TESTIMONIALS Testimonies - Trevo International · Testimonies “I am 55 years old ... when they...


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© TRÉVO llc 02/2010

Testimonies “I am 55 years old, and when I first took TRÉVO I could feel the nutrients taking effect right away. After taking TRÉVO for a week, I was feeling great and I started back running again and having that extra boost of energy. I feel more motivated and I have increased mental clarity. I’m an over-the-road truck driver and I am more alert and wide awake. At least now I won’t have to consume an enormous amount of caffeine and I won’t ever buy those over-the-counter energy drinks or shots again. I now have TRÉVO that gives my body all the nutrients it needs. Thank you, TRÉVO!”

“At 47 years of age, I’ve just begun playing softball on a team. I love the energy Trévo gives me! For the first couple of games I experienced awful pain in my legs so I began taking an extra ounce of Trévo just before heading to the field to play. I am now playing pain free! WOO HOO! I’m feeling way too young to be this old! I love Trévo!”

“I have been taking TRÉVO for about 5 months now and feel more well-balanced mentally. I feel that I can concentrate and retain things better as well as have a better memory, which is a challenge these days climbing to age 50. I sleep more soundly and require less sleep than usual, and don’t have those “afternoon drags.” I think it is a great and easy way to get all the great nutrition we need on a daily basis. I plan to continue using TRÉVO and I look forward to enjoying even more great benefits from it!”

“I’ve just reached the 4-month mark of supplementing with Trévo and I’ve never felt better. 4 months ago, I was riddled with anxiety, and today it is completely gone! Trévo also helps me to think so much clearer, which will be necessary to plan my course for 2011!”

“I’ve lost 20 lbs. since April. Blood pressure is down and energy is up! Love Trévo, won’t be without it!”

“I start most of my days now with a drive and determination that I never thought I could ever have. All it took was for Trévo to be created. My outlook on life is so much different. I know that I now have the “I Will Do It” attitude. I have always had the desire in the back of my brain, just never knew how to tap into it. It’s a wonderful feeling.”

“I started taking Trévo about 2 months ago. I immediately noticed the difference in my energy and stamina! Plus, I don’t feel I need to eat as much, so I’ve even lost a few pounds. It’s amazing what happens when you feed your body the nutrients it needs. I also have less pain, so I was able to cut back on my medication for arthritis. I’m very excited about Trévo because I’m getting so much more quality nutrition and it’s costing me a whole lot less. I hated the hassle of taking all those pills that barely got absorbed anyway. Now I take my Trévo in the morning and I’m good to go! It’s fast, easy, and convenient and it works! Trévo is the answer I have been searching for.”

“I started drinking 2oz to 3oz of delicious Trévo a day for health reasons. I loved the extra energy and clarity, and my health improved greatly. Then I noticed my food cravings no longer controlled me and I started making better food choices. It’s been the easiest 68 pounds I’ve ever lost. Drinking and sharing Trévo with others has its perks. I love enhancing my family’s lives with all my green Trévo checks. What separates us from everyone else is that Trévo will be the next billion dollar brand. Don’t regret not getting busy now in sharing this life-changing opportunity. Your family will be glad you did.”

“Thanks to Trévo, I no longer have to take OTC antacids at all, I have enough energy to get me through the day, my mental focus has increased, I’ve shed a few pounds because I don’t have the cravings anymore, and I just plain feel healthier! I am looking forward to more amazing results as time goes on!”

~ Rodney A.

~ Kathy H.

~ Marcia B.

~ Kathy H.

~ Trish M.

~ Jackie B.

~ Lorraine A.

~ Jaye G.

~ Jan M.


© TRÉVO llc 02/2010

“Trévo gives me energy that will last all day, better mental focus and it also takes some of my food cravings away. Indiana Loves Trévo!”

“Even with the hard rains of yesterday Trévo has worked its magic again and kept me migraine free. I am so happy that I can live a migraine-free life now! Thanks Trévo!”

“Thanks to Trévo, now I only need 1 oz a day instead of 6 different herb, vitamin, and amino acid supplements! Trévo has it all!”

“I have dropped 13 lbs. in 5 weeks just taking Trévo before meals! WITHOUT dieting or changing the way I eat! Trévo not only gives me the energy I need to get through my day and a clear mental focus, but it also helps curb my appetite so I eat less. I love my Trévo!”

