th INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE … · Fiera Milano S.p.A. - c/o Banca Popolare di Lodi ......


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Company name .............................................................Street ............................................................................Zip code ................. City ......................Country ..........Phone .................................... Fax .................................

Tax Code .......................................................................Company E-mail ............................................................Web site .......................................................................Nationality of the parent company ................................







BILLING DATA (if different)

OPENING HOURS OF THE EVENT TUESDAY 6TH NOVENBER: - Admittance strictly reserved to members of the press from 8:30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m while, for trade operators, entrance hours are from 12:00 h; closing time 6:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY 7TH NOVEMBER: - entrance reserved to members of the press as well as trade operators from 9:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m.

EXHIBITORS HOURS: entrance one hour before of the opening time and exit half an hour after the closing time.

E-mail ...........................................................................







(for administrative communications)

Name and Surname .......................................................E-mail ............................................................................Phone ............................ Mobile phone .........................In charge of ...................................................................

LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY Name and Surname .......................................................E-mail ............................................................................Phone ............................ Mobile phone .........................In charge of ...................................................................

PRODUCTS:Insurance Associations Clothing

and Footwear Accessories Specialist

Press Parts

Vehicles Helmets Services



FROM THURSDAY 8TH TO 11TH NOVEMBER: - opening also to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

FRIDAY 9TH NOVEMBER: the show continues into the evening until 10:00 p.m.

Company name .............................................................Street .............................................................................Zip code ................. City ......................Country ...........Phone .................................... Fax .................................

Tax Code .......................................................................

EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano IT

Tel. 02 677351.1- Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153

Milan, 6th -11th November 2018




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ADVANCED PAYMENT AND TERMS (to be paid by 15th March)

In order to be accepted the application form has to be accompanied by copy of:


DEPOSIT (see art. 15.3)METHODS OF PAYMENT (to be made by 30th September 2018)EURO 1.000,00

SPACE REQUEST SOLUTIONS - RENTAL FEES AND PARTICIPATION COSTS In my capacity as legal representative and having read the enclosed General Regulation,I hereby apply to take part in the 76th EICMA START UP AREA n° Module ........................................

“FURNISHED TURN KEY” - cost per Module: EURO 2,400.00 (+ VAT if due)see attached technical sheet:

Date: ........../........../..........Company Stamp

and signatureof Legal Representative

The application form will only be considered valid if returned together with copy of advanced payment, copy of General Regulation duly signed, Chamber of Commerce document and Privacy notice signed. The outstanding balance must be paid within September 15th 2018. Products may not be sold during the exhibition. It is recommended to send the application form by 15th March 2018 then the spaces will be sold upon availability of exhibiting area.

The Exhibitor declares by signing this form to have received the information according to the Art. 185 of 7 DGLS September 2005 N. 209 and in accordance with what arranged in the Circular ISVAP N. 303 of the 2 June 1997.I hereby declare that I expressly accept all the articles of the General Regulation attached.

BANK WIRE (included copy of money transfer validated by the bank) to: Fiera Milano S.p.A. - c/o Banca Popolare di Lodi (Gruppo BANCO POPOLARE) - Filiale di Pero Via Sempione, 177 20016 Pero (MI) - IBAN: IT 03 Z 05034 01633 000000150017- SWIFT/BIC: BAPP IT21M85 - VERY IMPORTANT: please indicate as reason of payment EICMA and your company name.


Return back

EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano IT

Tel. 02 677351.1- Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153

To be paid to Eicma spa by bank transfer (a copy stamped by the bank to be returned) :Banca Intesa Sanpaolo agenzia: Milano - Piazza Duca D’Aosta - C/C 100000002924 - ABI 03069 - CAB 09473 - CIN V.- IBAN : IT08 Z030 6909 4731 0000 0002 924 - SWIFT CODE: BCITITMM

N.B. In the reason for payment, the following must be shown EICMA 2018 DEPOSIT and your company name

services connected with the Show, with the exclusion of non-commercial Companies/authorities and private individuals. In order to identify the type of Exhibitor (Company liable for taxation/non-commercial Company or private individual), before the issuing of the invoice it is essential to receive the information on the V.A.T. number/ID code or other documents proving the status of company and not of private individual.

The International Bicycle and Motorcycle Exhibition (hereinafter also Event), promoted by CONFIN-DUSTRIA ANCMA National Association of Bicycles, Motorcycles and Accessories, and organized by EICMA S.p.A. (hereinafter also Organizer) with the technical and administrative assistance of Fiera Milano S.p.A. (hereinafter also Fiera Milano) is the trade fair of the sector of two-wheeled vehicles. The International Bicycle and Motorcycle Exhibition takes place every year in Rho-Pero at the Fiera Milano Exhibition Grounds.

Article 1 The event

Will be admitted only company that offer services and products relating to the two-wheel sector:• younger than 48 months;• founded by young people under 35 The Organizer reserve the right to ask the Exhibitor for all documents proving the existence of the requirements.

