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tfW-YORK TMBUNE..HE -KW -YOKK DAILY TUIBIH-BLiiK.t l-'.ERY MORNING, iHi'mdav hcbjtbd,)trWW pY ORKELFY b McELRATH,.. Ta.**"*-* **i«.s,co*itracr iraecB two Bflfl.,». iii-«ti, cti uti thk citv baul

_t_utrt el M City B iMcrlbflflfl fcr t'M CcDtaper weeb;_**!%,. tltey vrvtet, tbey cki> pay 1n advance r.t ihe Dn.r + __f,..tti* _* . Sfai »t the tauie rete Blo.laeoplea,fi^Oao'* **-J -,"r**«rln*'rfl. I"ive Dollaia p*,r annum lat*__ ^ti.iaulrnor* takra fcr aix mon'ha Por thiee_-"__ |; SV. Three Dcliara ia advance reoulred la all ex-aW_z_.y.p C-fliBtry Nrwiyapeie. Diu.v rapere recelvrd*__\ erfloee te. - a in*her tbaa itcwe of TK* Trtb-A'r,l-ia'l_wed any ditfeionoe.

englkKB.VOKR WKRRLT fRlRD^K\__mj LAROF. PAPER, POR THR COUNTRY,)___..* every BATUaotv Moanifla, at tbe low of

*P?y,n_iin ln advance Kijcht oupiea far flie, or twenty_fl looce adareae for fl.Y, tu i Iha paper In no oa*e eoa-

____\ tetu: d the Um* for whith il i* paid. AdvertiieiiieataAgLpM*** artll be aharged 90 ceat* per line eaah tn*ert_-_n.

TUR fl__-lwW_____Itl TKIBL'*flK.Mflflflflan lflBflBAfl aed Kmtuv morning. PHaeflS

,r__8i-i Two cc-ri.* f. r £V. Ten tur $20. Advcrt'.a-r__\_it**x* a ilna .or eaczb lcaeitiuB.\W*

THK NKW-YOKK TKIBI'MBtul cuaoi-r.Afl CiaOfl*l_TMa

_^^*A ob tlia departure of each Mail Steamer for Llv>'A frvcfl Ifl eai-ta a copy, or $3 p«r year, u> anv part of

t_T*rm_-. oi ti lo tne, puaUge JBOhlflefl.

Ti.i: NKW-YOKK TKIHINRlAi-iroaais. obizuon ano rua flaiiBWiCM m.Aflu*,___* no tbe deps.rture of each Seinl Moutuly Mail

toa py-GREELEY k McELRaTH. Publlao*..arir

Bpcfu.l Noticeo._-y*r I'aroner.- Tbe Ha .une Doctor TRAPH4<M; ,. j" liari lt , who ra 'frred *o mueh relief lo theL7u*-tt ..trris. nu ti.e 4t!iof Frb. li: ¦". will beacandi-10 far flfl stl.ce of Cciouei. Ibfl .niii.ii-- electioo.

_r Attention ! Attention!.fleott and Orahara Aa-llu. r.t fu'iin'ied wuh Klagi Banoeit, Tranipa eaclaa,Tby ACRERMAN M1LLER at their old ataud, No.JiiNattHi it, letwttn Fulton and Ann-ita.

'*f 1'o.taar- Mtamp'* for aale at th:i oflicr.

ar Hopr'a Bnraflfl.Via CENTRAL RAILROADg>EVV-_r.HSEY. Twice daily froni New York toEaj-p,Pa I.rBviiifat8 o'clock A. M, and 4 o'clock P. M.

Hei No "4 Bioadwaj, New-York._

"rylcn.lBi-nl lntrin**-nc*« Uflflea nml l.uborbekaaflt*, Noa. 2b and 21 Canal tt, New-York.ThiiS Ii e.tabliabed bv tbe Coinimationert of Emi.ralioii,EflflM alwayt be found lane ouinbert nf Laborer. anfl|*s_ti it very low rate* of wagea, and pertoue can havaawerdeifl fi.led by wntin. tu tbe Superinieudent and trnd*_

ia* aniount necetsury to pay tlie pa&sage of the partiestttttd. No fee* cbarged to JAS. P. PAOAN 9up->r1ntendent.ay Wn thing umilr pl.-nannt nnd rn-.v, th«

gtlt NELSON'S Waitiiii I'mid, and the Ilu-n wtllHr* awb-.ttncti w ich flflaaM he obtained by any otber¦ceta. T'ootandiof IbaribM and fotel. are daily eenCiopBir. whic pmyei it* uti i'y. Liberal ducounti will be¦le to cnt.ntry dealrrt. and llie l-liiid tent to all part* ofWClly tiv tlia p'alioa Hamolrt |iv*n r-ati«. Solil tiy (iro-»iieLer-!iy. JAMES PY LE, nianufactnrer. Ddpot, No.jiiwarrrii-it.¦T lodnatrlnl Home Aaaorlnlion No. .'!..Thetttth k»|tilar .Meetini of thi* Aiao. ibIIjo w.ll be held atl,K.ii P. rUfliiga, No ,--. Bowery, on FR1UAY EVENING,rt 1J. Tb'.t Atijclaiion u urgaij'.Jted on tbe laine plan

1 Mount Vernon. The land it locat»d in an elevat,-djwnon, between William. Bridge and Moimt Vernon, andanuiKi.di a fine view ot Long Itland Sound, the Paliiadoaad ihe tvimiuBdlE. country. lt wiil be Iaid out in a re,Mlf ai.d .;iarter-aere pluti. Panc.ual attendan-e nf rheann be -1 and all thoae with iu gto ioiu tt particulirlv reqarat-¦BfltlM BflSM for tha\ Ulafla wiil cmue up forronsnl-ra ion.

Bpi'si! Ibfl Coiiit.totli.n and By l.awi can be had at Ihefltowin? pla..s: D Owen, No. 414 Bioadwav; VV. K.flnth No 11 Na«»au it.; C. A Cnoper, No. Il'i C/On u.-Jiford. No. 4V1 Broadway; J. A Hurdsacli, No.fl$S|i.E| al and tt the Hall cn the evening ot the :neet-

M. J. COMMER1-ORD, Pieaident.J.A. Ilcsti-icii, Se.refay.



aayt-x. i -


ni'Tli ANNIV ERBARYOf li.e Introductlon ol the Diarua iu Atnerica.

Ladie. and OeritleTfft-n v/ithin* to partiaipatt ln the cele-tntitiB, wiil pl*BBC tnrwtird tl.nlr naui-t as early ai pOM.MeMMewri. HAMBI.IN. Bl'RTON and BEKTON.

PKANCISC Wk.MY----, Sectetar-Amerii nn Dratuatic Fund Awociaii )ti.


Mlf ii ROI HSET bl Mui« Y M \l *ilN, will upptar.tHia KVEN1NO. Ao* ,, will be perfi.rnied

I." B DIAMnNS DE LA COI RONNE.GBkarina..A4irie. Kleury-ln ly Doo Hc-u.i |Ue. .Mr. Hiirtiet

PMaa.lime. Pnloi Scbastien ...Mr. Dr-iriiisyflttv. . -. ,-coi.d arti, urand iMzerlUeine.-.l hy

iMki'.ii Bia ROI .-SK'i'.Mr Ma-igin, and Coipa de Bnllet.Ttfleu 60 centa. To begin at 8 o'clock.

NIBLO'S GARDEJ..John Septon,Manaeer.-THIB EVENING. Aus. 13. will ba per-

bnned toe Coaal. aaa act pieoe, ralledI.IIV E ANU CHARITY.

Plobe I'op...Mra. John Utew K.iiw'd Amor.Mr. ItayBcldaTo be lucceeded bv tlie B.i'l.-t Divrrtiirment in Two

fata Pi.xde Huex Mll-i Leederand Lav.ene. Bfllle. Pmi.aafl ln '1 aro Dam ea. I'at de Deux, by Mile. Drotiet andll ni t * lailbartTvckei*, 5*1 centa. To commence at I o'clot k.

iyiBLO'8..Spccia] Notice, Ur.Lfl Bl'P.ToN will take ln. Benafit, and t.ika hn laataee.-nLCe l,i re. nn

B.V'lf RDVY, Augait 11,When he will have tlie tionor of app.-ailne Ifl hit cele-

attea DrameolTHE TOODLES!

YViihtbe very lau^'.al-Ie Faitfl ofTIIE Ml.'MMY.

Tle .ame piecea wlnth Im.e bflfla preaented everv ni td ka peifoimaiice, for the U-t f'ne week* n

tlltiWHEI) \NI» PA.SIUONABLE HOUSEfl.Kaozemtxr, Satunia Eveniaf,DROADWAY THP:ATER.E. AIj MARMIAI.L 'essr. THI8 EV'ENiNG, Angmt Vi.JlANl) ILLUMINATIONI U uud-r. MMflfl Ai'i x- .- uf .Mjkic Nlrhtly. Amiini.' the featurei l'nf.iNI'i ll.-'.:! will i-erfor.ii tlie follflWufl wi-odrou. actaIba himnui CbryBtal Caskrt: Tli- Myitlc t'abinet; TlieAa Vt'atc',,., Myaterio , liiiappcaraace of Two Petsjni.kaaeniion Men... ''¦ -ived Heafa io Dre** Clrcle,. t*ru-, farqiini, Ka-nlly Ciicle a.ta an othar *aata, '2b caula.hici. MM ( fll a part 8 o'clock.

