The Basic Esoteric Dictionary Volume 2


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  • 8/10/2019 The Basic Esoteric Dictionary Volume 2


    The Basic Esoteric Dictionary


    Ever since 1984 the Institute for Hylozoic Studies has worked to promote the study of

    the esoteric knowledge of life, especially in its Western, hylozoic (Pythagorean) form.

    At the very outset of our work, the publishing of an esoteric vocabulary appeared

    particularly desirable, not least in order to counteract the confusion of ideas prevalent in

    this sphere.

    Without any claims whatever to treat of the subject-matter in its entire depth or to

    describe exhaustively its terminology, the Institute in December 1986 published the firstSwedish edition of the present work to the Scandinavian readers. After this first edition

    ran out of print 1991, the work at a new edition was begun, and in 1996 this second

    edition was published. The present English edition is a translation of the 1996 Swedish


    The Esoteric Dictionaryis primarily an inventory of the terminology used by Henry T.

    Laurency, secondarily of the terminology used in theosophy and the works of Alice A.

    Bailey. TheDictionaryis intended to be more than a mere vocabulary. It contains more

    than 500 entries, the majority of which besides definitions of the terms also cite excerpts

    fromThe Knowledge of RealityandThe Philosophers Stoneby Henry T. Laurency,

    The Knowledge of Realityin particular, since it is the more important book where theelementary study is concerned. Actually, the main body of the text of the dictionary is

    made up of such excerpts. When compiling this Dictionary, the selection of terms to be

    entered as well as the formulation of the texts appended to them was made with a view

    to presenting esoteric students with a practical tool that they would find interesting

    enough to study as a work in its own right, beside the works of Laurency.

    References to the works of Laurency are given using the same method as is consistently

    used in the Internet edition of his works; that is, not by pages, but by sections, chapters,

    and paragraphs. This has been sufficiently explained on the Official Website of the

    Henry T. Laurency Publishing Foundation (Introduction to the works of Henry T.


    References between entries are not very numerous. From an educational point of view,

    it should prove more expedient that the students go through the Dictionary several times

    over and so doing discover for themselves the natural, logical connections there are

    between the entries.

    The attention of the students is called to the fact that one and the same entry sometimes

    is explained twice, as a Laurency term and as a theosophical and/or Bailey term.

    MONAD and TRIAD are two such instances where the same terms have different

    meanings in different authors. Esoteric students who study both Laurency andtheosophy/Bailey will appreciate the necessity of making such distinctions.
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    TheEsoteric Dictionarycan be used by both beginners and more advanced students to

    study hylozoics in a new and interesting way.

    Abbreviations used in the Dictionary

    K = The Knowledge of Reality

    P = The Philosophers Stone

    B. = term used by Alice A. Bailey

    f = and the following paragraph

    ff = and the following paragraphs

    Gr. = Greek

    Lat. = Latin

    Skt = Sanskrit

    T. = term used by theosophical authors

    Tib. = Tibetan

    Quotations from Laurency are surrounded by quotation marks.

    If several continuous paragraphs are quoted, a quotation mark is put at the beginning of

    each paragraph but only at the end of the last one.

    Every quotation is accompanied by a reference, for example K 1.2.15, which means that

    the quotation is from The Knowledge of Reality, section The Problems of Reality, Part

    One, chapter two, paragraph 15.

    In cases where the information given is taken from a Laurency text that is not literally

    quoted, this is shown by putting the reference in brackets (K 1.2.15).

    Texts not presented in quotes are written by me.

    Needless to say, I am very grateful to receive suggestions from students and other

    readers as to possible improvements or additions.

    Skvde, Sweden, August 2000

    Lars Adelskogh



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    ACTIVATION, LAW OF "The law of activation says that individual development is

    possible only through self-initiated consciousness activity." K 1.41.14

    "All development is the result of work and toil." P 3.23.2

    ACTIVATION AND OBJECTIVATION, METHODS OF Methods to activate higher,

    as yet inactive consciousness, and to make subjective (emotional and mental)consciousness objective. "Those esoteric methods, which lead rapidly and without risks

    to causal objective consciousness, remain the property of the planetary hierarchy." K


    "Unlike the yogis methods of activation, the esotericone is a methodical and

    systematical activation of passive consciousness in one after the other of up to then

    superconscious molecular kinds. This is done by vitalizing the different chakras of the

    different envelopes. Consciousness in each molecular kind is bound up with its

    particular chakra. When a chakra is vitalized, subjective consciousness in that molecular

    kind ensues. Objective consciousness is obtained by the subjective consciousness in the

    chakra activating that molecular kind in the envelope. As has already been pointed out,

    only the causal self can use emotional and mental objective consciousness correctly.Until then, the individual will be the victim of his own ignorance and will retard his

    higher development." K 7.22.3

    "In each new incarnation the individual in his new envelopes has to repeat the whole

    process of activation. If the individual has once received the knowledge and has not

    abused it, he will be given occasions to remember his old knowledge anew in new

    lives." K 7.22.10

    ACTIVATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS "Consciousness activation in the three lowest

    natural kingdoms is an unconscious and automatic process which gradually becomes a

    conscious one in the human kingdom. In higher kingdoms it is the result of self-initiated

    consciousness activity." K 1.28.4


    consciousness is done in four steps: concentration, meditation, contemplation and


    "Concentration is the keeping of attention on a certain thing. Meditation implies a

    concentrated analysis of all relations pertaining to this subject-matter. Contemplation

    entails the isolation of the problem until one begins to see the idea and can concentrate

    attention on that single point. If thereby activity ceases, there is a risk of falling asleep

    or into ordinary trance. If activity can be kept up long enough, illumination comes and

    the individual will find what he has been seeking." K 7.17.9

    ACTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS The self-active consciousness that becomes possible

    through evolution. Having active consciousness the monads themselves initiate their

    consciousness expressions.

    In the vegetable and animal kingdoms this activation occurs in groups (through group-

    souls). In the human kingdom consciousness becomes more and more self-active.

    "Active consciousness is the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it." K


    "The expressions of active consciousness induce matter to act as energy." K 1.28.2

    ACTUALIZED CONSCIOUSNESS Awakened, functioning consciousness."The monad's potential consciousness is awakened to life (is actualized) in the cosmos."

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    K 1.15.2

    Actualized consciousness goes through different degrees of activation: passive, active,


    ADEPT Esoteric master, 45-self.

    ADI (Skt, T.B.) World 43 and its consciousness.

    AGGREGATE ENVELOPES All forms of nature are envelopes for monads. All forms

    except organisms of the physical world are aggregate envelopes, molecules of the kinds

    of matter of the respective worlds held together electro-magnetically. (K 1.13.2)

    AGGREGATION, STATES OF Same as molecular kinds.

    AGNI (Skt, T.B.) Deva raja of world 47. Symbol of the causal-mental world.

    AGNICHAITANS (Skt, T.B.) Building devas of the physical eterical world.

    AGNISHVATTAS (Skt, T.B.) Building devas of the causal-mental world.

    AGNISURYANS (Skt, T.B.) Building devas of the emotional world.

    AGNOSTIC One who denies the possibility of ascertaining superphysical facts. (K


    AJNA-CHAKRA (Skt, T.B.) Eyebrow centre.

    AKASHA (Skt, T.) World 44 in the solar system.

    "AKASHIC RECORDS" (Q.) Such globe memories as can be reached with emotional

    clairvoyance (48:4-7). They do not contain the past of the planet, but what people in all

    times have believed about this past. The real akasha, the akasha of the planetary

    hierarchy, is world 44. (K 6.9)

    ANAHATA-CHAKRA (Skt, T.B.) Heart centre.

    ANANKE (Gr.) Necessity. Result of the activity of eternal, mechanical laws of nature.

    ANGELS The gnostic and later also Christian term of devas. The archangels are the

    seven highest devas of our planet (43-selves) who preside over their respective

    departments in the deva hierarchy.

    ANIMA MUNDI (Lat.) The "soul of the world", older esoteric term meaning the

    collective consciousness in 4649.

