The book of Anastasia Lyalikova’s life



The book of Anastasia Lyalikova’s life. My motto :. If your ship doesn't come in , swim out to it . . My life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Book of life Anastasia Lyalikova

The book of Anastasia Lyalikovas life

If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it. My motto:

My life To begin with, I want to tell you some information about me. My name is Anastasia, I`m from Irkutsk and I`m a student of school number 24. I`m fond of learning English and I do it at my school lessons and at my special courses. More over, I really like snowboarding and I have been playing tennis for about 8 years. I have a lot of friends and I like having fun with them.

A Christmas melody

SocksChristmas, redPleasing, warming , decoratingWarm soul and feetWarm twins

The teacher offers students a variety of stack of images (it can be schematic images, symbols, arrows, objects, even parts of the body, such as eye, ear, etc.). Pupils take turns pulling cards from the pile and ask your neighbor to the right (or just call the name of who should answer this question) Any question, "inspired by" the associations connected with the picture. For example, if a student got a picture of a star, you can ask "Who is your favorite Hollywood star?" Those to whom addressed the question should answer it, and then ask the next student and say what figure caught the first student. Admitted funny questions, are not permitted absurd (absurd question determine other participants). In this game there are no winners or losers, it is just for fun developmental (in the form of a game coached by the ability to ask questions in English, to respond quickly to issue the interlocutor). Associations;I want to show you my linguistic scientific papers

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Indefinitereadingbeing read Perfecthaving read having been read

2. :

But, to her great surprise, she found that she could not stop dancing (, , )

3. :

For they knew, that the thing Mary Poppins liked doing best of all was looking in shop windows ( ; to know, , )

4. :

Couldnt they do with a bit of scouring ( )?

5. : In less than a minute they found themselves in bed and watching by the dim light from the night-light the rest of Mary Poppins unpacking being performed ( , )

6. :

the cherry-trees go dancing right down the middle ( : .)

She tried so hard to stop dancing that every muscle and every rib stood out like mountain ranges all over her. , , . Whats the good of knowing if you dont tell anyone?. , ? 1. The Brown Bear provided this by squatting down himself.2. Cousin, he began gently hissing.1. , .2. ,- , . Jane and Michael could never remember having been put to bed so quickly as they were that night . , , .

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words mean more than we mean to express when we use them as a whole book ought to mean a great deal more than the writer meant. Alice :, : ; ; . .:

( ) -

:.. ( .. , .. .. )

2. ..

The golden afternoon Burning with curiosity The pool of tears . Shedding gallons of tears . By being drowned in my own tears. . .Make you dry enough !Hold your tongue - Lose your temper !A shower of saucepans, plates and dishes , , , . To beat time () is murdering the time !Fury- Hollow tone To fill very uneasy Ready to sink into the earth Push the matter on A dead silence

Fury ( )- Oh, my ears and whiskers ( ), ! , , ., . , A caucus-rae Something comes at me like a Jack-in-the-box - -- , - The HatterFlamingoes and mustard both bite The mock turtles story Another dig of her sharp chin into Alices shoulder The jury-box Cross-examine The jury-box

Flamingoes and mustard both bite ( . .)

Shining tail Neatly spreads his claws With gently smiling jaws !Let us both go to law: I will prosecute you ! , . Like a sky-rocket - , !Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!, , , , ! , !Up above the world you fly, like a tea-tray in the sky , . . !She gave me a good character

Neatly spreads his claws ( )

Shining tail ( )With gently smiling jaws ( , !)

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Thank you for your attention!All questions you may ask here:Nastya_Lyalikova@mail.ru10.70.20.1

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