BARNUM'S AMERICAN MTTSETJM.Adiaflfl..0 IBfliatfli flbildiBM U| flflatfl] iui(uei li|

WtflrxliB.Itiurth week of that eelebrated tmopr of e it ile P»rfortn-¦ baaaa k. WUITE'S KTHIOPIAN KERENAhBBB,tbo, wuh Mis* E.V1.MA LKSLI.-., ti.-i, anc i_fatia TAULIONI, will appear avery afternooa at Jt_Tran iv ne at 8 o'clKk Tlie llviug SERPENTB, USfWCH, oRANO-OUTANO, ba

Wtm Pnblitotians.Will be puhlnhed Saturday.


BOE, ty VV. Hturlvou Ainiwoith, aabior of VV ludioiDatl*.

MOTBCBA «r Tlir. BBaUflfl fRtsifBr V .. s ¦¦ J

B|kaaw - . ¦JW. 'ly. _¦ ,bft ... u - « '

t-BaaflMMaiaplayiii. tkill iBtb. l__l_Jt"

. . -

r- IBflB..,-,.,. . s ilifl-rriit...

Bflja-sl. - fljataieifll ....

-. . " s

¦Maa... ,. , I

¦ . . |« _..

MBMaatTk.h BA-nr'i I,. |b.r "


I i. daf fl.artklkflro-asu,«Um»», v*

¦ tktj * u

W-Ht-rM-wi, byl- l*n*U* t"1 .*-

-I-IID-J ,'

.f .

1 *

Blfl .. ,,- t | .. .,,.,-.. . i. *., Ms I.

I! LONU Jc BR0TI1ER. No ^ Ann it

BO' -KS TO HEAD AND TOKEEP.I.i- !¦.-,. .b**)PRI* V l|0N , J Feni'ti.

_>'l| --.(. B/)art, 1 -Ltffl W; ;o|lBXd.Blu af tn* Aulbor. Embaltubed wllli a portra't olKptr, a..d t. \ ,ie i.sidenee, OU**- -lill. Bta*MnUiic % Ifl>


.» t j. ,-,.,, ,. ,. ..,..; m ' "'.«.- | . IL. »

BflCLR T(lU< CAB1M, AS If 18; or, Lile at tbe2fB Puce tl Afl, , ."HE L'PPEU TEN THO' SAND. (Tbfl _I__aMflt booktheitai,,, pv c A-;, i Brirted.rYtktXY. By H.-.....n .vfrivn'ie $i."iBIli'j.iir.s TltAVELH. - B-.ii. f d

_OUT. IU TIIK SINETEEiil CK.V11K- v ol 2.Ja'tEditioB. |l -.

Ul 1 S V.| I. Knlin'. E.iltion. tiii.BiK.K UK -NdK-' By 1 »a karav. *V"iM'JKll.S OF I-IMl'SEd OP THE sLPERNA-iBAL tJ',-fkAl TICAL TRiATl-K ON Bl IINE... By KdwlaPtw-Ibt. fll-"Tl'-x'-KATINO. A flummar Boak. fif»c.Hl tha latert Cheap 1'ubhcatluua, MaganuM and Ia ttduo>**<*, ly il,« A«ri«a. for aale by

Hfl ¦ flrtAdaflj, cof. oi Aua.



A CCENT ihould be pla -.-! on ti).* l.i--.£_£a__t!?___ ,he,,:lef;f *¦¦». "Ort wh. h .a. become*.i. 'd'nn .K_*P",.hr " * ^W ¦**-<- °' .**.* ¦>¦. "orba pu*,h_V_ V.?.V.*,M ¦'.¦¦_.. nt'ie.raat met.opoli* nona

in Ha Br'XI'HKU "I]?!,"*. fr0m *T****-** ohBerk-atioe. 88te*^"___!tfJI? ,',,f,UM -W3-HCNNKLL fRH -k, Pnbli.hert. Nn l.'l Fulton «.

.VAvhian?-Wbrtabtt-DIAK? oe a BROAl)-'lh_"..._,!. .'¥ 'he author of Seven Night* in O1tlit-n.1 be tind.: aiippluTon tbe mott I'boral terro*

'HAS. S. FR \N..IS & CO. have ju-t_> publ.*b"dSINi;r.K BLE-SSKDNKS. Or.'e U-ct a tnd < -entlaman, atalnit the Slarider* of the Pulpf. thoI .'at, and tbe Leetnre Room. Addtnnoee to ilv>*e wn<- trer<Bllj wiao, aud u. ib ,*e who fao- > themaelvea to, 1 Voll.n.o, muI * , . -,-. ,. T .- .-la. I.- n. -. y t*,r |

1. « ¦-' i*»- ***** ¦¦: BO a . -..«., .,, ,|

.iHM.IKS'CK.' 'a 'l).B.'-u'i*'pre,,hed in tb^CbbTofWsahlBtttn. By Rev Or»ilie D-v.ey. 1. ctt.A Deli.lfful 8-nnnier B

ARPER cV BROTHERS, No*. 329il i'-«rl-tt.,(Kranklin.aqiiare)pub;©^k,On Tii>I)ay, Af-.IST 105£T ?'.KAT,N" A Suii.nie, Book. By 0. W. ...ti.

*.«_'*¦ .* '._" M_______-_?___fc__H-?^»*-*rt-"' ". .¦"..'">'' tn&_*___***- -*?."o.. be-autifi.lly lllvtrated from l,...._, byheniett. Paper, t.i cent.; Moalin. 7Sr.ent*. '

111 ._!s'."_. ',7The ,,m,*"n *n<*lhm ***** - n-catawi___.*A__3_?. n__i ,V -Tr-Dl"" i V -Niaaara* \ l --?,.:._, v :m '' -¦'¦¦"...'8a; \ Oe. tg. i.\-N_-ll.?._x-Nfwporti Xl-Newport Azain.N ' "",..-..,.,. ¦.. a.,,..r|l . itm . ., ......

.,_..? "**'*">*¦* i->- ".aad. ..


read ... *uroa_*i _.,.u,*B_a aboraor braet. biD aidaa. a r .'

******** 'ei-..-......-,..,"'-.' * ''"* ''" '"'..-I'l'-BB-lor-:.,--'*

I -n.t t ..[lo. ... ,,,

**L\***\. .

-a ......- .*¦'¦'*"'Bn.i-.-ner. tha..Idhavebeeae.

Iifaair. "'n.eir . ,___., Ial

Ob Khih.y, Alc- si i i

riO.NAKT, for the tae of Srhooli Cbioflj from the I. u

__£_°i i n « Ge,?T* ani.d Kali**=htn*'it By Charlat An*tl-on, I.L. I. mail fto , iheep, .iDr.JkBthoa ba. doa* , r. . ,

****** ** '!'"-" 1 .'¦' -.-Hii t. etitt aeaaeditorol¦nd appi-ciat d ia tbu eountry,a* watlaaiilatjon wi ,.

¦- K.BB.r

atioB, wbaibar i.. i...i.,r-i...- .i,.i, theffiapl ort ..... gradatton by¦i... t * i.,i rrotntb* r.r-',. aeipleaol w a.-t., .v.

I .-i tl.e hifba.


. I .-n»r.

ir.,1 I km-w .,1 li. nna m al- rrp-M I. IR*.. k IVayavad. D li ,p_No other;.! ba. coouil .I ... I..-.-'-,¦rai learoim ra. r Prof Bnwdn Collef*

oi.-.1 Proleasoi Ittboo for l-..n, i,a aad cntiral akiil,****** ¦--. lai , .- -.,,- ....

koown an-l toataoei-l"*-, li. i»

I :--... f».|!_a.-,.,..-.. Bl'l | ., , ..' .. r_rau.hab.-jl

l..-ll,a. ,.,

..*. thk t*MB DavTHK CHII.D AT HOMK; or the I'Muipiei rf K .1D.-.ty lauiiliarl.v lllnttrat'd. BvJohm8_ Ai.i-iii. K.-a-i-lifallj EmbeUiBbad altb Woi-d cutt. I8ma, Mn.;.Sinee ilie publica'u-n ol th-a,. worka, khi I,. r

beea tranilated inio many ditlerent taaftiafea, ani bavar»e..-n circtilated extt-niively throughout tbe Ciirnt-an wotld.rhe fuvor witli wbich they have lii-ii beea regarded 'iaa >-dU> ihe republiration of them al thia in a new- aud _r*.tt-ly improved form. The works hava heen _r*-* :|1 v revredard u.ui !i enlaine.l, ar.d ihe vaiim* acenea aud incidaaa."-.r-bed in them a*e il|n«irat"d arith ou neroi t e-i.rtvinga,wl l, li. it ia hopt-d, willt-d ln inaku.g tliem attractive h_thto paieut. at il chlldren.

ki i -Tt v i-i im AT HOMK. -,r tlie Principle. of M iter-

nal Duty ftnuliarlv lllustrated. By Joh. S C. ABBOTT,Auiln.r of "The Child at Home," '. loaepl.ii,-." -.MuisALtoiL.tU*." " Kmpaand (iueeua," "Napoleon." i.- *f*t~tgreatiy improw-d and Krilargad. Witb lillBBIIUIB Ivii.;- li.nn., Muaiin, 88 ime**.PIKURK; oi the Anihiguitie*. Bv Hi:K_UM M.'.i.Mi.l.l:.

