The brain computing




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Brain Computing Interface

Submitted By:

Mr. Varun Jain

History – Discovering the Basics

• 1924: Hans Berger discovers the EEG.

• Analyses the interrelation of EEG and brain diseases.

• 1970: First developments to use brain waves.

History - Monkey First

• 1990: First successful experiments with monkeys.

• Implanting electrode arrays into monkey brains.

• Recordng of monkeys‘ brain waves.

• 2000: Monkeys control robots by thoughts.

History - Humans follow• 2004: First human benefits from


• Matt Nagle is able to control acomputer and move a prosthetic hand.

What is an EEG?

• An electroencephalogram is a measure of the brain's voltage fluctuations as detected from scalp electrodes.

• It is an approximation of the cumulative electrical activity of neurons.

Physical Mechanisms

• EEGs require electrodes attached to the scalp with sticky gel

• Require physical connection to the machine

Electrode Placement

• A more detailed view:

Continuous Brain Waves

Frequency Location Use

<4 Hz everywhere occur during sleep,coma

4-7 Hz temporal and parietal correlated with emotional stress(frustration & disappointment)

8-12 Hz occipital and parietal reduce amplitude with sensory stimulation or mental imagery

12-36 Hz parietal and frontal can increase amplitude during intense mental activity

In recent years, progress is being made towards sensory substitution devices for the blind

Real Life Implementation of BCI

AdvantagesBCI will help creating a Direct communication pathway between a human or animal brain and any external devices like computers

This has provided anew work area for scientists and researchers around the world


In case of Invassive BCI there is a risk of formation of scar tissue.

BCI technioques are costly. it reques a lot of money to set up the BCI environment.

Future of Brain Computing Interface






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