th HO LY ANG E L S Month of Our Lady of Sorrow • Ps 1 CA T ...Sep 16, 2018  · We pray that our...


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Rev. Patrick Hirtz


Month of Our Lady of Sorrows

“I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.”

–Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9

Mission Statement

Holy Angels is a Catholic community of faith joining past, present, and future members on a journey with Christ to the Father. Through worship, stewardship, evangelization, and works of charity, we strive to more perfectly image God, who is love.

Sat Vigil: 5:00pm

Sun: 8:00am & 10:45am

Daily Mass: M, W, F at 12 noon; Th at 9:00am

First Saturday ONLY is at 8:00am

(Holydays: See special announcement in bulletin)

Penance - Sat: 4:30-4:45pm; Sun: 7:30-7:45am & 10:15-10:30am

(and by appointment)

September 16, 2018 — 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Holy Angels Catholic Church

535 Tucker Street

Dyersburg, TN 38024-3873

Office Phone: (731) 287-8000

Parish Email:

Pastor Rev. Patrick Hirtz Email:


Rev. Mr. William Winston (Deacon Bill)

Coordinator of Social Ministries

Office Manager Pete Hinkel

Administrative Assistant Cathi Cychol Shea

Music Director

Sarah Jean

Nursery Therese Cohen

Maintenance Richard Spence

Director of Religious Education (PRE)

Carrie Beld (cell: 731-882-9151)


Office Hours: Sunday 8:45a.m.--10:45 a.m.

Youth Group Minister Sarah Alley

M/W/Th 8:00am – 5:00pm

Friday 8:00am – 3:00pm

Office Closed on Tuesdays

We welcome any visitors, including those who may not be of our Catholic

faith. We pray that our celebration of the sacred liturgy today was a meaningful one for you.

If you are a new member in the parish, complete a census form and return it

to the church office. Census forms can be found in the foyer. To date we have 226 families and 664 members.

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Sept 15/16, 2018

SEPTEMBER – Month of Our Lady of Sorrow

In our world today, people have many different ideas of who Jesus is. In today’s Gospel, Peter responds correctly as he identifies Jesus as the Messiah, the one anointed by God and prepared for throughout all the ages. However, Jesus then teaches that in order to bring about salvation and freedom, the Messiah must suffer, die and rise again. Jesus illuminates and deepens our understanding of the mystery of who God really is.

In this section of the Gospel according to Mark, Jesus tries to teach the disciples that their concept of the Messiah is not his. If they wish to follow Jesus, there will be suffering and the Cross. We are all very comfortable with the powerful, risen Christ. The suffering one who died because of the way he lived is harder to embrace.

FIRST READING (Isaiah 20:4c-9a) This testimony of the Lord’s servant acknowledges that the word he speaks is the one he first heard from the Lord. For him, God’s word was a call to embrace a way of suffering. At the same time, it was a word or promise of God’s help and deliverance.

In today’s reading, Isaiah describes the servant of God as one who is willing to undergo torment. The servant expresses nothing but gratitude and recognizes God as the one who opens his ears, who keeps him from disgrace and from being proven wrong.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Psalm 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9) Today’s Psalm is the prayer of one who experiences God’s deliverance from the snares of death and the joy of walking before God in the land of the living.

Psalm 116 follows the song of the servant in beautiful harmony. Whereas the servant proclaimed that God had opened his ear, we are invited to join the psalmist in singing the praise of the God who gives ear to our cries.

SECOND READING (James 2:14-18) Faith must be given expression in good works, particularly toward those in need. James insists that genuine faith in Christ is more than intellectual. Real faith is demonstrated through Christ-like actions, such as caring for the needy.

GOSPEL (Mark 8:27-35) Who is Jesus? The Messiah, the servant of God who must suffer. Anything, anyone who dissuades him from this way is acting as Satan, the evil one, even if the tempter is one of his own disciples.