Ktiio. 1'tp.r. ||. M'islip, tl 25.M". SIXRIESj or, ijnnpset ofthe S ipernttnral, cmrain-

ing Ac.ounti of the .S_lem WiUhcran The Cack*a_aB8Ohutt-The Rocbettei Ruppings.Tiie_.ratford MyatartetOrarle*.Aatiolog*, Die.u. -*- II.mona (Jhrrtt -Specterf,uC' B-r_.,,ARIEs> wrtxia Ku i.u i. ______ PaperM utt;

Hii.iiP. .-,".. HISTORY OFTHE I'NITK.D 8TA.___Ol* ami.kica. Bistbnndronerofinarohunarii.M Snui.s- Krom the Kirat _a_U_-_eatof I ie Country

-.- th" \d..),ti.,n ol :.',.- Keoeral Conftltntion. Kvln- MRD

J,,",',-!','' 3Tol,. livo' ¦*¦*¦. **''. st"'"P' V" i vi f

Bbci \i. Bebm i..Fraa tbe Adopti.-n ofthe ra_-ralCeat*ati-iilii.n to tl.e Knd i.-l the S: --entli ton_reaa. Bj RlCH-*ii' , voii. lvo_ Muti.ii, ****}; Bbaap,|87_:Half Calf, $7 Ml


CURE, ON HVDROPATHIC I'lUNClI'l.KS. I'.y lamaaCJackfoa, M. D. Kaa .oik rOWLBEfl and WKLL**,No. I-l N 88 m* I'ul.liihert. Price only I3| cr r.ta.

"¦ tt Iti r, | .,-. |t |a* ,. . ftt .-.. br.tbrrl a .--.,.


r»ajK I. r ,11. M. D.

KOWLEH8 and wkii.s, Ho. |S1 tfaaaaa al_ New-!*_-_, tnd Ma 1-1. Waaliiugton-it.. Boiton, have .,11 kVOt-fi.ri Watar-Cara, tbjaiolog}' ai.d tha nataral tdea<ml.y.

ISAACTAYLOR'S Wouks.. !'H VS-K Al. THEORT OR ANOTHER IAFF r.aoL-'All STS 01 '1 HOI iilir, to ittch ;¦¦'

I.l C HOI HErOI CAt I.l' s HAXIMfl «*il"il KRIIXH 9 BlOOtUPHI \ l.ll KR .Rl \ |] WlALI.YN'i 111 ri'AL OK l-.'.KK.MA-CNLACON, by Caltoa. $i :'¦ ._iebvW. OOWANS, No, ITI Kuitonit.

KOSS1 TU in NKW-KNGIiANl).--Wetlnadaj pni.liah, .'- taoftbt

atnaxMtfyai .-. N-- Koglaad, togethei withtba '.¦t tha Oovernor of Maatrhnt

it'.-* wbich ha vitited, and t.. ,firm \bhoub pu.lie Irndiea. T - -.

aaaeb la t ont of Ma triuatphel tn»r frooa dty to itke in*i i.. i la wlmh Impla. iv.

add.-d hi* ii-nat'¦> Caraaell ..;.¦mtle BroaPa--iv Tabernaele. New-York, in behalf ol hitMolhi-r and hiatcra, toietlirr toniii) i rolaOM of aa elo*naataad noblaBpeecbeebb have ever baan^d inKoaantb boUa the ct-i-yr-.ghti a:.,l will re-

i p-irtiL uitiai' m thea.le ot the aorb. Thiaot i*aeil thould be ind ccmei.t aaougb adfofax-

Man: andhon \ ,-t-rt theyaot i.celve mi»e than a ijii.-i pi,- qoo. ln the tpleodidtpeechta theC-telvff 'I .. ;- .:....- with aia rtrati oa -\ p- -.- ol th* rn Orator,.-¦ a\- u .

lik.neai ». taken.price fl. Publnhed l-\ JOHN P.JKWI i V Cn. H-rt. ,..irt for aalf l-y t... pnn.ipal

.- -le mted Sute.On. ll -ei_ae__tr_teA___NTSWANTET) to

tl | ar \e « a lk

Ready Tbia Dajr,Pl.'J KRSON'S LADIK-i1 NATIONAL,

AbaaaHfali aibar. ElaaaatEa*t:a\..- Pllo !" N- >.'.< up: >ri f.'a year.

UKH irr a. DA\ RNPORT,IV: *.

Iiiai- spirTi im. telegraph;,..', I PACT-UDGl N ..-Yurk

. . OkOed, eai ta ......

le Yitw ol Bpinta," **l pwtaienta and c* " bj A J Man. rhe«ri it.a'in \:rginia. ..Bpuittin Ca'i*or»-;' >. ___t. a-dMetttari Ir. i.-it'f * pi: >'*: " '¦¦ ***** of Bptritotl-

? airaoi.'ii;.iry .¦'. ***** Ibe Maai*vitati- rn" ali.i Andre'i Dream." I.-. a« Kor talt- at

illaadi ,t, hear-York, .. tBte alao .**, be badrilf MU-.MSAII a tplcnii- I I; H.Bgauia, coti-

airi-ii Liv*aa__ roiti itta oi the Been; Y l.koat rf.laigeoi,. i ... a.,.-. *r. ti vtnety cf valutbi. p-f>en bv maeot

THK ORRATNOVELOFTHE DAY]ia_^?^^Ber_.,_^rfJ * i^V'iwIi^Vwb,,.! *Ttn*U .ro., i.meof tae

K.icra.t!-- ,


!¦¦¦ - '


. ¦

CDanta.Ts>co->K7<'i'»'i,li,n,,i'i'1' *__' ''.',____?t\ ,.ku itrl, oceMgO-^Cook.Wath.-randl.-pner.9___T_S. .' __-_5fi-B__a Zd vV^t--, or to aaiifti¦

____fclS-BB-Sr S3 (_¦ _«va 8CC- dtl M8-88B8e.

irpiy a;No--7-p"'v««»t

4 S plain CfiOK- Vv" I .

J. 1 a reir.-c-.ll.-y. f - | .: .Vr.-. nci

A!.'. 11

pp." kl No tl Bark-it.

S Cbambermaid, Wi. .. bytwo resp*cuMa Otrifll r,nr as c -i aad

raa*, the otber a* Chambemaald and S*«rer. f.rtodowaxlizL* ard irut ina, both c.n .iva baatol c-.zy refeiec;e.Caliht No. Z'i lltb it., i.. twflea 'th and 6t_.avi.

ASSTCWARDESfl, by lil-t--t,i -*;il)i.'w ,vm Shr ,i tbort BgUyacajaaiBted aritb iier t -_.i-

rtrm, ari. baa t.'.r bflfl I rafweaeflB A note a_Jdre~ed toM l R at iMflflfl.fl, mi.I he sttende.l t-

AS Wet Nurbe, by ii reapectabjeProt-Mfaflt BMiili il Wiiiimb, without locambran.ea. bav.

jo| Inft l,.r trfa'it wou'd late c1-,-, Baa It bTba bert ef «tty ia _taaea gftea. F> r partleaJarah rsMNn. . Norfu.k tt, ir_oni No. 18. None bat rtflflictablfl ceedapply.

ArRENCfl Ladt desin .. li--t»n_in Preach, ia aebooflor f. .l'uee. -'.e can fornu1-rhe

betl rect leBdetkna. h* '-

ctunuy. Addrnt A. M.. No. 8* vVaJker-U.

AMiuin.i.-AiiU) Woman wL*>lie«tiona.iook. 8he ie a «ood l\ aah-r and trjier. and

capaMe of flrtafl fhe rookinr oi a pnvate ttmiiy. Apply tthafl foimer emplo-.era, No. 83 Weit U4 at.

ARp-T'Ef'TABLE (JIRL- Al wll'ihael.-. ¦ in Lz-nil >n. wanta a

n to do .ener-.l houi--work Call or :n traatNo.23 eiTJ tt. Hat LOf had a place ia fllBWil .

"1VANTED.A <;;,!: HonscworkV v of a family of thre, peraona; ah* nrafl br a «ood und.tri'and plain cook .' Id a r--

apeciable, ndy giil. wl'h .ood ref- >-".'e. Ihi.wi ..*,«. *>)iiltuation. Proteiti-.r.t preferred. Irt.-vr. a*. |7, for imart, tidy,eober, honeit and Mdflflfliflflfl l.rvanta, Pemaleea-.d MbI.b. ol "riotit natioai ar,d every dntn.sf.c ifvim. atthe lelect Prr.teifant A.trcy. No. 7 Carmine-it.. bb i SocteivA|«aey, Na l'-,, ettabliihed A D. IU-*, flflflpatronized by resprctahle familie* and fiiit-c.atst'rvar.-a

WANTED.A Nurse and Seamatre*U>B Bl* ,;. >.-. .-he rr-jit ..ave zr'od cuy ref-

erer.cet. Alto war.fed, a iaraeeer, wh at der.-and' ktt' '--en and flntcer .ardening d i- wiliin; to rnaV.* tinuaif.tneially uwTul. Apply iu _..lh-it, i.-cui.d houie weit ufliii av

WANTEI A -...- \or Kr.Jish Oirl, todo fhe |en«ral wt.rk r,f .-. . tall

pi-VHti- frtu.tiy. Noae need apply oaleai aCall bata cea the boata of Ifl ana 3 o'clock Nbia-i-.. Biooklvn Higbta.

