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1 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

2 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit How to create your own private peer group and accomplish

things you’ve never been able to accomplish before

Copyright 2006

Shawn Frey

First Printing October 2009 NO-NONSENSE PUBLICATIONS

14729 McClure Douds, IA 52551 641-936-4707

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or

other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent, professional person should be sought.

From a declaration of principles jointly adopted by a committee of the American Bar Association and committee of publishers.

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by the copyright law without the permission of the owner is unlawful.

3 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

I Had a Very Bad Dream Today

An Introduction to Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

am, for the moment, alive and well

as any other sales trainer. But I feel I

am being stalked by customers, the

boss, vendors, fellow employees and

increasingly fragmented selling

opportunities. And they’re all gunning

for my life. Sales competition rides

rampant across the landscape of

America, putting greater-than-ever

pressure on sales people to produce


Today I will teach you how to produce

such results.   

It’s all about making the connection. With your customers, your peers, and the boss to create profitable selling

situations. In other words you want to find yourself doing the right thing at the right time in the right way.


4 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

For you to do this you need to:

✓ Connect with customers to uncover additional sales and referral opportunities.

✓ Connect with peers to discover techniques and ideas that can be turned into cash.

✓ Connect with the boss to show your loyalty and commitment.

Here’s exactly how to do it:

1. Put together a group of peers that you can plug into. Examine whom you would like to work more

closely with.

2. Find a conference call service that has detailed billing and great customer service. DO NOT skimp


3. Elect someone from your group to be the call facilitator. This is very important. The facilitator is

ultimately responsible for the results of the group.   

4. Establish a list of call conditions and expectations. Each participant needs to know what is expected.

5. Elect a scribe for your group. This person will record the call, write detailed notes, and distribute

them to the group. 

6. Set an agenda for each call. Engage the participants for future call ideas and agenda items.

7. Begin your first conference call ASAP. It should be like a group of friends sharing stories over


It’s really not that hard.

This concept has been tested and refined since November 17, 2003.

5 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

The results speak for themselves:

✓ Discounting one low performer who sells right around the baseline, the other five reps who went

directly onto the conference call after joining the company are selling at 170% of baseline

expectations. The two experienced reps on the team are selling at 133% and 123% of previous

performance; one of them is now achieving an astonishing 486% of baseline.

✓ Created $106,000 in new revenues in the first year, on small ticket orders with an average sale of

only $95! (companies whose items cost more can expect a far larger increase in revenues)—that

means approximately 1,116 new, unpredicted sales.

✓ Recruitment cost savings of $14,000 by encouraging associates to recruit enthusiastically through

their existing contacts.

✓ Retention rate for this group is now 87%, compared to 10% before the program was instituted.

Sales communication and technology are changing, and so must sales people if we will live to see another day.

Will you change with the times? Or will you continue to wear the blindfold of yesterday’s sales “professional”

wondering if you’ll ever wake up from your bad dream?

6 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Table of Contents Introduction 9 ..........................................................................................................

Why I began conference calling 10 .................................................................

Six magic questions... 11 .....................................................................................

...Six magic answers 12 .......................................................................................

How to begin 14 ......................................................................................................

Where to end 17 ......................................................................................................

What to leave out 19 .............................................................................................

No-Nonsense Conference Decree 21 ..............................................................

Welcome to the Conference 23 .........................................................................

No-Nonsense Conference 1st Meeting 24 ..................................................

No-Nonsense Conference Ongoing Meeting Schedule 25 .....................

What is motivation? 28 .........................................................................................

How to create a peer group that bonds 29 .................................................

Call Scribe Example: 31 ........................................................................................

Who should be conference calling? 35 ........................................................

WARNING 37 ..............................................................................................................

Get Started 38..........................................................................................................

7 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Here’s what Barry Harper, President and CEO of Harper Brush had to say about the calls I facilitated for


From: Shawn Frey [] Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:08 AM To: Barry HarperSubject: Re: Labor Day Request


Good Morning Barry,


Just dropping you a little reminder about your thoughts on the conference calls we used to do.


