TGLC VOCABULARY Unit 3. 1. Adversary A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce...


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Unit 3Unit 3

1. AdversaryA best friend off the tennis court can also

be a fierce adversary on it.

Noun (N)

An enemy, opponentS: antagonist, rival, foeA: friend, ally, supporter,


2. AlienateGossiping and backbiting are bad habits that are

bound to alienate friends. Verb (V)

To turn away; to make indifferent or hostile; to transfer, convey

S: separate, drive apart, estrangeA: befriend, attract, captivate, reconcile

3. ArtificeEven the most renowned art experts were completely

taken in by the forger’s artifice.

Noun (N)

A skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; a clever skill; trickery

S: ruse, stratagem, contrivanceA: (none)

4. CoerceDictators try to coerce their subjects into obedience by

threatening them or their families with punishment.

Verb (V)

To compel, forceS: pressure, bully, intimidate,

constrainA: persuade, cajole

5. CravenThose who urged Great Britain to make peace with Hitler

were criticized for their craven attitude.It is a mistake to assume that everyone who refuses to go to

war is a craven who lacks patriotism.


(Adj.) Cowardly(N) A cowardS: (Adj.) fearful, fainthearted,

pusillanimousA: (Adj.) brave, courageous, valiant

6. CulinaryCooking shows on television have helped many people to

master the secrets of the culinary arts.

ADJECTIVEOf or related to cooking or the kitchen

S: (none)A: (none)

7. DeleteCrime labs can determine whether an attempt has

been made to delete material from audiotapes.


To erase, wipe out, cut out

S: remove, cancel, expungeA: insert, add, retain, include

8. DemiseTraditionally, the tolling of church bells has

announced the demise of a monarch.


A death, especially of a person in a lofty position

S: decrease, passing awayA: birth, beginning, commencement

9. Exhilarate The first landing on the moon, in the summer of 1969, exhilarated the nation.

VerbTo enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to

S: stimulate, excite, gladdenA: discourage, dispirit, dishearten, inhibit

10. FallowAfter a month without a date, I decided that my social life was definitely in

a fallow period.In the drought-stricken region, there were millions of acres of fallow.Farmers often fallow a third of their fields each year to restore the

chemical balance of the soil.

Adjective; Noun; Verb

(Adj.) Plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow

(N) Land left unseeded(V) To plow but not seedS: (Adj.) Unproductive, inert, dormantA: (Adj.) Productive, fertile, prolific

MUG SENTENCE 3-1Subject/Verb Agreement, Usage (Right Word), Commas

(Interrupter and Independent Clauses)

Its a allusion of course but the moon and sun does appear to grow smaller as they rise in the sky.

It’s an illusion, of course, but the moon and sun do appear to grow smaller as they rise in the sky.

11. HarassThe judge repeatedly cautioned the prosecuting

attorney not to harass the witness.


To disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks

S: annoy, pester, bedevil, beleaguerA: (none)

12. InclementDuring an inclement New England winter, heavy

snowfalls may bring highway traffic to a standstill.


Stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action

S: blustery, tempestuous, implacableA: mild, gentle, balmy, tranquil

13. MusePhilosophers have always mused on the

meaning of life.


To think about in a dreamy way, ponder

S: meditate, contemplate, daydreamA: (none)

14. NegligibleAfter taxes are deducted, a small raise in salary may

result in a negligible increase in take-home pay.

ADJECTIVESo unimportant that it can be disregarded

S: trivial, inconsequential, insignificantA: significant, crucial, momentous

15. PerpetuateIn most cultures, people try to perpetuate the

customs of their ancestors.

VERBTo make permanent or long

lastingS: continue, preserve, prolong

indefinitelyA: discontinue, abolish, abandon

16. PrecedentWe hope that students at other schools in our city will follow our

precedent in volunteer work and charitable contributions.


An example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action.

S. guide, tradition, modelA: discontinue, abolish, abandon

17. PunitiveThe general led a punitive expedition against the

rebel forces.


Inflicting or aiming at punishment

S. penalizing, retaliatoryA: (none)

18. RedressAn apology can go a long way to redress the hurt feelings

caused by an insensitive comment or a thoughtless act.The accident victims will seek redress for the injuries they

suffered in the train crash.

VERB; NOUN(V) To set right, remedy;(N) Relief from wrong or injury

S. (V) rectify, correct, mitigateA: (none)

19. SojournNo matter how short your sojourn in Paris, you must take time to go to the Louvre.Many American graduates sojourn abroad before

they begin working full-time at home.


(N) A temporary stay(V) To stay for a timeS: (n) visit, stopover, brief stayA: (none)

20. UrbaneAn urbane host puts guests at ease by appearing

totally confident and unruffled no matter what happens.


Refined in manner or style, suave

S: elegantA: crude, uncouth, boorish

Discussion Question # 1

• 1. As Night begins, Eliezer is so moved by faith that he weeps when he prays. He is also searching for a deeper understanding of the mystical teachings of the Kabbalah. How does Eliezer's relationship with his faith and with God change as the book progresses?

Discussion Question # 2

• Early in the book, after Moishe the Beadle escapes his execution, no one, not even Eliezer, believes his tales (p. 7). Even when the Germans arrive in Sighet and move all the Jews into ghettos, the Jewish townspeople seem to ignore or suppress their fears. "Most people thought that we would remain in the ghetto until the end of the war, until the arrival of the Red Army. Afterward everything would be as before" (p. 12). What might be the reasons for the townspeople's widespread denial of the evidence facing them?

Discussion Question # 3

• At the end of Night, Wiesel writes: "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me" (p. 115). What parts of Eliezer died during his captivity? What was born in their place?

MUG SENTENCE Usage (Right Word), Comma Splice, Subject/Verb


Unscented hair spray do have perfume added, it merely has fewer perfume then the scented variety.

Unscented hair spray does have perfume added; it merely has less perfume than the scented variety.

Discussion Question # 4

• When Eliezer sees his father being beaten with an iron bar, he keeps silent and thinks of "stealing away" so he won't have to watch what's happening (p. 54). Instead of directing his anger at the Kapo, he becomes mad at his father. What do you think is really going on inside of Eliezer? Who is he really mad at?

Discussion Question # 5

• Early in the book, Eliezer says his father "rarely displayed his feelings, not even within his family, and was more involved in the welfare of others than with that of his own kin" (p. 4). When they begin the march to the small ghetto, Eliezer sees his father cry for the first time (p. 19). In what ways does the Holocaust change their relationship?

Main Ideas & Themes Reoccuring in the

Novel1. Father/Son Relationships2. Eliezer’s Struggle to Maintain

Faith in a Benevolent God3. Silence4. Inhumanity Toward Other


Today’s Activity• You will work with a partner of your own

choosing. You will look at each of the four main themes/ideas that reoccur throughout the novel Night.

• For each of the themes on the graphic organizer, you will find at least three quotes that reference the them in some way. You will write down the quote and who said it, and tell what it says about the theme.

MUG SENTENCE Fragment, Usage (Right Word), Comma (Nonrestrictive


The glue on a postage stamp is made with polyvinyl acetate. Which is the basic ingredient in bubble gum, to.

The glue on a postage stamp is made with polyvinyl acetate, which is the basic ingredient in bubble gum, too.