Article 2 Commodity sectors admitted

3.1The minimum space that each participant must rent is 1 furnished module.3.2 Registration Fee (compulsory): the amount requested for this and shown in the Application for Participation includes the following services:Expopage Service and Smart Catalogue this is the online catalogue, the service managed by Eicma S.p.A. and Fiera Milano Media S.p.A. in addition to the information on the positioning of the Exhibitor in the pavilions, the system also includes both the publication online of the company information provided by the Exhibitor and the links to Internet contents (web sites of the sector, videos, official pages of the participating companies on the social networks etc.) provided by the Exhibitor or found on the web by Fiera Milano Media S.p.A.. Taking part in the event entails subscrip-tion to the service. The Exhibitor, therefore, with the acceptance of these General Regulations, gives its assent to the service and to the use, by EICMA S.p.A and Fiera Milano Media S.p.A., of the data to carry out the aforementioned activities and recognizes Fiera Milano Media S.p.A. as the only subject responsible to contact for any and every issue relative to the Smart Catalog service.Official catalogue and Guide to the Show: inclusion of the company information in the hard copies of the Guide to the Show and Official Catalogue. Supply of a copy of the aforementioned material. The compilation of the catalogue will be by the Exhibitor, online, through the reserved platform made available by the Organizer no later than 30th September of the year of the Event. After this date, the information present in the Application for Participation will be published, without EICMA being held responsible for any errors or omissions. Wi-Fi service: with free of charge access to the Fiera Milano network with a maximum speed of up to 600kps. The professional services of connectivity which can be purchased through the online E- Service platform offered to the Exhibitor by Fiera Milano remains accessible through credentials specifically assigned after the registration of the Application for Participation (the links to access the E-Service platform with the relative credentials will be sent by email after notification of the exhibition space).3.3 The rate, expressed in square metres, or as a whole, is also comprehensive, as well as of the costs of rent of the exhibition space within the explicitly indicated limits, of:Municipal Tax on Advertising: without prejudice to the rules on participation, the Exhibitor must pay the Local Authorities the tax for everything that is considered taxable pursuant to Presiden-tial Decree no. 639 of 26.10.1972. Following the agreements concluded with the Local Authority in the interest of the exhibitors, this tax is established as a lump sum on the basis of the surface area occupied by the Event. In order to avoid onerous procedures that the Exhibitors would have to carry out directly, this tax is included in the participation fee. Fiera Milano S.p.A. will then make the relative payment to the Local Authority;Electricity: consumption up to 20 kw;Basic cleaning of areas (the area assigned to the Exhibitor);Rental of fire extinguishers;SIAE: payment of the royalties from any audiovisual installations on the stands (hereinafter also Exhibition Areas or Area) that may be charged. This cover does not include however live performances (with Artists and/or musical instruments) for which the Exhibitor must provide directly at the SIAE offices in the city, The royalties due pursuant to articles 72 and 73bis of Law 633/1941 to artists, performers and record producers owners of royalties on the recordings and on their behalf SCF – Consorzio Fonografici are also included. The royalties due to artists, performers and record producers pursuant to art. 73 of the aforementioned law for the diffusion of records and musical videos during fashion shows, DJ sets with or without dancing are not included. Therefore, the organizers of such events are invited to contact SCF – Consorzio Fonografici - Via Leone XIII, 14 - Milan – in order to comply with the obligations required by the laws currently in force.3.4 In order to be exempted from the payment of the VAT, foreign exhibitors must indicate on the application form their VAT number or fiscal ID.NEW V.A.T. REGULATIONS As from January 1st, 2011, in accordance with the Legislative Decree no. 8/2010 in application of the EU directive no. 8/2008, foreign Exhibitors liable for taxation are not required any longer to pay the V.A.T. on stand fee and

Article 3 Rates, registration fee, miscellaneous services

4.1. Declaration of value Exhibitors and/or co-exhibitors are required to declare, using the special form downloadable from the e-service platform (compulsory documents), the total "estimated value" of goods, machinery, fixtures and fittings and equipment they plan to bring to and/or used at the Fiera Milano ground, even on behalf of Represented Brands understanding that, in lack of such declaration, the value shall be considered to be the minimum amount as stated in Art. 4.2 below and save in any case the right to verify the aforesaid declaration by Fiera Milano.In case of accident, should the final value declared by the Exhibitor and/or co-exhibitor fail to correspond to effective value of the insured property, the value of said merchandise shall be that declared by the Exhibitor and/or co-exhibitor. Pursuant to art. 1907 of the Italian Civil Code, compen-sation could be determined by the Insurer on the basis of the proportional criterion.4.2. "All risks" Policy of the Exhibitors (excluding terrorism and sabotage risks) - The Organizer and Fiera Milano require that all goods, machinery, fixtures, fittings and equipment brought to and/or used at the Exhibition Centre by Exhibitors and/or co-exhibitors are covered by a property "All Risks" insurance, including a clause waiving the insurer’s right of recourse against Third Parties, including Fondazione Fiera Milano, Fiera Milano SpA, their subsidiaries and/or affiliates, the Organization and all Third Parties in any way involved in the organization of the Exhibition. This insurance is made available through Fiera Milano for a capital of Euro 25.000,00 at a cost of Euro 95,00, such sum will be charged on the invoice balance of the participation fee of the Organizer. Exhibitors and/or co-exhibitors may increase the automatic coverage, by filling in, signing and returning the appropriate form downloadable from the e-service platform (compulsory documents). Coverage includes the stipulation of 10% insurance exclusion for each claim in the event of theft, with a minimum of Euro 250,00 and doubling this amounts for the reports submitted after the closing of the exhibition. Should Exhibitors have their own property “All Risks” insurance for goods, machinery, fixtures, fittings and equipment brought to and/or used at the Fiera Milano ground, valid for fairs and exhibitions, with a clause waiving the insurer’s right of recourse against Fondazione Fiera Milano, Fiera Milano SpA, their subsidiaries and/or affiliates, the Organization and all Third Parties in any way involved in the organization of the Exhibition, Exhibitors are anyway required to fill in and return the signed form, downloadable from the e-service platform, enclosing declarations signed by their legal representative and the insurance company stating that the above property is covered by an "all risks" guarantee in a manner no less than that prescribed by the General Regulations (facsimile included in the form). In this case it will be reversed the sum previously charged.4.3. Third Party Liability Policy - This coverage is automatically provided, free of charge, for all exhibitors and/or co-exhibitors by Fiera Milano. This will become an extension of its general policy that has a limit of no less than Euro 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million). 4.4. Limitation of Liability - The Exhibitor and/or co-exhibitor, by signing the Application Form, agree to release Fiera Milano and the Organizer from any liability for consequential losses, reputational damage, loss of revenues, etc... Also for any direct loss, as per the coverage provided as per Art. 4.2 above, each Exhibitor and/or co-exhibitor agrees to release Fiera Milano and the Organizer from any liability.

