

Texto completo de la obra de teatro. Proyecto Comenius

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Text by the students of the FIRST Comenius team M. Akyf Ersoy Oukulu (Kastamonu, Turkey)

Ecole Paul Èluard (Bollène, France)

Tudor Vladimirescu Scoala (Dragasani, Romania)

Istituto E. Fermi (Lanciano, Italy)

Instituto Eladio Cabañero (Tomelloso, Spain)




Scene 1

(At home…On Friday Morning, at breakfast time)

Introductor: It’s 08:00 a.m…. Rush hour for the Perry’s again. Everybody in the house is in a

hurry to be ready for a busy day.

(İnci is preparing the breakfast table)

Introductor: But, my dears, let us not forget that the Perry’s, who live now in The Purple

Country, have recently moved from The Grey Country, and Pamir is of a different race, The

Homo Felix Felix Race (blessed, lucky, happy people), a rare race in this land. Could this be in

his favour? Is this a sign of good fortune? Or quite the contrary ? It is now time to join the

Perry’s and see what is happening.

İnci: Hey! The breakfast is ready. Come on!

Introductor: This is İNCİ, the mother…She‘s always seen while she is cooking something or

cleaning somewhere even though she‘s fed up with the housework. She adores herself to

her children and she’s successful about keeping the balance of the other members of the

family. She works for an association which helps poor people voluntarily.

(Jose kisses her wife and sits at the table and begins to read the daily newspapers

while drinking his coffee)

Introductor: This is the father of the family, JOSÉ…He’s the most self denying, serious and

hardworking father ever…He always does his best to make his family happy but sometimes

it can’t be possible. Because he can’t earn much to support his children’s needs. He works as

an assistant at a company.

Alexandre: (He sits at the table with happiness.) Good morning Mom! Good morning Dad!

Jose: Good morning honey!

Introductor: Here is the little boy of the family, ALEXANDRE. He is hardworking, responsible,

talented and funny boy. Dancing and doing sports are his favourite activities. He has dreams

about his future and he’s so glad about his life as you see…

(Giulia sits at the table without saying anything in a sulky expression. She looks




Introductor: And GIULIA comes at last! She’s the naughty girl of the family. Nothing makes

her happy apart from luxurious living. Her wishes never end. She studies at Secondary school

and wants to get whatever her rich friends have. Her parents, especially Inci, are not pleased

with her behaviors.

Giulia: (Drinking her coffee) Daddy, If you want to do a favour to me, you can let me go

abroad for Christmas.. Anyway, all of my friends will go. Don’t say “No!” as usual. I don’t

want to be ashamed among my friends if I don’t go somewhere. Don’t make me feel like


Jose: OK then I have to say the same thing, honey! ‘Sorry, I can’t’. You know I want to buy a

new car. We have been waiting for it for a long time.

Giulia: (With anger, shouting) What an unexpected answer! You always have an excuse!

My wishes aren’t important for you. You’re always telling the same thing! “We can’t afford

it.” Don’t you understand what I feel? I have also right to live like my friends! (Pointing to the

table) Look at that breakfast! Why haven’t you cooked what I want! I hate you all!

(She leaves the table; the others stay in silence for a while)

İnci: (Sadly, turns to Jose) I can’t stand Giulia’s behaviors, honey. Actually, there are lots of

children who want to be in her shoes. She can’t recognize that! Sometimes I can’t believe

that she’s my daughter.

Jose: We should do something immediately before I go crazy at this house.

İnci: I have an idea!

Jose: So what?

İnci: I’ll take her to my association to show her that we don’t live in an equal world. At the

end, she’ll realize how the other children are face to face with lots of problems and she’ll

feel herself lucky. I hope so, at least.

Jose: I hope, it works!

(Everybody say good bye and go to the company and the school.)

Alexandre: Bye, mom!

İnci: See you, honey!

Scene 2

(At the company. Jose comes to the office early. He knows that it’ll be a busy day

again. He takes the files which must be signed by the chief.)



Jose: Good morning! You have to check these documents, sir!

Chief: Please have a seat ,Jose!

Jose: You look so happy!

Chief: (While reading, with happiness) Today has begun with good news for me! I’ve got an

extra! (Laughing)

(Jose is so worried. Because he believes that he works much. He takes the files and

leaves the room. Chief went to the Boss’ room to thank for the extra. He goes into the room.)

Chief: Thank you so much for the extra, sir!

The Boss: You’re welcome. You’ve deserved it!

Chief: Thank you. Also …Err. How can I say?… Could I get permission to go out for a while

sir? It’s urgent.

The Boss: OK but please come as soon as possible.

(He thanks for the permission and go out and Jose comes into the room.)

Jose: Good afternoon, sir! I need to talk to you.

