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Plus, a little bit more about how The Jolt works and what it can do for your career.


But first, let us make you smile.

Does your working day feel a bit like this?

Or maybe a bit like this?

And does your career plan look a bit like this?

Or this?

But you’d much prefer it was all kinda like this?

Welcome To The Jolt

THE JOLT IS SIMPLEOne email. Every week. Three things in it.

WINK This is your cheeky tip to use right away. It’s like a work tweet. Like how to start a Zoom meeting and get everyone aligned and ready to go. Even if it’s not your meeting.

NUDGE This is your poke in the ribs. The power habit to learn & apply at work. Like how to handle a toxic & manipulative co-worker. We all need nudging to act now & then.

JOLT This is your 1.21-gigawatt wake-up call. It will make you think hard about what you’re doing, where you’re going & how you’ll get there. Sometimes a good Jolt hurts for a reason.

Everything we do drives the 5 Super Skills that are essential armor to survive & thrive in the work-place today.

THE 5 SUPER SKILLSRESILIENCE Taking a punch and getting back up. Training your mind to deal with constant change & shifts in priorities builds resilience. It helps you get out of bad habits like worrying or negative thinking. This is the foundation of a growth mind-set. You can’t have success without it.

STORY-TELLING Creatively influencing others to believe in your ideas. In a world where a typical person will be sold to 5,000 times a day, your 1 idea needs to stand out.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance”. Alan Watts. We’re not fans of motivational quotes, but sometimes they encapsulate things better than we can. For example, one of our executive team took a major sideways move during a restructure. It didn’t enhance their job tittle or salary, and initially they were negative about it. But after a long hard objective look at their situation, they realized the new job hugely enhanced their skills. They left a year later and set-up their own business. They did it successfully because they acquired valuable skills they didn’t have before.

The Message: Resilience opens you up to the skills & experiences that change always offers. Add this to your work bank account.

Everyone is buying and selling. Deep down, everything we do in life is driven by emotion at its core. Life is one big story. Whether it’s a product, a plan or a place to meet for lunch, life is made up for thousands of buy & sell transactions every single day. If someone tells you their decision making is based entirely on facts, they could be very wrong about the solution actually needed. It’s a trap we see happen all the time. Whether your audience is your boss, a colleague or the million consumers you’re trying to get to buy into your brand, you first need to understand what the emotional hooks are before you hang your hat on them. This is what winners do.

The Message: An emotional connection with an audience is even more powerful than having a great benefit to sell.

DOING The ability to get sh*t done quickly through your organization. Business is a whir of changing priorities & disruption. The increasing speed of this change means executors will win. Everyone needs to know how to roll up their sleeves and move things into action.

RELATIONSHIPS Having others want you on their team because you are a good person who gets good results. Not a nice person, but a good person. There’s an important difference between nice & good, and it’s changing the face of modern leadership.

“Pick a general direction and implement like hell”. Jack Welch. OK, another quote, but this one is worth it. Some of us lean to thinking, some of us lean to doing. Both are great skills. Both can also derail you if you apply them in the wrong way. For example, if you are someone who over-emphasizes strategy, and under emphasizes action, you’ll find yourself in a career trap. We see it all the time; the nice decks, pretty graphs & well-measured fonts, yet the real world is scrappy & eats decks for breakfast. As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the face.

The Message: You need to both think & do. But the doing should get the most attention.

The old school approach of a rigid corporate hierarchy with well manicured boxes on an org chart is dying. We are living in a world where power & influence is driven by a complex matrix of relationships built on trust and partnership, not on job title. If you are concerned about the human being in front of you, your relationships will be of a far higher quality. This leads to even greater levels of trust. And even better results. This is the virtuous cycle of the new human economy and it’s a good thing.

The Message: Your career currency, influence and value is built entirely on your relationships. Your relationships are built on trust.


PURPOSE Nothing is worth doing unless you know why you’re doing it. You’ll be grinding on cold hard rails for the rest of your life if you don’t pay attention to what gets you out of bed. Don’t make work your death-bed regret.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive” Maya Angelou. One day you will die. We all will. And one of the saddest things we hear at The Jolt is when people look back at their career and ponder “what might have been”. Regret is a powerful motivator. Using the knowledge of our eventual demise can kick our butts into action. This was certainly the case for one of our advisory board who decided to retrain and completely change careers. This was seven years ago. They now have a successful psychotherapy practice and a full client list. They could still be deciding on their purpose right now, seven years later. Creating your purpose is the closest we can legally get to giving you a big slap in the face. We will guide you on your journey, but we cannot create this for you. Only you can.

The Message: Without purpose you are a boat without a compass. Without a compass, your speed of travel and direction are irrelevant.


Electrify your career. Once a week, we send you a quick to read email with just 3 things in it; a Wink, Nudge & a Jolt. These are the habits that guide the 5 Super Skills that are essential armor for the workplace of today.

Give you real world advice. Real work is messy, imperfect & raw as hell. Everything we do is developed using Executive insights & experience in consultation with our Advisory Board of senior executives. We’ve nailed it, failed it and eaten the t-shirt for you.

Give you an edge. Nobody teaches a course called “How to work”. Yet our careers are the culmination of thousands of little actions we make every-single-day. The good, bad & ugly. We help you make sure these actions are more good than bad. Or ugly.

Help you before you act. None of us see our actions happening in real time. We’re all running too fast to notice. No book, boss or colleague is going to stop and point them out to us, gift-wrapped with chocolate. That’s why we’re here.

Talk about what’s not said. So much of work is un-spoken. Like the right way to go round or over your boss. How to handle toxicity. What it really feels like to let someone go. You name it, we’ll tackle it. It’s called work.

A sense of relief. Everyone pretty much faces the same issues, regardless of title. We are your work smile. We are here to boost you in the moment. We’re not a get promoted quick scheme or a bunch of memes to post on Linked-In. We’re in the ring with you.


OK, we know. But at least it’s not some stock photo idiot doing a high-five
