Testimonials - Tweet Your Prayers @TheKotel - User experiences



A collection of testimonials and experiences from the users of Tweet Your Prayers (www.tweetyourprayers.org) - the free online service for sending prayers to the Western-Wall in Jerusalem.

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How has Tweet Your Prayers affected your life?

Do you have a testimonial you’d like to share?

Email it to: contact@tweetyourprayers.org or fill the form below.

I am not particularly remarkable in any way

nor have I done anything that is noteworthy.

The prayer you put for me was answered.

Maybe there’s a place for me in this world after all.

Significant personal losses have caused me to question my faith and wonder if God is there or if He cares for me.

The work you do resonated with me and has begun to rekindle my faith. Thank you for this gift.

This gives me strength to go on.

I have been struggling with a lifelong addiction. My journey to overcome my weaknesses is spiritual and I believe it was ignited when I first sent a prayer.

My mother underwent surgery a little over a month later and now, nearly 3 months after her initial diagnosis, is cancer free. Alon, I want to thank you and your team from the bottom of my heart for sacrificing so much of your own personal time to help strangers around the world get their prayers closer to God.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your great endeavor. It means more than you even will realize while you are here on earth. May the Lord bless and keep you.

I finally Sold my old house. The house was on the market for a year. I was paying 2 mortgages. A week after I tweeted my prayer to you, I had an offer!!! Baruch Hashem!!! and thank you @thekotel !!!

I was determined to get our family's prayer heard, so I tweeted my prayer to @TheKotel.

It was only after that tweet in the wee hours of the morning that I started to feel hopeful for the first time since hearing the dreadful news.

Have a testimonial of your own you’d like to share? Please email it to: contact@tweetyourprayers.org

Recently, my cousin was passing away from a rare and incurable cancer. @TheKotel team placed a prayer for me that simply asked for my cousin's soul to be safely taken to heaven. After he passed, and through the grief, I felt a sure and certain peace, which I know means my prayer has been answered. @TheKotel has done a great service for us, without ever knowing how special it was to us. Twittering prayers to the Western Wall is a wonderful and inspiring idea, and I encourage everybody to support this beautiful thing by 'paying it forward'. Such selfless acts for fellow human beings restores my hope for the future of humanity. The @TheKotel team has earned my family's respect and gratitude, and I am sure we're not the only ones!

When my husband was out of work for almost two years my daughter sent a prayer to the Western Wall for us. Not only did it give us great comfort and hope but within a couple of days my husband received a job offer. Bless you Alon for doing this important work and for truly being G-d's messenger here on earth. You and your selfless acts of kindness and mercy should be well rewarded.

Not only has God healed my heart but he has made a way for us to get by financially in December. Both of these prayer requests were put in the Western Wall thanks to you answering God’s call for your life. God bless you Alon! You are a great friend.

After my car accident this fall I felt hopeless. I already had back problems that left me in horrific pain every single day; the car accident left me in more pain than I could ever imagine. I felt completely hopeless. But Alon took my husbands prayer to heal me and put it in the wall. He brought back hope to both of us as I began to heal.

Hello Man of God! Imagine my prayers to the Kotel has been answered. How I thank Papa for using you to reach him!

I graduated medicine school in Cluj, Romania. To practice medicine here you have to pass a quite difficult exam called ‘rezidentiat’. Last year I didn't pass the exam and there I was... a doctor without a place to work and with nothing to do. By the end of august I saw a TV report about you. I sent you 2 prayers and I believe those prayers really helped me. I took the exam again and today I’ve found out that i am number 756 from 5000 doctors who took the exam. Which is unexpected and i am really happy. I am now officially a doctor!

When I know or meet good human beings I just look up in the Heavens and say thank you Father. You are one of those people that I consider Good. And I am so thankful that God graced us with your life. Thank you. Take care and God Bless you always…

I am so overwhelmed at the fact that my prayers are at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem as during that time I have crossed over twice had a pace maker put in my chest and had numerous autoimmune problems with me sense then so I am so glad that God is hearing my prayers from a very Holy Place as I need Him to here me.

When I received your email that you had placed my prayer at the Wall, I cried. G-d is so awesome that He would hear my cries for His Blessings for me and my family among all the other pleadings and Greater still that He would answer me.

God bless you for doing this. It is a blessing to those of us that can never make it to the holy land. Praying for you to have peace, prosperity, and protection. Thank you again..it means everything to me. : )

Thank you so much. What a wonderful thing to do. Hope grows one tweet, one prayer, one deed, one person at a time. May G-d bless you.

Thank you. This explains all the wonderful events happening in my life right now

When my 87 year old father-in-law fell ill this summer, I felt helpless. As his condition worsened, he was given a feeding tube and told that he could only have it for 30 days, then something more drastic would have to be done. About this time I noticed The Kotel on Twitter. I decided to send in a prayer. I am so glad I did, because a week later, he was released from the hospital, and is now able to enjoy life, food and family.

Thank you so much for delivering my prayer! We’ve seen some changes already! G-d bless you!!

Back in February, I was laid off very unexpectedly. That alone would be bad enough, but it was on my husband's last day of work as well AND I was 18 weeks pregnant with our first baby!

As the days, weeks and months went by without a single job offer we became more and more stressed and worried. We were praying for a job, the right job for our family, to come along. I tweeted and asked G-d to bless us with the best job opportunity for our family. Literally days later, after MONTHS of fruitless searching, my husband received TWO amazing job offers within an hour of each other! We are so grateful that he found ANY work, let alone an amazing job for his career and in a location we love where we have friends and family.

I am so grateful to G-d for this opportunity and I am also so grateful to the service that Tweet Your Prayers provides. Thank you for helping our dreams come true!

I nailed the interview and got the job.

Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you Alon for sharing your heart, expressed in love through your time, effort, and dedication in this service. I myself am very grateful for this gift. May you be Blessed in all ways, and may you be open to knowing, seeing and receiving these Blessings with unending gratitude.

Alon, thank you for doing what I wanted to, but could not. I am so very grateful for you, the time you spent doing this and dedication you take and show to do such a wonderful thing. You truly are doing a great service in the name of our Lord.

Picture credits

Slides 2, 3, 5, 6, 15, 17, 19 – Pictures were taken by the talented Erez Shermer. Thank you Erez!

Slide 24 – Picture by the wonderful Shirley Singer. Thank you Shirley!

Slide 4 – Picture by Miri Dotan. Thank you Miri!

Slides 1, 7-14, 16, 18, 20-23, 25-29 – Pictures by Alon Nir (Founder of tweetyourprayers.org)
