Terrigen Mist



Marvel add rules

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  • Terrigen Mist

    Source: Marvel RPG and more

    This substance can be used to mutate characters into super-powered beings, often with

    deformities but also with possible great powers.

    The Mist can be used on any character with an Endurance lower than Monstrous, that

    character may attempt a In Endurance check to avoid the effect.


    Physical stats are affected by rolling on the following table (no stat can be raised above


    Roll Physical Effect Mental Effect Powers Power Rank

    01-05 -2CS -3CS 1 Power Typical

    06-15 -1CS -2CS 1 Power Good

    16-60 No Effect -2CS 2 Powers Excellent

    61-80 +1CS -1CS 2 Powers Remarkable

    81-95 +2CS -1CS 3 Powers Incredible

    96-00 +3CS No Effect 4 Powers Amazing

    The mental stats are affected as shown in the second column. Intuition is affected somewhat


    01-30 -1CS

    31-60 No Change

    61-00 +1CS

    Then roll again to see how many powers the character gains. The powers are rolled on the

    powers table.

    They should have at least 1 physical power. The power rank is gained from the last column

    and then modified (not above Unearthly) by rolling again on the first column.

    Finally this process affects the characters memory of his previous life but this can be

    regained, slowly.