WANTKD.A young Ladyiri a I.ace anri Kanr-y S'-ire. Oaa IbM fl BTflU .-

nuainted with iha Luir.-a. Non-.- otfatt need apply. Ad-drest A. P. jv Tubine OHiee.

A PRIVATE FAMILY, re.itlins a.htrt d'ttance froni tbe cuy, are di.irom of ob ainin,,'

a fiitable ymn? I.ady to in.-'ruct tiuee lit'le rr:rl* in Iheuaual Ec.litb hranche, and tbe piflBO, at al,n ln eaaill Ifl ihoaevi-ire, k<-. ol tiie fainily. Acdre-i EDL'CATION, Naw>Rtrhelle, N. Y., etating .ualificatione and tenni, wbiehm.'it h>- -drrnte.

AT'TrsT-RaTE CHANUE t.. MER-CIIA.NTS..A yonn. Man wno cmtemplates vi« ::n«

tha Eaflteia aad Waatna atate Fatia aid aflo aoat of tbaoaatry Paira, Towaaaad Village. Ibroogboat aaid B Aaa,Waald like to Boakaaa arraiijt.-r.ii nt witi some City Houaet I'lstri'ntr Card*, Cireulara ,v Addr<--i. Immed ately,R. F BI.EBE, No.ifl ( lintoo-vt. N. Y.. poit-pald.

GREAT VARIETY af care fully t*>lert.-d BarVBJBfl ar. now wantnt emp.'oyn.ent at C.

MAKON'S Offce*. No MA Bi'idwsy and t B. w*ry.Tem.t- Vr-ai 17 ,-,).f rlphon W'crnt*. ofherwlaa 26 *&-'.* R.B.. Plenty ot Men an* Boy* on hac-l.


BOOK-KKEPER. CORRESPOND-ENT or AOENT An ac'.ive, mlfldfl aged man, -.. ho

whi ie|ulirly bred to huiinett in flac of Ibfl largeit antl tnottrnpectable mricautile loutea in thii city, and waa u abnnd-anth coni|rten*. te zake charie of any brrtuchrii.ireB >o ronnect himielf wl'h aoiu,- w-11 eitaMnliedt.n 'I 11 ifv. ln one of the flapacttflfl lafllcatflfl flhovaIle can .ive th* mtat bbbx epMnratiH- referenr-s at to char-ac4i-r, liitirtia hrihitt and BflflHflflfltlaafl H> -would not ob¬jeet to go Wert c* 9 i.-h-VVett, nr tn -iri,d a portii.i nf Inatinie m travel 1 fnr th* IflbBflflol Ir. Bmpl -,er. No at-teii'ion flrill bfl paid to flaonjtnonf eommnoiettiona AlireBddlVNfldtaL. M. K-x No tn P.O.Newark N.J., williiitrt wilh 1n Mfll dtt-i'tli n.

Bf)\ WANTED.Mn- vv,,-.- weil, i-.rBn.ll . 11 -: .¦ willin. »nd obli^ioi: Srntch nr

Eagltab, lataJy anivad, piaferrafl. Ar.dr'--*, witb fjll par-ticulaif, <>. C B I'ribiine Oilice.

BOV WANTED A smart, well edu-catfd Iad, about Ifl yeara ol j^e. Apply ai No.


BOOK STORE. \ youogMaii w-il rc"nuainfed with the r*tail li- kaafl Btatioaerrl -n-.,

aaated. Apply fl Mr CHOLVYELL, Lo Bi Mn den-laae.

G«OVERNESS WANTKD. \ LadyI .-t'leofimtraetiagtwo httleOirl. latbfl Eaglflb

lirancl.ri, hrm. ii, Hrawiri and w-.ilini tu *oa thortfiiimirein th* eountry, aaid I. tbem.maybear cf a I'tuatlcn by addrruin. A. VV., Tribuna Ofboe,itatiri rcaideai.-, Vc.


t'oik, lrelai.d. i'j'pcied t- have l.inil-c in Naw-Yorh lattfallfrtm Lend n. Anc will be "tt-AtLlly r.r-

cei-.eJ by ber baabaad. DENNIB LYNCH, wbo iif.--.inaato kr.'W ber wl :- ibou'v Addr__*i a faw Iluei f.i to U+L1AM QRACP. Oalana. III_SERVANTS miiliw, in

loth city flnd e- uut c 1 Iind otber Billfl a d :. -attbe.-fBce

j aniil-.eaotfor a tittafiiti rn -¦ ,,J*d VV'at.t-d.1 taly, afiril i\Vall

SERVANTS. '.''.' >an Girls . ti al-wayabefaadMNo V I.udtew-rt.aeM-Jtaod-al A.t-.,

, .. Piotriiant, aid Ameri ar-l.irlaJ Kl!_)(J r. u 1.

SITI ATIONS WAN VKO.Ir. reapecta*r,» fam..-t fr- - of Childrea uf boih

acxiflj; aWcol to . it l.-w w^ea. Appll.... ii a.e.a 11 tpc Othca of tba C.inuic'al.jei. of

Ea-grattoa te tbe Pflit

THE ADVERTTSER har. $1,000, whichbe vc .here. fl ean ¦

.pecta,Ifl b-i-'le. ^o

thfl na-n*,ratuie ni i-n and other eeneral paiticu-lart. A....rnt INyl 1KY, Tribune-

rpo v;f N EMPLOYMENT..J ' '' - a.-xpef-

r a flw daya, by applying, thi.g, i N [feflal

To CIV1L ENGINEF.RS tna SUR-V I- V iVai i. two your.r "


Bimetiiral S.irveyiof i . , ., ),ai pracf.ilai.d cau fur..-- .-

. 'i . -v . -. t. «.,. to learntf-e nn of t

teriej. The b>w AI.D iiANO.i.S, NoflSI Broadway.



ly tl..- hr- :. . Taachan anoDaa par« nt. in advance on one

li advance expenaei, *i d pr curci '.oe rfiuiret!ctu pciiiiiion ai aoon ai poitible in une cr more eojage-n mt.

w A.N'i I" Ii '' '.''¦ 'I1'--

ANpa .jot-.uoB,

t if.itl.1 age Ipplj v lt., on.-a- y, al ..--ay. ii-oin N .

ANTKD- ACJeriarga ofa Lppty at N

\\ ANTED.A Boy ay/fl - . , ¦ reallv. to attend

, ,- a iiiti: ba n ar.e la ibe band wntin.d tiz

flewBa Ne i .

T17ANTED A Tfl 1 -aa- Mfl. 11 IB B llltb jBd ("!aa_rlcal S.-hooL la a

plMMIt Baa t.raiiby ciilat- ia tbe loterur of Majy!a-.d.Sa. ary BKiaiak. T he app.'icenl n,i-i bavfl a .ood in-rai

Auc-flfi fli irr of the f. l.ow:ui peraori at VV :|.i:.|. -poft. VV_ci.ll.., ( ,. Md Krr H I'.I-ii-H', Ot.SVML

ANTED- A -i _."M fl..Btj - dfrkor Book-kfeper. by are*!*cta-

hlevt iid*b Can ' r__-ir th*'-tt oi y reirieace at-.o

a -nts.i.c. A D3ta«dd.-e-*adatUit !f i. will be atteided t.


W/ ANTED.ln r. Protluc- CammisflioaBfl Houie, ayoaB.Man, barr !',to 1-y»ar»of tae; ona

wbo wnt'i a .ood baad and z. MlbD. to make h.m^ll «eoe-

rally saeful. ¦ * *n oea a inaL c, mpertatwn will beglvinfiurtha U« »ear L'nexcepatniiile rfltaflflcaa_bflr'iU..'i«l N- r.e ct.-t rwidapp.y

UJiNNETT b MOltAVV. No \YE-oAiai.


