Tenerife October 8 till October 12 2011 Main meal


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October 8 till October 12 2011

Hollands favoured diner:


Main meal

Hutspot has a long traditional history of Dutch cuisine.

According to legend, the recipe came from thecooked bits of potato left behind by hastily departing Spanish soldiers during their Siege of Leiden in 1574 during the Eighty Year's War, when the liberators breached the dikes of the lower lying polders surrounding the city. This flooded all the fields around the city with around a foot of water. As there were few, if any, high points, the Spanish soldiers camping in the fields were essentially flushed out.

The anniversary of this event, known as Leidens Ontzet, is still celebrated every October 3 in Leiden and by Dutch expatriates the world over. Traditionally, the celebration includes consumption of a lot of "Hutspot met klapstuk/stooflap" (Hotchpotch with chuck roast/beef shoulder chops).

In the next slides you get to know more ingredients of this dish.

History of Hutspot

Class 6 A of the primary school St. Willibrordus is ready to give a hand.



You need potatoes … Lots of potatoes …

How many?

Peeling potatoes is a tough job.

How does it look?

Wich vegetable do we also need?

Why all those tears?

Everyone is sad…

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We need carrots!

Peel and make little pieces.

Use a knife or …Use a machine

from grandmother.How does it work???

Potatoes, carrots and onions in the pan.

Add some water and cook them all together.

Add salt as you wish.

After 20 minutes its done.

Butter and milk


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Jamie enjoys her meal.

The main dish is ready.

“Enjoy your diner!”In dutch:

“Smakelijk eten!”

Cas loves hutspot with sausage…

Knife and spoon. Pfff…. a hot meal.

Ingrediënts for 4 persons: 2 kg. potatoes 2 or 3 big onions 1 kg. carrots 300 ml. milk Butter A teaspoon nutmeg Salt and pepper