“I have lost 18 pounds on Trévo within the first 3 months of being on it. Here is the great thing … over the past 3-4 weeks I have been invited to a lot of events/gatherings/parties where the food served is loaded with calories and fat. I have not gained 1 pound back so far by indulging myself! So, Trévo is not only helping me lose weight in a moderate fashion, it also helps me maintain what I have lost! Is that great news or what?”

“I started taking Trévo at the beginning of May 2010. I’m a diabetic. Trévo has increased my energy level and my alertness! I work very long hours on the go. I highly recommend Trévo.”

“I’ve been to 5 top suppliers in my town and no one can come close to touching the ingredients in Trévo. It would take several different bottles of product at a tremendous cost!”

“Trévo will put a `SMILE` on your face, a `GLOW` to your skin, and a`PEP`in your step! Plus, those green checks are really great!”

“I heard a terrible crash in my bedroom and went to look….and there in my walk in closet was all my fat clothes on the floor. They had weighed my rods down so much it all came down. I have lost 35 lbs using Trévo and had 6 green checks on my desk, so I bagged up the clothes and went shopping and bought me a new wardrobe.”

“Trévo has changed my life. No more migraine headaches…losing weight…and I wake up before the alarm…my teenagers love it…no more monster drinks for them…all natural now! Trévo is for your whole family!”

“Had a horse fall with me. I was trying to get around some trotty cows on a hillside and one went down. I hit hard and he hit with me. We were on a downhill slope and so we both kept rolling. We are both OK, I only got a little sore and had very little bruising. I attribute this to Trévo. It is an amazing product!”

“Purity and sufficiency should be our goal for everything we put into our bodies. Proper food choices are key to maintaining a healthy, active, purposeful life. Trévo offers so many positive food choices in just one bottle, it’s no wonder people are having such great results when they use it.”

“Trévo is amazing!! Natural health in a bottle, for the entire family.”

~ Tim M.

~ Laurie S.

~ Ron L.

~ Kelly S.

~ Jayne L.

~ Craig S.

~ Trish M.

~ Bonney H.

~ Penny L.

~ Lori C.

~ Beth H.

~ Dr. Brian W.

~ Randa W.


© TRÉVO llc 02/2010

“Even on a college campus, those all nighters I have my Trévo shot’ssss plural keeping me up and FOCUSED. If your student is not on Trévo, get them on it ASAP. It works for me and my friends!”

“TREVO is amazing!!! Not only does my family experience natural energy throughout the day, but I have a piece of mind knowing that my family is getting all the nutrition they need. Guess what? Just got the mail…we didn’t have ONE check, but TWO checks from TREVO!!! This is AWESOME.”

“What a fabulous product that helps people get healthy and stay healthy.”

“The very first time I tried Trévo, within 20 minutes I felt an energy boost. I was more focused, my mind was sharper, and this lasted all day. I find that I’m sleeping better, eating less, and craving less junk food.”“I’ve also noticed that after sitting for long period of time and then standing up that I don’t have the stiffness in my legs anymore. All the bones in my body feel like they are stronger and I feel more flexible. I have had problems with my eyes drying out and having that burning sensation on a daily basis and now that is gone. My hearing is getting better, I can now eat foods that before gave me indigestion, and I have a better attitude towards everyday life situations.” “Another thing that I love about Trévo is that it gives me a sense of well being; it makes me feel great. It seems like the longer I keep taking Trévo, the more it helps me. So I’m definitely making sure that I’m not without it. With it being great-tasting and in a liquid form, it makes it easy and convenient to take. With over 174 vitamins and minerals, I now have a peace of mind knowing that I will get all the nutrients my body needs.”“In addition to having better health, I am receiving those beautiful green checks.”

“I have been taking 3 oz. of Trévo everyday for 10 days and I have already lost 5 lbs. without even trying. I can already tell my energy level is higher and my skin is softer. WOW! What a difference in 10 days. Just think what the results will be in 30 days. Awesome!”

“Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”

“Wow, what an incredible feeling to finally find an all-natural supplement that has everything my body needs and more. It has been years since I have experienced such increased energy and mental alertness. I have never taken a product like Trévo and I will never be without it! Thanks for fueling my body!”

