TFET-Based Circuit Design Using the Transconductance ... · Section IV discusses the design of two...


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Received 22 September 2014; revised 21 February 2015; accepted 6 March 2015. Date of current version 22 April 2015.The review of this paper was arranged by Editor Y.-C. Yeo.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JEDS.2015.2412118

TFET-Based Circuit Design Using theTransconductance Generation


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, Universidad de la República, Montevideo 11300, Uruguay2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 841112 USA


This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Award ECCS-1407959, and in part by the

National Agency for Research and Innovation under Grant FOR.INS.059.

ABSTRACT Tunnel field effect transistors (TFETs) have emerged as one of the most promising post-CMOStransistor technologies. In this paper, we: 1) review the perspectives of such devices for low-powerhigh-frequency analog integrated circuit applications (e.g., GHz operation with sub-0.1 mW power con-sumption); 2) discuss and employ a compact TFET device model in the context of the gm/Id integratedanalog circuit design methodology; and 3) compare several proposed TFET technologies for such applica-tions. The advantages of TFETs arise since these devices can operate in the sub-threshold region with largertransconductance-to-current ratio than traditional FETs, which is due to the current turn-on mechanismbeing interband tunneling rather than thermionic emission. Starting from technology computer-aided designand/or analytical models for Si-FinFETs, graphene nano-ribbon (GNR) TFETs and InAs/GaSb TFETsat the 15-nm gate-length node, as well as InAs double-gate TFETs at the 20-nm gate-length node, weconclude that GNR TFETs might promise larger bandwidths at low-voltage drives due to their high currentdensities in the sub-threshold region. Based on this analysis and on theoretically predicted properties, GNRTFETs are identified as one of the most attractive field effect transistor technologies proposed-to-date forultra-low power analog applications.

INDEX TERMS Si-FinFETs, tunnel field effect transistors (TFET), ultra-low power design, gm/Id method,one-stage common-source amplifier, two-stage operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with Millereffect compensation.

I. INTRODUCTIONSince its early proposals, the perspectives of TunnelField Effect Transistors (TFETs) for low-power digitalcircuits, have been widely studied [1]. However, the ben-efits of employing these devices in analog applications,besides the possibility of operating at low VDD voltages,i.e., VDD < 0.1V, due to their sub 60 mV/decade subthresholdslope, have remained largely unexplored until recently [2].Low power circuit design often requires transistors to oper-ate in the region where they are more efficient as generatorsof transconductance hence bandwidth, i.e., in the subthresh-old region [3]. In this region, a key parameter for analog ICdesigners is the transconductance-to-drain-current ratio (from

herein gm/Id) [4], which might be interpreted as a measure oftransconductance generation efficiency. In traditional FETsthe gm/Id ratio is theoretically limited to values below38.5 V−1. This value corresponds to 1/nUt, where n is thesubthreshold slope factor, and Ut is the thermal voltage. Thesubthreshold swing SS and the gm/Id ratio are related by [5]:


= Ln(10)

SS. (1)

At room temperature a 60 mV/decade subthresholdswing corresponds to a gm/Id ratio of 38.5 V−1. Dueto the possibility of achieving subthreshold swings below60 mV/decade [5], TFETs can outperform traditional FETs

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in transconductance generation efficiency, promising gm/Idvalues well above 100 V−1 (i.e., higher transconductanceper bias current than traditional FETs). In this work: (i) wereview the application of the gm/Id integrated circuit designmethodology [4] to circuits containing TFETs in order topredict the performance of these transistors for low powerand high-frequency analog applications. In this context isworth mentioning that the gm/Id method has previously beensuccessfully extended to transistor technologies other thantraditional FETs, such as Piezoelectric Oxide SemiconductorFETs [6]. Also, (ii) we discuss and employ -in the con-text of the gm/Id method- a recently proposed compactTFET device model, which is valid in all the device biasingspace [7], [8]. From this model, employing a limit analysis,(iii) we derive a new single-piece analytical expression capa-ble of representing gm/Id as a function of the bias voltage,which can benefit future compact model device representa-tions. As case studies, we consider two circuit topologies:i) a one-stage common-source amplifier, and ii) a two-stageoperational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with Millereffect compensation [4]. At the 20-nm channel length node:(a) InAs DG TFET; and at the 15-nm gate length node:(b) GNR nano-ribbon TFET, (c) InAs/GaSb nano-wire TFET,and (d) Si-FinFET are analyzed and compared. We dis-cuss the circuit performance, and, in which way the gm/Idmethodology encompasses a number of interrelated circuitfeatures.Analog IC designers often employ a wide range of

