The Beggining of life




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The Beginning of it All

Unit 1

Two main theories

Creation Evolution

Creation or creationism

• Religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created by a supernatural being or beings.

• The most commonly appointed creator is God.

• It is mainly supported by chapter 1 of the Bible, the Genesis .


• Believes that life came from a simple chemical reaction (The Big Bang).

• It also states that every organism on earth comes from a common ancestor.

• This theory is supported by fossils that demonstrate the evolution of past species.

Which of this theories is correct?

NONE is entirely correct.

There is evidence that supports and contradicts each one of them.

It’s time for us to have a broader view and learn about both theories strong points.

It is NOT an issue around if you are a Christian or not.



Who is Charles Darwin? Which is the importance of the Beagle? How did October he develop his theory?

Charles Darwin

Proposed that all organisms derived from a common ancestor.

This theory known as Darwin's Evolution Theory.

Darwin also proposed the Natural Selection Theory. This theory states that species that are stronger and

better at adapting to the environment offered are going to be the ones who will survive and engage on to the evolution.

Evolution means adapting to the circumstances offered by the immediate environment. Species that fail to engage in evolution will rapidly

become extinct.

From Unicell to modern life

Human Evolution