Thanks so much for your help and would love to visit with you about the project sometime when we're both in



All the best, 




My comments are as follows:


You always did a good job with your follow up notes to the group.  The agenda was set well in advance of the

call so everyone could be prepared. 

8 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

I liked the quote/inspiration that was given by each group member on a rotating basis at the end of the

meeting.  You did a really good job of getting everyone to participate and keeping those who wanted to

dominate the conversation in check.  Having a focused topic each call worked well.


You did a great job of building the group dynamics and created a social network for the independent

distributors who needed something like this.


Good luck,


9 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Introduction t is my honor and privilege to share this knowledge with you. Having worked as a field sales

professional since 1992 and a sales trainer and recruiter from 1999 - 2007, you will find this information

useful, real, and provable. 


On November 17, 2003 I discovered an emerging technology that links people and there ideas together fun

fun and profit.

This low-cost technology can be used to increase sales and maximize efficiencies throughout multiple



I am now ready to allow your organization access to this private research.


You will be taught practical lessons that apply directly to making money in your business. This won’t be some

pipe-smoking professor’s point of view. You’re going to get what’s real, what works and more importantly you

will learn why it works.


10 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Why I began conference calling t all started because I needed answers.

Like all people in business I was looking for a solution to my problem.

My problem was 5-fold:

1) I needed a cost-effective way to offer continuation training and support to new sales people.

2) I wanted to stimulate and motivate existing sales people and connect with them on an emotional


3) I wanted to create a positive environment for caring and sharing, a place where we could share

ideas that mattered with people who cared.

4) At the same time I wanted to find a way to spring board recruiting efforts.

5) And finally, I wanted to develop a mini research organization to test new products and concepts.

On November 17th, 2003 I discovered an emerging technology that I thought might help me with my 5-fold

problem. The technology I discovered was called conference calling.

Done right, conference calling allows you to link people and their ideas together for fun and profit. Since

January 3, 2004 I have dedicated part of my career to researching and perfecting the use of this technology.

This cost-cutting know-how can be used to increase sales and maximize efficiencies throughout multiple



11 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Six magic questions... n the one hand conference calling is an interesting technology. It's very easy to use and almost anyone

can do it. It’s also cheap, which makes it very attractive from a pure financial standpoint.

On the other hand conference calling can be difficult to manage. It can also be a time drain and trying to make

someone accountable for the call and results of the call can be frustrating.

Can I ask you 6 simple questions?

1. Do you need to slash sales expenses?

2. Do you need help recruiting sales people?

3. Do you need product R & D?

4. Do you want to grow sales?

5. Do you need an increase in morale and motivation among your sales people?

6. Would you like to strengthen loyalty and build commitment within your organization?


12 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

...Six magic answers o you need to slash sales expenses? No, you do not! You need to increase personal effectiveness and

increase overall efficiencies. Starting and maintaining a conference call will help you do this.

Do you need help recruiting good salespeople? I do not know one company who could not use more people

spreading the word. I’m not talking about spending more money on recruiting ads that don’t work, I’m talking

about rewarding your conference call participants for bringing in others. If you don’t have a recruiting by

referral strategy you need to get one, now!

How about product R&D? Your conference call participants can be a terrific source of real world knowledge for

testing new products and finding new uses for current products.

Your members will share a pride like you’ve never seen before as they tell real stories about your products that

no “lab” would ever discover.

Do you want to grow sales? Of course you do and conference calling is the perfect tool to help you do so.

Do you need an overall increase in morale and motivation? Done right conference calling really shines here.

Once you’ve got some momentum with your group they will begin to feed off each other and bring themselves

to new heights. It’s really fun to watch and see.

How about strengthening loyalty and building commitment? If all conference calling did were build trust and

good will for your organization, would it be worth it? You bet it would! However your group will do far more.


13 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Like increasing honest and open communication with fellow

members. It can give you complete satisfaction for a job well


The benefits to this group go far beyond the additional dollars

to the bottom-line. There is camaraderie among the participants.

