THE ANNALS OF THE “ŞTEFAN CEL MARE” UNIVERSITY Volume V issue 2.pdf · natation sportive par...


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Physical Education and Sport Section

The Science and Art of Movement

Volume V issue 2

ISSN - 1844-9131

SUCEAVA December 2012

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012



AQUAGYM EXERCISES CONTRIBUTION AT THE HEALTH OF ADULTS................................................................................................... 9 Aida Petrea SPELEO-KINESIOTHERAPY .........................................................….18 Neli Claudia Bîlha, Ştefan Bîlha, Andrei Bîlha METHOD OF RECOVERY OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES MULTIPLE / ASSOCIATED..................................................................28 Danelciuc Elena, Mihaela, Betiuc Mihail, Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON DYNAMIC COORDINATION IN JUNIOR III FOOTBALL GAME …………...........................................36 Marius Bogdan Grosu MODERNIZATION OF LEARNING PROCESS FOR SPORTS SWIMMING THRU GIF ANIMATOR SOFTWARE............................45 Sorin Raţă, Ileana Juravle ANALYSIS NOTES OF THE SCHOOL SYLLABUS IN THE “THEORETICAL SPORTS TRAINING” DISCIPLINE …..............….50 Mariana Juravle THE ROLE OF KINESIOTHERAPY IN ENHANCING SPORTS PERFORMANCE....................................................................................55 Jacek Sobon, Benedek Florian STUDY ON THE RECOVERY OF THE ANKLE SPRAINS OF THE ATHLETES.............................................................................................62 Benedek Florian SPORT GAME – FOOTBALL DURING THE UNIVERSITY PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON ...............................................….69 Finichiu Marin

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012



ASPECTS REGARDING THE POSSIBILITIES OF PHYSICAL THERAPEUTICAL INTERVENTION IN CEREBRAL MOTOR INFIRMITY.............................................................................................91 Anca Iacob

THE INFLUENCE OF REGULATION CHANGES IN THE HANDBALL GAME FOR GOAL MARKING......................................96 Ileana Juravle

DEVELOPMENT OF FOLK DANCE INTERPRETATION TO STUDENTS...........................................................................................103 Mărioara Salup, Elena Raţă


THE INFLUENCE OF COLOUR ON THE EFFICIENCY OF BASKETBALL THROWS………………………………....................127 Virgil Larionescu, Pantelimona Mihoc

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012



LA CONTRIBUTION DES EXERCICES DE AQUAGYM A L’ETAT DE SANTE DES ADULTES..…...............................................................9 Aida Petrea SALINO-KINÉSITHÉRAPIE............................................................….18 Neli Claudia Bîlha, Ştefan Bîlha, Andrei Bîlha METHODES DE RECUPERATION POUR LES ENFANTS SOUFFRANT DE HANDICAPS MULTIPLES OU CONNEXES........28 Danelciuc Elena, Mihaela, Betiuc Mihail, Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus ÉTUDE EXPERIMENTALE SUR LA COORDINATION SPECIFIQUE POUR JUNIOR III DYNAMIQUE MATCH DE FOOTBALL.............36 Marius Bogdan Grosu MISE A JOUR DU PROCESSUS D'APPRENTISSAGE DE LA NATATION SPORTIVE PAR UN LOGICIEL DE TYPE GIF ANIMATOR............................................................................................45 Sorin Raţă, Ileana Juravle DES NOTES D’ANALYSE SUR LES PROGRAMMES SCOLAIRES DE LA DISCIPLINE PREPARATION SPORTIVE THEORIQUE.........50 Mariana Juravle LE ROLE DE LA KINESITHERAPIE DANS L'AMELIORATION DES PERFORMANCES SPORTIVES..........................................................55 Jacek Sobon, Benedek Florian ETUDE SUR LA RECONSTITUTION DE LA CHEVILLE ENTORSES DES ATHLETES....................................................................................62 Benedek Florian FAIRE DU SPORT - LE FOOTBALL DANS LA LEÇON UNIVERSITE D'EDUCATION PHYSIQUE.........................................69 Finichiu Marin

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


MODELISATION DE LA FORMATION PSYCHOLOGIQUE SPECIFIQUE DE LA CONDUITE FUTURE ET DE LA POLICE................................................................................................. 78 Negoiţă Andrei, Thierry Long L’AUGMENTATION DE LA PERFORMANCE DANS LA NATATION A L’AGE ADULTE PAR LA PARTICIPATION DANS LES COMPETITIONS DE NATATION MASTERS....….....................83 Burac Daniela – Giconda, Tudor Ignat ASPECTS CONCERNANT LES POSSIBILITES D'INTERVENTION KINESITHERAPEUTIQUE EN INFIRMITE MOTRICE CEREBRALE..........................................................................................91 Anca Iacob


DEVELOPPEMENT D'INTERPRETATION DE LA DANSE FOLKLORIQUE AUX ETUDIANTS...................................................103 Mărioara Salup, Elena Raţă


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012



CONTRIBUTIA EXERCITIILOR AQUAGYM LA STAREA DE SANATATE A PERSOANELOR ADULTE......................................…..9 Aida Petrea, SALINO-KINETOTERAPIA.............................................................….18 Neli Claudia Bîlha, Ştefan Bîlha, Andrei Bîlha MODALITĂŢI DE RECUPERARE A COPIILOR CU DEFICIENŢE MULTIPLE / ASOCIATE.......................................................................28 Danelciuc Elena, Mihaela, Betiuc Mihail, Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus STUDIU EXPERIMENTAL PRIVIND COORDONARE DINAMICĂ SPECIFICĂ ÎN JOCUL DE FOTBAL LA JUNIORI III........................36 Marius Bogdan Grosu MODERNIZAREA PROCESULUI DE INVATARE A INOTULUI SPORTIV PRIN APLICATII SOFTWARE DE TIPUL GIF ANIMATOR............................................................................................45 Sorin Raţă, Ileana Juravle NOTE DE ANALIZĂ A PROGRAMELOR ŞCOLARE LA DISCIPLINA PREGĂTIRE SPORTIVĂ TEORETICĂ............................50 Mariana Juravle ROLUL KINETOTERAPIEI ÎN CREŞTEREA PERFORMANŢELOR SPORTIVE...............................................................................................55 Jacek Sobon, Benedek Florian STUDIU PRIVIND RECUPERAREA ENTORSEI DE GLEZNĂ LA SPORTIVII DE PERFORMANŢĂ........................................................62 Benedek Florian JOCUL SPORTIV – FOTBAL ÎN LECŢIA DE EDUCAŢIE FIZICĂ UNIVERSITARĂ....................................................................................69 Finichiu Marin

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


MODELAREA PREGĂTIRII MOTRICE ŞI PSIHOLOGICE SPECIFICE A VIITORILOR POLIŢIŞTI...............................................78 Negoiţă Andrei, Thierry Long CREŞTEREA PERFORMANŢELOR SPORTIVE ÎN ÎNOT LA VÂRSTĂ ADULTĂ PRIN PARTICIPAREA LA COMPETIŢIILE DE ÎNOT MASTERS.....................................................................................83 Burac Daniela – Giconda, Tudor Ignat ASPECTE PRIVIND POSIBILITĂŢILE DE INTERVENŢIE KINETOTERAPEUTICĂ ÎN INFIRMITATEA MOTORIE CEREBRALĂ......................................................................................... 91 Anca Iacob


DEZVOLTAREA CAPACITĂŢILOR DE INTERPRETARE A DANSULUI FOLCLORIC LA STUDENŢI.........................................103 Mărioara Salup, Elena Raţă

AQUATERAPY ŞI PARTICULARITĂŢILE BIOPSIHOSOCIALE A ORGANISMULUI FEMININ LA VÂRSTA DE 25-35 ANI.........................................................................................................111 Sorin Raţă


INFLUENŢA CULORII ASUPRA EFICIENŢEI ARUNCĂRILOR LA COŞ........................................................................................................127 Virgil Larionescu, Pantelimona Mihoc

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012



Aida Petrea

“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Associate professor Grigoris MALOUSARIS, Ph.D.,

”Kapodistria” University, Athens, Greece Key words: aqua gym, health, harmonious development, maintenance sports, life quality. Abstract: Aqua Gym or aqua fitness is an element relatively new in our country that everyone, without restriction, can benefit, from children and young people up to age three. The novelty is given by the combination aerobic gymnastics – aquatic environment. The benefits of aerobic gymnastics combined with water effects on the body give a feeling of lightness and relaxation, with beneficial influence on cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthening joints and toning muscles, risk of injury being much lower, because the water reduces body weight by up to 85% depending on its depth and has a 12 times greater resistance than air. With aqua gym exercises, pounds can be taken off without drastic and exaggerated dieting, it gains posture, strengthens muscles, increases self-confidence, mind is more clear, gaining a benefical wellness for mind and body. Introduction: Unfortunately, the lifestyle of modern human has several negative aspects than the human from the past. Failure, anxiety, nervousness, agitation, panic, either physical and mental strain, or irritability are issues that leave a mark visible on our lifestyle, negatively influencing everything we do. Due to the need to relax, disconnect, to have a balanced diet, practice physical exercises more often and diversified, society sought to meet the needs of the modern world and the new trend, by offering quality services more numerous and diversified. Given the fact that the number of cases of morbid obesity is increasing lately, this has led to emotional problems, spiritual discomfort and self-dissatisfaction. These emotional difficulties lead to the appearance of bulimia (overeating) or anorexia (starvation). Lack of exercise in everyday life deteriorates the body, and leads to inability to

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


cope with difficulties, being prone to about 170 diseases per day due to weakened immune system and vulnerability of the body. Each of us want a beautiful body toned and healthy, but it is increasingly difficult. Time increasingly longer spent in the office, unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyle, cause extra weight and health problems. Physical exercise meets this managed thing, not only by preventing but also by treating, transforming discomfort and anxiety in a good state and a better image about themselves. To help overweight people and those who want to maintain physical condition and why not, to acquire a body toned and harmonious through several programs and exercises. Of these, the most current and a number of followers up are Agua Gym. Through these exercises, in a relatively short working time, requiring 45-50 minutes a day, you can get good results because the modalities of execution of the exercises. The novelty of the exercise is given by the combination aerobics-aquatic environment, gymnastics aerobic benefits combined with water effects give the body a feeling of lightness and relaxation (water taking over 70% of body weight). Aqua fitness first appeared in France, in 1980 and the name of Aqua Gym was assigned once with the publication of “Aqua Gym” book, written by Christiane Gourlaouen who treats this type of gymnastics. Through this type of sport is aimed to strengthen muscles, weight loss and body toning. Material-method: Aqua gym is a form of gymnastics that is practiced in the water, more indicated being a pool. Due to the aquatic environment that creates a feeling of comfort in a “stress free” environment, you also have the opportunity to completely disconnect from the daily reality. Practicing Aqua gym exercises, does not require a specific outfit, especially. Women can choose a swimsuit in one or two pieces, depending on the comfort of each, without squeezing or being uncomfortable, especially for the shoulders. Swimming pools rules are requiring that people using the basin, to wear helmets. In the covered swimming pools, water is warmer and more constant than those outside. On the other hand, covered swimming pools are noisier. External swimming pools offer a better oxygenation, but if the basin is not heated, its temperature will depend very much on weather

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


conditions (however many swimming pools are heated nowadays). Water temperature must be at least 28oC, ideally 29oC because it represents the body external temperature. Thermal neutrality (the balance between heat loss and factors of production) is 36oC in the water and 33oC in air. Aqua gym exercises focused on relaxation or recovery requires a higher water temperature, thus being able to reach 30-33 degrees Celsius. Water pool depth is irrelevant. Aqua gym exercises can be practiced in shallower water (from 1.20m to 1.50m, depending on the objectives and skills practitioners) and in deeper water. To work in optimal conditions, the height of the water must be until you chest. When running exercise should not hesitate to use the edges of the pool and its facilities, which will allow optimization of resources and chase monotony. Water pressure helps prevent shock and decrease muscle pain risk, muscle injury disposals, providing a feeling of lightness. This discipline can be practiced at any age. It is a sport that works different muscle groups: abdominals, buttocks, arms, shoulders, etc. It is practiced on musical rhythm that gives the necessary pace of each session separately. Aqua gym includes all courses and exercises to maintain physical condition in water, like in an aerobics studio. Aqua gym exercises consist of movements of arms and legs combined, borrowed from aerobics classes, performed with additional equipment: dumbbells, gloves, sticks, palm prints, drawing pneumatic steppers, plastic floats which are attached to the arms closer to the armpit, fins, brassieres, vests, seat, cork, plastic balls, etc.

Aqua classes are using the natural resistance of water in order to strength muscles and cardiovascular system. They consist in combinations of several sports: gymnastics, dance, swimming, athletics, martial arts, yoga, aerobics and working on equipment. This type of sports injuries limited, because the water weight is felt easier, shocks and impacts are limited, reducing risks of injury. Movements are facilitated because the exercises are made easier in water than on the ground, but made with greater ampleness.

Physical exercise continuously practiced and physical rhythmic activity of main muscle groups, lead to the cardiovascular system strengthening. When a physical exercise is practiced, the muscle needs more oxygenated blood.

Of the many structures of aqua gym exercises that can be executed (the background music in a moderate tempo 2/4) I will display only a few, for different segments of the body:

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Fig. 1for arms Fig. 2 for the trunk

Fig. 3 for abdomen Fig. 4 for abdomen and arms

Fig. 5 for hips Fig. 6 for legs

It will remove carbon dioxide and other products useless for metabolism to be removed. This makes your heart beat faster in order to pump oxygenated blood so that it can “wash” muscles from these useless substances. Once the body is accustomed to physical exercise, the heart becomes stronger and the transport of blood in the muscle is done without much effort. Each of us is aware of the benefits of cardiovascular exercises practicing on our health. It is advisable to seek medical advice before starting an exercise program.

Heart rate plays an important role for heart strengthening. Physical exercises should be done so that the pulse time effort to reach 60-80% of maximum heart rate (namely 220). For exercises made to be

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


effective, it must take account of frequency (conducting exercises three times a week), intensity (exercise is made in order to reach the age specific heart rate that exercise practice).

Advice: pulse is taken immediately after the exercise (heartbeats are numbered for 15 seconds and multiply by 4) and during exercises (there must be made at least 20 minutes of exercises at each session of Pilates and / or Aqua gym). Following programs, metabolism will not be affected as a result of diet or exercises abandonment because of boredom.

It happens frequently that the exercise program to be abandoned, because the state of boredom, of its routine after most two or three weeks. To avoid this situation, the program will be diversified with a permanent frequency. The advantage would be that in a short period of time, the persons involved not only they will make their exercises with pleasure, but performing their exercises will not be a thing mandatory in order to achieve a target, as happens at first, but a very fun and exciting activity. Always working different besides, the idea of boredom will disappear; will train a great range of muscle group. Even in terms of the simplest exercise is available the innovation rule. Once an exercise is regularly made, you will get used to. So that you can easily make 20-30 complete movements following that you pass to another phase which engages more muscle groups. For example, in aqua gym exercises: if light ball jumps off both feet have become commonplace, they will proceed to jump on one leg, or jumping knees to chest. The idea is that once an exercise became too easy, is a sign that its rhythm must be intensified and its difficulty degree must be increased, contrary to popular belief that you will get a “muscles package”. You should not start from the idea of making sport strictly for weight loss of x pounds or losing x inches height, because once reached that target, for that purpose, the risk of abandonment, the waiver of physical exercises done for maintenance the shape of the body, to be always young, beautiful, energetic, or any other reason really constructive for long term. Sports have become a way of life, to do with pleasure and not a chore, be aware that for a long life without diseases, sport is an ideal solution. Results:

Beneficial effects on individual health and general human activity is already very popular but scientifically proven as numerous studies describing the mechanisms by which physical exercise influences body

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


functions and systems. “European Sports Charter” in Article 2, defines sport as “all forms of physical activity” that aims to:

- express or improve physical fitness (pilates, aqua gym) and a good mental state;

- social relationship ; Benefits on the cardiovascular system are varied: the amount of

blood that heart pumps is increasing, vessels blood expands and becomes more fluid , running more easily through arteries and veins. Lungs are trained to vent a greater quantity of air per minute. Skeletal muscles strength and endurance is increasing; total fat mass is decreasing (adipose tissue), the muscle ability to take up glucose form the blood is also increasing, aspects beneficial to diabetes. It is increasing muscle ability to extract fat from the blood and to use it for energy purchase (helps in arteriosclerosis), improves bowel movements removing constipation (helps in colon cancer), and improves speed of reaction and responses to various stimulus. Psychosocial behavior changes, having a better image about themselves, increases professional effectiveness, family behavior, being established “wellness state”, removing depression and anxiety. This type of exercise burns more calories because your body fights the cold temperature water, leading to consumption of energy and calories.

To fill this gap in temperature, your body produces more heat (and therefore will consume more calories).When the body heat production is insufficient (excessively tired), the body will seek to maintain constant temperature, which will lead to a reduced blood flow, especially in the extremities. If the sensation of cold persists is time to leave the water (symptoms: tremors, cramps, purple lips, reducing handling skills limbs).

Water from the pool with a temperature of 30 degrees helps to release joints and muscles tensions and also to disposal body fluids through the mechanical action of fluid massage and the effect of osmosis. It promotes muscle down and mental relaxation. Water massage leads to a firmed skin (drainage effect). Sensation of heavy legs is attenuated due to hydrostatic water pressure on the body. In water, the abdomen is always working. Combustion is more intense due to water that offers resistance to movements, which is why muscle is forced to work harder and make an extra effort body. Aqua gym improves blood circulation, water pressure and hydro massage favoring also the blood flow to the heart. An important thing to be known when it comes to aqua gym is that to practice this sport is not necessary to know how to swim, you just have to want to discover how fun it is to try water aerobics.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Aqua gym is a sport increasingly popular among women because the effort is more pleasant than a usual hour of aerobics.

Aqua gym exercises that are done on a background music, chosen according to the pace and intensity of exercise performed creates an atmosphere of good humor, which reduces fatigue, boredom, pleasure increases execution. Because of the existence of music in the exercise, the instructor work becomes easier, replacing to some extent control the instructor or count, because those participating will be guided by the melodic rhythm. Thus, the instructor can intervene more on observations, or correction of an erroneous execution of the exercise. Discussions: This sport has a great attraction in the population, because it does not require special sporting qualities, that is accessible to all ages and that takes place in the aquatic environment. For aqua gym exercises to be effective, it will work 2-3 times a week every 45-50 minutes at each session being performed at least 20 complete motions at a level to reach the practitioner age specific heart rate.

Aqua gym can be practiced by anyone but find that most of the population who practice this sport is almost exclusively female. Aqua gym includes all courses and exercises to maintain physical condition in the water just like in an aerobic studio.

This sport is recommended for people with weight problems as heart and joints not subject to a very intense activity. Also shown, it is beneficial for sedentary people who have never practiced sports, with muscles and joints locked. It is used by people who want to keep fit and those who face the problem of cellulite. It is never too late to practice these forms of activity, programs being very effective, and their performance being enough short. The fact that this type of exercises is performed on background music, creating a pleasant environment, music having some well-known therapeutic effects. Water, besides the fact that creates a feeling of comfort, movement will be executed more easily and with greater pleasure, having influence on cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthen joints and muscle toning, risk of injury is much lower, since water reduces body weight by up to 85% depending on its depth and has a 12 times greater resistance than air. With aqua gym exercises, pounds can be taken off without drastic dieting and exaggerated, posture can be gained, increase self-confidence, the mind is clear, but also a wellness benefit for himself it is achieved. Precautions to take when practicing Aqua gym exercises:

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


1. avoid performing exercises in the pool without supervision; 2. to avoid hypertension, it is never indicated to enter in the water immediately after sun exposure. Previously wet face, neck, back, until reduced and body temperature uniformly; 3. in outdoor pools, do not enter in the water during storms (risk of lightning); 4. do not enter in the pool, without having eaten anything before; 5. you need to hydrate before, during and after the exercise. Even if we do not realize, the body sweats equally in the water; 6. the use of shoes, slippers which are not slipping is indicated; 7. objectives should be set reasonably and to work in their one pace, without excesses. It is advisable to vary the exercises to each session. Bibliography

1. Amano Mekhazni,2007- Aquagym mode d’emploi, Ed. Marabout practique. Paris ;

2. Eric Profit, Patrick Lopez, 2002- Gym Aquatique 120 exercices, Ed. Amphora, Paris ;

3. Constantin Culda, Petre Dungagiu, Paul Culda, 1998 – Manual de gimnastica (Manual of gymnastics), Ed. Fundatiei Romania de Maine (Romania of Tomorrow Foundation publishing), Bucuresti ;

4. Luciela Vasile, 2007 – Inot pentru sanatate (Swimming for health), Ed. didactica si pedagogica (Didactical and pedagogical Publisher), R. A., Bucuresti ;

5. Razvan Enoiu, 2006 – Manual pentru invatarea inotului, Ed. Universitatii « Transilvania » din Brasov ;

Titlu : Contribuția exercițiilor aquagym la starea de sănătate a persoanelor adulte. Cuvinte cheie : aquagym, sănătate, dezvoltare armonioasă,sport de întreținere, calitatea vieții. Rezumat : Aqua Gym sau gimnastica acvatică este element relativ nou in tara noastra de care poate beneficia toata lumea fara restrictii, de la copii si tineri pana la persoanle de varsta a treia. Elementul de noutate este dat de combinatia gimnastica aerobica- mediul acvatic, beneficiile gimnasticii aerobice imbinate cu efectele apei asupra organismului dau o senzatie de lejeritate si relaxare, avand influente benefice asupra sistemelor cardiovascular si respirator, la intarirea

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


articulatiilor si tonifierea musculaturii, riscul de accidentari fiind mult mai scazut, deoarece apa diminueaza din greutatea corpului cu pana la 85% in functie de adancimea ei si are o rezistenta mai mare de 12 ori decat cea a aerului . Cu ajutorul exercitiilor de aquagym kilogramele se dau jos fara diete drastice si exagerate,se castiga tinuta corporala, se intareste musculatura, creste increderea in fortele proprii, mintea este mai limpede dobandind o stare de bine benefica pentru minte si corp. Titre: La contribution des exercices de aquagym à l’état de santé des adultes. Mots-clé : aquagym, santé, entretien, développement armonieux, qaulité de la vie. Résumé : Récement connu dans notre pays, ,, AquaGym ’’ ou ,, la gymnastique aquatique’’ est un elément qui représent un bénéfice pour tout le monde : enfants, jeunes jusqu’aux personnes du troisiéme âge. Cette combinaison gymnastique aérobic – milieu aquatique, représentela nouveauté. Les exercices de gymnastique aérobique augmentés par l’effet de l’eau sur le corp produisent une sensation de confort et de relâchement, ayant des influences notables sur les systémes cardio-vasculaire et réspiratoir. Ils contribuent aussi à la fortification des articulations et de la musculature, ainsi que le risque des accidents diminue. Tout s’explique pace que la masse corporelle baisse jusqu’à 85% en fonction de la profondeur de l’eau qui fait une opposition multiplié par 12 par comparaison à celle de l’air.A l’aide des exercices de aquagym on devient plus maigre sans de diètes alimentaires sévères, on obtient on corp bien tenu, on fortifie ses muscles, on a plus de confiance dans ses forces, on est en bon état.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012



Ştefan Bîlha3

Andrei Bîlha3

1University „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Faculty of Sports,

Kinesiotherapy 2County Hospital Suceava, Pneumology

3University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr. T. Popa” Iaşi, Students Key words: speleotherapy, kinesiotherapy, general remodeling. Abstract: The use of the therapeutic qualities of the microclimate from salt mines and the association with physical activity is realized from time to time, spontaneously or in an organized manner. The study comprises of an eclectic group (n=20) which took part in a rehabilitation program in the Cacica salt mine, Suceava County, for 3 weeks. A series of parameters that could have been influenced by the microclimate as well as by other therapeutically significant factors were analyzed. Speleo-kinesiotherapy is an example of general remodeling in rehabilitation, concept that we have introduced in 2010. Introduction

Patients with chronic respiratory diseases benefit of advantages of Salt Mine Underground Rehabilitation and Treatment. In Romania, Dr. Gh. Simionca (1) and Dr. Ioan Ieţcu (2) realise the transition “from empiric to scientific speleotherapy”.

