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NOBTHEBN TBIBU^TE. 1 * * of the St, Lawrence Of Universalists, an

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBERS*, l***! nounoed U> be held m Madrid ne*t s ^ . ., - ^ ^ r - ^ ^ ^ [ Fwday, Sept 30, for reasons which

TRAJNS ttAVE GOUVtRNtua. , may not be named, w indefinitely

U"ING ™ ,* l o . u p . m . f ^ ^ 4 ^ Washington and all r , , *T*>rt a wonderful ^uthenng uf Uie

r>foid soldiers. No *uch number of them a ill ever a t * mbk' again in all

5:23 a. tu. Mail* CJ

uf train*. way Li^sii

«e thirty inmuU* vj©f<»rr tic-part ur« Tbc fkM hurt* *otl 4J6 KTUJ


n,i» rvuirnrd to


a r j ^ i JJ»,«I » . nfiwow wgfirnwr

i £ 5 r t 2 n n 7 ^ Krrry voter should rrmembrr that uniform rat* at i\r* cvtiujmr liu« iu»«rtiou. he inu*t tx* a rt^ldent of the district

J U A « * J 0 » y » pf^tf W sUmtluS, £ U * r

wise he is barred from voting? If you mtsnd to more ibis fail do s o bv

, Xhia A tfcu^diqn 01 j w W * ^ g m " t o i ^ e u ;

i«rxk<|rferywiJB*. *"A

f say aothhig e f l i e a l t t t ^ ^ - - -*~

^ f f B ^ f ^ ^ ^ a n g e r o u s coun-| lerfeil wl11«i quai lei of the new issue

has m a t e usftAneajanos, it- weighs l b s s a n e a» t b * asaaine, and can

v nv WU* IT!

With fan uer •ym are aaacinf;

Ah, toon «he11 b* the WlnUr U!rl, b.t;:

• a d we ahali fail betpr* iicr;

A * j d ^ f f t f ^ w* * * * * kef.

Pay your school tax.

^ftjmiwn" p ie Jplf£i#>nW ^ . .

N f o * y t l ^ days fnare & ±W2.

Geneva-ZJit can trot a. quarter m 30 secaads.

Uiicle" Joshua Simpkins at Union hall tonight.

What about Columbus day exercis­es iafWH 1 Wage. ^ - -T- - ::

Uncle Tom's C.t: 0, Union hall, n e s t Tuesday eveetng.

The Ogdensburg and Antwerp fairs are being held this week:.

Ogdenaburg fair this week and the weather good. Think of it:

1 pnly be dewctfed.bf the rtag and a lligfit flaw in the miffing. ( An exchange wise ly 'advises the; * o m a n who wants to marry a man

I |if order to refbrm h i m to take in I •{ p-asiuxig before ll ieltnot is tied. That ! L a e o u t %b+ sim oi i t Abcmt the:

worst job that any young woman can J undertake is to marry a man to re-1 |Offu^ euro. i I A special train going and coming

the same day has been secured ta accommodate the Masons of North­ern New York, who wish to attend the dedicatory services of the Mason-

: ic Home in Utica, Oct. *. Half fare J rate will prevail. About fifty mem

The Reading Room entertainment i bers from this village will attend. 1 at Preston's Hall this e^enkag*

' ' C l e a n l i n e w C S e x i t i GodJtnedk' and is also very near to healthful­lness.

S. J. Jackson has our thanks for a basket of delicious Deleware grapes, S a m s fruit is the best In town,

"th: the aJbttooB 6t i t a *WaKm£ on accbtmt of 5Hnees, Mfes llfeCWmielr, Ot P&todam, is iuiiihlut ber in,o*r scaooi, -

_ zJte JsOfra^couotjr fair waa hakij . laat week. .The attendance was large af^d the fair one o f the T>est held1 f * yeariL • x"

! Therb6artf o^trustesi heid taeTd ne meeting last Friday night, on ac­count of e o m a n y of the members be­ing out of town.

If our correspondents would take extra care to write all proper names distinctly, many ludicrous mistakes would be avoided.