Article 4 Declaration of value- Insurance - Limitation of liability

Milan, 6th -11th November 2018



EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano ITTel. 02 677351.1 - Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153

Article 5 Application for participation – Closing date for presentation and payment

5.1 The Application for participation, together with a copy of the general regulations and the privacy policy, must reach EICMA S.p.A. at the address Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milan – Italy by post or by email – duly filled in and signed by the legal representative of the Exhibitor, preferably no later than 15th March of the year of the Event for the purposes of assignment of the exhibition space. After this date, the spaces will be granted for as long as exhibition surface area is available and the applications will be taken into consideration compatibly with the availability of any remaining or added space, without the guarantee of Participation or any visibility equivalent to the areas originally available. 5.2 The signature of the Application for Participation represents unconditional acceptance of the General Regulations and the Technical Regulations (available on the online E- Service platform offered by Fiera Milano) that the Exhibitor declares having received and knowing, as well as any other subsequent additional requirement issued by the Organizer and by Fiera Milano in the interest of the Event.5.3 As a precondition for the presentation of the Application for Participation, the same must be accompanied by the payment of the advance for each sq. m. requested as well as the registration fee as quantified in the Application for Participation.

7.1 During the days immediately preceding the conclusion of the event, the administration of FIERA MILANO S.p.A. shall summarise all the invoices issued for additional services and goods supplied, as well as any other charges. Any objection regarding the charges indicated must be presented before within 10 days of theclosure of the event; after said time limit they shall not be accepted; once this term has elapsed, no further claim will be accepted.7.2 The statement of account can be found on the Easy Service platform, and the remittance of the amount to be paid by the Exhibitor can be carried out directly from the head office by wire transfer or credit card, accessing the Easy Service site, at the ”Easyservice” digital totems or producing the statement of account at the bank counters operating on the Exhibition premises.7.3 The removal of exhibits as well as fitting-up materials and other items belonging to Exhibitors is conditioned by the production of Exhibitors’ cards at the gates of the Fair Grounds; 7.4 Said cards will authorize the exit provided that Exhibitors have fulfilled all their contractual obligations towards Fiera Milano and/or the Organizer.

Article 7 Payment of statement of account– Exit pass



EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano ITTel. 02 677351.1 - Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153

To this end, the applicant – on pain of the application not being accepted - must:a) attach a copy, confirmed by the bank, of the bank transfer made to FIERA MILANO S.p.A. (which carries out the administrative and treasury services on behalf of the Organizer) c/o Banca Popolare di Lodi (Gruppo BANCO POPOLARE) – Pero Branch; IBAN IT 03 Z 05034 01633 000000150017 - SWIFT/BIC BAPP IT21M85or:b) authorize the debit of the relative amount on a credit card as stated in the Application for Participation. 5.4 The balance of the registration fee must be paid by and no later than 15th September of the year of the Event, in the same ways as per point 5.3 above.5.5 With the signature of the Application for Participation, the Exhibitor undertakes to take part in the Event in the space that will be assigned to it. 5.6 EICMA reserves the right not to provide the services under art. 3 and/or to exclude any Exhibitor from the Event, with EICMA keeping the advance paid by way of penalty, save compensation for greater loss effectively suffered due to non-fulfilment of the Exhibitor of the provisions of this article 5 or in the case of failure to pay the balance of the fee due.

Article 6 Right of the organizer to reject the applications

6.1 The presentation of the Application for Participation and the payment of the advance do not represent the right of the applicable to take part in the Event.6.2 The Organizer reserves the right to reject any Application for Participation received, even though complete with all the requirements as per article 5 above, without having to justifying the reasons for the rejection.

