The Association of United States and European Aerospace … · The Award 2015 has been sponsored by...


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The Association of United States and European

Aerospace Industry Representatives

Presentation of the Award

USAIRE in brief

USAIRE is a network of American and European companies striving for intensifying the international cooperation and strengthening the links between the private and public stakeholders of civil and defense aerospace industry.

USAIRE Student Award

« Bring out the most innovative ideas in a technological and geopolitical landscape, always changing and getting more and more complex…»

o Each year, the USAIRE Student Award is sponsored by a Minister. The Award 2015 has been sponsored by the Minister of Economy, Emmanuel MACRON.

o The Award consists of two selection steps. The best teams are to be awarded during the gala Thanksgiving dinner of the USAIRE association.

o In 2015, the Award has been chaired Mr. Tom ENDERS, CEO of Airbus Group.

In 2006, Michel Dubarry, then President of USAIRE, launched an Award to give Students an opportunity to get closer to the Stakeholders of Aerospace Industry

Topic for 2016

How will digitalisation transform the Aerospace Industry in a near future?

« Comment la numérisation transformera-t-elle l’industrie aéronautique de demain? »

Method & Schedule

o WEDNESDAY 15TH JUNE: The pre-selection ONE-PAGER is sent to USAIRE

o 30th JUNE 2016: Preselected students are notified

o EARLY JULY 2016: Integration event for the 2016 finalists

o SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH 2016: deadline to send the final document (10 pages max.)

o FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25TH 2016 : Award ceremony – USAIRE Thanksgiving dinner

A 2-step Competition: You will be pre-selected on the basis of a written ONE-PAGER summarizing the main elements of a FINAL 10-PAGE PAPER

The papers can be issued in English or in French

Who can participate? The Award is open to any students (higher education) in Europe: Bachelor, Masters, MBA, PhD, non-european exchange student, etc.

o You can participate alone, or work in pairs.

o Teams can be made of students from the same institution, or from institutions miles apart, even in different countries.

o To find a team-mate, you can contact USAIRE ( before the May 1st 2016:

o You can give several tries in a row to the USAIRE Student Award

Some great yet useful prices

It is also an opportunity for students to:

o Develop a systemic view of the world of aviation, through strategic topics

o Acquire and develop essential skills for your career: join ORAJe - The organization of aerospace meetings with European youth, which aims at intensifying and sustaining the relationship between industry and youth.

Price exemples:

o Internships and HR Trainings: voucher for two internships with Airbus Group, Training with Michael Page…

o Airline tickets: Singapore Airlines, Transavia France, Qatar Airways…

o Companies Discovery: Rolls-Royce, Marshall Aerospace…

o Participation in a humanitarian mission around the world (ASF)

o Electronic devices (Panasonic Avionics), a annual subscription to Air & Cosmos

The Thanksgiving dinner 2015

The 2015 laureates 1st Price: Marie PETREQUIN & Michael TIBERGHIEN, Centrale Paris - ESSEC & ESTACA

2nd Price: Sophie MOUTET & Frédéric NORMAND, ENSIACET & ESTACA

3rd Price: Julien LEFORT & Romain BOUCHET, ISAE Supaéro

4th Price: Agathe DOUCET & Victor DESCHAMPS, ESDES & Ecole des Mine d’Alès

Special Price: Yann WENDEL & Thomas KEFALAS, Sciences Po Paris

In 2015, they’ve said… « L’USAIRE Student Award nourrit et récompense deux valeurs fondamentales qui font la grandeur de l’aéronautique : la culture de l’excellence et la passion du métier ».

« Il rappelle qu’on ne réussit pas tout seul ».

« Il est un formidable tremplin vers les métiers du secteur. Pour beaucoup d’étudiants, ce concours constitue le premier pas aux côtés des grands acteurs de l’aéronautique, et le chaînon manquant entre parcours universitaire et début de carrière professionnelle ».

Emmanuel MACRON, French Minister of Economy *

“What this Student Award (and connecting students with employers) is all about? • Giving young people an opportunity to perform. • Let them learn by `doing´.”

Tom ENDERS, CEO of Airbus Group

Give it a try!

Please send you pre-selection paper by email, no later than WEDNESDAY JUNE15th 2016 to : tél. : 01 47 22 14 40
