The Americas. Maya Lands controlled by the clans Matriarchal values persisted, however men were...


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The Americas

Maya Lands controlled by the clans Matriarchal values persisted, however men were still top priority Development of Social classes

Priests and Nobles (All Male) Merchants and Artisans Slaves

Aztecs Calpulli: Aztec social units based on family clans Women could inherit money Commoners could be made nobles Aztec commoners were subject to nobles, who possessed most of the landIncas Upper-class women shared some social status with their husband. Women of all houses were expected to keep house, mind their children, as

well as serve the needs of men.Iroquis Women played notable part in society

Owned homes and gardens Decent was matrilineal, so they chose leaders

Ancient governments were ruled by priests (fear over force) Hereditary priest king (descendant of God) governed each

mayan center (reulated by council of elders) King had to= levy taxes, supervise local governments, administer

justice, and conduct foreign exchange Some loose leagues, bound by common religion, marrages or diplomatic arrangments Political power= religous power, law was religous principal and taxation was

religious offerings Important priests hig in government went to school to learn aout ceremonies/

religious skills In many cases conquered peoples retained old religion, culture, technology and

traditions Aztec provinces= taxed but own foreign relations. Ruled by Governors How Incans chose rulers lead to their eventual downfall Rulers court= place of government, religion, war, treasury and public works Incans had a much more complex governmental set up Iroquois rulers chosen by matrillineal and could be replaced if not effective

Humans first came to Americas over an

ice bridge in Alaska probably following their prey Culures shared common technology, currency and religious traditions Teotihuacan influenced other states (ex. Mayas) because of cultural reputation,

social connection, and commercial advantages Wars common during Mayan civilization for supremacy (Obsidian-bladed

weapons) Generally after peoples conquered each other, they absorbed previous

culture/adopt traditions Mayas achievements: perfect solar calendar using naked eye (‘long count’),

mathematics using 20, writing system (glyphs), architecture (ex. Pyramid of Sun) Stone tools; no bronze or iron in Americas for architecture and other works Aztecs conquered all of Mexico, adopted traditions of conquered people (ex.

Agriculture, built dams to control lakelevel, aqueducts, chinampas Incas- communication services, state built roads, runners who relayed messages,

rest houses, smoke signals; Quechua North America- hunter gatherers, agriculturepopulation growth, urban decline

Civilizations in Mesoamerica – States were unified by common culture, technology,

and religious traditions.

A. Formative period: Gave rise to the first great South American Culture: The Olmecs.

They made advances in art, architecture (pyramids), writing, artistry, food and religion.

B. Classical Period: Olmec golden age; advancements in communication, gods, pottery

The great city of Teotihuacan rose, and had a powerful influence on surrounding states.

Mayan civilization emerged during Classical Period as well, becoming the base culture for every other civilization in the Americas after. Religion was very important in everyday life, and human sacrifice was common/accepted. Significant achievments was the calender and writing system

C. Post Classical Era: Toltecs appeared, advancing Religion in a time of dying arts, cultural persuits and architecture.

Aztecs settled and expanded, eventually becoming a powerful south-american influence. They borrowed culture, religion, and technology from conquered people. Aztecs advanced irrigational technology (floating gardens: Chinampas), enginering and religious traditions.

The last great cultural influence of this time was he Incans. They produced fine art, aritechture and engineering. They believed kings were descendants of Gods. Incans bound their kingdom by strict economic control, a common language (Quechua, still spoken today) ad common religion.

D. North American Indians: They made less advancements in science and technology, but instead

mostly stayed hunter/gatherers till the discovery of agriculture reached them from Mexico. There

were over 200 different languages spoken up North even today. Religion was animism/polytheistic

The North East Native Americans (Iroquois) had a cultural relations, the league of five nations, to keep peace and control in the north

Native Americans in the Mid-west were more hunter/gatherer based, and persued religion.

Americas economy based mostly on agriculture

& trade through roads/boats Maize (corn) = 80% of food Farmers built dams and canals to irrigate crops

and drained swamps for chinampas Craftspeople and merchants paid taxes but didn’t

have to serve in the military while peasents farmed and served in military State planned all economic operations with all the accounts; government

assigned family lands for work; all property and some goods was state owned; state stocked, stored, and gave out food (ex. Military)

Tributes of subject states included maize, cotton textiles, and gold dust Marketplaces in Monte Albon and Teotihuacán had

metalwork, cotton cloth, and chipped stone to trade North American Indians survived through hunting and fishing until

agriculture was discovered, leading to population growth

1. Speaker: Bernabé Cobo is speaking to the Incan people. 2. Occasion: Coco is spreading the faith to the Incan

People because it is what he is called to do as a Jesuit priest. 3. Audience: The Incans are Coco’s and the legend’s audience. 4. Purpose: To inform readers that Incans aren’t uncivilized

(contrary to popular belief at the time), but had a king that maintained order by having set laws. Also, by showing their advanced achievements he proves they aren’t barbaric or un-orderly.

5. Subject: About a king how he maintains order through rules and religious ceremony (orderly fashion)

6. Tone: The authors tone is informative and typical historian fashion. There is no mood, and it is presented in first person because of how much time he spent with the Indians learning.