In 2010, we introduced the concept of General Remodeling in rehabilitation (3,4). At the end of 2011 – the study with patients in Cacica salt mine. In 2012 was realized the license paper A holistic approach: Salt mine therapy and Kinesiotherapy (5). Holism – concept which supports the principle of the whole over the parts and of its irreducibility to the sum of the components. Mens sana in corpore sano! (Decimus Junius Juvenal, roman poet, 60-140) – this maxim is an example for holism, for the harmonious mind-body unity. We are late in finding out that the human being consists of soul, mind and body. The body has a material/anatomical component, deeply studied in the occidental laboratories, and an energetic component which is known for millenniums by the oriental traditional medicine, but only

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


recently the allopathic doctors have integrated this reality. The rehabilitation itself, in a similar manner, reunites multiple subtle components, of which some are considered implicit and aren’t mentioned. A basis of remodeling could be represented by the water contained in the body. It is an interesting perspective the one that water could be the intelligent entity of Terra, and the people – one of its forms of manifestation. The water modulates in vitro its structural organization depending on sentiments, emotions, words, musical genre, etc. which was demonstrated experimentally. How much more subtle and spectacular can be the remodeling in vivo of “biological” water under the pressure of a complex endeavor of recovery. Adding to this, physical activity determines the release of mediators which induce a state of well-being, of happiness. Positive feelings, optimism, eliminating stress are universal therapeutic means and – together with a healthy diet – guarantee sanogenesis. The harmony of soul, mind, body. The quality of DNA ameliorates. Homo faber can remodel himself. Self-healing is the solution, the activation of individual regulating mechanisms. To this purpose, the doctor who is receptive to the inexhaustible therapeutic arsenal which exists in the world can nuance and individualize the therapeutic propositions, thus working together with the patient toward healing. An example of therapeutic intervention is represented by salt mine therapy. Salt mine therapy, speleotherapy represent complex therapeutic influences on persons which deliberately descend in salt mines to benefit from the special underground environment, especially of the saline aerosols on the respiratory apparatus. We integrate this study in The Paradigm Evidence-based Medicine and Kinesiotherapy (6). Even the structure and functions of DNA can be positively influenced (Murakami K, 2004, Sage JA, Lipton B). The genes expression and the experience are mutual relationship. DNA commands the proteins synthesis and the mRNA is like an ON/OFF switch mechanism. The process of rehabilitation is based on:

1. Physical Effort 2. Psycho-social Factors 3. New Actions 4. Profound respiration exercise 5. The Faith, etc.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


All of these factors will be utilize in our program. Material and Method

The study analyse the effects of speleotherapy in Cacica salt mine for 20 subjects. The group was eclectic: children (two of ages 5 and 7 year-old) and adults (till 68 year-old), the mean age was 43. The sex ratio is 7 feminine (35%)/13 masculine (65%) subjects. The BMI (Body Mass Index) was between 14 and 32.5 with average 27.75. The patients had mild pathology, chronic or episodic. It is necessary to be in good shape to be able to descend and climb back up the 75m be stairs to and from the underground. These persons were capable of climbing the almost 279 steps to the surface every day. The daily number of participants varies (various reasons: health, professional, etc.), but the attendance was very good, with an average of 14 out of the 19 days total. The suggested program was respected: 3 weeks, 2-3-4-3-2 hours/daily, crescendo and decrescendo. Cure factors: - Natural environment (7) - The geographical location, the landscape and the microclimate - The underground temperature – approximately 10 degrees C - Radon radioactivity (8) - Saline aerosols, supplemented in the gallery. At Cacica, Mr. Ec.

Cornel Zup, manager, has added crushed salt to the floor of the gallery in which the patients spent their time and followed the program.

- The humidity - Hydrocarbons inherent to salt mining /pleasant for some,

„therapeutic” factor - Compulsory physical activity: descending, climbing of over 279 steps

to 75m deep and back (20-25 minutes x 2). - The fixed schedule - Complex group interactions: multiple professions, different ages. - It was permanently a positive psychological climate.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Fig. 1 Distribuția pe sexe



Distribuția pe sexe

Sex feminin

Sex masculin

Figure no. 1. Sex ratio

Fig. 2 Vârsta medie=43 de ani, cu extremele: 5 ani, 68 ani











Figure no. 2. Average age=43 years, extreme values: 5 and 68 year-


Fig. 3 IMC cuprins între 14 și 32,5, cu o medie de 25,75










Figure no. 3. BMI between 14 and 32.5, with an average of 25.75

Fig. 4 Participarea a fost foarte bună, cu o prezență medie de 14 zile din 18











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Figure no. 4. The attendance was very good, with an average of 14

out of the 19 days total

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Kinesiotherapy: respiratory gymnastics, synthetic exercises, for slimming, tonifying, sport activities etc. Physical effort effects confirmed the literature findings:

- Vitality increased explained by neurogenesis, neuroplasticity (Von Praag, Kempner Mann, 2002), bone remodelling („Utah Paradigm”, Frost H,1960, Wolff J,1900), muscle remodeling,

- Cardio-respiratory remodeling, - Nervous and endocrine adaptation, - Release of mediators that induce a state of wellbeing, of

happiness (9). Exercise as a treatment for inflammation: - Regular physical activity is reported to decrease markers of

inflammation. - Long-term chronic training may help reduce chronic low-grade

inflammation. - Low-intensity training can reduce resting pro-inflammatory markers

(CRP, IL-6). - There is a strong relationship between exhaustive exercise and

chronic low-grade inflammation (Pedersen BK, Hoffman-Goetz L. Exercise and the immune system: regulation, integration, and adaptation. Physiol Rev. 2000 Jul;80(3):1055-81. Review).

Psychotherapy Beneficial emotional tonus, optimism and friendliness were permanent between the participants. It is encouraging that positive emotions, optimism, are universal therapeutic factors and they engage the deeper layers of the being. Relaxation is a way to access miraculous (self) healing resorts and it is entering an intermediate state of consciousness induced by different methods of relaxation. Some members of the group practice mild, superficial meditation. Sacrotherapy (10) is a powerful therapeutically skill. The patients participated at different religious manifestations inter-confessional. It was like a first step to ecumenism. Methods for evaluation of the patients - Anamnesis. Medical documents. General clinical examination. - Blood pressure monitoring, pulse oximetry. - Spirometry, EKG, thoracic X-ray. - 6 minute walking test (6MWT). - CAT/BPOC test. - ACT/Bronchial asthma.

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- St. George/Life quality questioner (SGRQ). - Daily interviews/subjective evolution. Salt mine therapy in images

Photo 2. Planning

Photo 1. Descending in salt mine Photo 3. Rest cure Photo 4. 6MWT

Photo 5. Kinesiotherapy, warm up Photo 6. Kinesiotherapy

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Photo 7. Sacrotherapy Photo 8. Kinesiotherapy

Photo 9. Break Photo 10. Climbing

Photo 11. Climbing Results and discussions Difficulties in quantifying the effects of salt mine therapy: 1. it is hard/impossible to discern for analysis, the isolated, selective influence of certain factors of the underground microclimate on the human body. The tested environmental parameters targeted certain aspects (and were therefore limited). 2. small doses of inadequate elements can be stimulating/adapting (not meaning that they are desired).

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Fig. 5 Valorile tensiunii arteriale de repaus



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Fig. 7 Saturația O2 în sângele arterial în repaus și după efort



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

SaO2Rep SaO2Ef

3. the elements of the environment are intricate and their interact with the human body in an integrative manner (not disparately), whereas the tests have a parcelled/mosaical approach. 4. the physical environment of the salt mine + favorable psychological factors: - trust in the physician, - friendliness in the group, - sacrotherapy (10), - taking part in a rigorous program, new to the lifestyle of the patients.

Fig. 4 Frecvența cardiacă a subiecților



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Frecvența cardiacă de repaus Frecvența cardiacă după efort

Figure no. 4. Heart rate resting Figure no. 5. Resting Blood and after effort pressure values Figure no. 6. Blood pressure Figure no. 7. SaO2 resting after effort (6MWT) and after effort Conclusions 1. The effects of salt mine therapy at Cacica: the resulted changes are

global, but they can only be quantified through tests that target smaller parts of the whole system.

2. All the patients reported an improvement: - the respiratory symptoms diminished, - an improvement of vocal function, - a restful sleep,

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- augmentation of general endurance, etc. Including the polyalergic patient with hyperosmia was better.

3. They intend to take part to another such cure, “in the same group”. They express their gratitude towards the organizers of the program. They have also met after the cure.

4. The management of the region and of the salt mine may be ameliorate.

5. It is necessary to develop the rehabilitation in our region (11).

References 1. Simionca Gh. Proiectul 2550 /Studiu complex medico-biologic în vederea utilizării inovative a factorilor potenţial terapeutici de mediu din saline şi pesteră în sănătate şi turism balneoclimatic. s.l.: Institutul Naţional de Recuperare, Medicină Fizică şi Balneoclimatologie, 2008. CONTRACT DE FINANŢARE NR. 42120 CNMP - UEFISCDI, Program 4. Parteneriate în domeniile prioritare 4. Sănătate. 2. Ieţcu Ioan, Simionca Gh, Ganea Motan Doina, Bîlha Claudia, Havriş Daniela, Zup Cornel, Todosi Petru, Rădăşanu Vlad. De la empirism la speleoterapie Ştiinţifică în salina Cacica. Turda : Prima Conferinţă de Speleoterapie din România, 2011. 3. Bîlha Neli Claudia. Remodelarea generală în reabilitare. Iaşi : EduMeet , 2010 mai 20-22. 4. Bîlha Neli Claudia, Bîlha Andrei, Bîlha Ştefan. Noi aspecte ale remodelării generale în reabilitare. Iaşi : Conferinţa ACCP, Iaşi, 2012 mai 10-12. 5. Bîlha Ştefan. O abordare holistică: Salinoterapia şi Kinetoterapia. Lucrare de licenţă, 2012. Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava. Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport, specializarea Kinetoterapie. Îndrumător, Conf. Dr. Petru Ghervan. 6. Bîlha Andrei. Paradigma Medicina bazată pe dovezi şi Kinetoterapia. Lucrare de licenţă, 2012. Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava. Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport, specializarea Kinetoterapie. Îndrumător, Conf. Dr. Petru Ghervan. 7. Iu. Simionca, M. Hoteteu, O. Mera, N. Grudnicki, C. Munteanu, H. Lăzărescu, L. Enache, D. Cinteză, R. Călin, D. Ciotaru, G. Stoian. Conferinţa Naţională de Speleoterapie cu participare internaţională. Turda, Romania, 2011. Rezumatele comunicărilor ştiinţifice. Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca 2012. ISBN 978-606-17-0091-2.g.

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8. Călin MR, Călin MA. Investigations on the presence and distribution of radon in the Cacica salt mine, Romania. J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2011) 288:203–206. 9. Klein S. Formula fericirii – minunatele descoperiri ale neuropsihologiei de azi. Bucureşti: Editura Humanitas, 2005. 10. Dulcan Constantin Dumitru. În căutarea sensului pierdut. Cluj-Napoca: Editura EIKON, ediţia a II-a, 2008. 11. Bîlha Neli Claudia. Reabilitarea respiratorie în judeţele Moldovei. International Scientific Conference, Transilvania University Braşov, ISSN 2065-6483, 2009:258-261.

Titlu: Salino-kinetoterapia. Cuvinte cheie: salinoterapie, kinetoterapie, remodelare generală. Rezumat: Valorificarea virtuţilor terapeutice ale microclimatului din saline şi asocierea cu exerciţiul fizic se realizează ocazional, în mod spontan sau relativ organizat. Studiul se referă la un grup eclectic (n=20) ce a participat la un program de recuperare în salina Cacica, judeţul Suceava, timp de 3 săptămâni. S-au analizat o serie de parametri modulaţi de microclimatul salinei, la care s-au asociat şi alţi factori cu valoare terapeutică. Salino-kinetoterapia reprezintă un exemplu de remodelare generală în reabilitare, concept pe care l-am introdus in 2010. Titre: Salino-kinésithérapie. Mots cles: spéléothérapie, kinésithérapie, remodelage global. Résumé: Les bénéfices des qualités thérapeutiques du microclimat des mines de sel peuvent être associés occasionnellement, dans une manière spontanée ou organisée, avec l’exercice physique. L’étude compris un group éclectique (n=20) qui a participé à un programme de récupération à Cacica, Conté de Suceava, pendant trois semaines. On a analysé une série des paramètres modulés par le microclimat de la saline et par des autres facteurs thérapeutiques. Spéléo-kinésithérapie représente un exemple de remodelage global, concept que nous avons introduit en 2010.

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Danelciuc Elena¹* Mihaela, Betiuc Mihail², Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus³

¹Center for Inclusive Education School Suceava, Romania ²Social Assistance and Child Protection Suceava, Romania

³Chronic Neuropsychiatric Hospital –Siret, Romania

Key words: children, multiple disabilities, motor skills, cerebral palsy, complex pedagogical rehabilitation. Abstract Skills training needs of the child with multiple disabilities in the recovery process complex was phased in continuity, succession and complexity. We used various psycho-pedagogical methods.

The place was CSEI Suceava, from which to choose a group of children with multiple children (3-7 years).

In general, differences in morphofunctional development of children and their peers healthy polihandicap are essential and doubtful. Instead dynamic indices of physical development in children polihandicap indicates persistence of unfavorable trends.

One of the most important factors and natural development of the child's education during preschool age is the formation of self-service skills.

Consequently, we to give a new found confidence and the fact that hard work with preschoolers who have intellect unaffected, but that support various forms of polihandicap, results, virtually all cases, the expected result - self-service skills training necessary . Introduction

Increasing attention to the problem of training children with serious disabilities, has become one of the contemporary trends of special pedagogy. Numerous investigations have concerned various aspects of the problems children with cerebral motor infirmity. (C: Paunescu, Em.Verza, V. Preda, N: Bucun, NGAverkin, NMMahmudova, P: D: Babencova, etc..).

Some authors have addressed various issues of working families with children with disabilities and family with defective child.

Many parents meet with serious deficiencies in their children early in life, seek help from doctors and not only is designed for teachers. Thus, children pass the required treatment in hospitals, where subject to

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maternal deprivation, prolonged culture, which acts detrimental to the development sphere emotional, intellectual child. Where time is aimed at teachers always achieve a good result.

Lack of investigating issues of concern, the need for a complex system effective pedagogical and medico-social assistance granted multiple disabled child and his family are a stimulant and impetus for many theoretical and practical research. Thus, it requires the following scientific question: developing a complex system of pedagogical support given to children with multiple disabilities.

Research goal is the specific peculiarities of development of school age children with multiple disabilities, developing a proper pedagogical rehabilitation of persons with multiple disabilities.

Subject research is to support the pedagogical school age students with multiple disabilities trained auxiliary school.

As subjects served multiple handicapped children school age. Research objectives: ► Study of theory and practice, pedagogical assistance for

children with multiple disabilities; ► Assessment of psychomotor development of children of school

age with severe multiple disabilities; ► Appreciation of the efficiency programs proposed pedagogical

activities in practice working with small schoolchildren with different forms of mental disability and cerebral motor disability, Down syndrome.

► Determination of pedagogical assistance to children with multiple disabilities.

Hypothesis: Training skills needed child with multiple disabilities in the recovery process will be complex if possible compensatory development intervention will be made early in May, when conducting pedagogical stages of recovery will be in continuity, succession and complexity.

Research methods The complexity of the study was determined by using various

methods psycho-pedagogical research, appropriate to achieve theoretical objectives:

► Study of literature in the investigation; ► Analysis of student documentation (medical records); ► Home visits; ► Interview with parents and school teachers; ► Pedagogical methods;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


► Pedagogic experiment; ► Quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data. Experimental basis: Centre for Inclusive Education School Suceava, Romania, (2010 - 2011) Beneficiaries: children with multiple deficiencies (3-7 years). Organization of research: Research was conducted during teaching practice (2010 - 2011)

School Center for Inclusive Education Suceava, Romania, where children learn associated defects (impaired mental and cerebral motor disability, Down syndrome, oligophrenia). In the active center in 2004 as a special education teacher. It was researched and introduced experience good practices in inclusive education in Romania and Moldova. Characteristic physical development of children with multiple disabilities (polihandicap) Anthropometric indexes of preschool children polihandicap.

We studied experimentally, widely accepted evidence of man's physical development - height, weight and chest area - the children from 3 to 7 years with polihandicap and I approached the plane compared with normal physical and mental development.

Tab. 1 – Dynamics of physical development of preschool

children suffering from polihandicap Age

(years) Indices of physical development of children and the

healthy polihandicap Children polihandicap Healthy children

Height (cm)

Weight (kg)

Thoracic perimeter

Height (cm)

Weight (kg)

3 91,8 14,0 52,0 96,7 15,2 4 105,0 16,4 55,7 101,1 16,3 5 107,4 17,3 53,6 108,7 17,9 6 118,2 23,2 56,8 111,5 18,6 7 114,9 21,1 54,5 125,1 23,2

Comparing the indices of physical development of children with

polihandicap with those of healthy children the same age with them, we can conclude that the certificates are essential differences, uncertain (Table 2.), But tend to change their children are polihandicap evidence of adverse changes. Thus, in children 6 years of body weight, compared

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with healthy children, is higher by 6%, and the length of the lower body and chest area corresponding to 1% and 2%.

Tab. 2. Minimum sizes, medium and maximum height of

preschool children with polihandicap Body length (cm)

Age (years)

3 4 5 6 7 Minimal 87 98 102 102 75 Medium 91,8 105 107,4 118,2 114,9 Maximum 98 118 114 126 124

Tab. 3. Change indices of physical development of children

from 6 to 7 years Sample Indices

Height (cm) chest

Body weight Perimeter

Children polihandicap

-3,3 -2,1 -2,3

Healthy +5,6 +2,7 +4,6 If the healthy children over 1 year, from 6 to 7 years, increased

body length 5.6 cm, then increase this index in children polihandicap was not recorded, but rather the index, the group children examined decreased by 3.3 cm.

Fig. 1 Physical development of children with polihandicap








Hight Thoracicperimetrer

indivizi sanatosi

indivizi cupolohandicap

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


The specificity of these changes in somatosensory-metric sizes is

put in touch - and we have solid evidence - the particular regime of both groups of children motor. Healthy children age close to the school more time mobile gaming, diversity of which is growing every year. But polihandicap children, during the preparation for school, are trained usually in capacity building activities of knowledge. Because the motor activity of children with polihandicap is reduced, which adversely affects their physical development.

Motor skills of preschool children with polihandicap One of the most important skills of preschool children with

polihandicap is made up of agility movements. Tab. 4. Active mobility of the scapular-humeral joint (in

degrees) in flexion hands preschoolers suffering from polihandicap and cerebral motor infirmity.

Age (years)

Forms of cerebral motor infirmity polihandicap Spastic diplegia


Hemiparesis Mixed Unaffected

hand The

affected hand

3-4 163 175 164 85 160 5 164 175 165 85 163 6 165 174 165 60 100 7 160 171 160 56 168

Tab. 5. Active mobility of the scapular-humeral joint (in

degrees) to the extension arms preschoolers suffering from polihandicap and cerebral motor infirmity


(years) Forms of cerebral motor infirmity polihandicap

Spastic diplegia


Hemiparesis Mixed Unaffected

hand The

affected hand

3-4 37 49 38 30 37 5 37 50 38 30 37 6 38 51 37 30 38 7 37 50 38 30 36

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Comparing the indices of mobility scapular-humeral joint and the hip in children sick and healthy, we can find considerable delay of preschool children with normal polihandicap the norm.

Tab. 6. Forms of cerebral motor infirmity polihandicap

Age (years)

Forms of cerebral motor infirmity polihandicap Spastic diplegia


Hemiparesis Mixed At the

healthy foot

At the foot seem

3-4 45 30 - 20 40 5 46 40 - 35 41 6 43 42 - 37 43 7 42 40 - 30 39

Tab. 7. Forms of cerebral motor infirmity polihandicap Age

(years) Forms of cerebral motor infirmity polihandicap

Diplegia spastică


Hemiparesis Mixed At the

healthy hand

At the hand seem

3-4 -16 +3 -8 -14 -13 5 -15 0 -6 -12 -12 6 -16 +4 -6 -12 -12 7 -13 +2 -5 -14 -11

Tab. 8. Trunk flexion (in cm) in preschool children suffering

from various forms of cerebral motor infirmity in polihandicap position before bending the trunk

Joint mobility in healthy preschool children Age

(years) Scapulo-humeral joint mobility (in degrees)

Mobility of the hip joint (in degrees)

Trunk flexion (cm)

Flexion Extension Abduction of the foot

When bending forward

3-4 189 52 55 -8 5 189 54 57 -6 6 190 55 58 -6 7 187 57 60 -5

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Rehabilitation program activities consist of two parts. The first section includes activities for developing children's autonomy (personal hygiene, dressing / shoe, food, family, behavior, housing, transport) and the second part involves psycho-physical development activities. Have been proposed various ways: knowledge development activities, training of proper attire, the running, to walking, throwing, jumping, mobile games, development of precision and coordination of movements. In year two, for example, the exercises were more complicated, depending on age and deficiency as children.

It is a necessity for parents to work and at home with their children. It was found that these families usually have little information on the potential of children, empowerment means and methods that promote child development. Most parents need support in mastering the skills and special techniques to rehabilitate the child, seeking cooperation with fellow experts.

In general, differences in morphofunctional development of children and their peers healthy polihandicap are essential and doubtful. Instead dynamic indices of physical development in children polihandicap indicates persistence of unfavorable trends.

Following growth, by age, motor capacity in children polihandicap, we find that the specific changes that occur in normal development to age and motor score improvement actions occurred with low frequency.

Their individual differentiation is extremely high. These indices depend not only on the children's age, but the form and severity of polihandicap, the existence and duration of correctional labor given child.

Confronting the index children suffering from various forms of cerebral palsy, we found that the most successful result to-u got children with hemiparesis.

Children with multiple disabilities in all forms, sharply limiting their ability to maintain stable position on a limited area of support. Spastic diplegia children were not able to maintain balance in "position storks." Best fared children affected by hemiparesis, which maintained "position storks' staying healthy leg.

One of the most important factors and natural development of the child's education during preschool age is the formation of self-service skills.

Consequently, we to give a new found confidence and the fact that hard work with preschoolers who have intellect unaffected, but that

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


support various forms of polihandicapului, results, virtually all cases, the expected result - self-service skills training necessary .

Methodological procedures are adequate training to develop these features. Program requires compliance during rehabilitation regime spared, where efforts will be well dosed as potential child, shifts in its development and wishes of the parents.


1. Păunescu C-tin, Muşu I., Recuperarea medico-pedagogică a copilului handicapat mintal, Bucureşti, Ed. Medicală, 1990;

2. Sergiu Racu, Recuperarea tulburărilor psihomotorii ale elevilor cu retard mintal în perioada pubertăţii, Ed. Pontos, Chişinău, 2001;

3. Emil Verza, Tratat de logopedie, vol. I, Bucureşti, Ed. Fundaţiei Humanitas, 2003;

4. Danii A., Popovici, D. V., Racu Aurelia, Intervenşia psihopedagigică în şcoala incluzivă, Chişinău, Tipografia Centrală, 2007;

5. Verza E., Verza F. E., Tratat de psihopedagogie specială, Bucureşti, Ed. Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2011.

Titlu: Modalităţi de recuperare a copiilor cu deficienţe multiple / asociate. Cuvinte cheie: copiii, deficienţe multiple, abilităţi motorii, paralizie cerebrală, reabilitarea complexă psihopedagogică. Rezumat: Formarea abilităţilor necesare copilului cu deficienţe multiple în procesul de recuperare complexă s-a desfăşurat în etape, în continuitate, succesiune şi complexitate. S-au utilizat metode variate psihologo-pedagogice. Locul de desfăşurare a fost CSEI Suceava, din cadrul căruia s-a ales o grupă de copii cu deficienţe multiple de vârstă mică (3-7 ani).

În linii generale, diferenţierile în dezvoltarea morfofuncţională a copiilor cu polihandicap şi a semenilor lor sănătoşi sunt neesenţiale şi îndoielnice. În schimb dinamica indicilor de dezvoltare fizică la copiii cu polihandicap semnalează persistenţa unei tendinţe nefavorabile.

