The Bridge - Vol. 4 Issue 2 - Spring 2014




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Spring 2014 Vol. 4, Issue 2



windward Stories




Letters from The editors

Binge Watching

Ridiculous reality TV

Super modern Superheroes

An Undecided Future

America and Afghanistan

WW Arts Initiative

the pack is back...Or is it?


Profile PicturesJordin: The greatest ever?Steinway. Clockwork.R.L. Grime.Bring it like beshken


38Talking with tom haglund

40You are what you eat.

20Don't overdo it: Scheduling

Bucket List


2. 3.

Letters from the editors

In this issue we focused on the outstanding people in our Windward community. Of course we weren’t able to cover all of the wonderful people at Windward but I think that our issue shows the variety of stories that exist here. We paired the diverse stories with bright colors and exciting designs, while maintaining the modern aspects of our last issue. While clean lines and white backgrounds seemed appropriate for our last technology themed magazine, these bright colors felt far more representative of the people in our community. Everyone has a different story to tell and all these stories make up a larger “Windward Story.” Exploring Windward’s stories from all different angles, from hobbies to food, was a great project for The Bridge. Every member of the staff was able to interact with the people in our community and learn something new. Thank you to the staff of The Bridge for all the incredible work that you have done. It has been wonderful working with all of you and creating our own mini-community in the downstairs CTL. Though The Bridge has been a magazine for the past four years, we have taken it to another level; the designs are cleaner and more consistent and the stories are stronger. I hope you all continue to improve our magazine and website each year and continue to transform it into a better publication. To all our readers, we hope you enjoy this issue. Have a fantastic summer!

The theme of this issue of The Bridge is the “Windward story,” complete with profiles and features on Windwardians of the past and present. Through my four years on the staff of The Bridge, I have learned that there truly is no better vehicle to spread that story than our bi-annual magazine. Enjoy.

Aaron Klevan '14 Online Editor

Emma Steiner '14editor in chief

Aaron Klevan

Abby Kuhns

Charlie Lyttle

Allie Melendez

Tessa Palter Posten

Ari Tooch

Jack Ginsberg

Emma Steiner

Staffeditor in chief

Online editor

Managing Editor

Sports Editor

Culture Editor

staff writer

staff writer

staff writer

Daniel Hyun

Connor Moldo

Alli Blythe

Allison Kaufman

Pr1mary Color

Luke Goldsteinstaff writer

staff writer

staff writer



staff writer

Peri GruwenwedelDesigner

Brooke RosenthalDesigner

4. 5.

1 Swim in the

L.A. Rivereat in the CTL

Grab n Go


3 45

Park on Westminster

nap in the CTL

7 visit the dungeon


Tom to tell you a story

8take class w/ staude

What not to miss:The Official Bridge BuckeT lisT 2014


Compete in the halloween Contest

decorate a locker

Play Tim O’Halloran Trivia



'ThePack'15eat Bagel


10ask Rob about his tattoos


12go to a


6. 7.

Based on the book, Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman, Orange is the New Black follows Piper Chapman, a prisoner at Litchfield Prison. Chapman is an educated New York woman who was busted carrying money for drug trafficking.

In prison, Piper is reunited with her ex-girlfriend Alex, a drug smuggler who is the reason why Piper is there in the first place. Throughout the show, Piper and Alex re-access their relationship while dealing with the other prisoners and officers. “It has the perfect combination of comedy and drama; every episode leaves you wanting more,” said Senior Maddy Arkin. Orange is the New Black is an incredibly

entertaining show that has won six awards in the eight-month period that it has been on television. Orange is the New Black has also gotten more viewers and hours viewed on Netflix than House of Cards and Arrested Development combined, so why not watch the first episode?

Few things are more entertaining than watching Hannah Horvath, an aspiring writer from East Lansing, Michigan, and all of her eclectic friends navigate their twenties in Brooklyn after graduating college. Hannah’s friends Marnie, Charlie, Jessa, Shoshanna, Adam, Ray, and Elijah, are just as funny, if not funnier, than Hannah herself, and every situation they find themselves in is just as funny as they are painfully relatable. “It’s my guilty pleasure. I watched two seasons in three days,” said Junior Andrew Simmons. Although many people think that Girls is the “younger”

version of Sex in the City, Girls is a much less glamorous, much more realistic, depiction of single girls living in Brooklyn and New York City. Girls is a fun, extremely relatable and funny depiction of what life could be like living in a big city after graduating college.


Scandal Olivia Pope is known as Washington DC’s “fixer;” A former White House Communications Director, Olivia started her company, Olivia Pope and Associates, in order to help the nation’s most elite politicians cover up sensitive issues and transgressions. Ironically, she is having an affair with the President of the United States. Olivia has an army of people by her side, such as Harrison, Abby, Quinn, and Huck, as well as the First Lady. “Olivia is a strong black independent woman who don’t need no man,” said Senior Shannon Peters of Kerry Washington’s strong female role. Drama is around every corner, and viewers are always left wondering what’s going to happen next… Scandal is an extremely fast paced, suspenseful political thriller. There are 44 one-hour episodes to watch, so now would be a good time to start watching!

by Allie Melendez ’14

What to Binge Watch

Summer. The time to go to the beach, hang out with friends, and watch every season of a new favorite show whilst eating multiple pizzas and pints of Ben and Jerry’s.Here are some shows that Windward students watch religiously and HIGHLY recommend watching during the lovely upcoming three-month break.

Frank Underwood, a very ambitious Democratic congressman from South Carolina, works with his very manipulative wife to get revenge on everyone who has previously betrayed him. “It is the most unpredictable show I have ever watched,” says Senior Oliver Curry. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are absolutely incredible as the senator and his scheming wife. Both of them have received accolades for their work, including a Golden Globe and a Webby Award. The best thing about binge watching this show is that it premiered a year ago, so there are not too many episodes to catch up on! Both seasons of House of Cards are on Netflix right now, so it will be super easy to queue and watch every episode in one night!

House of Cards

Orange is the New Black

8. 9.

There is a societal stigma surrounding the reality

TV phenomenon wrapped up in shows like The Bachelor or Keeping Up With the Kardashians. This stigma has grown over the years as reality TV has become more about creating unrealistic dramatic scenarios than about documenting life as it happens.