During the severe storm of last Friday night a cow belonging to A. B. Cross, of Fowler, was struck by l ightning and killed.

f l i e l&d Ooavemeur base ball nine and the Fullerville'e will cross bats

J. C. Lee* out wid* awake and enterprising jeweler, has secured the services of A. M. Felson. an exper­ienced workman from New York city. Mr. Felson learned his trade in Germany eleven years ago. He comes to Gouverneur very highly recommended. Mr. Lee is bound t o lead regardless of what it may cose

^Such enterprise will be appreciated by our people.

The third annual meeting of the W o m a n a Home Missionary Society l o r Watertown and Adams districts,

}N. N. Y. Conference, will be held in the Methediet Episcopal church of Gouverneur, Thursday, October 6, 1892. An interesting program has bee provided. Morning session at 10:30 a m., afternoon assion at 1 30 p. m. Dinner served in the church. All are cordially invited to the ser­vices.

The high prices which have pre­vailed nearly all this season for dairy products ought to make farmers cheerful this fall. With excellent pastures, a good hay crop, an aver­age yield of grain, and the remuner­ative prices paid, the present must

in a game of ball on the fair grounds be counted a good year for farmers. Saturday afternoon. I Everybody will rejoice in this, for

Lost— A medium size good looking i good times for farmers means good mustache. The finder will be suit I times for all classes and professions ably rewarded by returning the same' of men. to Henry S. Fred more.

The corn canning season is draw­ing to a close. The pack will be one of the largest in the history o t the business in Norihem New York.

Rev. D. D. Munros subjects for next Sunday will be: 10:30 a. m... "Love Answering its Judge." 7:3o p. m., "'A Slave Teaching Truth."

Arrangements are being made by F. D. and Will Griffin to erect a Steam saw mill on the Griffin pro­perty a few miles above the vil lage of Fine.

Turkeys are begining to be treated with great consideration, that they may be in condition to fully appreci­ate the presidents Thanksgiving pro­clamation.

John Thompson, of Edinburg, Scotland, w h o preached for D. D,' Monro some time ago, will occupy the Baptist pulpit again Sunday, October &th.

W h a t have you got to say, reader, on the subject of a site for our school house T It is your speak out. The columns of the Tsi

) During the severe storm last Fri­day night the barns belonging to

I Mrs. H. M. Sbepard at Mannsville. ; were struck and burned to the i! ground with their con ten U. The

loss is estimated at tl0.m>.» with only $4.00' insurance. About one year ago the barns which occupied the

I same spot were burned. The new 1 barns which were built but a short

time ago were called the finest in the • county and were just filled with 1 grain, hay, etc , for a large dairy of ' 100 head.

The president by proclamation has ; made Oct. 21. Columbus Day. a I national boliday, to be observed by appropriate exercises throughout the country. Here the exercises of the day will be under the direction of our schools, but they will be assisted 1>y the citizens of the town and every- j white crepe de chene. with veil and body will he invited to attend. Un- bridal rosea After the ceremony a ion hall has been secured and the: collation was served. Dr. and Mrs, afternoon will be devoted to the j Booth left the same evening for New proper observation of this significant; York where they will reside The

^ y in the history of our country j best wishes of a large circle of friends ! and the world. ' go with them.


K 1> PiERf'K w suffering from a l&iue back.

L I\ f l u - i ; ^>l Canton, was town Minlay

Cornell 1 'mver*ity

W s KAKMLK. ...r

town lu*>t Svi!urdu\

Mha llKNKY Tl.K her partmUt in l U !

H G ALi'UK'li WtiA LL Citrtiui^t-

ye>u?rday on Irgai bunm***

I > _ H £}«KENK IB (HHtmg Up U\f vi

gar*. It m a bouncing boy

CHJLHUCM > -KUvHJtK, oi WaUrrtoWu LS calling on friends here today.

MARS BECHBOUJ has returned to Harvard College. He ia now a soph omore.

liKuKot II ALL, of *>gdrnsburg spent Monday and Tuesday 111 this village.

R A Y ARWOT left for Yale College Monday evening. Ray is now a sop humors.

R F T . W. F. Sxi!r**R attended the meeting of the Preaby tery at Brasher Falls this week.

MRS FBXXK RICHARDS, 0/ Napanee is the guest of Mrs. John Streeter of North Gouverneur.