\JL ANTED A persoa ownlctg fiT T r.f pn .,1 Vi-.e _.t.-*t,and ettt o' id av. a o

-rect B fa.-tory on '.he BBOB. tka 88t B»aaad flftaaa b atrei i * I -

*-¦: a »«r'ie part] a ,old leate tua lact. rv b* fj- ara at a r»t: t .%*. .». u.d pav a go >d -.ntereat -_n taa ia ¦*:-ment.»*a i;. B T.ioone (J

.NTKD-A Managii g ? lha r in lttrod ,ai. .» .-*»:

tloal _. a d w- I: "ea--rt m» «. A p*-rton o-ti«n..f_- ll. BCtt IftlOf I |. .. a

( .- n' r-. - ;- .-..--...I- met aith. Th» N in.- ;ax-d la lprtct-.ce nd . loaon than th. prei -»-na "t the

i CU.d tbe thility to co.ii ;<" t . y - -l

tpp.T. K '-irtliT* edA:HIUICI .-', No .7 Weat

~\\ ANTED.A tituation aa CoachmanT T ai d .i.rderer, :y or country, by * migle M* .. .'I

y-a.lof ar», iProt.-ttnti a*tU temperate in luaCitj r»le:rr.c- fr-.m laa* place. Apply :. Mr.lPIHK, :-o.114 Nataei |L 'ba*»**-eat

ANTED.A situatUin a. ri.*.!*.. orF tk <eaper. lj t youn_ man trbfl ean M

-'"reu-ea aa to ciiartct.r a: ..

pr.¦*. nt tnd p .a; emplojera Saiary not a* mu-b an ->*- f il(.tperi -. For an .:.-.- ... add.e** K. V.,tt thn ol' ce

"YY'AN'l'F h.A Clerk inn imberyanJ,T»**. tadaiBtaad* tba : a a

[¦ fr:.-a. A,..-.e»* in baadwi *.in.-,and :ui: partlculart. A I', .:..;_-.

WTED.T-.r ilin*.. _....-; Boy*BMdto pcinting m rvbaderpraataa N-,ne.tdv r » n -d tppi B k:\KRCO. Trl -me i: il.l-.ngi.

ANTED- Iiiad Architeot'** Office. -'.


WAA run A to ln yetn ol age. to !- ini 'lie boilnae.S.'arv r«* j-ar $>> Addreta, In baadtrritiaf -f the aoi-1-cant, y.B. Arcbiteat, Tribnaa 0:1, r.

fX'ANTKD- K -t* R.-.-,-iv-a v b*f aad I*. tary Clerk.oaa a

etife of the hard-sre butine** prafarrad Aridrea* \\ .*.,glvl»g ca. .e aad, ll -per.

\\ _NTED.Experieneed Can.asii.-rB,TT to obtain iibacnbeii for 'Tli- NattaaBtl Porirtit

tiailery," '.lie mi-t p 'iin'tr work ol tba *_.* Ap; |ciat-ij to VV.M. TKRIO, a-le A.---I.' V N .. ia-u.


mill, III lill M l-'KKN. JOHN COI.-lN, lON'A>N OKOROE, I.AWRKNCE HKKK '.8 aaal l- 'UN

V* V. Bl RN, or batn t/hoi iba W f I 12, andri . ;, -.f. New Vork la

r tilatreat, H. II v- BON, No 8 Naatt <r, u i'x>r

Ciianrcs for 13nsinc3S i.Un.

APATENTf.-i-SALK..TiV Pr|now r-ti-r. lot *tle h.a . -nt f-.r

Block* to Lanta. the aarne being *e!fa<". ".

\...nld prew to aell Uie ilghi for a. axcept tba N. Ilard Statea. The in\ .-i.lion itaelf lt tttnpHctty paand tl.ere'ore of th» beit i'i ui lty rn aili.le. Call kOdir.e tcr .1-. ei. the aooner tht btftar, 01 ioa

-e, L_.tmtk.-rt aad til. Tba fat--it w_a aauedkept 18.1861. N B..Tbe Eatoetee may ba 1 nd f-.r a tuiardaji mty at DoaUa'aHotel, No. 135 Knltoa-fi fmn to 19A .M and to "> t*. M J08EPH L WOODWARO N V.

BOARDING SCHOOL foi SALK.Any peraon wlihtnr tal uirhaae a la- te a-rd I'.mlahini

BoarrllDf t'chcaol beantlf.-'ly Incata.', tnd eaay-if acett byraiiroad or*tean.t)oat,ulti. ampleacci-n ti-.lationi, ¦Outbi.lldings, lloraea tnd Cania*"*. V n may iea.ti partltulart by uddrewi t. BOAKiUNO BCHOOIa, BoiNo. 1,7)11 J'ijt-Ofhoe-

iHANCK t'"i' CMYaR DKALKR<.C l .art, T.-hacco, Snull, aud teveral hundred emptyBoxe* Conntera. dliow twii, Sigi.a, .Vc, aaeh ¦: -d lt a ofB cloaed eigarttora, arlll be told ata cbfAppl. to AI l.i STi .SUill.ANl-KR. N -

LM)R 8ALE.Tl.xclueive righi olr oaa cf the moat valuabl' artlcl-a r w n nt( B8t a-. ly M.r.uve ard iala, a-ilh 8profitol BB8 ii Bdred ard titty to two haadrad p-r c-nt. ami frnui wtiunn l..r.e andlMleperu'erit t< u* n 1- raai I>-i.: alae, tl.e a'i) - nrter'a whnlciale Luaio--'. with tlurai --v oi aiti lea Baaafartarad .-> bim, payir. lar.e pr-i-Bta hfti- w-i.thy tha attention of all aiatgagiBg la bi-iii-ia. aa it i* a iiance aaMotn n

. ot tbapreaa. It la well ettablithed throngbonli." iiioi.. Enojn,_ poor bealth. aad riadiag it pt eatteii* ri auhile, ia hu ii,v rtetoaoi aiapoottfoftbataiaiN B .An intereit will b« retamed l pt- I- -r- d Napr y w:tht t threa or io.r tho<i«a_.d <i liara saah at haad.Applyto i HAItl.KS IIOI'klN'S,

llegiater ..fl', 1.1'tnr t

C^OR SALE.Stork and FijcturesofaA Ladiea' Bhoa .Siore, co'ng t haainaaB ot .?.".'"".-..' ii 0 [>er annnm, rt itted in . e of iho be*'ir. tht city. Adi'.iett A B ***** of tl.ii ptfer.

V*OR SALE CHEAP.A Soaji itnd dm-r d!e Kact'-ry. atfaBft duttnee from the C'ty. doin* tsoodl.utlne.a witb t good leaae at t low rent. and avorjtbiag .atl - i-eat working order, will ',-c aaid cluap lor caih. Addieaa_._(', Chalhaui i.|uare V. O

f^OR SALE- An old -MtablMheil Drug' Store. dcire a f-x*d l-iinne-a. lor ptrti-- ila l Inqalra

tlNn bt>20i\od-at .un-en tlitJ h- .n o! 1" tnd 12 A. M.and »'and P. Al.


I10R SALE Tlie stock and fixturea ofa Tbiaad. Wintbi and Varlatj ffttrrr Rent :--w. Tb;*

-a ' l.i.* opp t mty for any oi.e ln. ing a unall--api-1 ... aodway, batwecn Blh and 10thata.

IT^OR SALE A mannfiicMiring businesat. tf__ry__ff__a»_,Bow iathetbird* fttloaa*

i .-.1. * . to t*B, BVltb¦. oi ly. for . n -.. -t, ."* -'. M li.:.

I>ARE CHANCE for BUSINESS..AA a__a>l lnvtatment. with '

aablaeblaa ity aad r,ady sala, maybeiaKingBo.-r.all.uultp'' ; j^IH) DRUGGISTb. T entireStock,

Stan-', Kivti-rea ani g-odwill ln trtdt a B

Dingg it. in one of tba .I:. I Naw-York, tre otferad for tale, ao-

k t»rt opporturjltv to the h iver 10 en_afe ir. a BfOfUt-la f-oa-Beat The i.u-re'. motivaforaelliagitI than <

Naw.York. A\ KAHME-iTOCK. HULL k CO..W ' .:,N...

\\ 'ANTKD..'i lu* Fditor amlPropri\\ r il au ' t U -l.edlreiarv Paper and '¦

-. Bt.t to had an aet ve (-_ w ;h s l». . (l . two, lo gi*-o aioree;ten.ion t)h.<

,,..-.. iland

.iv.n. Ad-i-BB,* ae araab, ALPHA, T -'»_-,

_io nnn t<> i to paper*_?,-_ aVlJU MAN /A I tl I tn

.vf.-r* practual. ai- with I e above In aamall Mlll n.w dolnf .. .-

Beaa II baa a aacaik-r water po-er, with| oip-- Addrena I A*

I-i, MAN- fACTI RERa-l l__fa_8_f,_8f-_

Jfost anb fennb.

MilM) On lioard the Fall Rivei B7 r- n, aa the boat - M

,- a Pocka*..... , iBJ RINNELL N


FOUND.In i"' Oninibua, ¦ pi.uLI) BPECTACI E_

,. applymgto 1'iKK - - - »-. aodpa.-ag tot ttia advartiaan-act._


, aod i

'.-..ll I'.i a B

LOST.ThuiOlIIBWttd l emetery I-. t. i ccv td^z- *rion N Pba

ader will.1 U AKl> . i.w :"

LOST.1 '¦'ll-| K-df.'d it, t h.a a Net

.-. c : ¦."tod

-ir v an ..atwarp:r»aid and tt-' - :: .*¦.*.

C-liN I. sA!..-Bl h Na i l-Jr.-_....

^I>TI( K. Bl .:...', , ¦.: .S-»pecii..'a ideiained.

