Textual analysis of dawn of the dead


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Textual Analysis of Dawn of the dead (opening sequence)

The first image we see is thousands of Muslims praying in which looks like a holy place. This could be because they believe that these zombies are going to bring the world to an end so therefore showing the religious side to civilization, it could also be showing todays society as there are lots of Muslims involved in the news, terrorism etc.Throughout the whole of the opening sequence we see quick flashing images of the zombies looking vicious, showing there sharp teath/fangs, looking pale and lots of blood covered around there mouth. This editing technique could have been used to make us jump or to alert us that they are there so that we relate to them when we are waching the opening sequence and see that all these disasters are caused by the zombies. There are also sounds that come on with the quick cut flashing images like the scream that also cuts with the image giving it that effect of something happening somewhere else.The title of the film is introduced straight after we see the zombies for the first time. The colours used for the title and all the text in the opening sequence are red and black which are both very symbolic as they both show representation. The colour red was used because red is the colour of blood and is very symbolic as we relate it to death, murder etc. The colour black could have been used as it represents death, murder, killing, evil etc therefore relating to the story and the zombies. We see people in gas masks followed by someone saying “is it a virus” to answer this question we see some sort of molecule or structure showing us that its something scientific and its spreading. This gives away part of the story line which is that there is a virus that is contageous turning people into zombies which would make people anxious to watch on. We see quick cuts of people running, screaming and lots of disasters happening such as fires, people on the floor, ambulances, sirens and news reports. This could all be used to show the action and disasters these zombies have caused and linking to the flashing images of the zombies, between these disasters the zombies flash between them showing that they are related and behind these disasters. Although we don’t see them doing this we automaticaly asume it because of the editing of these flashing images.At the beginning of the opening sequence we notiice that people are asking questions to which they are bemused to whats wrong with these people, such as “are these people alive or dead”, “is it a virus”. These questions keep the audience anxious/curious and also wanting to know the answer to these questions aswel as keeping the audience interested to watch on.We see the presidant of America being asked these questions and answering “we don’t know” which makes people feel insecure knowing that not even the person In authority knows whats wrong with them or whats going on, again leaving people curious.All the clips of the disasters, people, zombies etc look like they have been filmed on a phone or a hand held device such as a camera as the footage is shakey, blured and unclear. This gives the effect that there was someone there recording the live footage of these events happening and that it actualy did happen. This then relates

to the news as if someone then sent the footage to the news as someone is covering the story. Although all the images are unpleasant the backing track seams to be the complete opposite as its happy, which shows the opposite emotion. They could have used this to show that theres hope to all this or that they might find a cure to this disease.

Patrick Metry