It’s peer-to-peer and one-on-one. Like a group of friends sharing

stories over breakfast.

14 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

How to begin  hat is a No-Nonsense Conference?


A No-Nonsense Conference is a group of 4 but no more than 7 members whom meet twice monthly at pre-

determined times by telephone.


This core group discusses a variety of topics like:

opening new accounts, referral selling, prospecting,

specific product applications, specific customer

challenges, unique selling situations and much,

much more.


Here's exactly how to create your own No-Nonsense Conference:

1. Pick 4-7 motivated individuals and tell them about the NNC concept. It’s by invitation only!

2. Hire a conference call service

3. Assemble a list of agenda items

4. Create a list of protocols

5. Create an email distribution list of the participants

6. Elect a call leader

7. Elect someone to be the groups scribe

15 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

8. Set a date for the first call

 Let’s cover the above points in finer detail:


Picking the NNC team players: Do you work with independent minded individuals? These folks are typically the

toughest to manage; the good news is they are self-starters. The bad news is they hate someone telling them

what to do. Your NNC can be a forum for them to discuss ideas in a way that motivates and inspires others.

The independent personality is the one who usually benefits most from the NNC. Why? Because these folks are

usually working on there own all day, all week and all month. This forum gives them the opportunity to

connect and get reenergized with the company and their fellow comrades.


When you are talking with a potential player about joining your NNC you might try this proven approach:

“The company has recently discovered a technology that links people and their ideas together for fun and

profit. We’re now ready to allow 4 but no more than 7 individuals access to this private research. Would you

like us to consider you for one of the spots?”


Hiring a conference call service: Let’s look at the hard costs of creating a NNC: Conference call minutes will

cost approximately 7 cents per minute per caller. You will have a maximum of 7 callers. Each call will last at

least 60 minutes. You will have 2 calls per month. That’s a total of 840 minutes per month 840 x .7 for a total

expenditure of $58.80 per month. That’s about the cost of you personally taking each player to coffee once a

month and picking up the tab.   


Agenda Items: You will need about an hour each month to create and research specific agenda items. This

should be creative, unrestricted time. Feel free to call on your NNC members for input.   


Elect a call leader: Very important. This NNC team member will assist you in leading the call, researching

agenda items, and championing those ideas.

16 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit


Elect a scribe: To record, type, and distribute the call notes. Have the scribe capture the email addresses of

each of the participants and create a NNC distribution list.


Set a time and have your first call: Get excited and build the momentum! You will need about 3 hours each

month to facilitate the calls.  

17 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Where to end hy where to end here?


Answer: Because where one thing ends, another begins. It’s a universal law that cannot be broken. Here’s

what my Webster’s Dictionary says about the word end: 


end n. the terminal point at which something concludes; the point in time at which something ceases; a goal.


Very interesting, they put the word goal with the word end. Let’s see what they say about the word goal.


goal n. A purpose; the terminal point of a race or journey; in some games, the area, space, or object into

which participants must direct play in order to keep score.


Hmmm how ideal for your No-Nonsense Conference to begin with the end. Now we have a reference point.

Now we are free to be creative.


I’d like you to answer four questions before we go any further. Please take a separate sheet of paper to answer

these questions. Be honest with yourself and take as much time as you wish. 


1. When you end your inaugural NNC call how do you want to feel?

2. How do you currently get your sense of importance with the players you are suggesting for your


3. What’s going to have to happen at the end of 12 months for your NNC players to be glad they

participated in this venture with you?


18 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

4. What needs to happen in your professional life within the next 12 months for you to be able to pop

that cork on the Champaign bottle?

Congratulations! You’ve got a roadmap to where your NNC is going to take you. Good luck on your journey.

Buckle up and hang on, I predict it’s going to be a wild ride. 

19 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

What to leave out our NNC is all about sharing ideas that matter with people who care.


First, let’s talk about ideas and information: Your NNC is not going to be limited to one idea or one piece

of information. You will pick and choose what you want to talk about. As a group you can reach a general

consensus quickly, which is much easier than dwelling on a subject all day or all week.