Shows like Made and American Idol initially appealed to the public. It was more interesting to watch shows that were about real people rather than shows where people were paid to act like other characters.

Made was a show on MTV where teenagers who were unhappy with their identity learned new talents. Kids who wanted to be

beauty pageant winners, rappers, or break dancers would send in a video application in hopes of going on the show and achieving their dreams.

“What I liked about Made was that they were kids my age. It was cool to see the teenagers before and after achieving their goals,” said sophomore Pearce Levy.

However, shows like The Real World and Jersey Shore pushed the limits of “reality” with drama. These shows were still about “real people,” however, reality they eventually transformed into a mockery, with anticipated fights, interventions, and other staged dramatic events.

The Real World was an MTV show similar to Jersey Shore

where a group of strangers would live together for a couple months in different cities. The show was based around the relationships that the strangers would make, whether they were friendly, romantic, or tense.

“[The Real World] is a stupid show, but it was really entertaining to watch when I came home from school and I had a bad day. It was funny to see who would become a couple and who would get into fights,” said junior Sophie Bernard.

The Real World was initially going to be a sitcom, but once the producers saw how successful other reality shows were at cheaper costs they changed the concept and brought in strangers.

Ridiculous Reality Television

“I liked the fact that the people on the show weren’t actors that I already knew. It made all the situations more real and interesting,” said Bernard.

Jersey Shore was a show on MTV where four girls and guys from New Jersey would stay in a house for a summer. People were quickly attracted to the characters and their funny names, like “Snooki” and “Pauly D,” and found the staged drama entertaining.

“I liked [Jersey Shore] because the people on it were funny and dramatic. Honestly it was just mindless amusement,” said junior Victoria Haglund.

The most popular shows right now are competitions. Whether it’s for love, the best plate of food, or the best dress, people love reality shows like The Bachelor and The Voice because they enjoy watching “real people” compete

on television. “It’s really embarrassing to

admit to people that I watch [The Bachelor]. The content is horrible, but I love seeing the drama and love triangles that happen on the show. It’s totally a guilty pleasure,” said Haglund ‘15.

It seems to be that the one thing that really draws Windward teens to reality TV is drama. Viewers enjoy fights, heartbreak, and general tension, despite the fact that the majority of reality TV drama is scripted. For whatever reasons, needing a laugh after a hard day, wanting to relax after a couple hours of school, or just because it is such a good conversation starter, teens all around school are loving ridiculous reality TV shows.

by Ari Tooch ’15

10. 11.

At the mention of superheroes, most minds go to Superman, Captain America, Batman, and other protagonists of DC and Marvel, but what many people don’t realize is how they’ve changed over time. Through the years, superheroes have evolved to fit the ideals of heroics of the day. In 1961, the first official Marvel comic was released and

the company started rolling with the Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four defined a lot of the superhero criteria to which we still hold superheroes today. Upon inspection, superheroes begin with three major categories: Freak accident (Hulk, Fantastic Four), Alien species (Superman, Thor), and billionaire crimefighters (Iron Man, Batman). Though we’ve

kept most of the same superheroes through the years we’ve cycled a few out of the limelight, such as the Silver Surfer and Ant-Man. Did you know the first Avengers team was made up of Ant-man, Thor, Wasp, Iron Man, and Hulk, only three of which are considered Avengers today (in the live action films)?

Idolization As a society, we idolize superheroes, but the question is, which would you really want to be?The one sent off of his home planet by his own father?One of the few with no real friends but his money?The one who has to deal with bullies and family hardship while off-duty?Part of a group banded together because society can’t stand to look at them?None of the superheroes have perfect lives and that seems to be a deliberate creative choice. A character with a perfect life and super powers just doesn’t make for an interesting story and doesn’t cause the enthralling group dynamics that make these stories what they are and keep them so relatable and accessible. Keeping the characters relatable and close to real life keeps people interested in and connected to their stories.

TV vs Movies: The original graphic novels for all these superheroes came out periodically, had short wrap-up stories, and left you wanting more. Movies nowadays aren’t quite the same. Though the stories are similar, and mostly self-contained each superhero’s movies only come out once every couple years and the plot is always huge. This is pretty far from the original graphic novel style storyline. A more modern way to keep the story style consistent is television. Superhero TV shows are very popular with young kids, but aren’t very well-known with older people. “We look for the most exciting story,” said Christopher Yost, writer for Thor: The Dark World.

As for the superheroes themselves, for their movies, they occasionally have to undergo some changes from the comic book versions. Like Superman, for instance, “started as this larger-than-life character,” said Yost, “for the movie, they had to make him more of a real person.” That’s where Marvel has the upper hand in movies. People would much rather watch Marvel’s “normal guys” fight the monsters, because it’s so much more relatable to the viewer, and it’s more exciting to see someone who is, at the heart of their character, a realistic person fighting the monster. “We challenge the characters physically and emotionally,” Yost said, when explaining the creative process of Marvel movies. In

modern storytelling, a physical battle is not as satisfying as physical (for the visual excitement) and the emotional (for the connection to the character) battles put into the same movie. In older comics, while there was some emotional drive or conflict, the physical battle always reigned supreme and the emotional battle was very rarely as deeply explored as is expected today.

Supermodern superheroes

by Alli Blythe ’17

12. 13.

Marvel vs DC When it comes to comics, there are two major classes of fans: Marvel and DC. DC has affected pop culture more in the past, and is still reaping the rewards of that rooted influence today, with Batman and Superman tee shirts in every store. Marvel gave its characters more complex and interesting backstories and focused more on the personal lives of the characters, making them more personable and meaningful to readers. Marvel superheroes also tend to work in teams, such as Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, along with a slew of dynamic crossovers. Because DC only has a few big characters, the crossovers were somewhat limited. How many times could Batman and Superman team up, face off, and run into each other on Holiday Cruises (Superman #76, 1952)? Since Disney bought the rights to Marvel, the stories of The Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men have been rising in popularity, each becoming successful movies. The interesting backstories and group dynamics Marvel wrote into the comics made the transition to movies smooth and successful. As Christopher Yost, a writer on Thor: The Dark World said, “Marvel’s characters always feel like real people.” Though the backstories and group dynamics weren’t completely necessary for a comic book, they helped the characters go to the next level.