L. G. GAIU.XL> who has been ill for some t ime with inflammation of the bowels, is now convalescing.

EARO. BOWHA-X left Monday for Cor­nell University to enter his sopho­more year at that institution.

PJCV. J. A. DICKSO>* has so far r e

covered from his recent illness as to be able to be on the streets again.

£ x SENATOR D. S. Lynde and County Clerk T. M. Wells of Canton were m town Monday on business.

M B * LYDLA BISSELL, of Laconia, amd Mrs, Sabra Miner, of Adams, are the jruests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Peck.

MRS A. B. CUTTTSG and Mrs. G.

L. Carpenter and children are visit­ing friends and relatives in Albany and Springfield, Mass.

MRS RASTTEY and daughters, Mary and Mattie, of Aulteville, O n t , are spending the week with Mra. George McClear of this village.

F. D. BAERMAJC, of New York city, who has been spending the past four months in this vicinity, returned to his home this week in the metrop­olis.

D R J. B. CARPENTER has been suf­fering for the past three weeks with an attack of rheumatism. W e are pleased to announce that the doctor is now convalescing.

H. P. BIGKAL, for a long time clerk at the Van Buren house in this vill­age, has assumed a similar position with the Windsor at Ogdensburg. Harvey s many friends here will wish him the best of success.

JOH>* R. ROBINSON and wife, who have been for the past three months visiting Mrs. Chester Prouty of this village and other friends in St. Law­rence county, returned to their home in Battle Creek, Mich., to-day.

• < • > •

The 33d degree of masonry was conferred Tuesday at Providence, R. L, upon Omar A. Hine. of Water-town. His nomination was made at the council of deliberation, of which D. S. Whitney of this village is a member, in New York in June of last year, and confirmed by ejection in September.

The wedding of Miss Jessie Gard­ner and Dr. J. Edwin Booth of New York occurred on Wedneedav even ing last at the Gardner residence, on Mam street. All the appointments of the affair were elegant and in per­fect taste. About sixty guests were present The decorations of the house were especially beautiful, eon 8isting of clematis, ferns and potted plants. The brides costume was

f H 1 .«.t

U i!I

.ock He


W i l l i a m Math«w« UT*11« Hun Saturday X*mrtj WUm Hlm»r t * U H .

A terrible aoctdent from 1 Irn* in-* of firearms happen-: nun Mathews a young b«»v vrum of a^e last Saturday / : -The young man i» empl ,y* Marshal! on his farm at Sn. Hit- afternoon the.acciden•. l .; Mr M i!>ha!l a n d h i s fan. > %

to ^ i: :uAd the boy aloue * • . :.'V ::; the wood* near Mr V .: Louie It was about txiivr. wbwi MaUiows treed a »<^ . sto^d l o o k u p up into u±*j 'j\x< tbftfUi-k o{ Jfcue gun resu^K ou • ,. grvxind. It to thought thu: inv u ig gi?r was * t ready t o fire ^inough Muibews says it waa n o c >IH wtg* dodging his headtMs w»y n<»\ that kevpmtr watch of the mov^-!.»nts of the squirrel when in some maruier or otheT the gun was" discharged p art of its contents striking him just below the lower rib and passing up the breast tearing and lacerating it in uu unmerciful manner lodging finally in hi6 throat. The .W*t of the charge just grazed his cheek and tore a part of hm.hat off from.hi* heW. The charge consisted 0< No. 4 phot with a sprinkling of b*ok shot At the tune Mathews waa injured he was about half a mile from any house. With blood streaming from bis nose and mouth and hie breast mangled almost beyond dmcriptiori the young man started on a run to ahirrn the good people of that nci*:hourhood. He came to the farm house of a Mr. Malloy. The occupants had all gone to town excepting Mrs. Malljy who was terribly frightened a: the strange apparition before her. She spied a man passing in the road whom she called to help her. He was taken in­to the house and Dr. Drury summon­ed who dressed his wounds. He re­moved from his throat fourteen shot. Two still remain which on account of the critical condition of the boy he did not dare to probe for at that time. In the evening the unfortun­ate boy was removed to Mr. Mar-shair8 home where he is receiving the best of care.