The information you share will be valuable. It will be valuable to you as the NNC facilitator and valuable to your

call participants. Players will have their own takeaways from each meeting.    


People who care: Your members are the most important part of each call. Without them you do not have a

group. Why would someone want to participate? Like all of us your participants are looking for answers. Those

answers can and will come from a variety of sources.

The key is to let the answers come. If your call goes off on a tangent, let it go. If the beagle starts chasing a

rabbit, let it go. Do not leash the beagle. More often than not the beagle will return with the rabbit... and the

answer your group was looking for.

It’s absolutely amazing, but when you put together a group that works well together, they can bring together

an amazing level of positive energy and git’er done attitude. This is what you want!          


I want you to forget about hype, empty promises and rehashed information. Nobody believes any of it

anymore. What you need are real ideas, concepts and a key that will unlock the door to the answers you are

seeking. Done right, your NNC will unlock that door. But, I will warn you right now. Do not expect too much to

fast. If you do you will be disappointed. I will not be held responsible for this disappointment. I did not create

the problems you are currently experiencing.


20 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

If you want an instant fix, forget it! These problems can sometimes take months or years to correct. If you’ve

only got a few weeks or a few months to correct your problems the NNC in not for you. If fact the NNC will

probably be just one more bill you can’t pay. However, if you are committed, if you have the staying power and

if you can create a loyalty among your NNC members you will create a group that can unlock many doors and

help you answer many previously unanswered questions.             

I also want you to forget about rules. I’m not talking about obvious rules. I’m talking about rules for your

group. You want to create an environment of freedom and creativity. A place where your players have a sense

of belonging in a community that listens.


There are only a few rules for you, as the facilitator to follow. Let’s cover them on the following page.

21 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

No-Nonsense Conference Decree 1. To be eligible to participate in a company led NNC you must be invited by the facilitator or be

sponsored by a participating NNC team member. There are no exceptions!

2. Meetings start and end on time.

3. Meeting attendance is mandatory unless previously excused by facilitator.

4. Facilitator will be moderator, timekeeper, and head cheerleader.

5. We’re not creating another full time job—we’re asking each participant to get in the game, act

positively and be engaged in the process.

6. This is a meeting to focus on growing a business.  There will be no visitors giving marketing

updates, corporate updates or other such information.

7. A designated scribe will record the commitments made by each individual and distribute to the

facilitator and all participants. 

8. Group size is limited to seven participants and one facilitator.

9. Each participant will have a “buddy”. This is someone to whom each person can be personally

accountable. If there is an even number of participants, it’s simple. If the group has an odd number of

participants, then the facilitator will buddy up with one of the participants. Buddies agree to speak

once between meetings and encourage each other to take action and deliver on their commitments.


22 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

10. The goal is to learn from each other, confront challenges together, and celebrate activities and


11. It must be FUN. The facilitator is responsible for making it fun. Gag gifts, recognition and laughter

are the rules of the day.

23 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Welcome to the Conference he No-Nonsense Conference is a dynamic opportunity for you to grow your business, solve

problems, and maintain a focused effort on business building activities.


No-Nonsense Conference


Definition: A No-Nonsense Conference is a group of 4 but no more than 7 members whom meet twice

monthly at pre-determined times by telephone.


Purpose: To enhance the skills of current individuals who are involved with the company and to assist the

company in training new individuals.


To be eligible to participate in a company led NNC you must be invited by the facilitator or be sponsored by a

participating NNC team member. There are no exceptions!


Game plan: A biweekly one hour conference call facilitated by (insert your name here).


This group meets every other Monday at (insert your time here).


24 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

No-Nonsense Conference 1st Meeting Welcome and Roll Call – Facilitator                 2-3 minutes


Present (P), Excused Absence Pre-arranged (A), Missing (M)                           


Recap last week’s call – Call leader                      3-5 minutes


Individual responsibilities – Facilitator                36-54 minutes


Closure / Inspirational Minute – Facilitator       2-3 minutes


Confirm next meeting date, day, time

End on a high note – Call leader                        2-3 minutes


TOTAL CALL TIME: 60-70 minutes


25 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

No-Nonsense Conference Ongoing Meeting Schedule Welcome and Roll Call – Facilitator                            2-3 minutes


Present (P), Pre-arranged absent (A), Missing (M)


Recap last week’s call – Call leader                            3-5 minutes


Individual Updates – Facilitator                            36-54 minutes


1. Prior week highlights (What happened?)

Who did you see?