Unul dintre cei mai importanţi factori de dezvoltare firească a copilului şi de educare a lui în perioada vârstei preşcolare îl constituie formarea abilităţilor de autoservire.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


În consecinţă, ţinem să ne pronunţăm cu certitudine asupra faptului constatat de noi precum că munca perseverentă cu preşcolarii care au intelectul neafectat, dar care suportă forme diverse ale polihandicapului, se soldează, realmente în toate cazurile, cu rezultatul scontat – formarea abilităţilor necesare de autoservire.

Titre: Méthodes de récupération pour les enfants souffrant de handicaps multiples ou connexes. Mot-cle: enfants, handicaps multiples, de la motricité, paralysie cérébrale, complexe de réhabilitation pédagogique. Resume: Besoins de formation en compétences de l'enfant ayant des déficiences multiples dans le complexe processus de récupération a été supprimée dans la continuité, la succession et la complexité. Nous avons utilisé diverses méthodes psycho-pédagogiques. L'endroit était CSEI Suceava, parmi lesquelles choisir un groupe d'enfants ayant plusieurs enfants (3-7 ans). En général, les différences dans le développement morpho des enfants et leur polihandicape pairs en bonne santé sont essentielles et douteux. Au lieu de cela les indices dynamiques de développement physique en polihandicape enfants indique une persistance des tendances défavorables. Un des facteurs les plus importants et un développement naturel de l'éducation de l'enfant au cours de l'âge préscolaire est la formation de self-service les compétences. Par conséquent, nous donner une nouvelle confiance et le fait que le travail acharné avec enfants d'âge préscolaire qui ont l'intelligence intacte, mais que les formes de soutien divers de polihandicapes, les résultats, pratiquement tous les cas, le résultat devrait - en self-service les compétences formation nécessaire.


Lecturer univ. dr. Grosu Bogdan-Marius, University “Ştefan Cel Mare”


Keywords: football, training, dynamic coordination, junior. Abstract: Training toward skills development and toward its components can take place in any part of the weekly cycle. Also,

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


exercises and other means used for this purpose are found in all three parts of the training lesson, both in the first part, in the form of light exercises (especially the specific dynamic coordination), that lead, at the same time, to the training of the body for the effort, but also in the fundamental part (the theme of the lesson or exercises carried out between some main tasks) and closing (exercises performed in slow rhythm, for disconnect, relax). Skill, in all forms of manifestation, can develop along the whole year of preparation, of course with different weights, depending on the workout periods. Introduction: It is known that achieving superior performance in football is determined by a systematic, organized training, within which to provide a scientific training, unforced, in compliance with the requirements of the biological and psycho-pedagogical order.

Motricity, the degree of skill, is a criterion of the highest share in the selection of young footballers. From the selection of children who have not yet practiced football in a organized form and until the selection of players for the national team, the skill is put on the foreground all the time and this is because the skill means the base of the high technique, finishing style, maturity of tactical thinking, calm and confident of victory.

The skill represents for footballers the basic motrical quality because in its complexity is also involved accuracy, balance, coordination, ambilaterity, orientation, rhythm and tempo. Material – method:

In the study we determined the following research hypotheses: 1. Implementation of a complex of means for the development of

specific dynamic coordination for a period of about 120 days, will result in the improvement of its indices' manifestation at the age of 12-14 years.

2. The samples and the rules for football players for checking specific coordination level are able to appreciate the progress (or regress) made during the experiment.

The team chosen for the research was the team C.S. „SPORTING” SUCEAVA – juniors III. The experiment was started on the 10th of November 2011 and it ended on the 20th of April 2012, during this time applying directly a number of means to develop the coordination and carrying out tests on the level of its development.

In experiment we used two groups of subjects. The experimental group is represented by the components of the team C.S. „SPORTING”

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


SUCEAVA. The group is made up of 20 players: 18 field players and 2 goalkeepers. All 20 football players have the age between 12 and 14 years. The control group is represented by the components of the team C.S. „RARĂUL” CÂMPULUNG-MOLDOVENESC. The lot of this team consists of 18 players: 16 field players and 2 goalkeepers.

With the first group we experienced all the means for the development of specific coordination and we carried out the tests, and with the second group we performed only two tests, at the beginning and at the end of the experiment.

Further we have developed and selected a large number of means that can be used in the context of these means for the development of specific dynamic coordination.

They have been divided as follows: a. exercises of flick of the ball with the foot. b. takeover of ball exercises. c. driving the ball exercises. d. exercises for deceptive movement. e. tackle exercises. f. exercises of flick of the ball with head. g. specific exercises of the goalkeeper. With regard to the use of such means in the framework of the

training it was done step by step on each category of means, in accordance with the following principles and methodological indications:

• the first stage is characterized by the accuracy of movements coordination in space, speed of execution is not taken into account. (Accuracy is given by the improvement of muscle sensations in the slow movements);

• the second stage is characterized by the precision of movements in space carried out at high speed. (The implementation is based on a motric reflex well consolidated).

• the third stage is given by the possibility of its manifestation under varied and changeable conditions. Each made stereotype corresponds a precise system of excitors, and a good resolution consists in selecting of that skill or motrical accomplishment that best fits the new situation that emerged in the game.

In the experiment we used the following control samples: Sample 1 (Fig. 1): • kick from the corner of the field (corner) with the right foot, to

the point from 11 metres (in a circle with a diameter of 3 m);

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• running to the corner area of 16 m and doing 4 shots to the gate in 4 balls arranged in 2 to 2 feet, with left foot;

• running to the other corner of the field and doing a corner kicks with the left foot to the point of 11 metres;

• running to the corner area of 16 m and performing 4 shots to the gate in 4 balls arranged from 2 to 2 feet, with the right leg.

The norms to accomplish: • two penalty corner to enter in the circle from 11 meters; - it is given 1 point for each shot; - 1 point penalty; • 5 of the 8 shots to the gate must to be in the gate; - is granted 5 points; - 1 point penalty for each kick down; • complex is running within 50”

-penalty 2p at each 5" and finally the points are gathered and noted in the table.

Fig. 1 Fig 2

Sample 2 (Fig. 2): • taking the ball from the center of the field; • driving the ball in straight line 20 m; • dribbling through the 5 milestones placed at distance of l,5 m; • the cent shot from 16 m; The complex runs twice (with each leg, one at a time). The norm to accomplish: • the execution is done in maximun 11" with deft leg and in

14"with the other; - grant 5 p; - penalty 1 point for each second delay and 1 point for each for

each shot besides the gate. Points are gathered and the result is noted in the table.

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Sample 3 (Fig. 3): • from the circle at the center of the field, a long diagonal pass

through a teammate who run after the ball, run reception and centers to point at 11 feet for the one who passed the ball, this passing again the ball towards the gate with head, in the long jump or in the plunge.

The exercise is carried out 5 times for each player. One point is given for each shot bounced on the gate.

Points are gathered and the results are noted in the table.

Fig. 3

Sample 4: • keeping the ball in the air by repeated flicks with both feet,

alternately, for 30 seconds; The norm to accomplish: • minimum 25 touches; - is granted 5 points; - 1 point penalty for each second delay; - if the ball touches the ground it is given 2 penalty points and it

resumes the execution. Results and discussion:

In order to highlight the degree of homogeneity of the group, after every test we have calculated the coefficient of variance, the arithmetic average and standard deviation. The results are listed in the table below and it refers to the team C.S. „SPORTING” SUCEAVA, as the experiment group and the team C.S. „RARĂUL” CÂMPULUNG-MOLDOVENESC as witnessgroup.

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T 1 T 2

Graphic w ith values of the variability coefficient

experiment group witness group


Graphic with the values of the arithmetic average at the 4


experiment group witness group

Comparing the results we see that both coefficients of variability

are between 0-15%, so homogeneity of the collective is great. There is still a substantial improvement of the coefficient, from 10,05 % at initial testing, to 5,1% as a result of the experiment. For the control group, the variability coefficient records 9.2% from the initial testing and 9,11% at the final testing.

The arithmetic average also presents an increase of 16.9 points at 19.1 points for each player, which is a performance improvement, unlike the witness group, where the arithmetic average has approximately the same value. It is found that, in contrast to the experimental group, where the application of the means of development the specific coordination lead to positive results, at control group the failure to comply with these means could not determine improvements.

Of great importance in the development of coordination is the

variety in the training. It is known that monotony, always practicing the same training procedures and always through the same exercises, lead very easily to fatigue, boredom. To stimulate in training and to obtain better results, so it should be a large use of all methods and means of


WITNESS GROUP Initial testing

Final testing

Initial testing

Final testing



16,9 19,1 16,3 16,5

Standard deviation

1,7 1,09 1,6 1,61

Coefficient of variance

10,05 % 5,1 % 9,2 % 9,11%

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coordinative capacities' development, of course, with an emphasis on those that have proven that they have the most increased effectiveness.

Closely related to the variety in training is another principle which must govern the development of ability/coordination, namely the motrical versatility; this is because skill is, by definition, a large motrical experience, accomplishments and complex skills. Versatility in training ensures at the same time, the variety and the transfer of skills, leading in this way to the raising of skills development.

In the methodology of development skills there are used both methods of analytical work but also global ones. More it is used today the global training, skills development is made depending on the other motrical qualities. Personally, I think that is a good thing, because the skills components manifest in game in interdependence with the speed, strength or resistance. It can be said that the development of skills can be achieved in practice along with solving other tasks. At the same time, however, it should put a greater emphasis on the analytical development of this capacity in special trainings or at least in the individualized training.

Specific coordination develops in particular through specific work with the ball and through other means of ground movement without the ball. The most effective mean is the game, in all its forms of organization: games and challenges with the theme, games on low land, games in inferiority or numerical superiority, games with different rules and training tasks or normal football game.

Training directed towards skills development can take place in any part of the weekly cycle. Also, exercises and other means used for this purpose are found in all three parts of the lesson, both in the first part, in the form of mild exercises (especially coordination), leading at the same time to the preparation of the body for the effort, but also in the fundamental part (subject of the lesson or exercises carried out between some main tasks) and closing (exercises performed in slow pace, for disconnect, relaxing). The means presented are easily usable and have a great contribution to the attainment of the specific objectives of sports training when are used methodically, rationally. Skills, in all forms of manifestation, can develop along the whole year of training, of course with different weights, depending on the workout periods.

Having regard to these few conclusions about the skill and the methods of its development, it must be taken into account in the practical work, of some proposals and recommendations arising therefrom. It addresses the following issues:

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• To work as much as possible for the development to a higher level of all components of skills;

• In the framework of the development methodology it should focus on those methods and means which addresses to the active and conscious participation of the players;

• The development of coordination in all its aspects, it should be done both in collective trainings, but especially within the individualized trainings.

• Individualization within the preparation can be done both in collective training, as well as separately;

• To use in training more varied means, which are the base on permanent development of the specific coordination;

• Linked to the skill's development, it is necessary to use versatility principle on motrical plan, which can be applied by using a large number of means and methods. This mean that in training we should not be limited only by elements from football game, but we should introduce elements from complementary sports (basketball, handball, volleyball, rugby) and from combined games (football - basketball, football - tennis);

• To use both the global method, but also the analytical one in the specific coordination development. It is therefore recommended training the coordination both during the resolution of other tasks of the training but also in special trainings, which are destined exclusive to coordination;

• Taking into account that skill depends, and on the same time, it requests a great deal the breakdown activity, it is recommended giving some adequate breaks, enough for comeback, in order to be able to work in optimal conditions for its development;

• Means and methods of skill development should be included in trainings during the whole year. In the preparatory and transition period to focus on the general skill development and on some forms of specific skill. During the competition period, the more it will act for the development of specific skills, both analytic and global, in interdependence with the other basic motric qualities: specific skill in speed, strength and resistance.


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1. ALBU C., ALBU A., VLAD T.L., IACOB I., (2006), Pshychomotricity – Methodology of psychomotor education and reeducation, Editura Institutul European, Iaşi 2. APOLZAN D., (1999), „Football 2010”, Federaţia Română de Fotbal, FRF, Bucharest 3. ATANASIU C., (1993), Peculiarities of growth in children and youth and its application in sports training, Modern sportive training, Editura Editis, Bucharest 4. AZEMAR G., (1970), Sport et lateralité, Edition Universitaires, Paris 5. AZEMAR G., (2003), „Ontogenèse du comportement moteur de l΄enfant”; Cahiers de psychologie INSEP, vol. 19 6. BAROW H., MCGEE R., (1980), Measurement in physical education and sport, Editura Globus, Bucureşti 7. BAYER C.,(1996), „L΄enseignement des jeux sportifs collectifs”, Ėditions Vigot, Paris 8. BOISSE J., (1986) „Le football de très jeunes”, Revue des Ėducateurs, Nr.18, Paris 9. BOISSE J., (1987), „Le football á 8-10 ans”, Revue des Ėducateurs, Nr.96, Paris 10. BOMPA T., (2003), Performance in sports games: Theory and methodology of training, Editura Ex Ponto, S.N.A., Bucharest 11. BOMPA T., (2001), Theory and methodology of training, Editura Ex Ponto, Bucharest 12. CAPACITĂŢILE MOTRICE, (2000), Research Center For Problems of Sport, Bucharest.

Titlu: Studiu experimental privind coordonare dinamică specifică în jocul de fotbal la juniori III. Cuvinte cheie: fotbal, antrenament, coordonare dinamică, juniori. Rezumat: Antrenamentul îndreptat spre dezvoltarea îndemânării şi a componentelor sale se poate desfăşura în oricare parte a ciclului săptămânal. De asemenea, exerciţiile şi celelalte mijloace folosite în acest scop îşi găsesc locul în toate cele trei părţi ale lecţiei de antrenament, atât în prima parte sub formă de exerciţii uşoare (mai ales de coordonare dinamică specifică), care conduc în acelaşi timp şi la pregătirea organismului pentru efort, cât şi în partea fundamentală (temă de lecţie sau exerciţii efectuate între unele sarcini principale) şi de încheiere (exerciţii efectuate în ritm lent, pentru deconectare, relaxare). Îndemânarea, sub toate formele de manifestare, se poate dezvolta de-a

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lungul întregului an de pregătire, bineînţeles cu ponderi diferite, în funcţie de perioadele de antrenament. Titre: Étude expérimentale sur la coordination spécifique pour junior iii dynamique match de football. Mots-clés: football, la formation, la dynamique de coordination, junior Résumé: La formation vise à développer des compétences et de ses composants peut avoir lieu dans n'importe quelle partie du cycle hebdomadaire. En outre, des exercices et des autres moyens utilisés à cet effet trouver leur place dans les trois parties de la leçon de formation, à la fois dans la première forme d'exercice la lumière (en particulier la coordination spécifique dynamique), tout en dirigeant la préparation corps à l'effort, et dans le fondamental (sujet de la leçon ou des exercices effectués entre des tâches principales) et de fin (exercices effectués lentement pour la détente, relaxation). Compétences sous toutes leurs formes, peuvent se développer tout au long de l'années de formation avec des poids différents en fonction des périodes de formation.



Sorin Raţă Ileana Juravle

“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Keywords: students, swimming, software, visualization. Abstract: This study makes important contributions in learning of swimming sport technique process within the aids of IT technology. Software such as GIF Animator has contributed to significant performance in terms of execution learning styles of the students swimming technique.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Introduction For effective learning, the educational process must provide

modern teaching and learning methods in order to achieve the main objectives of physical education and sport. Besides traditional methods of teaching, explanation, demonstration, we propose the use of application software for viewing animations kinograms to learn swimming.

Paul Muresan (1990) states that after learning activity we remember: 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear at the same time, 80 % of what you say, 90% of what we say and do at the same time.

One of these applications is studied by the authors Easy GIF Animator program executions to observe technical and referral errors while running, students have the opportunity to correct mistakes regulators typically using methods (visual, animation). The motivation of this paper is Easy GIF Animator implementation in learning technical processes theoretically and practically swimming in the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Suceava.

Easy GIF Animator is developed by Karlis Blumentals and distributed as shareware. With its special features, you can add special effects to animation. This program can handle any type of GIF animation.

Easy GIF Animator is a small and complex yet very easy to use to create and edit animated GIF with Easy GIF Animator can be:

- Creating animated GIF images - Edit animated GIF images - Add visual effects to animation GIF - Add text and effects to animation GIF - Export GIF animation to AVI, etc.

Application interface

The main menu consists of the following parts:

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- Main Menu - Toolbar - List of frames - Work area

Before creating an animation is done two or more individual images. With these pictures you can build an animated gif by sequential overlap. Animation creation: Step 1. Starting (using wizard)

Fig. nr. 2 Step 2. Adding images Step 3. Set the animation parameters Step 4. View animation Step 5. Saving animation

Fig. nr. 3 Fig. nr. 4

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Fig. nr. 5 Fig. nr. 6

To see if the objective can be achieved on a multiple choice test was used before and after the program, students FEFS. The test contains 10 questions. Each question receives a point. The test was attended by 84 students. Test before program implementation

Table nr.1

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Students results

2 10 14 20 9 12 9 6 2 0

Students results on the initial test
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Students results

Diagram nr.1

It is noted that after the explanations given by the teacher, a very

large number of students were unable to form an accurate picture of processes swimming technique, which prompted us to intervene with aids namely viewer application and explanation at the same time.

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Further we present the assessment situation after technique presentation of the four methods using Easy GIF Animator program. Same number of students was evaluated for the 10 questions. After assessing students obtained the following results: Test after using the program

Table nr.2

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Students results

0 0 0 0 4 8 13 16 19 24

Students results on the final test

0 0 0 0













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Students results

Diagram nr.2

As shown in the above chart, after the program most students

improved their knowledge base on swimming technique procedures. Conclusion

Gif animator software application type is important in the formation of corresponding image correct technical actions to be learned.

Using this method of learning can be observed an increase in the level of knowledge and involvement of students in during classes.

Following the final assessment success rate has increased considerably in comparison with the results achieved in the initial testing. Bibliography: 1. Mureşan, P., Sfaturi practice de învăţare eficientă şi rapidă, Edit. Cerest, Bucureşti, 1990; 2. Raţă, G., Didactica Educaţiei Fizice şi Sportului, Edit. Pim, Iaşi, 2008; 3.

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Titlu: Modernizarea procesului de invatare a inotului sportiv prin aplicatii software de tipul gif animator. Cuvinte cheie: studenţi, înot, aplicaţie software, vizualizare. Abstract: Acest studiu aduce contribuţii importante în ceea ce priveşte utilizarea în cadrul procesului de învăţare a tehnicii înotului sportiv a unor mijloace ajutătoare din domeniul tehnologiei IT. Aplicaţia software de tipul GIF Animator a contribuit la obţinerea unor performanţe însemnate în ceea ce priveşte învăţarea tehnicii de execuţie a stilurilor de înot de către studenţi. Titre: Mise à jour du processus d'apprentissage de la natation sportive par un logiciel de type GIF Animator. Mots-clés: étudiants, la natation, le logiciel, visualisation. Résumé: Cette étude apporte une contribution importante dans l'utilisation de l'apprentissage dans le sport de la natation aides technique en technologies de l'information. Des logiciels tels que GIF Animator a contribué à la performance significative en termes de technique d'exécution styles d'apprentissage de la natation étudiants.


Teacher Mariana Juravle

Sports High School, Suceava Keywords: school syllabus, theoretical sports training. Abstract: The document which configures the content of the instructive-educational process is represented by the school syllabus. Although one of the challenges of the transformation was the decongestion of the syllabus, reality does not seem to confirm these expectations. Up to the present, the syllabus in the Theoretical sports training discipline did not suffer any change, although there have been multiple signals from the teachers who were involved in the teaching process of this discipline.

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The beginnings of the reform in the educational system for the Theoretical sports training discipline started with the elaboration of a new syllabus in 2006. The syllabus in the Theoretical sports training discipline for primary and secondary school of the high school is addressed to vocational school, sports section, all specializations. There are official documents which describe the educational offer of the discipline for a determinate period of 4 years.

The quality of the syllabus is analyzed by relating it to many criteria (the psycho-pedagogical one being the most important) and they make mention of selecting the content based on: the development state of the subjects to whom this is addressed to, the formative value of the elements of the content, their value for the permanent education of the students, the requirements of becoming professional in a certain domain, the pedagogical possibilities of transmitting a certain content to the students who present themselves in certain states of their intellectual and social development.

The existing syllabuses are elaborated according to the plans of the teachers and aim to project the content of learning as an intercession centered on forming attitudes and capacities, on making a vertical coherence as well as a horizontal one , when talking about the curriculum. The syllabuses are structured into capacities which are specific to every study year (derived from the general capacities), every specific capacity being associated with contents which contribute to its accomplishment (or it should!), in conformity with the specific logic of the theoretical and methodical sports training domain.

As for the existing content of the syllabuses, the problem is that of conciliating the demand of assimilating the information which is relevant for the culture and practice of the sports trainer profession, on one hand, and the limited power of the mental and physical capacities of the student, on the other hand. Unfortunately, not all these methodological challenges find their materialization in the existing school syllabuses when the discipline in question is concerned.

The analysis of this curricular document in the present discipline has brought forward a number of drawbacks with a major significance:

− almost half of the specific capacities do not completely reflect the associated contents;

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− there are situations when a content which is proposed in a syllabus is resumed in the next year’s syllabus, of course with following other subjects;

− the scientific content of the syllabuses is not gradually organized both in the interior or the same syllabus and at the school cycle level;

− not every content is selected and organized based on the students’ potential of learning characteristic to every age; this leads to work tasks with pronounced complex accents, which address themselves to a single category of students, the rest of them being unable to deal with the quantity and the quality of the information they should handle;

− the syllabuses are addressed only to students who are exclusively motivated to learn, able to interiorize abstract information in a sustained rhythm during the school year;

− not all the contents prove scientific rigorousity , cultural relevance and up to date information ;

− if some contents do not have a high motivational value, proposing knowledge able to trigger and sustain the epistemic and cultural motivation of the students, their taste for study and broadening their horizons in terms of knowledge, other contents are unattractive;

Proposals: − all specific capacities should be reflected in contents; − the contents of the syllabuses should represent a natural

continuity of the knowledge assimilated in previous years of study so that, at the end of the 12th grade, subjects will have the image of the complexity of the entire phenomena of the training and competition;

− the scientific content should be organized gradually, both in the interior of the syllabus and on the level of the scholar cycle;

− the syllabuses should create the possibility of a differential instruction of the students and the stimulation of those who have special interests and are able to achieve performance;

− clear anticipation should exist for differential treatment; − interdisciplinary structures should be represented better; Alternative textbooks, the main teaching auxiliaries which reflect

the contents of the syllabus, are an expression of democracy in the

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education system as well as of the independence of the school units in our country. If in the other disciplines the problem of auxiliary textbooks needs out of the ordinary psycho-pedagogical capacities in choosing the textbooks which adapt the best to the psycho-behavioral characteristics of the students as well as to the own capacities and teaching styles, in the Theoretical sports training discipline the problem remains unsolved, this discipline being one of few(if not the only one!) which has a single textbooks written by the same group of authors, for every level of instruction. Conclusions

Being largely publicized by the mass-media, contested by critics and eulogized by authors or supporters, the content of the syllabuses and the way of applying it correctly constitutes one of the most controversial issues in the present educational system in Romania.

An educational system gains formative valences firstly by carefully selecting its content. From here, according to the new Law of National Education, the authors of future syllabuses and textbooks should know the difference between what constitutes the essential content of Theoretical sports training and what can be left aside or forgot. Bibliography

1. Apostol , L. “Humanities: samples of interdisciplinary relationships. The interdisciplinarity in humanities, contemporary ideas” Political Publishing House, Bucharest, 1986

2. Cucos, C., “Pedagogy, second edition (revised and completed)” Polirom, Iasi, 2006.

3. The Law of National Education, Law no. 1/2011, Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, part 1 no. 18, 10th of January 2011.

4. The Ministry of Education and Research , The National Council for Curriculum, “Syllabus for the superior cycle of the high school. Theoretical school training for 11th grade, vocational school, sports profile, all specializations” approved by the order of the Ministry no. 3252/13.02.2006

5. The Ministry of Education and Research, The National Council for Curriculum, “Syllabus for the inferior cycle of the high school. Theoretical sports training for 9th and 10th grade, differential curriculum, theoretical school, sports profile, all specializations” approved by the order of the Ministry no. 3432/15.03.2006

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6. The Ministry of Education and Research, National Council for Curriculum (2006). Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education and Research no 5959/21.12.2006, “Syllabus for the superior cycle of the high school. Theoretical school training for 12th grade, vocational school, sports profile, all specializations” approved by the order of the Ministry no. 5959/21.12.2006

7. Sahleanu, V. “Premises and means of interdisciplinarity” in the volume “Interdisciplinarity in the contemporary science” coord. St. Milcu and V. Stancovici, Political Publishing House, Bucharest, 1980.

