TEL T206 Final Project



The Final Project for T206.

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“The Affair”

That One Team

Martin Anguiano

Anton Happel

Michael Shepherd


When the idea for “The Affair” popped into our heads, we

immediately started working the story out by thinking about how

the chosen subject was portrayed in various media. Most of our

research on topics such as how classmates act together, and

family life were drawn from our own past experiences and what we

believed to be common sense.








Current Day.

Public School


The hallways were littered with students and noise from every

direction possible. The lockers were opening and closing as

students were bustling through ever so diligently. MATT SMITH, a

muscular, tall, built student ran into JOHN JAMES, a very

popular and exceptional athlete at the school. Matt and John

began to talk and the sudden awkwardness of the meeting turned

into a short yet friendly conversation.

After school JOHN had invited over MATT to meet his family. The

home was built out of stone and was within a gated community.

Money was not a problem for JOHN’S family after his mother has

DIVORCED her previous husband.

After a few months had passed and MATT and JOHN became well

acquainted with one another JOHN had began to notice some

interesting and odd things. And then it finally happened one


JOHN enters from the front door. He walks a few steps and throws

his backpack on floor near the wall. JOHN walks down the

hallway. Noises are heard and a look of intrigue appears on his

face. An open doorway appears, revealing STACEY JAMES and MATT

making out. JOHN screams, MATT is seen running away, and the

front door is heard being slammed shut. STACEY is heard ordering

JOHN to his room.

JOHN is in his room. There is a knock on the door. JOHN beckons

the person in. STACEY walks in, sits on the foot of the bed and

starts a conversation. JOHN asks questions, and receives strong

denial. STACEY leaves, JOHN turns out the lights, and goes to


JOHN is at lunch. He walks over to MATT who has just emerged

from the school doors. They start walking down the street. JOHN

asks the same questions he asked Stacy, and again receives

strong denial. MATT walks away looking angry, and JOHN continues

to walk home looking upset.

After school in a crowded deafening hallway, right next to

MATT’s locker, JOHN waits anxiously on MATT to get out of class

so he can settle the score and break off their friendship. As

the hallway clears down to an empty space, MATT enters with a

sadistic expression on his face.

JOHN walks up to MATT and demands violently he stay away from

his mother; he insists they are no longer friends. MATT, still

with a sinister smile, vows that JOHN will never see him with

STACEY together again. MATT strolls away as a frustrated JOHN

punches the locker by which he stands next to.

It is a Saturday morning, just after dawn, light barely seeping

into his bedroom window; JOHN wakes up to an empty house, as he

calls for his mother you can hear but only an echo responding.

He looks out a window facing the front of the house and sees an

empty driveway with skid marks on the curb.

JOHN anxiously dashes to MATT’S house where MATT’s mother

informs him that MATT has gone camping for the weekend. JOHN

finds out that they are staying at a nearby campground.

JOHN makes it to the camp site; he finds a small tent circled by

luscious green trees which houses his mother STACEY and her

lover MATT are laying.

JOHN and MATT get into a serious argument and begin to brawl

viciously. STACEY looks on in horror as her lover, MATT is

attacking her son, JOHN, brutally. She rushes to the center to

prevent any more blows. JOHN gives her an ultimatum. With tears

in her eyes, STACEY chokingly states MATT to be her choice. JOHN

leaves them be never to return, as he walks away not looking

back as his mother (STACEY) and his MATT kiss passionately.

The Affair


Martin Anguiano,

Anton Happel, &

Michael Shepard


The hallways are littered with students and noise from every

direction possible. The lockers are opening and closing as

students are bustling through ever so diligently. MATT

SMITH, a muscular, tall, built student runs into JOHN JAMES,

a very popular and exceptional athlete at the school; both

drop their books.


Oh crap! Sorry man, I didn’t see

you there.

Both Matt and John lean over to pick up their respective



Nah dude, that’s cool, it was my

fault, I’m just in a hurry to get

to gym.

(catching his breath)

Gotta go hit them weights, nam’sen?


Oh, yeah, I hear that! It’s been a

minute since I’ve even set foot in

a gym let alone lifted a weight!

Matt hands John a US History book which inadvertently got

mixed up with his own books.


Thanks dude, I’ll probably be

needing that later.


John and Matt both begin to walk away just as the bell

begins to ring.


Alright dude, I’ll see you

around... wait, what’s you’re name



Oh, dude, I’m Matt.