What went well?

What didn’t go well?

What are the challenges with this account?

What help do you need from fellow NNC team players?

What’s the next step?


1. This Week Actions (What is going to happen?)

Who are you going to call? (Pick new opportunities-list specific accounts)

When are you going to call? (Date, day and time)

What are you going to say? (Call objective)


Closure / Inspirational Minute – Designee                 2-3 minutes


26 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Confirm next meeting date, day, time

End on a high note – Call leader                             2-3 minutes


TOTAL CALL TIME            60-70 minutes


The time has come to make your inaugural NNC call. I will attempt to answer some frequently asked questions



1. What day of the week should I plan my calls? Monday’s or Tuesday’s because it’s always good to

start the week off right.

2. What time of day should I hold the calls? It’s ideal to hold your calls either early in the morning or

later in the evening. You do not want to cut into precious working hours with customers.

3. Can you suggest some first call agenda items? Yes, a good first agenda is to ask your participants

what they would like to get from their NNC. Example Agenda: Round-robin introduction of the

players. What 1 take-away would each of you like from the group within the first 90 days?

4. How’s the buddy system work? The buddy system will develop naturally out of the sprit of the

calls. I’m not sure how it develops it just does. Your players will call each other off NNC time just to

visit. They will begin to develop a relationship and a sprit of trust in each other. It’s important to not

force feed the buddy system. If you make people accountable for calling each other they will begin to

resent it. The buddy system also lets them talk about their successes, failures, disappointments and

life in general.

27 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

It’s also important for you, as the facilitator to call each NNC member at least twice before the next call. You

want to form a relationship with each player.

This is very important. Even if you think you do not have time, find it. It will only take a few minutes and the

pay-off can be substantial  


5. Have you used contests and gifts before? Not really. I would be happy to brain storm on the

particular subject with you.

6. Are NNC reminders a good idea? Absolutely. In fact I recommend that if you commit to holding a

NNC that you commit to doing the reminders. Ideally the facilitator should do the reminder, but you

could have the scribe do it or let the members take turns. It really does not matter who does it but

you must make sure it gets done!     

28 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

What is motivation?  hat is motivation? Let’s see what my trusty Webster’s

Dictionary tells us about the words motivate, motion

and motive:


motivate v. Causing to act.


motion v. a formal proposal or suggestion that action be



motive adj. Causing or having the power to cause motion.  


Let’s talk about motivate and motivation for a moment. If motivate means causing to act, can you cause

someone to act? Of course, if it’s in there self-interest to do so. The key relies on you uncovering their

interests. Once you uncover their interests you’ve got the key that can unlock the door to motivating that



Simply put, motivation is the ability to get things done that you want done. How can you utilize your NNC to

help you get these things done?


29 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

How to create a peer group that bonds ou want your calls to become sticky... so the

participants connect and bond. One way to

accomplish this is to ask your members to share their

thoughts about participating in the tele-conference to

the group. This works best after about 6 months worth

of a calls.

Here’s a great real life example:

INDIANA – It’s great to know what everyone else is

selling. The calls are excellent for product knowledge.

We talk about what products are hot and what products

are not. Sometimes we get off on a tangent but

sometimes those tangents are good. They allow us to focus on one thing with the end result being both

educational and productive. All of our tactics are a little different. If you can take a little bit from everybody on

the call then everybody improves.