What’s in a Sidekick? Christopher Yost says it is balance, along with the ability to “take [the main character] out of her/his comfort zone.” Nowadays, superheros are not the only ones with sidekicks. Jane Foster, Thor’s love interest in the Thor movies, has her own sidekick, Darcy Lewis. Darcy is a great example of a sidekick because not only does she pull Jane out of her comfort zone and balance her out, she provides comic relief, and in Yost’s words, “can say what we’re all thinking.” Sidekicks often provide filler for the character gaps that a main character is likely to leave, keeping both the main character and the sidekick relatable and fun.

Female Characters in Superhero Stories When listing all the superheroes, few, if any heroines come to mind. In recent years, the comic world has been pushing more of these superheroines and Yost believes “You’re only going to see it more.” Though there are few female main characters in the comic book world, there are many important female characters in supporting roles in the movies, such as Black Widow (“One of the toughest, strongest characters in the movie” said Yost) who actually has her own comic, Pepper Potts, Jane Foster, and more. Granted, these characters are usually romantic interests of the main male character, but they usually play very important parts in the story. Joss Whedon, writer and director for The Avengers, “is a huge proponent of great female characters,” said Yost. With that kind of attitude in charge of writing the superhero (and superheroine) movies, a real rise in female characters is more than likely. This is another example of the way comic book stories are changing and growing to fit the modern world and modern audiences.

Technology As technology becomes better, our expectations and admiration for superheroes go way up in some respects, and way down in others. For example, when Batman debuted in 1939, the Batmobile, Batman’s “specially built high powered auto” was far more impressive than it is today. To remain an important part of Batman’s distinguished image, the Batmobile has had to go through some major changes. On the other hand, some superheroes have been set free with technology, such as Hulk. In the 1970’s TV show, Hulk didn’t get all that much bigger than Dr. Banner. In the recent Avengers movie, people fear that Dr. Banner changing into the Hulk will take down a military aircraft the size of a boat. What made this possible was the growth in computer graphics. In this case, the changes of time brought a televised superhero closer to, rather than further from, to the original comic book version.



Ever since the invention of the printing press in the late 15th century, newspapers

have taken off and become a steady source of entertainment. Print newspapers and magazines have made their mark on history for capturing iconic sports and political events such as the pithy but evocative headline from the British Newspaper The Sun after Barack Obama beat John McCain in the 2008 presidential election: “Obama is first black president, One giant leap for mankind.”

In just over 400 years, the extent and speed of world media has completely changed. It’s hard to

believe that at one point in time news didn’t just travel at the speed of light. In fact, after the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572, when 5,000 French protestants were murdered, it took almost a week for the news to reach Geneva and 9 days to get to Rome. Nowadays that would be unfathomable.

In an era dominated by social media and instantaneous updates, how can newspapers compete?

Advancement in 21st century technology such as computers, smartphones, and tablets sparked the switch from print newspapers to online news outlets. Through

sites like Google, Twitter, and Facebook, people can find facts, reviews, and news at the tap of a finger. This speed of communication has created a need for immediacy in news. Few people want to wait until the next day to hear about what’s happening in their communities and the world.

Newspapers recognize this and since the invention of the iPhone in 2007, papers have been switching more and more to online formats. Outlets such as Grantland and Bleacher Report are completely digital. The Seattle Times, which

used to be a successful print paper, has switched entirely to digital news. Others, including top sources such as The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times, use both websites and print. A minority of sources are solely print.

In addition to online versions, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and many other top sources use Twitter to break news in a matter of seconds. Twitter “has become the main social media for reporters, because it gets the information out to lots of people as quickly as possible,” explained Mariecar Mendoza of the L.A News Group.

The expectations for immediate news has increased the demand for newspapers to get information and stories out as quickly as possible.The best way to do that is on the

The Undecided Future of Print Newspapers

Junior Charlie Lyttle surfs his favorite websites for


by Luke Goldstein '16

“More Americans get news online

than from radios or newspapers...”

internet. According to the Poynter Institute

for Media Studies, more Americans get news online than from radios or newspapers. Twenty-three percent of people living in the United States said they read a print newspaper the day before. That’s half the number of people who said they had done so in 2000, when nearly 50 percent of those surveyed read a paper the day before.

There is no question that the newspaper industry is declining; however, what papers will do about it is more interesting. Some businessmen have taken matters into their own hands, like Aaron

Kushner, who immediately after buying the Orange County Register,

hired 173 new staff members for the print paper. Kushner is famous for saying, “I do not believe the future of newspapers has to be a

negative one. I believe that there is a future for newspapers where they grow.” Will more and more papers take the Aaron Kushner approach? Is there still hope? Or will Print Newsapapers simply go extinct?

“I’m very old-fashioned, I like to read a physical newspaper,” said Windward librarian Sarah Clark. “I like to read a large spread and do the crossword puzzles. I’m one of the only people getting newspapers, so the price just keeps going up. I, for one, am not ready to give newspapers up.”

“WATCH YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER!!!” Cartoon drawn by Charles Henry Alston, 1907-1977

“Twitter has become the main social media for reporters, because it gets the information out to lots of people as quickly as possible...”


AmericA’s Future From AFghAnistAn On February 26 of 2014, Obama proposed the withdrawal of all American troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Afghanistan has long experienced turbulence, financially, politically, and culturally. Terrorist groups, such as Al Qaeda, still flourish in Afghanistan despite heavy military and financial investment by both the United States and the Afghan government. To make things worse, despite gross domestic product (GDP) growth, most Afghans live in dirt-poor conditions, lacking sanitation or clean living conditions. In my opinion, the United States government should extract as all US soldiers from Afghanistan in order to avoid further damage to our citizens and economy. American troops should fully withdraw from Afghanistan, or at most, leave only several thousand soldiers behind for reconnaissance. It is fruitless to invest, or more accurately throw away, millions of dollars to fix a broken nation, especially when we could be using those precious dollars to help the poor and needy back home. Right now, economic inequality is rising and more Americans are unable to support themselves. We should focus on healing our own nation first. Ever since we became actively involved in the Afghan War in

the wake of the 9/11 Tragedy, our economy has suffered noticeably from the billions of dollars needed

to fund the military. For example, according

to USDA’s

Food and Nutrition Service, from 2011 to 2013, the number of people on food stamps has risen by almost 3 million. Though unemployment rates have risen since 2001, unemployment has been increasing since 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Increased unemployment combined with widening economic inequalities, and over an 80% disapproval rating for the Afghanistan war,

