TERM 2 ONLINE LEARNING GUIDE · 2020-04-16 · your daily routine - roll call 8:45-9:00am •...


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YEARS 7-12



Dear Students In Term 2, we will move to online schooling, at least for the first five weeks. We know this may feel both exciting and challenging, and your teachers understand that each of you will have different emotions about this. Please be assured that your teachers and our staff are here to support you along the way. For those students who feel very comfortable working online, this document will help you to organise your schedule. For those who may find it more difficult, this document aims to explain some of the issues you may encounter. Within this document you will find information regarding:

1. Online learning – getting prepared 2. Your daily routine – roll call 3. Your daily routine – accessing lessons online (See links to two explanatory videos) 4. Your wellbeing 5. Getting help and communicating with your Teachers 6. Your responsibilities 7. What to remember – using Microsoft Teams 8. Contact details 9. A suggested daily routine

Connection is key! During this time, we will be delivering the following for parents and students:

• Regular “online” Assembly videos (both Senior and Junior Schools) • Newsletters • Social media stories – we are very keen for student photos/videos from home • Online information sessions and Q&A sessions with various staff members • Regular support for our boarders including twice-weekly staff check-ins, daily online prep

sessions, Sunday night assemblies, regular updates to parents via REACH • Events – we are exploring innovative and creative ways to continue to run as many of our

scheduled term events as possible, in the online space Your parents have also received a copy of the Term 2 Online Learning Guide for Parents. We are here to provide you with help and reassurance as we navigate the time together. Sincerely

Dr Carolyn Moores Director of Studies


1. ONLINE LEARNING – GETTING PREPARED Where will I be doing my schoolwork? You might have to work at your home, at your parent’s place of business or a relative’s house. If possible, try to have the one space, free from distractions, with good wireless connectivity to the internet. What online platforms will I be using? Students from Years 7-12 will be using a combination of the following: • Student Café: To access their daily Access Timetables + daily notices

• Microsoft Teams: To record attendance + face-to-face lessons (via video, audio)

• Moodle: To access resources and work tasks

• School email: To communicate with teachers

• You may also be required to use other subject-specific programs

Please note, we have structured our Junior School timetable to mirror the Senior School, so that breaks and learning periods are aligned.

8:45-9:00am Roll call 9:00-9:45am Period 1 9:45-10:30am Period 2 10:30-11:00am Morning Tea 11:00-12:00noon Period 3 12:00-1:00pm Period 4 - For Years 10-12, this period has been split into two to

allow greater access to teachers: 12:00-12:30pm and 12:30-1:00pm 1:00-2:00pm Lunch 2:00-2:45pm Period 5 2:45-3:30pm Period 6

Before the beginning of Term 2, you will need to start thinking about setting up for online learning. For those students who have limited or unreliable internet, packs have been mailed to your home address.

What will my daily routine look like? Your timetable of lessons will follow the same structure as the normal school day, see below:


Where can I find my daily timetable of lessons? You can view these video demonstrations that outlines how to read and understand your Access Timetable. Please check closely what compulsory lessons you have face-to-face via Microsoft Teams. It is important that you are familiar and confident with your daily Access Timetable and know when you have a face-to-face video or audio lessons, and when you can work on the tasks assigned independently. At the end of this document, you will find a sample routine that you might like to adapt for your circumstances. Your Form Teacher can also give advice on this important step. What materials will I need? In addition to a laptop or desktop, you should have your class notebooks, hard copy textbooks, stationery etc. Be ready for whatever the day’s lessons might require you to use.

You will also require a set of headphones to ensure minimal disruptions when in contact with your teachers. This will also help keep you focused with your studies.

You will find a copy of your Access Timetable in Student Café. Each Year Level will have their own Access Timetable.

Videos explaining how to use your Access Timetable:



YEAR 8 EXAMPLE (MIDDLE SCHOOL) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouef-DF8-PM



• Between 8:45 and 9:00am, log on to your respective Form Class Team (Microsoft Teams)

and put a comment such as the one below, to indicate you are present and working.

