Testing Facebook Ads



This Facebook Power Editor Ad is for the VA202 Seminar (Facebook Ads). Audience is for Filipino Parents, Employees, age 25-55 who want to work from home and stay with their kids while earning form the internet on their own computer. Facebook Ad examples in the Powerpoint Presentation shows how Facebook Ads work using the emotion of the “target market” (Parents, Employees who are tired of everyday going to work and leave their children at home with someone else to take care of them and shows the benefits of learning the online skills they need to know to be able to work from home and earn dollars without having to leave their children to make ends meet and get out of the “rat race”). Choosing the right emotion through words and the image for the Ad will determine if the audience will buy the product. So what I did was test each Ad for one day for $1 and see the results (Number of Likes, Number of People Reach, Number of Clicks, Engagement which is the unique number of people who liked, commented, shared or clicked on my posts. Then all these can lead to conversions or the sale. ) You can change one thing on the same ad everyday (change the words or just one word or change the image used) based on reviews (content) that you have made to improve the ad. You can run the ad for a week before creating another ad. The Ad with the most number of likes, clicks, reach will be the winner. Then from that result you can increase your budget to buy more ads to increase conversion.

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Testing Facebook Ad


©Jinky_Tolentino_Facebook Ads.pdf 1

Testing Facebook Ads

for 1 Day each

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Ad # 1

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People Reached

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Post clicks

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Ad #2 – Changed the


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and image with Bo Sanchez


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People Reached

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Post Clicks

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Ad #3 – Same Ad, Used same


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But changed image

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Post Reached

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Post Clicks

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Total Page Likes

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Post Reach

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People Engaged

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And the WINNER is Ad Poster

with Influencer (Bo Sanchez)

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