Y'oung Mathews k spoken of very highly by those who know him and the accident which has befallen him is deeply regreted. Mathews came here from Antwerp where he has a sister living. His father is an elec­trician in Johnstown. N. Y. It is thought that if no inflammation sets in he will recover. It was a narrow escape from instant death.

Tt i« M.


I-:. Mot'trtv uf Hai lesboru . Errc l Hijjhist ofiH^n L e a v i n g Power.—Latest U . S Gov't 8 X • • » • » . < at

The new and pretty oi i i i .v re<^eut!y f'fvt»«<l b y th.* M V iH.^K'tv « t

H'ul'-sbor. . .> :.» Lr'\ oon:p!*'Uv.1. The v\ork 'i. \''.<- '• kr h • . . 'nnienvrd Jui*e J", >.«.' ';.'.,• d:iucii#ii»ns >J& tbe build,'.K' urv .^x » tvrl w i t h a UvHinent ..nd**r \\.r* whole . Twt»lve f o i has N^ n -11 • :» from the north »-nd !.r w .^! a:: \ fuTnaoe r<x rn and ;u»o tur K.; :.cn and patitry. The klU'tirMl > !-^vitrd dUid WlU iatf Uotxi

' T a ;rirnary i-Liss ro».«ii. The m a i n !

> m i ky - •'. nj[ r>..m is '^x.'V' feet itnd

•*»ML*-1 Th»» H.NJUI will acvonmiodate aoout 'A-. pupils. Thts rooms m the io^er p*rt are light aud airy btfjmg lighted by ten large windown The (

Smiday school room w about eight 1 feet high under the main entrance and conne^'ted. with it us a dark roorn ccilt*i overhead aud on khe sides.-. It is to be used for a store rooai. | TtK' build mg wiU be heated by a r*ai-'i ace (^ueen furnace. The audience' room i cheerful and pleasant. The church will be kgkted in the tjveuLng by a twelve light ehaadWler and two others, four and three respectively. ' The floor 1$ slightly elevated rising trom the pulpit back to the main en j trance. The sealing capacity will be iioo. The ulterior in beautifully fin ished with natural wood The seats j are nicely cushioned. The total cost of the church will be t^^^h A row of ei^ht sheds will be built across the north end of the lot. The sheds will be used by the panshoners for hitch­ing their horses during the hours of worship.

This splendid edifice will be dedi­cated Tuesday. Oct. 4 Rev. Samuel Call will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock and Rev. M. W. Chase in the evening at 7 o'clock. The ladies will provide dinner at the church for all who attend. There will be no charge but any who desire so to j do can donate whatever amount they may desire. Wednesday evening ; following Rev. M. W. Chase will de- j liver his lecture "Why, or the Proh- j lem of Life." Tickets will be sold in advance at 23 cents each.

Much credit is due Rev. Joseph Williams for the success of this whole enterprise and also to the en­ergy and liberality of the people of Haileeboro.

m » m



1 i u p In

with it and the pounder of t is only surpassed in honor at compatriot* by tbe one w h o 1 tunate as to be a d r a m m a j Emperor or Kaiser could proud or have more

i»»»i|> of t l i r T o w n LH»lt*tt Ci o o t l > h * |M*.

1 uoticed that the TRIBINK waa the only paper in town last week that contained a full report of the county convention held by the Peoples! m m -1'arty in this village. It was a mat- • * ^ ^ ter ot oonsiderable unpK>rtance to the I The o l d b u l ^ ^ J^ 1 0 0 ™ voters of St. Lawrence, and I believe j T o m s C * 5 " 1 w i D * • l b * **** Buch enterprise in any r.**-«r^r^»r 1 tion at the onerm bouae. Ui will reap its own reward.


Speaking of that convention re­minds me that if the popular party in the county will utterly ignore Gouverneur s claims there is one party that will not.

• » •

The People's party nearly all their candidates ..from the live and enterprising young men of tion. the town. It is with a great deal of pleasure that I can say there is no "has beens" among them.

