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TES MUN 2018 Human Right Council (HRC) 2075

Human Right Council (HRC) 2075

Study Guide

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TES MUN 2018 Human Right Council (HRC) 2075

Table of content S.N

Content page

1. Message from chair 12. Introduction to the

committee 2

3. Introduction of topic a.What is violent

extremismb.What is Radicalismc.What is political

radicalism d.Relation between

radicalism extremism and terrorism

e.How does radicalism and extremism cause human trafficking

f. Current situation

3 - 10

4. How to prevent and counter violent extremism and radicalism

11 - 13

5. Question a resolution must have


6. a. Suggestion for future resourceb. Position paper


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requirementsc. Closing Remark

7. Reference 16

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TES MUN 2018 Human Right Council (HRC) 2075

Message from chair Dear delegates,

Welcome to the Human Right Committee (HRC).

This year we shall discuss HRC on the topic Preventing and Countering Extremism and Radicalism Globally as our final topic.

Delegates this year we will discuss about Extremism and Radicalism which might be new word to you all. Regarding radicalism and extremism delegates are requested to search about different organization that is formed on the base of political radicalism and extremism. Delegates don’t just focus on organization i.e. terrorist group try to go beyond that there are many topics to be discussed on the issues but delegates don’t forget that cause huge problem globally to make you understand the topic we Dias are there.

Delegates debating in the session will be thrilling and enjoyable delegates debating is the skill that is very essential in the modern era to get your rights you need to debate and as Dias panel we all will help you all to gain the knowledge about the topic. Keep in mind that good solution is one that addresses the underlying issue, which can be uncovered by dedicated research.

You Dias member have worked hard to make study guide but delegates you need to research more. Delegates always try and if there is any issue Dias member is there to solve it.

Research well Delegates!!!!

You’re sincerely,

Shreeyan Dhungana

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Introduction to the committee:The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year. It meets at the UN Office at Geneva.

The Council is made up of 47 United Nations Member States which are elected by the UN General Assembly. The Human Rights Council replaced the former United Nations Commission on Human Rights. It was established by the General Assembly on 15th March 2006 by resolution 60/251.

In the following year, the Council adopted its "Institution-building package" to guide its work and set up its procedures and mechanisms.

Among them were the Universal Periodic Review mechanism which serves to assess the human rights situations in all United Nations Member States, the Advisory Committee which serves as the Council’s “think tank” providing it with expertise and advice on thematic human rights issues and the Complaint Procedure which allows individuals and organizations to bring human rights violations to the attention of the Council.

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Topic: Preventing and Countering violent Extremism and Radicalism Globally

It is not enough to counter violent extremism --- we need to prevent it, extremism and radicalism are the cause of both the world war and they are the cause of all the conflict in the present situation due to radicalism and extremism the world is suffering it is effecting the man kind different sort of human right violence are happening due to violent extremism and radicalism.

What is Violent Extremism?Violent extremism refers to the beliefs and actions of people who support or use ideologically motivated violence to achieve radical ideological, religious or political views. Violent extremist views can be exhibited along a range of issues, including politics, religion and gender relations. Violent extremism’ is usually considered to be a more inclusive term than ‘terrorism’, although they are broadly synonymous in use. Further, although USAID’s definition is wide, ‘violent extremism’ is arguably applied much more narrowly – i.e. to Islamist violence alone, ignoring the many other forms of ideologically motivated or justified violence that affect countries. There is a huge literature on terrorism, but even some of the most prolific authorities on the topic bemoan the generally poor state of data and methodology in the field.

What is Radicalism? Radicalism is the belief that there is a vital need for a clear awareness of the root causes and character of things, by which one can recognize and penetrate superficial or false appearances; in political terms, this is often accompanied by the belief that society requires fundamental and drastic changes. Radicalism itself is not bad but the term that come along it political radicalism caused massive destruction in the world.

What is Political radicalism? 6 | P a g e

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An overview of the political radicalism literature reveals that the term itself resists easy or unambiguous classification. Scholars note that this lack of clarity is rooted in the notion that radicalism is inherently subjective—a “relational concept” between a particular group and its comparator. To dispense with this subjective definition, it is important to adopt the norms, ideas, values, and conduct of Western Democracies as the basis of comparison and evaluation to other groups. Political radicalism is responsible for all the war in the present scenario.

Delegates following data are about the number of terrorist in the world

Delegates terrorist group are caused due to violent extremism and political radicalism

Relation between radicalism, extremism and terrorism

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The terms that are most commonly used in relation to these events are radicalization, extremism and terrorism. They are closely connected concepts; however they should not be analyzed solely in terms of a simple linear process, but rather as a relational dynamic. Furthermore, these are complex concepts with contested definitions. The European Commission considers radicalization to be ‘embracing opinions, views and ideas which could lead to acts of terrorism’ (itself a contested word). Therefore, preventing radicalization forms an important part of counter-terrorism strategy. However, when it is transformed into extremism and radicalized individuals start using violence and engaging in unlawful activities, including terror, to attain their social, political and economic targets, it becomes a problematic security issue instead of a simple political concept. What’s more, in today’s globalized world, dissatisfied people in different regions can easily get in touch with each other regardless of their background and turn the issue into a global problem. 