    ANIMAL KINGDOM The third natural kingdom of evolution. In the animal kingdom

    the monads have principally physical and emotional consciousness. Between

    incarnations they are enclosed in common envelopes of mental matter, so-called group-

    souls. "The higher up the scale of evolution an animal is, the fewer are the monads thatgo to its group." K 1.33.6

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    "When the monad has been able for a long time to be affected by mental vibrations

    (47:7) and has thus attained the highest animal species, it becomes possible for it to

    transmigrate to the human kingdom." K 1.33.10

    ANIMAL MONAD During its evolution in the animal kingdom the monad is called

    animal monad."The vegetable monads become animal monads through acquiring emotional

    consciousness. When their mental consciousness is sufficiently active, the animal

    monads pass to the human kingdom." K 4.8.3

    "Having developed so as to acquire an envelope of its own in the causal world, the

    animal monad transmigrates to the human kingdom." K 4.8.4

    ANTAHKARANA (Skt: "the inner organ", T.B.) That channel for energy and

    consciousness which the evolutionary monad builds through its own activity between its

    triad units and envelopes as a ladder to climb up to ever higher consciousness and

    ability. The antahkarana has its lowest anchorage in the crown centre of the etheric

    envelope. (K 7.3.15)

    ANTIMETAPHYSICIAN Denier of the existence of superphysical reality. (K 1.2.15)

    ANUPADAKA (Skt, T.B.) World 44 and its consciousness. Synonyms: akasha,


    A PRIORI (Lat.) In advance, i.e. without prior investigation or experience. Opposite: a

    posteriori = afterwards, after investigation or experience.

    "The correct explanation of the aprioristic in our apprehension was given long ago by

    Platon. According to him, there is another kind of certainty than that of ordinary

    experience. This certainty is the outcome of remembering anew concepts acquired in

    previous incarnations. Everything aprioristic is thus obtained ultimately from

    experience." K 5.28.14

    ARHAT (Skt, T.B.) 46-self, initiate of the 4th degree.

    ARUPA (Skt "without form", T.B.) All matter above 47:4 is said to be without form,

    although all matter has form. In a restricted sense and most often arupa means 47:1-3,

    the causal world and its kinds of matter; arupa devas are causal devas.

    ASCENDING ARC (T.) Has two meanings:

    1. Evolution in general.

    2. The three last globe periods in an eon.

    ASEKHA (Pali: one trained to completion, T.) Esoteric master, perfected 45-self,

    initiate of the 5th degree.

    ASHRAM (Skt, T.B.) That group which a member of the planetary hierarchy (at least a

    46-self) forms of his disciples and with himself as the focus in the "power house". The

    planetary hierarchy consists of seven greater ashrams led by 44-selves and representing

    the seven departments, and 42 lesser ones led by 45- and 46-selves. The type energiesthese collective beings emit encompass the planet.

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    ASTRAL BODY, WORLD etc. (T.B.) The same as emotional envelope, world etc.

    However, in Blavatskys terminology, "astral" also means the etheric (49:1-4). (K

    3.3.25, 3.5.7)

    ASTROLOGY, ESOTERIC "The knowledge of the relations of our solar system and

    our planet to other solar systems, of the exchange of interstellar and interplanetaryenergies, once was one of the most important sciences in mankind's possession. The

    people that got farthest in this respect were the Chaldeans of some 30 000 years ago.

    Fortunately, we can look forward to the time when the individuals who acquired this

    knowledge in Chaldea will incarnate again and once more present mankind with the

    esoteric astrology, thereby reviving the long-lost knowledge." K 2.13.11

    ASTROLOGY, EXOTERIC "Exoteric astrology is not exact. It still lacks the

    knowledge of a number of necessary facts. Even with its twelve zodiacal types and

    seven planetary types to guide it, it still cannot state their relations to the existing types.

    It cannot interpret all the possibilities of the horoscope. It knows nothing about the

    horoscope of more than one of the individual's five envelopes."The fate of astrology is one of many examples of what will happen when esoteric

    knowledge gets into the hands of the uninitiated... The result is superstition of a more or

    less gross kind." K 2.13.13f

    ATLANTIS Hemispherical continent and abode of the fourth root-race. It was situated

    at the present location of the Atlantic and North America and was submerged into the

    ocean in four stages: 800 000, 200 000, 75 025 and 9564 BC.

    "The Atlanteans were physicalists of repulsive emotionality." K 6.5.7

    ATMA (Skt, T.B.) World 45 and its consciousness, 45-envelope of the second self.

    ATOM "Atoms are composed of primordial atoms. The lower the atomic kind, the more

    primordial atoms enter into the atom." K 1.10.2

    "There are two kinds of atoms: negative and positive. In the negative (receptive) atoms,material energy flows from a higher atomic kind to a lower; in the positive (propulsive)

    atoms, from a lower to a higher. This current is the force that maintains the atoms,

    molecules, material aggregates, in their given forms." K 1.27.1

    ATOM OF SCIENCE "The chemical so-called atom of science is a physical etheric

    molecule (49:4). This molecular kind, like all other molecular kinds, contains 49

    different layers of matter. To reach the real physical atom (49:1), the nuclear physicistshave to work their way through 147 layers of matter, each in succession higher than the

    other. No physical science will achieve that." K 1.10.8

    ATOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS "Atomic consciousness is world consciousness. The

    individual as a joint owner of a consciousness collective is like a cell in an organism.

    The organism is an envelope of an individual in a higher kingdom. When in the

    collective consciousness of his world the individual has so developed that he can take

    over this material world as an envelope of his own, then he will be a god of this world.

    "Atomic consciousness, world consciousness, omniscience (in that world) does not

    mean that the individual knows everything about everything that is or happens. But it is

    possible for him to find out more or less quickly everything he wishes to know,

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    independently of space and past time in a given world, to ascertain all relations in the

    three aspects (matter, motion, and consciousness) of that world." K 1.30.6f

    ATOMIC ENERGIES The effect of dynamis through the 49 atomic kinds.

    "The atomic energies act from world to world through the atomic kinds" K 1.29.3

    ATOMIC MATTER Primordial atoms and matter composed of it is called atomic

    matter in contrast to primordial matter. There exist 49 different kinds of atomic matter

    called atomic kinds.

    "Atomic matter is by nature dynamic." K 1.7.4

    ATOMIC MEMORY The collective memory of all atoms in the respective worlds.

    "Only the collective atomic memory of the emotional world is the one that cannot be

    falsified, but reproduces exactly past events of the emotional and physical worlds, but

    not those of higher worlds." K 6.9.4

    ATOMIC KINDS "The cosmos consists of primordial atoms (called monads byPythagoras) which are composed to make 49 kinds of atoms, each in succession coarser

    than the previous ones, in seven continuous series of seven atomic kinds in each. These

    atomic kinds make up the 49 cosmic worlds.

    "Each lower atomic kind is formed out of the next higher one (2 out of 1, 3 out of 2, 4

    out of 3, etc.). The lowest atomic kind (49) thus contains all the 48 higher kinds. When

    an atomic kind is dissolved, the next higher kind is obtained; out of the physical atom

    are obtained 49 atoms of atomic kind 48." K 1.7.1f

    "Each atomic kind has its own dimension." K 1.8.4

    ATOMIZED MANIFESTATIONAL MATTER Matter consisting of the cosmic kinds

    of matter 149, contrary to the homogeneous primordial matter. (P 2.60.1)

    ATTRACTION Attraction characterizes the vibrations of the three higher kinds of

    emotional matter (48:2-4). The pertaining consciousness is by the individual perceived

    as noble feelings. (K 1.19.5, P 2.31.4ff)

    AUGOEIDES (Gr.) Pythagorean term of a certain category of devas who are 46- and

    45-selves. They make up collective beings and have tasks closely connected with the

    evolution of our mankind. Among other tasks they administer the execution of the law

    of destiny in mankind and take care of mens second triads as long as these are inactive.

    Mans (greater) causal envelope is a gift from Augoeides.

    AURA Mans emotional, mental, and causal envelopes "embrace and penetrate all the

    lower ones. They are oval in shape and extend between 30 and 45 cm beyond the

    organism, making the so-called aura. Approximately 99 per cent of the matter of these

    envelopes is attracted to the organism and is held together within its periphery, so that

    the aggregate envelopes form complete replicas of the former." K 4.9.1

    AUTOMATIZATION The monad reaches the highest level of consciousness (objective

    self-consciousness) in a kind of matter when it completely dominates the corresponding

    envelope of the monad and its consciousness functions have been taken over by the next

    higher envelope through automatization. (P 2.27.5, 2.41.5)

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    AVATAR (Skt) Higher being, 45-self or even higher self, incarnating in mankind to

    assist us.