Jesus’s retort to Peter’s rebuke underlined the problem the disciples had to deal with. Peter had pulled Jesus aside to plead against the fate he predicted. When Jesus called Peter “Satan,” the effect was not to say he was a devil, but rather a tempter. The phrase “get behind me,” pointed out that Jesus, not Peter, was the teacher. The place for a disciple was following the Master’s lea, not vice versa.

THE ROMAN MISSAL We pray that we may “serve [God] with all our heart” and so “feel the working” of his mercy in our lives (Collect). We pray that the offering of each of us “may serve the salvation of all.” We are one Body in Christ: the love and faith, the needs and hopes we each bring to our prayer touches others in ways we cannot imagine (Prayer over the Offerings). We pray that the “heavenly gift” we have received may so work in us that God’s will may prevail over our own desires (Prayer after Communion).

REFLECTION In today’s Gospel, Jesus tries to teach the disciples that their concept of the Messiah is not his. If they wish to follow Jesus, there will be suffering and the Cross. We are all very comfortable with the powerful, risen Christ. The suffering one who died because of the way he lived is harder to embrace.

Readings: 24th Week in Ordinary Time

Su 9/16 Is 80:5-9 • Ps 116:1-6, 8-9 • James 2:14-18 • Mark 8:27-35

M 9/17 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 • Ps 40:7-10, 17 • Luke 7:1-10

Tu 9/18 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31 • Ps 100:1-5 • Luke 7:11-17

W 9/19 1 Cor 12:31—13:13 • Ps 33:2-5, 12, 22 • Luke 7:31-35

Th 9/20 1 Cor 18:1-11 • Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 28 • Luke 7:36-50

F 9/21 Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 • Ps 19:2-5 • Matt 9:9-13

Sa 9/22 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49 • Ps 56:10-14 • Luke 8:4-15

Anniversaries Sept 16th – 22nd ______ 9/18 Patty & Ed Carter 9/19 Dean & Ann Dedmon 9/20 Kenneth & Elizabeth Schwarz

Birthdays Sept 16th – 22nd ____________________ 9/16 Rex Hilliard, Joseph McGowan 9/17 Ryan Hilliard 9/18 Terry Charest, Justice Hodge, J. Irene Rubio 9/19 Maelee Helwege 9/20 Beth Bell, Neel Durbin, Rose Hodge, Tyson Young 9/21 Edgar González, Brian Lee

Funerals When planning a funeral for a loved one, please call the pastor before making any arrangements with the funeral home regarding the date and time of visitation, the funeral Mass or service at the funeral home.

Hospitality Committee Holy Angels will provide a luncheon after a funeral Mass if the family of the deceased requests one. The Hospitality Committee consists of several women from the parish who volunteer to host the luncheons. Someone from the committee will be calling on you for food and help when the need arises.

SEPTEMBER – MONTH OF OUR LADY OF SORROWS On September 15, the Church observes a memorial honoring Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows. “And a sword will pierce your own soul, too,” Simeon told Mary when she presented the child Jesus in the Temple forty days after his birth (Luke 2:35). That prophecy was fulfilled when Mary stood at the foot of her son’s Cross, sharing his bitter suffering. During this month of September, we honor Mary under the title of Our Lady of Sorrows. This month, let us bring to Mary all our sorrows, knowing that she understands what it is to suffer. This month is a good time to draw closer to Mary be meditating on the great hymn to the Mother of Sorrows, “Stabat Mater”, or “At the Cross her Station Keeping.”

Faith West Tennessee Magazine In Sept and Oct, the diocese renews subscriptions to the diocesan magazine. Get 10 issues of Faith West Tennessee magazine by subscribing online through – News – Faith West Tennessee – Subscribe to our Magazine. The annual cost remains $18. Stay connected to fellow Catholics through Faith West Tennessee, the diocesan website, Facebook, Instagram, email blasts and Twitter. Thank you!