HtaaaaO. R aaaaaja ...


n\Ok\ REWARD. M ¦".u«D **\ t jr Itit tn tbe -Mn ut lo.i, 6t Uie buming ofr .;,.¦ Ua: Herrv Clay, a |lBBl8a_ta| oo-« hindrad

Dara, BB-atrj Aiba_y city tnooey; tlao t aota

..w. b, blar-aew Cranaall. pa.abla W Ma'thew Craanell,, ai d oae -. te d:a*n by Mattaaw Crar.nall. pajab.e to

A.'. ip Ucffmar.. Aay pertnn ri. dtnf »^"«:m/g1 :***\r*Vtaafev-at, Mfw-Yorb niaiBENti. I A t__AN__Ela-/_.18 |M .tBtetl, Aitaty.

ft2ai REWARD-L-f in i Bn.H.lvviivE\n7oP S'Vk*_D,r,an';V VP*t-*"-»~' 1 con:* nitu BUr..flU9 OFBII.K. w'huut.'irectloB. Vn-. p*r*>.:thetain- :o v. UlNOLD .. CO, No. 6: &nal M will r__ceive t.-.e above reward.

Snmmcr Rctrcnta.

BOARD KARM HOl'SE. -Tiii.. therhtaore !*r_r» airy room .iBoc-cirptad. at h:,

family m.B.zoo. twi-rn laa trom th? viitaxe of Ulen Cjy».medlate BppHcaBoa u necetaary Andrtt the taba-riber

.i tilen Cove, L I. C-IAULFS NDERH1LU

C^ A P E ISLAND BATHING.NA-TIONAL HALL.Thi* lane, aew and eletraat Ho-

tei Iflnow npen li" the eem-n t - P Bfl wili fbd thi.¦ ti tc tha bert Amen eaa Hotel*.ioeatl' a * f-w

rcr*'t no th* tbcie, t. -nt v.-w nf the 0«e*a.AARON 0ARRET8ON. Proprietor.

CiWNTRY BOARD WANTKD-RvJ a fl.Bllimflfl. for hlBMflK -VHbflad Child. ln tho rf

thflt tna pnv.,te family pr-ferred. Ho» J.-'li foit

Hl'RON HOL'SE., Alieb..Thfl Houie, pl*a*an:'y iltua:c_ oo the Iiland of

Maciiirac, li r-ow open f-r the lawptlOfl ofgflflflBB Thehuute l. new, and -uilt expreisly for t.w** i-^k-.u. a tummarratraM fur bealth orplraaur*. Th* roomi ar* larg*.aad airy,et-BitrtiBg of parlcrt wtth bedroom. adjoimn. Itii the *ir*t time. a.-id n ritted up and furr lahad ia Ibfl m >rt¦ daa Btyfl Honet and carm.e*. with cer.ful drlvera,a wsvi'.n r-ciinraa, toeoavay vaflon fl any part of thaItland. Pleature hoati alwayi at hand tor th«*e who maywant them Ti.e proprietor **tu.-*i the puMic that noeffortlizali ba WBBttiig to pmiiii te ti.e ec-r;'.>rt ant«ofg-ett*. v il v. L Bi) IRDMAN, Proprietor.IHi n Hotrtt, Mackmaa Jal? IS, 18%Tf-e nndert-raed, vuitort to tbe Itland of MflflUBfle, rec.-m-n, -lidiueabc've Ho-zie fo their flieeda and to all who:ntendv t'-i -he n!,'d eithet -n oleaiu. or IriiinMfl Thay.-ry t.'iing BBflflflflalJ Im cotrfort at th.i bfl ir, andU-o hu*t, Mr R,_-din_a, li alwayi on uan.i to a-teni to theW*n*. of hii 1'ietU., Ohlo,J. W. F'.cch. Sendv Hill. N. Y,Ichn J. Finch, Sandnsky,II Monre and lady, Cl*.*,a:i,l, .)hto,IrVflflb.UMa Bill, Ann Arbor. Mlch-Jainn B Howe aad lady, Lima. Ind,Roawell C Smilh aed lady, Lalayette, Ind.,Tl-oa H. Browo and lady, Medlna, Ohio

[\|OUJNT WASHINUTON| Bv HORACE KABVLAN, W hire Moun'tlri, N HIbfl aal bratad Hntri :iiit_kted it the fcot of tha VVeaterai' p* >.f the W'hite Mountama, and ta full view of tlia eo-tire ran.eof their lofliett lumnnta Penooa trBvellng foipl*\.ura trip. rt, can here enj.iy pure mountala air, pl*-

I trenery aud the tmntitreir-i "f tlie VV'hlts Moun-taina A lar.e and tplendld Hud of Ponlei will be found Mth . Ht-uie, alwave tn r.adtneai fnr w-.sliing to itacendIha Mou-.tain..«'. »nd «-ire f.xited.oio«t of them havinghaiiatralntng of two or three jeari, wtth inurlligent anfl

Seotiemanly Ouidea. HORACE K.V3V VN. Proprietor.I C Jinv.x,.,, Aaafitant late oftha Bt. Johnibury Houaa.

SEA BATHING.CAPE ISLAND,CAPE MAY, New Jetaey..Tho proprletnn ofthe foi

lowin. I-'o'eli at Cape Itland hava raflttad thab ettabliahuiect* thn teaaon, *nd tre now prrpared to recelva viattcr.-Tbey Qatter themaelvet tliat their aeeomiuodattoni are eqaal.and ln aome rrepect* mperior to Sarat"»a Sprinra or New-

Rirt, and tbey retpectfully r*qu*it the travelmg publteofew-York and ttt vic.nity to pay inem a vialt the approacb-

Ing fleasnn, either for pleajure or the nflBMBttoa nf health.TN. celehtated waterini place lt not eqnaled foi ifa hathiaganc am flflfl oa tbe whele lineof auatt; tlie beaah cannot bati, rtai'd for tfl lafety, and the boau'.y it affordi for a da>lii«litful drive la eoeaaetfla tbeyaroaid aata that a rega-lar and daily llna ot OflflflB titeamer* leava New-York allo'.-lock P M, froni pier 14 N. R.. reachlo* Cape Itland thaf. Ilowing murniui at S A. M., wbera earnsf .>. will alwayibe lo readioeM toeunvey paawncer. tothe difremnt hotea,..-.- r . f ne turnpike, huflt lattiumuier The iteamen of tbl.Ilo* are .¦¦ ¦. p fle«l of th*

PELAW'ARE.C»pt. Sam'l Beymoiu.K.NNF.bEC.Capt Cn va. O Clark.PENOBflCOT.Capt. VVhtiacker

flhe tint nainrd iteamer 1| entirely new, built expreaalyfur thia roatt wi'.h iplenlid atate-rooina, bndal-ruoina, ita.Theather two iteamen h |VB been tlmrnuahly overhanloA,a. I refitted with aew ffcraitura Th* faie to Cape May !i|_ n_.Jtxtra

CHARLE8 B. 8ANI.F0RD, A|»b*.CON0RE8R HALL.W. B Milla., ProprletmMANtflON HOI SE.H.siperit Ludlam, "

l HTATESHOTEI.lamel Brown, "

AMERICAN HOI BE.M. Reynolda, "

PKI.VVV ARF HfH M*i.ray. "

l I N E R HOUflE.lenu'hE. Meoray, "

tOLLMBIA HOL'SE ....Ia Harwoc^i.ATLANTIC BOTEL.Joaepb McMakln, '

SDMMER BOARD iii ihe COUN-TRY Atmut half a flacaa perti-ua cun ha a

I'.i'rd wtth Bofl ... w fh thi i .niforUot a Im. e. at a .i-nte-llaiinei'a it.iderie, m a rili-ed locality, in Tlia Blata ofCinrn ticnt. For particulara. in<j oie of A. 8 VV'HEELER. Nu. .':" F ilton it., Brooklyn.

Eoarij an_ Rooms.

AKlNEt-UITE'iAPAirrMKNTS..!.-rantly fiiiiiuhej, cn weoed :'..-", i an t. .-^: dfltd in ii, i r.t., lint-i'ai* lio.-i- iu the vitu.ity of '.in iw a

aon-Mjuara Om- or two latnili'-* engacernom*for the winter, will pleaie ad.l.eti Mr*. Y O ,TrlbflUB Oflice

AGENTLEMAN an-1 hi- Wife, ortwoiu._!e OaiUfln ii, ,:an ba accomBMB.ed w-.rh a pleaa-

ant Rojiii. with pantriea attached. on ttcond t'.oor, ani tullnr partial Htaid, w itii a imall rexpectable family. in a mod-rrr. b-illt three-tlcry Ho-ixe. tiluitrd at No. I.i VV aflIt thit.. betweea tle hth ami .th avi Tbe houie cuntaiiuhot, coid ar.d ihower bstht. T*rmi moderate.

APARTMENTS to RENT.To a Gen-a Pai or, K U M, *-id Bfl

ni. .. ci :,d nor..; ho-ise No. ^1 Jonet-H. C m be ireriativ

till * alter I o'tiCi k A. M Ciood IflferflOM re 'Otred.

A PARTY "i (..'ii'li-in.'ii have uoifl anopport-t y to taar. . nll of roomi at N

f'.Miidtt ay. Iirlt. i .- t. '-.'- ix

reepectetu Amo, aay bfl bad, oaaortwa:.,i. I'artial boaid If denred llefenniri ex*

tl sl .-il_

AMERICAN HOTEL. Panama, -Nt ,i, -...-.y '..¦ r mt,»t a'ry, ipicinJl and cen¬

tral public bflflM '.a tbfl CltV f Pai ona.JOHN D. BOW LES, Proprietor.