• Your Form Teacher will record your attendance. • If you haven’t logged on by 9:00am and registered that you are present, or we haven’t

heard from your family, your Form Teacher or someone in School Reception will be contacting you to check that you are okay.

• If you are unable to attend/participate online for the day due to personal reasons, your

parents are asked to inform the School via the current mechanisms/processes already in place.

Your Form teacher will ensure they mark their roll, as they would in a normal classroom, so make sure you are marked present!

Time Zones. If you live in a different time zone, please advise your teachers, or ask your parents to notify them on your behalf.



1. You have located your weekly Access Timetable in Student Café and understand your schedule.

2. You have messaged on Teams to indicate you are present for the day.

3. You have checked on Daily Notices for any teacher absences.

You are now ready to start your day. • Open your email and check your respective Teams and Moodle class pages, and look for

any important updates. • Online learning will require you to organise your learning and work consistently across

the course of the week. You will be assigned ‘lessons’ you would normally have for each subject during that two-week cycle. Expect to spend the same amount of time that you would in a normal school week.

• Please note that Teachers for your year level will continue to work together to ensure that

the quantity and range of work set is similar across classes in each year level.

• At times, your teachers will be assigning and checking work and providing feedback as appropriate.

• If you are not completing work, handing in assessment or joining lessons when required, parents will be informed by email or phone call.

TOP TIP! Watch this short video which explains how to understand your Access Timetable. If you are in Years 7-19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouef-DF8-PM

If you are in Years 10-12 https://youtu.be/kiZuyOTFWTY

Remember these three important things to start your day:



Managing screen time – finding balance Screen time refers to the amount of time a user spends on a device to access on-screen activities. There are limits as to the amount of time everyone should spend online, but the amounts and the rules for screen time vary by age. Screen time used for schooling should be considered separate to that used for social and emotional enjoyment. Digital citizenship and online safety As a student at Townsville Grammar School, you are well versed in digital citizenship and online safety. It is important that you maintain safe and responsible use of information and communication technologies whilst participating in your online learning environment. This includes the appropriate use of digital platforms, privacy and information protection, respectful communication and how to deal with online issues.

It is important to remember that you are responsible for your actions online, as has always been the case when using technology at school. The Internet, Email & Computer Network Acceptable Use Agreement is on page 139 of your Student Diary (which you have read and signed at the beginning of the year). TOP TIPS!

You are responsible for your actions online, as would normally be the case when using School technology. Remember to read Section 6 – Your Responsibilities, for a reminder on what to do during a video (face-to-face) lesson.

It is important that you find time to exercise and spend time with family – ensuring a healthy balance between eating, resting, doing school work, exercising and reflection.


5. GETTING HELP AND COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR TEACHERS Students are asked to: • Put all of their questions into one email for a particular teacher, rather than send a

separate email for each question. • Send one email per subject – rather than sending multiple questions for multiple subjects

to the one teacher.

How to write an email If you are experiencing difficulties understanding what you are required to do in a lesson/task/subject, outside of the face-to-face sessions, you can email your teacher. When writing your email, please remember: • Always start with “Dear (teacher’s title and surname)” and finish with “Kind regards” or

“Thank you.”

• Remember that your teachers are still delivering multiple classes on line throughout the day, so they may not be able to respond to your question as quickly as they could if you were in the classroom.

Below is a sample email:


If we show patience, kindness and understanding to one another, we will have a very productive online learning environment.

Dear Mrs Smith I’ve tried to do my Science work for this week (Lesson 3) but I’m confused about what I need to do with question 2. Can you please tell me:

- Do I need to write a whole paragraph, or will a sentence be enough? - Do I need to give the paragraph/sentence a title?

Thank you John

Please remember that your Teachers will be managing many classes online and therefore, they may not always be able to respond to your emails immediately.



You are encouraged to:

• Ensure you record your attendance each day (roll call) via Microsoft Teams.

• Follow the daily schedule provided and establish a routine for learning. (Access Timetables are available from Student Cafe).

• Identify a safe, comfortable, quiet space where you can work effectively.