Article 8 Untruthful, collective, multi-brand and non-sector declarations

8.1 In the event that the Organization were to find that the Exhibitor has registered for the Event under a false name or false company name or through the use of a name or a company name that exists but which does not belong to the Exhibitor present at the Event, the Stand will be immediately closed and/or the services interrupted, regardless of the presence or not of the requisites for Participation by the Exhibitor present at the show or of the subject of which the name or company name is used. They will both also be excluded from the subsequent editions of the Event. To this end, in order to verify that this prohibition is respected, the Organizer reserves the right to make every opportune check on everything that is in the Stand, taking as reference everything that has been declared in the Application for Participation and/or in the Official Catalogue. The Organizer reserves the right to take action in every opportune seat, civil and criminal, against the Exhibitor and its nominee.8.2 The Exhibitor (in particular in the case of collective participations, of import export companies or shared stands) must specify the company name and relative data (registered office, telephone number and email address if applicable) of all the companies that are represented or present on the Stand.8.3 The Exhibitors representing several brands may display the products on a single Stand. Each Exhibitor may display solely products it manufactures and products of companies of which it is the exclusive representative for the respective area it belongs to. It is up to the Exhibitor to have available at the Stand documentation supporting its rights.8.4 In the event in which several exhibitors declare they represent the same company, EICMA reserves the right to ask for a letter of appointment certifying the distribution in the national territory or part of it. In the absence of the documentation requested, the Organizer has the faculty of excluding the brand or the company represented from the Official Catalogue, from the Guide to the Show, on the Official Site and/or from the Event. 8.5 Exhibiting the trademark or distinctive marks of other companies, displaying goods or signs that refer to as well as distribute, promotional and/or informative material relative to brands and companies other than those shown on the online form for inclusion of the company data in the Official Catalogue and in the Official Guide is prohibited.8.6 Each Exhibitor must inform the organizational office of EICMA in advance (no later than 30th September of the year of the Event) if any company/ies from outside the sector, to which visibility is given, will be present on its stand, but it may not occupy a space of more than 10% of that assigned to the Exhibitor.For this co-participation, the Exhibitor will be asked for an indicative project relative to the presence of the company from outside the sector hosted and the space granted, in order to quantify the additional participation fee for the visibility given.

Article 9 Exhibition spaces - Assignment of the exhibition areas to the exhibitors - Exhibitor passes

9.1 RULES CONCERNING SPACES9.1.1 For the entire duration and for the whole period the Event is open, the Exhibitor must guarantee the Stand is manned and keeps the assigned space. Each Exhibitor is responsible to EICMA, and to third parties, for the information provided and the conduct of the Stand on the days of the Event.9.1.2 The Exhibitor must set up its stand within the space assigned to it, which can be identified by adhesive tape or coloured stripes on the floor, without crossing them (for any occupation of further space in addition to that assigned, without prejudice to the right of the Organizer to prevent it, the price per sq. m. according to the Application for Participation will be due by the Exhibitor).9.2 ASSIGNMENT OF THE EXHIBITION AREAS TO THE EXHIBITORSIn the assignment of the exhibition areas the Organization may take into account:- the date of arrival of the Application for Participation; - the qualification of the Exhibitor as a member of Confindustria ANCMA.Any particular indications of requests made by the Exhibitor are agreed purely and not binding for the Organization but will be taken into consideration compatibly with the availability of the space and organizational requirements. With the exception of the spaces by modules, the participation fee will be calculated and invoiced according to the square metres effectively assigned (decimals rounded up) which will be shown in the document “notification of assignment” (available for the Exhibitor in the online platform of EICMA) in which the data of the area assigned will be summarized and supplemented if necessary and the corresponding rental fee will be shown. In addition, the Organizer will have the faculty of reducing the Stand already assigned, and/or transferring it to another exhibition area without any right of the participant to indemnity or compensation of any kind. It will however be under the obligation to notify the Exhibitor in writing.9.3 EXHIBITOR BADGES AND ADMISSION9.3.1 EICMA will issue the Exhibitors permanent admission badges to the Show in a number proportional to the surface area of the stand assigned according to the following table:- for surfaces occupied by collectives, 2 badges every 9 sq. m.- Stand up to 20 sq. m., 4 badges- Stand from 21 to 50 sq. m. 6 badges- Stand from 51 to 100 sq. m. 13 badges- Stand from 101 to 200 sq. m. 20 badges- Stand from 201 to 400 sq. m. 40 badges- Stand from 401 to 600 sq. m. 55 badges- Stand from 601 to 1000 sq. m. 80 badges- Over 1001 sq. m.125 badgesThe exhibitor badges are in digital format and must be managed through the Online E-service platform. The badges are also valid for the days of preparing and dismantling the stands and may be managed through the anti-passback system. Transferring the aforementioned badges for any reason whatsoever is prohibited. The abusive use of the aforementioned badges will entail the immediate confiscation of the same.9.3.2 The rental fee does not include any free car parking space, any free daily admission tickets and extra Exhibitor Badges which can be ordered and purchased through the online platform which will be made available by EICMA.

Failure to report the presence of a company not from the two-wheeled sector, or doing so untruthfully, entails the application of a penalty of Euro 2,500.00. In addition, the additional fee will be requested as shown in this article.

10.1 The Exhibitors must observe the rules of law in force and all the other regulations as per the Technical Regulations for the use of the structures and of the technical installations.10.2 The exhibition areas must be returned in the conditions in which they were when they were handed over to the Exhibitors. All the costs of repair are at the expense of the latter. Tampering with, modifying or removing the structures provided by the Organizer is prohibited. In the case of violation of this rule, the Exhibitor must pay for all the costs of repair of the structures and it may be excluded from the subsequent editions of the Event.