] management of O. P . S t e t w told that it will be the beet dn

; tion of this celebrated play i sented here, and the npecial are of a high order. Thetwx are superior in their chi

i while the t w o Marks are pro I superb. The funny aide will ! trayed in a manner pleaainj

have taken while thepatbetk;incident* * out doubt meet with e q u a l ' s

T H S L m - • « • ^ -


The ladies of the reading room will give a tea and entertainment com mencing tonight and continuing Thursday and Friday evenings. The supper will be served from 5 until 10 o'clock. The entertainment Wednes­day evening will consist of piano, violin and vocal music, recitatior • e ta Thursday evening Miss Mosley of Brooklyn will sing and a country wedding pantomine will be produced and also a pantomine entitled "Lord Al iens Daughters." Friday evening the famous Peek sisters of Peeksville Alaska, will furnish the entertain­ment.

The supper and entertainments should be well patronized as the pro­ceeds are to be devoted to the ;main taming of the readmg room. The object is a worthy one and our citi z<Hi8 should make it a point to at tend. Admission to the hall h> cents. Supper, 25 cents

Another three months of the Gouv­erneur Saving and Loan Association

j will be completed by the payment of next Saturday's dues. It has been a

I very prosperous quarter. Many new names are being added each

j week. Neighboring towns, especially Fine, are well represented who are

1 taking advantage of this mode of j saving and investing. It is safe, conservative and worthy of the beet patronage, many being induced to

i save and economize their earnings until they materalize into a house of their own. All receipt books should

i be left or sent into the secretary for .- balancing and adding another nice dividend There is a call for more loans.than the association can supply. Now is the time for the wage earner to make as much on small savings as cipitalist*. Look out for the next <juart£rly statement and just see what can be done with small savings.


An exchange has this advice to school trustees 4 'Never employ good looking sober* t e a d * get married to quickly." Has our board made a mistake f

The fifth annual reunion of Battery D.. First S e w York l i g n t Artfflsry, will he held m this r t t a g e Oct. 6. Ail of the surrivort of the battery are expected to be present

The young genftanen of Gouver­neur will g ive one of U » r swell hops i s Pres tons hall Monday evening. Oct a. The Harpers of W*ter*>wn, have been ^^srfr*1 to furnish the

t e e cam-Prestons

1 The republicans opened 1 paign Monday evening at halL Hon. J. W. Hong of W o k o O , addressed the meeting. He devoted

of his l ime to a rrlsnisshsi eff j the tariff as the question is presented ! this fa l l He rightfully made it the ,' chief point at issue in this though he touched upon the


^fe£ George W. Carpenter has bought

, the Mannsville hotel and will soon i leave Cape Vincent to take possession of the same Mannsville is fortunate

' in securing so rood a man as Mr. Carpenter to conduct its public house

• Hit short residence at the Cape has ' made ^ w and hif family many friends who will wiah them au abu n

'dance of prosperity in their new

This morning early a bullet of large calibre crashed through the window blind of the bouse of W. H. Smith, who lives near the fair ground passed up against the ceiling and fell to the floor. Had its course been a little different it must have gone through the window and into the room where the family were sitting. The bullet must have come from the fair ground. Now. there is a vill­age ordinance against the use of fire arms in the corporation and such criminal carelessness as this, in en­dangering the lives of the people, calls for the strict enforcement of the law. There is no excuse for such happenings.

—E. H Vail bat moved hit barber Perrin s drug shop ink) the basement of A. Kin­ney a store. lSw?

—Go to Carpenters hardware store for stoves, tinware, shelf and heavy hardware, paints, oils, caisoraine, varnishes, brushes, doors, windows, | sash, blinds, mouldings, every de-j scription of building material etc

rotf f

' FOR SALE—The 8. B 9tinson house j and lo t Inquire of J. H. Rutherford \

I Gouverneur, N. Y. tf j ! —A few Pianos and Organs, ! slightly used, but none the worse for ;

wear, for sale at special bargains and easiest terms at Union Hall Musk Store. , » t f

—I>r. Hossis Office in Dew<sy & X*f Gou

the Mr.