well-established methodologies and equations as a guide forhighly-efficient optimal circuit design. These methodologiesshould comprise a broad set of tools like: analytical equa-tions and simplified device models, to guide the designerstowards the study of the circuit dynamics and an under-standing of its tradeoffs, therefore allowing designers toformulate design criteria to obtain optimum system on-a-chipimplementations. Furthermore, design methodologies anddesign approaches must provide designer-reconfigurabilityin order to reduce re-engineering efforts when incorporatingminor changes to the integrated circuits. Until now, com-parisons between different TFET technologies have beenaddressed in the literature, pointing out their advantagesand peculiarities. However, the above mentioned desireddesign features, have not yet been taken into account. Forinstance Trivedi et al. [5] analyzed potentials and challengesof implementing ultra-low power analog circuits based onTFETs in the context of an Operational TransconductanceAmplifier (OTA) design for implantable biomedical appli-cations. The design and circuit performance were analyzedby using Technology CAD (TCAD). Although the benefitsof the subthreshold properties of TFETs were identified anddiscussed, the design was not implemented by using com-pact device models and low-power oriented circuit designmethodologies as we employ and discuss in this work.Liu et al. [9] discussed the design of an III-V HeterojunctionHTFET (HTFET)-based neural amplifier employing a tele-scopic operational transconductance amplifier (OTA). The

design was performed by means of a calibrated Verilog-Adevice model incorporating electrical noise.In terms of TFET device models, Zhang and Chan [10]

introduced a SPICE model based on a closed-form cur-rent representation by means of analytical electrostaticpotential solutions. The same group also presenteda compact device model in Verilog-A for publicuse [11]. From a low-power analog circuit-designerperspective, Sensale-Rodriguez et al. [12] introduced thetransconductance-to-drain-current ratio (gm/Id) methodologyin the context of TFETs.This work improves our previous work [12]; first of all,

because we show that the gm/Id method may be used inconjunction with compact device models valid in all thedevice biasing space, providing thus well-known tools forcircuit designers. Secondly, the performance of a wider setof technologies is compared. In addition, we derive for thefirst time a compact equation that allows to estimate theminimum sub-threshold swing (or maximum gm/Id) basedon a semi-empirical compact physics based model.This article is organized as follows: Section II discusses

the gm/Id method. Based on a semi-empirical compactphysics based model [7], [8], Section III discusses howgm/Id can be continuously estimated as a function of thebias voltage in all the device bias design-space. Froma limit-analysis analytical expressions for the minimumsub-threshold swing (or maximum gm/Id) are estimated.Section IV discusses the design of two circuit topologies:i) a one-stage common-source amplifier, and ii) a two-stageOTA with Miller effect compensation for four TFET devicetechnologies. The gm/Id method is used to i) achieve thecircuit design specifications and ii) to assure the selectionof the best TFET technology. The article concludes witha brief summary and discussion.

II. gm/Id INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESIGN METHODAPPLIED TO TFETsAs pointed out in [13]–[15], established design methodolo-gies and tools as well as compact equations representing thedevice response in all the biasing design space are oftenrequired by analog IC designers as a guide for performingoptimal circuit design. Here we discuss the gm/Id methodand a compact device-model as some of such tools enablingTFET-based analog circuit design.The gm/Id method can provide a criterion that assures

the selection of the best TFET technologies as well asthe most appropriate biasing schemes to achieve a set ofdesired functional features. Moreover, several design dif-ficulties might be circumvented by employing the gm/Idintegrated circuit design methodology. Following, we discussthe peculiarities of TFETs and why this design methodol-ogy can be employed for these devices. For this purpose,we recall here a well-known n+(source)/i(channel)/p+(drain)p-TFET structure from the literature. A schematic of thedevice cross section is depicted in Fig. 1(a). The pair ofenergy band diagrams shown in Fig. 1(b) illustrates its