Titlu: Note de analiză a programelor şcolare la disciplina Pregătire sportivă teoretică. Cuvinte-cheie: programe şcolare, pregătire sportivă teoretică. Rezumat: Documentul care configurează conţinutul procesului instructiv-educativ îl reprezintă programa şcolară. Deşi unul dintre dezideratele reformei a fost descongestionarea programelor, realitatea nu pare să nu fi confirmat aceste aşteptări. Până în prezent programele şcolare la disciplina Pregătire sportivă teoretică nu au suferit nici o modificare, deşi au fost multiple semnale din partea cadrelor didactice implicate în procesul de predare a acestei discipline. Titre : Des notes d’analyse sur les programmes scolaires de la discipline Préparation sportive théorique. Mots-clés : programmes scolaires, préparation sportive théorique. Résumé : Le programme scolaire représente le document qui configure le contenu du processus instructif-éducatif. Bien que l’un des desiderata de la réforme fut celui de décongestionner les programmes, la réalité ne semble pas le confirmer. Jusqu’à présent, les programmes scolaires de la discipline Préparation sportive théorique n’ont pas changé, malgré la multitude des signaux de la part des enseignants impliqués dans le processus d’enseignement de cette discipline.

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Jacek Sobon Opole University of Technology

Benedek Florian University "Stefan cel Mare" Suceava

Keywords: kinesiotherapy, sports, sports performance. Abstract: In this study I tried to create a link between medical-sports-kinesiotherapy. This link should be oriented towards maintaining the body health, guidance to achieve a harmonious aspect and a nutritional balance. Kinesiotherapy tries successfully to manage and to make this connection. Introduction: Getting great performance requires from the athlete body unusual big efforts that can lead to irreversible damage to the health, if the whole process proceeding sports training is not developed by science-checked principles, and if not used with competence by all means of support and biological recovery. Health surveillance is an integrated system of methods and medical practices, that ensure medical data collection and integration in terms of knowledge for unsportsmanlike body, for initial selection and training of the sporty one with different training, of the internal and external factors that condition the health status for obtaining performances. The role of the sport control:

1. Dynamic monitoring of the health status and exercise capacity (type is dynamic and done at home, in the gym);

2. Pursuit of practical application of the medical advice to optimize health and compliance measures and support recovery efforts; Support of the efforts include measures to ensure the body

providing the needed resources for performing the effort and their optimization at the level requested by performance.;

Recovery after effort aims to accelerate the restoration of metabolic and systemic functions disturbed by effort;

3. Monitoring the physiological principles of the athletic training; A) The principle of general and special multilateralism - The purpose

of the request, engagement in exercise of all metabolic functions

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and systems. To avoid narrow specialization, early can be a limiting factor favorable sports capping. It can be realized a sport reorientation in the case of the capping and of the emergence of physical or functional handicap as a result of illness;

B) Principle of continuity –- the acquisition and maintenance of the achieved results. This principle must be respected not only in sports training, but also in the athletic recovery.

C) Principle of the effort grading requires a gradual increase in effort from easy to difficult and from simple to complicate.

Materials and methods

In this study, we started from the following hypothesis: If we use specific methods of kinesiology it will increase the athletic performance.

The athlete studied in this case, had done all the medical analyses before of the competitive period, we will attach a final EKGs interpreted by the specialist practitioner. What we are trying to emphasize here is the role of physical therapy in recovery after exercise, and we try to bring to normal the body functions and at the same time we try to shape our role pre and post effort. For this reason we will structure as follows: - Preparing the athlete before exercising; - Its recovery immediately after leaving the field; Preparing the athlete before exercising

− Its assessment before entering on field (a brief assessment that we try to emphasize eventual health problems);

− In the case of muscle contusion it will be done a gentle massage with AINS products, eventually with bandage and protection of the respective zone;

− According to the affected muscle zone it will be applied techniques of tapping and strapping. Tapping and strapping techniques are commonly used in trauma of the soft tissues. To prevent muscle and joint injuries, and if such a condition has occurred, we will use strapping to protect the tendons, ligaments and even the bone.

− It will provide a large reserve of liquid for the body to begin not with a lack of fluids thus preserving the excretory function;

− It will perform stretching exercises at the end of exercises package for body warming up.

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Because the act of participating in sports as mentioned in this study, of all the systems of the human body, we see that although the body was prepared for the effort, it is felt most often in all respects.

1. Seeing in terms of the cardiovascular system modifications of cardiovascular system appear following the effort for all categories of the athletes and we will recommend them immediately after effort, sustained by slow jog to return to normal parameters of the heart, continued by walk, respiratory exercises, followed by stretching exercises, till the pulse and blood pressure return to normal.

2. From the point of view of the respiratory system, we will observe immediately after exercise, some changes in breathing, with respiratory failure, respiratory difficulties of compliance time. For an quick return to normal will immediately execute breathing exercises, which are realized and travel light with carrying arms up - down, with emphasis on time inhale and exhale.

3. The excretory system will suffer immediate changes as a result of effort and sweating. The first step is to use the warm fluid hydration by ingesting sufficient to saturation, then hot-cold showers, which will help and hydration of the skin and restore its water balance.

4. In terms of muscle, it will be noted as muscular fatigue effect immediately, sometimes after maximal effort or after prolonged effort. As a first step will be performed stretching exercises, focusing on muscle fiber elongation and recovery capacity to return to normal size. After having a shower it can be done a relaxing massage, sauna, jacuzzi, relaxation activities generally.

Results and Discussion The sport is the only activity that brings people together despite

age, political orientations, borders, is in every sense a phenomenon to stay healthy through sport. This is the real objective of sports recovery, which we try to apply the methods that we have available.

Over time, various scientists, coaches and athletes have found that effective training is subject to compliance with the principles and rules that were scientifically based, and their findings have led to increased performance in various sports. Understanding these principles is essential for maximizing performance in sports and rugby.

In rugby training, regardless of its nature (physical, mental, technical) the exercises that are practiced by players will be specific to the position that they have occupied the team (individual) or specific

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objectives (the whole team). Recovery program will be adapted depending on the workout rugby and we focus on the requirements of the sport and athletes to increase capacity in order to achieve better sporting performance.

A recovery program that aims to correct the deficiencies and a good relationship post and pre effort must be customized. The same principles will be used in training athletes, so each player must self-evaluate, establish their own objectives at the beginning of training and pass through a phase of self-calibration in which to study the effects of different methods training, to calibrate the intensity and volume of that, to achieve the maximum of each training session and experience different durations of recovery period.

For effective training, to increase the functional ability of the athlete is required that the exercises to expose the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems at a higher load than that with which they are already familiar. Overload during training entails and longer recovery and more intense, with increased duration of recovery programs and to bring back body properly.

All these principles are carried out according to generally valid for all sports diagrams, called by Tudor Bompa (Professor Emeritus at York University, Toronto) in 1986 by the generic name of overcompensation cycle which shows that while the changes in time of the physical level appear as a effect of one isolated training session. We see here the crucial role of recovery.

Fig 1 Overcompensation cycle

The training session begins at a specific physical level (baseline) and cause fatigue. At the end of the meeting, when it reaches the maximum fatigue corresponding to the solicitation, during this one it starts the recovery phase, called compensation phase. With the recovery

methods will be most effective, even the return to the initial physical level will be faster.

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Fig 2 Adaptation to training body

The recovery continues with the phase of overcompensation, during which it produces an overflow of the initial physical level, as a result of the body adaptation to the training effort. For a single training session, this accumulation is not very big and not last very long, it gradually attenuates (involution phase) until it again reaches the physical level initially, so after some time, the effect of an isolated training session will be lost.

It should be emphasized that the conducting of this process will depend directly on the size of requests during the training.

A too easy workout will not stimulate the body to adapt to effort, so the overcompensation phase will be negligible, that the training will not produce any noticeable effect, and that’s why even the recovery process will be a non sense. (Yellow line)

In the case of a too hard training session, the fatigue generated by it will persist not too long, resulting in loss of overcompensation phase, meaning the return to baseline level without the body to have the opportunity to adapt to stress. (Red line)

To achieve the optimal effect of the training session (Blue line) the intensity and the volume of it must be carefully balanced, so the level from the compensation phases to be highest. In other words it must always keep the balance between training and recovery time to optimize act and achieve performance sports.

Therefore proper planning of training should be done such that each session to intervene after adjustment of the body at the previous meeting efforts and as a consequence the session will have an originally physical level or even higher than before, and the effect will accumulate over time, causing a steady increase of functional capabilities we can say that they will reach a maximum level oftraining. (Figure 3).

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Fig 3 Increase the performance level following training

In the case that in the next training session occurs when the body has not yet had time to recover from the previous session, the new session beginning physical level will be lower because it will be affected by fatigue.

Over time, if training will continue at too short intervals, not leaving the body time to rest and not make a proper recovery, fatigue will accumulate and will cause a decrease in exercise capacity. This effect is called over-training and can have serious consequences on performance. Also the insufficient recovery between training sessions favors lesions in muscles, tendons and joints. In conclusion is wrong concept that "if I increase performance training, more training will further increase my performance." Without an adequate period of rest and recuperation, training effect will be the opposite of the expected.

Fig 4 If the interval between the sessions is too high, the effect of the previous meeting has already passed the stage of involution and disappeared. (The diagram next to the image) The initial level of the physical sessions will always be the same because after recovery by involution, the body returns to its original shape. In this case, the accumulations on long term will be void and without an effect on performance, the training will only be a loss of time. In the case of irregular intervals between the sessions, these can

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occur randomly in different phases: recovery, over-compensation by involution or even thereafter. The cumulative effect of training will be random and usefulness is questionable.

Fig 5 Athletic performance adds personal confidence, brings peace and contentment. Even though it has and beautiful aspects must not forget the sacrifices that are being made, how much work and how much perseverance an athlete needs to do and to have to see their work recognized. Conclusions

One of the conclusions of this work is that we need a psychic balance to determine to balance us in every day and in every training session. The key to success is the correct communication however, seek to offer plausible explanations to explain what changes occur when sustained effort, to familiarize the athletes with specialized terminology, to guide them towards performing all functional and laboratory investigations. Another aspect of communication must be established between athletes and coaches where they will determine the right workout plans that give athletes an advantage, to help to increase performance without putting his body at risk. Bibliography: 1. Dragnea A. "Sports Training" Edit. Didactic and Pedagogic, Bucharest 1998. 2. Dragan I. et al. "Sports Medicine" Publishing Sports Tourism, Bucharest, 1989. 3. Georgescu M. "Medical Semiology" Edit. Didactic and Pedagogic, Bucharest, 1998. 4. Gerasim I. "Internal Medicine" Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1997. 5. Sbenghe T. "Kinesiology, the science of movement" Medical Publishing, Bucharest, 2002.

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Titlu: Rolul kinetoterapiei în creşterea performanţelor sportive. Cuvinte cheie: kinetoterapie, sport, performanţe sportive. Rezumat: În lucrarea de faţă am încercat să creăm o legătură între medicină-sport-kinetoterapie. Toată această legătură trebuie orientată în sensul păstrării sănătăţii corporale, îndrumarea spre obţinerea unui aspect armonios şi spre obţinerea unui echilibru nutriţional. Kinetoetrapia încearcă şi reuşeşte cu succes să realizeze această legătură. Titre: Le role de la kinesitherapie dans l'amelioration des performances sportives. Mots-clés: kinésithérapie, les sports, la performance sportive. Résumé: Dans cette étude, j'ai essayé de créer un lien entre médico-sportif-kinésithérapie. Ce lien doit être orientée vers le maintien de la santé du corps, des conseils pour réaliser un aspect harmonieux et un équilibre nutritionnel. Kinésithérapie tente avec succès de gérer et de faire ce lien.


Benedek Florian

University "Stefan cel Mare" Suceava Keywords: sprain, rehabilitation, athlete. Abstract: The recovery of the athletes with ankle sprain is essential for physical therapy program to relieve pain, for mechanical protection of the ankle joint, to recover the normal gait and for socio-professional integration of the athlete.

The purpose of this study is to find ways of applying early and systematically the kinesiology methods and procedures by which we can restore as much and faster functional capacity of the leg. Introduction:Medical rehabilitation is a complex activity which aims to restore functional capacity reduced or lost by someone, development and

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adaptation compensatory mechanisms that would ensure the future possibility of self, active living, economic and social independence.

Today sequelae of traumatic ankle represent an anatomical and functional complex designed to support the entire weight of the body and at the same time to ensure the gait on any surface. The foot has, therefore, a static role and a dynamic role of almost equal importance being the terminal lever of locomotion.

The recovery of athletes with ankle sprain is essential for physical therapy program to relieve the pain, for mechanical protection of the ankle joint, to restore normal gait and for socio-professional integration of the athlete. Also need further study, theoretically and practically, in terms of treatment by physical therapy to slowdown the development process of the disease.

The purpose of this study is to find ways of applying early and systematically the kinesiology methods and procedures by which we can restore as much and faster functional capacity of the leg.

Due to the fact that the athletes are involved more in cases of sprains of the ankle caused by falls or blows trauma, solved by orthopedic and surgical procedures, resulting after immobilization in stiffness of the tibia-tarsal joint, I thought to approach this theme to athletes.

Clinically speaking, sprains are divided into mild, moderate and severe. In mild sprains, the capsule and ligaments are stretched but not broken, and the joint is stable, in severe sprains, there is capsular-ligaments ruptures with or without pulling out a piece of bone on which that is inserted.

In terms of anatomy and pathology the sprains are classified into three degrees of severity: the grade-I, grade II and grade-III. Some authors classify and sprains of grade IV, in which the tearing of the ligament at the bone insertion occurs.

Ankle injuries are the most common locations of all musculoskeletal injuries, sprains holding the first place and on second place are the fractures in the respective categories. Their great frequency is explained by the fact that at this level occur multiple movements controlled by the mobility needs of the leg, exposed to different traumatic factors acting in different conditions. Materials and methods

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Research hypotheses: In carrying out this study we considered to demonstrate the

following hypotheses: • To what extent did the physical therapy treatment causes a

decrease of the recurrence of ankle sprains on medium and long term? • To what extent the specific means of physical therapy may lead

to removal of eventual complications that may occur?

The purpose and objectives of the research This study considers the recovery by movement of the injured

ankle; the goals of the recovery are pain relieving, mechanical protection of the ankle joint, to restoring of the normal gait and socio-professional integration of the athlete.

The aim of this study is to verify the hypothesis made and based on the results obtained to contribute to improving recovery. In the treatment of posttraumatic sport injuries, the main goal is represented by gaining the basic quality of the joint and muscle (mobility and muscle strength).

In this study we considered the following objectives: - Consulting the literature to determine the current level and

the level at which the research is in this domain; - Establishing research hypotheses and the methods by which

they will be checked; - Identification and selection of cases presented that serve to

achieve the purpose and objectives; - The organization of the concrete recovery activities

sequencing necessary logics so that this activity should be based on the previous one and to prepare the next one;

- Recording the results and their interpretation to highlight the evolution of subjects;

- Writing a study containing the conducting final results of their research to popularize among specialists in physical therapy;

- Evaluation as objective, of the results and conclusions providing arguments for the continuation and extension of research;

Research methods Throughout the study we have used a variety of methods to ensure the scientific foundations of theoretical basis and for the collection, recording and processing of data to support activity and normal results. The scientific documentation method; The observation method;

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The survey method; The method of measurement and evaluation

The proper organization of the study The treatment regarding the recovery of ankle sprain is conditioned

by two things: 1. Functional local recovering that addresses only the reflected

consequences of the joint and surrounding muscles.

2. Functional rehabilitation for reintegration of the injured segments joining all the possibilities of the sport specific motion.

Actual period consists of three stages: 1. Beginning with the first meeting and ends with removal after

obtaining partial sensitivity to pain and joint mobility and after termination inflammatory processes.

2. Mobility recovery continues and ends after the recovered mobility

and strength, was of about 75%. 3. It is characterized by recovery of muscle strength and stability joint. The three stages are successive overlap and are interdependent,

which varies from one stage to another as the means used. Results and discussions

Table 1 Evaluation of muscle strength, hypertonic evaluation and cardio-vascular

Evaluation Normal

Initial Intermediate Final

Muscle strength 5 -3 +3 4 Cardio- vascular

F C 60-80 b / min.

60 b / min.

65 b / min. 70 b / min.

TA 120/60 mm Hg

120/50 mm Hg

120/80 mm Hg

120/60 mm Hg

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10initial intermediate final normal

Figure 1 with values obtained in the evaluation of muscle


• To obtain values in the graph we denoted F (-3) = 3, F (3) = 5, F5 = 5, F5, where F (-3), F (+3), F5, F5 is the muscle strength of the patient.

Table 2 Evaluation of the ankle joint balance

Normal values of tibia-tarsal joint

Date of initial assessment 01/11/2011

Date of intermediate evaluation 11/10/2011

Patient evaluation after treatment


Passive Active Passive Active Passive Active Passive Active

Fl. Ex. Fl. Ex. Fl. Ex. Fl. Ex. Fl. Ex. Fl. Ex. Fl. Ex. Fl. Ex.

20° -27°

-40° 47° 20° 25°

-40° 45° °

18° 35° 14° 33° 23° 37° 17° 35° 26° 39° 20° 38°




30initial intermediate final normal

Figure 2 with the values obtained from passive mobilization of ankle


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• I represented in orange color the initial value of degrees of flexion of the ankle

• I represented in yellow color the intermediate value of degrees of flexion of the ankle

• I represented in red color the final value of degrees of flexion of the ankle

• With dark blue I represented the normal value of the degrees of flexion of the ankle

Following the recovery program that was established it has been observed a substantial increase in the degrees of flexion of the ankle during the passive mobilization of the joint.






initial intermediate final normal

Figure 3 with values obtained during passive mobilization of ankle


• The normal level of the ankle joint mobility extension is represented by red.

• The level of mobility in extension of the ankle joint during the initial assessment is colored in blue.

• The level of mobility in extension of the ankle joint during the intermediate evaluation is colored in yellow.

• The level of mobility of the ankle joint in extension during the final assessment is given by the color blue.

Following the course of patient rehabilitation program it was observed a good increase in the joint range of motion. Conclusions The results obtained during conduct of research I came to the following conclusions:

Objectives have been achieved;

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After crossing a therapeutic program effectively the integration of athlete in competition was made much faster;

The recovery in athletes requires a shorter time and this is preventing the interruption sports training;

Through applied kinetic treatment I received: - Positive results are maintained long-term and average term;

- Control the inflammatory process; - Restore joint mobility; - Obtaining joint stability;

Bibliography: 1. Baciu C. – Aparatul locomotor; Editura Medicală Bucureşti, 1981. 2. Iroslav K. – Fizio-kinetoterapie şi recuperarea medicală în afecţiunile aparatului locomotor, Editura Medicală, Bucureşti, 2007. 3. Sbenghe T. – Kinesiologie profilactică, terapeutică şi de recuperare, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1987. 4. Voiculescu I. C. – Anatomia şi fiziologia omului, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1971. Titlu: Studiu privind recuperarea entorsei de gleznă la sportivii de performanţă. Cuvinte cheie: entorsă, recuperare, sportiv. Rezumat: În recuperarea sportivilor de performanţă cu entorsă de gleznă, este indispensabil programul de kinetoterapie pentru combaterea durerii, pentru protejarea mecanică a articulaţiei gleznei, pentru reluarea normală a mersului şi pentru integrarea socio-profesională a sportivului.

Scopul acestei lucrări este găsirea unor modalităţi de aplicare precoce şi sistematică a mijloacelor şi procedeelor kinetoterapeutice, prin care să putem restabili cât mai mult şi mai rapid capacitatea funcţională a piciorului.

Titre: Etude sur la reconstitution de la cheville entorses des athletes. Mots-clés: entorse, réadaptation, athlétique. Résumé: La récupération des athlètes ayant entorse de la cheville est indispensable pour la thérapie physique pour soulager la douleur du programme, pour la protection mécanique de l'articulation de la cheville, pour récupérer la démarche normale et insertion socio-professionnelle de l'athlète.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Le but de cette étude est de trouver les moyens d'application précoce et systématique les méthodes de kinésiologie et des procédures par lesquelles nous pouvons restaurer la capacité autant plus rapide et fonctionnelle de la liaison.


Finichiu Marin, PhD University Lecturer

Educational Sciences Department, Physical Education and Sport staff Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti

Key words: sport game, football, class, physical education. Abstract: Purpose: The determination of the most significant operational models for the technical – tactical training in the sport game – football, are designed to increase the efficiency of the used methods and means. The well-known sport game – football is capable to mobilize all forces, to keep up the interest, to reach a maximum efficiency and to highlight another feature of games – their attractiveness and spontaneity. Methods: The methods and research techniques used are part of proper investigative methods (observation, experiment) and processing methods, analysis and interpretation of collected data (statistical-mathematical, graphical). Results: Using a higher proportion of the specific means of sport games - football helps to increase the level of expression of motor parameters and to acquire technical and tactical skills specific to this game. Conclusions: The increase of the share of means and methods specific to the sport game - football during the university physical education lesson. Sport game - football makes in good conditions the main requirement of university physical education classes, namely the use of maximum efficiency of work time, engaging young people in an activity that they carry it with pleasure also outside the physical education classes. By using specific means the basic motor skills development is directly increased and leads to an increase of the attractiveness and efficiency of the university physical education lesson.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Introduction and research objectives Sport game – football, through its used characteristics and means

assures a general physical development of young people, contributing also to the formation of youth personality through the qualities they develop for the rest of their lives: initiative, perseverance, self, determination, collective spirit. The sport game is characterized by a rich motor content and a variety of movements. Because sport game – football constitutes a sport branch widely spread among young people, is imposed the use, during the physical education classes, of the specific methods and means. Placing the young people in the position to discover through their own efforts of thinking, solutions for the created situations during the sport game – football, contributes to their preparation for life.

Physical exercises, sport activities - the instructive-educational processes eminently practical, offer a wide field of action favorable to educate initiative, independence and responsibility, selective discipline, integration in activities, cooperation in achieving goals, tenacity and competitive qualities and attributes with deep implications in shaping personality. Sport game taught properly - football, during the physical education classes, influences the individual throughout the entire life. Through it man is accustomed to bear defeat with dignity and taste the joys of victory. Those who learn this on the sport field transport it later also in life.

Research objectives aim at: Providing the theoretical and practical database in order to

understand the subjects approach during the university physical education lesson; Understanding the application capacity, programming and

interpretation of the aspects affined to the development of motor skills specific to sport game – football; The acquisition of new acts and motor actions in order to increase

the motor baggage and their application in appropriate cases, thus improving the value of general motor ability. Research hypothesis

The elaboration of the present paper has been done on the assumption that: the use of certain means with a greater efficiency level, specific to the technical and tactical training in sports game - football, programmed, can provide a general physical training at the university education requirements.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Research procedures and methods The experiment was made during the university physical education

classes, 2 hours / week, during the academic year 2010-2011, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Letters and Science, with a total number of 100 students, 60 students - sample experiment, 40 students - reference sample. Research methods and techniques used are part of proper investigative methods (observation, experiment) and processing methods, analysis and interpretation of collected data (statistical-mathematical, graphical) by measuring and assessing the manifestation of motor skills and specific coordination capacity.

Were used as control samples: general physical training tasks – standing long jump, throwing the

oina ball, resistance run on 1000 m distance; tasks specific to the sport game – football – standing vertical jump,

speed run on 30 m with standing start, five shots at the goal from a distance of 7 m and a dribbling track.

The initial testing was conducted in October/November 2010 and a final testing in May 2011. Research results and their interpretation

As part of the instructional design, the measurement and assessment of the motor capacities represented operational objectives, in order to establish the general motor capacities level of students, by using, during the physical education lesson, the means specific to the sport game – football.