understood, in

The strength expended by some m -^jrfr^i Q the streets instead of hnsbhng for s job. WOUM! ssve tbexr

or nnHtHfT from t a r m r ts if :t wm* -ulised is the

right way MattasocW Chase- of O r ^ * ^ - * ^

X Y wiH deliver t » pcg?uiar lec­tor* enutied * * ^ y ' > *** ^ ^ i emof U f a * a the aew Met&odj* ILpwcopa* church. *znd£? *»• of the IjsdMt aora, S Y W< G e t * AiliiiBnws » c s a Tn* pro-

|home,— EagU George W. Carpenter of Cape Vin­

cent formerly, of Haiiesboro was in town the other day and made the

' T i i B r r t office s weksome cal l Mr. impugnable P » ; C n r p e n ^ h » purchased tLe hotel

t i o s o f the republican party in this a M a n n # r u ^ J ^ will take posses-c * c r * * s o n next week He it a renia* and

clever gentleman and we bewpeak for him s fair share of the patronare-

qusstion. force bill personality of the Hoag makes s plainly

full of of t

moesrt tne >to the


barber biock wher* r** w^.

to see hit old cuicocrjen be v i . . giv* pper- a. a-tv-

chiklrec 1 v > - *

At the state convention of the Peo­p le s Party head m ^vracuse Tester day. Merton a Beard of t h s village. was chosen presWientis elector for

Beard m a bright and capable y:*uztf man For many y e a n be hat beec pro*r.:a«nt2T jdecti&ed wnfc ia^or ir i#i tens s S t Lav-reooe c&znty — B-auer t%c~ M-ri « *Lt**~ ^ tu prt-fesRxas dt > K _ Pe*fc/asai a

Ex ^a=i* x lb* ^ Kinney & -a- tacxet r l hdd -^>dz "^ratsss the tc .n a Uus eprwoc A- ^ ^ * >a«ra Hoxase Zrzc&r ±iz~

t^^egt be wiZ u ^ » ac ri^aioe tc The Farrier Brother* ar» y » *c-vmm the rn '9*\n ' • f*ee*ara: v^ne f;*AtA s *-^ UcThZ* B«^CJL aex: far %km Sbua. ms2 the baoor m an* v t a c t any young msa nwy » a be

The Farmer Brothers are the only first cssss tailors m town. They make a specialty of custom tailoring.

The newest and latest fashions in full goods at Fanner Brothers

The famous Lone Star Mandoi:n Quartette it among the many special features at the Opera Bouse October u h .

—Professor Retry P n e s t of Dan ton. will deuver ar. address on prohi-tjtzem in MrTr.matis hal^ Ox Bow Friday evenmiL

— An evening spent in listening to Rev M. W. Chase wffl b* both profit­able and deiorhtfuL—Ckopiatn Ut-Oabe

In Haileshora C>ct &.


My item last week in reference to providing a place in the new school building for a reading room has called forth many favorable com* j ments. Several citizens of the vil­lage have talked with me about it I and all say it is just what should be done. I trust that those who have the construction of the new building in charge will so consider it is no question of a doubt that such an institution as a reading room is a good educator and a benefit to any town. In the past the reading room in Gouverneur hat been supported mostly by the ladies and it has been no easy matter for them to do so. I understand that they are will ing to do all they can in the future for its suocess but they believe that they should receive some help from the town. I too am of that opinion, and now that the matter has been brought to the attention of the peo­ple I believe ,o that they will see the wisdom of it and will say amen to m y suggestiona

* * The woman with not only a dog

but cats as well has gotten into the church. I am informed that such was the case in one of our churches recently. She probably smuggled them in under one of those volumi­nous wraps because their nurse wanted a day off, or perhaps she did it with the deliberate intention of starting a new fashion.

* • Its pure perversity in a woman to

waste affection on a cold nosed, stick ytongued. ill-smelling little beast, when there are so many of us men in the world actually suffering for attention. I have noticed that even the newly married man has to content himself with the scraps Fido leaves. He stands around with a wrinkled tie in one hand and a shirt with a button off in the other, watch ing with longing eyes the care with which that dog is getting his face washed and hair curled. And he knows by sad experience that when the good bye time comes he will be in great luck if he gets a kiss before the dog doea If I am correctly in­formed, and my information comes from one who ought to know what he is talking about, I learn that these poor, misused husbands finally de­velop firm neat enough to take that cur by the nape of the neck and swear: ' T h e lips that press thine shall never touch mine."