Want to Volunteer? . . . The Highlands of Dyersburg is a nursing/rehab center next to the hospital on the corner of Parr & Tickle. They are looking for musicians to play during evening meals. Maybe you would like to read to the residents or help with Bingo and other activities. If you are interested in helping, please call Activities Director, Jo Ann Parker at 285-9710.

Nursery The nursery is located in the classroom next to the kitchen in the parish hall. The nursery is open

to children birth to 4 years.

Notify the Parish of a Seriously Ill Family

Member If a family member has been admitted to the hospital or is ill at home and wants it to be

announced at the Masses so our parish community can pray for their intentions, please

contact the parish office and let us know. We will only do this with the permission of the sick person or a member of his/her family.

Bulletin Announcement Deadline Announcements for the bulletin must be

received in writing by 12 noon on Monday to be printed in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


Week of Sept 16th – 22nd (24th Week in Ordinary Time)

Sanctuary Candle Bread & Wine Flowers

9/16 Su 8:00am 10:45am

People of Holy Angels Repose of the soul of Marvin B. Schultz, Jr. (from 6/29)

9/17 M 12 Noon Repose of the soul of Claudia Kennedy

9/19 W 12 Noon Repose of the soul of Katherine Schumacher

9/20 Th 9:00am Repose of the soul of Mary Harrell by Helen Smith (to 1/2/19)

9/21 F 12 Noon Repose of the soul of Chris Alley by Dot Alley

9/22 Sa 5:00pm Repose of the soul of Roger Charest by the Charest Family

MINISTERS SCHEDULE for NEXT WEEK (Self-Scheduling System

Sept 23, 2018 5:00pm 8:00am 10:45am

Lector Barbara Pugh Terry Stanionis Joseph Carolin

Extraordinary 1 Terry Byrd

Ministers 2 Pete Hinkel

of Holy 3

Communion 4

Altar Servers 1 Shelby Hilliard

2 Stacy Hilliard


Ushers 1 J.C. Rivera


Honor Fam Rivera Family

It will be up to each individual (or family) to sign-up to serve at the Masses. Ideally, if everyone checks the binder and signs up for Masses as they are able, it should flow smoothly. We ask that you look each week to make sure all spots are covered and

volunteer to fill the vacancies as needed. The Liturgical Minister Master Binder is located in the foyer at the corner podium.


9/16 Su 10:45 Mass after 10:45

Catechist Commissioning PARISH PICNIC

9/17 M 6:30-8:00pm RCIA/AFF (Adult Faith Formation) in the Conference Room Session 2: Divine Revelation

9/19 W 6:00-7:00pm 6:00-7:30pm

Bible Study in the Conference Room Youth Group in the Parish Hall (pizza/bible study/FUN)

9/24 M 6:30-8:00pm RCIA/AFF (Adult Faith Formation) in the Conference Room

9/26 W 6:00-7:00pm 6:00-7:30pm

Bible Study in the Conference Room Youth Group in the Parish Hall (pizza/bible study/FUN)

FORMED – To sign up FREE of charge as a parishioner of Holy Angels Church, go to, click on the “REGISTER NOW” button and establish an account. After doing so, you’ll have access to a wealth of material to grow in your faith. Please take advantage of this opportunity to benefit yourselves and others.

2nd Collections for September 9/2 Building Maintenance 9/9 Catholic University of America 9/16 Holy Angels Service Scholarship

September Special Collections $25 Religious Education (anytime in Sept) $18 Faith West TN Magazine (Sept/Oct)

PRE attendance – 9/9/18 Present: 91 of 113 (80.53%) Absent: 22 Excused: 1

REMEMBER -- you must call or email your excuse into CARRIE BELD, DRE

cell: 731-882-9151 Email:

Alb Care Volunteers Aug -- Christi Boone

Sept – Michelle Piskorski

Altar Linen Care Volunteers

Aug -- Charlotte Haslett

Sept – Debbie McAndrew

Collection Report for 9/9/18 Reg Collection $3,127.00

Online donations $1,330.00

Total Reg Collection $4,457.00

Budget $3,516.00 $941.00

Reg Disbursements $1,737.82

Votive Candles $113.00

Donut $ $17.00

PRE Rev/Scholarship $135.00

Catholic University $416.00

B/M Collection: $85.00

B/M Disbursements: $539.66

Attendance (226 families / 664 parishioners)

9-9 44-75-115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Oct 2nd — PARISH FEAST DAY — The Holy Guardian Angels To celebrate our Parish Feast Day on Tuesday, October 2nd,

Mass will be at 6:30pm, followed by dinner in the Parish Hall. Bring a covered dish for the parish dinner.

FOOD DRIVE for Matthew 25:40 Let’s help fill Matthew’s

Food Pantry!!! Place your donations in the cart in the foyer by Sunday,

September 23rd


SACRAMENTS Baptism - A preparation class is required of the parents requesting Baptism for their first

child. Parents and godparents are encouraged to attend the class before the baby’s birth.

(Scheduled as needed.) Confirmation - Confirmation is celebrated in the spring with students who are at least in the

8th grade and have completed the requirements for the preparation process in our PRE program.

Matrimony - Couples planning to marry should contact the Pastor at least 5 months prior to the proposed date so all parish and

diocesan requirements may be completed. Holy Orders - If you feel called to a vocation

in the priesthood or religious life, please contact the pastor. Anointing of the Sick - If you wish to receive

this sacrament, contact the pastor. If there is an emergency situation, an immediate family member should contact the pastor.

To report abuse in Tennessee

If you suspect a child is in imminent danger from abuse, call 911 immediately.

To report known or suspected child abuse, contact:

Tennessee Dept of Child Protection 1-877-237-0004

For more information

Director of Child Protection 901-359-2027

Diocesan Victim Assistant Coordinator 901-652-4066


Sept 20th — LifeChoices Annual Fundraising Event Actor and producer Kirk Cameron will be the keynote speaker for LifeChoice’s annual fundraiser on Thursday, September 20th. The event will be at First Christian Church, 1200 Community Park Road, Dyersburg. Meet & greet from 5:45-6:30pm. Tickets for meet & greet $100 each and tickets for just the speaking event $25. Purchase tickets by emailing or calling the office at 731-286-4673. Doors open at 6:00pm, worship at 6:40pm and the speaking engagement at 7:00pm.

Votive Candles The small, 10-hour votive candles are 50¢ each and the large, 6-day candles are $3 each. Payment envelopes are available at the candle alcove. Drop candle money envelopes in the collection basket. Candle money must be in a candle envelope to be properly posted to the candle fund.

Sept 16th — Help an Angel soar after Graduation…… Give to the Holy Angels Service Scholarship Fund. 100% of the funds collected will benefit one or more of Holy Angels PRE graduates with their post-high school education. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Oct 1st — 1st Penance Forms are due in the Parish Office by Monday, October 1st. If your child was not baptized at Holy Angels, a copy of his/her Baptismal Certificate is also due on October 1st.

Youth Group for 6th – 12th grades will be on Wednesdays in the Parish Hall 6:00-6:30pm PIZZA and 6:30-7:30pm Bible Study & FUN!!!

We are incorporating a Bible Study "Altarations" with our meetings, and we will continue to have service projects that reach out into our communities.

Bible Study Session 3: Lectio & Meditatio In reading and meditating on Sacred Scripture, we begin to ascend the ladder of Lectio Divina as we open our hearts and minds to hear and understand God’s words to us. Bible Study meets on Wed at 6:00pm in the Conference Room.

For information, contact Therese Hoss at or

901-870-2437. --Deanna Caswell, Director, St. Anne Lay Carmelites

OUR HEARTFELT SYMPATHY Regina Bunnell, mother of Marilyn Luckenbaugh has passed away and Catherine Liperto, grandmother of Joe McGown has also passed away. Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers.