The Boss: (Without looking at his face) Sure! But I haven’t much time.

Jose: You know I’ve made my best to be successful on my job so far. I worked at nights at

home when I didn’t finish my work but my salary has been the same for a long time. I

haven’t had an extra so long!

The Boss: I don’t think so, sir! It’s not a tiring job to carry and organize the files. There’s no

doubt that I behave equal to my staff. There is no need an argument for that matter. Is there

anything else to talk?

Jose: I have to go to my children’s school for a meeting today. Could I go there for a few


The Boss: We’re too busy today. (In a serious manner) Please do that job on another day.

(Jose goes out with anger and sadness.)

Scene 3

(At school.)

Introductor: Alexandre and Giulia like dancing very much. The dancing club of the school has

training on Friday. So, they’re looking forward to attending that activity. Today is Friday and

the dancing trainer will choose the best dancer of the year. Herby is also dancing for the

team and he’s the most popular guy of the school.



Trainer: Are you ready guys? OK then..Let the music play!

All the children dance)

Trainer: OK. Thank you all guys for your participating. You were really great. Now I’ll give

you the result. The students who will dance at the graduation party are Herby and Georgia!

(Alexandre feels worried.)

Herby: (In a know-it-all manner) I’m not surprised! We dance the best of all, you know.

Anyway, who can win this competition except us? You’ve never seen such a talented boy at

this school, right?

(Everybody goes and Alexandre is alone. He begins to cry and talks to himself aloud.)

Alexandre: (Crying) I can’t believe it! The trainer loves them the most so they’ve been

selected. He has never shown me any love so far. Why were my dreams useless? It’s a huge

injustice! I danced better than them.

(At that time, the football trainer of the school comes)

The Coach: Alexandre, you look sad! What happened? I’ve good news for you.

Alexandre: (Wiping his tears) Nothing…

The Coach: I have got good news for you! I ‘m sure it will make you smile.

Alexandre (With curiosity)… what is it, sir?

The Coach: You’ve been selected for the football club of the school!

Alexandre : (With happiness)Wow! I can’t believe it! it’s incredible! Thank you so much, sir.

I’m so happy to hear that!

The coach: Here is the T-shirt of the club. This is yours. It suits you the most, I believe.

Alexandre: It’s an honor to wear it, sir!

Introductor: Here it is! All of the children in the world have the same dreams in their minds.

They always want the same things but Love is the most important thing for a child. And the

worst thing is to make him feel unlovable.




Scene 1 (At home, after school. Alexandre comes home, excited, he is obviously very happy. He

calls out his mother)

Alexandre: Mum, I have got big news for you!

Inçi: (Answering from another room) What?

Alexandre: Come! Quick! I have got big news for you, I say!

(Giulia enters the living room, sees her brother, blows as a sign of exasperation and

immediately leaves the room.)

Inçi: (Entering the living room) What’s going on?

Alexandre: Guess!

Inçi: I don’t know… I give up, tell me.

(Giulia crosses the room again to display her extreme annoyance.)

Alexandre: You know, the test I had, well, I passed!! I’m selected!

Inçi: Great son!! It’s wonderful, I’m so happy for you! When your dad is home, you will tell

him the good news.

Giulia: (Sitting in the sofa and sighing) Everything’s always about him. Why not pop out

some champagne while you’re at it?

Inçi: Stop the drama; he is making some effort at least.

Alexandre: (Leaving the room) Alright, I’m going to take a shower. (To his sister, making a

funny face) You’re just jealous!

(Giulia leaves the room mumbling.)

Alexandre: (Heard from the shower, in the distance) AAAAAARRGH! It’s cooooold!!

Inçi: (Walking to the bathroom) Isn’t there any hot water left? Wait a minute, I am going to

check what’s going on. (She goes to the hot water tank and calls her daughter in a harsh

tone) Giulia!! Come here!! Right now!

(Giulia comes laughing.)

Inçi: (Angry) Is that your new game? Turning off the water?!

Giulia: (Faking to be innocent) I didn’t do it! Why is it always taken for granted that I did




Inçi: (With irony) Sorry darling, it definitely can’t be you, how silly of me, the water surely

went off all by itself.

Giulia: (Yelling) Leave me alone! I’m just fed up!

(At that very moment, the door opens and José enters the room, he seems tired. He

notices that his wife and daughter are fighting.)

José: What’s going on here?

(Giulia takes advantage of the situation to quickly escape the room.)

Inçi: Your daughter is acting nonsense again. She waited for her brother to be in the shower

to turn the water off!

José: Giulia! Come here! What is this all about? I want to know, NOW!

(Inçi is startled by the unusually aggressive tone José is using. He never gets angry.)