W e have been blessed witrf still another of those delightful September weeks, which almost rounds out a month of as charming could be imagined. It has near nerfeotion that none of peot to see better on this

» • The temperature and balmy air

that was warmed by the southerly last Saturday, made me

betieve that I was living in July instead of late September. •

—Mim S a Beards leehas 1 from New York with a choice Htock of Millinery Goods, * been most fortunate in sec first class New York City t She excels anyth ing that hat Gouverneur before, Openin Thursday and Friday, S e p t 3o, to whicn friends and c t are cordially invited.

Staff Capt Oriffith, the Minstrel, with his halleluiah also the new commanding will conduct special meetingt

"rpTV^ I day night and Sunday at 3 p. o p. m. Admission w cents.

Miss E m m a M c l n t y r e h a s 1 from the c i ty wi th a s fine an ment of Millinery a s wasevei Gouverneur. Prices low and 1 tion guaranteed. D o n * forget 1 over Brodie dt Ormitnona < store.

D o n * Octoder4th. T w o

—Rev. M. W "Recognition P a r or the Problem o i U f a , ably and place ror 22*e. Wm. R JL D.D..

In Haiiesboro. O o t 8.

— H o u s s lars inqutre of CUrk Bowi his barber shop o n

—Special bargains in ond-hand pianos n o d Of next thirty d a y * a t U n i o n H s Store. " V

—J. H, OaroenMrhngnfta1

of all kinds o f hardwara, as doors and blind*. Tinwj stoves. Store in t h e S t L Block.

Admirers of Mra. Harriet S t o w e s famous story, "Unci Cabin," will be pleased to lea the b*<;t and strongest compel before the public wiJi presei the Union Opera House on 1 evening, Octoper 4th. B s**au 50 cents on sale a t Pay0 ginning Saturday*

—If you contemplate the p of Piano or Organ, it is for y terest to first examine the * Pianos, or the Clough 6t ;

Organs at Union H*il Musk

—Tapleye * 'Bread W i n n * wears all other shoes.

—As the cold weather come ask ourselves the question, * with all shall we he clothed would l ike to decide the quel saying ' W i t h a i r of the dr contained in our stores. O millinery is ooraing in every 1 we are now ready to do all g] millinery work. W e shall m prices on mill inery and guars work to please. W e hav. worth of ribbons in this depa

The dress goods d s n a r t a s a of nice goods; afl of t h e new for evening and party gowns as new fabrics for will he plwsstd to have not fabrics; all

lOOmaossL Me. A few


5*ept y AL 0 0 0 * and hear

*JK» A>^T aasse.

V^ioc wt:i z* :>*.: >z A H ^ - . A : r-al. :- the Sedir-ary :*;^d*r^r Tr.-rudsy

mav nno* t**izg— *-r»e TT*+><~ZZ !: * c *-£jt: *-r**-r m«rr. :«^ *•* :••**•

-* * BJLXXI. I .r*-~:-~

A large new f+ morj cottage, full view of the ooast 00 OuUook A v e Six beds rullv furnished, for sale very cheap, if so l i now The new botei wiii be completed and ready for oc cupancy soon. There will oe s great boom at the park this year Enquire ^ Waa. Whrtoevv OocrvernetiT, N Y tf

—-— «-••-•> —~TC W: Carnecter't hard WILT* SVJTV

'JT iacv*si kft^ea paiin oana rnivea f-^tt *r*-**irtft. :r*7c

— v J*ac* "<* f-.r ••*» -JZ E n o k . y i

?-=-•-!. J? * =L I HOC**? * ' w ; ;

S £ M e m t t V. S . claims a of the crrdix tot Mollis G's great per­formance at Watertown. as he turn­ed the five ounce plates xn which she trotted to the fsstsst record ever recorded on a track in Northern New Y o r r

< • • The naUocA* coctast it now on in

dead earnest and we will be oomnell-*< tc endure the noise and con for s x T&zx* w«aka durmg which uix>e t£#e oombinaaon at the small t e r aod the bis drum wiB oontinue uc :y>«i the stare, m a r nr iuie

d^nng the day y sc a: r.irtrt But young

\ a « x i w _ nsvv the fe^er oa and -mr2»c4 be ivxporesaetL W f C we were a l acyt ooot and ZJ^CZ fee the apcra of whict • besa« K . ^ U