VOLUME 3, NO. 3, MAY 2015 209


FIGURE 1. TFET operation. (a) Cross sectional representation of a p-typeTFET. (b) Band diagram in ON and OFF state. (c) I-V characteristic of thedevice.

operation principle: with zero volts applied between gateand source (dashed lines) the transistor is off, the channelis fully-depleted so that tunneling from source to channelis prohibited. When a negative voltage is applied to thegate (continuous lines) electrons can tunnel from source tochannel, which leads to a net drain current. In contrast withtraditional FETs, where the turn-on mechanism is thermionicemission and, therefore, the subthreshold swing is limited to> 60 mV/decade, the current turn-on mechanism of TFETs isinter-band tunneling allowing thus subthreshold swing valuesbelow 60 mV/decade.To introduce the gm/Id method, the approach we adopt

in this work is to use the physics-based compact analyticalmodel developed by Lu et al. [7], [8]. In accordance withthis model, the TFET tunnel drain current is of the form:

Id = a f (·) VTW ξ exp



), (2)

where a and b are coefficients that depend on the mate-rial properties, and f (.) is a function capable of smoothlyconnecting the subthreshold and above-threshold operationregions. Moreover, VTW is the tunneling window voltage andξ is the average electrical field. All of these parameters, withthe exception of the coefficients a and b, are dependent onVGS and VDS. This model is very useful because: i) it is givenby a continuous equation capable of representing the TFEToperation in the subthreshold as well as above-thresholdregions; and ii) it uses few adjustable parameters, whichare strongly linked to the device-physics, device geometry,and materials structure of the TFET as well as with thedevice fabrication process (i.e., the model is physics based,but it requires device characterization and parameter fitting).By using this physics-based compact model it is possible

to employ the gm/Id methodology to design analog circuits

that are based on TFET devices; which is a result of Idbeing linearly proportional to the TFET width W. In (2) thecoefficient a is given by:

a = Wtchq3


√2meff ,REG

, (3)

where W is the TFET width, tch is the channel thickness,EG is the semiconductor band gap, and meff,R is the electronreduced effective mass. One should notice that it is possibleto write (2) in a general form as follows:

Id = Wψ (VGS,VDS) (4)

where ψ(.) expresses the general dependence of current onthe bias point voltage (VGS and VDS). On the other hand:

gm =[∂Id∂VGS


. (5)

Then, gm/Id is calculated as follows:


= 1








, (6)


= 1










From the above discussion, one can observe thatthe gm/Id versus Id/W curve can be considered atechnology-characteristic as well as a function ofVGS and VDS (bias point). For this reason, it is possi-ble to extract this curve from either TFET simulations orfrom device measurements, and therefore employ the gm/Idmethod as it is traditionally done for circuit design basedon CMOS transistors [4].

III. TRANSCONDUCTANCE GENERATION EFFICIENCYIn the literature it is often discussed that TFETs can out-perform traditional FETs in transconductance generationefficiency, promising gm/Id values well above 100 V−1. Suchaffirmation is based either on numerical simulations per-formed by employing TCAD or on theoretical estimations.Nevertheless, from a circuit-design perspective, it is neces-sary to: i) have a compact equation, valid in all the transistoroperation regions describing how gm/Id depends on bias,and ii) estimate the maximum gm/Id values attainable ineach TFET device technology. To perform this, we will con-tinue employing the model developed in [7] and [8], whichis a compact semi-empirical model, because to the best ofour knowledge it is the only model proposed so far thatis capable of expressing gm/Id in a compact single-pieceequation.This section is then devoted to analytically estimate gm/Id

and its maximum value (gm/Id)MAX , which is calculated fromthe following limit:(





), (8)

210 VOLUME 3, NO. 3, MAY 2015


where VOFF is the minimum valid gate-source voltage forwhich the model given by (2) is valid [7], [8]. The tunneldrain current for VGS > VOFF is given by (2) from wherethe following expression can be obtained for gm/Id:



(af (.)VTWξexp

(− bξ



. (9)

The derivatives will be evaluated at a given bias point(VGS, VDS). From herein, this will not be mentioned anymorein the following discussion in order to avoid overwhelmednotation. Equation (9) results in:


= 1



∂VGS+ 1



+ 1



∂VGS+ b



∂VGS, (10)

where each function and parameter are technology-specificas mentioned in Section II. In the following subsections,we will calculate all terms in (10) by determining eachderivative.