Article 10 Damage to the exhibition areas

11.1 In the event in which an Exhibitor notifies its decision to withdraw from participation in the Event, the same will be obliged to pay the following sums:- withdrawal notified no later than 31st May of the year of the Event, EICMA will retain by way of payment for early withdrawal the whole amount of the advance paid;- withdrawal notified after 31st May of the year of the Event and no later than 31st August of the Event, EICMA will retain by way of payment for early withdrawal the whole amount of the advance paid and will be entitled to request 30% of the balance due calculated on the basis of the module / modules assigned or if not yet notified on the requested in the Application for Participation;- withdrawal notified after 31st August of the year of the Event, EICMA will retain by way of payment for early withdrawal the whole amount of the advance paid and will also be entitled to request the whole balance due calculated on the basis of the modules assigned or if not yet assigned on the modules requested in the Application for Participation.11.2 In the case of notification of partial withdrawal of the space, the above rules will apply in proportion to the space no longer wanted.

Article 11 Withdrawal



EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano ITTel. 02 677351.1 - Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153

Prohibition of transferring exhibition areas - Transferring or the total or partial sub-rent, in whatever capacity, of the exhibition space assigned, is prohibited. In the case of ascertained violation of this prohibition, the Organizer has the faculty to terminate this contract pursuant to article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code and the Organizer and Fiera Milano are entitled to retain all the sums paid until that time by the Exhibitor for the Application for Participation or to demand them as a whole if not yet paid, by way of penalty, without prejudice to any further greater loss. The assets, the goods and the materials for the stands introduced and exhibited abusively by the transferee may be removed by the Organizer at the risk and expense of the Exhibitor.Prohibition of performance – Every form of performance is prohibited in the first two days of the Event, as well as having music that prevents or makes work in the neighbouring stands difficult. On the following days in the case in which the Exhibitor wishes to organize in its exhibition space performances or other forms of entertainment for the public that go beyond the simple exhibition of the products, it must inform EICMA by and no later than 15th October of the year of the Event, providing a details of the performance. In any case, EICMA reserves the right to prohibit the Exhibitor, including during the Event, from holding performances which have not been previously authorized, or held in a way different from that originally notified to EICMA, which cause disturbance to the other Exhibitors or are contrary to morals or public order.Prohibition of selling – Selling with immediate delivery of goods exhibited and indicating the relative prices with exhibited price tags is also prohibited, with the sole exception of the directly promotional products and goods of the brand or of the brands represented (Merchandising) as well as of specialized Publishing.Prohibition of promotional activity in the aisles and passageways – Distributing promotional material and any advertising/promotional activity is prohibited in the aisles and in the passageways inside the Exhibition Grounds.Prohibition of circulating with unauthorized vehicles - Circulating in the aisles of the pavilions and in the passageways of the Exhibition Grounds with any two-wheeled vehicles, including electric (for example scooter, Segway, skates, bicycles etc.) is prohibited.

Article 12 Prohibitions

Article 14 Failure to arrive, late arrival and early departure from the exhibition area

14.1 In the event that the Exhibitor, for any reason whatsoever, does not take possession of the Stand assigned to it by 12 noon on the day prior to the start of the Event or in the event that it arrives at the Event when it has already started, the Organization has the faculty to terminate this contract pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code and, consequently, to freely dispose of the unoccupied space.14.2 The sums paid or still due by the Exhibitor for the payment of the Fee will be retained and/or requested by way of penalty and no request may be made by the Exhibitor for any reason or in any capacity whatsoever. In the event of failure to occupy the Stand by the Exhibitor, the Organizer also reserves the right to exclude the Exhibitor from subsequent editions of the Event.14.3 If the Exhibitor leaves the Stand early, even partially with respect to the days and times of closing established in the Application for Participation or dismantles the Stand, without prejudice to the right of the Organize to claim or retain the payment of the agreed Fee, a penalty equal to Euro 2,500.00 will also be due.

The Exhibitors undertake to respect decency and morals in their exhibition spaces, as well as obviously respecting the rules of public order. Indicatively but not exhaustively, also due to the presence of minors in the Exhibition Grounds, the Exhibitors are obliged to require of their personnel, whether employees or not, present in the exhibition spaces, polite and respectful behaviour as well as decent clothing.

Article 13 Decency

15.1 The Exhibitor assumes exclusively the civil and criminal liability for any damage caused by failure to observe or by infringement of the regulations currently in force and all the requirements shown in these Regulations and in the Technical Regulations, also being obliged to hold EICMA harmless of any claims for compensation put forward by third parties.15.2 In every case of non-fulfilment of the General Regulations and of the Technical Regulations of Fiera Milano by the Exhibitor, it will be the faculty of the Organizer to request a penalty by way of compensation, as well as any greater damage.In particular:1) the violation of the prohibition of transferring the Stand and of selling products exhibited entails the application of a penalty equal to Euro 2,500.00.2) the violation of the prohibition of promotional activity in the aisles and passageways and of holding performances entails the application of a penalty equal to Euro 2,500.00.3) The violation of any other prohibition shown in these General Regulations and in the Technical Regulations entails the application of a penalty of Euro 2,500.00 for each individual violation.The penalties shown above and those shown in these Regulations, in the case of collective participa-tions, are agreed as applicable to each participant of the collective and for each brand represented in the case of an area where several brands are represented.15.3 The Exhibitor who officialises the application for participation, unless a member of CONFIN-DUSTRIA ANCMA Associazione Nazionale Ciclo, Motociclo e Accessori, is under the obligation to pay a deposit of Euro 1,000.00 by and no later than 30 September of the year of the Event, to

Article 15 Penalties for non-fulfilment and deposit

guarantee compliance with all the obligations as per these Regulation (by way of example: prohibition of transferring the Stand, prohibition of selling and carrying out promotional activities in the aisles and paths, failed, late arrival at or early departure from the exhibition area, failure to inform or untruthfully informing by the Exhibitor of the a non-Sector presence in its stand, exceeding limits of planned stand etc.) This deposit will be returned exclusively if the Exhibitor has not violated any of the provisions of the Regulations. On the contrary, the deposit will be kept by the Organizer by way of advance on the penalties laid down by the Regulations. For collective exhibitors, the deposit is agreed as Euro 1,000 for each company taking part and represented in the collective exhibition.15.4 In the case of failure to pay the deposit by the deadline shown and in the case of failure to pay the aforementioned penalties, the Organizer reserves the right not to accept the application for participation for the next editions.