makes it clear that we are in no position to be so financially generous to other countries. According to the Washington Post, the United States spent over $700 billion on military expenses in 2011; the nation could have

spent this money giving

education grants to underfunded schools, providing better healthcare for war veterans, improving public infrastructure, combating annual inflation, and many other things. Additionally, US troops in Afghanistan should return since it is evident that whatever dollars we continue to invest in the war is essentially being thrown away. This fact is evident in Hamid Karzai’s virulence

by Daniel Hyun ’16against American presence in Afghanistan. He constantly rants about the US military presence in his country, in order to degrade public opinions about American military and in the long run, deem its reforms ineffective. Considering all the costs of the war, including the hundreds of tragic suicides incurred from devastated soldiers and fatal attacks by the very Afghan men they trained, Afghanistan has

not noticeably changed

for the better. To be specific, due to Karzai’s rigged elections in 2009, ethnic tensions and the possibilities of civil war are at their highest since 2001. To make the prospect of another war even worse, the Taliban has begun to regain land and power, accounting for hundreds of US soldiers’ deaths and those of many innocent civilians. Lastly,

according to the World Bank, 90% of Afghanistan’s national budget is entirely comprised of foreign aid. To make this situation worse, corruption, such as rampant bribery, makes up a substantial amount of the remaining 10%. Seeing these statistics, it is clear that before we end up dissolving billions more of our own money, which comes from the hard-earned tax dollars of American citizens, we should extract our army from the turbulent country.

Last but not

l e a s t , m a n y

Afghanistan war v e t e r a n s s u f f e r from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, and are further tormented by thoughts of suicide. In fact, according to NBC News, up to 30% of the 2.4 million Afghan and Iraq

war soldiers have contemplated suicide, and up to 20% of them suffer from PTSD, a debilitating mental condition that occurs through emotional trauma from the fear of injury or death. Clearly, the US government could redirect some of the billions we spend, have spent, and might continue to spend in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to provide adequate medical care for the veterans. This notion is emphasized through the plethora of other side effects that come from a damaged mind, including higher divorce rates, loss of employment opportunities, increased chance of suicide, and a lower quality of life in general. Overall, seeing the data laid before us, it is clear that we should remove most, if not all, of our army from Afghanistan in order to prevent wasting any more valuable taxpayer dollars. From the hundreds of billions we invested into Afghanistan, we could have spent it on improving our own citizens’ and war veterans’ lives, which, despite the recovering economy, are still in financial turmoil. Furthermore, Afghanistan’s economy has become greatly dependent on foreign aid; the more money we pour into the country, the more dependent it will become on us, and in the long run, lead to our downfall.

18. 19.

The performing arts initiative has transformed art opportunities at Windward. The move for change began when Tom Gilder met with the performing arts staff and asked them to do the impossible - plan the construction of a new theater.

Windward has been stuck in a black box theater for 25 years and everyone - students, faculty, and fans alike - is ready for a change. Jennie Willens (dean of student life), Kilo Fairchild (chairman of the performing arts department) and Alesia Young (choreographer) formed what Kilo labeled the triumvirate to spearhead progress. This committee is working hard to renovate arts at Windward by finding new performance spaces and bringing in more professionals.

The biggest challenge that lies ahead in Windward’s future is the creation of a new theater. Jennie, Alesia and Kilo have been exploring theaters in the Southern California area to serve as potential models.

“The big purpose of initiatives is to do research of other programs,” said Jennie Willens. “Looking at their spaces, curriculum and philosophies to see what we like and what may be adoptable for Windward.”

The committee is considering a variety of factors including lighting, seating, acoustics, and audience size. They want to create a theater big enough to seat the entire school so the gym will no longer be necessary. The team has already decided to abandon the black box for a traditional stage with leaning seating. Rather than positioning seats to the left or right of center aisles, the committee has decided to use side aisles so that the center portion of the auditorium is completely available for seating.

The group does face one major challenger - where will this theater be located? In searching for potential theater designs, Kilo, Jennie and Alesia scouted locations for Windward’s future auditorium. They visited many theaters in the Southern California area and especially liked an award-winning design in Agoura.

Windward’s performing arts initiative is not limited to a new theater. The performing arts teachers are also working to expand opportunities within their departments. In fact, the department has introduced mentor programs to provide students one-one-one experience with professionals. Music teacher Bruce Eskovitz has brought in several music


The Windward Dance Company took the stage at UCLA’s Freud Theater in January of 2014 with guest artists from So You Think You Can Dance.

A Windwardmentors including bassist Jimmy Haslip to play with his students. Choral music teacher John Higgins offers voice lessons after school to provide singers with a free way to improve technique. He also invites professional and college a cappella groups to sing for his choir classes.

“I love when we get to sing with college a cappella groups,” said Junior, Brooke Feldman. “M-pact and the Princeton footnotes were amazing.”

Theatre teacher Jordan Fox has brought in several movie-industry professionals, including Chris Miller, to teach students about the audition process and resumes. Also, famous dancers such as Thang Dao have choreographed numbers for Dance Company.

“It is truly incredible to be dancing alongside famous and respected dancers,” said Junior, Katia Kapelian.

Since a new theater remains in the future, the performing arts committee has looked to local auditoriums to host Windward performances in the meantime. These shows are known as set list shows since they occur in various locations and feature both students and professionals. The winter dance performance was held at UCLA’s Freud playhouse, a 567 seat proscenium. The choir students performed their winter concert at the Grammy Museum, a museum

in downtown L.A. that showcases the history of the Grammys. These shows have proved so successful that Windward decided to hold its spring music festival (consisting of both choral and music performances) at the AT&T center in downtown L.A.

“Performing at the Grammy Museum was a fantastic experience,” said Junior, Mila Wolpert. “It was probably the nicest theater I have ever performed in.”

Senior Max Mendelson also positively responded to his performance in a new theater. He said, “It was an unbelievable experience to perform in a professional setting with true, successful musicians.”

Teachers are crucial in this process of renovation. Not only do they generate ideas, but many are also very respected in the arts community at large. For example, dance teacher Julia Friedrich was named one the most influential teachers by the White House in 2013.

“What has been so inspiring is that the performing arts teachers are embracing the process and coming up with great ideas,” said Jennie Willens.