J">OARD. Ro.)i:i>r-.!''f. with or without_\) Boaid, in a houie tiavnu ail the m-idern linprove--i ', A latement tor aa otlice. Keferencea re .uir*d-

.ieeii-tt., near rlib-it.

£>OARDING.At ^4(I9. 45 and 47 East~) Biuadway, for a and VV tfe AI»o, for lj-nlieiii,_.i wlihiif pl*aiuit flflQBM A f*W dayloaiderirun he provided lor. B*:b, bol aod cuid water.Apply at No 1 >.

r>(>ARD.With ..'"'i acconiraodationa,y n,n t.r btalaad at No j" Ir-. lagplara, one nlock e«*t

. Itiare.

(i A R D Bl N"- 15*1 Chambei_-Aiy w ¦:.¦: <entle-

r ,. ii ..¦ - i.-'i Tiaaflflal bi_u,i-i ._., and hai batrii aadaveiy


BOARDING..A Gentleman and Wife, -h Board, ln a i. i*

¦ a few aslec' boardara. Aflial Board

itNa ..'.'. aaaaat, f*- w*eo Am-

ity ano Ith itt

Bi iARD. Large rooma, vvirh bedroonu,¦

_. m,MNo 113 Bluakar-M-, tbbfl btock waflflflty


\_ ard. a - No. 1 tl Court-W Uea; ot

OOAflM V13 i e .-'. tyb d fl '. .' .'t-plaea.

¦,... . I*ul.«-..-.*. boaifl. Refereac-i_'_

BOARD..Two g..o.J.i/.r J and we!llur-ciibedrcout : ¦* t . I lel aid

w«rdn.t)e atracf.,'-. MIM fllirtwo cn'.Jriii-n and* lilewiie gooo i

by aopiyin. at Sb Fany.a-at- aearW aik'r (jov. refertcee re ,;oired._

BOARD.FamilieA ari flintlfl Gentla-m*n cac be accomniodvtef v".. i- ll laitafl aafl

, .*-.-. .. , at No 37 Waat Twenty aeeond tt,bom EiBB-Avaaaa 'Refereciia rev -'.

BOARD..Soma nlra.ant Roomi arel WM Iflfl, attb B.arl a: * -dit,

tBort dittince a-iova t olin-pazi. ana u-'.r

The houiei have U-a ncdera loiprjvejieaU. Tu* Kt.ttoflti . tfalfbrtbemjbjbmatott-tl


B('.\KD-^-At .Ni- 13 P< ..

'. fjn

_,,^, -. ,. .,- aalkfrum Fii'-.orz-Ferry,,

. » ""¦

mmM re.uired. A^-plyai abuve._

B( I A RD il W1LL1AM.-P.L RGH.iad their W'tvea aaa

a.--omni-_l_-__d wlit Board at N j '? L»u i_.*m .'*_. n*>c_ini . waik trom Peckalip and Divlatoa-avaBaa raiT'BK

r-aO-VKD..Good Roomi and Board at> Na 63 * uiton-rt. fcr tranflant, day and pennaDflal


BOARD.Wriii'f*!. by ¦ t_aa_\ft Bptoani,;*er Frtadway. in a MflflMflBBlfl and Brvata

a la'.e wel iul io*d Lonm. aad tha romfo.ta oi

a baflM vtrntti. Addjeaa 11. S C , Broadway Port <J__C«.

BOARD..Two or three ain/.!. Roonutre . an tl tha Temoaraoea Honae, No. KI ¦_¦**_*¦*.

rt. t am ece larga room, tuitab.. for a party ot three or batO-r-.-riH-B or a iiettllof -an ar.d bia WUb Alao, *********ba ardmta ean ba tcaomn. h)bS--_

Bb7iRb~WANTKD.A f__r_t_5e_i PnT-lor aod Bedroom oo tr.- teooed floor. aruatad in tba

lowrr part ol tl.e citT. I..r a ieoilei.ia. aod Wil*. TeaiD*. ode.-at. Re'ereic.a .¦*. aanfad A.ldrat. Bo\

, 7. I.ower Pe*t t.ffce. ittti- * full partioulart

FU R N I S H K I > ROOM9 Wi'liou.B. ard. tt No i. Cbeatbaraal The ».t_r* atoood floor,

w- i fr. et «r baak parlor ai.d opoof anjie aod anrt noM,wiill. le togei.tleii.en « iti *a_*i*.t ry i*tfrmn,r». A'**.tbaf»aemer.t 'or * rhvai."in'. o8ata rnroitara (Ira. >;utlllv,aat hot BBtJ coid batiif. Apply Wora 18.4, H, ar ia thaeveoici.

PURN1SHED ROOMS. nenr WASHJ. 1N--TON BQI ARK -Two ar threa a»al_ t-aatWa-n -n can i-btain two e.'etint/y f iralalied larga R-naa, antBr with,. .t breakfatt and tea. in t firat claat pnvtte H->___.

¦ ar.l lierroaa ap. ten lD--uire at No. 11 8t. C'.em-eni a pla-e. (to Mtcdo::ga: at., between Wavarly pla t acd¦'..': at.) Rr-ter'-r.ce* re-| nred

pRENCH BOARD..Plmil Bt.JL tn |*8 fiirolttxd or uo-urriabed, wtth full or partialBoard io a houae with all tha r. *_ora Impt-aeroeata. oa*eupied by a Kretch fan.-ly, where tbe Vratmb lf onlytrX-krn, and the Ragluh hut little Krtoah Ittaontj. rea ta_h*e.eni-g Tne lady will alao give lewou* to _bf lad-MMo**A*aTu*e\^ *«*<***** ********** Aadra.

ROOMS wi:l, I.OARD nt No. _13F IW BROADU AY.-Two baa baak Parlort, tbr-n ard th, ,r \\ l._ A'a.. *av. ra! «.<.. R,. <_* tortiat a l,n, l,.,nen Paaaooa ,.).in(l ..a* t-co.ar_o__l._aaand t c.-mii.rtable heaaa la a p ulr*i tt***, will tind opp-rtunity R«i.ea.«a fivtn and raquirad.Kaily apriicaiionnre.iunvd

1JOOM8. For aingle UentleaMta. witii-*.. ont Board, mty be htd at No t7 Bood _t. io aii.*_tij*rnvate faauly. who caa a---1 tnn.odata two or three ttogla0-ntle-ren with either migla Kcmn. or tuttataf RUania,where tli tha qiiltt and cot.-fort of t hin.e may be foand.Addiaaa fL, bot l.> Broodaay r<j*t Ottjoo, or call ot theb. uae.

IJOO.MS with BOARD.May be tt*\ tained it No 71 Warren at, for intniad or tmgl. par-t. Batb :n tbe hoace.

1>OOMS to LKT withoal BOARD..% lael laaea 8888 d atory, anaaU fronf Rooin third

it rv, ard * r.a>d attic Room all well furniitwd tnd will bawell ttfended to, tt /OHN WOODWAJU) ., No. _-

B. nd tt.

TWO m THREE SINGLE (.ENTLE-MFN. Bf a ('..ullemau and W lfe, mav obtain pleaaant

R.. ma-.aiih soi'd 8->a-1. atNo ITH lludaon a. Tha bouaaha* all '.he iii.'ileru improveiienta Ref. rencet excbanged.

\\'ANTED On nr tefore October, biif V .. -.ii t Par. ird Riilrva.ii], fumlahed or unfur*

n ih .1, i n the (ecord Boof, tront. in a line honae apkv.ii The viclnity oi otoil Bl M t-i *--n aquarea prefcrred.I- aiaitmenta and Boffd. wtih an a. r.aatile prtvata

a hheral ron.per.aati. B wtBbe paid er lb8 rantol ae loi.e, if the famiiy prrtei it K.-r further lariicnlart,

id..r> .. J 1) B Broadway l'cat titt-ce-

WANTED I'y :i Gentleman aad t.i,Wl-f, a bo will .-tur.. f. ni the eountiy aSanit 40th

ail B.-!¦,. .-¦. .|i|fiirDiah»d, wuh «..»>.).wA Kra-t.cli laiiuly U-i.rt-iicet ei;Iionga*d. Ad-iiraa Bi x _'*-7, potlOitiie11 ANTED.By n Gentleman and lii_*t v V\ ife, who will reluin Iron. the conulry tboat tha

tnliidl.- of Octoh.-r. t Parlor ano Bedroom, uafurui.hed, withHoaid. A Kiench lumly pitlincd. Addiaaa box 2,0ti7,r.t Otlice-

.Qoiioco to £et.


ROOMS uith STEAM POWER TOI KT Pino light laaaak. *l'« 80od atoady Powar, ao

l-.t. tn the new Depot Bui: llaa eorner of Can tre and Praak*llr-tU. Appiy to W. A ALLJ. N, oo tht piainitea, atfoadloor, frotn 9 to 10 dally^_STORE to LET..One or two rahMbk

Storet ti- let tt il -ap nntt netr the j-ioetlon of Kitnk--it tud William ata a tre.t il oiouahlara. Inqiir* tn tbetttot* oftha II- lel, No *V2 W illiui at.