A. FIRST TERM: FUNCTION F (.) AND ITS DERIVATIVEBy using the expression for f (.) given in [7]:

f (.) =1 − exp



1 + exp(λtanh(VGS−VOFF)−VDS

) , (11)

we determine that:

LimVGS→VOFF f (.) = tanh



), (12)

where � is an adjustable parameter [7], [8]. Therefore, thederivative of f (.) can be expressed as follows:

∂ f (.)



1 − exp(− VDS


(λtanh(VGS−VOFF ) −VDS

) (1 − tanh2 (VGS − VOFF)

)[1 + exp

(λtanh(VGS−VOFF ) −VDS

)]2 λ


where λ is another adjustable parameter [7], [8]. Afterperforming the limit when VGS → VOFF , it results that:

LimVGS→VOFF∂ f (.)


1 − exp(−VDS



)[1 + exp






B. THRESHOLD TUNNELING WINDOW VOLTAGE VTWAND ITS DERIVATIVEThe tunneling window VTW , is defined as follows [7], [8]:

VTW = U Ln

[1 + exp



)], (15)

where U is the Urbach factor and VTH is the thresholdvoltage. From (15) it results:


[1 + exp





where γ0 is the parameter that controls the closing velocityof the tunneling window with gate bias and U0 = nKT/qwith n being the subthreshold ideality factor [7], [8]. On (15)derivation gives:


= ∂U


[1 + exp




+ U∂(Ln[1 + exp




. (17)

Moreover, it can be noticed that:


∂VGS= 1 − γ0

VTH − VOFFU0, (18)


∂(Ln[1 + exp








1 + exp(VGS−VTH


) U − (VGS − VTH)1−γ0








=(1 − γ0)U0Ln

[1 + exp





)[1 + exp


)]γ 2


. (20)

C. AVERAGE ELECTRIC FIELD ξ AND ITS DERIVATIVEThe average electric field model given in [7] and [8] holds:

LimVGS→VOFFξ = ξ0 (1 + γ1VDS + γ2VOFF), (21)

where the parameters γ1 and γ2 are adjustable parameters andξ0 is the built-in electric field at the source channel tunneljunction at zero bias. Therefore, its derivative is given by:




)= ξ0γ2. (22)

D. gm/Id MODELTherefore, from (14), (20), and (22), we have all the termsrequired in (10) in order to estimate the (gm/Id)MAX valueas defined by (8). To do this, for some particular TFETtechnologies, we will use the parameter values given in [7],which we list for convenience in Table 1.

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TABLE 1. Summary of parameters from [7].

Table 2 lists examples of (gm/Id)MAX for VDS = 0.1V andVDS = 0.5V for InAs DG TFET and AlGaSb/InAs TFETtechnologies.

TABLE 2. Obtained (gm/Id )MAX values from (8) with parameter values

from [7].

As can be noticed in Table 2, the AlGaSb/InAs technol-ogy might deliver larger (gm/Id)MAX values than the InAsDG technology. Moreover, it is noteworthy observing thatGNR-TFET technologies might offer even higher values thanthese two-technologies. For instance, in [16] it is calculateda subthreshold swing of 0.19 mV/decade for VDS = 0.1V,which, by using (1) results in (gm/Id)MAX = 12119 V−1.Such large values have advantages from a circuit designperspective and we will elaborate about this in Section IV.Since the model is valid for VGS > VOFF , the esti-

mated (gm/Id)MAX corresponds to the maximum of gm/Idin this voltage range; i.e., the model does not contemplatewhat happens for VGS < VOFF . However, for most appli-cations, it might not be required to bias the device at suchextremely reduced voltages. It should still be noticed thatthere is a numerical singularity when VTH = VOFF . Fromthis point of view, precise numerical procedures to obtainreliable data in order to fit numerical simulations to mod-els must be developed. Although theoretically TFETs mightachieve very large gm/Id values, real constructive physicallimitations including gate leakage, thermionic emission overthe source-drain built-in potential, and so on, will practicallyresult in lower gm/Id values and this issue should be a topicfor intensive further future research.