Nursery The nursery is located in the classroom next to the kitchen in the parish hall. The nursery is open

to children birth to 4 years.

Notify the Parish of a Seriously Ill Family

Member If a family member has been admitted to the hospital or is ill at home and wants it to be

announced at the Masses so our parish community can pray for their intentions, please

contact the parish office and let us know. We will only do this with the permission of the sick person or a member of his/her family.

Bulletin Announcement Deadline Announcements for the bulletin must be

received in writing by 12 noon on Monday to be printed in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


Week of Sept 16th – 22nd (24th Week in Ordinary Time)

Sanctuary Candle Bread & Wine Flowers

9/16 Su 8:00am 10:45am

People of Holy Angels Repose of the soul of Marvin B. Schultz, Jr. (from 6/29)

9/17 M 12 Noon Repose of the soul of Claudia Kennedy

9/19 W 12 Noon Repose of the soul of Katherine Schumacher

9/20 Th 9:00am Repose of the soul of Mary Harrell by Helen Smith (to 1/2/19)

9/21 F 12 Noon Repose of the soul of Chris Alley by Dot Alley

9/22 Sa 5:00pm Repose of the soul of Roger Charest by the Charest Family

MINISTERS SCHEDULE for NEXT WEEK (Self-Scheduling System

Sept 23, 2018 5:00pm 8:00am 10:45am

Lector Barbara Pugh Terry Stanionis Joseph Carolin

Extraordinary 1 Terry Byrd

Ministers 2 Pete Hinkel

of Holy 3

Communion 4

Altar Servers 1 Shelby Hilliard

2 Stacy Hilliard


Ushers 1 J.C. Rivera


Honor Fam Rivera Family

It will be up to each individual (or family) to sign-up to serve at the Masses. Ideally, if everyone checks the binder and signs up for Masses as they are able, it should flow smoothly. We ask that you look each week to make sure all spots are covered and

volunteer to fill the vacancies as needed. The Liturgical Minister Master Binder is located in the foyer at the corner podium.


9/16 Su 10:45 Mass after 10:45

Catechist Commissioning PARISH PICNIC

9/17 M 6:30-8:00pm RCIA/AFF (Adult Faith Formation) in the Conference Room Session 2: Divine Revelation

9/19 W 6:00-7:00pm 6:00-7:30pm

Bible Study in the Conference Room Youth Group in the Parish Hall (pizza/bible study/FUN)

9/24 M 6:30-8:00pm RCIA/AFF (Adult Faith Formation) in the Conference Room

9/26 W 6:00-7:00pm 6:00-7:30pm

Bible Study in the Conference Room Youth Group in the Parish Hall (pizza/bible study/FUN)

FORMED – To sign up FREE of charge as a parishioner of Holy Angels Church, go to, click on the “REGISTER NOW” button and establish an account. After doing so, you’ll have access to a wealth of material to grow in your faith. Please take advantage of this opportunity to benefit yourselves and others.

2nd Collections for September 9/2 Building Maintenance 9/9 Catholic University of America 9/16 Holy Angels Service Scholarship

September Special Collections $25 Religious Education (anytime in Sept) $18 Faith West TN Magazine (Sept/Oct)

PRE attendance – 9/9/18 Present: 91 of 113 (80.53%) Absent: 22 Excused: 1

REMEMBER -- you must call or email your excuse into CARRIE BELD, DRE

cell: 731-882-9151 Email:

Alb Care Volunteers Aug -- Christi Boone

Sept – Michelle Piskorski

Altar Linen Care Volunteers

Aug -- Charlotte Haslett

Sept – Debbie McAndrew

Collection Report for 9/9/18 Reg Collection $3,127.00

Online donations $1,330.00

Total Reg Collection $4,457.00

Budget $3,516.00 $941.00

Reg Disbursements $1,737.82

Votive Candles $113.00

Donut $ $17.00

PRE Rev/Scholarship $135.00

Catholic University $416.00

B/M Collection: $85.00

B/M Disbursements: $539.66

Attendance (226 families / 664 parishioners)

9-9 44-75-115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Oct 2nd — PARISH FEAST DAY — The Holy Guardian Angels To celebrate our Parish Feast Day on Tuesday, October 2nd,

Mass will be at 6:30pm, followed by dinner in the Parish Hall. Bring a covered dish for the parish dinner.

