The Black Death of the Middle Ages The Bubonic Plague LEQ: How did the combination of plague,...


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The Black Death of the Middle AgesThe Bubonic Plague

LEQ: How did the combination of plague, upheaval in the Church, and war affect Europe

in the 1300s and 1400s?

Setting the Stage*• Europe in the 1300s -1400s experienced

famine, disease, and war. • Marked the end of the Middle Ages and

start of the early modern age.

Overcrowding and Disease*• Medieval towns and cities were

extremely crowded.• The lack of sanitation was a breeding

ground for disease.

Medieval Towns

The Plague Arrives*• It came from Mongolia, spread to the

Middle East, then…• Arrived in Europe through trade ships. • It spread quickly. • It wiped out 1/3 of Europe’s population

in 4 years (1347 -1351). • Killed Approx. 25 million people.• The plague killed 50% - 75% of its


Medieval Venice – An Important Trading City

Burying the Dead

What did people think caused the plague?

• People didn’t know what caused the plague.

• Some believed it was:oA punishment from God.o Jews had poisoned wells. oBad air.oThe position of the planets.

What Really Caused the Plague?*

• It was spread by fleas which lived on the black rat.

• The fleas sucked the rat’s blood which contained the plague germs.

• When the rat died, the fleas jumped on to humans and passed on the disease.

• Most common form of the Black Death was the BUBONIC PLAGUE!

Buboes – swollen lumps in the groin,neck, or armpit

Three Types

• Pneumonic Plague attacked the lungs.

• Destroyed the breathing system

• Could be caught if someone breathed on you.

• Had less than 3 days

• Bubonic Plague attacked lymph nodes and caused large swellings

• To catch you had to be bitten by a flea that had already bitten a black rat.

• Had less than 5 days.

• Septicemic Plague attacked the bloodstream

• To catch you had to be bitten by a flea that had already bitten a black rat.

• Kills faster than bubonic plague

Boccaccio in The Decameron

The victims ate lunch with their

friends and dinner with their ancestors.

Stop and Think: What does this mean?

Medieval Response

• There was no cure. • Many tried to flee the area where

the plague struck. This helped to spread it.

• Many interesting “cures” and attempts to prevent the plague were developed.

Medieval Art became

obsessed with death!

Effects*• Led to persecution of Jews. • Decline of feudalism and manor

economy.• Decrease in the supply of labor

created higher wages for skilled workers.

• Inflation (rising prices)• Peasant revolts