IV. CIRCUIT DESIGN EXAMPLESIn this section, we analyze the design of two circuittopologies: i) a one-stage common-source amplifier, and

ii) a two-stage OTA with Miller effect compensation, usingthe gm/Id method [4]. This analysis improves our previouswork [12] since a wider set of technologies and a wider setof device models are studied. Several proposed TFET tech-nologies are analyzed: at the 20-nm channel length node:(a) InAs DG TFET, and at the 15-nm gate length node:(b) GNR nano-ribbon TFET, (c) InAs/GaSb nano-wire TFET,and (d) Si-FinFET. We compare and discuss the circuit per-formance and in which way the gm/Id method encompassesa number of interrelated circuit features. Table 3 summarizesthe analyzed TFET device geometries and the methods fromwhere its I-V characteristics are obtained.

TABLE 3. Summary of TFET devices.

The 15-nm gate length GNR TFETs were simulatedemploying an analytical method as reported in [16], withribbon width of 2 nm, and 0.5 nm equivalent-oxide thick-ness (EOT). InAs/GaSb nanowire and InAs double-gateTFETs with 15-nm gate length, were simulated usingSynopsis TCAD [7], [12], and modeled employing the ana-lytical model proposed in [7] and [8]. Fig. 2 shows that, inanalogy to traditional FETs, for a fixed VGS, the gm/Id ratioonly weakly depends on VDS, i.e., it varies less than 10%for a given Id/W; this allows for the use of the gm/Id designmethod as in [4] and [18]. Although gm/Id vs. VDS and Id/Wis just depicted for the GNR TFET and the InAs DG TFET,the same phenomena was observed in the Si FinFETsas well as in the InAs/GaSb nanowire TFETs. Therefore,VDS will be considered as fixed such that Id dependsonly on VGS (allowing saturation), unless otherwise noted.In all the following design examples: for a certain GBW(gain-bandwidth product) design target, current consump-tion will be minimized by using the gm/Id circuit designmethod.Shown in Fig. 3 is the gm/Id ratio as function of current per

unit width Id/W for the four analyzed transistor technologies.The GNR TFETs provide superior current drive relative tothe other TFET technologies due to its intrinsic 1D transportand narrow bandgap [16]. Moreover, Fig. 3 also shows that

212 VOLUME 3, NO. 3, MAY 2015


the current densities of the GNR TFETs for a given gm/Idratio are always larger than those attainable in the Si FinFET.

FIGURE 2. False-color plot of gm/Id versus VDS and Id/W for (a) GNRTFET and (b) InAs TFET.

FIGURE 3. gm/Id versus Id/W for the analyzed transistor technologies.

A. ONE-STAGE COMMON-SOURCE AMPLIFIERShown in Fig. 4(a) is the schematic of a one-stagecommon-source amplifier (common source amplifier withactive and capacitive load CL -see [18]). In this configura-tion, the current consumption, as a function of the transistorgm/Id, can be expressed as:

Id = 2π GBW CLgmId

− 2π GBW Cd0Id/W

, (23)

where the gain-bandwidth product (GBW) and CL are set bythe design requirements, and Id/W and Cd0 are functions ofgm/Id as shown in Figs. 3 and 4(b). Cd is defined as thecapacitance seen from the transistor drain to ground in theabsence of load capacitance. Cd0 = Cd/W = (Cgd+Cbd)/Win traditional FETs, where Cbd is the bulk-to-drain capaci-tance and approximately equal to Cgd0 in TFETs, with Cgd0being the gate-to-drain capacitance per unit width. Notethat Cgd is added to Cbd since the transistor gain is largeenough. The circuit current consumption is proportional tothe load capacitance as seen in (23). Therefore, althoughin all the following discussion a 1pF load capacitance willbe assumed, the conclusions drawn from our analysis aregeneral enough and independent of the particular choice ofload capacitance. Besides scaling linearly with CL, the circuit