Giulia: Noone ever pays attention to me! I am always the one who causes all the trouble,

and he is always the successful one!

Alexandre: (Entering the room) Dad, dad, I…

José: (Not listening to Alexandre and answering Giulia with growing anger) We won’t stand

you getting hysterical like that!

Alexandre: (Insisting for he is still excited about his news) Dad! Listen! I’ve been…

José: (Annoyed) Hey, leave us alone, will you? Can’t you see we’re talking to your sister?

Come on, go to your room!

Alexandre: (On his way to his room, disappointed) That’s real nice… Thanks…

(Inçi witnesses the whole scene. She is scared by such violence on both sides.)

José: (Still angry) That is enough Giulia, you’re going way too far here! We’ve never given

any kind of special treatment to your brother.

Giulia: (Cheeky, squeezing a cushion nervously) Yeah, you say that.

José: (More nervous by the minute) Will you stop talking back at me!

Giulia: Anyway, you’re always right, aren’t you? I’m really looking forward to leaving that

crappy house!

José: (Addressing Giulia) That’s it, go and find some place to sulk. (Then addressing his wife,

in anger) Can we get something to eat in this house?

Inçi: (Sighing) Yes, you certainly can…



Scene 2

(At home, after supper. When the curtain rises, the four characters are sitting at the

table, eating and not uttering a word. The children stand up and go to their rooms. The

parents remain there, still sitting and Inçi starts clearing the table. The atmosphere is tense.

She obviously tries to engage the conversation but she can feel José is distant.)

Inçi: (reproaching) I don’t get your attitude… You should congratulate your son. He was

selected by the best team of the county! Aren’t you happy to hear that?

José: (wondering) Congratulate my son… congratulate… I’d like to be congratulated too,

once in a while.

Inçi: (feeling her husband’s distress, uses a softer tone) But, what’s going on, love?

José: (not wanting to go any deeper) Nothing…

Inçi: Don’t you want to talk about it?

José: (getting angry again) Talk about what? Anyway… I’m going upstairs.

(Inçi stays in the kitchen, on her own, she hasn’t finished clearing the table yet. She

hasn’t put away what’s left of the meal. As she’s doing everything little by little, she starts

talking to herself aloud.)

Inçi: That’s weird. Ever since he’s started his new work, José has changed. He gets mad on

nothing. Problems just seem to pile up; Giulia gets arrogant. Our family is at war. I am fed up

too. (She sits at the table, she seems overwhelmed) I don’t know if I’ll stand that any longer…

(Inçi remains at the table, looking sad, then after a long silence, she stands up and walks to

her room.)

(José is in his room, on the phone (but we can’t distinctly hear what he is saying), at

the same time, Inçi, as she’s done clearing the table, goes to her room too. She is on the

threshold as she hears José speaking on the phone. She stays behind the door, in silence, and

listens to the conversation.)

José: (on the phone) I can’t talk to you for a long time. I’m at home. I’ll call you back in a

week as agreed. We’ll talk about all those problems at work in further details.

(Silence; the other person is speaking)

I’m so glad you can help me.

(Silence; the other person is speaking)



Very well, thank you. Talk to you soon.

Inçi: (enters, and expressing her surprise) I’ve heard everything…

José: I’m so sorry. I should have told you before. I’m being discriminated at work.

Inçi: sitting close to her husband: You should have told me.

José: What is it you could have done…?

Inçi: We are a family, we have to share.

José: I really am sorry, honey.

Inçi: I’m sorry too. I didn’t realise you were feeling so bad. But… who were you phoning?

José: An old friend of mine. Do you remember Mr Comenius, member of Bar?

Inçi: The lawyer?

José: Yes, that’s him. He still lives back there in Grey Country.

Inçi: Can he help you?

José: That’s what I’m hoping for. He explained my Rights to me.

Inçi: (taking his hand) I sincerely hope everything will be okay. Promise me you’ll never hide

anything else from me again, please.

José: I promise… I’ll go and kiss the children goodnight. He leaves the room.

(José enters Alexandre’s room.)

José: I’m sorry about what happened downstairs. Your mother told me the good news. I’m

very happy for you, congratulations, son.

Alexandre: Thanks, dad.

José: I’m proud of you, I’m so happy you were selected. I promise you that as soon as we

can, we’ll get you the best equipment ever. You deserve it.

Alexandre: Great! Thanks! Good night dad!

José: Good night, son.

(José enters Giulia’s room)

José: Are you better? Is your mind at rest? Giulia won’t turn around and answer. We know

that you’re having a hard time integrating but you know, it’s not any easier for anyone of us.

We’d better remain close to each other and get on well at home. We all have a part to play

in that. Your mother and I are trusting you, we really are. Good night, sweet heart.

(An unclear “yes” is heard.)