FOOD DRIVE for Matthew 25:40 Let’s help fill Matthew’s

Food Pantry!!! Place your donations in the cart in the foyer by Sunday,

September 23rd


SACRAMENTS Baptism - A preparation class is required of the parents requesting Baptism for their first

child. Parents and godparents are encouraged to attend the class before the baby’s birth.

(Scheduled as needed.) Confirmation - Confirmation is celebrated in the spring with students who are at least in the

8th grade and have completed the requirements for the preparation process in our PRE program.

Matrimony - Couples planning to marry should contact the Pastor at least 5 months prior to the proposed date so all parish and

diocesan requirements may be completed. Holy Orders - If you feel called to a vocation

in the priesthood or religious life, please contact the pastor. Anointing of the Sick - If you wish to receive

this sacrament, contact the pastor. If there is an emergency situation, an immediate family member should contact the pastor.

To report abuse in Tennessee

If you suspect a child is in imminent danger from abuse, call 911 immediately.

To report known or suspected child abuse, contact:

Tennessee Dept of Child Protection 1-877-237-0004

For more information

Director of Child Protection 901-359-2027

Diocesan Victim Assistant Coordinator 901-652-4066


Sept 20th — LifeChoices Annual Fundraising Event Actor and producer Kirk Cameron will be the keynote speaker for LifeChoice’s annual fundraiser on Thursday, September 20th. The event will be at First Christian Church, 1200 Community Park Road, Dyersburg. Meet & greet from 5:45-6:30pm. Tickets for meet & greet $100 each and tickets for just the speaking event $25. Purchase tickets by emailing or calling the office at 731-286-4673. Doors open at 6:00pm, worship at 6:40pm and the speaking engagement at 7:00pm.

Votive Candles The small, 10-hour votive candles are 50¢ each and the large, 6-day candles are $3 each. Payment envelopes are available at the candle alcove. Drop candle money envelopes in the collection basket. Candle money must be in a candle envelope to be properly posted to the candle fund.

Sept 16th — Help an Angel soar after Graduation…… Give to the Holy Angels Service Scholarship Fund. 100% of the funds collected will benefit one or more of Holy Angels PRE graduates with their post-high school education. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Oct 1st — 1st Penance Forms are due in the Parish Office by Monday, October 1st. If your child was not baptized at Holy Angels, a copy of his/her Baptismal Certificate is also due on October 1st.

Youth Group for 6th – 12th grades will be on Wednesdays in the Parish Hall 6:00-6:30pm PIZZA and 6:30-7:30pm Bible Study & FUN!!!

We are incorporating a Bible Study "Altarations" with our meetings, and we will continue to have service projects that reach out into our communities.

Bible Study Session 3: Lectio & Meditatio In reading and meditating on Sacred Scripture, we begin to ascend the ladder of Lectio Divina as we open our hearts and minds to hear and understand God’s words to us. Bible Study meets on Wed at 6:00pm in the Conference Room.

For information, contact Therese Hoss at or

901-870-2437. --Deanna Caswell, Director, St. Anne Lay Carmelites

OUR HEARTFELT SYMPATHY Regina Bunnell, mother of Marilyn Luckenbaugh has passed away and Catherine Liperto, grandmother of Joe McGown has also passed away. Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers.



Rev. Patrick Hirtz


Month of Our Lady of Sorrows

“I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.”

–Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9

Mission Statement

Holy Angels is a Catholic community of faith joining past, present, and future members on a journey with Christ to the Father. Through worship, stewardship, evangelization, and works of charity, we strive to more perfectly image God, who is love.

Sat Vigil: 5:00pm

Sun: 8:00am & 10:45am

Daily Mass: M, W, F at 12 noon; Th at 9:00am

First Saturday ONLY is at 8:00am

(Holydays: See special announcement in bulletin)

Penance - Sat: 4:30-4:45pm; Sun: 7:30-7:45am & 10:15-10:30am

(and by appointment)

September 16, 2018 — 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Holy Angels Catholic Church

535 Tucker Street

Dyersburg, TN 38024-3873

Office Phone: (731) 287-8000

Parish Email:

Pastor Rev. Patrick Hirtz Email:


Rev. Mr. William Winston (Deacon Bill)

Coordinator of Social Ministries

Office Manager Pete Hinkel

Administrative Assistant Cathi Cychol Shea

Music Director

Sarah Jean

Nursery Therese Cohen

Maintenance Richard Spence

Director of Religious Education (PRE)

Carrie Beld (cell: 731-882-9151)


Office Hours: Sunday 8:45a.m.--10:45 a.m.

Youth Group Minister Sarah Alley

M/W/Th 8:00am – 5:00pm

Friday 8:00am – 3:00pm

Office Closed on Tuesdays

We welcome any visitors, including those who may not be of our Catholic

faith. We pray that our celebration of the sacred liturgy today was a meaningful one for you.

If you are a new member in the parish, complete a census form and return it

to the church office. Census forms can be found in the foyer. To date we have 226 families and 664 members.

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Sept 15/16, 2018

SEPTEMBER – Month of Our Lady of Sorrow

In our world today, people have many different ideas of who Jesus is. In today’s Gospel, Peter responds correctly as he identifies Jesus as the Messiah, the one anointed by God and prepared for throughout all the ages. However, Jesus then teaches that in order to bring about salvation and freedom, the Messiah must suffer, die and rise again. Jesus illuminates and deepens our understanding of the mystery of who God really is.

In this section of the Gospel according to Mark, Jesus tries to teach the disciples that their concept of the Messiah is not his. If they wish to follow Jesus, there will be suffering and the Cross. We are all very comfortable with the powerful, risen Christ. The suffering one who died because of the way he lived is harder to embrace.

FIRST READING (Isaiah 20:4c-9a) This testimony of the Lord’s servant acknowledges that the word he speaks is the one he first heard from the Lord. For him, God’s word was a call to embrace a way of suffering. At the same time, it was a word or promise of God’s help and deliverance.

In today’s reading, Isaiah describes the servant of God as one who is willing to undergo torment. The servant expresses nothing but gratitude and recognizes God as the one who opens his ears, who keeps him from disgrace and from being proven wrong.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Psalm 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9) Today’s Psalm is the prayer of one who experiences God’s deliverance from the snares of death and the joy of walking before God in the land of the living.

Psalm 116 follows the song of the servant in beautiful harmony. Whereas the servant proclaimed that God had opened his ear, we are invited to join the psalmist in singing the praise of the God who gives ear to our cries.

SECOND READING (James 2:14-18) Faith must be given expression in good works, particularly toward those in need. James insists that genuine faith in Christ is more than intellectual. Real faith is demonstrated through Christ-like actions, such as caring for the needy.

GOSPEL (Mark 8:27-35) Who is Jesus? The Messiah, the servant of God who must suffer. Anything, anyone who dissuades him from this way is acting as Satan, the evil one, even if the tempter is one of his own disciples.

Jesus’s retort to Peter’s rebuke underlined the problem the disciples had to deal with. Peter had pulled Jesus aside to plead against the fate he predicted. When Jesus called Peter “Satan,” the effect was not to say he was a devil, but rather a tempter. The phrase “get behind me,” pointed out that Jesus, not Peter, was the teacher. The place for a disciple was following the Master’s lea, not vice versa.