    BARBARISM, STAGE OF The first or lowest of mans five stages of development. It

    is characterized by the fact that physical and the repulsive emotional consciousness are

    the most important.

    "The individual at the stage of barbarism as a physical self only, without emotional and

    mental consciousness worth mentioning, belongs on the very lowest levels of the stage

    of barbarism. Immediately after causalization he is little more than an animal, often not

    even so intelligent." K 1.34.12

    So primitive men do not incarnate in our humanity any longer. Even the least developed

    have at least 30 000 incarnations in the human kingdom, yet they are at the stage ofbarbarism.

    "On the higher levels of the stage of barbarism, his mental consciousness is activated to

    the extent that he is able to draw simple conclusions." K 1.34.12


    character two basic tendencies can be discerned, which pervade all nature; the

    opposition of positive and negative, active and passive, attractive and repellent. One of

    the two tendencies preponderates in every individual. In some, either tendency is driven

    to extremes." P 3.48.7

    "Development in monads of repulsive basic tendency can take a wrong course, this

    showing already in parasitism of plants and in predacity of animals." K 4.11.4

    BEING "Being bears on the consciousness aspect. All material forms with a unitary

    consciousness are beings." P 2.11.2

    Individual beings (monads) and collective beings (composed of monads) are

    distinguished. Viewed individually, the monads material envelopes are beings. Man

    consists of five beings, which it is the monads task to control.

    BELIEF "is absolute, unreasonable emotional conviction, unamenable to correction or

    reason. Everybody has his petty beliefs about almost any absurdity, and this is because

    man is unable to truly know anything but definitively established facts in the visible

    world. In contrast, assumption, is preliminary, valid only until one has come to know, inamenable to rational arguments, and desires correction." K 1.2.11

    BHAGAVAN (Skt, "the lord") Title of the planetary ruler, the head of the planetary

    government. (K 7.14.3)


    BODY Older term of body. Envelope is a better term, since it indicates its purpose: to

    envelop the monad.
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    BRAHMA (Skt, T.B.) One of the aspects of Trimurti. The symbol refers generally to

    the matter aspect; specifically to collective beings whose special task is the formation of

    matter. Also a name of the deva raja of world 45.

    BRAHMA, DAYS AND NIGHTS OF Periods of activity and passivity of a duration of

    4320 million years. Also called kalpas or eons.


    BUDDHA (Skt, "the awakened one") Title of a 42-self, initiate of the 8th degree.

    Gautama Buddha is the fourth buddha in the current eon. His three predecessors were

    called Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni, and Kashyapa (K 6.12.33)

    BUDDHI (Skt, T.B.) World 46 and its consciousness, the 46-envelope of the second



    CAUSAL has reference to the material reality of the causal world (47:1-3), its

    consciousness and energy. The causes of lower kinds of reality are found in this world,

    hence its name.

    CAUSAL CONSCIOUSNESS "Causal consciousness (47:1-3) is possible only for

    those who have developed so far ahead of the rest of mankind that they can purposefully

    prepare for their transition to the next higher kingdom. They have acquired the ability toassociate with everybody in the causal world, the meeting-place for the individuals

    belonging to the fourth as well as the fifth natural kingdom.

    "Casual consciousness is subjectively intuition, the experiencing of causal ideas, and

    makes it possible to study objectively the physical, emotional, and mental worlds, and

    makes omniscience in these worlds possible.

    "To causal consciousness there is, in planetary respect (the worlds of man: 47 49),

    neither distance nor past time." K 1.20.8ff

    CAUSAL ENVELOPE The monads envelope of causal matter (47:1-3). The causal

    envelope is the only envelope that is permanent throughout the monads sojourn in the

    human kingdom. It was acquired at the monads transition from the animal to the humankingdom. It is the causal envelope that incarnates, together with human monad, which it

    always encloses, into four lower envelopes, which are soon dissolved. (K 1.14.2, 1.34.2,


    The causal envelope "retains the memory of all the human incarnations and of the

    experiences had, of insight and understanding gained, of qualities and abilities

    acquired." K 1.34.35

    "During incarnation the first self has two causal bodies. This condition lasts until the

    monad becomes a causal self. At the time of involvation the causal body is divided into

    two. The greater part, serving as a collector of matter supplied, remains in the causal

    world. The smaller world (the triad envelope), containing the lowest triad, encloses the

    lower bodies. When the involvation of the first self is concluded and the personality is

    dissolved, the two separate parts amalgamate to form one single causal body. The four
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    centres of the causal body do not belong to the involving triad envelope. It is these two

    causal bodies that have been called the twin souls and have occasioned fantasies of all

    sorts." P 2.23.6

    CAUSAL LIFE BETWEEN INCARNATIONS "Upon the dissolution of the mental

    envelope, the individual in his causal envelope sinks into dreamless sleep that will lastuntil the time comes for rebirth and an embryo has been formed for him in a physical

    maternal body... There can be no conscious causal life unless the intuition of the causal

    ideas has been acquired in physical existence... The monads continuity of

    consciousness, made possible through the memory in its incarnation envelopes now

    dissolved, has been lost." K 1.34.34f

    CAUSAL-MENTAL WORLD Atomic world 47 in the cosmos and solar system and

    molecular world 47:2-7 in the solar system.

    CAUSAL SELF Monad that has its most important kind of subjective and objective

    self-consciousness in atomic world 47:1 and molecular world 47:2,3 within the solarsystem. Causal selves belonging to mankind are at the stage of ideality and have

    consciousness in 47:2,3, causal selves in the fifth natural kingdom have consciousness

    in 47:1.

    "The causal self is able to study all its previous lives as a man, is able independently and

    quickly to acquire the facts necessary to comprehend all realities in the worlds of man,

    achieving more in one hour (in 47:1) than the most efficient mental thinker could

    manage in one hundred years. Fictions are precluded." K 1.20.10

    The causal self can ascertain that the esoteric world view and life view agrees with facts

    in the five worlds of man (47 49). (K 4.11.8)

    CAUSAL WORLD Atomic world 47 (47:1) and molecular world 47:2,3 in the solar

    system. The causal world (47:1-3) is the world of Platonic ideas and mans goal in the

    human kingdom. The causal world is "the meeting place for the individuals belonging to

    the fourth as well as the fifth natural kingdom." K 1.20.8

    "The causal world, the world of Platonic ideas, belongs to the planetary hierarchy, being

    accessible to those who have acquired causal consciousness. The causal ideas reproduce

    reality such as it can be rendered in this kind of consciousness. The Indian elaborator of

    the raja yoga system, Patanjali, called the idea content of the causal world the rain-

    clouds of knowable things." K 2.17.5


    CAUSALIZATION "By acquiring a causal envelope the monad transmigrates from the

    animal kingdom to the human kingdom. To term this process causalization is

    preferable to individualization, since the monad is an individual in all kingdoms."

    "Only the monkey, elephant, dog, horse, and cat, which belong to group-souls of very

    few monads, are able to causalize." K 1.33.6


    like the organism, have their special organs (made of atoms), which are the seats of the

    different kinds of functions of consciousness and of motion. These atomic organs in the

    etheric, emotional, mental, and causal envelopes are in contact with each other."K 1.14.6
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    "Each molecular kind has its own characteristic kind of consciousness, which in mans

    envelopes is perceptible through special organs of perception (chakras). The physical

    sense organs have their counterparts in the centres of perception and activity in mans

    aggregate envelopes.

    "It is by means of the chakras that man is able in his organism to perceive subjectively

    the vibrations in his higher envelopes and thereby experience feelings and thoughts, etc.In order to acquire objective consciousness through these chakras special methods of

    activation are required." K 6.8.3f

    "Chakras have positions that can be given in reference to the organism.

    "The seven most important chakras in the etheric, emotional, and mental envelopes,

    receiving their energies from the seven departments, are:

    above the diaphragm: crown (1st dep.), eyebrow (4th dep.), throat (3rd dep.), heart (2nd


    below the diaphragm: solar plexus (navel, 6th dep.), sacral (5th dep.), basal (7th dep.)."

    "The chakras below the diaphragm were already developed in Lemurians and now fulfilall their requisite functions automatically as organs of apprehension and activity. In

    contrast, the chakras above the diaphragm are but little developed at mankinds present

    stage of development and mostly only slightly active.