Based on the collected data by calculating the statistical indicators [Niculescu, M., 2002] we can precisely assess the central tendency, by knowing the maximum and minimum values and also the values of the highest frequency, but also of the degree of distribution of the collected data by objective assessing the scattering degree of the data, but also the arithmetic mean capitalization. We have calculated the most used indicators of dispersion: amplitude, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation. General physical training tasks

a. Standing long jump - by testing the explosive strength of the inferior limbs on horizontal, the following statistical values were calculated (table 1 and table 2): After the final testing, the arithmetic mean calculated (223.11),

during this test records an increase of 8.07 cm, compared with the arithmetic mean (215.04) after the initial testing, at the sample under test. The arithmetic mean calculated for the subjects in the reference sample is

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smaller, so after the initial testing (210.41), the difference of 4.53 cm and also after the final testing (217.36) of 5.75 cm. At the reference sample, the difference between the two means is of 6.95 cm in the favour of the arithmetic mean from the final testing. The 60 results collected, spread on a scale of 65 cm initial testing

and 70 cm final testing, for the subjects included in the experiment sample; the 40 results collected, spread on a scale of 55 cm initial testing and final testing for the subjects included in the reference sample. The amplitude, standard deviation and coefficient of variation,

both after the initial testing and after the final one, show a group with high homogeneity and normal distribution of results.

Table 1. Statistical indicators calculated for the experiment sample

Control tasks Statistical indicators X S Cv Med Max Min W









Standing long jump (cm)

it 215,04 9,32 3,21 211,12 255 190 65

ft 223,11 13,21 4,56 220,36 262 192 70

Throwing the oina ball (m)

it 48,32 7,58 16,32 48,04 58 42.5 15.5

ft 50,21 6,87 12,03 51,21 60 41.5 18.5

Duration run 1000 m (min)

it 4,12 10,56 11,95 4,05 3.21 4.45 1.24

ft 3,41 11,62 10,14 3, 55 3.20 4.39 1.19


ks sp


c to



t gam


Standing vertical jump


it 45,47 7,69 13,05 46,12 58.5 39.5 19

ft 51,23 7,36 14,22 52,22 59 40.5 18.5

Speed run 30 m aSp (sec.)

it 5,48 0,87 6,74 5,57 5.11 6.09 1.02

ft 5,22 0,66 5,32 5,34 5.07 5.57 0.50

Shooting at the goal (%)

it 45,32 7,89 12,36 46,09 90 40 50

ft 52,49 8,51 11,51 53,45 96 52 44

Dribbling track (sec)

it 15,54 5,61 5,61 16,12 12.58 17.32 5.26

ft 14,23 6,41 5,01 15,16 11.37 17.08 5.31

b. Throwing the oina ball by testing the explosive strength of the

thrower arm, the following statistical values were calculated (table 1 and table 2): The arithmetic mean calculated after the initial testing (48.32),

compared with the one calculated after the final testing (50.21) is lower by 1.89 m, at the experimental sample. Reference sample recorded an arithmetic mean of 44.41 m, after the initial testing that is smaller than

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the experiment sample and an arithmetic mean of 47.54 m, after the final testing; the difference between the two tests is of 3.13 m. Comparing the results obtained from the two samples it can be seen a higher arithmetic value calculated from sample experiment. The distribution scale of the results is more homogeneous at the

reference sample. By knowing the degree of dispersion (amplitude, standard

deviation and coefficient of variability), both after the initial testing and after the final one, we find that we have collectives with an average homogeneity and a normal distribution of results.

c. Duration run on a distance of 1000 m - testing the cardio-respiratory resistance through the resistance run over a 1000 m distance allowed the calculation of the following values of statistical indicators (table 1 and table 2): The arithmetic mean calculated after the two tests show us an

improved performance in the second testing of 0,30 minutes at the experiment sample. At the reference sample the difference between the two tests is insignificant. The distribution scale of the results spans over a range between

1,19 minutes and 1,24 minutes at the experiment sample and between 1,15 minutes to 1,20 minutes for the reference sample. By knowing the dispersion degree, after the two tests in both

samples, we notice that we have collectives with an average homogeneity and a normal distribution of results.

Tasks specific to the sport game - football a. Standing vertical jump - testing the explosive strength of the

inferior limbs on vertical from standing position by measuring the vertical detention from standing, the following statistic values have been obtained (table 1 and table 2): The arithmetic mean calculated for the sample experiment shows

an increase of 5.76 cm from the initial testing to the final testing; reference sample achieved an improvement in the mean between the two tests of 3.56 cm. The arithmetic mean of the experimental sample (51.23), after the final testing, is higher compared to the reference sample (43.73), with 7.50 cm. The distribution scale of the results spans on a range between

18,5 cm and 19 cm at the experiment sample and from 11,5 cm to 14,5 cm for the reference sample.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


After the two tests from both samples we notice that we have collectives with an average homogeneity and a normal distribution of the results.

Table 2. Calculated statistical indicators for the reference sample Control tests Statistic indicators

X S Cv Med Max Min W







ng ta


Standing long jump


it 210,41 10,41 4,62 207,52 245 190 55

ft 217,36 12,28 6,88 213,78 245 190 55

Throwing the oina ball (m)

it 44,41 8,18 17,61 42,34 54 38.5 15.5

ft 47,54 9,09 14,21 44,32 56 39.5 16.5

Duration run 1000 m (min)

it 4,34 15,22 21,08 4,19 3.52 5,12 1.20

ft 4,28 13,92 19,65 4,15 3.50 5,05 1.15


ks sp


c to



t gam

e Standing

vertical jump (cm)

it 40,17 9,61 15,35 37,33 50 35.5 14,5

ft 43,73 8,17 12,54 39,06 49 37.5 11.5

Speed run 30 m aSp


it 5,58 1,37 7,47 5,49 5.35 6.49 1.14

ft 5,51 1,75 6,72 5,43 5.31 6.47 1,16

Shooting at the goal


it 42,02 6,55 13,56 39,79 77 36 41

ft 47,24 9,24 17,31 43,29 81 38 43

Dribbling track (sec)

it 17,34 8,54 8,44 19,42 15.08

20.29 5.21

ft 17,24 9,05 8,66 18,19 14.58

19.22 4,24

b. Testing the shifting speed through the task speed run over the 10

m distance with standing start, the following values of the statistical indicators were calculated (table 1 and table 2): Arithmetic means calculated for the two samples: experiment

sample X = 5 "48 after the initial testing and X = 5" 22 after the final testing; reference sample X = 5 "58 after the initial testing and X = 5" 51 after the final testing, present close collective values in the first phase, so that after the application of means specific to sport games to significantly increase this difference. The distribution scale of the results spans on a range between

0,50” and 1”02 at the experiment sample and from 1”14 to 1”16 for the reference sample. After the two tests from both samples we notice that we have

collectives with a high homogeneity and a normal distribution of the results.

c. Shooting at the goal – through which the coordination and precision capacity is tested in performing direct blows at the goal space, the following statistical indicators were calculated (table 1 and table 2):

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After the initial testing, the calculated arithmetic mean for the experiment sample (45,32) is higher than the one from the reference sample (42,02) with 3,30 percent; after the final testing this difference increases in favour of the experiment sample to 5,25 percentages. The distribution scale of the results spans on a range between 50

and 44 at the experiment sample and between 41 and 43 for the reference sample. The amplitude, standard deviation and coefficient of variation,

both after the initial testing and after the final testing show a collective with an average homogeneity and a normal distribution of results.

d. Dribbling track - through which the skill at the inferior train level is tested, highlights the coordination and skill capacity of each individual and collective game specific (table 1 and table 2): The arithmetic mean calculated after the initial testing shows a

collective experiment sample (15.54), with a greater skill than the reference sample (17.34); after the working program in which used primarily the means specific to the football game underlined by the results form the final testing, we can be see an improvement of the arithmetic mean of the sample experiment (14.23) compared with the reference sample (17.24). The distribution scale of the results spans on a range between

5,26 and 5,31 at the experiment sample and between 5,21 and 4,24 for the reference sample. The amplitude, standard deviation and coefficient of variation,

both after the initial testing and after the final testing show a collective with an average homogeneity and a normal distribution of results. Conclusions:

The collected data, collated and processed, resulting from the investigation of the100 subjects, totaling 1265 primary data are intended to broaden the guidance base concerning the placement of the means specific to sports game - football, during the lesson of physical education in public university:

• Increasing the share of methods and means specific to sport game - football during the university physical education lesson.

• The sport game – football realizes in good conditions the main requirement of the university physical education lessons, namely the use of maximum efficiency of working time, engaging young people in an activity that is carried with pleasure also outside physical education classes.

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• By using specific means to directly influence the basic motor skills development and increase the attractiveness and efficiency of the university physical education lesson.

• The positive numbers results achieved from the initial to the final testing, confirm the high operational models of sports game - football. References: 1. Epuran, M., 1982, Physical education psychology, Sport – Tourism, Publishing House, Bucharest. 2. Finichiu, M., 2010, Physical education and sport lesson management,

University Publishing House, Bucharest. 3. Niculescu, M., 2002, The methodology of scientific research in the

physical education and sport, ANEFS Publishing House, Bucharest.

Titlu: Jocul sportiv – fotbal în lecţia de educaţie fizică universitară. Cuvinte cheie: jocul sportiv, fotbal, lecţie, educaţie fizică. Rezumat:

Scop: Stabilirea celor mai semnificative modele operaţionale pentru pregătirea tehnico-tactică în jocul sportiv – fotbal, au rolul de a creşte eficienţa metodelor şi mijloacelor utilizate. Jocul sportiv - fotbal bine conceput, este capabil să mobilizeze toate forţele, să menţină treaz interesul practicanţilor, să atingă maximum de eficienţă şi să scoată în evidenţă o altă trăsătură caracteristică a jocurilor – atractivitatea şi spontaneitatea lor.

Metode: Metodele şi tehnicile de cercetare utilizate fac parte din categoria metodelor de investigaţie propriu-zise (observaţia, experimentul) dar şi a metodelor de prelucrare, analiză şi interpretare a datelor recoltate (statistico-matematică, grafică).

Rezultate: Utilizarea într-o proporţie mai ridicată a mijloacelor specifice jocului sportiv - fotbal contribuie la creştere nivelului de manifestare a parametrilor motrici cât şi la însuşirea deprinderilor tehnico-tactice specifice acestui joc sportiv.

Concluzii: Creşterea ponderii metodelor şi mijloacelor specifice jocului sportiv - fotbal în lecţia de educaţie fizică universitară. Jocul sportiv - fotbal realizează în condiţii bune principala cerinţă a lecţiilor de educaţie fizică universitară şi anume folosirea cu maximă eficienţă a timpului de lucru, angrenând tineri într-o activitate pe care o desfăşoară cu plăcere şi în afara orelor de educaţie fizică. Prin folosirea mijloacelor specifice se influenţează direct dezvoltarea capacităţilor motrice de bază

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şi duce la creşterea atractivităţii şi randamentului lecţiei de educaţie fizică universitară. Titre: Faire du sport - le football dans la leçon université d'éducation physique. Mots-clés: faire du sport, de football, de classe, l'éducation physique. Résumé: Objectif: Mettre en place des modèles les plus significatifs techniques et opérationnelles pour l'entraînement tactique de jeu de sports - football, sont conçus pour accroître l'efficacité des méthodes et moyens utilisés. Faire du sport - le football bien conçu, est en mesure de mobiliser tous les praticiens des forces pour maintenir l'intérêt, pour atteindre une efficacité maximale et de mettre en évidence une autre caractéristique du jeu - leur attractivité et leur spontanéité. Méthodes: Les méthodes et les techniques de recherche utilisées font partie de bonnes méthodes d'investigation (observation, expérimentation) et les procédés de transformation, l'analyse et l'interprétation des données recueillies (statistiques-mathématiques, graphiques). Résultats: En utilisant une proportion plus élevée des moyens spécifiques qui font du sport - le football contribue à augmenter le niveau d'expression des paramètres du moteur et d'acquérir des compétences techniques et tactiques spécifiques à ce jeu. Conclusions: L'augmentation des moyens et des méthodes spécifiques du sport - le football dans la leçon université d'éducation physique. Faire du sport - le football a fait en bonne condition principale de cours à l'université d'éducation physique, à savoir l'utilisation de l'efficacité maximale de travail, impliquer les jeunes dans une activité qui comporte avec plaisir et en dehors de cours d'éducation physique. En utilisant des moyens spécifiques d'influer directement sur le moteur de base de développement des compétences et d'accroître l'attractivité et l'efficacité de la leçon université d'éducation physique.

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Lecturer Phd. Negoiţă Andrei

University „Ştefan cel Mare” of Suceava Assistant professor PhD. Thierry Long Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis

Keywords: model, modeling, dynamic system, sports training. Abstract: Developments in science and technology increasingly involve a deeper penetration into the phenomena of nature. These phenomena are presented to our senses in very different forms resulting in turn from the interaction of many factors. Some of these factors have an important role in the phenomena we have observed, while others are auxiliary and insignificant. To remove secondary information and enhance the fundamental and essential elements are required information, profound knowledge both theoretical and practical. Modeling is one of the important methods used in science and technology to achieve such results. (Dep.SA, Sussman C-1996).


Dragnea A-2000, alleges that modeling, was understood as a method and a principle, in the physical education field, which proves the extensive application in practice, and also in the same time some of inaccuracies of theoretical and methodological nature, that were at the base of the interpretations. Jinga I-1994 deals with the modeling as a method. It is fully described and particularly of cybernetics, which means that specific method, with clearly defined rules and stages of implementation, in all the applicable activities fields, as a study objective is the dynamic complex system. To understand better, the broader general cybernetics conception regarding the model and modeling, especially, as the correct methodology involves the application of restrictions in the field of problems that arise in applying the models and modeling in sports training.

In his opinion, Nicu Alexe-1985 shows that training model is a set of quantitative index of data and their inter-connections that allows an objective essence of presumptive display of training, to obtain a pre-established performance at an early date. Indeed, in this sense the model

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is reduced to essentials, of a complex process (whose subject is a man), which has a pre-established purpose, regarding time and value. Cybernetic reasoning (in the shortest time with lowest power consumption to achieve a maximal effort) helped the index identification that has the main goal the preparation, and so establishing spatial and temporal dimensions, and implicitly the relationship between quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Rusescu C., Tudose C. -1982 define the model as a material or abstract system, which previously was connected to another system will may indirectly serve to study the properties of this system which is more complex (original), the model presenting a certain analogy.

The term became used in all the science departments, contributing to understanding the phenomena that cause or intensify the appearance of performance, some models can not yet be ”taken in mathematics”, have been constructed by borrowing elements and their ”articulation” similarly to other situations.

From a technological view, the model is a mock-up, a simplified reduced-scale reproduction of an object, necessary to facilitate the calculations and to know that respective object (Gargos C.-1989) (G Argos C-1989).

In”The Journal of Sport and Sciences”, 1993, no. 3, it is mentioned from a philosophical view, that the model is a prototype that configures the existence; evolution of ideas in physics and mathematics, made that the term ”model”, to overcome a limited definition. Models have emerged as coherent certain structures, but not always satisfactory, in terms of representation and interpretation of reality.

Lesitungs Sports: Deutscher Sporthund-1997, No. 4, mentioned that the research regarding the model (because of the”non-identity” with the original model), showed that the original model is more complex. This lack will be compensated in a later research by another more complex model, more sophisticated, covering a larger part of the set of properties of a given phenomenon, built on the base of the conclusions reached from the previous model confrontation with reality. In turn, this one will give the place to another one, which will better approximate the reality, etc. Results: The result will belong to a chain of models that successively replace each other, the chain keeping and amplifying the information. To be effective

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the model must satisfy certain requirements, as following (M. Golu, Danaila L.-2000):

- Keep it simple (but not simplistic) in the sense of accessibility of the observation and direct investigation;

- To be isomorphic, respectively, to reflect faithfully the original;

- - To be relevant, meaning to point out is at the forefront of the features of the originality that is the objective of research.

- Have generalized character, meaning to represent an original target (not individual), a class of objects or phenomena, which will allow its explanatory value to become the highest.

Cismas Gh. , Ozarchievici C., -2001, allege that models should be the informational essence, integrated and finalists, allowing the separation and formulation of logical dependencies between past, present and the future of the original system. A special form of cognitive valences, of the cybernetics modeling-computer simulation, is evidenced by (Danaila L. Golu M. -2000), because it is done on the basis of inductive or deductive developed programs. This method has the great advantage that allows the separation of highly complex components, such as the human (in different situations, including training or competing) in logical smaller units encouraging evidence of logical dependencies between different variables. The computer simulation allowed to go studying the area on a large scale of human behavior including creative thinking. Athletic training in computer simulation modeling, represents one of the most important progress factors which along with the quality of human model worked with, representing the surplus target area of methodology that provides human performance achievements (N.Alexe -1993).

In Motor Control - 1998, No. 2 models are cybernetic cataloged in two large categories: – Ideal or abstract models - Concrete models Journal of Sports Sciences, (1997, no. 3) discuss other models, such as: - Final models; - Intermediate models; - Intelligence or operational models; - Selection models; - Models for competition;

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Here it is alleged the idea, that models are built by similitude by analogy or idealization. Cismas Gh - 1998, reveals that in the combat sports the problematic situations are not repeated; practically in the realization of pre-established algorithms, in most cases, the activity is the prevailing heuristic. Algorithms appear as "mini - software" embedded in broader programs based on concrete conditions and strategy of the fight. In self defense, as in other combat sports (Cismas Gh. , Ozarchievici C. , 2001), modeling assumptions are given by simplified functional diagram of the fight (working model) the model is the defining competitive regulation. The contemporary concept, organizing training process - education of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, takes place at all levels based on model selection and preparation based on the requirements of criminal reality (Vespan V. -2003) Learning and practicing self-defense in physical education classes, has an important role the modeling of the future policemen, because there are many situations in defending the legality of the worker from the Ministry of Internal Affairs) to deal with (Enache I. 2001)

In the Police Academy, approved programs for each grade and each specialization, are interim models, underlying the preparations within a given time. Stratification of intermediate models leads to the final model of training for each speciality in the Police Academy, where there is an interdependency of the intermediate models. The intermediate models and final models used in preparing future policemen contain a series of quantitative, qualitative and control indicators (Chirila M. 2002). Conclussions: Ultimately all of these models are all ways of organizing and completing the training process and educational training modeling the future policeman. These models precede the concrete process of training, because all their values contain, will be the main point of reference for selection means, methods, forms of organization needed for the realization of the indicators included in these models (Andrew Negoiţă 2005).

A. All Negoiţă 2005, in "Modeling physical and mental training specific police training basic components", believes that the operating system for realization of indicators included in respective models, means

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the modeling of the training is an methodological action which includes the means, methods, working techniques and evaluation criteria of availability and the efficiency of the subjects, all subordinated to achieve and even exceed the values to the established model.

Bibliography 1. Alexe N., Antrenamentul Sportiv modern, Editura Editis, București, 1993. 2. Chirilă M , Elaborarea modelului de concurs al competiţiei și al antrenamentului sportiv, CCEFS, Buc. Iunie 1992. 3. Cişmaş G. , Evaluarea şi determinarea teh.-tactică a modelului de concurs la lupte greco-romane, Buc. 1997. 4. Cişmaş G. , Ozarchievici C. , Sporturi de luptă, Editura Printech, Buc. 2001. 5. Dănăilă L. , Golu M. , Tratat de neuropsihologie , Ed. Medicală, vol. I Buc. , 2000. 6. Dep. , S.A. , Sussman Q. , Să acţionăm inteligent , Editura Polimark , Buc 1996. 7. Dragnea A. , Teoria Sportului, Edit. Fest Buc 2002. 8. Inga I. , Învăţarea eficientă , Edit. Editis, Buc, 1994. 9. Gorgos C. , Dicţionar enciclopedic de psihiatrie , vol III Buc. Ed. Medicală , 1989.

Titlu: Modelarea pregătirii motrice şi psihologice specifice a viitorilor poliţişti. Cuvinte cheie: model, modelare, sistem dinamic, antrenament sportiv. Rezumat: Evoluţia ştiinţei și tehnicii implică pătrunderea din ce în ce mai adânc în fenomenele naturii. Aceste fenomene se prezintă simțurilor noastre sub forme extrem de variate rezultând la rândul lor din inter-acțiunea unui mare număr de factori. O parte din aceşti factori au un rol deosebit în fenomenele pe care le avem sub observaţie, în timp ce alţii sunt auxiliari şi lipsiţi de importanţă. Pentru eliminarea informațiilor secundare şi punerea în valoare a elementelor fundamentale și esențiale, sunt necesare informații, cunoștințe profunde atât teoretice cât și practice. Modelarea este una din metodele importante folosite în știința și tehnica, pentru abținerea unor astfel de rezultate.

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Titre: Modélisation de la formation psychologique spécifique de la conduite future et de la police. Mots-clés: modèle, la modélisation, dynamique, l'entraînement sportif. Résumé: L'évolution de la science et la technologie implique de plus en plus pénétrant plus profondément dans les phénomènes de la nature. Ces phénomènes sont présentés à nos sens des formes très différentes résultant à son tour de l'action inter-de nombreux facteurs. Certains de ces facteurs ont un rôle important dans les phénomènes que nous avons observés, tandis que d'autres sont auxiliaires et sans importance. Pour supprimer les informations secondaires et améliorer l'information fondamentale et les éléments essentiels sont nécessaires, une connaissance approfondie à la fois théorique et pratique. La modélisation est l'une des méthodes importantes utilisées dans la science et la technologie pour des résultats de retenue tels.


Burac Daniela – Giconda

Tudor Ignat Swimming Pool and Kinetotherapy Centre

„Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Key words: adult age, masters swimming, performance. Abstract: Through consistent training, swimmers at adult age can obtain outstandind results in masters swimming movement, results that can be comparable to the activity of high performance swimmers. With a good effort dosing and an efficient programming of their effort, their competional results are improving constantly, and competitors can obtain medals in continental and world competitions. In addition to these results, one can speak of o movement that promotes health at any age, because of the benefits of swimming on human body. Introduction: Masters swimming movement appeared in Romania in 2007, when the first Romanian masters club set up in Timişoara. In

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november that year, the constituent meeting of Reşiţa07 masters club has held, and in 2008 set up the ORCA masters club Cluj. At first the masters movement had certain aims: to bring together former swimmers to practice the favourite sport, socialization, maintenance, therapeutic purposes. Recently, the masters movement took a large extent, taking into consideration that it was affiliated to FRNPM, through the most representative clubs, Reşiţa07 and Tribeach Braşov, that have the most legitimated swimmers. Swimmres compete in age groups: Individual events: 25-29 years, 30-34 years, 35-39 years, last category including anz older than 100 years. Team (relay) events: 120-159 years, 160-199 years, 200-240 years as. There are 4 swmming strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle. The events are:

- Freestyle individual: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m. - Freestyle relay: 4x50 m, 4x100 m, 4x200 m. - Backstroke: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m. - Breaststroke: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m. - Medley individual: 100 m, 200 m, 400 m. - Medley relay: 4x50 m, 4x100 m. In masters swimming there are 2 spectacular relays, mixed freestyle

and mixed medley, where the competitors are 2 males and 2 females. In international contests, the competitors represent the club not the

country whose citizens are. Material and method: The hypothesis from that can go in this study is as follows: the

masters swimmers can use the same methods and means of training as the high performer swimmers, with thw same beneficial results in trems of effectiveness swimming technique and performance improvement.

In their training period, the swimmers have used specific training methods, such as swimming with arms, legs, glide, full stroke. Another kind of training was the to alternate the relationship between strokes, according to the events prepared in such training and the distance swum in thet stroke.

The classic stages of the training process is governed by the following scheme:

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- The overall resistance – 30% of the training cycle; - The specific resistance – 40% of the training cycle; - The competition period – 20% of the trainig cycle; - The narowing – 10% od the training cycle. Unlike the high performance swimmers, in masters swimming the

training methods and the preparation of the macrocycles are specific to each swimmer at there are quite atipical, not accorded to FRNPM plans. This can be explained by the fact that when it comes to adults, they have no fixed schedule of training, they can’t train like professional swimmers, because most of them have other sources of income than those coming from sport area, and swimming is a hobby for them.

However, the National, European and World results are remarkable at the specific age category.

Results and discussion: In recent years, masters swimming organized in Romania several

major competitions, such as National Masters Swimming Championships, inaugural edition on July16th-17th 2011, held at National Complex “Lia Manoliu”, Ioan Schuster Memorial Cup on October 23th-24th 2011, held at Reşiţa, National Masters Swimming Championships, second edition, on April 28th-29th 2012, held in Reşiţa.

Externally, the World Masters Swimming Championships took place in 2010 in Göteborg, Sweden, and the European Masters Swimming Championships were held in Yalta, Ukraine.