Scene 3

(At school,the following day. Giulia and her friends Amandine, Mary, Nadia and

Camille are chatting at the gate. Inçi, who just dropped her daughter, waves goodbye. Giulia

pretends to go to school but in fact, as soon as she is out of sight, she goes with her friends to

a little Clothes Shop round the corner. When the curtain rises, Giulia’s friends are in front of

the school, gossiping. Giulia arrives with Inçi.)

Inçi: Have a good day and keep on the hard work!

Giulia: See you tonight!

(Inçi goes away waving at her.)

Giulia: (kissing her friends) Hiya!!

Amandine: Hi!

Marie: (with a knowing smile) Are you still okay? Is it still on?

Giulia: (checking if her mother is far enough) Is my mother gone? Yes, it’s fine, We can go.

Camille: (surprised) Where are we going?

Nadia: To the new Clothes Shop of course!

Marie: Alright, let’s go.

Giulia: (checking that nobody can overhear what they are saying) I’ve got everything

planned, listen! Marie and Camille, you’ll divert the shop keeper’s attention, and I, on my

side, will steal the dress. Amandine and Nadia, you’ll be looking out for us. Are we set?

Marie: Absolutely.

Nadia: Come on, let’s move before the bell rings.

(They leave the gate, going towards the Mall, the bell is heard.)

(End of the day, classes are over. Giulia and Alexandre meet (Alexandre is coming out

of school, Giulia is coming from some other place). They walk home).

Alexandre: Hi!

Giulia: Hi.

Alexandre: (as if nothing had happened) Are you okay? Did you have a good day? What

about your classes?

Giulia: Everything’s perfect. You?

Alexandre: What were you doing at the Mall?



Giulia: (hypocritically) what are you talking about? I was at school.

Alexandre: (accusing her) Cut the crap, I saw you stealing the dress. So now, have you got

anything to say in your defence?

Giulia: OK, I know stealing is wrong... but I really wanted it. (Giulia is now begging her

brothe)r. Please, don’t tell the parents... I’ll do everything you want.

Alexandre: Alright then, it’s ok for this time. I really think it sucks but I won’t tell the parents

if you promise never to do that again.

Giulia: You have my word. Thanks...

(At the same instant, the mother is tidying her daughter’s room. When she empties the bin,

she discovers a sheet of paper that’s been crumpled. It is a letter from the school that is in

fact addressed to her. They are informing her that Giulia is regularly absent.)

Inçi: (reading out loud) “Dear Mr and Mrs Perry, we’re bound to inform you that Giulia is not

attending her classes on a regular basis. What’s more, there seems to be no justification to

this situation. We’ve already sent you many mails but up to now, we never got any answer

from you. Please call us to make an appointment so we can discuss the problem at hand.”

(Inçi can’t believe her eyes. She is so surprised that she has to sit down. However, very

rapidly, she pulls herself together and anger starts to rise. At that very moment, the door

opens. Alexandre and Giulia are coming back from school.)

(At home, after school)

Giulia: (joyfully) Hello mum!

Inçi: (angry) Don’t try to fool me with your merry greetings! I want explanations and nothing


Giulia: What? She looks at her mother inquisitively: What’s going on? (Noticing that her

mother is staring at her and not going to give up: I promise you I’m not skipping classes if

that’s what you think.)

Inçi: (with a faint softness and irony) Who is talking about you skipping classes?

Giulia: (somewhat unsettled) Oh... but what are you talking about then?

Inçi: (in a rage, takes out the letter that she had been hiding behind her back) Of course I’m

talking about that! How dare you lie to my face!!



Giulia: (sighing) Pfff, forget it. I know what you mean. Just drop it.

Inçi: How can you talk to me like that? Who do you think you are? The way you’ve changed

since we moved to Purple Country!!!

Giulia: It’s all because of you! You wanted to come here! I never asked for anything. So you

take your responsibilities.

Inçi: Sure, you know how I love it when you’re putting on a show. Do go on, you’ll see!

Giulia: (taking her bag and walking to the door) Listen, give me a break! You know what? I’m

out of here.

Inçi: We’ll get even with you tonight when your dad comes home. Don’t worry, it’s not over.

You’ll be punished for good this time!

Giulia: I don’t give a shit, I’m fed up with this country! (Slamming the door) Bye!

Inçi: (turns to her son and changes the subject in order to calm down) Are you ok?

Alexandre: Yes, I am...


Inçi: Can you answer the door please?

(Alexandre goes to the door and finds his friend Benjamin.)

Benjamin: Hi! We’re off to town with the boys, do you want to come?

Alexandre: Errr, yes, wait, I’ll get my coat.

(Alexandre crosses the room and takes his things.)

Inçi: Where do you think you’re going?