    "Of the chakras in the causal envelope of the normal individual', which form a lotus-

    like organ, only those three are slightly developed which during incarnations are in

    contact with the heart and crown chakras of the etheric, emotional, and mental


    "Normally, the throat chakra is developed at the stage of civilization, the heart chakra at

    the stage of culture, the eyebrow chakra at the stage of humanity, and the crown chakra

    at the stage of ideality. But full functional capacity is achieved only when the causal self

    succeeds in becoming an essential self. Until then only few petals are active." K 7.22.4ff

    CHAKRAS (Skt, "wheels") Centres in mans physical etheric, emotional, mental, and

    causal envelopes; centres which are organs for specialized energy and consciousness.


    CHELA (Hindi, T.B.) Disciple

    CHOHAN (Tibetan and Mongolian, T.B.) Perfected 44-self, initiate of the 6th degree.

    Title of the head of one of the seven departments of the planetary hierarchy.

    CHRISTOS (Gr.) Gnostic symbol for the fifth natural kingdom and especially essential

    consciousness. Title of the head of the second department of the planetary hierarchy, the

    world teacher.

    CIVILIZATION, STAGE OF The second of mans five stages of development.

    "The emotional consciousness of the civilizational individual seldom extends beyond

    the lower three or four molecular kinds, his mental consciousness seldom over the

    lowest two. With this modest intellectual capacity he intellectualizes his desires into

    such emotions as normally exist in the lower regions of the emotional world. Generally,

    they are of the repulsive kind." K 1.34.15
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    CLAN Group of monads that are at the same stage of development and incarnate

    together. (K 1.34.10, 5.5.1)

    CLAIRVOYANCE Objective consciousness in the emotional and mental worlds. "So-

    called clairvoyance does not provide any real knowledge, since man lacks the

    prerequisites of judging the reality content of his experiences in the emotional andmental worlds. This is also obvious from the fact that all clairvoyants have dissimilar

    views." K 3.8.3

    "The planetary hierarchy has repeatedly warned against the use of emotional or mental

    clairvoyance. What one gets to know in the emotional world is not the knowledge of

    existence, reality, and life. Like the mental world, it is intended to be a sojourn of rest

    pending a new incarnation. It is only in the physical and causal worlds that man is able

    to ascertain real facts, not in the emotional and mental worlds. In these worlds one

    cannot know whether what one sees is natures enduring reality or not." K 6.9.6 (K


    CLASSES "Classes are the natural order of things. The natural classes indicate differentclasses of age, in the human kingdom as well as in all other natural kingdoms, both

    lower and higher ones." K 4.11.1 (K 5.48.16)

    COLLECTIVE BEINGS In all natural kingdoms the monads form collective beings. In

    the three subhuman kingdoms, non-self-conscious monads form group-souls. In the

    human kingdom, the development of self-consciousness becomes the essential purpose,

    and so mans consciousness of the collective beings he is part of (groups, clans, etc.)

    remains passive (according to the law of separation). In the superhuman kingdoms, the

    monad, with its self-consciousness preserved, enters into ever larger collectives and has

    common consciousness with the monads entering into them.

    "Every world, every planet, solar system, etc., thus has its own collective consciousness,

    and constitutes a unitary collective being having one monad as the superior dominant.

    The higher the kingdom attained by the monad, the greater its participation in the

    cosmic total consciousness. When the monad has acquired planetary consciousness it is

    a planetary being. When, finally, it has actualized its potential universal consciousness,

    it has become an individual unit in cosmic omniscience and omnipotence." K 4.7.3

    COLLECTIVE BEINGS, TASKS OF "All essential and higher beings are part of

    expanding collective beings." P 2.51.1 "The tasks of these collective beings can be

    summed up in three main groups on the basis of the three aspects: the matter aspect, the

    consciousness aspect, and the will aspect. Accordingly we have formers of matter,supervisors of evolution, and restorers of balance." P 2.52.1

    COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS "All consciousness is at the same time collective

    consciousness. This is so because there is no personal isolation, although only those

    who have acquired essential consciousness (46) can live in the collective consciousness.

    "There are innumerable kinds of collective consciousness: atomic, molecular, aggregate,

    world, planetary, systemic, and after these, different kinds of cosmic consciousness. The

    higher the kingdom attained by the monad, the more is embraced by the collective

    consciousness in which the self, with its self-consciousness preserved, experiences other

    selves as its own larger self.

    "Or, to put it differently, all consciousness in the whole cosmos constitutes a common,inevitable, indivisible unity in which every individual has a smaller or greater part,

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    depending on the level of development he has attained." K 1.16.3ff

    "The collective consciousness is the primary and common one; the individual self-

    consciousness the individual must acquire by himself throughout ever higher natural

    kingdoms, this being possible because of his very participation in the collective

    consciousness." K 2.4.2

    "Anything that can form a collective consciousness by reason of some kind ofrelatedness, automatically constitutes one." K 2.4.4

    COMMON SENSE is the individuals synthetic instinct of life acquired through his

    incarnations. It is his highest sense which he should strive to develop. (K 1.2.11)

    "Common sense is critical reason, everybodys highest reason. Common sense

    relativizes, strives for objectivity, corrects itself, hardly ever expresses final opinions,

    and does not base opinions on incomplete facts and insufficient experience." P 1.1.17



    CONSCIENCE "So-called conscience is a complex of fear, superstition, prejudice,

    vanity, habits, and other qualities, the proportions varying according to aptitude,

    upbringing, and influence from the environment." K 5.33.10

    CONSCIOUSNESS One of the three aspects of existence. Consciousness in the

    primordial atoms is from the beginning potential (unconscious), is gradually awakened

    in the process of manifestation to actualized passive consciousness subsequently to

    become ever more active in the ever higher worlds of ever higher natural kingdoms.

    The most important insight about the nature of consciousness is that all consciousness is

    simultaneously collective consciousness. (K 1.16.3)

    "There is only one consciousness is the cosmos, the cosmic total consciousness, of

    which every monad has an inalienable part. This consciousness is an amalgamation of

    the consciousness of all monads in the cosmos." K 2.4.1

    CONSCIOUSNESS, CONTINUITY OF Mans continuity of consciousness is made

    possible through the memories in the envelopes of incarnation (47:4 49:7).

    Consciousness is lost after each incarnation because of the dissolution of these

    envelopes. In contrast, the causal envelope retains the memory of all human

    incarnations. When man, at the stage of ideality, acquires causal self-consciousness in

    the waking consciousness of his brain, he has a possibility of unbroken continuity ofconsciousness for all time to come. (K 1.34.35)

    CONSCIOUSNESS, CONTROL OF Process in which the monad by its active self-

    consciousness gradually acquires full mastery of the passive consciousness of its

    envelopes. As a result, the monad can itself determine what feelings and thoughts, etc. it

    wants to have or not to have. (K 7.17, P 3.71f)

    CONSCIOUSNESS DEVELOPMENT "Mechanical events, being in accordance with

    eternal laws of nature, serve the great cosmic purpose: the development of every atomic

    consciousness from unconsciousness to omniscience. The experiences of the individual

    consciousness and the working up of these are added to that fund of latent experience inthe subconscious which is steadily increased throughout the incarnations and makes it,%20SYSTEMATIC,%20SYSTEMATIC,%20SYSTEMATIC,%20SYSTEMATIC
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    possible for the individual to comprehend and understand more and more, to acquire

    knowledge of reality and life, discover the laws of existence and learn to apply them

    rationally. Being purposeful, the laws of life make consciousness development

    possible." K 5.35.3

    CONSCIOUSNESS, DIFFERENT KINDS OF "One must distinguish between self-consciousness (individual consciousness, self-consciousness in the envelopes),

    collective consciousness, and ultimate self consciousness. (Technically, cosmic,

    systemic, and planetary consciousness can be distinguished.)" K 1.16.1

    "There are as many different kinds of consciousness as there are kinds of matter. Each

    world has its own total consciousness, as each monad envelope has its own." K 4.7.2

    CONSCIOUSNESS, HIGHER AND LOWER KINDS OF "As a higher kind of matter

    penetrates lower consciousness. On the other hand, a lower kind cannot apprehend

    higher kinds, which always appear non-existent." K 2.4.1

    CONSCIOUSNESS TYPES, HUMAN "The seven planetary types only exist in theworlds of the planetary hierarchy (43 46).