current consumption depends on gm/Id as seen in (23). Tominimize current consumption for a given GBW, the denom-inator of (23), which is independent of CL, needs to bemaximized. Therefore gm/Id should be set, in principle, ashigh as possible. However, driving the parasitic capacitancesrequires a certain current consumption for every gm/Id,which increase as gm/Id increases, as shown in Fig. 4(b).From this point of view, for certain GBW design targets,there is an optimal gm/Id that delivers the minimum circuitcurrent consumption. When comparing the current consump-tion in one-stage common-source amplifiers, it is observedthat for low GBW design targets, e.g., 10 MHz, all theTFET technologies promise lower current consumption thanthe FinFET as depicted in Fig. 4(c). This is due to thepossibility of biasing TFETs with very large gm/Id above38.5V−1. From this point of view, under low GBW con-straints, the optimal gm/Id that delivers the minimum circuitcurrent consumption is the largest gm/Id attainable on eachtechnology, and thus the most power efficient technologiesare the ones achieving the largest (gm/Id)MAX .

FIGURE 4. (a) Schematic of a one-stage common-source amplifier.(b) Cd0/(Id/W) versus gm/Id . (c) Current consumption versus gm/Id fordifferent GBW design targets.

As shown in Fig. 4(c), the current consumption increaseswith increasing GBW. For GBW above 10 GHz, the keyto minimize current consumption is to employ a technol-ogy with high gm/Id while keeping Cd0/(Id/W) as low aspossible as dictated by the denominator of (23), and asabove discussed. To this end, we plot Cd0/(Id/W) vs. gm/Idin Fig. 4(b) for the four analyzed transistor technologies;the advantages of the GNR TFET becomes clearly evident.

VOLUME 3, NO. 3, MAY 2015 213


FIGURE 5. gm/(VGS .gm’/2) as a function of the amplitude of theincremental change in gate-to-source voltage (VGS) and ( gm/Id )0 foran InAs DG TFET.

In this case, for a given gm/Id, because of the largerattainable Id/W in the GNR TFET, the second term inthe denominator of (23) is the smallest for GNR TFETseven though TFETs tend to have higher Cgd0 than conven-tional FETs [19]. For InAs DG TFETs it is observed inFig. 3 a lower current thus larger Cd0/(Id/W) than that inGNR TFETs, therefore, current consumption results slightlylarger. In addition, due to their superior current drives (Id/W)for a given gm/Id, the GNR TFETs allow for the smallestdevice areas for a given design specification.Since simulations for InAs DG TFETs were performed

employing a compact analytical model, further analysis wasperformed in order to observe the linear range that this tech-nology can provide. The mathematical relationship betweenId and an incremental change in the gate-to-source voltage(vgs) can be expanded from a Taylor series around a cer-tain operating point (VGS0). Let’s then consider the first andsecond derivative terms of the current Id, gm and g′

m/2,where gm satisfies (5). Both terms are defined in an inter-val around VGS0. For this VGS0, a gm/Id value (gm/Id)0is associated. Strong nonlinear effects are associated withsmall gm/(’/2) ratios. Fig. 5 shows gm/(’/2) asa function of the amplitude of the incremental change ingate-to-source voltage (vgs) and (gm/Id)0. It is noticed thatfor large vgs (vgs � 80mV) and high (gm/Id)0((gm/Id)0 �200V−1) the gm/(’/2) ratio is <10, and therefore thedevice becomes strongly non-linear. Design in this regioncan take advantage of both non-linearity and low currentconsumption. This can be very useful in applications whereproper operation relies on nonlinearity. For instance, in [15]the optimization of a TFET-based differential drive rectifieris presented.In terms of more complex circuits, a TFET differential

folded cascode OTA is presented in [14] to show the bene-fits of TFETs having a higher gm/Id than traditional FETs.At a given bias current, the DC gain, bandwidth, noiseperformance and offset improve by increasing the transcon-ductance of the input transistors. Work by Trivedi et al. [13]shows that TFETs can reduce the power of analog amplifierssince the same transconductance as in a MOSFET based

designs is achieved at lower powers through a higher gm/Id.In the present work a two-stage OTA with Miller effectcompensation is designed by using the gm/Id method.

