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  • 10/14/2013


    Ten Look Alike RashesMichelle DiBaise,


    Associate Clinical Professor

    NAU PA Program

    Facial Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Facial Rash

    Case 1

    28 year female

    Progressive development of erythematous facial lesions x 6 months

    Scaling, atrophy, and follicular plugging noted

    Case 2

    44 year old male

    Rash and fine flaking on face, in the ears, scalp, and chest x 1 year

    No pruritis

  • 10/14/2013


    Facial Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

  • 10/14/2013


    Facial Rash

    Discoid Lupus Seborrheic Dermatitis

    Facial Rash

    Case 1

    ANA (NAP)

    Punch biopsy for H&E and DIF

    Treatment: Sun protection Hydroxychloroquine Corticosteroids and

    other immunomodulators

    Case 2

    Topical shampoos and creams:


    Selenium sulfide


    Zinc pyrithione

    Salicylic acid

    Extensor Surface Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

  • 10/14/2013


    Extensor Surface Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    52 year old male

    Small tear drop

    plaques with silvery white scale

    Elbows, knees,

    buttocks/sacral area

    Minimally pruritic

    23 year old male

    Multiple excoriations

    with occasional vesicle

    Elbows, knees,

    buttocks/sacral area

    Very pruritic

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    Extensor Surface Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Extensor Surface Rash

    Guttate PsoriasisDermatitis Herpetiformis

    Extensor Surface Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Can be precipitated

    by strep infection

    Treat strep infection



    Vitamin D analogues


    Manifestation of Gluten enteropathy(Celiac disease)

    Biopsy for IgA

    Serum antibodies for Celiac

    Gluten free diet


  • 10/14/2013


    New Lesion

    Case 1 Case 2

    New Lesion

    Case 1 Case 2

    52 year old female

    Lesion developed rapidly over 4 months

    Otherwise asymptomatic

    63 year old male

    Lesion developed slowly over the past 18 months

    Occasionally bleeds when traumatized

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    New Lesion

    Case 1 Case 2

    New LesionAmelanoticMelanoma

    Basal Cell Carcinoma

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    New Lesion

    Case 1 Case 2

    Biopsy if uncertain of diagnosis

    Follow up with excision

    Referral to: Mohs surgeon


    Follow up every 3 months for the first year

    Biopsy or excision initially depending on size of lesion

    Follow up every 6 12 months for skin exam

    Itchy Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Itchy Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    49 year old male

    Indurated, pruritic plaques with cigarette paper appearance

    Developed over the course of the past 2 years

    Unresponsive to topical steroids

    68 year old male

    Non-indurated, pruritic plaques

    KOH negative

    Comes and goes

    Worse in humid weather

  • 10/14/2013


    Itchy Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

  • 10/14/2013


    Itchy RashCTCL (Mycosis Fungoides) Nummular Eczema

    Itchy Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Biopsy with T cell


    Sezary cell count once CTCL

    confirmed on biopsy

    Referral to oncology

    Check feet and groin for underlying fungal infection (Id reaction)

    Treat underlying infection Topical steroids to

    nummular dermatitis Emollients Tar preparations Topical immunomodulators Phototherapy

    Drug Reaction?

    Case 1 Case 2

  • 10/14/2013


    Drug Reaction?

    Case 1 Case 2

    78 year old female

    Lesions present for 15 months, never migrate nor disappear

    Stop all medications and re-introduction one at a time

    No change in rash

    History of CML

    28 year old female

    Lesions present, migrate and disappear within 24 hours

    Mild pruritis

  • 10/14/2013


    Drug Reaction?

    Case 1 Case 2

    Drug Reaction?

    Leukemia Cutis Acute Urticaria

    Drug Reaction?

    Case 1 Case 2


    Referral to oncology

    Attempt to identify allergen

    Remove offending agent

    H1 blockers


    IM steroids

  • 10/14/2013


    Eyelid Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Eyelid Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    23 year old female

    Dry, flaky, itchy rash

    on eyelids x 2 months

    Occasionally burns

    or stings

    History of allergic


    52 year old male

    Discoloration in

    periorbital area x 6 months

    Noted difficulty

    walking up stairs and carrying groceries

  • 10/14/2013


    Eyelid Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Eyelid Rash

    Eczema Dermatomyositis

  • 10/14/2013


    Eyelid Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Consider patch testing for allergic contact dermatitis

    Apply emollients


    Avoid irritants


    ANA (NAP)

