Term 3 Week 5 - shoalbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · Premier Spelling Bee Congratulations to our...


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Last week the winners of our school Public Speaking Competition competed in the Hunter Inter-Schools Local Primary Public Speaking at various venues across Newcastle. Our representatives were:

Early Stage 1: Ahaan & Chloe

Stage 1: Bailey & Leon

Stage 2: Campbell & Evie

Stage 3: Ebony & Lily

A special congratulations to Bailey who won the stage 1 level of this competition and will now participate at the Hunter Inter-Schools Primary Public Speaking Final on Thursday 14th September. We all wish him the best of luck on the day.


Congratulations to all of our students who competed in the zone athletics carnivals last week. I was very pleased to receive some wonderful feedback from members of our school community. They spoke about the way in which our students demonstrated our core school values of respect, responsibility and excellence at these carnivals.

Premier Spelling Bee Congratulations to our spelling bee winners. Medallions will be handed out for the winners and certificates for the finalists of the spelling bee at the morning assembly on Wednesday, 16 August at 9.10am. The winner / runner up list: Kinder Rahf / Ahaan Y1 Daniel / Adelaide Y2 Josh / Aaliyah S2 Chelsea B / Nina R S3 Noah B / Cambell T DANCE 2Be FIT CONCERT

In week 9 of this term (11th September – 15th September) we will be holding our Dance 2Be Fit concert. Mr Lockey is busy getting all of the details finalised so please keep an eye out for notes and information in the coming weeks.


Our school is currently in the process of drafting a social media policy as an appendix to our student welfare policy. If you would like to be involved in the consultation with this process please join me on Monday 21st August at 9:30am.


Last week Ms Hewitt, Ms Grace and I attended the Connected To Country Professional Learning at Murrook Cultural Centre. We were privilege to be taken to a variety of sites around our area that hold cultural significance and to hear the stories from our local Aboriginal community.

2017 Term 3 Calendar

W5 Aug

15 ICAS Maths test

Aunty Peach Show 10-11am

16 Girls Basketball Gala Day

18 2D Assembly @ 2.30pm

W6 Aug: Book Week

21 THS CAPA Auditions

23 Nuf Nuf @ 1pm

24 THS Sports Trials

25 3/4G Assembly @ 2.30pm

W7 Aug-Sep

28-29 Macleans Bookfair

1 Father’s Day BBQ

1/2L Assembly @ 2.30pm

Wizard of OZ EOI

Please see the last page and

hand in your notes if you are interested in doing this with your children (Yrs 2-6 only)

Term 3 Week 5| Mon 14 Aug 2017



This  week  our  lessons  will  involve learning  about  Bus:  Respect:  Use good manners

Payments Due Amnt Due by

Resources per child $70 OVERDUE

S3 Excursion: 5th

payment $50 25 Aug

Auntie Peach show $8 OVERDUE

Kinder Excursion $28 28 Aug

Term 3 Week 5| Mon 14 Aug 2017


Last Wednesday Mr Lockey and Mrs Perry attended an English as a second language course. This course is the first in a series enabling teachers to gain further skills to effectively teach literacy and numeracy to students with English as their second language.


Last week there was once again some discussion in our community around our school bells and music. I will discuss the points raised with our staff this week. Our bells and music are an important part of our system for keeping children safe and need to be heard clearly across our school. If you would like to talk with me about our bells and music please make an appointment at our school office and I will be more than happy to chat with you.


Did you try last week’s idea with your family? We would love to hear how it went.

This week’s idea:

Explore the sensors with your family. While eating dinner ask how the food looks, tastes, feels, sounds and smells.

Canteen News Thank you to volunteers Sheila, Heather and Priya for all your help over the last week in the school canteen. Your help is greatly appreciated. We need more volunteers to help in the canteen this term, even if you only have an hour to spare. We need more volunteers every day! Please come and see me at the canteen if you are available (even on the day) or to be placed on the roster for another day. Without the help of volunteers, it can become very difficult for lunches to be ready on time and may result in less menu choices being available. Please ensure lunch orders are in by 9.10am each morning and don’t forget to write your name and class on your lunch order. “Eat Fresh & Win Canteen Campaign” Don’t forget to buy fresh fruit or menu items containing vegetables from the canteen. Please look at the posters displayed around the school and at the canteen for further information. Regards Belinda, Canteen Manager

Enrichment Group Poems … see all of them on our Facebook site




2/3H Marley, Daniel, Emily, Cooper

3/4B Charlie, Noah, Sari, Kingsley, Tahlia

3/4C Koa, Jody, Luke, Nicole, Jimi, Will

3/4G Indi, Riley, Kai, Zhara, Jessie

3/4N Jack, Evie, Lillie, Kelsley-May, Ava, Amya

4/5C James F, Simone, Carly, Vivien, Jaxon

5/6B Lexi, Hayden, Zach, Jack H, Emma

5/6H Caleb, Renan, Nash Josh, Olivia

5/6M Sienna, Riley, Liem, Chaeli, Noah B

Shoal Bay won the zone cross country

Taleah Dodd successful in making the Hunter Touch team after zone trials on Friday.

Posi ve Behaviour for Learning (PBL) At Shoal Bay Public School we demonstrate our PBL Values: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILTY and EXCELLENCE in all se ngs


Respect involves everyone being polite and respec ul to each other, their belongings and the environment. 

RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility involves being a dependable and reliable person that is commi ed to keeping themselves safe, following through their obliga ons and taking responsibility for their ac ons.  


Excellence involves everyone being ac ve learners who are prepared for learning and strive to achieve their personal best. 

Term 3 Week 5| Mon 14 Aug 2017

Term 3 Week 5| Mon 14 Aug 2017

Please return this form to the school office.

P&C Fun Run

We will be holding an adidas School Fun Run as a major fundraising event this year. The event will be held on Tuesday, 29 July within the school grounds.

The adidas School Fun Run is a healthy, fun and active fundraiser that en-sures we send the right message to our students about getting active, having fun and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The main focus of this

event is on participation. Family support is most appreciated as we en-courage all students to get involved.

All students will receive a Sponsorship Form today, to help collect spon-

sorship on behalf of the school. The funds raised will be used to pur-chase new play equipment for the Early Stage 1 playground.

We ask all parents to read the Sponsorship form and sign the front page

to grant permission for their child to fundraise and participate in this event. Students who raise just $10 or more will receive a reward for

their effort. In the

Sponsorship form you will also find many other benefits like the chance to win a family holiday to Disneyland! Students wanting to track their

progress and use online fundraising, can do so by logging onto schoolfun-run.com.au/students and creating a Student Profile Page.

Finally, we would like to welcome parents and family members to attend

the adidas School Fun Run event day at the school on Tuesday, 29 July to help cheer on our students. If you would like to volunteer to help

out on the day please contact the school on 4981 1007. Thank you, good luck and happy fundraising!

Cara Hudson, on behalf of the P&C.

Term 3 Week 5| Mon 14 Aug 2017

Term 3 Week 5| Mon 14 Aug 2017
