly

oWiseChoices DVD - bi-monthly

oMen of Integrity daily inspiration for men - bi-monthlySuggested donation $10 per month or $120 per year. Please see above for payment options.Send WiseChoices to Prison! 1 prisoner $30/yr 5 Prisoners $120/yr Other $

September 2013HealthyThinking

Transforming men!

Life is far more

pleasant if you don’t

take things personally.

The mind is a funny thing. It’s amazing

how much our life is affected by the

way we think. I recall hearing David

Riddell say something like, you have

to make your mind your friend before

you can be a friend to others.

When things go against us, it can

be hard to stay balanced in our

thinking. Tiredness, stress and difficult

circumstances can derail the best


Aaron Ironside states that “people

become thin-skinned because they’re

well bruised.” We know as Christians

that God has good plans for our life

and a higher purpose. We need to

constantly battle negative thinking

and rejection by focusing on our

relationship with God and reflecting

Him by maintaining good relationships

with others wherever possible. I know

that I can trust God but I can’t always

trust my feelings.

As the Delirious song goes:

When it’s all crashing down on you

When there’s nothing you can do

There is someone who can carry you

Every little thing’s gonna be alright

That song has carried me through

some dark hours, so that I can enjoy

life with others and God.

Are there any changes you need to

make to enjoy healthy thinking?


John Subritzky

Imagine that you are floating in a canoe on a slow-moving river on a sunny afternoon.

Suddenly there is a loud thump on the side of the canoe, and it rolls over. You come up

sputtering, and what do you see? Somebody has snuck up on your canoe, flipped it

over for a joke and is laughing at you. How do you feel?

Now imagine the exact same situation

again: in a canoe, the loud thump,

being dumped into the river, coming up

sputtering, and what do you see? A large

submerged log has drifted downstream

and bumped into your canoe. This time,

how do you feel?

The facts are the same in each case: you’re

cold and wet, and your picnic is ruined.

But when you feel personally picked

on, everything feels worse. The thing is,

most of what

bumps into us

in life - including

e m o t i o n a l

reactions from

others, traffic

jams, illness or

mistreatment at

work - is like an

impersonal log put in motion by

10,000 causes upstream.

Sam’s boss told him to be

certain his project report was

free of mistakes. Sam’s internal

response to that statement was

to get angry and think, “Why on

earth did she tell me that? Does

she think I’m stupid?”

Sarah’s husband said he wanted

to make sure they did something

special for their son’s birthday.

Sarah found that comment to be

insulting and thought to herself,

“What kind of mother does he

think I am?!”

How do you behave when

someone, deliberately or not, seems

to belittle, humiliate or reject you? Do

you become resentful? Do you issue a

counterattack? Do you curl into the foetal


Or do you shrug it off as “their problem”?

If it’s the latter, then you’ll be in on this

secret: Life is far more pleasant if you don’t

take things personally.

However, most of

us can think of too

many times when

we took others’

words the wrong

way. How did we

get so prickly?

Firstly, it is a

biological response our brain has

been developing since childhood.

Running subconsciously in the

background, our brain has an

alarm system alert for threats

to physical and psychological

needs. At the instant we register

a threat, our body prepares for

action. Cortisol and adrenalin are

secreted. Breathing and heart rate

quicken, sending increased blood

and oxygen to our limbs to ready

us for fight or flight.

The function of anxiety and anger

is to warn of danger so that we

take self-protective measures.

To succeed at this task, we

overestimate threat. The only

sure-fire guarantee that

Taking Things Personally by Aaron Ironside

This is a change to my existing AP

Your personal information is only used by Promise Keepers to communicate with you and serve you. It is not shared or sold. You can check this information at any time and correct any errors. See our privacy policy at:

Promise Keepers a/c# 12 3082 0105255 04 Ref: Your first name, surname and phone number

Complete details belowSee bank a/c details below We will send you a form Enclose or post



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32 33

Promise Keepers is available to you right through the year, not just during Events. When you stay connected with PK, you get the ongoing encouragement and resources you need to stay strong and stay on track. You are not alone and you can experience the joy of success and share that with others in our online community.

• Join the conversation or just follow it!Promise Keepers invites you to be part of the conversation throughout the year. Interact with us and other Promise Keepers through social media channels Facebook and Twitter.

• Keep up to date with what Promise Keepers is doing as well as interesting stories from New Zealand and around the world. Follow links to Promise Keepers’ own videos and audios for practical teaching, testimonies and Events. Subscribe to email updates so you don’t miss out on anything!

• Resources and ideasThere is a vast range of resources available 24/7 from Many of these are free. The team are constantly updating and adding to the content so that you can find the resources and ideas you need to succeed.

You can proactively get involved in the Facebook community or search for what you want on our website. You can also relax and enjoy updates by email as news comes to hand and is delivered to your inbox.

