Tendai Turtle’s Granny has hurt her shell and Mum and Dad


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Nasrin Siege Subi Bosa Job Mubinya



ISBN 9781928497844

Tendai Turtle’s Granny has hurt her shell and Mum and Dad have to go

to help her.

“Come stay with me,”says Tendai’s best friend Busi Bunny, and the fun begins.

Come stay with mebookdash.org

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Come stay with me

Every child should own a hundred books by the age of five. To that end, Book Dash gathers creative professionals who volunteer to create new, African storybooks that anyone can freely translate and distribute. To find out more, and to download beautiful, print-ready books, visit bookdash.org.

Nasrin Siege Subi Bosa Job Mubinya

Come stay with meIllustrated by Subi BosaWritten by Nasrin SiegeDesigned by Job MubinyaEdited by Nabeela Kallawith the help of the Book Dash participants in Johannesburg on 26 October 2019.

ISBN: 978-1-928497-84-4

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Come stay with me

Tendai Turtle lives in the water.

Tendai’s best friend is Bunny Busi. She lives in a tree.

Granny Turtle has hurther shell.

“Come stay with me,”calls Busi.

“We have to go to help Granny,”says Mum.

Tendai stays with Bunny Busi in the tree.

They play all day.

They sleep all night.

Mum and Dad come back with Granny.

“How are you, Granny?”asks Tendai.

“We fixed her shell,” answers Mum.

“I am better now,”says Granny with a smile.

Granny gives Tendai her favourite flute.

Tendai plays the flute and everybody dances.