For the entire duration of the Event, including setup and striking stands and all associated activities,every Exhibitor is required to comply meticulously with the entire applicable system of rules of regulations, particularly the rules and regulations on occupational safety, health and the physical well-being of workers, as well as with employment, pensions and social security law. During stand setup and striking, and for any other associated or linked activity, Exhibitors further undertake to comply with and ensure that all contractors working on their behalf comply with the Fiera Milano Technical Regulations and all amendments and additions therein, and the provisions contained in article 88, subsection 2-bis and the associated implementational Ministerial Decree issued on 22.7.2014 by the Ministry of Employment and Social Policies and by the Ministry of Health. The Technical Regulations, which may be consulted on the website under “EXHIBI-TION” (the link to the “Exhibitor technical information”),also contain precautionary rules on exhibition safety (fire prevention, electrical installations, environmental protection etc.), excluding specific safety-related rules for activities undertaken by the Exhibitor or contracted out by exhibitors to contractors (stand set-up/striking and associated activities), for which the Exhibitor remains responsible for oversight and compliance. In order to comply with the obligations of the above-mentioned Ministerial Decree issued on 22.7.2014, the Organizer offers access to these specific documents, Annexes IV and V of the Ministerial Decree, through the Fiera Milano website. Conduct that fails to comply with the above-mentioned safety regulations, in particular if it impacts general safety in the pavilions and with regard to other parties in attendance, may prompt intervention by the Organizer and/or Fiera Milano as part of regular checks and samples, resulting in the immediate cut-off of utilities supplied to the stall or its immediate closure. Any additional consequence that may arise out of a failure to comply with the above-mentioned provisions is theExhibitor’s and its contractors’ sole responsibility.Fiera Milano may bar staff working for contractors/freelance workers operating on behalf the Exhibitor from the Fair Site if they do not possess an ID badge as envisaged under article 18 subsection 1u, article 21 subsection 1c, and article 26 subsection 8 of Legislative Decree 81/08, and non-EU hirees who, even if theyhold an above-mentioned badge, do not have a valid and legible Italian green card or a valid and legible ID card. This charge will be passed on to the Employer responsible for and the contact person for any barred staff. As the buyer, any Exhibitor who authorizes a company to operate on the site on its behalfto carry out work will be informed of the charge. Exhibitors shall be responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding all works implemented and organized under their responsi-bility and on their behalf, including setup, structures, installations, products exhibited and all otherassociated activities. Every Exhibitor is required to appoint a “Stall Manager” who, for safety-related matters, takes on all responsibility for all parties who may be involved in terms of the work carried out on behalf of the Exhibitor, for the entire duration of their stay on the Fair site. At the Exhibitor’s discretion, and wholly under its responsibility, the “Stall Manager” may be a different individual during each of the three previously-mentioned phases (set-up, the event and striking). Fiera Milano must be informed of the Manager’s name and his/her phone numbers prior to the start of activation and setup work on the stall, and in any event prior to the arrival of workers and materials at the Fiera Milano site. If there is a failure to convey the name of the Stall Manager, this responsibility will be retained by theExhibiting Company’s legal representative. The Fiera Milano and Organizer must promptly be informed of any change to the name of the Stall Manager. Access to the stall by contractors operating on behalf of Fiera Milano for the supply of services can only take place in the presence of the “Stall Manager”, and after having received their OK. Fair surveillance and security staff are exempt from this restriction.

Article 16 Occupational safety and health

17.1 Throughout the duration of the trade fair, an Anti-Counterfeiting Amicable Settlement Office shall be activated at the EICMA secretarial office, headed by a lawyer appointed by the General Secretariat. Its task shall consist of receiving notifications concerning the non authorised display at the exhibit of trademarks, logos, distinctive signs, products or prototypes belonging to third party companies, i.e., the display of products or prototypes constituting a clear copy of pre-existing products belonging to third parties, or violating patent and / or intellectual property rights of third parties, including non exhibitor companies. Having received the notification and the relative documentation, the Office shall summon the notified exhibitor and, having heard its arguments, shall propose an amicable settlement of the matter.17.2 If the parties do not reach an amicable settlement, they shall be free to undertake the most appropriate initiatives, without prejudice to EICMA’s right, based on a specific written request by the notifying party and under the full responsibility of the later, to request the removal from the stand of the trademarks and the distinctive signs displayed illegally, or the counterfeit products and prototypes. 17.3 A notified Exhibitor that refuses to comply with the aforementioned request and is subsequently found guilty of the violation in question by the competent judicial authority may be excluded from participation in subsequent editions of the trade fair.