Students and teachers agree that the performing arts initiative has already expanded opportunities at Windward dramatically. In terms of the future, Windward plans to focus on the curriculum in classes so artists can continue to improve throughout their school career.

by Tessa Palter-Posten ’15

The cast and crew for the 2014 Spring Musical, 9 to 5 pose post-production. in the “black box” Irene Kleinberg Theater.


Don't Overdo It:How to Plan Your Senior Schedule in 4 easy steps

by Allie Melendez ’14

Don't go crazy with AP classes

Of course, there are some students who can take all AP classes their Senior year, but before making the decision to do this, think: do you really want to take five, three-hour tests at the end of the year? Also something good to consider, colleges will probably not see how well you do on these APs! “Remember it’s your last year of high school, so make sure to balance your academics with your social life,” said Riley Shapiro ’14. Of course you could get college credit for these classes but as a Senior who is in two AP classes, it isn’t worth it to stress over multiple AP tests that mildly interest you nor should you take AP classes that you do not wish to major in.

Senior year schedules. They range from all AP courses with no free period to all electives and two free periods. Windward gives us the flexibility to more or less choose our schedules our Senior year, so how do we know which classes are the best for us to take? Here are three things I strongly suggest you think about before planning your Senior schedule.

step 1:

Have a free period!

You need a free period. Even for the Seniors who only use their free periods to socialize and go get food this time is necessary for keeping your sanity during the first semester. “Everyone should have a free period, if you don’t, you are an idiot. Don’t do that to yourself!” said Sarah Mitchell ’14. There are also kids that use their free periods to write a good amount of their college essays, thus giving you time to do fun things after school. One senior was able to turn in all of her college applications two weeks before Halloween because she used her free period time wisely. And after midterms, your free period is mainly a time to socialize and get food since you will most likely be into college and have nothing better to do. The entire Senior class strongly encourages you to have a free period. Or two.

Electives are awesome!

Senior year is the only year that you are able to take an elective, a class that only goes for one semester. Electives are half-credit classes that are actually really fun. Some examples of Senior electives are Brothers K, Philosophy: Search for Meaning, and Creative Writing. “David (Unger) taught me a lot about myself and I learned how life works,” said Asha Walker ’14 on David Unger’s Psychology. In Philosophy: Search for Meaning, students have really fun projects and discussions, from talking about favorite childhood books to what seniors see themselves doing in 20 years.

Friends, parents, and college counselors all have their own opinions about which classes you should take, but remember that YOU are the one who will ultimately be taking these classes. As stupid as this may sound, no one knows you as well as you do; you know which classes you can handle and which classes will stress you out. Also, remember that there is no trophy for taking all AP and honors classes. “Your parents think you will be way more motivated than you will be second semester senior year,” said Lauren Kearley ’14.

Don't let anyone pressure you!

step 2:

step 3:

(without loosing your mind)

step 4:


The Pack is Back (Or is it?)


While Windward is relatively small in terms of its student body, it boasts a basketball program of a school three times its size. The program has become an undisputed powerhouse, accumulating three state championships in the past six seasons while sending 14 alumni to division-one schools and one alumnus to the NBA. In 2009, a star-studded boys team featuring future Harvard standout Wesley Saunders and NBA-bound Darius Morris, among others, lead the Wildcats to their first of two state titles in a three-year span, launching the Windward student body into a basketball craze. “When I got here to Windward in seventh grade...the boys basketball team, specifically, was in the midst of incredible success,” said senior Aaron Klevan ‘14, whose first year at Windward was the same year the boys won their first state championship. “Students from seventh grade all the way up to twelfth grade were going to all the games. I remember Windward bringing busloads of students up to Sacramento for the Championship game [in 2009]. The spirit [that season] was unmatched by any other school Windward played.” In recent years, while the girls team has risen to become one of the elite high school basketball programs in the nation, the boys team has been lost in the shadow. Since both teams claimed Division IV State Championships in 2011, the Lady ‘Cats have earned two CIF Open-division titles, a number-one overall national ranking, and a runner-up finish in the Open-Division State Championship, while the boys have failed to reach the state playoffs as of last season. The boys’ decline of success was mirrored by a decline in student interest. The team that once drew “busloads” of fans to away games suddenly struggled to draw sizeable crowds at home. Windward’s great affinity for basketball had all but faded away. “For the past two or three years, spirit for basketball kind of dipped a little bit,” said Klevan. “The new students didn’t really appreciate the basketball culture that

Windward was known for in the past.” It was this past season that boys basketball became relevant again. While the 2013-14 team did not reach unprecedented levels of success, the exciting, young Wildcats brought a renewal of excitement and interest in boys basketball not seen since the team’s last State Championship in 2011. Featuring a starting lineup with two underclassmen and roster with no seniors, the ‘Cats stormed through this year’s CIF Southern-Section playoffs, appearing in their first Southern Section Championship Game since ‘11 while earning a bid in the state playoffs. Students began attending games more frequently and in large numbers. During late season regular season games and into the playoffs, the Lewis Memorial Sports Center did not have enough seats to accommodate the increase in attendance. For a 7pm game, fans could arrive no later than 6:15 to safely secure a seat. First-quarter stragglers flooded the stairways between each section. Students squeezed into the designated student section (known as “The Pack”), going two to a seat, staggering in the gaps between rows, creating space where it didn’t exist. The student section was so full that extra security was hired to keep kids from spilling onto the court. The energy at these games was electric, and the noise level was intolerable. Students stood for the entirety of each game, cheering so relentlessly that Windward public address announcer Nick Webster was rendered inaudible for the playoffs. There was a different aura about these games, a new enthusiasm not even seen during the golden age of Windward Boys Basketball. “The spirit in the playoffs so far, for boys basketball specifically, is something I haven’t seen before at Windward, even in the years of Darius and Wesley. It’s just taken to another level,” Klevan told the Bridge during the playoffs. “I think a lot of people realized that they


don’t have to like basketball in order to be part of this fan base,” said David Deutschman ’15 of the revitalization of spirit at games. “Instead of enjoying the game itself, you can enjoy the whole atmosphere.” But for all the attention that was paid to the boys team this season, it was the better basketball team on campus that fell by the wayside. Consistently rated as a top-10 team in USA Today’s Super 25 rankings for the past two seasons, the girls team struggled to draw crowds a fraction of the size of those at boys games. “[Girls basketball] isn’t as exciting as men’s basketball. It’s as simple as that,” said one Windward student. “Naturally, people think since the

boys are more athletic they can do more...and that [boys] teams are more exciting,” said the girls team’s star point guard Jordin Canada ’14. On March 1 of this year, the girls played Long Beach Poly in a CIF South-ern Section Semifinal at Windward. While the game was a sellout, two-thirds of the fans in attendance were Long Beach Poly students and parents whose boisterous cheering section drowned out the few vocal Windward supporters. Despite the lack of support, the Wildcats beat the Jackrabbits 62-49. “In ninth grade,...we had a lot more school spirit. A lot of people came and supported [at both] the girls and the boys games,” recalled Canada of her freshman season in 2011. “I think that’s

