The AASHTO Green Book, 8 Edition - · Transportation, University of...


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The AASHTO Green Book, 8th Edition

AASHTO Council on Highways and Streets

St Louis, Missouri

October 6, 2019

Jeff Jones, P.E. Tennessee Department of Transportation

Topics to Cover

1. 2016 SCOH Resolution

2. NCHRP Project 15-47

3. NCHRP 20-7 (Task 423)

4. Task 423 Panel

5. Technical Committee on Geometric


6. Next Steps…

AASHTO Standing Committee on

Highways (SCOH) Meeting

SCOH Resolution

Des Moines, Iowa

May 25, 2016

1. RESOLVED, AASHTO should provide guidance to state DOTs and other users of

the Green Book regarding flexibility in design; and be it further

2. RESOLVED, This guidance should follow the AASHTO model of being research-

based and peer-reviewed; and be it further

3. RESOLVED, The Subcommittee on Design (SCOD) is tasked with developing this

guidance, both in the short term (next Green Book edition) and the longer term; and

be it further

4. RESOLVED, This guidance should assist in educating engineers and designers on the

flexibility inherent in the Green Book, as well as new and additional guidance on

specific design issues; and be it further


May 25, 2016 SCOH Resolution Approved Des Moines, IA

5. RESOLVED, This guidance should address designing in and for a

multi-modal transportation system; and be it further

6. RESOLVED, SCOD should coordinate with and possibly include other AASHTO

publications in a future set of flexible design standards; and finally be it

7. RESOLVED, SCOD should identify gaps in necessary research and develop a plan to

fill those gaps.

- Standing Committee on HighwaysMay 25, 2016

2016 Technical Committee on Geometric Design Meeting

Woods Hole, MA

J. Erik Jonsson

Woods Hole Center

July 12, 2016

July 12, 2016 TCGD Annual Meeting (Woods Hole)

Key questions for the Technical Committee

1. What changes are needed in the Green Book to

implement the spirit of the SCOH resolution ?

2. What is possible to include in the 7th edition ?

3. What can or should wait until the 8th edition ?

Draft Final Report from NCHRP 15 - 47

“Developing an Improved Geometric Design Process”

• Tim Neumann (CH2M /Bednar)

• Richard Coakley (CH2M/Jacobs)

• Doug Harwood (MRI Global)

( NCHRP Report 839: A Performance-Based Highway Geometric Design Process )

CH GB, 7th Edition

1 New Framework for Geometric Design

2 Design Controls and Criteria

3 Elements of Design

4 Cross Sectional Elements

5 Local Roads and Streets

6 Collector Roads and Streets

7 Rural and Urban Arterials

8 Freeways

9 Intersections

10 Grade Separations and Interchanges

Part GB8 NCHRP Project 15-47 (NCHRP Report 839)Chapter 1—Geometric Design and Project Development

Chapter 2—The Geometric Design Framework

Chapter 3—Road User Performance Characteristics

Chapter 4—Elements of Geometric Design—Alignment and Cross Section

Chapter 5—Elements of Geometric Design—Intersections and Roundabouts

Chapter 6—Elements of Geometric Design—Interchanges and Interchange Ramps

Chapter 7—Integration of Technology with Geometric Design

Chapter 8—Overview of the Roadway Geometric Design Process

Chapter 9—New Construction Design Process Overview

Chapter 10—New Local and Collector Roads in Rural Context Zones

Chapter 11—New Arterial Roads in Rural Context Zones

Chapter 12—New Freeways and Fully Controlled Access Highways in Rural Context Zones

Chapter 13—New Local and Collector Roads in Suburban Context Zones

Chapter 14—New Arterial Roads in Suburban Context Zones

Chapter 15—New Freeways and Fully Controlled Access Highways in Suburban Context Zones

Chapter 16—New Local and Collector Roads in Urban Context Zones

Chapter 17—New Arterial Roads in Urban Context Zones

Chapter 18—New Freeways and Fully Controlled Access Highways in Urban Context Zones

Chapter 19—Reconstruction Design Process Overview

Chapter 20—Reconstructed Local and Collector Roads in Rural Context Zones

Chapter 21—Reconstructed Arterial Roads in Rural Context Zones

Chapter 22—Reconstructed Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities in Rural Context Zones

Chapter 23—Reconstructed Local and Collector Roads in Suburban Context Zones

Chapter 24—Reconstructed Arterial Roads in Suburban Context Zones

Chapter 25—Reconstructed Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities in Suburban Context Zones

Chapter 26—Reconstructed Local and Collector Roads in Urban Context Zones

Chapter 27—Reconstructed Arterial Roads in Urban Context Zones

Chapter 28—Reconstructed Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities in Suburban Context Zones