“Trévo works! I can now think clearer and have more energy. Everyone should drink it.”

“Trévo is incredible! The energy and mental focus that it creates is amazing, and I absolutely love this product. Thanks, Mark and Holli, for a product that is changing the way people take care of their health. It’s my honor to be part of such a wonderful company that is not only going to help my family physically but also financially as well.”

“If you’re ready for a delicious fruit smoothie drink that gives you a power-packed punch of energy and mental alertness, take Trévo! A fruity taste that’s so smooth … you’ll absolutely love it! I have no health issues thanks to Trévo. In fact, one of my avenues of exercise is mowing my lawn. My energy level is so amazing that I can mow all 9,300 sq. feet in 3 hours and still have energy to burn! At age 55,

~ Devin U.

~ Trina M.

~ Cindy M.

~ Tim M.

~ Randa W.

~ Mike

~ Carol S.

~ Cliff R.

~ Paul G.


© TRÉVO llc 02/2010

I can mow as fast as when I was 35! Thank you, Mark and Holli, for the awesome one and only complete health system on the planet … Trévo!”

“Wow! What an amazing product! Trévo gives me all the energy I need, even to the end of the day, which allows me to exercise. I’m finding that it is also beneficial in the support of a healthy blood pressure. Honestly, I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who are struggling with weight management and need energy. I have dropped one size, and I feel this fantastic product played a large part in my success. Thank you, Trévo.”

“My entire family has gotten involved in Trévo. It is soooo easy to tell people about the company because we know the product truly can change their lives. We have seen and experienced many health products, but nothing compares to Trévo. This stuff really is amazing!”

“Trévo is an absolutely awesome product. I feel wonderful when I take it, and have more energy for the whole day. Thank you for this product.”

“Trévo is a product that just makes sense. I am 55 years old, and am already in love with this incredible product. I have great health and energy and I want to keep it that way. I enjoy spending quality time with my three children and five grandchildren, who also take Trévo. This amazing product gives me the energy and assurance that I can keep my great health and be here for my family.”

“I have noticed after taking Trévo for a little over a week that I have a lot more energy. Thanks for a great product!”

“Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”

“In the few short weeks that I have been taking Trévo, I have felt energized and have even started losing weight without changing my diet at all. I feel that taking this product has dramatically strengthened my immune system, when everyone around me is getting sick and going to the doctor.”

“A year and a half ago, I got involved in adventure racing which is a very intense sport. When I was introduced to Trévo recently, I was hooked right away! I am the oldest person on my racing team and now, with the help of Trévo, I’m the fastest! I find that I have plenty of energy for training, and after a hard race I take the product to help with recovery. I am now involved in the business side of it as well and can hardly believe how fast it is growing. I look forward to having extra time to spend with my family because of this amazing opportunity.”

“Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”

~ Linda K.

~ Katrina S.

~ Jessica D.

~ Sharon G.

~ Greg P.

~ Matt U.

~ Paula P.

~ Amanda S.

~ Nathan O.

~ Jessica L.


© TRÉVO llc 02/2010

“I am a 54 year old factory worker and commute each day approximately 80 miles. Before taking Trévo, I would get home, plop down in my chair, and fall asleep. Now after the long working hours and traveling time, I arrive home with plenty of energy. I go to bed at night at 10:00 PM just because it is bedtime. My energy level is unbelievable!”

“I am a 41-year-old musician in a rock band and I started taking Trévo a few weeks ago. So far, I’ve lost several pounds and 2 pant sizes! Also, even under stressful situations, my clarity of thought has noticeably improved. I’ll never be without Trévo ever again.”

“I have been taking Trévo for a little over 3 weeks. In the past, I would have to eat something at times whether I was hungry or not because of sugar levels plummeting. My normal routine in the afternoon when I came home from work was to eat something to try and bring my sugar level up. Since I started taking Trévo, my sugar levels have stabilized and I no longer have to eat something to bring my sugar level up.”

“Trévo has given me a lot of things to be thankful for. For a long time, I have been trying to lose weight but I couldn’t. That is, until I recently tried Trévo. I’m now well on my way to my goal weight! I was also having some serious skin issues, but the doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong. After just a few weeks on Trévo, my skin began to clear up and now my skin is completely healthy. If you haven’t tried Trévo yet, I urge you to. You’ll like it!”