Article 17 Anti-counterfeiting amicable settlement office



EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano ITTel. 02 677351.1 - Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153

17.4 The Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that, upon detecting a violation of its rights concerning trademarks,distinctive signs, intellectual property, patens, design, etc. by another Exhibitor in relation totheproducts or prototypes displayed by the latter at the exhibition, it shall seek redress on a prior basis by contacting the Anti-Counterfeiting Amicable Settlement Office, as per article above, by notifying the violation observed and waiting for an amicable settlement proposal, which said office shall formulate, before proceeding with independent legal or judicial actions. 17.5 The violation of this provision without justifiable grounds, may entail the exclusion of the exhibitor concerned from participation in subsequent editions of the trade fair.

Article 18 Industrial and intellectual property rights – SIAE

18.1 The Organisation shall not be liable for the activity carried out by Exhibitors and specifically for the displaying of products that violate laws and/or decrees and/or regulations and the like, industrial and intellectual property rights . In case of distribution of phonovideographic or multimedia materials containing works or parts of works of the intellects protected under Law No. 633 of 22 April 1941 the copyright, as well as any other charges related to the certification of such media, will have to be paid beforehand, pursuant to Article 181bis of said Law. Making unauthorised use of intellectual property, or the absence of the SIAE stamp on the aforementioned supports, is subject to penal sanctions pursuant to articles 171 and ff. of Law 633/41.18.2 In case of violation of intellectual property rights by any Exhibitor, even past and already judged, Eicma reserves the right to exclude the Exhibitor from the trade fair and subsequent editions.

Article 19 Force majeure, change of date or cancellation

19.1 In the case of force majeure or, for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, the date of the Event may be changed or the Event may be completely suspended. In the latter case, the Organizer, having fulfilled its commitments with third parties and covered the costs of organization in whatever capacity, divides between the Exhibitors, in proportion to the sums due for the square metres reserved, the residual sums, within the limits of the advance already paid by the individual Exhibitor. Again in the event of cancellation of the Event, the costs for installations and/or special installations made on the orders of the Exhibitors, the same must reimburse these in full.19.2 The Exhibitors exonerate the Organizer and Fiera Milano from liability for any direct and indirect damage of any type whatsoever that the Exhibitor has suffered due to the cancellation or the change of date of the event, which they hereby waiver

Article 20 Modifications to these regulations and supplementary regulations

20.1 The Organizer reserves the right to establish – including in departure from these Regulations – rules and provisions deemed opportune to better regulate the Show and the related services. These rules and provisions are equivalent to these Regulations and are an integral part of them: they are therefore compulsory to the same extent.20.2 The Exhibitors undertake as of now to respect the rules of a practical nature (times of entrance; entrance doors; parking of vehicles without authorization and/or in prohibited areas etc. …) that the Organizer sends to them close to the date of the Event.20.3 Failure to respect these rules may entail the immediate closure of the Stand, the exclusion from subsequent editions of the Event and the claim for further compensation

Article 21 Competent court of law and applicable law

21.1 Any dispute regarding the interpretation, performance or termination of this contract shall be brought before the Milan Court competent by value.21.2 These Rules and Regulations shall be deemed to be made in, and governed and interpreted in accordance with the Italian Laws.

EICMA S.p.A.The legal representative Corrado Capelli

The ExhibitorThe legal representative


The ExhibitorThe legal representative

The company ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE CICLO E MOTOCICLO S.p.A. (tax number: 04145450153) registered office Via Antonio da Recanate 1 20124 Milan (hereinafter for the sake of brevity, “E.I.C.M.A.”) and the company FIERA MILANO S.P.A. (tax number: 13194800150), registered office P.le Carlo Magno, 1- 20149 Milan (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, “FIERA MILANO”) are aware of the importance of the protection of the right to private life, concerning the processing of personal data. In compliance with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 we inform you that the information provided to access the trade fair “INTERNATIONAL CYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE SHOW” in the capacity of Exhibitor, will be processed by E.I.C.M.A. and FIERA MILANO, joint data controllers pursuant to art. 26 EU Reg. 679/2016 (together and jointly the “Controller”). The point of contact for those concerned as required by art 26 section 1 GDPR is identified in E.I.C.M.A. which can be contacted at the following email address . Therefore, in relation to the above, the Controller informs the Exhibitor that the personal information provided through filling in the application for participation and not coming within the particular categories of personal information as listed in art. 9 of the GDPR, concerning the same or its employees, agents or collaborators (the “Data”), will be processed in compliance with the provisions as per the GDPR. The processing is carried out according to the conditions of lawfulness as per article 6 of the GDPR, for the purposes relative to the relationship established with the Controller, therefore its legal basis as required by art. 13 letter c is justified in the reasons for which contact is made with the Controller and therefore in this case: participation in the trade fair event INTERNATIONAL CYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE SHOW following finalization of the contract as well as the participation in the various and different activities taking place in the Show on the days of the event and promoted by the Controller or its partners. From the point of view of these purposes, the processing of the Data conferred to the Controller may also include the organization, the storage, the communication of future initiatives, the communication to professionals for the production of promotional and/or trade journalistic articles in the context of the show, the production, the modification and the creation of the catalogue both on paper (available at the show) and online (available on the website, the creation of the map of the pavilions both on paper and online, the inclusion of data in the platforms for the use of E-service services and in that of E.I.C.M.A., and lightweight marketing by the Controller. The Data will also be communicated and processed by its own organizational structure and it may be notified to third-party companies for administrative, accounting and/or organizational purposes, but always in relation to the management of the event activities, the production of statistics and cancellation. Considering the services performed by FIERA MILANO in relation to the participation of the Exhibitor in the INTERNATIONAL CYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE SHOW, the Controllers, as above, may exchange the relative data collected according to the same legal basis of the process-ing shown above.