THE ROMAN MISSAL We pray that we may “serve [God] with all our heart” and so “feel the working” of his mercy in our lives (Collect). We pray that the offering of each of us “may serve the salvation of all.” We are one Body in Christ: the love and faith, the needs and hopes we each bring to our prayer touches others in ways we cannot imagine (Prayer over the Offerings). We pray that the “heavenly gift” we have received may so work in us that God’s will may prevail over our own desires (Prayer after Communion).

REFLECTION In today’s Gospel, Jesus tries to teach the disciples that their concept of the Messiah is not his. If they wish to follow Jesus, there will be suffering and the Cross. We are all very comfortable with the powerful, risen Christ. The suffering one who died because of the way he lived is harder to embrace.

Readings: 24th Week in Ordinary Time

Su 9/16 Is 80:5-9 • Ps 116:1-6, 8-9 • James 2:14-18 • Mark 8:27-35

M 9/17 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 • Ps 40:7-10, 17 • Luke 7:1-10

Tu 9/18 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31 • Ps 100:1-5 • Luke 7:11-17

W 9/19 1 Cor 12:31—13:13 • Ps 33:2-5, 12, 22 • Luke 7:31-35

Th 9/20 1 Cor 18:1-11 • Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 28 • Luke 7:36-50

F 9/21 Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 • Ps 19:2-5 • Matt 9:9-13

Sa 9/22 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49 • Ps 56:10-14 • Luke 8:4-15

Anniversaries Sept 16th – 22nd ______ 9/18 Patty & Ed Carter 9/19 Dean & Ann Dedmon 9/20 Kenneth & Elizabeth Schwarz

Birthdays Sept 16th – 22nd ____________________ 9/16 Rex Hilliard, Joseph McGowan 9/17 Ryan Hilliard 9/18 Terry Charest, Justice Hodge, J. Irene Rubio 9/19 Maelee Helwege 9/20 Beth Bell, Neel Durbin, Rose Hodge, Tyson Young 9/21 Edgar González, Brian Lee

Funerals When planning a funeral for a loved one, please call the pastor before making any arrangements with the funeral home regarding the date and time of visitation, the funeral Mass or service at the funeral home.

Hospitality Committee Holy Angels will provide a luncheon after a funeral Mass if the family of the deceased requests one. The Hospitality Committee consists of several women from the parish who volunteer to host the luncheons. Someone from the committee will be calling on you for food and help when the need arises.

SEPTEMBER – MONTH OF OUR LADY OF SORROWS On September 15, the Church observes a memorial honoring Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows. “And a sword will pierce your own soul, too,” Simeon told Mary when she presented the child Jesus in the Temple forty days after his birth (Luke 2:35). That prophecy was fulfilled when Mary stood at the foot of her son’s Cross, sharing his bitter suffering. During this month of September, we honor Mary under the title of Our Lady of Sorrows. This month, let us bring to Mary all our sorrows, knowing that she understands what it is to suffer. This month is a good time to draw closer to Mary be meditating on the great hymn to the Mother of Sorrows, “Stabat Mater”, or “At the Cross her Station Keeping.”

Faith West Tennessee Magazine In Sept and Oct, the diocese renews subscriptions to the diocesan magazine. Get 10 issues of Faith West Tennessee magazine by subscribing online through – News – Faith West Tennessee – Subscribe to our Magazine. The annual cost remains $18. Stay connected to fellow Catholics through Faith West Tennessee, the diocesan website, Facebook, Instagram, email blasts and Twitter. Thank you!

Want to Volunteer? . . . The Highlands of Dyersburg is a nursing/rehab center next to the hospital on the corner of Parr & Tickle. They are looking for musicians to play during evening meals. Maybe you would like to read to the residents or help with Bingo and other activities. If you are interested in helping, please call Activities Director, Jo Ann Parker at 285-9710.