“After giving birth to my third baby in four years, I needed to get serious about losing some weight. I started taking Trévo a week after the baby was born, and I’m loving the way the “baby weight” is melting away. Also, with a new baby, I am not getting much sleep. I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for Trévo. It gives me the energy I need to take care of my three little ones. I believe it also helps boost my immune system. I absolutely love Trévo and will never be without it!”

“Trévo keeps me young. I am 81 years young, and each morning my wife and I take Trévo mixed in a healthy smoothie. We are both retired school teachers and still love working with kids. We have a home daycare and keep five pre-school kids Monday through Friday. Trévo gives us the health and energy to do what we love.”

“I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”

“After taking Trévo for three days, I happened to be out with the kids shopping and it dawned on me that I wasn’t exhausted like I normally am. I was actually enjoying myself and felt better then I had in years! I have had some health issues and have been praying to God for an answer. I feel this product is it!”

“I don’t go a day without Trévo! Several years ago, I was in a car wreck that left me in chronic pain for years. I developed severe arthritis around the base of my skull and my tail bone. I have found that when I take Trévo and keep my body’s pH level balanced, I can live a normal, pain-free life. I also am no longer on steroids for severe allergies and no longer suffer with ringing in my ears or jaw pain from TMJ. Every member of my family takes a shot of Trévo first thing every morning. This allows us to start our day off with great focus and vibrant energy!”

~ Susie M.

~ Wayne H.

~ B. C. Jr.

~ Charles D.

~ Jessica G.

~ Harry P.

~ Kelly L.

~ Dana V.

~ Penny L.


© TRÉVO llc 02/2010

“I’ve been taking Trévo for about 2 weeks now and I’m feeling so much better! I suffer from fibromyalgia, and have noticed that during the past 2 weeks, the pain has reduced by at least 50%. I also have more energy and a feeling of well-being. Plus, I haven’t been experiencing the usual malaise associated with fibromyalgia. I had been having terrible headaches that wouldn’t go away, even after taking Tylenol. Now, however, they’re completely gone. This is a very good product!”

“I’m a tri-athlete, and since being on Trévo I’ve noticed an increase in my endurance and speed time trials, especially on the treadmill. In fact, my times have dropped significantly (by 8%) for a 6-mile run on the treadmill! For tri-athletes who try to shave seconds on their times, this is a huge improvement and I credit it to Trévo.”

“I have tried many other nutritional products. Not only did I not like the taste, but the energy from them seemed to wear off long before my day was over. In my line of work, you have to be alert every second. With Trévo, I’ve found that I maintain my energy level and my alertness – even past the time my workday is over. Plus, I like the taste!”

“I’ve had a lot of stomach problems in the past, including ulcers and gall bladder problems so when I discovered that I was expecting, I was pretty concerned about the whole morning sickness thing. I’m very happy to report that I felt great all during my pregnancy and never had a bit of problem with queasiness at all. Plus, since I work in an emergency room, I’m constantly exposed to all kinds of viruses and other illnesses. Taking two ounces of Trévo every day has helped keep me healthy, feeling great, and my energy level going strong.”

“My former boss recently introduced me to Trévo. She said, “As a busy person with no energy, you need to take this!” I started taking the product a week ago and I can’t believe how good I feel. I used to go to bed at 10PM every night because I was so completely worn out. Now if I go to bed at 10PM, it’s because I choose to. This stuff makes me feel like a young woman!”

“I recently started taking Trévo in the morning and again at night. I no longer have to drag myself out of bed to get going at 7AM. I now get up at 5AM ready to go and take on the day. Everybody needs to take Trévo!”

“I’m the mother of three very active boys, so I don’t have much extra time to spend on myself. I try to eat right and exercise, but have often felt like I just didn’t have the energy to keep up with my boys. I would drink a Pepsi for a quick but short-lived energy boost, but noticed that I was putting on a few pounds. I’m now experiencing the “power of wellness” with Trévo and have seen a huge difference in my energy levels. Also, I like that it is in a delicious liquid form because I have a hard time swallowing pills. My life is now on the upswing thanks to Trévo!”

~ Antoinette V.

~ Michele H.

~ Veronika Q.

~ Rebecca S.

~ Susie N.

~ Edwina V.

~ Debbie B.