How does Radicalism and Extremism cause human trafficking? Radicalism and Extremism is the base of formation of different terrorist organization. These terrorist organization cause different human right violence different sort of trafficking are happening throughout the world due to this. Not only has that political Radicalism caused different wars which cause different sort of human right violence. Violence extremism itself is human cause of human trafficking and due to violent extremism many rights people are lacking.

What do people become violent extremist?

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No single reason explains why people become violent extremists, but it often happens when someone is trying to fill a deep personal need. For example, a person may feel alone or lack meaning and purpose in life. Those who are emotionally upset after a stressful event also may be vulnerable to recruitment. Some people also become violent extremists because they disagree with government policy, hate certain types of people, don’t feel valued or appreciated by society, or think they have limited Chances to succeed.

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Current situation:

At the present situation Extremist movements — such as ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban and al-Shabab — fuel, and often stem from, instability and violent conflict and present a complex challenge. The U.S. Institute of Peace works to understand the underlying causes of violent extremism and helps develop localized and viable solutions by providing research, training and expertise to practitioners and policymakers. From examining the critical role of women in combating violent extremism in Afghanistan to exploring the dynamics of radicalization in Kosovo, USIP seeks to reduce this ever-shifting threat.

At the present situation The RESOLVE Network, a global consortium of researchers and research organizations in agreement that factors contributing to community vulnerability and resilience to violent extremism are contextual.

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Some recent news regarding the radicalism in south AsiaSouth Asia is house to around 1.5 billion people who represent one quarter of the world’s population. With high growth rate of population and scarcity of resources collectively creates opportunities for socio-political and economic instability resulting into conflicts.

This vast region is sandwiched between the great mountain chains and the Indian Ocean. In the north and northeast it is surrounded by mighty Himalayan mountain ranges, while in the north-west by the Karakorum, the Hindu Kush and Makran ranges. In the east it is enclosed by Purvanchal Hills and Bay of Bengal, while in the south it penetrates into the Indian Ocean and in the south-west by Arabian Sea.

Politically the entire South-Asian region has witnessed convulsive politics in the last seven decades. The causes are mainly religious, linguistic, castes, ethnic and economic disparities and uneven resource distribution. Another cause of political turbulence is mutual suspicion and mistrust and a lack of confidence in each other’s motives and intentions.

The disputes among South Asian countries have remained an area of unresolved and dangerous conflict involving external powers, arms proliferation and ethnic and religious hatred that go back to the evolution of India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, the countries that form South Asia.

Due to its strategic location and natural wealth, the region has acquired a very important position from a geostrategic point of view. While India taking advantage of her size, diplomatic clout, military power and economic strength, has all along striven to dominate South Asia, external powers such as Russia, USA and China in their quest for geo-strategic and geo-economic ambitions,seek to engage South Asian countries as well as with neighboring regions rich in energy resources.

The politics of violence and extremism in South Asia is mainly the result of faulty national policies and interference of external powers. The region’s vast potential is hostage to unresolved inter-state conflicts, mostly left behind by Britain and now being exploited by India which considers itself to be the successor of former colonial power which ruled and plundered the resources of this region for 200 years. USA which filled the power vacuum after 1947 has also been meddling into the affairs of South Asia in its quest for attainment of global ambitions.

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How to prevent violent Extremism and Radicalism globally?Following are the ways to prevent violent extremism and radicalism

Promoting a rule of law and human rights-based approach to PVE

There is a need to respond to the imminent threat that violent extremism poses and to reassure fearful populations. The heightened terrorist alerts many countries currently operate under are a reaction to these security challenges. It is likely that the future in many societies will be one of more robust security systems to prevent possible terrorist attacks. But the manner in which security institutions respond to potential threats could lead to the stigmatization of certain groups and could thus become a driver in the radicalization process. UNDP’s global initiative will therefore include as one of its pillars for preventing violent extremism, measures to increase the capacity of the justice and security sectors, not only to detect and prevent violent activities, but also to ensure that the proper judicial process and the legal and human rights of those being prosecuted are followed and respected. This also includes ensuring well-capacitated staff to run prison facilities and to offer rehabilitation and re-integration support for inmates in general, and in particular the ones convicted of violent extremism. These initiatives will ensure that prisons become centers for de-radicalization rather than a source of recruitment for violent extremists. This also means working with national human rights institutions to ensure that the delivery of justice, security and surveillance is done with respect for human rights and the rule of law.