The swimmers legitimated at Reşiţa07 Masters Club had the following results:

National Masters Swimming Championships, inaugural edition on July16th-17th 2011, held at

National Complex “Lia Manoliu” 50 m butterfly

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Luca Ricardo I 30.55 VII 2. Colţa Andrei III 28.21 I 3. Ignat Tudor II 26.64 I 4. Ţurcan Ion V 37.34 III 5. Buzatu Valeriu VI 31.00 I 6. Gherban Alexandru VII 50.60 I 7. Burac Daniela IV 39.88 I 8. Iana Dorina VII 54.87 I

50 m breaststroke

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Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Luca Ricardo I 36.53 III 2. Ignat Tudor II 30.55 I 3. Ciodaru Mircea V 41.07 II 4. Ţurcan Ion V 46.39 IV 5. Miulescu Sorin VI 49.06 I 6. Niţoiu Mircea VII 49.52 I 7. Bogdan Traian VIII 58.36 I

8. Laszlo Roxana II 40.17 I

9. Codreşin Ionela III 49.77 IX 10. Burac Daniela IV 48.13 II 11. Demenyi Yvonne IV 53.08 III 12. Pau Iudita V 48.31 I 13. Georgevici Carmen V 49.55 II 14. Iana Dorina VII 57.69 I

50 m freestyle Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc

1. Luca Ricardo I 27.27 V 2. Tobă Alexandru III 28.17 IV 3. Ciodaru Mircea V 33.47 V 4. Ţepeneu Mircea VI 31.99 II 5. Nitoiu Mircea VI 35.97 II 6. Bogdan Traian VIII 47.15 III 7. Laszlo Roxana II 32.19 I 8. Codreşin Ionela III 41.96 VII 7. Burac Daniela IV 33.39 I 8. Iana Dorina VII 54.87 I

National Masters Swimming Championships, second edition, on April 28th-29th 2012, held in Reşiţa

50 m butterfly Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc

1. Luca Ricardo I 28.68 I 2. Culea Andrei I 29.17 II 3. Colţa Andrei III 28.39 II 4. Ignat Tudor III 27.29 I 5. Ţurcan Ion V 39.43 IV 6. Buzatu Valeriu VI 31.20 I 7. Gherban Alexandru VII 1.04.69 I 8. Costaş Roxana I 57.25 V 9. Szekely Zsuzsana II 41.83 I 10. Codreşin Ionela III 49.00 I 11. Burac Daniela IV 37.38 I 12. Horvat Monica VIII 55.45 I

50 m breaststroke Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc

1. Luca Ricardo I 36.29 III 2. Dobre Mircea II 42.52 II 2. Ignat Tudor III 31.10 I 3. Cazacenco Gabriel III 37.40 II 4. Enache Eugen IV 37.37 I 5. Ion Nicolae IV 37.66 II 6. Ciodaru Mircea V 42.55 IV 7. Ţurcan Ion V 48.35 V 8. Niţoiu Mircea VII 50.44 II 9. Vegheriuc Ilie VII 1.05.50 III

10. Bogdan Traian VIII 57.10 III

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11. Costaş Roxana I 52.84 V 11. Laszlo Roxana II 39,49 I 12. Szekely Zsuzsana II 46.48 II 9. Codreşin Ionela III 50.71 II

10. Burac Daniela IV 47.19 II 11. Demenyi Yvonne V 54.40 II 12. Meresz Carmen V 55.00 III 12. Georgevici Carmen VI 51.20 I 13. Angheluş Elena VI 54.57 I 14. Iana Dorina VII 59.51 I

50 m freestyle

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Luca Ricardo I 26.24 II 2. Culea Andrei I 26.25 II 3. Tobă Alexandru III 27.83 I 4. Cazacenco Gabriel III 28.74 IV 5. Colţescu Cătălin III 40.38 VII 6. Enache Eugen IV 29.79 II 7. Ciodaru Mircea V 33.39 VI 8. Ţurcan Ion V 34.65 VII 9. Buzatu Valeriu VI 29.82 I 10 Ţepeneu Mircea VI 32.09 III 11. Nitoiu Mircea VI 37.20 II 12. Bogdan Traian VIII 48.39 IV 13. Laslo Mihaela I 37.20 III 14. Costaş Roxana I 41.98 V 15. Gherban Sînziana II 34.57 I 16. Szekely Zsuzsana II 35.75 II 17. Codreşin Ionela III 40.14 IV 18. Burac Daniela IV 33.59 I 19. Medrea Ligia IV 33.89 II

20. Demenyi Yvonne V 47.97 I

21. Meresz Carmen V 49.32 II 22. Georgevici Carmen VI 48.70 II 23. Horvat Monica VIII 46.78 I

The international contests where members of the club participated were the World Masters Swimming Championships took place in 2010 in Göteborg, Sweden, and the European Masters Swimming Championships were held in Yalta, Ukraine, with the following results:

Göteborg 50 m butterfly

50 m breaststroke

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Gherghel Ioan Stefan II 25.11 I 2. Ignat Tudor II 25.47 III 3. Buzatu Valeriu VI 31.11 XLI

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Ignat Tudor II 29.92 II 2. Retezan Remus II 35.37 LX

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50 mfreestyle

Yalta 50 m butterfly

50 m breststroke

50 m freestyle

The graphic expresses the results of some swimmers at 50 m butterfly

and the improvement of their times:








Burac Daniela

Colţa Andrei

Luca RicardoReşiţa



Graphic No. 1 The evolution of the results in 50 m butterfly event

In what concerns the 50 m breaststroke event, one can see the improvement of the results of the following swimmers:





Burac Daniela

Ignat Tudor Yalta



Graphic No.2 The evolution of the results in 50 m breaststroke event

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Gherghel Ioan Stefan II 24.31 III 2. Retezan Remus II 27.67 LXVIII

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Colţa Andrei III 28.13 XIII 2. Ignat Tudor II 26.12 II 3. Buzatu Valeriu VI 31.98 XVII 4. Burac Daniela IV 40.11 XV 5. Horvat Monica VIII 53.33 X

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Ignat Tudor II 29.99 I 2. Pau Iudita VI 41.12 XI

Nr.crt. Nume şi prenume Cat. Timp Loc 1. Burac Daniela IV 33.67 XII

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In the 50 m freestyle, with the largest participation, there are the following results:

0 20 40 60

Codreşin Ionela

Luca Ricardo

Tobă Alexandru








Graphic no.3 The evolution of the results in 50 m freestyle event


- The first conclusion, and one of the most important, is the fact that swimming can be practiced also at the adult age, one can continue the swimming career and even start it now;

- Masters swimming movement, which is well known and developed in Europe for 20-30 years, starts to be known also in our country, being affiliated to the Romanian Swimming Federation;

- Another purpose that masters swimming movement promotes is swimming at any adult age, being extraordinary salutary for the health and muscle tone maintain.

- Socialization is a very important reason for many former swimmers, and not only, to participate at such contests;

- There is a fact that the number of the participants substantially increased from the very first contest;

- The outstanding international results obtained by the members of Reşiţa07 Masters Club (world champions: Răzvan Florea, Ştefan Gherghel, world vice-champions: Tudor Ignat, Ştefan Gherghel; european champion: Tudor Ignat, vice-champion: Tudor Ignat) make this club one of the elite masters swimming, Leading abroad the determination and the commitment of the Romanian swimming.

- Although only two clubs are affiliated at FRNPM, there are other masters swimming clubs in Romania: Luna Braşov, ORCA Cluj, Aqua Masters Timişoara, Tomas Ploieşti as.

- An extraordinary promotion of these competitions is made by the great Romanian former champions, who got medals at the Olympic Games, World Championships, European

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Championships, such as Carmen Bunaciu, Anca Pătrăşcoiu, Răzvan Florea, Ştefan Gherghel, Tudor Ignat as.

References: 1. Galeru, O., (2004) Nataţie – curs de bază, Universitatea Bacău. 2. Liseţchi, M., (2008), Posibilitati imediate de optimizare a

performantei unui club de Inot masters In cadrul competitiilor sportive de profil, Revista Sportscience Nr 5/66, Bucureşti.

3. 4. 5.

Titlu: Creşterea performanţelor sportive în înot la vârstă adultă prin participarea la competiţiile de înot masters. Cuvinte cheie: înot masters, performanţă, vârstă adultă. Rezumat: Prin antrenare consecventă, înotătorii la vârsta adultă pot obţine performanţe remarcabile în mişcarea de înot masters, comparabile cu cele ale înotătorilor din activitatea de înaltă performanţă. Printr-o bună dozare a efortului şi o programare eficientă a pregătirii acestora, rezultatele lor competiţionale se îmbunătăţesc permanent, putând duce la clasări pe podium în competiţiile continentale sau mondiale de profil. Pe lângă aceste rezultate, putem vorbi de o mişcare de promovare a stării de sănătate la orice vârstă, prin evidenţierea beneficiilor înotului asupra organismului. Titre: L’augmentation de la performance dans la natation à l’age adulte par la participation dans les compétitions de natation masters. Mots-clés: natation masters, performance, l'âge adulte Résumé: Grâce à une formation cohérente, les nageurs adultes peuvent obtenir des performances exceptionnelles dans le mouvement de natation masters, comparables aux nageurs de l'activité de haute performance. Par le dosage approprié de leur effort et une programmation efficace de leur préparation, leurs résultats du concours sont en constante amélioration et ils peuvent conduire aux classements à podium dans les compétitions continentales ou mondiales. En plus de ces résultats, on peut parler d'un mouvement visant à promouvoir la santé à tout âge, en mettant en évidence les bienfaits de la natation sur le corps.

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Asis. univ. Anca Iacob “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava

Key words: physical therapy, neurological recovery, cerebral palsy, cerebral motor infirmity. Summary: Cerebral motor infirmity or cerebral palsy, as it is called, is a chronic disorder of posture and movement caused by a lesion of the central nervous system. The lesion or dysfunction can occur during pregnancy, during birth or in the first 2-3 years of life. The study was conducted on 3 subjects, selected on the basis of clinical and laboratory manifestations, and was applied in two phases with the same objective, namely the correction of gait and the improvement of limb coordination. At the end of the study there was an increase in the level of neuromotor development in all three subjects which confirms the importance of physical therapy intervention in cerebral motor infirmity.

Introduction In the medical dictionary cerebral motor infirmity is defined as "a

pathological non-progressive state and with an intellectual deficiency often moderate, subsequent to cerebral injury of the central motors.

D. Vereanu defined the condition as "a persistent disorder, without being fixed, of motor function and posture, occurring at birth, early childhood or even before birth".

In the book "Physical Therapy in neuropediatrics" Pasztai Zoltan defined cerebral motor infirmity as "all neurological manifestations caused by congenital brain lesions (abnormal development during the first trimester of pregnancy) or acquired (produced by a difficult birth or accidental injury in first months of life).

In conclusion we can say that cerebral motor infirmity or cerebral palsy, as it is called, is a chronic disorder of posture and movement

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caused by a lesion of the central nervous system. Cerebral motor infirmity is part of the clinical picture of sequelary infantile encephalopathy and consequence of damage or abnormal brain development. The lesion or dysfunction can occur during pregnancy, during birth or in the first 2-3 years of life.

Unlike other countries, the system of our country still lacks a well-defined strategy regarding people with disabilities. Although efforts are being made in this direction, supplies, specialized institutions in recovery and social integration of these people, but also the mentality of others are still deficient. Also, a large gap is the lack of specialized staff.

Neuromotor recovery is a long process that requires the collaboration of many specialists and satisfaction is as both professional but, above all, moral, the fact that you contributed, more or less, to form a normal life, and have played a smile on the face of the child and the whole family.

Material and methode Research was conducted over a period of one year, between

August 2011 and August 2012. The study included 3 subjects, selected on the basis of clinical and laboratory manifestations, and was applied in two phases with the same objective, namely the correction of gait and the improvement of limb coordination.

Table 1 The subjects included in the study

Subject Age Diagnostic M.D 5 years Left hemiplegia after cerebral trauma - fall

from a height at the age of 11 months

M.T 7 years Tetraparesis after craniocerebral trauma by car accident at the age of 1 year

E.U. 6 years Paraplegia, sequelary infantile encephalopathy

During the research we used various techniques (kinetic, anakinetice and neuromuscular facilitation) and therapy methods (Bobath, Kabat, Frenkel, Temple Fay, Margaret Rood), including those who had the best results were Bobath method, Kabat method and passive mobilization techniques. We considered the first stage as one preparatory

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to the second and with the same objectives for all subjects (muscle relaxation and formation of correct engrams of movements), and we used a generalized exercise program consisting of passive mobilization and muscle relaxation exercises by Bobath method.

Stage II is the stage at which we formulated new goals, depending on the patient's needs. We kept, however, both goals and techniques and methods used in the first part, but the focus was this time on the gradual introduction of individualized exercises. Grading and dosing effort was made according to the status of children at the time (fatigue, stress, emotional state). In general, each exercise contained 6-10 executions exercise being repeated every 5-8 times. Duration of the program did not exceed 90 minutes.

Results and discussions During the research, the data obtained from the initial and final

tests were registered, highlighting the dynamics of the record from the application of neuromotor development level test.

Table 2 The neuromotor development level test

The test M.D. M.T. E.U.

Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final

Preparing for jumping

reflex + + + + + +

Cervical tonic reflexul + + + + + +

The doll posture + + - + - +

Forced grasping reflex - + - + + +

Alternating movements of

lower and upper limbs + + - - - +

Rolling + + - + + +

Sitting without support + + + + + +

Quadruped position + + - + - +

Walking on four limbs + + - + - +

Sitting in ”Servant knight”

position + + - + - +

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Standing + + + + + +

Walking + + + + + +

(+ Present / can do; - not present / cannot perform) From the table above we can see an increase in the level of

neuromotor development in all three subjects which confirms the importance of physical therapy intervention in cerebral motor infirmity.

Conclusions Following the completion of the case study we reached the

following conclusions on the efficiency of means and physical therapeutic methods in pre-schoolers with cerebral motor infirmity:

1. Phasing the recovery program led to the desired results without straining children.

2. Introducing the preparatory phase, containing only relaxation techniques and passive mobilization with the purpose of making the joints suppler, made easier the exercises in the second stage.

3. The most effective method proved to be Bobath method, children actively cooperating especially with the exercise ball.

4. Dosage and gradation of effort depending on the condition of children contributed to better cooperation from them.

5. Satisfactory results were obtained even without parallel application of other means of recovery. Bibliography: 1. Albu C-tin., Albu A.,Vlad T., Iacob I.- Psihomotricitatea, ed. Institutul European, Iaşi, 2006. 2. Albu C-tin., Albu A., Petcu I.- Asistenţa în familie a persoanei cu deficienţă funcţională, ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2001. 3. Ailioaie L.M., Bălteanu V.- Compendiu de kinetoterapie – tehnici şi metode, Ed. Tehnică, Ştiinţifică şi Didactică Cermi, Iaşi, 2005. 4. Albu C-tin., Vlad T., Albu A. – Kinetoterapia pasivă, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2004. 5. Bălteanu V. – Terapia ocupaţională şi ergoterapia, Ed. Tehnică, Ştiinţifică şi Didactică Cermi, Iaşi, 2004. 6. Benga I. – Introducere în neurologia pediatrică, ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1994.

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7. Bulucea D., Geormaneanu M. – Manual de pediatrie, ed. Aius, Craiova, 1997; 8. Kiss I., Fiziokinetoterapia şi recuperarea medicală, Ed. Medicală, Buc., 2004. 9. Moţet D. – Psihopedagigia recuperării handicapurilor neuromotorii, Ed. Fundaţiei Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2001. 10. Ochiană G. – Kinetoterapia în afecţiuni neurologice – Curs pentru studenţii secţiilor de kinetoterapie, Ed. Pim, Iaşi, 2006. 11. Pasztai Z. – Kinetoterapie în neuropediatrie, Ed. Arionda, Oradea, 2004. 12. Robănescu N. – Readaptarea copilului handicapat fizic, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1976. 13. Robănescu N. – Reeducarea neuromotorie, ediţia a III a, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 2001. 14. Sbenghe T. – Kinetologie profilactică terapeutică şi de recuperare, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1987. Titlu: Aspecte privind posibilităţile de intervenţie kinetoterapeutică în infirmitatea motorie cerebrală Cuvinte cheie: kinetoterapie, recuperare neurologica, paralizie cerebrala, infirmitate motorie cerebrala Rezumat: Infirmitatea motorie cerebrală sau paralizia cerebrală, cum mai este denumită, este o tulburare cronică de postură şi de mişcare provocată de o leziune a sistemului nervos central. Leziunea sau disfuncţia poate surveni în timpul sarcinii, în timpul naşterii sau în primii 2-3 ani de viaţă. Studiul a fost realizat pe un 3 subiecţi, selectaţi pe baza manifestărilor clinice şi paraclinice şi s-a desfăşurat în două etape cu aceleaşi obiective, si anume corectarea mersului şi îmbunătăţirea coordonării membrelor. La sfărșitul studiului s-a observat o creștere a gradului de dezvoltare neuromotorie la toți cei trei subiecți fapt ce confirmă importanța intervenției kinetoterapiei în infirmitatea motorie cerebrală. Titre : Aspects concernant les possibilités d'intervention kinésitherapéutique en infirmité motrice cérébrale Mots clés: kinésithérapie, la récupération neurologique, paralysie cérébrale, infirmité motrice cérébrale Résumé : Infirmité motrice cérébrale ou infirmité motrice cérébrale, comme on l'appelle, est un trouble chronique de la posture et du

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mouvement causé par une lésion du système nerveux central. La lésion ou un dysfonctionnement peut se produire pendant la grossesse, pendant l'accouchement ou dans les 2-3 premières années de la vie. L'étude a été menée sur 3 sujets, sélectionnés sur la base de signes cliniques et de laboratoire, et a été appliquée en deux phases avec le même objectif, à savoir la correction de la démarche et l'amélioration de la coordination des membres. À la fin de l'étude, on a constaté une augmentation du niveau de développement neuromoteur dans les trois matières qui confirme l'importance de l'intervention de thérapie physique en infirmité motrice cérébrale.


Asist. univ. Ileana Juravle

“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Keywords: handball regulation, training, goals marking, handball gate Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze and highlight goals marking changes in handball game after some changes are made for the handball gates and also for the handball playground. The changes consist in decreasing the gate length with 50cm, increasing the 6m and 9m handball semi-circles surface with 1m, and also increasing with 1m the 7m line. Thus, under given conditions, the players have a slower rate in goals marking because they must be more accurate when they throw the ball at the gate. Comparing the obtained results from initial and final testing, we can see a considerable difference in terms of goals marking rate success for each player. Introduction

Handball game evolves constantly due to experts concerns and for their discoveries to refine the players training process. This evolution led to the training and materials quality improvements, and it requires coaches’ special attention regarding the players’ selection and

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preparation process0F

1. Handball modern game involves some dynamics and speed changes. Its popularity among players is given by the movement performed in the playground, offensive speed actions, throws and passes complexity, etc1F

2. Handball game requires valuable players that have a good level of

physical fitness development, suitable technical/tactical training and motor qualities necessary to achieve sport performance.

It is also assumed that handball evolution requires more versatile players that are able to successfully evolve on two or more play positions. Player quality consists in the number of tasks that he can successfully perform, less counting the main position that is specialized. Achieving sporting success is mostly provided by team work. Also this success can be obtained by the individual contribution of each player in the playground2F

3. However, for competitions participation and certain sporting performance achievements, players must be included in a specialized educational process, named as sports training.

Sport training represents in Balint Elena’s opinion „ a process that engages the coach – players’ couple, which is conducted systematically and continuously graded in order to reach the necessary level for solving the established objectives”. This process is ordered and methodical planned and includes the gained experience and applied or fundamental researches’ discoveries of handball3F

4. Through training is developed and improved the athletes’

physical aspect, but the technical, tactical, psychological, and theoretical aspect, also. Physical training is the most important part of sport training; this requires increasing the handball player physiological potential and developing motor qualities like speed, skill, strength, endurance, mobility, flexibility, etc.

Their development involves the application of some specific working methods. Prescorniţă A4F

5. suggests several ways of working such 1 Baştiurea, E., (2007) – Handbal, concepte, principii şi căi de perfecţionare ale antrenamentului, Editura Academica, Galaţi 2 Bojić, I., Petković, D., Kocić, M., (2010) - Influence of Different Training Programmes on Basic Coordination of Female Handball Players, Acta Kinesiologica, Nr.4, pp. 71-74 3 Starosta, W., (1996), - Selection of children for sports, Current Research in Sports Sciences, USA 4 Balint, E., (2006) – Bazele teoretico-metodice ale antrenamentului în jocul de handbal, Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov 5 Preșcorniță A., (2004), Capacitatea motrică şi capacităţile coordinative, Editura Universităţii Transilvania Braşov, pp.132-137

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as: increasing movements’ complexity and speed execution, reducing, limiting the execution spaces; performance with the clumsy side and in some abnormal condition.

In this paper the method of "reducing, limiting the execution spaces" is applied in the form of regulation changes regarding the playground. Results are obtained by using two tests. Materials and methods

In this study is started from the following assumptions: 1. In what manner the handball players’ activity is influenced by certain changes of the handball playground or regulation in goals marking? 2. How does "reduce, limitation of execution spaces” method influences goals marking?

This experiment was conducted in Sports Program High School of Suceava, Romania and included a group of 14 players, team handball athletes of Sports Program High School, junior male 1st. Initial and final testing was conducted using two tests. Test 1 consisted on handball throwing from the 8m line (Figure 2). In test 2 the player has to perform a speed conditions exercise (Figure 3).

Between the two tests a specific handball training program was followed where were introduced the next changes: gate length decreased by 1/2 meter and 6m 9m semi-circle, 7m line and 4m line were increased with 1m (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Handball playground with the new dimensions

Training period in those conditions was 2 months, August and September, during which players participated in four trainings sessions each week.

Test 1 and 2, respectively (Figure 2a, 2b) is repeated 5 times, being recorded the number of goals marked. Test 2 is performed on speed

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a) test 1 b) test 2

Figure 2. Representation of the tests performed on the handball playground

These tests are designed to determine in what manner the proposed changes can affect goals marking and the difference between them and the results from the implementation of the two samples in normal regulation condition. After performing those two tests under normal game conditions and recording the results, they were performed under changes condition of the proposed regulation. Results and discusions

Initial and final tests revealed the data presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Data obtained from the test 1 and test 2, respectively




Task 1 - normal


Task 1 Task 2 - normal


Task 2 Initial test

Final test

Initial test

Final test

1 M.A. 18 5 3 4 5 2 4 2 D.I. 17 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 P.O. 17 3 1 3 4 2 3 4 G.R. 17 2 1 2 3 0 2 5 T.S. 19 5 3 5 4 2 4 6 A.N. 18 4 2 4 4 1 3 7 E.D. 17 3 1 2 3 0 2 8 U.S. 18 5 3 4 5 2 4 9 E.M. 18 4 2 4 4 2 3

10 J.C. 17 3 1 3 4 1 3 11 O.R. 19 5 3 4 5 3 4 12 H.I. 19 5 3 4 5 3 5 13 A.I. 18 4 2 4 4 2 4

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14 S.T. 17 3 1 3 4 2 3 Average 17,79 3,86 2,00 3,50 4,07 1,71 3,36




















Test 1 - Official regulation

Initial test

Final test

Figure 3. Results obtained at the test 1




















Test 2 - Official regulation

Initial test

Final test

Figure 4. Results obtained at the test 2

The total number of throws is 5. Regarding the obtained results for the first test, the throw average under normal conditions was 3.86, meaning 77.2%. Regarding the data obtained from initial testing was performed an average of 2 successful throws, or 40% from a total of 5 throws. At final testing progress has been 30%, the throws average being 3.50, with a percentage of 70%.

Tested under normal conditions the success average of second test was 4.07, which means a rate of 81.2%, from the total of 5. For initial testing, under special conditions, the group achieved a throwing average success of 1.71, which means a rate of 34.2%. In the final testing the progress was 33%, with the group average of 3.36, meaning 67.2%.

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Analysis shows that the achieved progress for test 2 is higher with 3%, compared with the results obtained from test 1, even if on the initial testing, second test had an average of 6.8% less successful than the average for the first test. Conclusions

Certain size changes regarding handball playground and gates determine decreasing the player goals number, making handball game more difficult to perform.