MINNESOTA I – This group has been kind of interesting. Most companies that you work for the other people

at your level are your competition. Since we all have reserved territories we don’t find ourselves in competition

with one another, we actually become a resource for each other. It takes someone you would expect to be

competition and it makes him a resource. It’s another source of product knowledge that’s not available in the

catalog. We're not getting the company line from guys that are our there doing it. We're getting the practical




30 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

IOWA – We share experiences together and have different ideas. Somebody’s always got a different angle to

look at a certain situation. Sometimes that gives us an insight into solving the problem more efficiently. The

feedback we get from fellow distributors is great. Inspiration and support pretty much sums it up.      

NORTH DAKOTA – It’s been a good group for me, especially being a new distributor. It’s really helped in

trying to organize things. It’s given me ideas that I wouldn’t normally have thought of. Some days you get

frustrated because you don’t know the answer the customer is looking for. You come to these phone calls, you

sit through them, and you listen to the people who have been doing it for a while and it refreshes you. All

around it’s a good tool to have.   


FLORIDA – The unique product applications we discuss are valuable and can oftentimes be turned into cash.

Tips into cash along with productivity and focus pretty much tells the story.     


MINNESOTA II – The sharing of ideas are positive. Some times you can come into a meeting feeling kind of

negative. Usually by end of the call you've done a 180 on your attitude, which helps the week start off a whole

lot better.


SOUTH DAKOTA – I do like talking to a bunch of guys that have no motivation to throw a spin on everything

they talk about. These guys are more like fellow comrades in the trenches than they are trying to sell you

something. They’re a peer and they are on the same level. So when you get information from them you don't

have to sift through whether this is spin or not. I just get sick of spin. You hear it on TV all the time. I don't

want to have to sort through what I think is the truth, when it comes from another guy out there selling his

take on the matter is usually pretty open and honest.

31 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Call Scribe Example: Facilitator: Shawn


Last Call Recap: 

Lloyd (MN) – In certain areas there is no one coming around

in a van the way we do. There will be fewer and fewer sales

people who come around with a stocked vehicle that

customers can look at. Sometimes just by showing up we

can exceed our customers expectations. One of the things

you want to do is make sure your customer or prospect

understands you’re not just driving a van with lettering on

it that the van is stocked full of stuff. Stuff they might be

able use and favorite products that customers buy all the

time. If you see something and you want it you can buy it

on the spot. Make sure people understand what you do and

that you are not just another salesperson coming through their door. You’re a problem solver, you’re there to

deliver as well as talk with them and help them with any other cleaning issues they may be having. 


Rich (IN) – Every week Ron adds new customers. Somebody’s always giving him a referral. The longer you’re

selling the easier it becomes. People get to know you and they trust you. Ron never ceases to be amazed at

the productivity you can do without really doing much. Always show’em your truck so you can refresh their

memory. Always ask if they have any broken handles or anything that needs fixed.     


Tom (VA) – The transportation industry has several free publications. It doesn’t hurt to page through these.

Sometimes you can pick up tips that will helpful for your customers. Tom’s impressed with the chemical line.

Just listen to the customer and see how you can be of service.

32 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Dan (NE) Newbie – This Week’s Key Agenda Item: Plant tours – How to get them and what to look for.


The goal of each call is for each participant to be a student and a teacher.” The objective of the group is to

better serve each other, our customers and ourselves.


2006 Motto: More money, less hassle!        


Dustin (ND) – Call ahead and schedule a plant tour. The people you are talking with are busy and if you call

ahead it makes everyone’s life easier. Cargill is a great account for Dustin. There last order was over

$3,000.00. The 46 series brooms are great for the dairy farmers. They are light and durable.     


Ron (MO) – Diamond Pet Foods is Ron’s largest account. Ron gives them a 10% discount.      

Rich (IN) – Have a name when you go in some of the larger accounts. It’s a lot easier. All secretaries are trained

gatekeepers. You need to make a friend of the gatekeeper. Saw mills are excellent accounts. The bigger mills

have over 100 employees. Ag Co-ops and fire departments are also good customers. You’ve just got to get out

there and make the calls! Referrals will come naturally if you focus on giving great service. Don’t be a slick,

pushy salesmen. Be honest with your customers.