Alexandre: Well... I’m going to town with the rest of the team.

Inçi: (smiling) Oh! Alright then.

Alexandre: Can I go?

Inçi: Yes, sure, go!

Alexandre: (kissing her) Thanks! I’m off then! See you later!

Inçi: (walking him to the door, obviously happy and proud of her son’s behaviour) See you

later boys!

(Inçi leaves the stage.)




Scene 1

(At home. Inçi is busy cleaning the room. On a chair, she finds Giulia’s schoolbag)

Inçi: (talks to herself) I wonder what else I should do about this girl! She cuts classes. No one

here can get on with her anymore. I’d better check her school report book. It is the money?

Maybe it is, but it is not a solution either. She’s been acting and talking so strangely! My dear

god! What is THIS? Why is it in her schoolbag? It’s so expensive!

(She takes out a dress with the price tag still on it. Giulia enters the room )

Giulia : Mom, have you seen my bag?

(Giulia sees her mom holding the dress. She falters, then starts to shout.)

Giulia : You’ve been looking through my things! How about some privacy? Don’t you practice

what you preach? It’s only words...

(Inçi looks at her in complete dismay)

Giulia: Well, it’s ... A friend of mine forgot it and... (She hesitates again and shows signs of


Inçi: I need the truth, Giulia!

Giulia: (with tears rolling down her cheeks) I need it for the preselection. You know how

much I love dancing!!

Inçi: (horrified) You stole it!!

Giulia: (insolent) Hell yes! I steal! Why are you looking at me like this? I don’t want to live

like you, people! I don’t want a petty life. I want money. I want label clothes just like Nadia

and Amandine. I deserve more!

Inçi: I am not so sure about that. Couldn’t you have found another way? And what’s with the

rush? I am sure you can dance without this dress.

Giulia : (shows her mom an advertisement in a newspaper) I need a stage costume. Look! It’s

the chance I’ve been dreaming of for so long! And I won’t miss it just because it’s not

‘moral’! Someone will spot me and I will become a star... (Giulia dreams with her eyes

opened and dances. Inçi watches her stunned and helpless.) Is it ‘moral’ to give up?

Inçi: You should have told us you need a new dress!

Giulia: Seriously! And you would have bought me a three penny rag.

Inçi: There is always a way.



Giulia: Won’t you give me a break? You should be thankful I dealt with it myself.

Inçi: And what a deal that was!

Giulia: You shoud see the other girls! Their parents are always present. They give them

money for the expenses. They drive them home in a BMW! There is nothing you can offer


Inçi: Are you ashamed with us?

Giulia: I won’t say no. And if you are not much of a help, you should at least keep this to


Scene 2

(José enters the room, he seems very troubled and doesn’t utter a word. )

Inçi: Has something the matter? It’s only 2 o’clock.

José: I got fired. (He sits on a chair, with a wild and lost desperate look on his face).

(Mother and daughter seem numb. A few moments later, Giulia shouts)

Giulia: This must be a joke! ( she turns towards her mother) See I’m right ? What are we

going to do now?

Inçi: I wasn’t expecting something like this... It is so unfair! Your manager never liked our

race. He didn’t give you any raise, but too fire you...

Giulia: I’m finished! How about school, we won’t be able to finish it.

Inçi: (lays gently her hand on Giulia’s shoulder): We must calm down. We will get through


Giulia: I know, I know. Let’s stick together, let’s sacrifice... I’m full of this!

Inçi: I have good news, though. The new manager from the center for orphans offered me a

job! We’ll have money for a while.

José : (mumbles) I... don’t know what to say. You shouldn’t be the only provider for the

family. You’re a woman. I cannot accept this. I should be working to … support the family.

Inçi: Tomorrow I am taking Giulia with me.

Giulia: But I...

Inçi: Is there a problem? Or is your dress too ...tight? (Giulia is taken by surprise and looks

uneasy and guilty) Hey, girl, stop making faces. You are going to help me and see how hard

life really is for some children. It’s time you should regain some common sense.



José: Good night... (He leaves the room somehow crushed. Inçi and Giulia are too amazed to

answer back as it is just 2.00 pm)

Giulia: Thank you for not telling him...

Inçi: I hate lies. I just postponed the moment of truth. He’s had enough for today.

Scene 3

Giulia : (talks to herself) What a pity we can’t choose our parents at birth. I would definitely

ask for someone richer! I am beautiful! And talented! If I had money, all the problems would

go away... (She types something on her laptop). I was wrong stealing, though... But I needed

it... (Someone rings the doorbell. She moves slowly, uninterested). I wonder who it is. The

girls don’t know that I live in this poor neighborhood.

(There is a boy, Petru, at the door, with a backpack, a tennis racket and a photo


Petru : I’m Petru. I’m looking for your mother. I brought her some things for the children.