By changing a few points regarding handball regulation, throwing success is reduced. These changes caused a decreased in the number of the goals marked. Therefore in first test, the proportion between normal and proposed condition testing decreased with 37.2% and for second test, the percentage dropped to 37%.

Following the training process in special conditions (handball playground resized), the difference between normal circumstances testing and final testing is 7.2% for first test and with 14% for second test.

This study will continue with the analysis of several handball friendly games, keeping the proposed dimensions, which will analyze the difficulty of marking goals under adversity and bilateral conditions. Also, will be analyze what kind of implication this method has over the players training process and over the number of goals marked in an official handball game.

Therefore, this performance spaces reduction is regarded as a training method for development of motor qualities. References

1. Balint, Elena, Bazele teoretico-metodice ale antrenamentului în jocul de handbal, Braşov, Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov, 2006;

2. Baştiurea, Eugen, Handbal - concepte, principii şi căi de perfecţionare ale antrenamentului, Galaţi, Editura Academica, 2007;

3. Bojić, Ivana, Petković, Dragoljub, Kocić, Miodrag, Influence of Different Training Programmes on Basic Coordination of Female Handball Players, Acta Kinesiologica, Nr.4, 2010;

4. Starosta, W, Selection of children for sports, USA, Current Research in Sports Sciences, 1996;

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5. Preșcorniță, Adrian, Capacitatea motrică şi capacităţile coordinative, Braşov, Editura Universităţii Transilvania Braşov, 2004.

Titlu: Influenţa modificărilor regulamentului din jocul de handbal asupra înscrierii de goluri Cuvinte cheie: handbal, regulament, antrenament, spaţii de execuţie Abstract: Scopul acestei lucrări este de a evidenţia şi analiza modificările care apar în ceea ce priveşte înscrierea de goluri în jocul de handbal după efectuarea anumitor schimbări în dimensiunile porţilor şi a terenului de handbal. Modificările propuse au vizat micşorarea lungimii porţilor de handbal cu 50cm şi mărirea suprafeţei semicercurilor de 6 şi 9m cu 1m, iar linia de 7m s-a mărit cu 1m. Astfel, în condiţiile date, numărul de goluri s-a redus, crescând dificultatea introducerii mingii în poartă de către jucători. Comparând rezultatele obţinute de la testarea iniţială şi cea finală, se poate observa o diferenţă considerabilă în ceea ce priveşte rata succesului fiecărui jucător pentru înscrierea de goluri. Titre: Influence des changements dans les règles de jeu de handball sur l'enregistrement des buts Mots-clés: handball, la réglementation, les espaces de performance, entraînement Résumé: Le but de ce papier est de mettre en évidence et d'analyser les changements dans les termes d'objectifs inscription dans le jeu de handball après certains changements dans la taille des portes et handball. Les modifications proposées visent à diminuer la longueur de grille de 50 cm et d'augmenter la surface de handball demi-cercles 6 et 9m et 7m 1m ligne a augmenté de 1 m. Ainsi, dans les circonstances, le nombre de buts diminué, ce qui augmente la difficulté de mettre la balle dans le filet par les joueurs. En comparant les résultats obtenus à partir de tests initial et final, on peut voir une différence considérable en termes de taux de réussite pour l'enregistrement des buts de chaque joueur.

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University Assist. PhD Stud., Marioara SALUP

Lecturer, Elena RAŢĂ, PhD. “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava

Keywords: folk dance, students, choreograph. Abstract: Romanian folk dances and games dance in unity, however they vary in execution and in relation with inspiration and emotions of those dancers. In the development of the folk dances it is observed a large amount of rhythms, an extended range of tempos, as many forms of presentation, appearance and expression. Taken together, dances blend elegance with vivacity of the movements, with tenderness of the female dancing, a special note with shouts and shout that accompanies almost continuously beyond the game.

The cultural and artistic manifestations of students is an opportunity to achieve preserving and transmission of traditions, habits, songs and dances from one generation to the next and strengthen cultural and spiritual identity of the Romanian people.

Variety of the folk material, of the music and folk dance, creates situations that allow complex knowledge of life and soul of a nation. It is therefore our duty of those, who work with students, to familiarize them from very early times of childhood and to develop the passion and love toward music and folk dance.

Introduction The Romanian folk dances have a well-defined set of elements

that determine creating a very pronounced national character. The characters and the specific elements of the Romanian folk dances are successive steps or large steps in contretemps and syncope, groups of 3, 7 and 15 changed steps, small and tramping on place or moving steps, position of the arms, steps of Serbian (original name of the dance:‘’Sarba’’) this is the original name of the folk Romanian dance in a band).

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Romanian folk dance is very variable and complex, differing from one region to another. Their variety is so great, that almost from one village to another meet other games, other costumes the other songs.

Some of the most representative folk dances and specific popular games from Bucovina are (original names): "Arcanul", "Tărăneasca", "Trilisesti", " Clopotelul", "Hutulca", "Bălăceana", are only a small part of many specific dances specific in Bukovina, which in ancient times filled with joy the human souls of those places where every holiday means happiness. The folk dances of Bucovina always fascinate by their beauty, by the dancers costumes and the Romanian folk music.

The popular game in Suceava County is characterized as a collective dance with uniform execution of the movements meeting a variety of rhythms and tempos is particularly nuanced and varied, presenting the Romanian folk dance as a unitary and comprehensive regional repertoire.

The techniques of the movements are very complex, and of a high degree of difficulty, the elements of dance are structured in a variety of combinations which are achieved by combining all elements of the movements. Characteristically is the swing, swing of the body, with the movement of the head in the rhythm and the tempo of the music and of the dancing step. Popular games in this area are no less important, both in terms of technical difficulty and dynamism, compared with the dances from the other regions, they being placed next to the most valuable and vigorous creations of the domain in our country.

The new valences quantitative and qualitative of the choreographic movement in people and the result are specific concerning Bukovina area, and others to convey this beautiful folk dowry to the younger generation, with groups composed of elderly but activating and groups of students, most of them achieving special results.

During the years I have participated at a lots of cultural-artistic manifestations of the students and personal I had achieved an experience that encourage us to summarize in this study the personal concerns in terms of collecting, guiding and capitalizing the folklore of Bukovina.

The purpose of this study is to familiarize since infancy the variety of the folk material, to develop interpretation capacities of the folk dance from Bukovina to students, and to lead further the tradition and the habits from Bukovina region. - The folk dancing is an artistic mean with the premise of training and development of the student's interpretive act;

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-Ability of expression of the folk dance is an act of artistic sensitivity affective education, training student for responsibility and personality; -Popular dance can be a leisure activity, from infancy age to the third age (elderly). Work tasks -Analysis of the literature on Bukovinian folk dance; - Setting, description and folk dances that were choreographed in Radautzi area; - The choice of specific dances of the folk ensemble component; - The motivation of the organization and conduct of the proposed research. Material and methods In choosing, setting up and preparing a dance repertoire, I followed certain requirements and objectives, which we list a few: - Compliance area and the local folk dances from where they are; - Exploitation of folklore was made deeper and more completely; - Repertoire includes dances prepared from other different dances, traditional games and dances on their own right; - It was tracked all the time as their repertoires do not resemble each other and to remain as the original; - Choosing and fitting dance was performed according to the level of training and technical possibilities and the interpretation of the group of dancers; -Determining the degree of difficulty of the dances proposed for learning was based on age of the dancers; -Avoid dances that require physical effort or a very advanced technique to beginners’s bands; -Choice of the repertoire depending on team composition dancers; - The repertoire to be as authentic by movements, steps and shouts.

Respectand cerintele descrise ante rior, ansamblurile de dansuri au posibilitatea, printr-o munca bine indrumata, sa-si formeze un repertoriu bogat si autentic care sa puna in valoare nivelul artistic si cultural al formatiilor din FEFS . Complying with the requirements described previously the dance ensembles have the opportunity through a job well guided, to form a rich repertoire and authentic, to highlight the artistic and cultural level of Physical Education and Sports Faculty bands. Organization of the dance The component of the bands is different, depending of people that we have. We can act with a reduced number of dancers, respectively 6 to

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10 students, in small groups or soloists, with a total of 8 to 12 pairs, in the case of folk ensembles. Providing the working conditions for repetitions are crucial to harness the potential dancers. During the warm seasons it can be realized outdoor, but when the season not allows it, because of the climatic conditions we can use a rehearsal. After completion of dancers team is going to learn dance moves, work being performed with musical accompaniment. The most appropriate instrument for rehearsal is piano, but we can also use the accordion, violin or flute. The final step in organizing a dance band is setting the calendar plan on artistic and technical preparation and implementation of the dances repertoire and the dancers for performances.

Thus we contribute to broadening cultural horizons of the students, the understanding and appreciation of folk song and dance to enrich and develop the taste for what is beautiful, valuable and authentic. The ensemble of folk dance instructor The instructor of the band or the dance choreographer, both gathering creation and scenography of the dance and prepare interpreters from an artistic perspective. The steps are in the following order organizing, selecting and selecting dancers, organizing team, choosing and setting choreographic repertoire, establishing dates and times of rehearsals and study preparation for learning dance bands that are installed, providing specific training for the entire band. Also instructors will supervise the mandatory requirements: - Warming up and methodical training of the musculoskeletal system; - The normal order of the movements and dance steps; - The movements-learning techniques, styles and character dances. Warming up will be very important for 10-15 min with different exercises all started particularly for students. The proper rehearsal will be held following the steps: - Studying new moves and mounting them in choreographic design proposed; - The repetition of the dances from the repertoire for faculty performances; - Repeating old dances and to be permanently updated in terms of their presentation to various cultural events.

Methodical description of the learning movements of the arms, legs, body in a folk dance:

a) Movements for arms

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-Arms-back holding them together; arms held together in front; holding the arms; chains of arms; rotations of arms; beats on the lower legs. b) Legs movements -Waddle; walk with syncopated step; beaten away by step; jumping from one foot on the other; floor in contretemps. c) Body movements -Twisting to the right without turning the head; twisting to the left without turning the head; bending forward to carrying arms to legs.

Marking the duration of movement Values notaries rhythmic folk dances are included graphic signs

of the legs. We will meet so: -. Steps with a value of a half; steps with a value of fourth; steps with

a value of a eighth; steps with a value of sixteenth. Breaks in choreography correspond to musical breaks:

- Break of the forth; break of the eight; break of the sixteenth. I used signs of repetition, the same as in music to ease the notation: - Indicates the repetition of the dance fragment or of the measures

included; indicates the total number of the performances; indicate repetition of measures which is before of the sign;

- Indicates the repetition of a two measures that is before of the sign; Volta I and Volta II- have the same significance as in the music, respectively the repetition of the fragment without measures included in Volta I, running directly to the Volta II.

The signs that are explained are only a part of the many symbols used in choreography. Mounting and describing of a suite of dances

Introducing a suite of dances for each choreographer is a complex task and great responsibility. Folk dances circulating, spontaneously, in villages they usually meet in a completely undeveloped form, from an artistic perspective in relation to requirements presentation to various student events.

Each dance must include three parts, so we have introduction, conduct itself and the end of the dance. As application we have introduction to dance, slow entry students entering simultaneous and entering of the dancers accompanied by a member of the orchestra. Proper conduct of the dance is the most complex development action is done gradually, gradually reaching the climax thus keeping the attention of the spectators.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Setting choreographic composition is essential and includes two elements, text and drawing dance choreography. The processes can be varied according to the basic idea in dance and the artistic resolution adopted by the choreographer. Collection of the activities in dance

Work to achieve a folklore show, as well as a suite of dances preparation the documentation is the most important basis. The documentation can be done by collecting folk materials, directly in the organized community that manifests and develops popular dance by watching the countryside keepers of the folklore or in a modern form, by watching videotapes of performances recorded during cultural events. Within moments recorded will pursue several goals: - who dance them and in what situations; what kind of new dances

appeared and how they are born; who sings at the parties and what instruments are used; if there are shouts during the dance, and who does that; what are the characters of the rhythm of the shouts; what kind of folk costumes are used and who wear them; influence of the costume on folk dance;

All the moments will be noted, recorded, filmed and will be the starting point for future choreographic productions of the instructors.

Classification of the dances, presentation and description

All the dances from Bukovina have a inner dynamism and rhythmic nature of many expressive possibilities, which makes them very much practiced and presented in most cultural events, by a large mass of people.

Thus we have traditionally old dances that are danced in a circle or semicircle arc, using various positions of the arms. The dances for men are a masterpiece of folk ancestral creation, historical and social themes, being in the same time one of the most popular and cherished dances from the entire choreographic repertoire of Bukovina.

Dances on the pairs are danced within a device ordered, respectively, in pairs in a circle or in a semi-circle, line or space scattered throughout the game.

The dances for girls have a special place in Bukovina, being found most commonly at weddings and parties, as originally old ritual dances.

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Conclusions: The folk dances are very popular in terms of motion exercises;

they exert a favorable influence on the physical development of those who practice them. Containing important elements of physiological dynamics, they have corrective effects over body posture, agility, grace and dynamism. At the same time they help develop strength and elasticity for muscles, develop harmonious and expressive coordination on scene and in the daily life.

It was monitored continuously the scenic posture, location, synchronization of the moves according to musical part and the parts of the shouts perpetuating the idea of preserving the local traditions.

Content of popular games dances and of the folk dances gave me the possibility to use a variety of methods and procedures for the training and development for students and feelings of respect and pride towards the native places.

It is very important to spread the Romanian folk dances throughout the groups of the students, regardless of qualities and skills, because they will appeal at them when they will feel the need to entertain themselves. References: 1. Adăscăliţei, Vasile –Folklore contents, County House of the Popular Creation, Suceava, 1969 2. Agape, Larisa - Romanian Folk Music, Didactic and Pedagogic Editor, Bucharest, 1983 3. Baciu, Gheorghe -The book of the amateur choreographer, Bucharest, 1965 4. Bănăţeanu, Tancred –- Bukovina folk art, Bucharest, 1975 5. Bucșan A.- Specific Romanian folk dance, Bucharest, 1971 6. Cioară, Maria –- Ethnographic area of Radautzi, Ed. Sports – Travel, Bucharest 7. Comişel, Emilia –Folklore of the children, Ed. Music Bucharest, 1982 8. Focşa, Marcela - Folklore in Suceava, Bucharest, 1959 9. Focşa, Marcela –- Folklore of Moldova, Bucharest, 1969 10. Marin, C. GH. -Songs for folk dances in Bukovina, Suceava, 1991 11. Munteanu, G. –Folklore in Suceava, Suceava, 1969 12. Pintilie, Ştefan –- Hear how resounds the village, Suceava, 1966 13. Sârbu, George –- Songs and popular games, Suceava, 1969 14. Zoicaș, T. Ligia - Music Pedagogy and the formative values of folklore, Bucharest, 1987

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Titlu: Dezvoltarea capacităţilor de interpretare a dansului folcloric la studenţi. Cuvinte cheie: dans popular, studenţi, coregraf. Rezumat: Dansurile şi jocurile populare româneşti se dansează unitar, ele variază totuşi în execuţie după inspiraţia şi simţirea dansatorilor. În construcţia dansurilor populare se întâlneşte o mare bogăţie ritmică, o gamă largă de tempo-uri, precum şi multe forme de prezentare,de ţinută şi de expresie.

Privite în ansamblu, dansurile populare împletesc eleganţa cu vioiciunea mişcărilor, gingăşia dansului femeiesc cu vitalitatea jocurilor specifice bărbaţilor, o notă aparte având-o strigăturile şi chiuiturilor ce însoţesc aproape în permanenţă jocul.

Manifestările culturale artistice ale studenţilor constituie un prilej deosebit de a realiza păstrarea şi transmiterea tradiţiilor, obiceiurilor, cântecelor şi dansurilor populare de la o generaţie la alta şi de a consolida în timp identitatea culturală şi spirituală a poporului român.

Varietatea materialului folcloric, a muzicii şi a dansului popular, creează situaţii care permit o cunoaştere complexă a vieţii şi a sufletului unui popor. De aceea este de datoria celor ce lucrăm cu studenţii să-i familiarizăm, încă de la cea mai frageda vârstă şi să le dezvoltăm dragostea şi pasiunea faţă de cântecul şi dansul popular. Titre: Développement d'interprétation de la danse folklorique aux étudiants. Mots-clés: danse folklorique, de l’étudiant, chorégraphié. Résumé: Folk Danses roumain danse et l'unité de jeux, mais ils varient dans la performance et le sentiment inspiré par les danseurs. Dans les danses folkloriques construction répond grande richesse rythmique, un large éventail de tempos et les différentes formes de présentation, l'habillement et de la parole. Pris dans leur ensemble, une élégance des mouvements des danses, la danse femme tendresse avec la vitalité des jeux spécifiques mâle, un unique et plein d'esprit. Avec un cri qui accompagnent presque toujours le jeu.

Événements étudiants culturelles et artistiques sont une excellente occasion de rendre le stockage et la transmission des traditions, des coutumes, chants et danses d'une génération à l'autre et de renforcer l'identité culturelle et spirituelle, alors que le peuple roumain. Variété de musique folklorique matériel et des danses, crée des situations qui permettent une compréhension globale de la vie et l'âme d'un peuple. Il

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


incombe donc à ceux qui travaillent avec les étudiants de se familiariser, dès le plus jeune âge et à développer l'amour et la passion pour le chant et la danse.


Sorin Raţă

"Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava

Keywords: bio-psycho-social features, level of developing it, woman, aquatic therapy. Abstract: Aquatic therapy is a beneficial therapy that is used for a variety of medical conditions. Aquatic therapy uses the physical properties of water to help the student to heal himself, to improve his bio-psycho-motile potential and to socialize. Introduction

We speak of the main formation of the multilateral personality in our society. Regarding the evolution and morphic-functional characteristic changes of women, we realize how important will be the means of well-selected program Aquatic therapy, useful for a woman's body and the remove of the all others, which are contrary to natural physiological and aesthetic development of her body.

The adult woman presents the entire complex of the female characters that reached the peak of the full development The main somatic of the adult female body elements:

Table 1 The bones • • weigh 68-70% The body skeleton • short

• • thin • • less resistant

The joints • • thin • • mobile

The muscles • • volume and less weight (30-32% weight of the body

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


• • thin • • long • • elastic • •.lower tonus, force and strength

Fatty tissues • • 28% of the body weight • • not evenly represented; it

deposits under the skin especially on:

• • buttock • • hips • • abdomen • • thighs • • around mammary glands • • back • • under shoulder blades • • under chin • • shoulders and arms .

The pelvis Is broader, shorter and tilted forward. These somatic differences have and physiological differences

Table No. 2 Respiratory system • • is less in vigorous

• •breathing –superiorly, to ribs area

Gas exchange in lungs and tissues • • is limited Respiratory capacity • • is little Cardio-vascular system • Is particularly different in

relation to shape and volume as peripheral flow and blood composition d the functional flow of the heart, the peripheral circulation and composition of his blood.

Heart • • is small • • contractions are faster and

flow is reduced Blood pressure • • is lower and slower blood

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


flow (especially peripheral) • • the blood contains fewer red

blood cells The digestive system • • reduced size of the stomach The liver and spleen • • are bigger than for males The system of reproduction • • is ready for motherhood Psychologically, the woman is dominated by her strong emotional feelings.

Materials and methods In order to obtain information on Aquatic therapy concept and the

importance of practicing to improve bio-psycho-motor potential we used the survey method.

Questions were raised to a total of 30 women lime contained between 25-35 years.

The questionnaire identified the way the adult women perform their daily physical activity and if they know the benefits of exercise in their health plan.

The results analyze of the statistical questionnaire and their interpretation.

No.1 Considering the physical activity as: A. Necessary and appropriate; B. Fashion

Intrebarea nr.1

72%necesară şi


28%o modă

Diagram No. 1

Statistical analysis of frequencies responses showed a distribution of scores as shown in diagram No. 1.

We believe that today are still too old concepts regarding the exercise at this age.

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No 2 Do you know what steps you need to complete the sedentary condition to the active person?

a. Yes b. No c. I do not know

Diagram No. 2 No. 3 Do you think that the practice of exercises of Aquatic

therapy will help the body shape after labor? a. Yes b. Not c. I do not know

Diagram No. 3 Responses to the item that asked subjects whether practicing

physical exercises from Aqua-therapy program were grouped, as illustrated the above presentation. We believe that the woman due to specific conditions must adapt perfectly the regime of the movement and to help to recover the shape and functions.

No.4 What physical activity programs in water do you know? a. Aqua (aquatic) therapy

Întrebarea nr.2

6% nu ştiu

14% nu

80% da

Întrebarea nr.2

6% nu ştiu

12% nu

82% da

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Întrebarea nr.5

27% reducere

a stresului şi ardere

a ţesutului adipos

16% toate 25

% tonifierea musculatu


32% ardere

a ţesutului adipos

b. Therapeutic swimming c. Recreation d. Aqua(tic)gym

Diagram No. 4

Necessity of women to practice physical exercises is known, but

not all women are able to organize their lives so that they can cope with multiple social and familial duties.

The physical exercises rationally performed, increase work capacity, giving a psychological and organic balance to the female body. Between physical activities in the water there are some obvious similarities, but also some differences. These activities are of great importance in the health plan. No 5 What are the effects of the therapeutic gymnastics?

a. Burn fat b. Improve the hearth health, blood vessels, lungs and blood

composition c. Lowering total blood cholesterol d. Stress reduction e. Toning muscles f. Improving functional respiratory system capacity

Întrebarea nr.4

24% altel


26% aquagy


50% agreme


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Diagram No. 5

Effects of water exercise practiced are specific and differentiated according to the objectives pursued.

No.6 Do you think Aqua therapy practice exercises will help shape the body after birth?

a. Yes b. No c. I do not know

Diagram No. 6

The responses to the item that asked subjects whether practicing

physical exercises from the Aqua therapy program were grouped as illustrated in the above presentation. We believe that the woman life due to specific conditions the movement programs must be adapted perfectly to help restore the shape and functions. Conclusions:

1. Water activities managed through its multiple effects model to become a form of motor activity.

2. The physical appearance concerns anyone, but only the physical exercises performed systematically prevents secondary effects.

3. Aqua therapy is one of the most effective and attractive ways for women to achieve the desired bio-psycho-motile results.



62% d


24% nu

14% nu


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


1. Ştefana Kulcsar, Gimnastica aerobică, Editura Clusium, 2000 Stefana Kulcsar, aerobics, Clusium Publishing, 2000;

2. Eric Profit, Patrick Lopez, Gym Aquatique, 120 exercices, Editura Amphora, 2001 Eric Profit, Patrick Lopez, AQUATIQUE Gym, 120 Exercises, Amphora Publishing, 2001;

3. Sacchelli T, Accacio LMP, Radl A, Fisioterapia Aquática, Portuguese, 2007 Sacchelli T Accacio PML, Radle A Fisioterapia Aquatica, Portuguese, 2007.