The young and exciting 2013-14 boys varsity made boys basketball relevant again at Windward

Students rejoice after a Windward 3-point basket.

definitely changed within the past couple of years.” Posting a 26-3 record, the girls were unfathom-ably dominant during the 2013-14 season, out-scoring their opponents by a combined 556 points while winning more than half of their regular season games by 20 or more. But because the girls usually beat their competition so handily, many students found going to games pointless and anticlimactic. “I think that a lot of people take having [one of] the top girls basketball [teams] in the country for granted. They don’t realize what it’s like to see a team of this caliber compete,” said Klevan. “But looking back on it, a few years from now, the people who didn’t attend the games are going to regret not taking advantage of the opportunity.”

The departure of the girl’s two best players in the UCLA-bound Canada, a Mcdonald’s All-American and an ESPN top-five nationally-ranked recruit, and the USC-bound Kristin Simon ’14, an All-American candidate, marks the end of an era of Windward Girls Basketball not likely to ever be matched in terms of success, an era that many Windward stu-dents simply missed. But Canada isn’t losing sleep over it. “It bothered me in the beginning,” said Canada about the lack of student interest. ”But I started to realize that it doesn’t really matter to me who I’m playing in front of. If not a lot of people want to come and support, then that’s not going to change the way I play and our team plays.”

Jordin Canada sizes up a defender in the 2014 CIF Championship

Despite their historic success, the girls have failed to draw student interest in recent years

Students cheer on the boys team during the CIF Playoffs

2014 Senior Class (Left to Right): Machiatti Smith, Simon, Canada


Beshken 28Grime 32


FILES 28. 29.

Jordin Canada ’14 embarked upon a storybook high school basketball career topped off with a once-in-a-lifetime experience at the McDonald’s All-American Game in C h i c a g o , Illinois. B u t , when asked about the one thing that stood out to her over the course of her W i n d w a r d c a r e e r , including her trip to country’s most prestigious high school basketball event, Canada responded, gushing about her visit to the Ronald McDonald House.

The Ronald McDonald House, in the heart of Chicago provides a ‘home away from home’ for hundreds of underprivileged and at-risk families. Canada

spent the day, along with the other All-A m e r i c a n s , s i m p l y hanging out with children. They played games and w a t c h e d TV, but her favorite part of the day was shooting

some baskets with the kids and giving them some pointers along the way. This unselfish attitude, and genuine care for others,

the greatest ever? by Aaron Klevan ’14layout by Peri Gruenwedel ’14

“As a point guard, the job is to get your teammates involved first,” said Canada. “I like to create for

others and then when the opportunity arises I look for my own shot.”



inspires Canada especially on the court. She’s a giver, a helper, and looks to help others score before herself. “As a point guard, the job is to get your teammates involved first,” said Canada. “I like to create for others and then when the opportunity arises I look for my own shot.” This style of play helped Canada etched her name at the top of the list of high school basketball greats. Her accolades say it all: State Champion, CIF Champion, California State Player of the Year, and Five Star Recruit. And, most recently Canada was named the Los Angeles Times Girls Basketball Player of the Year after averaging 17 points and seven assists throughout her senior year. Next year, Canada has decided to remain close to home, signing a National Letter of Intent to attend the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The UCLA women’s basketball program signed the nation’s top recruiting class and Canada is the

headliner. “I think I have an early advantage when I get to UCLA,” said Canada. “Windward is a college preparatory school both in academics and athletics. [On the court] I’ve had the opportunity to play the best, and [in the classroom], I’ve been taught by the best.” Across town, Canada’s partner in crime, Kristen Simon ’14, has committed to the University of Southern California, and the duo has no intentions of letting the rivalry get between them. “Kris and I, we will always be close,” remarked Canada. “We’ve even talked about how we are going to hang out with each other when we don’t have practices, games or class.” Simon and Canada have certainly left big shoes to fill in the Lewis Jackson Memorial Sports Center, but neither of them have any doubt that they will be filled and Windward will remain an elite girls basketball program under

the supervision of Coach Vanessa Nygaard. As the page turns on Jordin Canada’s high school career, and she begins a new chapter with the Bruins, the shifty point guard only hopes to be remembered as “someone who remained humble no matter the situation, always giving credit where credit was due.” The greatest high school basketball player ever? Jordin Canada certainly presents a strong case.

1. Canada, Simon and Macchi Smith after winning the 2014 CIF Championship.

2. Canada prepares to make her move against Sierra Canyon.

3. Canada brings the ball upcourt against Mater Dei.

Photo Credit to Windward School Communications.

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R..L. Grime

with Salva, Baauer, Benni Benassi, and Shlohmo. Besides collaborating on tracks and producing for both Clockwork and R.L. Grime, Steinway also DJs at dance festivals and even hip-hop shows; most recently R.L. Grime appeared at Coachella to the extreme excitement of many Windwardians. During his senior year Steinway was an active participant in Varsity Golf. Coach Ken Asher said that though Steinway was passionate about golf, he was always more interested in music. “I knew he was very musically inclined; I had no idea what he was about to get into. I’m not surprised,” said Asher. In 2009, Steinway’s senior year of high school, he made a special appearance as Clockwork at the El Rey theatre on Wilshire for Windward’s 5th annual Battle of the Bands. This past January, R.L. Grime was back at the El Rey with Salva to perform as part the Los Angeles based electronic music collective WeDidIt. “I’m in love with Henry Steinway because he has a very independent attitude. He dropped out of NYU to pursue his passion, a music career. He was successful as his alter ego CLOCKWORK, but he had to go for more so he created RL Grime. Also, he made the best 2013 Halloween mix ever. 104 minutes of pure bliss,” said Annabelle Amato ‘14.