In the interest of the Exhibitor in being informed of the dates of the next editions of the event in which it takes part and the events connected to the same, as well as the interest of the Controller being prevalent, the Exhibitor will be sent, only to the company data conferred (email), communication on the future initiatives closely related to the trade fair event as well as a reminder of the next editions. The Controller will process the following, only after explicit consent: A) the creation of data bases (which may be transferred to third parties in close connection with the Controller) which may be used both in the EU and outside the EU; B) sending promotional material or through marketing operations (including direct) web marketing, telephone marketing through traditional and modern systems, all with purposes connected to the trade fair event.


EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano ITTel. 02 677351.1 - Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153

Privacy policy on processingof personal data

Pursuant to REG. UE. 679/2016

In relation to the Transfer of the data outside the EU, the Controller points out that the Data conferred may also be transferred outside EU countries in conformity with the rules laid down in Chapter V of the EU Regulation and therefore the consent under letter B is requested only for the hypothesis in which it were to come under the provisions of art. 49 Reg. EU, hereby assuring the party concerned that all the appropri-ate guarantees required by international legislation will be provided. The treatment may take place on paper or electronically by subjects who are specifi-cally authorized to perform the treatment.

As required by article 13 section 2 letter F, the Controller confirms that the Treatment does not take place on an automated decision-making process nor is any profiling activity carried out, as outlined by article no. 4 of GDPR, on personal information closely concerning the natural person who takes part in the trade fair event represent-ing the company to which they belong and/or represent. Conferring the Data is optional, however, any refusal by the Exhibitor to provide data which does not require specific consent, will entail the failure to continue the relation-ship and therefore will compromise the participation in the event called INTERNA-TIONAL CYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE SHOW. Therefore the Exhibitor, by compiling and sending the Application for Admission, as well as with the conformation of the exhibition space requested and with the conclusion of the contract, authorizes the Controller under article 6 of the GDPR to process the data conferred which do not require specific consent, therefore failure to give consent in relation to the processing for the purposes expressed in the aforementioned points A, B, will nevertheless allow the Exhibitor to take part in the event but will prevent the provision of some services promoted during and after the event. As required by article 13 section 2 letter A, the Data will be kept for the time necessary to satisfy the purpose of the collection.

The Controller also informs you that the right of correction under article 16 of the GDPR, the right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) under article 17 of the GDPR, the right to the limitation of processing under article 18 of the GDPR as well as the right of access to the personal data provided and to all the consequential information as listed under article 15 of the GDPR are allowed; to exercise the rights listed above or for further information, you only have to send an email to the following email address . The Controller, after having processed what has been received, will send relative confirmation.

The Exhibitor also has the right to: 1) ask the Controller of the processing for access to the personal data and its rectification or cancellation or limitation of the treatment concerning it or to oppose its processing; 2) data portability according to art 20 of the GDPR; 3) if the processing is based on article 6, paragraph 1, letter a), or on article 9, paragraph 2, letter a) to revoke consent at any time without prejudicing the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation; 4) put forward a complaint to a controlling authority. The Controller also informs that if it intended to further process the personal data for a purpose other than that for which it has been collected, before this further processing it will provide the party concerned with information on this different purpose and any further pertinent information, collecting specific consent if necessary.


EICMA S.p.A. Via Antonio da Recanate, 1 - 20124 Milano IT

Tel. 02 677351.1- Fax 02 66982072 - - C.F. e P.I. 04145450153


Format for consent

Give full consent so that the data provided can be used by the Controller to create a data base (which may be transferred to third parties in close relation with the Controller) usable both in the EU and outside the EU?

Give full consent so that the data provided can be used by the Controller to send promotional material through marketing operations (including direct) web marketing, telephone marketing, carried out both with traditional and modern systems, related to the trade fair event?


Having examined the information policy pursuantto article 13 of the EU Regulation 679/2016:



Date: ........../........../..........

Company Stamp and signature

of Legal Representative




Return back



EURO 2,400.00 (per Module)TO BE BOOKED BY OCTOBER 10th, 2018

WARNING!The elements in the pictures are approximate.


FLOOR ANDSTRUCTURE: SERVICES INCLUDEDMt.4x4 AREAfloor carpeting light blue , blue , green or dark green

GRAPHICS WALLS in white mt. 1 x h. 2,50,graphic front and back(graphic not included)


The Special Area dedicated to new realitieswith innovative ideas and projects that can be applied in the world of two wheels is back.The offer addresses start-ups and young companies that are less than 48 months oldor with at least one partner under the age of 35, that have never been at the Show as exhibitors.

Any items not included in the equipment list will be at the expenses of the exhibitor.


Eicma will reserve:- facilitated exhibition fee- access to the Match Making system to meet operators from all over the world- specific communication activities during the Show.

n°2 SPOTLIGHTS with armfor graphic elements

n°1 three-outlet POWER SOCKET


WAREHOUSEavailable n°1 shelf


For any information and assistance you may need, contact+39.02.677351.1 - fax +39.02.66982072 -