TO LET. A routfortabte, conveniM.and dr.lial-le ll'-uaa. I'.-icii ilouat and H.tile, with

tr_« (lard. n, well itockedvvith vailoui l- -it* <tu-l vegata-llra; acie.nlbU bv atate eae.y 1--uiiniitea t.oru r.-t-alip,I'ulaii.n a-. , lli-i.toii at, Itriaiklyn ferrie* Orl-.ri.oonia ofthe to * -niali lumly at B low i. nl, fromlapti n.i-er lo May 1. 1 IU. Adiiie**, X. Y C , I'otVOfAca,v iDian abaagh.

O LKT OR [_EAS_.Eo« a term ofeara, tl.e Ixit with li-.provr-mrot* lhareon, conaiatlnf

if a riniie llwellmg llouaai and Hneh Maahine Shop andKofli.e ea-mplele. tt No Hl 'uii at , n- tl AveioieO Alaothe lot in rear of tlie abov*. ft-.nting ou i.that, witb brickbai r- .-*, \c . roitable lor bornaa** purpute*. Apply to B.¦J4BBOWN, No. 71 Wallat froaa I to 2 V M.

ri^O LKT.A liiiinl--inii.' Miiti* nf nn-M. luniiahed Room*. to* (leutleiiiaii tnd W|fe, o. ti two

nngle (lentleineo, In a ai.iall pi^Bte laonly o.-. -mf'-B aI ar Am naa ilnae itory boote, nelgti-irhood 8t Ma-k'a plan.ann lat av. Bat****** ---i-.-i.- d Apply to A UKKIUCK,No. I Hreadway. teeond it- i\ r-a.m N-. 18.

TO LKT.To raapectabla familiee. Iive3 itory blirt Dwrlli.iga Wtb-a ,near Broadway baaaa-

til-l l-rcafioo; all the OOBfaaiaBaaa of Croton wat-r. la*naj-ie.,1 A C DAYTON, Bonded Warehou-e. ri.or &*.change place ond Brcadway, batu-aao 1" und J P. M , or oaUio iniiinUa-a.

mO J*ET.Well-li^hted ROOMS, wttfcorwUbriatBtetn. Powei, of BB___B_BJ_ leanlreo.

C 88.8IMONB0N, Na 181 Uwtaat

1*(l LKT.Two 4-atory an.l basementnrlck llooant, Not in and 179 Raet :... a wtth al) lha

a H in.[.-uvf I-.- r ti Pot finther partioolara tni,iiif« olVN.M J Bl HR. TT No IA Wtll-ft.; or of I C MAle-_AKY Ho kj| AvenoaC Bant -B8_BBB-8 for -88-888 *M*t*'**_

Doiic.*". Il)untc6.

APARM WANTED Of from _o to 70ar-.-.-a, within I'i nil'-a-l New-York, not far fioan a

talrroad or Steamboat .¦¦ ..l-.n A *oud honae ni-t .a.rten,.ieoaaBtlj iit-iated. wi ul.l l-e BlttaaBa. Adiliea* I. M,

I'lica, witli fi.ll f-itliculaia.

Ij IRT of a HOUSE, or BOARDWANTED..A .'ir'.!-ii an aad tVitoarlafe ta 'tka

art tg'ir.'el Boasala the upper j-art fatf, M W)u)drtiard in j-iuale lar-.ily. Adtiieaal.R L,Tnbuia' llflca.

117ANTED..To L<t, _____._ ;r I'ar-f V -Id.".. a corve.-'.ent lli-aae for t moderate ai.ed

'ari.ilv, aituated in a plea-.u.* part of Bro-iklf n, or tb* upperp-an ol New-i ork. ** B... t*\ New Vork Poa. O-ioB,ivith paiu- .. .i. of h-.i.te, laaatlaa, aud usm.t.

Ttcnl Q.statt for Bale.

A VILLAGE KARM KOR SALE...** .le, adjoiLiiig 'he vil'ataplot of Wanpun, t Karm

talntrgfiOOi , , .n .., ^ of prod-.emg an-

Mally .r il uasnil l-nahel. 11 grain and ol ». r^, ,.t. a.m-

¦Cl .-i.d wl.iter. I.'.) head oi I- laea and catlle Tl.* vllJtga'¦ -| n eontoio*aboat t-ltb r.hal.itant*, l* aad

n I.. a.'thy a* any poiti-m of Ne .-!.'-rla Ij tliere I* a 11.11-a.i «.n I-i.oi g one mlla ofnid Karm, w-u-hwill

tf V; i". ,] \e---Yoili fifty tn' -l of Itd to lie /»ady for the ca-» tim tuil. Wu.-nthla

B)i'0*ad la corriplela,!. wbic. wlll te ln the ***** ot oaae* a p- *i.n leavir.ii Waup- n an rea-.ii Boat.iri ..i N«w-oik ;n lorty-. i.l.. !.- rt fl. *) a'e l'ri»oii i* l».t-ed hare.

| t.,¦ .... -..- ..ther-rita, ol KAIiNAM A BL'MNI.R, Wiupun, K.od du Lac'oi.nty. *k *- *» '.

51AST .MORRi.-AINlA VILLAI.K.J \ . I.oti (rtmiln_ag unaoid) vaiymg n *i/e

.I.U. of an acra to aix re., a/e--Uernl tur SALKa" favoraM* tenn* T-n per cent down aod bai-

nce on or bofore fllarch 1851 'J'ltle perfr-.t Tbaaa m*rr-ipy a v*ry bea.iiiy aod U-autifaJ tOBattaa. aaal ai.d lo

¦ <.f U.e i aai J'.l er. and in the laOBMdiata vtclcltpf tl.e rail llnrat of wve.-aJ oi lha ii-aat weaJthy and re-

-.I M eatcleauir C- :_ty. Alao hne hablBJjt rr.ii . lat*. iti bouaet ara oow

,.ci:j. ai.d I-'a telllng ripldlv Kor rnapa and ot. er tn*B .\i.*.T..N. No b Iryoo .r,w, moax

U --ii- . a.l.'.ad Ottice, r-pfia-tas Cily Hall.

tlARM on L. I. for _.ALK..A Ix'iui-a «i tlie aitf, esty of ac-

,* 1) rr o,'on tne Boatb 'I ..nj.te, a'l.ut f ***** ttmii'¦-v itetd open to h-iy and u«*.i. whuh reader* 'he air

Bfrat *od aha) iHtdlaB ***** *M*U*y tmu> ... -- fn.d -.1 Sthiaf, aotrotmi ie. Tlie Karm c nia a* 'J

. .' al,irl,ig lamda-id end aalt mea.1 ,w Tl.eaaeiaelaifja tera atorv aod auic. with w.ngat-

c. ir periect ordaf, with 'Xteoaiva out, tea91 *,'&C-j bii fiuodance cf a i all frui . and larga BHBBra ard. Th»ra lf alto a areatn of pura wi'-r raBBBB]

Iwi" tr'.ut po.i-1 Pur 'r.r-.Oa' pi,.I,appiy to AN.ilUNY J BI.KF.CKKit v

Broed-at, New-York.

ARM f»r SALK, tn LKT, or Exchanref.r»*d City Property-It ba* 70 acrea of whlch*)

ttn wooda . *-m ard p.ei ty gM-l water :lme toa from oob " li-.d* n Kimr Kallroaavl,

¦ Brcti .ville, Har-laaa Paliroad Tha land ia fioal,¦Aanee Can ber.-ar_.d daily Irom New-York

a ar ..'»n bl .'a tl :i 088; vtaar, v«ry *i_e «itu.. nl roc.y. ucd-i i/U-oly healthy Prie. $*,***,

- .-third* tar-. a'ay oo boad aad uiortgtga Apply2*0. »Platt-at. up af-Birt

LWK.M i'.i SALK in<;HEbf__Rl .'. T-.'.r-iof betnUfally Irxatad londloLlrh itata of coIumii... aiiuaie in tl.a towa ol llt'naoo,

«*r *-. i I a mkta tn.m Iba Bye StaUun oft '-'-a Ha ii. and h hoon from tba eity. The

a.' lai t itrte dwellint bouae, two oew tanaat. t fi-i are horje, lca-l.n_*e cidor mill. aod other o*it*

.-»_.. il- compiete order; three aaaha wchard*, and otherdarte Block ano o'eco!* mar ba bad at tkow

l-.v ar.ea and apwaid or tbe antira far.n will ho.:...«. ti.-l oa ai'.coa.iiiod_t't.t_era_i. Apply tn IIK.NRVIC-Ki.l»,oo the piamiat*,or to W.J.SrLWAKT.No. _»*)aaJaab


FOR SALE or to LET.Two very ueat.f-ratantial tbrea ttory brick Hooaaa, with al! lha mod-

m impio.emeott. liood keatkooio Stato-ft, near *.*'.!_*-Be- th Brooklyn. Alao a very rieo Houae lo th* upper

ar. of New .ork Apply to r K TAT14N-,Uf.ttk __8B>ari. tt .oppotit* t tamtaif-tt.

IA \