    CK and aldolase


    Muscle biopsy



    Acneiform Eruption

    Case 1 Case 2

    Acneiform Eruption

    Case 1 Case 2

    54 year old male

    Pruritic papules on

    the chest and upper back x 3 weeks

    Mineral oil scraping

    negative for mites or scybala

    16 year old male

    Papules and pustules on chest and upper back x 1 year

    Some lesions are tender

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    Acneiform Eruption

    Case 1 Case 2

  • 10/14/2013


    Acneiform Eruption

    Grovers Disease (Transient Acantholytic Dermatosis) Acne Vulgaris

    Acneiform Eruption

    Case 1 Case 2 Usually self-limited

    Avoid activities that trigger flares

    High potency topical corticosteroids

    Moisturizers and emollients

    Antihistamines Vitamin D analogues

    Antibacterial soap

    Topical retinoid

    Topical antibiotic

    Benzoyl peroxide

    If no improvement consider oral antibiotics


    Case 1 Case 2

  • 10/14/2013



    Case 1 Case 2 18 year old female Oval circumscribed area of

    induration with a waxy, ivory color surrounded by a violaceous halo over the lateral malleolus

    Initially the lesion was erythematous before the current appearance

    The center is atrophic Lesion has been present for

    6 months

    12 year old male

    Macular depigmentation on left side of neck

    No induration or atrophy noted

    Appears to have follicular repigmentation at the periphery

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    Case 1 Case 2


    Morphea Vitiligo


    Case 1 Case 2 Biopsy to confirm if

    there is a doubt in the diagnosis

    ANA (NAP)

    Emollients, topical corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues

    Possible physiotherapy if contractures across the joint line

    Association with other autoimmune disorders: Thyroid disease, pernicious

    anemia, SLE, Type I DM, and Addisons disease

    TSH, FBG

    Topical corticosteroids Topical calcineurin

    inhibitors UV therapy Skin grafting Depigmentation

  • 10/14/2013


    Pustular Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Pustular Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    36 year old female

    Multiple, firm, white lesions x 9 months

    Periorbital area

    Otherwise asymptomatic

    53 year old male Blisters that easily

    rupture, scarring and firm white lesions on the dorsum of the hands especially after sun exposure

    Hirsutism on the cheeks and forearms

    Patient has a history of heavy alcohol use

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    Pustular Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Pustular Rash

    MiliaPorphyria CutaneaTarda

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    Pustular Rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Extraction with needle or 11-blade and comedoneextractor

    Topical retinoid

    Associated with excess alcohol consumption, estrogen use, hepatic siderosis, hepatitis C, HIV, and smoking

    Test urine and/or plasma porphyrins

    Repeated phlebotomy Hydroxychloroquine if

    phlebotomy not tolerated

    Hyperpigmented rash

    Case 1 Case 2

    Hyperpigmented rash

    Case 1 Case 2 18 year old male Grayish-blue, hyper-

    keratotic papules, located on the chest x 8 months

    Lesions coalesce to form plaques centrally and a net-like pattern peripherally

    KOH negative Otherwise asymptomatic

    18 year old male

    Hyperpigmented, velvety plaques on the chest and back

    Worse when weather is hot and humid

    Has re-occurred over the past three summers

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    Hyperpigmented rash

    Case 1 Case 2

  • 10/14/2013


    Hyperpigmented rashConfluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis of Gougerot and Carteaud

    HyperpigmentedTinea Versicolor

    Hyperpigmented rash

    Case 1 Case 2


    Keratolytic agents

    Oral, and topical forms of vitamin A

    Oral and topical retinoids

    Topical mupirocin

    70% alcohol swabbing

    KOH shows hyphae and spores (spaghetti and meatballs)

    Malassezia species

    Topical antifungals:


    Topical terbinafine

    Topical ciclopirox

    Selenium sulfide

    Systemic therapy:



    Reserved for patients with recalcitrant tinea versicolor or widespread disease

    References DelRosso, J.Q. (2011). Adult seborrheic dermatitis: a status

    report on practical topical management. Journal of Aesthetic Dermatology,4(5), 32-38.

    Emedicine: emedicine.medscape.com

    Habif, T.P. (2010). Clinical Dermatology, 5th Ed., Mosby, elsevier, Inc.

    Wolff, K., Johnson, R.A., & Saavedra, A. (2013). Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill Professional.

    UpToDate: uptodate.com