Tom (VA) – Absent


Lloyd (MN) – Absent


Dan (NE) – Is just getting started and the calls are going pretty well. We look forward to helping Dan and

having him on the call.


33 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Sales Tips:


• Intentionally left blank to protect company/client trade secrets


Top Open Territories

1. South East, MO

2. Evansville, IN

3. Louisville, KY  

4. Greenville, NC

5. Southern, IL

6. Sacramento, CA – FILLED

7. Roanoke, VA – FILLED

8. Phoenix, AZ – FILLED

9. Oklahoma City, OK – FILLED

10. Des Moines, IA – FILLED Northern, IN – FILLED

11. South East/Central NE – FILLED – Training in progress – The Beatrice Chamber of Commerce will

be receiving a check for $1,000

Inspirational Minute: “Life is a journey, and with every step we reach a point of no return.” – Gaborn Val


34 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Ron will have the inspirational minute for the next meeting.


The next phone meeting will be 1/30 at 6 am


Key Agenda Item: How to buy word of mouth  

Future Agenda Items:

Your top 20 items – “What sells the best?”

Your top 20 customers – “Who’s buying the most?”

Open – “What’s on your mind?”

Simple & Different – “What’s your game?”

Volume selling – “Where do I go to build my business?”

Handle it – “How to use free replacement handles to your advantage.”

Cost containment – “How to operate more efficiently.”

Service – “What’s it really mean?”

Purchasing agents – “How to talk to them.”

Wholesale accounts – “How to develop them.”

Your PEF – “Personal Experience Factor.”

Multipliers – “What are they and how do you find them?”

Your top 50 – “Product training calls.”

What’s your target? – “Hot markets.”

35 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Who should be conference calling? t really depends on your goals and objectives as an organization. I say organization because a conference

call requires the active participation of at least 4 member's plus a facilitator.

In my view the people who could benefit the most from regularly scheduled conference calls are:

1) Professional sales organizations that have outside sales people in multiple states. These outside

sales people typically have a "lone ranger" attitude and bringing them together via conference calling

can prove beneficial with the right set of call guidelines, agenda and facilitator. Typically these

individuals need focus, clarity and nitty-gritty detail for the call to be beneficial to them individually

as well as collectively.

2) Management professionals that are responsible for outside personnel in multiple states. Again

these people are typically independent thinkers and doers. Nothing can stimulate them more than a

well run conference call. They'll bring buckets of energy to a good call and can be dynamo's to the

creative process.

Engage them and prepare to be amazed! Usually these folks enjoy a little chit-chat to warm up the

call before they get down to business. Start out with a concise agenda, give everyone a chance to

contribute and end the call on time. Your participants will be happy and you will have a good

conference call.

3) Anyone else that wants to learn from others: Bakers, auto mechanics, carpet layers, franchises,

stay-at-home mom's and Parent-Teacher-Organization's to name 6 quickly off the top of my head.


36 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

How would a baker benefit from conference calling? Well if I'm a baker and I know other professional bakers

throughout the country maybe we should be sharing ideas that matter with people who care during regularly

scheduled conference calls. And if the calls help me make more "bread" all the better. At the very least, as a

baker I'll have an opportunity to network with my peers and interact with them on a professional level. And I

can do all of this without leaving the comfort of my bakery.

Just about anyone can benefit from a structured, disciplined and well run conference call. Of course all of your

calls should be facilitated by a manager that can lead, inspire and motivate.

37 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

WARNINGpplying this information could have an amazing

effect on your career.  However, consider yourself

warned. Anytime you time try to do something

amazing people will ridicule you, they will call you

stupid, they will call you an idiot... or they will get on

board and come along for the ride. The choice is theirs

and yours... Proceed with caution, you never know

which board might be rotten.  

See you on the other side...


38 Peer Teleconferencing for Fun & Profit

Get Started ant to create your own private peer group and

accomplish things you’ve never been able to

accomplish before?

Not sure where to start? We might be able to help.

1. What are you trying to make happen?

2. How will you measure success?

3. What’s the first thing you need to do to get started?

Please answer each question and email your answers to

We look forward to getting to know you.