Titlu: Aquaterapy şi particularităţile biopsihosociale a organismului feminin la vârsta de 25-35 ani. Cuvinte cheie: particularităţi biopsihosociale, nivel de dezvoltare, femeie, aguaterapy. Rezumat: Aquaterapy este o formă benefică de terapie care este utilă pentru o varietate de condiţii medicale. Terapia acvatică utilizează proprietăţile fizice ale apei pentru a ajuta cursantul să se vindece, să-şi îmbunătăţească potenţialul biopsihomotric şi să socializeze. Titre: Aquaterapy et la particularité biopsihosociale de l'organisme féminin à l'âge de 25 à 35 ans. Mots-clés: particularité biopsihosociale, le niveau de développement, les femmes, les aguaterapy. Résumé: Aquaterapy c'est un bénéfiques forme de thérapie qui est utile pour une varieté de condition. Le thérapie aquatique utilise la propriété de l'eau pour aider l'apprenant a guérir, améliorer la potentiels biopsihomotric et du socialiser. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW LEARNING TECHNIQUES METHODS OF " SKI PARALLEL TURN" WITH ROTATION IN


Asistant lecturer Phd. candidate Paţa Oana Cristina University „ Ştefan cel Mare of Suceava”

Keywords: method, learning, ski parallel turn with rotation , alpine skiing, device.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Summary: The paper proposes the application of an algorithmic route of new techniques in basic learning, especially parallel turns in alpine skiing by using " turn learning machine "to the youngest skiers, beginners” . The application of specific means methodology of exercises with the" turn learning machine " helps assimilating the rotation, in a short time and with high quality index. The proper learning procedure of the parallel turn with rotation using turn learning machine ", enables the efficient downhill evolution of new skiers, regarding the ability to properly go through the marked gates, in optimal time units. Mise en œuvre de nouvelles méthodes d'apprentissage des techniques de "parallel turn with rotation " to alpin skiing. Introduction The methodological background, which represents all learning methods to alpine skiing, should be adjusted continuously depending on the athletes particularities features and be adjusted to changes that current generations pass from one year to another. The specialists will be facing the reality of practice area, concerns over the specialized sports training process development in alpine skiing are all directed to rationally determinants . The scientific background which is the base of the Alpine ski training improvement , in terms of rational operation of each factor separately (physically, technically, tactical, psychological), creates the conditions for to obtain great performance, optimization and standardization it provides through individualized, differentiated treatment or modeling. With the modern training requirements imposed skiers ever higher, standardization and rationalization methods and means for driving the technical training component, gives the whole process of preparing a certain quality standard, in full accordance with precise objectives training. Alpine skiing technique in general and specific driving skills to enter into the composition, are highly complex and requires special ways of learning, building and maintaining them at a higher quality level. Leadership ability skis on different paths and different types of terrain and snow, is just a process of adapting the skier driving skills to complex technical requirements, and to control and psychological reactions related to fear or control reactions caused by the fear. Considerations on skiing technique

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


When we talk about alpine skiing as a sport with a great technical complexity, we refer to aspects of specific skills difficulty and drive skies in sliding on snow, on different paths and high speeds in the involving capacity conditions of maximum coordination, balance and a very good motor control. In addition to psycho-motor skills specific combination that a skier must have for a good learning to the complex skills for skis driving, capacity of doing the turns implies self-control and focus on tensions, fear of falls, or self-preservation instinct caused by sliding speed. "The analysis of alpine skiing technique should start from analysis of two terms, concepts that characterize the positions and driving: - From the outside by involving biomechanics, mechanics and auricular and muscle physiology. - Inside characterizing the specific terms psycho-motility driving motor behavior of skiers. All the skiers driving acts are motivated by one thing, the effect they have on the downhill ski slope movement and their skis driving ". The skis driving involves developing a great kinesthetic sense on the skis, a so-called sense of snow or sliding on snow and keeping the flexible position of downhill skiers. The very "flexible" aerodynamics position depends mostly on the ability to relax and then tense muscles and put your legs to ensure adaptation to the ground, with part of the body on skis like an suspension and not least of a great physical strength, to maintain the position of static aerodynamic or to trigger an action to absorb the excessive pressure that occur during an downhill skiing. The regulation of motor reactions of skis sliding requires greater physical and mental flexibility due to the absence of fear and is accommodating high speed and perfect knowledge of the route, removing any sense of reluctance strain . For a good regulation of motor reaction of skis sliding, for an optimal regulation, in the beginners skiers preparation , will have to consider the physical components, the proper development of psycho-motor specific skills and also the technical component of training, thru which actually makes learning Ski descents and wide turns or short turns. In the children alpine skiing preparation, we have to take care of their particularities in terms of organizing specialized training. The learning process will take into account several factors such as bio-motor weight and size of children. For example for children who weigh less pressure it exerts on the skis and snow is less,

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


which makes it easier than the execution of changes of direction. Also with a height less than that of adults, the center of gravity is much lower, closer to the ground, allowing more easily maintain balance and exercise much better control over the skis. Children have much shorter body segments which implies a much smaller amplitude movements, resulting in improved execution speed motor acts and actions, this is advantageous in terms of rebalancing. Gh. Balint (2002), "Theoretical and methodological teaching skiing are", recommended for school-age children "following sequence of techniques: getting used to skis and slipping walking on flat ground and climbing slope change the direction of the place direct descent avoiding the swivel and the swivel stop passes over the slope changes by adapting small bumps by cushioning skid braking the valley rotation turn “ With a less developed muscles and a much smaller endurance, preparing children to be scheduled and conducted so as to take account of resistance and sensitivity to cold and their susceptibility to respiratory diseases. You will also need to consider that they have the ability to dose and no effort can correct appreciation of the limits available. With no instinct for self as developed as that of adults, children learn much faster ski specific technical actions but on the other hand the danger of uncontrolled acts, which can cause excessive injury. Parabolic skis or appearance of "Carve" was a moment of revival and transformation somewhat or completely current technique in alpine skiing. Methods ski properties is strongly directed towards achieving the management cut skis, on a optimal path valley, in order to obtain maximum sliding speed."the parabolic ski, placed on the edge, take contact with the snow at two points in the top and tail. The area between the two points is lateral curvature of skiing called " bow side " ski construction. If skiing, sitting on the edge is strained by the weight of skiers, the lateral is in contact with snow throughout the ski length. Sliding ski tense describes an arc called contact area ski / snow. The arc of contact may be more pronounced or less pronounced depending on the intensity of pressing (shown by skier weight and forces acting on the skier turns), but depending on mechanical and dimensional qualities of

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skiing: size of lateral curvature, flexibility flexion (bending), and its distribution along the length of the ski, torsion flexibility in its distribution and the spatula and heel. " We consider very important in leading ski the desired trajectory is given by the capabilities and skills of the skier has to depend heavily on the accuracy and stability of specific skills acquired, the quality and quantity. The skier has more control slip and simple automatisms, or as more specific skills mastered driving the ski, the more complex maneuvers can be input and output in turn. The parallel turn is a process falling within the second ownership of the art, the intermediate level, where they constitute turn reference point, or with skis parallel detours. In this level, during the two technical classes A and B, reinforcing basic movements learned in the first technical level. The methodology of teaching techniques corresponding to level II, slip processes that include: passing undulations of land (false flat surface crossing, crossing breaks of slope, slope transition joints, bumps) is learned first, followed by procedures for braking (skidding lateral oblique slip) for then to reach bypass procedures (Turn through vertical balance, turn by counter sliding turn with rotation). After they accelerate learning processes - technical adjustment (steps pour, distance skating) Specific milestones of learning the technique level II are: Slide turns by vertical balance. Slide turns with rotation. In the level II identifies a number of techniques and specific motor actions detour. Intermediate level class learning procedures proposed slippage and crossing undulations of land, culminating in learning turn by vertical balance. In the class B is found to accelerate processes and two parallel processes ski pass through counter sliding and rotation. The ultimate objective of level II is learning turn with counter sliding and rotation. Machine learning to Alpine ski turn The device for teaching downhill skiing turn to the invention is made of a rigid vertical flag a carbon fiber with a core set to 2, steel, sharp, spiral with a length of 50 cm, required for attachment device in the snow (ground). On a vertical flag is applied to a rotary device 3, consisting of outer sleeve 4 of insulating materials, namely Teflon, Teflon bushing inside five concentric with the first two radial ball bearings 6 and 7 placed on the ends and a spring leaf 8 located at the

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bottom of the device 3. In the middle of the outer sleeve 3 is attached by screwing a horizontal arm 9 carbon fiber with a length of 1.5 m 3 equipped with rotary device can perform both a horizontal arm rotating on a vertical flag and a movement away via a locking screw 10, a vertical flag. Arch leaf 8 of the two horizontal arm bushings allows 9 return to its

original position after use. The device,

according to the invention, will assist in making cristianiei skier (the turn), with mobile horizontal arm that grabs the hill skier and that support from the moment of opening until completion of the turn.

The invention has the following advantages: - Is easy to achieve and it is made of materials are cheap; - Reduce the time to learn to turn novice skiers;

- Ease of learning cristianiei rotating isolated valley; - Supports the execution skier turn eliminating the feeling of fear and uncertainty; - Minimize the risk of accidents, resulting in turn fixing the place of execution;

The device facilitates learning and perfecting the rotation turn isolated valley (the one turn), and the execution of sequences linked by descent turn oblique line slope, skier may use successively more devices mounted on the sides the slope.

Using two similar devices, placed on either side of the slope, with its exterior oriented mobile arms (slope), allows execution of two turnsrotation right and left connected by an oblique line down the slope.

More devices arranged in slalom skier can support the key moment (central) input and go on a curvilinear path detour.

The optimal entry points when rotating the whole skier-skiing and also successively into the trunk, torso, knees and skis in rotation

By using these devices is achieved turns fixed repetition, facilitating learning and training increased density in the lesson;

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Ski parallel learning device using indices helps to improve coordination of the skier capacity (space-time orientation, balance, kinesthetic differentiation).

Centripetal force will act in favor of entry skier and ski in the rotation, when it rises (preparation turn), download the skis, grab the horizontal bar, and in rotation (the snow).

Centrifugal force works in reverse, pushing the skier to the outside detour. Therefore we predicted that mobile horizontal arm to be longer, allowing hands slipping out, and the weight of the skier bypass area to be larger or smaller. The device can be used after acquiring prior direct descent and oblique descent, orders otherwise logical method of acquiring turn with rotation . Methodical sequence learning turn rotating the device Specific means Direct descent off the plug Direct descent line slope while maintaining the correct position semi plate Direct descent blanched vertical support poles to lift all the semi plate Direct descent off the plug Oblique to bypass the hill descent Oblique descent maintaining the correct position Vertical and oblique descent swing off the hill (without sticks) Aids (learning machines turn to skiing) Of direct descent, grabbing arm side of the device, pivot and pass to parallel ski hill In oblique descent, grabbing arm side and pass rotation parallel ski hill Two detours using two devices on either side of a slope linked oblique descent Three detours using three devices connected two oblique descent Research Methods Study the literature¬ Teacher Observation¬ The experimental method¬ Test Method¬ Method experts¬ Method graphics and tabular¬ Randament analysis educational process¬

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Hypothesis If you use "ski turns-learning device" as a method of learning the technique, the basic general training alpine skiers beginners will optimize the learning process cristianiei rotation, specific fundamental skill in leading and guiding slalom ski routes. Learning proper braking in turn will lead to elimination of routes going through slalom gates and therefore marked with increasing sliding speed. The experiment The experiment was conducted in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 season, on a total of 100 children. Of all children who turn learning device used in the present paper we analyzed only 30 children, ages 7 and 8 years who attended a special test on the slalom course schedule. Subjects, time and place of the experimental study The study was conducted on a total of 30 children divided into two groups, of which 15 enrolled in School Sports Club hearth-Wah and another 15 enrolled in the Winter Sports Centre Olympic Vatra Dornei. Table no.1. Statistical indicators for experimental and control groups

Graficul nr.1. Graphical representation of experimental results (average grade, times average )







Media notelor

Media timpilor

Grupa experimentala

Gupa martor










x 9,13 8,87 22,76 24,41

s 0,81 1,02 2,35 4,76

cv 0,09 0,12 0,1 0,19

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Tabelul nr. 2. Conversion of technical motor evolutions assessment criteria in notes

Conclusions The device proved to be very effective in learning cristianiei rotation of the valley for several reasons, namely: - Was attractive and had the character playing exercises - The edge of the positioning device helped the children in that they indicate where the sequence starts sliding and pivoting action (oblique descent, balance, rotation), knowing exactly how to slide obliquely, when to perform balance and unloading ski; - By grasping the arm horizontally children were forced to adopt an appropriate position of the body, the trunk valley and a twisted knee before screwing the hill (towards the inside of the detour). - Was a real support for children, especially when exchanging turn

Failure to perform test

Ineffective low

Environment appropriate

Good Very good Excelent

Motor can not perform the task. Can not demonstrate technical process conditions required minimum balance and coordination

Meets fewer motor task performance criteria. Is unable to demonstrate global technical process

Can demonstrate effective technical process required, fulfilling its basic criteria. Possess the motor skills necessary to carry out an environmental standard motor task.

Meets all relevant criteria imposed motor task. Can demonstrate the technical level required optimal technical process, possess specific skills necessary for motor execution required parameters.

Successfully meets all relevant criteria imposed motor task. Can demonstrate a high technical level required technical process, possess specific skills necessary for motor execution of highly technical interpretation.

Excels in interpreting motor, meeting the standard of excellence appropriate criteria motor task. Demonstrates excellent technical process required, have excellent skills necessary motor execution level of technical mastery

Failure to perform test

Ineffective low

Environment appropriate

Good Very good Excellent

4 5-6 7 8 9 10

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


outside leg weight, removing the feeling of fear and reactions caused by this imbalance. Students in the experimental group learned faster and better turn with rotation, this is demonstrated by obtaining better appreciated both technical execution and performance notes expressed in travel time route in slalom. Machine learning to turn (turn with rotation), can be used both as a basic technical training and supporting device as a learning method of this process mainly representative of alpine skiing technique. Bibliography 1. Balint, GH., (2005), Theoretical and methodological teaching skiing Tehnopress Publishing, Science 2 . GRIGORAS, P., (2002), Alpine skiing snowboard carving, Accent House, Cluj-Napoca 3. Grigoras, P., (2009), Effects of practice and the randomized video feedback in motor learning basic techniques of alpine skiing profile in higher education, Ph.D. Thesis, UBB - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Cluj-Napoca. 4. Stefanescu, H., (2010), optimization in alpine skiing training current-Star Publishing Napoca, Cluj-Napoca 5. WEINECK, J., (1983), Manuel d'antrainement Sportif, Vigot Publishing, Paris.

Titlu: Implementarea unei metode noi de învăţare a procedeului tehnic „ cristiania cu rotaţie” la schi alpin. Cuvinte cheie: metodă, învăţare, cristiania cu rotaţie, schi alpin, aparat. Rezumat: Lucrarea îşi propune aplicarea unui traseu algoritmic nou de însuşire a procedeelor tehnice de bază, în special a cristianiei cu rotaţie la schi alpin, prin utilizarea „ aparatului de învăţare a virajului”, la schiorii mici, începători. Metodica aplicării pe lângă mijloacele specifice, a unor exerciţii noi la „ aparatul de învăţare a virajului”, favorizează procesul de însuşire a cristianiei cu rotaţie, în timp scurt şi cu indici crescuţi de calitate. Însuşirea corectă a procedeului cristiania cu rotaţie, cu ajutorul exerciţiilor la aparatul de învăţare a virajului, permite o evoluţie eficientă a schiorilor începători pe zăpadă, privind capacitatea de a parcurge în mod corespunzător a unor trasee marcate cu porţi, în unităţi optime de timp.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Titre: Mise en œuvre de nouvelles méthodes d'apprentissage des techniques de "rotation Cristiania" ski alpin. Mots-clés: méthode, l'apprentissage, la rotation Cristiania, ski alpin, le dispositif. Resume: Cet papier propose une application des itinéraires algorithmiques des nouvelles techniques d'apprentissage de base, en particulier en ski alpin, de rotation cristiania en utilisant " l'apprentissage de tour appareille ", pour les petites skieurs, débutants. L’aplication de la méthodologie des moyens spécifiques, les exercices avec «l'apprentissage de tour appareille " aide l'assimilation de cristiania rotation, dans court temps et avec un indice de haute qualité. Apprendre propres les procédures de rotation cristiania avec l’aide d'un apprentissage de tour appareille, permet le développement efficace des skieurs débutants, sur la capacité de sentiers bien marqués par les portes, en unités optimale du temps.


Lecturer Phd. Candidate Moroşan Larionescu Virgil

Student Mihoc Pantelimona University „Ştefan cel Mare” of Suceava

Motto: "Everything that lives aspires to colour", J.W. Goethe

Keywords: colour, perception, basketball throw , efficiency, synaesthesia. Summary: The colour red, due to its association with perils and mistakes, should activate a motivation for hesitation, a motivation which determines people to be more vigilant and more open to taking risks. Thus, red, by comparison to blue, should improve the performance that is based on details and the orientation towards tasks that require concentration and special attention (e.g. basketball throws ). Introduction The interest for the cognitive psychology of sports is reflected by the progress seen in the field of research of sports psychology, the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


research being conducted on subjects such as identifying the most efficient ways of training in order to better the formation of habits and the development of the personality, the equipment and installations aiding in the process of preparing, the team spirit-building techniques, the means for knowing the psychological characteristics of great athletes. The necessity to know the physical and psychological elements which influence basketball players, the development tendencies and the progress factors during preparing, is an essential requirement for the coach to follow. The sensorial processes are so important for our survival and functioning that the first scientific studies were on the subject of sensations. Today many psychologists discern sensations and perceptions, the starting point for both being a stimulus, a form of energy (such as light or sound waves) which can have an effect on sense organs (the eyes or the ears). Sensations depend on specialized cells called sensorial receptors which detect the stimuli and turns them into nervous impulses through the process of sensorial transduction. Although specific sensorial receptors usually serve specific senses, in certain cases the phenomenon known as synaesthesia appears. This phenomenon is a characteristic of situations in which the stimulation of one sense conveys experiences which are specific of another sense. Chromatic perception depends on the physiological and educational profile of each individual, of the psychological and emotional stress factors which could occur when a colour image is watched. Thus, some authors think that the excitation or inhibition make the cells around have an opposite reaction. The concentration of the excitation will induce around the initial core an inhibition area (simultaneous negative induction), while the concentration of the inhibition will induce an excitation area (simultaneous positive induction). For example, if the analysed individual suffers from hyperactivity or hyper excitability, there won't be the same effects as there would be in the case of an emotionally healthy individual. On the eye's retina there are two types of cells: cone cells and rod cells. Rod cells activate during night-time, in the dark, while cone cells react when light reaches the retina and signals the brain with a certain colour. For distinguishing colours, the cone cells contain: cone cells which are more sensitive to light that has a great wavelength, these have a maximum reaction to the colour red (marked conventionally as L), cone

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


cells which are more sensitive to light that has a medium wavelength, these react best to the colour green (M) and cone cells sensitive to light that has a minimum wavelength, these cells react best to the colour blue (H) (Fig. 2 and 3) Fig. 1 The time period between Fig.2 A normal eye's sensibilitycurb colour wavelengths and colour spectrums

Fig. 3 Types of cells present in the retina and in the formation of the

spectrum Thus, all colours are obtained through the different stimulation of each type of cone cell. For example, the colour yellow involves the stimulation of both L and M cells equally, but the H cells only play a small part, while blue stimulates the H cells more intensely, but have a lesser effect on L and M cells. Knowing these things we can notice the fact that in the sport-related activitiy the particularities of coloured vision have a special significance. Thereby, on sports fields the intensity of achromatic colours, black and white, is taken into account and, as a

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


consequence, the thresholds for throws and vaults, the colours of the racing track, the bars of fences, the margins of the playing field are all painted white. It should also be taken into account that the colours are more distinguishable when projected on a background which is of a complementary colour (the green lawn, black or red tarmac). Some solutions regarding the use of colours have been introduced in the sports activity: in table tennis, dark colours for the players' shirts is recommended so that the white ball is easily distinguished and seen, in football the goal-keeper's equipment is different from the other players'. And so, having such an important effect on motor activity, we must discover what influence the colour has in the multitude of sports so that we can realise how we must redecorate the technical installations, the players' training grounds, and the area in which the competitions take place, the sports players' equipment and so on, if necessary. Method material We have started from the assumption that by using modern means of projecting the colours red and blue on the basketball panel we will be able to show their influence on the players' psyche regarding the efficiency of stationary basketball throws. We intend to prove the different associations of the colour red in comparison with blue, both of which can induce distinct incentives. The colour red, due to its association with perils and mistakes, should activate a motivation for hesitation, a motivation which determines people to be more vigilant and more open to taking risks. Thus, red, by comparison to blue, should improve the performance that is based on details and the orientation towards tasks that require concentration and special attention (e.g. basketball throws). In contrast, because blue is usually associated with relaxation, peace and quiet it is possible that it would activate a motivation to try a different approach because the aforementioned associations signal an environment that is without perils which encourages the players to use innovations when completing the task. Blue stimulates creativity and negatively influences the performance in tasks which require concentration. Thus, blue, in comparison with red, should improve the performance in creative tasks. For the accomplishment of the experiment ten students from "Stefan cel Mare" University in Suceava were recruited, with ages between 19 and 23, all of them basketball players who have a throwing percentage of 50% ± 5%. We would like to mention that none of the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


participants suffer from colour-blindness or any other congenital diseases which interfere with their perception of spectres or colour waves. The registering of the data took place in the University's gym and was done repeatedly so that the collecting of the data could be done in conditions which would make the results incontestable. A DMX dimmer operator with joystick, two image projection rotating heads and red and blue colour filters were placed behind the free throw line. (see fig. 4 and 5)

Fig 4. Dimmer DMX Fig. 5. Rotating head for image projection

The following methods were used for data registering and

processing: the observation method, the experimental method, the registering method, the investigation method, the statistical and mathematical method, the testing method, the graphic and table method, the video method. The development of the experiment It must be mentioned from the very beginning that the subjects didn't knew they were part of an experiment group so that they wouldn't be influenced by certain information and so that everything progressed naturally. Thereby, the task that was to be accomplished took the form of a free-throw contest starting from the free-throw line. The task consisted of 6 sets, each set requiring 10 throws, the colour being projected onto the panel as follows: blue, red, half red-half blue then half blue-half red. At the last two sets of throws the colours alternated for each throw.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


Fig. 6 (a şi b) Aspects from experiment Interpreting the results As a result of registering the individual performances of each participant, we have observed that the average of the successes varies, as it can be seen in fig. 7 and 8. Thus, the success rate of the basketball throws went up 0,6 points when the colour red was projected on the panel, which could mean that the players were positively influenced by it, but a relevant difference, statistically speaking, is not noticeable: t=0,57 , p>0,6.







Fig. 7 The efficiency of basketball throws

by colour








Fig. 8 Efficiency of basketball throws when the colours alternated

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum V issue 2/ 2012


As we can see in fig. 8, the instant the colour was changed to

red/blue after each throw, the difference was of 3,2 point, which translates into 74 successful throws out of a total of 100 when the colour red was displayed and 42 out of 100 when the colour blue was displayed.

Table nr. 1 Values of the shots thrown when the colours were alternating

Calculating the correlation quotient, following the Brava-

Pearsons method, we have reached a t=3,44 with a significance threshold of p<0,05, which is very close to 0,01 which supports the relevance of the completed study.

Conclusions Obtaining these results we can affirm that red, in comparison to blue, improves the accomplishment of tasks which require concentration and special attention. Knowing that this colour is characterised as "the colour of will", improves the muscle tone, activates breathing and raises blood pressure, those who prepare teams should take into account the factors which exist in the gym and during competition due to the implication of colour. Then we realise that it is not for nothing that installations and the materials in a gym have certain colours, such as the baskteball hoop which is red (or orange, depending on the case). Thereby, if during a game, on the walls of the gym, close to the panel, banners which are predominantly red were to be placed, it would affect the efficiency of the throws. Still, red shouldn't be considered only as a distracting factor. It could be used in training, either in the way the

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experiment was conducted, in order to form the throwing stereotype, or in innovative ways which could lead to improving the teams' performance. Bibliography: 1. Demeter A. and others - The Physiology and Biochemistry of

Physical Education and Sports, Sport-Turism, Bucharest Publishing House, 1979, page 294

2. Elliot A., Maier M., Meinhardt J. - Color and Psychological Functioning: The Effect of Red on Performance Attainment”, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Copyright 2007 by the American Psychological Association 2007, Vol. 136, No. 1, 154–168.

3. Dr. Mureşan P. - Colour in Our Life, Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest, 1988, pages 22-23

4. 5.

Titlu: Influenţa culorii asupra eficienţei aruncărilor la coş Cuvinte cheie: culoare, percepţie, aruncări la coş, eficienţă, sinestezie. Rezumat: Roşu, datorită asocierii sale cu pericole şi greşeli, ar trebui să activeze o motivaţie de evitare, motivaţie ce îi face pe oameni mai vigilenţi şi mai deschişi spre asumarea riscurilor. Astfel, roşu, în comparaţie cu albastru, ar trebui să îmbunătăţească performanţa pe detalii şi orientarea spre sarcini care necesită concentrare şi atenţie deosebită (de exemplu, aruncarea la coş). Titre: L'influence de la couleur sur l'efficacité de jeter. Mots-clés: la perception des couleurs, en jetant les déchets, l'efficacité, la synesthésie. Résumé: Rouge, en raison de son association avec les dangers et les erreurs, devrait déclencher une motivation d'évitement, la motivation qui rend les gens plus vigilants et plus ouvert à la prise de risques. Ainsi, le rouge, par rapport au bleu, devrait améliorer les performances sur les détails et des conseils pour des tâches nécessitant de la concentration et l'attention (par exemple, en jetant le panier).