B. TWO-STAGE OTA WITH MILLER EFFECTCOMPENSATIONThe two-stage amplifier shown in Fig. 6(a) was analyzedat the 15-nm technology node employing GNR TFETs aswell as Si FinFETs. GNR TFETs are chosen over otherTFET technologies because of their large subthreshold cur-rent densities as previously discussed, but also because theyprovide similar characteristics for both n- and p-type transis-tors resulting from the symmetric band structure of graphene,which is desirable for circuit design. This amplifier topologyhas two poles and a right half plane zero; usual requirementsfor more than 60◦ phase margin (PM) in this circuit are:NDP = ωNDP/GBW = 2.2 and Z = ωZ/GBW = 10,where NDP is the ratio between the frequency of thenon-dominant-pole (ωNDP) and the GBW, and Z is the ratiobetween the frequency of the zero (ωZ) and the GBW.In order to determine the amplifier design achieving theminimum current consumption, the synthesis mechanismdescribed in [18] was employed. The current consumptionin this circuit is:

Id = 2Id1 + Id2 = 2GBW(gmId


Cm + ZGBW(gmId


Cm, (24)

where Id1 is the DC current through the transistors at theinput differential pair (T1a, T1b), Id2 is the current throughthe transistor in the output stage (T2), and Cm is the Millercompensation capacitance, which is calculated as:

Cm = NDP


(C1 + C2 +

√(C1 + C2)

2 + 4ZC1C2


), (25)

where C2 = Cout +CL is the total output capacitance of theamplifier (Cout is the capacitance seen looking from the nodeVout to ground in the absence of load capacitance), and C1is the effective capacitance from the gate of T2 to the ACground. From (24) and (25) we observe that the minimumachievable current consumption in a two-stage amplifier withideal traditional FETs, i.e., the current consumption consid-ering the transistors with zero capacitances and maximumgm/Id, is given by:

I = 2 + Z

Z.GBW.CL.NDP.Ut. (26)

Depicted in Fig. 6(b) is the design space exploration forGNR and Si FinFETs for a 30GHz GBW target. For eachtechnology and GBW target, an optimal transistor biasingconfiguration (i.e., (gm/Id)1, (gm/Id)2 pair) exists that leadsto minimum current consumption. In the same way as for theone-stage common-source amplifier, although the minimumcurrent scales with CL, this optimal biasing configuration isindependent of the value of CL, i.e., it occurs at the samepoint regardless of the value of CL. Therefore, although in

214 VOLUME 3, NO. 3, MAY 2015


FIGURE 6. (a) Schematic of a two-stage OTA with Miller effectcompensation. (b) Design space exploration for GNR and Si-FinFETtechnologies at the 15-nm node for a 30 GHz GBW target.(c) Optimal (minimum) current consumption as a function of GBW.

all our discussion a 1pF load capacitance is assumed, theconclusions drawn from our analysis are general enough andindependent of the particular choice of load capacitance.For a GBW<30 GHz, the optimal current consump-

tion employing 15-nm-gate GNR TFETs was found to besmaller than both the minimum consumption by the SiFinFETs and the minimum current theoretically achievableby ideal traditional FETs under the same design constraints(Fig. 6(c)). When setting the GBW requirement to 30GHz,the current consumption employing GNR TFETs was foundto be about the minimum theoretically achievable in thiscircuit if employing ideal traditional FETs; however, forGBW>30GHz the minimum power consumption employingGNR TFETs becomes larger than this limit due to heavyinfluence of the parasitic capacitances. It is observed thatfor all the analyzed GBW targets, the current consumptionemploying GNR TFETs is over 5X smaller than that byoptimal designs using same gate-length FinFET technolo-gies which is owed to: i) the possibility of biasing the device

at a higher gm/Id, and ii) the superior current drive (Id/W)for a given gm/Id in these devices. When considering theconsumption in terms of power, since GNR TFETs allowfor 3X lower VDD, the optimal power consumption can bearound 15X smaller.Analysis of the slew rate deserves attention in circuit

designs involving transistors biased at high gm/Id. The slewrate (SR) is defined as the minimum between the inter-nal slew rate (SR1) and the external slew rate (SR2) asfollows [20]:

SR = min {SR1, SR2} , (27)


SR1 = 2Id1

Cm= 2GBW(



, (28)


SR2 = Id2




CmC2. (29)

At the optimal biasing point, the calculated slew rate forthe GNR TFET based OTA is SR = 2.44 V/ns, whereasfor the Si-FinFET based OTA is SR = 15.78 V/ns. In thisregard, it is worth noticing that SR is inversely proportionalto gm/Id as dictated by (28) and (29). However, it is alsopossible to design the OTA taking into account the slew rateas a design constraint as discussed in [20].