    "The pure human types do not exist in the human kingdom at its present stage of

    development. They will not appear until in the last or seventh root-race."

    "Mans five envelopes can belong to five different departments. The incarnation

    envelopes can belong to five different departments. The incarnation envelopes usually

    change in departments in each new life, so that the individual is continually changing

    type. He can have something of all the five types."

    "Only 46-selves can ascertain to which department the five different envelopes belong.

    Accordingly, there is no point in speculating as to the type to which an individual

    belongs." K 2.7.1f,4,7



    CONTROL OF ENVELOPES "Mans five envelopes all have their own

    consciousnesses and their own tendencies. Those of the organism are inherited from

    ones parents. The qualities and abilities, etc. that the self acquires in its emotional and

    mental envelopes have their correspondences in a cluster of atoms (Sanskrit: skandhas),

    are preserved by the causal envelope, and used at reincarnation. It is the task of the self

    to learn to master its envelopes, so that they submit to its will. This is no easy task, sincethe tendencies of the envelopes are the result of habits from thousands of incarnations.

    At mankinds present stage of development, the emotional controls the physical. Man

    still has to learn to control the emotional by the mental. And more than good resolutions

    is needed to do that. It can take many lives once one has seen the need for it." K 1.34.24

    COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Different kinds of omniscience in worlds 1 42

    belonging to the cosmos (atomic worlds 43 49 make up the material of the solar

    system, and that is why they are not counted as being part of the cosmos). The lowest

    kind of cosmic consciousness (42) thus has the highest kind of solar systemic

    consciousness (43) as its precondition. The cosmic consciousness of diverse

    clairvoyants (Steiner, Martinus, etc.) is objective consciousness in the emotional world(48). It affords no knowledge of reality.,%20SYSTEMATIC,%20SYSTEMATIC,%20SYSTEMATIC,%20CONTINUITY%20OF,%20CONTINUITY%20OF,%20CONTINUITY%20OF,%20CONTINUITY%20OF,%20SYSTEMATIC
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    COSMIC IDEAS "The entire process of manifestation proceeds in accordance with

    cosmic ideas." K 2.15.4

    "It is our planetary government which is entrusted with the cosmic ideas pertaining to

    the maintenance and development of life in the planet and which also sees to it that they

    are realized in accordance with the laws." K 2.16.3

    COSMIC KINGDOMS "All we know about these six successively higher divine

    kingdoms in the 42 higher atomic worlds is that they exist, that they constitute a perfect

    cosmic organization working with unfailing precision in accordance with all existence's

    laws of nature and life.

    "In the cosmos, the individual does not acquire any envelopes of his own. He succeeds

    to some high function and, finally, to the highest in his world with its collective

    consciousness, and identifies himself with this world as his own envelope.

    "The individuals of the second divine kingdom aspire towards omniscience in the

    worlds 36 42 (only now cosmic consciousness), those of the third divine kingdom

    towards omniscience in the worlds 29 35, etc." K 1.37.1ff

    COSMIC MOTION "Cosmic motion (in the 49 atomic kinds) is the result of a constant

    current of primordial atoms (primary matter) flowing down from the highest atomic

    world through the atoms of all the worlds unto the lowest world. These primordial

    atoms then return to the highest world to begin their circulation anew, and this continues

    as long as the existence of the lower worlds is necessary. There are two kinds of atoms:

    negative and positive. In the negative (receptive), material energy flows from a higher

    atomic kind to a lower; in the positive (propulsive), from a lower to a higher. It is this

    current that maintains the atoms, molecules, material aggregates, in their given forms."

    K 1.27.1 (P 2.57.2, 2.12.7)

    1) In P, the opposite polarity is stated because the starting-point is the opposite and so

    the terminology is adapted to this condition.

    COSMIC PHYSICAL etc. (T.B.) Worlds 43 49 are called cosmic physical (and so 49

    is cosmic dense, 48 cosmic liquid, 47 cosmic gaseous, etc.); worlds 36 42, cosmic

    astral; 29 35 cosmic mental; 22 28 cosmic buddhic, etc.

    COSMOS, THE A cosmos is a globe in primordial matter, a globe made up of

    primordial atoms.

    "Its original dimensions are small, but, being supplied with primordial atoms from the

    inexhaustible store of primordial matter, it grows incessantly until it has reached the

    requisite size.""A fully built out cosmos, such as ours, consists of a continuous series of material

    worlds of different degrees of density, the higher penetrating all the lower. The highest

    world thus penetrates everything in the cosmos.

    "The worlds are built out from the highest world, each higher world supplying material

    for the next lower world which is formed in and out of the higher ones.

    "These are seven series of seven cosmic material worlds, making 49 in all (1 7, 8 14,

    15 21, 22 28, 29 35, 36 42, 43 49), in accordance with the constant division intoseven departments. These atomic worlds occupy the same space in the cosmos. All the

    higher worlds embrace and penetrate the lower worlds."

    "All the 49 worlds differ from each other as to dimension, duration, material

    composition, motion, and consciousness; due to differences in density of primordialatoms.

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    "The seven lowest cosmic worlds (43 49) contain billions of solar systems. The lowest

    world (49) is the physical world.

    "Our cosmos is a perfect organization." K 1.6.1ff

    COSMOS, BUILDERS OF THE "The cosmos has been built out by a collectivity of

    monads who have acquired consciousness in a cosmos and have themselves workedtheir way up through all its 49 worlds. They wish, in their turn, to awaken to

    consciousness the unconscious monads in primordial matter and make to possible for

    them to acquire omniscience and omnipotence in the cosmos." K 2.2.9

    "When a sufficient number of monads have succeeded in working their way from the

    lowest natural kingdom up to the highest divine kingdom, this collective being is able to

    leave its cosmic globe in order to begin to build out a cosmic globe of its own inprimordial matter, the material being primordial atoms taken from the inexhaustible

    store of primordial matter." K 4.5.5

    CULTURE "Culture in the esoteric sense of word is only achieved through purposeful,

    conscious or unconscious, application of the laws of life. In order to be discovered theymust first have been applied." K 5.7.13

    "Cultures are built up by clans at the stages of culture and humanity. When their work is

    taken over by clans at lower stages, a more or less swift decline sets in." K 5.5.1

    "Emotional and mental culture are the kinds of culture most important for the realization

    of unity. Material culture will follow as a matter of course when the good will to mutual

    assistance is made the highest value and norm." P 1.1.14

    "We shall have social culture when individuals feel that they exist for the community,

    and the community feels that it exists for the individual; when everybody regards

    service as his foremost task." P 1.1.12

    CULTURE, STAGE OF The third of mans five stages of development. "It is at the

    cultural stage that the three highest molecular kinds of the emotional envelope are

    activated. The pertaining vibrations in the emotional world are mainly attractive.

    Having once attained these regions, the individual can gradually free himself from the

    tendency, since long acquired, to a repellent attitude to the surrounding world and to

    himself. His feelings become more and more ennobled with each higher level and

    supersede his previous receptivity to the countless expressions of hatred of the repellent

    vibrations. For everything that is not love is hatred." K 1.34.16 Synonyms: higher

    emotional stage, stage of the mystic.


    "DEATH" "The monads are the only indestructible things in the universe. There is no

    death, just new forms for the monad consciousness. Whenthe form has fulfilled its

    temporary purpose for the consciousness development of the monad, it is dissolved." K


    DEATH PROCESS The process at the end of incarnation, when the monad in the

    superphysical envelopes leaves the two physical envelopes (organism and etheric

    envelope), after the tie that unifies the monad with these, the sutratma, is severed

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    Even during profound sleep, the emotional envelope along with the higher envelopes is

    separated from the physical ones. The difference here is that the sutratma upholds the

    connection between the monad and the physical. (K 1.34.26f, 3.5.11)

    "At the same time as the etheric envelope frees itself from the organism in the so-called

    process of death, the emotional envelope frees itself from the etheric envelope which

    remains near the organism and dissolves along with it." K 1.34.26

    DEDUCTION The method of concluding the less general or the individual case from

    knowledge of the more general (the system). Opposite: induction (K 5.17.1,8)

    DEPARTMENT One of the seven omnipresent fundamental types of existence.

    DESCENDING ARC (T.) Means involution in general, but also the three first globe

    periods of an eon.