Part IV Chapter 29—3R Design Process for All Road Types and Contexts

Part 1


Part II






Part III






July 12, 2016 TCGD Annual Meeting ( Woods Hole )

“We Need a Green Book


Sep 28, 2017 NCHRP 20-7 (Task 423) (Phoenix)

Title: “Planning for a Comprehensive Update and Restructuring ofAASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”

Budget: $100,000

Contractor: Kittelson and Associates, Inc. , Portland, Oregon

Principal Investigator: Brian Ray

Schedule: May 2018 to May 2019

Objective: “…detailed roadmap to develop and implement the 8th Edition of the Green Book that supports a data driven, performance-based design process as described in NCHRP Report 839…”

NCHRP Project 20-7 / Task 423

Chair: JoyceTaylor, Maine DOT NCHRP Staff: Ray Derr, TRB

Panel Members:FHWA Liaison: Elizabeth Hilton – Geometric Design

Program Manager, FHWA

Brent Cain – Division Director, TSM&O,

Arizona DOT

Dr. Richard Porter – Highway Safety Engineer, VHB

Andy Casey – State Roadway Design Engineer,

Georgia DOT

Karina Ricks – Director, Mobility and Infrastructure,

City of Pittsburgh

Carlos Cruz-Casas – Asst. Director, Dept. of Transp. &

Public Works, Miami-Dade County

James Rosenow – Design Flexibility Engineer,

Minnesota DOT

Aaron Frits – Road Design Leader,

Kansas DOT

Brian Shunk – Project Development Engineer,

Pennsylvania DOT

Jeff Jones – Asst. Chief Engineer of Design,

Tennessee DOT

Dr. Nikiforos Stamatiadis – Professor of CE /

Transportation, University of Kentucky

Susan Keen – Asst. State Location & Design Engineer,

Virginia DOT

Karla Sutliff – Traffic Operations Division Chief,

California DOT

Dr. John Milton, – Director, Transportation Safety and

Systems Analysis, Washington State DOT

Brian Walsh – State Traffic Design Engineer,

Washington State DOT

Sep 28, 2017 NCHRP 20-7 (Task 423)

Spring 2018

Project kick-off and outreach approach


Outreach initiated and coordination


Literature review initiated and sources


Summer 2018

Focus on outreach and information


Summarize outreach input and

literature review key themes

Project Schedule

Fall 2018

Complete information gathering


Develop Draft Roadmap and Vision

Winter 2018 / 2019

Gather panel input

Outreach at TRB to share information

Spring 2019

Finalize Roadmap and Vision for GB8

Foundational Research Documents


NCHRP Report 839: A Performance-Based Highway Geometric Design Process

NCHRP Report 785: Performance-Based Analysis of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

Green Book 8 Vision


There are two unique elements

Document Framework – How is the GB8 document


Design Framework – What is the design framework?

Part I Introduction

1 Overview

2 Performance Based Evaluation Concepts

3 Tort Liability and Risk Management

Part II Conducting Performance-Based


4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6 Applying a Performance Based Process Framework

Part III Roadway Planning and Geometric


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Roadway Design Fundamentals

Part IV Facility Types

9 Facility Type Considerations

10 Local and Collector Roads

11 Arterial Roads

12 Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities

13 At Grade Intersections

14 Interchanges

Green Book 8th Edition Vision (20-7 Project)

NCHRP Project 20-7 / Task 423 Technical Panel Meeting

Keck Center

Washington, DC

June 3, 2019

1. Thoughts on the 14 potential Chapters for GB8 ?

2. Publication Timeline ? Update frequency?

3. Publication Name ? Green Book, 8th Edition or new name (and color)?

4. Modular format or bound publication? Can State’s adopt a modular

GB8? If modular, does that mean update by Parts? by Chapters ? by

Sections? How often?

5. Hard copy GB8 and/or on-line GB8 ?

Technical Panel Comment

6. Should Resurfacing being included in GB8 as a work type ?

7. System Performance ?

8. Relationship of GB8 with other AASHTO Publications such as the Bike guide, Ped Guide, and Roadside Design Guide? Increased guidance for other modes?