Live out the 7 Promises in your life and energise others through your


· Pray for their needs.

· Be a real friend to them.

· Watch and see God working and be ready to respond and stand together with them.

Fishers of MenAt the Event this weekend, you will be asked to consider the men you know who need Jesus in their lives. You will then be invited to write their names onto the small cardboard fish and the red wallet card. The card is for you to keep as your reminder. The fish will be collected. Promise Keepers commits to pray each month for the men represented on the fish. Over 73,550 men have been named and prayed for on these fish. Over the years, Promise Keepers has received many testimonies of the people named on the fish becoming Christians.

Men’s Team Ministry to Widows & Solos


“I will make you fishers of men”




Matthew 4:19

Developing a

Men’s Team Ministry to

Widows, Widowers and

Single Parents


in association with


Churches often struggle to meet the ongoing needs of people who are in difficult circumstances or in distress. Men’s Team Ministry to Widows & Solos can help meet these long-term needs.

There are other benefits that extend well beyond helping an individual care receiver, including outreach, and building up the men and the Men’s Ministry. This is a practical way to action Jesus’ command to love one another as He has

loved us, so all men will know that we are His disciples (John 13:34-35).

Small groups of four men spend two hours each month serving the same care receiver until the person no longer needs help. This works well because men are growing by doing significant work together and it becomes missional when the care receiver tells others why a team

is willing to help them.

Join with the churches that are already making an impact. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience available to you. Orientation kits, training and support are available from Promise Keepers. 35


for real changePartner with World Vision and Promise

Keepers in the Solomon Islands

Sign up today or call 0800 800 776

Sign up today or call 0800 800 776

Sign up today or call 0800 800 776

Cause 2014Cause 2014

Please Print Clearly: ID No (from your mailing label if available): ___|___|___|___|___|___

First Name: Surname:

Address: Suburb:

City/Town: Postcode: Email:

Ph wk: ( ) Ph hm: ( ) Mob:

Full name of Church attended (if any):

If you are on our mailing list please provide your previous address if this has changed within the last 12 months:



oChristchurch 22 - 23 August 2014 oWellington 12 - 13 September 2014 oAuckland 3 - 4 October 2014

Group Name: Leader’s Name:

Shirt size: S M L XL 2XL 3XL 5XL


Reg. Rate: oAdult $79 incl T-shirt $

$69 no T-shirt $

oStudent $49 + $10 for T-shirt $

oPastor $49 + $10 for T-shirt $

My gift to help other men go to Pure Power: $


oCash oCheque oEftpos oVisa oMastercard

Please pay by credit card at the Registration desk. Only complete credit card details if payment is unable to be made while at this Event.

Name on card:

Card No: __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__

Expiry Date: ___|___ Signature:

OFFICE USE oPaid oShirt Delivered Size:____ Initials:_____________________

Promise Keepers 2014



d for



Christchurch: 22-23 Aug Wellington: 12-13 SepAuckland: 3-4 Oct

Schedule subject to change.

See website for Event terms and conditions.

Register today for up to $30 discount off full price or $20 off PLUS a free t-shirt! (Adult registration only)


Auckland 1251 AMWellington 972 AMChristchurch 612 AMFor a full list of frequencies: Today’s best Christian music

Andrew Urquhart9AM - 12PM

12PM - 4PM

6AM - 9AM


4PM - 7PM

Cathy Jenke

Aaron Ironside

Rosemary Jane

Luke Weston

Meet the team

The Call is the catalyst for life-empowering decisions, awareness of spiritual realities, new hope and freedom for your journey with Christ.

After a time of ministry with brothers and intense focus on spiritual growth, the next step is to keep the fire burning and lock in the advances you have made at The Call.

1. Every man can also do several things to ensure that transformation continues. These steps are:

2. Take the top 3 Action Points you have written on page 29. Select the most important point. How can you apply that?

3. Tell others what God has revealed to you this weekend. Telling your testimony helps strengthen your decisions.

4. Participate in The Next Step webcast.

5. The most important thing you can do is be part of a Men’s Group because you will grow spiritually up to seven times faster in a Men’s Group compared to only attending a Sunday service. See page 4.

6. Look at the options for personal growth and ministry in this Handbook and see how you can be involved.

7. Use the Event DVDs/CDs to experience the Event again, preferably with others in your Men’s Group. See page … for details on how to order.

8. Use the 7 Promises bookmark as a plumbline for daily life. Keep it in your Bible.


Men’s Events 2014


Christchurch 22-23 August, La Vida Centre, 34a Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton

Wellington 12-13 September, Lane Park, 16 Lane St, Upper Hutt

Auckland 3-4 October, Victory Convention Centre, 98 Beaumont St