    DESCENT OF SPIRIT INTO MATTER (T.) A symbolic expression meaning many

    things, i.e. involution and the different kinds of involvation. (K 3.4.9)

    DESTINY, LAW OF "The law of destiny indicates what forces influence the individual

    in consideration of necessary experiences." K 1.41.12

    DEVACHAN (Tib. "state of joy", T.B.) The state in the mental world (47:4-7) between

    incarnations. Synonyms: tushita (Skt).

    DEVA EVOLUTION Line of evolution parallel to the "human evolution". The deva

    monads pursue their own path after the mineral kingdom, which is common to all

    evolutionary beings, and thus they do not become humans although they reach the

    corresponding kinds of active self-consciousness. Branches reach the deva evolution

    even from the vegetable and animal kingdoms of the "human evolution". Deva monads

    at evolutionary stages corresponding to the vegetable and animal kingdoms are called

    nature beings (or nature spirits), those at stages corresponding to the human kingdom

    and higher kingdoms are called devas.

    DEVA RAJAS (T.B.) The seven highest devas within the solar system. Each one isresponsible for matter in someone of the seven solar systemic worlds. In Sanskrit they

    are called: Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, Agni, Varuna, Kshiti.

    DEVAS (Skt, "the shining ones") Evolutionary beings belonging to an evolutionary lineparallel to the "human" evolution from mineral via man to 43-self. The majority of

    devas have never been and will never become human. Their lowest consciousness

    corresponds to that of man; their highest is 43-consciousness. Lower beings than devas

    on this evolutionary path are called nature beings. The devas lack a triad chain. Their

    lowest envelope is the etheric. They make up two major groups of collective beings:

    those who work especially with the motion aspect and are agents of the laws of life;

    those who particularly work with the matter aspect and supervise form-building in

    nature. The highest deva for an entire material world within the solar system is called a

    deva raja.

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    DEVELOPMENT, LAW OF "The law of development says that all monads develop

    their consciousness, that there are forces acting in different ways towards the final goal

    of life." K 1.41.10

    DHARMA "Dharma is the innermost nature of every individual, that which constitutes

    his true being. Dharma is what is given in the interdependent arrangement of things...Dharma is the meaning of life for every individual.

    "Mans dharma is different at different stages of development, in different

    circumstances of life. Everybody has his special dharma, his problems of life to solve,

    his duties to perform. Man lives in a state of insecurity and uncertainty when he is not

    acting at the best of his ability, in accordance with his dharma. The dharma of mankind

    is humanity." K 7.9.3f

    DIMENSION "Each atomic kind has its own dimension. Thus there are 49 dimensions

    in the cosmos. In the cosmic sense, dimension means kind of space. Physical matter has

    one dimension (line and area are not counted), the highest kind of matter has forty-nine.

    With the 49th dimension, the cosmos becomes a point to primordial atomicconsciousness." K 1.8.4

    DISCIPLESHIP "In order to attain the fifth natural kingdom in just a few incarnations,

    the aspirant must strive after discipleship under the planetary hierarchy. Only those who

    have acquired the physical, emotional, and mental prerequisites can be accepted as

    disciples. Physically and dietetically, the athlete training for the Olympic Games may

    serve as an example. Emotionally, they must discard all manifestations of repulsion

    (hatred) and acquire the qualities of attraction. Mentally, they must acquire perspective

    consciousness and a well-developed ability to meditate in the correct way. All qualities

    and abilities have to be put solely at the service of evolution, since their egoistic use

    counteracts evolution." K 7.22.12

    DISCURSIVITY The quality of the lower mental (47:6,7) of not being able to survey

    wholes but having to deal with isolated parts in succession.

    DIVINE KINGDOMS The seven higher of the twelve natural kingdoms of the cosmos

    are called divine kingdoms. The first, or lowest, divine kingdom is made up of monads

    that have envelopes and are omniscient and omnipotent in the two highest worlds of the

    solar system (43,44); the six higher divine kingdoms are made up of monads that are

    omniscient and omnipotent in worlds 36 42, 29 35, 22 28, 15 21, 8 14, 1 7. (K

    1.37, 4.5.3)

    DOMINANT The highest developed individual in a some permanent collective

    consciousness (i.e. planetary ruler).

    "There must be one dominant (being one eon ahead of those following next in

    consciousness development, consciousness expansion), since final decisions must be

    unambiguous and divergence be impossible." K 2.16.7

    "Every world, every planet, solar system, etc., thus has its own collective consciousness,

    and constitutes a unitary collective being having one monad as the superior dominant."

    K 4.7.3

    DREAMS Consciousness activity during the organisms sleep may have five differentcauses: discharge of memory pictures of the previous day from the organisms brain;

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    impressions from without (during sleep) on the etheric brain; experiences of the monad

    in the separated emotional envelope (together with higher envelopes) in the emotional

    world; the corresponding in the mental world; glimpses of causal consciousness (the

    two last mentioned cases occur seldom before the stage of humanity).

    DURATION Time-lapse


    DYNAMIS "The original cause of motion, the source of all power, the one primordial

    force, the universes total energy, is the dynamic energy of primordial matter, which

    Pythagoras called dynamis. It is eternally active, inexhaustible, unconscious, absolute


    "Dynamis acts in every primordial atom, and only in the primordial atoms, which

    penetrate all matter.

    "Dynamis is the fundamental cause of the perpetuum mobile of the universe." K



    EGO (SELF, HIGHER SELF, T.B.) Term meaning, according to the context:

    1. The second triad and its (activated) consciousness in general

    2. Causal consciousness (in the second triad mental atom) in particular.

    3. Non-involving greater causal envelope (P 2.23.6), in contrast to the triad envelope(which B. calls the "personality").

    4. Augoeides.

    ELEMENT "The elements of the ancients namely, earth, water, air, fire, and quinta

    essentia were their terms of the five lowest molecular kinds, or states of aggregation." K


    ELEMENTAL "Involutionary beings, or elementals, are aggregates of involutionary

    atoms and molecules. Permanent, semipermanent, and shortlived elementals are

    distinguished. The permanent ones are material envelopes of evolutionary beings, the

    temporary ones are other vibrational products." P 2.11.3

    ELEMENTAL MATTER Matter whose constituent monads, atoms, and molecules are

    in involution down to world 49. Elemental matter has passive consciousness. It is

    incapable of self-activity but is unsurpassably sensitive to all kinds of vibrations. (K

    2.9.2) Synonyms: involutionary matter, secondary matter.

    ELEMENTARY (T.) Envelope, shell, abandoned by an evolutionary monad, a man,

    for instance, at the end of incarnation. It is mostly elementaries that appear at spiritist

    sances, which explains the deficient intelligence of the "spirits" and their robotism.

    ELITE THINKING The second highest kind of thinking in the mental envelope (47:5)

    "lite thinking, is - in contrast to principle thinking which mostly absolutifies - partly
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    consistent relativizing and percentualizing thinking, partly perspective thinking and

    system thinking." K 1.20.5

    EMOTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS Consciousness of the monad, in the emotional

    envelope (48:2-7).

    "By nature emotional consciousness is exclusively desire, or what the individual at theemotional stage perceives as dynamic will. At the stage of barbarism, before the

    individuals consciousness in the mental envelope has been activated, desire is

    manifested as more or less uncontrolled impulses. When the mental envelope,

    influenced by the vibrations of the emotional envelope, is attracted to and woven

    together with the emotional envelope, mental consciousness is awakened to life, and

    desire and thought merge. If desire then preponderates, there ensues feeling, which is

    desire coloured with thought. If thought preponderates, imagination ensues, which is

    thought coloured with desire.