The crowd pulsed up and down in anticipation as the beat kept building

speed and intensity. Fist pumping and head banging, thousands of people bobbed up and down to R.L. Grime’s Halloween Mix. Many were fans, many were there just to party, all were loving the music. Amongst the massive crowd of Coachella partiers, a small group of Windward students jumped up and down with extra excitement. Not only is R. L. Grime a particular favorite of Windward students, he is also a Windward graduate. R. L. Grime aka Henry Steinway ‘09, has been mixing since high school. He began his music career under the alias Clockwork, a project that focuses on house elements to create dance floor ready tracks. R. L. Grime was Steinway’s effort to branch out and experiment with EDM-trap. R. L. Grime “didn’t start as anything serious and I wasn’t planning on turning it into a full-time project by any means,” Steinway said to the Huffington Post. Even so, R.L. Grime has exploded into the world of dance music, collaborating

By Emma Steiner ’14


Like many artists before him, junior Ben Shirken has gone by many names. “First it was Shirks, then it

was Auditory, then it was Beshken,” he said, describing his musical monikers. Beshken has stuck for one and a half years, under which he has released 2 EPs, named Extended Play and Eventide. Shirken was inspired to start producing music by artists while attending Coachella in eighth grade.

“The huge inspiration for me at Coachella was Flying Lotus, who’s a beat maker. He’s really avant garde and uses a lot of interesting techniques. He has a jazz background. I was into him and when I saw him live I was amazed by him. I was really into making techno kind of music and EDM stuff,” said Shirken, referring to his first types of bands he was interested in at the time, which were artists like Breakbot, Madeon,

and other French house music. “That (performance) switched me over to

making chiller types of music like Flying Lotus, Shlohmo, and any of the guys off of this label called We Did It.”

We Did It is an electronic music collective based in Los Angeles that includes the likes of Groundislava, Dr. Blount, and RL Grime, formerly known at Windward as Henry Steinway from the class of 2009, another one of Shirken’s inspirations.

“RL Grime who went to Windward played [at Coachella 2014] which is awesome because he’s a top inspiration for me because he went here and now he’s big. The fact that he did it makes me realize ‘oh it’s possible’ to make it.”



By Abby Kuhns '15


In addition to working on his own music, Shirken also collaborates with other artists in Los Angeles and is part of an artist collective with his friend Nick Vernet known as Partytime.

“[Vernet] listens to a different side of music. He’s really into chill stuff and I’m more into poppier stuff than he is, so when we put our music together. it’s really cool because we get a different sound. Whenever I work with someone else, it changes how my music sounds and so I really like doing it,” said Shirken.

In addition to being part of Partytime and Future’s Collective, Shirken is also part of the Windward jazz band, where he plays guitar, the first instrument he started playing seven years ago.

“I was [playing guitar] before I was doing anything for five years or so. I picked up drums and started taking lessons. I started wanting to DJ and using GarageBand. I got really into that and I started using Ableton Live which is what a lot of producers use for making music,” he said.

Despite his constant use of his computer to produce music--”I bring my laptop everywhere”--Shirken admires the use of actual instruments by artists who create songs with programs like Ableton but utilize instruments when performing live. This cultivates a more authentic and novel experience for the audience.

“I love Disclosure’s music. I just saw them live at

Coachella and they were amazing because they weren’t like watching DJs perform. I liked seeing Disclosure playing bass and playing drums and having a live band instead of someone just pressing play. That’s what I do now, I kind of just press play and mix songs together and DJ but I want to make it more interactive for the audience where I actually play an instrument or I have a band.”

Shirken also lists Bonobo, a british DJ, and ChromeSparks, a music producer in Brooklyn, as other artists he likes who use both computer technology and play instruments live.

With regards to the rest of this year’s Coachella lineup, which consisted of an unusually more popular accumulation of artists like Lorde and Pharrell, Shirken said that he still enjoyed the other acts. “I wouldn’t normally buy a ticket to see A$AP Ferg or Flatbush Zombies but they were two of the hypest shows there because everyone was really into it and everyone was really energetic and the bass was really loud. Both of the performers were great. I would never have seen them if it wasn’t for them playing at Coachella.”

One of Shirken’s goals is producing a full LP. “I’ve been wanting to make a full length LP and have it on a label. That’s my next plan other than making remixes. I don’t really have a certain style yet but I like experimenting with hip hop and trap and experimental music and I want the album to have a similar sound,” he said.

Shirken also cares about the artwork of his music.

Sophomore Griffin Pion has helped create the artwork for his two EPs.

“I like being in control of what the art is. I don’t want to use a stupid stock photo (for an album.) On SoundCloud especially that’s the first thing someone sees when they look at your song.”

SoundCloud is a platform for both music artists and listeners, providing free music streaming and uploading for everyone. Shirken also utilizes BandCamp to sell songs and albums. He’s also playing at the Echo in July with Future’s Collective, with rapper Rejjie Snow headlining .

“Nick [Vernet] is really good at social media and he’s really good at contacting people. He’s not afraid to say ‘hey will you play a show with us?’ These guys who are medium tier popularity musicians are coming down with us to play shows.”

In terms of music venues in Los Angeles, of which

there are a slew to choose from (the Troubadour, the House of Blues, The Wiltern,) Shirken lists The El Rey, where he’s seen the most shows, and The Fonda, as his favorite venues to hear music locally.

Although Beshken and his rising popularity is more than a small time commitment to maintain (if he has time, Shirken will often work on music making everyday,) it doesn’t feel like exhausting work to him.

“I have a lot of schoolwork,” he said. “And sometimes I can’t concentrate and it’s just like thank god I have something like this. I’m sure it’s the same for people with athletics or something they’re enjoying, but it’s like if I can sit down, relax, and I don’t have to worry about sending it [the music] anywhere I can just make it for me. It’s almost a form of procrastination, but it’s not a waste of time.”

A. The keyboard at bottom right

is for triggering drums and playing


B. The launchpad at top right is for launching

clips for songs, live sampling,

and mixing between two


C. The nano control Korg at bottom left is for crossfading so that the right most knob is for crossfading between an A track and a B track on the launchpad. it has effects for both tracks so there are filters for both tracks; a low pass filter and a high pass filter and a reverb.