• Monitor the digital platforms – Teams, Moodle, Student Cafe, and communicate via School email to check for information and feedback from teachers.

• Complete tasks with integrity and academic honesty, doing your best work.

• Do your best to meet timelines, commitments, and due dates.

• Communicate proactively with your teachers if you cannot meet deadlines or require additional support.

• Be aware of the appropriate behaviour when participating in face-to-face video lessons (see below).


7. WHAT TO REMEMBER – USING MICROSOFT TEAMS (VIDEO) Microsoft Teams provides a way for you to interact with your teachers, in the same respectful way that takes place in physical classrooms. Text interactions on this platform should not contain emojis, abbreviations or relate to anything other than school work. If a teacher uses Teams to set up a video call with you individually, a small group or your whole class, please ensure you have read and understand the following: Wear appropriate clothing and be appropriately groomed.

Be punctual and keep to the Access Timetable.

Check the background. Set up your device within your home or workspace so that it has

an appropriate background. Please do not ever take a video call in your bedroom.

Do not use Teams to video or audio call another student. There are many private social

media messaging services for that purpose. All your interactions on Teams (text, audio

and video) are logged and monitored by your teachers.

If your behaviour is inappropriate, or you are situated in an inappropriate location, you

may be asked to leave the video meeting and your parents will be contacted.

Teachers will only communicate with students during school hours, 8:30am-3:30pm.

TOP TIPS! Microsoft Teams is only for school work. Please use other private social media messaging platforms for communicating with other students on video or audio. Remember - all your interactions on Microsoft Teams (text, audio and video) are logged and monitored by your teachers.

Please remember that everything you do online in any of the learning spaces we are setting up can be seen by your teachers and other students.



Put all of your questions into one email for a particular teacher, rather than send a

separate email for each question. Send one email per subject – rather than sending multiple questions for multiple subjects

to the one teacher.

Please be patient, remembering your teachers are busy with managing online classes throughout the day and may not be able to respond as quickly as you might expect.

• If you receive Learning Support, staff will be available to answer your questions via email. • If there is a technical problem with access to any of the platforms we use, please email


• Your parents have been advised that they should email the relevant teacher or staff member if you need to help regarding any academic, pastoral, co-curricular, sporting, counselling, or any other aspect of your learning.

You are able to email your Teachers using your School email, however, please remember to:



TIME ACTION NOTES By 7:00am Wake up Eat breakfast, get dressed, make your bed

and organise your room. 7:45 - 8:15am Daily Exercise Get your heart rate up and walk, swim or ride

your bike. 8:30 - 8:45am Get organised for the

day Gather your materials, revise your schedule using Student Café, and ready yourself for the day ahead!

8:45-9:00am Roll Call Log into Microsoft Teams, find your Form Class Team and register your attendance.

9:00-9:45am Period 1 9:45-10:30am Period 2 10:30 – 11:00am Morning Tea

Make a healthy food choice; have a big drink of water and sit in the sun for a few minutes only while you eat. Exposure to the sun means lots of Vitamin D.

11:00am-12:00pm Period 3 12:00-1:00pm Period 4 1:00-2:00pm Lunch Make your lunch – try to choose something

healthy! Remember to have another drink of water and enjoy some downtime – maybe listen to some music or read a book. Do a quick mental checklist of what you have completed so far today and plan your afternoon.

2:00-2:45pm Period 5 2:45-3:30pm Period 6 3:30 – 4:30pm Rest and assess Take some time for yourself and call a friend

or check your email and text messages. Reflect on your day and your level of productivity!

4:30 – 5:30pm Afternoon Activities Get outside in the fresh air for a while as you’ve been inside for most of the day! Offer to help do some chores to help out around the house.

5:30 - 7:00pm Dinner Sit with your family, enjoy your dinner and a chat about the day.

7:00pm Rest and Relaxation Some ‘you’ time! You’ve earned it! Put your device on charge in the family room, have a shower and get ready for bed. Read a book or listen to your favourite ‘Mindfulness’ app. Turn off the light and go to sleep.