I’ve made an album with the photos I took of them. Maybe she needs them.

Giulia : (in her mind) Omg ! He’s so cool! And cute! And a tennis player! (She comes to her

senses) Mother isn’t home. But do come in! You can leave the album and the backpack


Petru: Thank you.

Giulia: Have some ice-tea, please ! And take a sit! (They both sit on a sofa. The girl looks

through the album).

Giulia: Oh. They seem to have such a difficult life. I forgot that there were so many poor


(She stands up, leaves the room, then comes back with the stolen dress)

Giulia : (speaks to herself) I’ll give it to those children and wash away some of my guilt...

(She addresses Petru) Put this in the backpack, please. Maybe they need it more than I do.

Petru: You don’t know how happy they are when they receive packages!

Giulia: So, do you play tennis? Or take tennis lessons? How much is it? I used to play but I’ve


Petru: It’s free for students.

Giulia: Can I come? Look what a nice racket I have !



Petru : (laughs) Let me see you on a tennis pitch not dancing in a room!

Giulia: You can leave these things here. I’ll bring them tomorrow with my mother.

Scene 4

(After classes, in a classroom, the boys are about to leave, they get their things etc.)

Radu: Hey, Alex, you were great today! And the couch was so proud of you! Three goals!

They didn’t even see the last one.

Benjamin: Wait until you will play for F.I.R.S.T Purple! You won’t even look at us.

Alexandre: Easy, guys. Let’s not rush... You know what the coach said. I have to talk to my

parents about the contract first.

Benjamin: No problem!

Alexandre: Well, there is actually one. We need lots of money and there will be less free

time. Fame needs sacrifice.

Radu : This is not such big deal ! Let us get there first!

Alexandre : That’s right ! The scouter is over-particular and unpredictable.

(Giulia enters the scene)

Giulia: Hi, guys! You’re looking at an artist! I took the preselection.

Benjamin: Great! Way to go! Why don’t you show us some moves?

(The girl performes a pirouette)

Boys: Wow! Great! Bye, girls! Good luck! (They leave.)

Nadia: Girls, how about a smoke in the park. Let’s have a cigarette as a refresher.

Amandine: You’re so right! Thanks! Have you got any? (She talks to Camelia, which nodes,

but don’t bother to stop listening to the music on her iphone. The girls take the cigarettes

and hide them in their pockets).

Giulia: I’m in a hurry! Thanks again! Bye!

Maria: Look at White Snow! She doesn’t like powder anymore! Or smoke! I wonder what’s

up with her! (she mimics Giulia) Oh, look, I’m in a huuuury!




Scene 1

(At home, at night.)

Inçi: (opening the door of the kitchen) Hm, what a nice smell! Who’s there?

José: It’s me!

Inçi: (getting close to Jose’) What are you cooking?

José: (hiding the pots) It’s a surprise…

Inçi: Can I help you?

José: No, thanks, you must be tired, relax!

Inçi: (reading the newspaper with a lot of job ads) Did you find a job?

José: No, I’m still looking.

(Inçi goes out of the kitchen and goes to the sitting room and sits on the sofa.)

Inçi: (going out) Jose’? All ok?

José: (whispering) Yes, I have to sell drug because nobody gives me a job.

Inçi: Have you said something?

José: No, nothing.

Scene 2

(At home, at night. José is about to open the door, still shocked for what has just

happened, and it’s his friend the pusher at the door.)

José’s friend: (getting in) So? How was it? Did you sell anything?

José: Yes, unfortunately...

José’s friend: (surprised) Unfortunately? Why are you saying this?

José: I sold just a few grams to some of my daughter’s friends. And then I ran away...

José’s friend:And why did you leave?

José: Don’t you realize that my daughter could be in their place? And even the police came

to arrest them...luckily I was able to run away.

José’s friend:Do you mean you don’t want to continue?

José: (walking him to the door) I can’t do it, no way.

José’s friend:You will regret it!

José: (closing the door) Never!



Scene 3

(At home, in the morning)

Giulia: Hi, how are you? I’m so happy to see you again!

Petru: So am I. I missed you. What’s up? You look upset.

Giulia: Does it show?

Petru: Do you want to talk about it?

Giulia:I was at the association with mom and 2 policemen arrived. They took us with them to

the police station.

Petru: Really? Why?

Giulia: The police officer told me that I had been accused of selling drugs. I couldn’t believe

it! Then I saw some of my friends and I understood what had happened.

Petru: And did they let you go?

Giulia: I told them what I knew, where I was at that time and with whom, they checked and

then let me go. (about to cry)

Petru: (hugging her) Come on, don’t think about it. Do you feel like going out?