36. 37.

Where did you go to high school? Was high school Where you found a passion for science? I went to a small Northwestern suburban school in Chicago. My father was a scientist, so he definitely influenced my science interests.

so your parents encouraged an interest in science? They were definitely supportive of my pursuing a science career. However, my father was a physicist, and I was primarily interested in biology.

did you knoW in high school that you Wanted a science-based career?Yes, by the time I finished high school, I knew that science was something I wanted to pursue in college.

so it's clear that you had a definite passion for science, but When did teaching get in the picture?After grad school I got my Ph.D. and started looking for university jobs. I ended up teaching quite a few college classes at Cal State and UCLA, and that was interesting enough.

What made you decide to go to the high school level?While I was working at universities, I had a friend who was working at Windward. He let me know that they were looking for a biologist, so I took the job.

Talking wiTh:TOM HAGLUNDis WindWard going to be your last teaching experience?I think so. But whenever I retire, it doesn't mean that I will stop working entirely. I want to keep things interesting, so most likely even after I stop working at Windward I will continue to consult.










Interview by: Ari Tooch

What Were you looking for exactly When going through the college process?When I was applying to colleges, I was looking for two pieces of criteria. I wanted a school with a marine lab and a school that was far, far away from Chicago.

can you tell us about any fun parties or college experiences?To be honest, most of my best college experiences were centered around science. I went to the University of Washington, and got a bachelors degree in geology. I did a lot of coursework outside with undergraduate and graduate students and professors, looking at rocks. It sounds boring, but it was a lot of fun.

What Was your best moment at WindWard?I don't think that I've had one great moment here. But I can tell you that one of the best experiences I have is when I hear back from a student who tells me that something I taught them influenced them in college or grad school. It is a really gratifying experience to hear back after two or three years from a student telling me that what I taught them was of importance.

do any of those students have the courage to admit hoW difficult your course Was?It's no surprise that it's a difficult course. I have heard rumors over the years, but I believe that students like to exaggerate to incoming students about how difficult [AP Biology/Biology Honors] is. My advice is to work hard.

Were you Worried that it Would be uncomfortable having your daughter attend school here?I am sure that she has had some awkward moments, but I was aware of the fact that she would have time to settle in to Windward for a couple of years. Because I only teach upperclassmen, for her first couple of years here not many of her friends knew who I was and I didn't have to worry about having to teach her.

is it Weird to be going through the college process again With her? do you think your interest in science Will affect her like your father's affected you?It is definitely interesting to go through the process again; it's an exciting time for her. I don't think that my interest has negatively impacted her, but I don't think that she's jumping to be a scientist.












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Ingredients:3 tbsp. white sugar1 cup heavy cream3 egg yolks1/4 tsp. vanilla extract2 tablespoons white sugar, divided

Steps:1. Heat oven to 400 degrees.2. Whisk 3 tbsp. sugar and cream in mi-crowave safe bowl. 3. Heat mixture in the microwave 1-2 min.4. Whisk again to dissolve sugar5. Whisk in egg yolks and vanilla extract.6. Pour cream into 2 ramekins. Set ra-mekins into a roasting pan and pour hot water in the pan.7. Bake about 50 minutes.8. Chill for 2 hours.9. Sprinkle 1 tbsp. sugar over the top of each remekin. Use a kitchen torch to toast the sugar, about 30 sec.10. Let cool and serve.

Alex says that the food that best describes him is crème brulee. “It is hard on the outside, but soft and sweet on the inside. I have always liked it,” said the sophomore. Crème brulee is a French dish that consists of a soft custard inside and is layered on the top with a sheet of caramel.

Alex David ‘16

recipe courtesy of

Crème Brûlée

Food that defines us

To the Windward community, food isn’t just food. It’s more. Every dish takes on its own personality. It embodies an essence. Some people at Windward feel that a certain food holds the same personality as they do. This food, they feel, describes them. Here they are:

by Connor Moldo ‘15and Jack Ginsberg ‘16

You are what you eat:

“Chocolate chip cookies,” Shapiro said empathically “describe me.” While this may seem like a simple choice, the senior has an explanation as to why she feels this way about chocolate chip cookies. “Chocolate chip cookies are sweet, comforting, and warm.” A great food and a great personality to have.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Riley Shapiro ‘14

Ingredients:1 cup cold, unsalted butter2/3 cup light brown sugar2/3 cup granulated sugar2 large eggs2 tsp. baking powder1/2 tsp. baking soda2 1/2 cup all-purpose flour2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Steps:1. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.2. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.3. Add butter in chunks and mix to crum-bly. Then add sugar, then eggs.5. Mix in chocolate chips.6. Chill for one hour.7. Bake cookies for 8-10 minutes.

recipe courtesy of

40. 41.

Energy Bars

recipe courtesy of

Cal Oppenheim has many favorite foods. But one food, he said, describes him best, energy bars. “I think energy bars describe me because I too have a lot of energy.” Although energy bars may not be Cal’s favorite food, he does believe that he shares a personality trait or two with them.

Cal Oppenheim ‘17

Ingredients:1 cup rolled oats1 cup brown rice crisp cereal1/2 tsp. ground cinnamonpinch of salt1/2 cup brown rice syrup1/2 cup sunflower seed butter (or other nut butter)2 tsp. vanilla extract1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted

Steps:1. Mix oats, rice crisp, cinnamon, and salt.2. In a separate bowl mix brown rice syrup and seed butter.3. Heat in microwave for 45 sec.4. Stir in vanilla extract.5. Pour syrup mixture on top and mix with dry ingredients.6. Press into a pan with fings. 7. Melt chocolate in microwave and spread on top of the mix. 8. Freeze for 10 min. and cut into bars.

Ingredients:Mango, peeled, seeded, cut into chunksBanana, peeled, chopped1 cup orage juice1 cup vanilla yogurt

Steps:1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Mango Smoothie

Ines likes mango. Period. She says it describes her in a multitude of ways, including her personality and heritage. “Mango is a food loved by Mexicans,” says Garcia, “and so that relates to my heritage. I also think mangoes are very sweet.”

recipe courtesy of

Ines Garcia ‘16

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