V. CONCLUSIONSince TFETs can operate in the sub-threshold region withlarger gm/Id than traditional FETs, low power analog cir-cuits with lower current consumption can be designedusing these transistors. The gm/Id method, inherited fromtraditional MOSFETs, has been successfully discussed todesign a one-stage common-source amplifier and a two-stageOTA with Miller effect compensation. A compact analyti-cal model was discussed and proven to be compatible withthe gm/Id method. In particular, an analytical expressionfor the maximum theoretically achievable value of gm/Idwas derived based on the model parameters by performinga limit analysis. Both GNR TFETs and InAs DG TFETs,have a weak dependence of gm/Id on VDS, which can enablecircuit designs where transistors are operating at very lowbias operating points. Based on the results from applyingthe gm/Id method, GNR TFETs seem to be very promis-ing among all the field effect transistors proposed to-datefor ultra-low power high-frequency analog applications. Weconclude that GNR TFETs in general promise large band-width at low voltage drive due to their high current densityin the subthreshold region.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank A. Seabaugh for providingTCAD simulation results and SPICE models for some of theanalyzed transistor technologies.

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LEONARDO BARBONI was born in Montevideo,Uruguay, in 1974. He received the in electrical engineering and the in microelectronics and radio frequency,both from the Faculty of Engineering, Institutode Ingeniería Eléctrica (IIE), Universidad dela República (UDELAR), Montevideo, Uruguay,in 2002 and 2005, respectively, and thePh.D. degree in electronic, computer engineer-ing, robotics and telecommunications from theUniversity of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, in 2010. He

was a Post-Doctoral Researcher working on the development of tac-tile sensing systems for robots with the Department of Biophysical andElectronic Engineering, University of Genoa. He is currently working as anAssistant Researcher with the Microelectronic and Microelectronics Group,Department of Electronic, Faculty of Engineering, IIE, UDELAR. Hisresearch interests include hardware and software design for ultra-low-powerdigital-analog signal processing, sensor systems for industrial applications,neuromorphic systems, and control in nonlinear circuits and systems.

MARIANA SINISCALCHI was born inMontevideo, Uruguay, in 1989. She receivedthe engineer’s degree from the Universidadde la República, Uruguay, in 2014. She iscurrently conducting a research project entitledModeling of Resonant Tunneling Devices inTwo-Dimensional Semiconductor Heterostructuresfunded by the National Agency for Research andInnovation, Uruguay.

BERARDI SENSALE-RODRIGUEZ received hisEngineer’s degree from Universidad de laRepública - Uruguay in 2008, and the PhD degreefrom the University of Notre Dame in 2013. InJuly 2013, he joined the faculty of the Universityof Utah, where he is now a tenure-track AssistantProfessor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.His early research interests were focused onnumerical modeling of RF/microwave componentsand analog circuit design oriented towards lowpower (sub-threshold) portable and implantable

electronics. His doctoral work was focused on the proposal and developmentof novel THz devices and systems. More recent interests include plasmon-ics, metamaterials, and optoelectronic devices. He has authored/coauthoredover fifty research articles in these and related areas. He is a memberof Tau Beta Pi, the IEEE, the SPIE, APS, and an associate member ofthe Uruguayan National Researchers System (SNI). He is the recipientof the Best Student Paper Award at the 37th international conference onInfrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2012), the firstprize in the Engineering Division of Notre Dame’s 2013 Graduate ResearchSymposium, the Eli J. and Helen Shaheen Award in Engineering (highesthonor bestowed on Notre Dame graduate students), and the NSF CAREERaward in 2014.

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