Enhancing the fight against corruption

An increased focus on fighting corruption helps to enhance the legitimacy of state institutions and directly contributes to reducing perceptions of injustice and inequality. Countries or local communities that make a solid effort to reduce the petty and grand corruption that fuel people’s perceptions of injustice provide a visible sign that the causes of inequality and unequal opportunities are being addressed, UNDP has long experience in building capacities of anti-corruption institutions, fostering capacities of civil society to monitor transparency and accountability in government and in assessing corruption risks in specific sectors and at the local community level.

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Creating effective socio-economic alternatives to violence for groups at risk

UNDP’s initiative will focus on improving the livelihoods of groups at risk (youth in particular), meaning improving their skills and education levels and ensuring better access to jobs and upward mobility. The combination of these is important as supply-side vocational training projects that are not linked to meaningful employment in the marketplace risk raising expectations that cannot be satisfied, hence possibly aggravating perceptions of unfairness and discrimination. Special attention will need to be paid to adolescent girls to reduce their vulnerability to trafficking and gender-based violence.

Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment

The systematic discrimination and abuse of women is a strategic and deliberate tactic of a number of violent extremist groups. As the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict has written, “extremist groups like ISIL and Boko Haram view female bodies as vessels for producing a new generation that can be raised in their own image, according to their radical ideology.”42 Even before violent extremism has taken root, key indicators of the spread of extremist ideologies include increased discrimination against women and girls. That is why advocating for and reinforcing the equal rights of women and girls and ensuring that gender equality laws and policies are put in place and enforced, are important building blocks of an action plan to prevent violent extremism.

Engaging youth in building social activities

More than half of the world’s population is under the age of 30, and while most youth are peaceful, they nevertheless form the backbone of the world’s paramilitary and terrorist groups.44 violent extremism is thus disproportionally impacting young people, as they more easily get lured into radical thinking. The vulnerability of youth seems to be increasing as families lose control over the education and lifestyle of their children, in particular because young people increasingly move to urban areas in search of jobs. When societies fail to integrate youth in meaningful ways, young people are more likely to engage in political violence. Young people however do play an important positive role. Youth are already transforming their communities, countering violence and building peace. Yet their efforts remain largely

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invisible due to lack of adequate mechanisms for participation, and lack of opportunities to partner with decision-making bodies. UNDP’s work on youth therefore supports young men and women and their organizations as leaders and peace builders, as promoters of social cohesion in their communities and as actors for early warning and re-integration.

Promoting respect for human rights, diversity and a culture of global citizenship in schools

The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda pledges to foster inter-cultural understanding and an ethic of global citizenship, which means tolerance, respect for human rights and for different cultures, genders, religions and lifestyles. Education plays a key role in creating this ethic of global citizenship. UNDP will work with the education system including religious, public and private schools that are directly engaged in educating youth. Many religious schools operate unregulated and it is not always known whether their curricula promote global citizenship and respect for human rights or instead preach conservative sectarianism and contribute to radicalization.48 Experts have therefore called for the standardization of school curricula (including in religious schools) to prevent the radicalization of schoolchildren.

How to counter radicalism and violent extremism Following are the ways to counter violent extremism and radicalism globally:

1. We can counter Violent extremism and radicalism by giving higher to the youth

2. By Practicing zero tolerance to any support of violent extremism 3. By Building competence to understand the dynamics of radicalization4. By Encouraging social interaction and reflections on ideology

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5. Ensure good overview of what is going on in student networks and dissolve extremist networks if they occur.

QUESTIONS A RESOLUTION MUST ANSWER:1. Do the resolution addressing the effect of radicalism and extremism

globally? 2. How should the international committee deal with this conflict? 3. How can the world be free from radicalism and violent extremism? 4. How the existing threat cans be converted into relief?5. What are the steps that international committee has token to counter

violent extremism and radicalism 6. What should be done to solve the situation of extremist countries such

as Afghanistan, India, Libya, German and France?7. Different sort of actions that the international committee can take to

counter the situation.

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Suggestion for future research Your Dias panel has worked hard to put together a comprehensive study guide for you. However, the study guide is just a basic resource for you to develop an understanding of the issues. You must do further research to get into the depths. We are there to make sure you solve these issues as efficiently as possible and so if you have any question, please feel free to come up to us and ask.

POSITION PAPER REQUIREMENTS The position paper is required of all delegates and is a very important basis for your overall evaluation. For more information about how to write your position paper please look at the separate Guidelines posted on the TESMUN2075 website.

Closing Remark Delegates we know that preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalism is a complex topic to you that require high level of maturity to debate but we have faith on you delegates. We know that you will not upset

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us delegates but for that you need to research well don’t just focus on a single topic delegate the topic that we have choose for is very vast and dear delegates it will build up your knowledge delegates.


Dias Panel

References:1. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/01/02/10-conflicts-to-watch-in-2018/ 2. https://news.stanford.edu/2018/07/16/iraqi-citizens-used-rumors-

resistance-saddam-husseins-regime/3. http://guides.womenwin.org/gbv/conflict/context/defining-conflict-post-

conflict4. http://guides.womenwin.org/gbv/conflict/context/defining-conflict-post-


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