(Giulia nods.)

Scene 4

(At school, the day after. Alexandre is arriving at school with his father)

Alexandre: Dad, how nice if I can succeed in the interview! If I played with Purple FIRST I

could help you and mam.

José: Don’t worry about this, you just have to enjoy yourself

(Alexandre meets his friends in the football pitch.)

Alexandre: Hi guys!

One of the three: Hi, how are you?

Alexandre: I’m very nervous, early this morning I was so nervous that I couldn’t sleep

One of the three: We are nervous too. We know that the coach is very strict and demanding.

Some of our friends were not selected.

The coach: Well, I have all the players except for the forward.

Mario: So the challenge is between us. Be ready! You’ll lose!

(Alexandre ignores him. The coach starts talking to his colleagues and they finally

come to the decision)



The coach: Alexandre, you have been chosen!

(Alexandre starts jumping and cheering, all his friends are happy about him, only

Mario and his friends stand aside.)

Mario: I will pay him back for what he did! Are you on it?

(The 3 friends nod. In the changing room they get close to Alexandre.)

Mario: You bribed the coach, how much did you give him? If you hadn’t given him money

you wouldn’t have been selected! Even for the youth team!

(Alexandre looks indifferent and Mario starts tugging at his T-shirt until Alexandre

falls down.)

Alexandre’s friends: Stop it! Stop!

(The aggressors block them threatening Alexandre’s friends. The aggressors kick

Alexandre and he shouts. The coach arrives but the aggressors leave.)

Alexandre: (fainting) I feel a terrible pain in my leg.

(The coach calls the ambulance and while they are waiting...)

The coach: He broke his right leg, I can see it, If I am right I think he will not be able to play

for a long time.




Scene 1

(At Perrys’ home. Several days have gone by since Alexandre and Mario had an

argument. In the kitchen, Inçi is working. José and Alexandre come in; Alexandre is limping

and can’t walk properly.)

José: We’re home!

Inçi: Great! Giulia, come and welcome your brother. (They hug and kiss each other. Giulia

comes in. The boy sits down on a chair).

Inçi: I’ve cooked a hamburger for you, your favourite food! Here you are, sweetie.

Alexandre: What a pleasure! I’m going to eat proper food at last!

Inçi: Oh sweetie! Didn’t you like the food in the hospital?

Alexandre: How could I like that! I’ve been eating soup, fish and vegetables for two weeks! I

ate properly only when dad brought me some chicken and chips.

Inçi: Well, so eat, honey.

Giulia: I almost forgot! Your teacher gave me your homework, so that you don’t lose your


Alexandre: Thanks, Giula. I’ll get up to date soon.

(José interrupts in a serious face)

José: Alex has something to tell you, bad news I’m afraid.

(Alex starts crying)

Alexandre: Yesterday, the doctor came into my room in hospital. He said that my legs will

never be strong again; I won’t be able to make my dream of playing football come true. (He

keeps on crying)

Inçi: (Comforting him) Sweet! We will find a solution! You know you will always have our


José: (Getting closer to Alex) Don’t worry! There are more important things in life!

Giulia: Alex, Come on! Come with me to my bedroom and I will show you your homework

and we can watch TV later.

(Giulia and Alex get out the kitchen, José and Inçi are left alone. While Inçi is cleaning

the kitchen, José sits down)

Inçi: Can you help me?

José: Oh Honey! I’m exhausted! Could you make some coffee for me?



Inçi: (A bit frustrated). Sure.

José: It’s not all bad news! This morning when I was at hospital, Mario’s father, the boy who

hit Alex, came to apologise. He happened to be the director of the company where I used to

work. We have been talking for a while. (Inçi leaves a cup of coffee on the table and José

starts drinking it). He’s said how bad the firm goes since I left and how much he misses me.

He’s offered me the job again with a salary increase.

Inçi: (She turns around facing him and she hugs José). Oh José! I’m so happy! This will be

fantastic! Hard times will end at last! We have to celebrate it! We’ll have a special sweet!

José: It’s not possible today; I have to get up early tomorrow. I’m going to bed now. (José


Inçi: (Frustrated) Thanks José… Don’t worry; I will clean everything on my own. It’s always

good to have a slave at home…

Scene 2

(Another day at Perrys’.)

Giulia: (She’s home alone, cleaning with the radio on. Suddenly, she finds Petru’s bag) Look!

What’s this? (She’s surprised) This is that boy’s bag! And this was for mum’s association! I

will call him, or… even better! I will bring it myself! Besides, I can bring something of mine.

(Thinking) Oh, I know! The dress I stole! (She looks for the dress, she takes it and leaves


Scene 3

(In the association. Inçi is sitting down taking notes about the donations, on the table

there’s a sign that says: DONATIONS. Giulia enters.)