9. TCGD membership and/or consultants to create / update GB8?

10. Integration of external partners such as ITE, NACTO, etc. for GB8 ?

11. Any other needed research or policy exploration to implement GB8 ? Off Cycle request?

Technical Panel Comments

GB8 Vision

Reno, NV

July 23-25, 2019

2019 Technical Committee on Geometric Design Meeting

Technical Committee Charge

Jeff Jones, P.E. Tennessee Department of Transportation


Part I Introduction

1 Overview

2 Performance Based Evaluation Concepts

3 Tort Liability and Risk Management

Part II Conducting Performance-Based


4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6 Applying a Performance Based Process Framework

Part III Roadway Planning and Geometric


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Roadway Design Fundamentals

Part IV Facility Types

9 Facility Type Considerations

10 Local and Collector Roads

11 Arterial Roads

12 Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities

13 At Grade Intersections

14 Interchanges

Green Book 8th Edition Vision (20-7 Project)

Part I Introduction

1 Overview

2 Performance Based Evaluation Concepts

3 Tort Liability and Risk Management

Part II Conducting Performance-Based


4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6 Applying a Performance Based Process Framework

Part III Roadway Planning and Geometric


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Roadway Design Fundamentals

Part IV Facility Types

9 Facility Type Considerations

10 Local and Collector Roads

11 Arterial Roads

12 Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities

13 At Grade Intersections

14 Interchanges

Green Book 8th Edition Vision (TCGD Meeting in Reno)

Part I Introduction

1 Overview

2 Performance Based Evaluation Concepts

3 Tort Liability and Risk Management

Part II Conducting Performance-Based


4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6 Applying a Performance Based Process Framework

Part III Roadway Planning and Geometric


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Roadway Design Fundamentals

Part IV Facility Types

9 Facility Type Considerations

10 Local and Collector Roads

11 Arterial Roads

12 Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities

13 At Grade Intersections

14 Interchanges

Green Book 8th Edition Vision (TCGD Meeting in Reno)

Part I Introduction

1 Overview

2 Performance Based Evaluation Concepts

3 Tort Liability and Risk Management

Part II Conducting Performance-Based


4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6 Applying a Performance Based Process Framework

Part III Roadway Planning and Geometric


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Roadway Design Fundamentals

Part IV

Facility Types

9 Facility Type Considerations

10 Local and Collector Roads

11 Arterial Roads

12 Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities

13 At Grade Intersections

14 Interchanges

Green Book 8th Edition Vision (TCGD Meeting in Reno)

Functional Class or Context Class ?

Part I Introduction

1 Overview

2 Performance Based Evaluation Concepts

3 Tort Liability and Risk Management

Part II Conducting Performance-Based


4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6 Applying a Performance Based Process Framework

Part III Roadway Planning and Geometric


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Roadway Design Fundamentals

Part IV

Facility Types

9 Facility Type Considerations

10 Local and Collector Roads

11 Arterial Roads

12 Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities

13 At Grade Intersections

14 Interchanges

Green Book 8th Edition Vision (TCGD Meeting in Reno)








Part Ch GB8 - TCGD Working Group

1 Overview

2 Performance-Based Design Concepts

3 Design Decision Making

4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6Applying a Performance Based Process


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Elements of Design

9 Cross-Section Elements

10 Intersection Fundamentals

11Freeways and Controlled Access


12 Interchange Fundamentals

13 Context and Facility Type Considerations

14 Rural and Natural Areas

15 Rural Towns

16 Suburban Roadways

17 Urban Roadways

18 Urban Core Roadways

19 Industrial, Warehouse or Port Roads

Part IV - Facility Design in


Part I - Introduction

Part II - Performance-Based


Part III - Geometric Elements

and Configurations

Green Book 8th Edition Vision (TCGD )

Part Ch GB8 Vision

(Kittelson 20-7 Project)

1 Overview

2 Performance Based Evaluation Concepts

3 Tort Liability and Risk Management

4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6 Applying a Performance Based Process


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Roadway Design Fundamentals

9 Facility Type Considerations

10 Local and Collector Roads

11 Arterial Roads

12Freeways and Controlled Access Facilities

13 At Grade Intersections

14 Interchanges

Part IV - Facility Types

Part II - Conducting



Part III - Roadway Planning

and Geometric Design

Part I - Introduction

Green Book 8th

Edition Vision


Part Ch Description

1 Overview

2 Performance-Based Design Concepts

3 Design Decision Making

4 Performance Metrics

5 Design Model

6Applying a Performance Based Process


7 Design Information and Sources

8 Elements of Design

9 Cross-Section Elements

10 Intersection Fundamentals

11Freeways and Controlled Access


12 Interchange Fundamentals

13 Context and Facility Type Considerations

14 Rural and Natural Areas

15 Rural Towns

16 Suburban Roadways

17 Urban Roadways

18 Urban Core Roadways

19 Industrial, Warehouse or Port Roads

Part I


Part II



Part III

Geometric Elements

and Configurations

Part IV

Facility Design in


GB8 Next Steps

1. GB8 Vision Statement by TCGD Working Group


2. FY 2021 NCHRP Problem Statement for the

Development of GB8 (Underway) Annotated Outline

Communication Plan for external coordination

Document Process map

Questions ?

Jeff Jones

Tennessee Department of Transportation

Suite 700, James K. Polk Bldg.

Nashville, TN 37243-1402