    "Man's emotional life is in the main the life of emotional illusions. He is the victim of

    desire's wishful thinking, of the illusions of emotional thinking. The individual is

    completely free of the illusions of only after he has acquired causal consciousness."The vibrations of the three lower emotional molecular kinds are largely repellent, the

    three higher, attractive. Noble feelings are manifestations of attraction." K 1.19.5

    "Sense perceptions excepted, emotionality can be said to include everything

    psychological that does not belong to the purely rational, and the purely rational does

    not embrace much." P 1.2.2

    EMOTIONAL CULTURE "The stage of emotional culture has been reached when

    everybody serves and nobody feels like a master. When everybody serves something

    higher, something beyond himself, something for several, for many, for all together,

    then that harmony will present itself which is the expression of cultured emotion. The

    present intellectual possibilities of man have been overrated, and his emotional ones

    undervalued and neglected. It is also easier to realize emotional culture, with the sense

    of unity as its highest value." P 1.1.11

    EMOTIONAL ENVELOPE The monads envelope of emotional matter (48:2-7). In the

    mineral and vegetable kingdom the emotional envelope belongs to the group-soul; in

    the animal and human kingdoms the monad has an individual emotional envelope. The

    emotional envelope is the seat of desires. In the human kingdom, when the mental

    envelope is activated, the emotional envelope coalesces with the mental so that the two

    make up, from the functional point of view, one envelope. Through this originate the

    two emotional-mental kinds of consciousness: feeling and imagination.

    EMOTIONAL EON Current eon of our planet (lasting 4320 million years). It is chiefly

    intended to activate emotional consciousness.

    EMOTIONAL LIFE BETWEEN INCARNATIONS "Mans life in the emotional world

    can prove completely different for different individuals, depending on their

    developmental level.

    "Like the physical world, the emotional world has six successively higher regions. Most

    people are nowadays objectively conscious from the beginning in the three regions

    (48:5-7) that correspond to the three lowest regions of the physical world (49:5-7)...

    Objects in those regions are material counterparts of the material forms of the physicalworld, which fact often causes the newcomer to think that he still lives in the physical

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    "The emotional envelope dissolves gradually: first its lowest molecular kind, then the

    lowest but one, etc. When the three lowest are dissolved it is not possible for the

    individual to contact the visible physical world."

    "In the three higher regions of the emotional world, the existing material forms are

    imaginative formations made by the individuals in those regions. For emotional matterforms itself in accordance with the slightest hint from consciousness, the ignorant

    neither understanding the cause nor being able to grasp how it happened. The individual

    seldom learns anything really new while in the emotional world and in the mental world


    "The life of the emotional envelope can vary as greatly as that of the organism." K


    EMOTIONAL SELF Monad whose most important kind of self-consciousness is within

    the molecular worlds 48:2-7 of the solar system. Human emotional selves are at the

    stages of civilization and culture.

    EMOTIONAL STAGE "As an emotional self (at the stages of civilization and culture),

    the individual is in his thinking and acting determined by emotional motives. The

    emotional stage is the most difficult stage of development. Man must by himself acquire

    consciousness in all six molecular kinds of his emotional envelope and in the two

    lowest of his mental envelope. To the emotional stage belongs almost everything that

    man today regards as civilization and culture." K 1.34.13

    EMOTIONAL THINKING "At his present stage of development, man is an emotional

    being with a possibility of intermittent use of his still undeveloped reason.

    "Sense perception excepted, emotionality can be said to include everything

    psychological that does not belong to the purely rational, and the purely rational does

    not embrace much. Our consciousness is centred in emotionality, which colours sense

    perceptions as well as thoughts. Our consciousness is centred in emotionality, which

    colours sense perceptions as well as thoughts." P 1.2.1f

    "Emotional thinking rules in all domains that can directly or indirectly affect personal

    interests." P 3.16.3

    EMOTIONAL WORLD Atomic world 48 in the cosmos and solar system, molecular

    world 48:2-7 in the planets of the solar system. The molecular emotional world can be

    said to be the particular world of animals where consciousness is concerned. (K 1.11.5)

    "What one gets to know in the emotional world is not the knowledge of existence,reality, and life. Like the mental world, it is intended to be a sojourn for rest pending a

    new incarnation. It is only in the physical and causal worlds that man is able to ascertain

    real facts, not in the emotional and mental worlds. In these worlds one cannot know

    whether what one sees is nature's enduring reality or not.

    "In the emotional world one has confirmation of all ones illusions and fictions, ones

    hypotheses and theories, and all other fancies." K 6.9.6f

    EMOTIONALIST Man at the emotional stage (stages of civilization and culture).

    ENERGY "In the scientific sense of the word, energy is matter in motion. All higher

    kinds of matter (atomic kinds, molecular kinds) are energy in relation to all lower kinds."Matter in not dissolved into energy, but into higher matter.

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    "When matter ceases to move, its quality of being energy ceases.

    "All forces of nature are matter." K 1.26.1ff

    "The energies that become manifest are the effects of the next higher molecular kinds

    upon the next lower ones in each world." K 1.29.3

    ENERGY, EXCHANGE OF All atoms in all material aggregates receive and in theirturn emit energies.

    "The energies coming in from without have their own types and individual characters.

    The energies transmitted further always have their individual characters coloured to a

    certain degree in the new aggregates they flow through." K 2.13.10

    ENVELOPES, MONAD ENVELOPES The consciousness of the monads develops in

    envelopes. It is by acquiring consciousness in its envelopes and in the ever higher

    molecular kinds of these envelopes that the monad attains ever higher natural kingdoms.

    "All forms of nature are envelopes. In every atom, molecule, organism, world, planet,

    solar system, etc., there is one monad at a higher stage of development than are the

    other monads in this form of nature." K 1.13.1f"Each envelope of the individual has its consciousness, its memory: the subconscious

    collective consciousness of its different molecules." K 1.23.1

    "The self develops in and through envelopes, from the lowest physical etheric envelope

    to the highest cosmic world. It constantly acquires new envelopes in one world after

    another. Step by step it acquires self-consciousness in the ever higher molecular kinds

    of its envelope by learning to activate the consciousness in these. By this it finally

    becomes master in its envelope. Until then it is disoriented in the consciousness chaos

    of this envelope, and it is the victim of vibrations from without." K 1.30.4

    EONS The most comprehensive of the solar systemic cycle, 4320 million years. One

    eon is equal to a seven-globe period, the time of the monads evolution round the seven

    globes of the seven-globe. Our seven-globe presently runs through its fourth eon, the

    emotional eon (K 2.13.4).

    ESOTERICS That knowledge of reality and life from the greatest possible perspective

    which can only be communicated to a prepared lite of mankind. Esoterics is in the

    possession of the planetary hierarchy and was taught, up to 1875, in its secret

    knowledge orders only, after 1875 partially in public. As a rule, only those understand

    esoterics who possess the knowledge latently from previous incarnations.

    ESOTERICS, BASIC AXIOM OF: "There are laws in everything and everything isexpressive of law." K 4.11.7

    ESOTERIC HISTORY BEFORE 1875 "Members of this planetary hierarchy incarnated

    in mankind, eventually to make up what in the esoteric history has been called the

    higher priesthood.This happened in Lemuria. As soon as consciousness had

    developed sufficiently for men to be able to learn, they were given such necessary

    instruction and knowledge of reality as they were able to grasp. In both Lemuria and

    Atlantis, temple schools were set up in which the human lite were given the education

    suited to their ability to comprehend... The lite were trained to be teachers of the rest of

    mankind, eventually to form the lower priesthood."

    Later, a large part of the "lower priesthood", who had acquired a knowledge of magic,rebelled against the "higher priesthood". The planetary hierarchy was banished first in

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    Lemuria, later in Atlantis.

    "Abuse of knowledge leads to the loss of knowledge, and ever since the planetary

    hierarchy was driven out of Atlantis mankind has had to look after its own affairs."

    "However, not everybody took part in the black priesthood's revolt against the higher

    priesthood. Those individuals who had reached the stage of culture, and who were on

    the side of good, did not forfeit the right to remember anew their old knowledge. Fortheir benefit the planetary hierarchy instituted secret knowledge orders among all

    nations that had reached such a stage of development that cultural individuals could

    incarnate among them."

    The planetary hierarchy made two attempts to awaken man to see the rationality of life

    and to counteract the dreadful hatred between men In India Buddha incarnated to try

    and impress the people with what has been called the "religion of wisdom". And

    Christos incarnated to awaken people to understand what has been called the "religion

    of love".

    "As we know, both attempts failed. Buddhas disciples were driven out of India, and

    Christos message of love was taken care of by individuals who had belonged to the

    black priesthood of Atlantis."The planetary hierarchy had no other choice but to continue instituting new knowledge

    orders, as for the rest trying to vitalize mens emotional and mental consciousness, so

    that these could develop into greater understanding of reality."

    By the year 1775 mankind had reaped the last of its bad sowing from Atlantis. "The

    knowledge of reality could thus in that respect be permitted to become common

    property"... "The problem of how mankind, totally disoriented, was best to assimilate

    the knowledge had long been under discussion in the planetary hierarchy, and vast

    preparations had been made."