Giulia: Hi, mum!

Inçi: But…what are you doing here?

Giulia: I came to bring the bag that a boy left at home some days ago. I found it this morning

while I was cleaning.

Inçi: oh that’s true! Petru, I didn’t remember!

Giulia: I want to make a donation too. (She gives her the packet, and her mum opens it).

Inçi: (Surprised) Oh my God! Giulia, you can’t do this! This dress has been stolen! You must

give it back and apologise immediately! This is not yours!



Giulia: But… why, mum?

Inçi: Giulia, my darling, this is not yours; you can’t donate something that is not yours.

Giulia: But… but… It’s as if it was mine!

Inçi: No way! You have to give it back!

Giulia: Mum, please! Don’t do that to me!

Inçi : Yes! Absolutely! You have to go! What’s more, we’ll go together!

Giulia: (Thoughtful) You are right, I will apologise.

Scene 4

(The following day. In the kitchen, José is drinking coffee and reading the newspaper;

Inçi is sweeping)

Inçi: Didn’t I mention what happened to Giulia? (She leaves the broom and sits down)

José: Giulia? What happened?

Inçi: The other day I was in the association and I was very surprised when I saw her coming...

She never comes...

José: And... What did she want to?

Inçi: It’s crazy! She wanted to make a donation, but she wanted to donate a dress that

wasn’t hers!

José: What do you mean?

Inçi: She stole it two weeks ago from a shop.

José: Did she?!!

Inçi: Yes, but I persuaded her to give it back to the shop, and she apologised as well. From

now on, she is going to work in the shop for free for a month. She proposed it herself, and

the shop assistants agreed. She is really sorry and wanted to pay for her mistake this way.

José: Well so... If she is sorry, and on top of it, she is working... everything is solved.

Inçi: Everything is always solved for you...

José: What do you mean?

Inçi: Our children are growing up and you don’t realize; your family is always in second


José: I am always working like crazy to feed you all!

Inçi: I do work too! Our children education involves both of us and you never do anything

about it!



José: Children education is women’s duty! That’s how I’ve been raised!

Inçi: It won’t be this way any longer! (Hard blow on the table)

Inçi: José! I’m fed up! We can’t continue like this.

José: It’s always the same. I’d better go... (He leaves the kitchen and goes out).

Inçi : OK, go out! (Once he’s left) That’s your way of solving problems.

Scene 5

(A month later. In the kitchen.The bell rings)

Inçi: I’m coming!

Giulia: No mum, don’t worry, It’s Petru. I will open the door. We met this morning and he

told me he would come to pick me up to go to school.

Inçi: Petru?

Giulia: Yes... Petru... He picked me up the other day in the shop and came home with me. He

is so kind and I think he likes me...

Inçi: Oh Giulia, It’s good news!

(The bell rings again)

Inçi: That must be him... open the door. (To Alex) Alexandre! Go to school!

Giulia: Alex!

(Alexandre enters, he is limping, but he can move easily)

Alex: Mum, I’m coming home late after school.

Inçi: Where are you going?

Alex: I have my swimming training, I have to train hard. My trainer told me that if I do it, I

can win a medal next Sunday in the competition.

Inçi: I’m so happy for you! I’m sure you will get it Alex! Have a nice time!

(Giulia and Alex leave. In the kitchen, José and Inçi are alone)

José: Well, I’m going to work.

Inçi: Wait a minute! I have something to tell you. I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of


José: What do you mean?

Inçi: Things are back to normal. Our son, our daughter... you... All of you are happy; things

are going well for you... But what about me? I feel useless...

José: But... honey, you know I love you. I’ll try to help you.



Inçi: No, José, no. I want to start from scratch. It’s the best for all of us.

José: Think about the children...

Inçi: That’s the point. I don’t want them to see their mum unhappy. Anyway, I’ve met

someone else.

José: Are you sure that you don’t want to think it through carefully?

Inçi: I’ve thought over it a lot.

José: Maybe you’re right. It may be the best for all of us.

Inçi: Since we met, we have been really happy. We have lived many experiences together,

we have faced our problems and we have brought up our children. Things have come to an

end and life must go on.

José: It will be a new life. I wish we both were lucky, as well as the children.

(He kisses her cheek and leaves. Inçi is left alone and thoughtful)

Narrator: This is the end of our story. The Perrys’ story. I am not sure if it is a good end or a

bad one. They are now well, living as a native cityzen of the Purple country : José has his job

and so has Inçi as well. Children are well recognize and Giulia is in love with a good boy. But

life in these new countries also needs changes of thinking, different ways of life have

different ways of relationship. If they are now happy, that is something that only they know.

I wish that they are happy, and that you have passed a good time with us all.