    "It was at the conclave of the planetary hierarchy in 1775 that two of its members (the

    then 45-selves M. and K.H.) offered to take immediate steps to publicize some part of

    the knowledge of the consciousness and matter aspects of existence which hitherto had

    been imparted in the esoteric knowledge orders."

    "All the other members of the planetary hierarchy voted against the proposal, since they

    considered that far too few people had attained the necessary stage of mental

    development for the undertaking to have any prospect of success. The emotional

    illusions of the prevailing religions and the mental fictions of philosophy were so

    remote from the real conception of reality that any attempt to communicate

    superphysical knowledge to the so-called educated, either would be rejected out of

    hand, or would give rise to new imaginative excesses. They considered that one ought

    to wait until at least those furthest developed had acquired physical etheric objective

    consciousness. Then they would see the fictitiousness of the prevailing idiologies andprove readier to examine, at least, the reality content of the esoteric mental system.

    "As unanimity could not be reached, the matter was referred to the president of the

    government, the planetary ruler, who considered: "as these two brothers of ours have

    offered to prepare the spread of the knowledge and have expressed their willingness

    themselves to bear the consequences and know what this means, they should be allowed

    to make the attempt."

    "The time for the publication of the knowledge was fixed for 1875. In the meantime

    everything was to be done to raise the general level of education and to spread literacy."

    K 3.1.4ff

    ESOTERIC HISTORY AFTER 1875 The instrument the planetary hierarchy hadchosen for the task of publicizing the knowledge which had been kept secret since

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    Atlantis was H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891). "Blavatsky was enjoined not to give out any

    esoteric facts without special permission in each individual case. She was not to

    mention anything about the planetary hierarchy."

    "The truth, or the knowledge of reality, is only to be given gradually, with sparing facts,

    to a mankind unprepared to receive it. It is necessary to find connections to established

    fictions of which people have heard enough for them to believe that they comprehendwhat it all is about. A new, revolutionary system of ideas would be rejected off hand as

    a mere fantastic invention. It could not be comprehended, let alone understood, without

    careful preparation.

    "The most important reason, which probably only esotericians are able to understand, is

    the fact of the dynamic energy of ideas."

    "Once the esoteric knowledge was permitted to be published there was no longer any

    need of initiation into the old knowledge orders, nobody having been initiated into

    anyone of them since 1875. Although those initiated in previous incarnations were not

    given the opportunity to revive all their old knowledge, enough was made known, and

    besides hinted at, for them to be able to discover the most essential by themselves."

    "The most important esoteric facts to be found in the works of Sinnett, Judge, andHartmannwho received them from the planetary hierarchy through Blavatsky up to

    1891are: reincarnation, karma, or the law of sowing and reaping (the law of reaping),

    the individuals pre-existence and post-existence (hence immortality), the existence of

    the worlds 4549, knowledge of the individuals envelopes in higher worlds, knowledge

    orders in times past, and lots of historical facts." K 3.2.1ff

    Blavatsky was a causal self. In 1875 she contributed to the founding of the

    Theosophical Society, which was intended to become a platform for the esoteric

    teaching. In 1877 Blavatsky publishedIsis Unveiled, which in two volumes criticized

    the dogmas of science and religion.

    "Blavatskys second standard work of her vast literary production, The Secret

    Doctrine... contains the symbols of Dzyan (the oldest of the planetary hierarchy). It

    gives an account of the different symbolic presentations of the cosmos and of the

    evolution of life as by several knowledge orders, showing how these agree." K 3.3.28ff

    "With the death of Blavatsky in 1891, this first phase of the publication of new esoteric

    facts ended." "The second phase, which lasted 1894-1920, was characterized by the

    close collaboration of two esoteric capacities: Annie Besant (1847-1933) and C.W.

    Leadbeater (1847-1934)." Both were causal selves.

    Leadbeater "was the foremost systematician and historian of esoterics up to 1920...

    Nobody before him has given so many new facts." Of these facts the following are the

    most important: "the composition of matter, the difference between atomic and

    molecular matter, the seven atomic worlds of the solar system, the molecular worlds ofthe planetary system, involutionary matter, the evolution of the natural kingdoms, the

    consciousness expansion..., mans three atomic worlds and five molecular worlds of

    man, mans five material envelopes and consciousness in these, mans permanent atoms

    (the triad), the planetary hierarchy, the division of the planetary hierarchy into seven

    departments, the planetary government."

    "The third and latest phase of the publication of the esoteric knowledge falls during

    1920-1950."... "The planetary hierarchy had appointed a secretary who was to be the

    actual link between the esotericians and the planetary hierarchy, and had decided that,

    for the time being at least, new facts were to be imparted only through him: the 45-self

    D.K." K 3.2.10ff

    The works of D.K., published under the name of Alice A. Bailey, are fundamentalimportance for the esoteric teaching of our times. They deepen the teaching previously

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    given, correcting and amplifying it in many places, and provides much knowledge.

    Main points in D.K.s presentation are: evolution in the solar system as principally a

    manifestation of the will and man as a phenomenon of will and energy within it, the

    seven departments (types) as the basis of a new psychology, the activation of mans

    passive causal consciousness as the most important feature of both white magic and

    the future system of education, the significance of Augoeides for mans evolution,mankinds relation to the planetary hierarchy and planetary government, discipleship

    and the initiations, the reappearance of the planetary hierarchy in the physical world

    (externalization) under the guidance of the world teacher, the new group of world

    servers which ever more consciously collaborateswith the hierarchys plan for the

    evolution of mankind.

    "D.K. points out that the individual has not been given the knowledge to enjoy it with a

    pleasant feeling of superiority. It entails responsibility, as does all knowledge." K 3.9.2

    D.K. says expressly that he writes for disciples (individuals at the stage of humanity).

    His works cannot be understood without a suitable preparation.

    1. The solution of the mystery of trinity: the three equivalent aspects of existence, theessential of the absolute knowledge system, the basis of the philosophy and science of

    the future.

    2. Matter (the atoms) as the vehicles of consciousness and consciousness development

    as the meaning of existence.

    3. The self as a monad, a primordial atom. (The selves described in the older esoteric

    literature are the triads of the monad, its envelopes in higher ever higher kingdoms. The

    monad of T. and B. is the third triad.)

    4. The indication of objective grounds of the different stages of development

    5. The formulation of laws of life with particular emphasis on the essential ones for our

    times as an introduction to the Aquarian epoch of law.

    ESOTERIC WORLD VIEW AND LIFE VIEW "The esoteric world view can never, of

    course, be anything else for mankind but a working hypothesis. But the further mankind

    develops, the more evident the incomparable superiority of this hypothesis will become.

    The causal self is able to ascertain its accordance with facts in the five worlds of man."

    K 4.11.8

    ESOTERICIAN "The esoterician has once and for all left the world of illusions and

    fictions, which mankind prefers living in, to enter into the world of reality." K 1.43.6

    "The mystic thinks that mans reason cannot explain existence, which, it is true, it

    cannot. The esoterician knows this, but then is not content with the ability of humanreason to ascertain superphysical facts, but seeks that higher reason which can achieve

    contact with the Platonic world of ideas. Until then, he will accept no other

    superphysical facts than those from the planetary hierarchy. Proof that facts really are

    facts he gets from their having their given places in the Pythagorean hylozoic mental

    system, and their being the simplest and most general explanations of previously

    inexplicable realities." K 3.6.5

    "On the whole it can be said that in the conditions prevailing at the present time, true

    esotericians do not join any societies, but are to be found outside all kinds of

    organizations. They can be recognized by their understanding of all things human, and

    they strive after truly human relations between all irrespectively of race, nationality,

    sex, religion, politics, and all other things that separate man from man." K 3.7.12

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    essential envelope is that of unity. The individual knows that he is his own self having a

    self-identity that will never be lost, but also a larger self together with all the monads in

    the five natural kingdoms and, when he so desires, he can experience others'

    consciousness as his own. The drop-consciousness has become one with the ocean-

    consciousness. The union with god is the self's acquisition of the consciousness ofunity."

    "The 46-self is omniscient in the worlds 46-49."

    "Only essential consciousness can become conscious in the physical, emotional, and

    mental atoms.