Matt? Oh, OK, I’m John, nice to

meet you Matt.




Same here dude, I’ll catch you

later, I gotta go fail this Physics


(laughs nervously)


Later that day, school is at its end. The hallways go from

from deathly hollow places to corridors teeming with life as

the classrooms burst open with antsy students rushing to

their locker. John is at his locker when he hears someone

shout his name.


Aye yo Johnny! What’s cracking?!


Hey! uh, Mark, no wait, Matt!

What’s up dude?


Oh, not much bro, I just wanted to

see what was, you know, popping.

You wanna hang out or chill or

something dude?


Damn. Dude, I can’t today, I got

practice right now after school.

John attempts to yank a dufflebag out of his locker. Matt

assists and with ease the both get the bag out.


Ah, that’s cool dude.


Wait though, I think I can manage a

bro-chilling session after school

into my schedule tomorrow though.


Yeah! For sure man! That sounds

pretty cool! Yeah, later dude.


Sure thing, we’ll just hit up my my

place, and chill, you know!




For sure!

Matt and John depart, heading into opposite sides of the



It’s the following day, after school, John and Matt can be

seen walking towards the residence of John James. It is

rather large house in a nice neighborhood.


... and that’s when I said, "Hey,

you better shut your mouth, before

I fuck it!"

The boys begin to laugh hysterically


[sigh] That was pretty funny.

(kicks rock)

Are you sure it’s cool with your

parents if I just show up at your

house like this?


Oh, dude, yeah, it’s cool. I’m

positive my mom doesn’t mind.


How about you’re dad?



No need to worry about that, the

thing is he kinda doesn’t live with

us, my parents are divorced, you



Oh, my bad dude, I’m sorry, didn’t

to bring that up.


It’s cool, I’m used to the fact of

it by now, I mean, they have been

for a while



The boys, John and Matt, enter the lavish home and are

subsequently greeted by STACEY JAMES, John’s mother who was

seated in the living room.


Hi John! Honey, how was you’re day

at school today?

(Pause and scans Matt from

head to toe)

Um, hello, you must be John’s new



Yeah, uh, I’m Matt, hi Mrs., err, I

mean Ms. John’s mom, ma’am.


Oh please, call me Stacey, I

haven’t been a Mrs. anything since

John’s scumbag of a father went and

Visibly angered, John furiously interrupts his mother in the

middle of her sentence.


Really mom?! Why do you always have

to that in front of people?!


Do what? Tell the truth?


Noo! You just don’t understand!

John storms up the stairs towards his his room, a dumbstruck

Matt follows suit.


Nice to, meet you Miss, I mean,



John storms into the room slamming the door behind him, Matt

knocks and then enters.


Dude, I didn’t mean for you to see

all that.




That’s cool dude, everyone has

those days.


(pointing at tv)

You wanna play some wii?


Shit! You know it!

They begin to play videogames, both are now in a visibly

good mood. They begin to joke around laugh as they play.


It is several later, Matt and John are now very good

friends, Matt is seen waiting for John in the morning

sitting on the steps outside of school as students begin to

enter the building.


What’s going on? Fuck man! It’s way

too early for this.


I know what you mean man, I had to

force myself outta bed this



(laughing hysterically)

Yeah, what was the guy’s name whose

bed you were in and refused to




No man, it was you’re fucken mom’s

bed, I refused to leave cause I

didn’t want to wake her up!


Woah, dude, why so hostile, man, I

was just kidding. Just a joke, you

sounded serious as hell.

Matt attempts to laugh off what he had just said as a joke.


Yeah dude, I’d love to sit here and

bullshit all day but I think class




MATT (cont’d)is gonna be starting up in a few,

we should probably head on in.


Yeah, dude, I’m not trying to get

no more tardies in first hour; one

more and it’s a three hour Friday



Dude, well you’d better hurry up,

because its gonna

Bell rings

(cont) be 8 o’ clock...




Dude, lets just get to class.

Matt and John make their way to their respective classes,

John is seen being given a detention to be served that



It is Friday and school has just ended. John is angrily

gathering his things from his locker preparing for

detention. Matt walks by to see what’s up, making his way

through hordes of people in the hall.


You going to detention dude?


I have to... or else.


Or else what?


I don’t know, but I also don’t

really want to find out.


Well, you better not be tardy to

the detention, might wind up

getting another.





Not funny. I’d better go though,

later man!


For sure, I’ll see you around,

maybe we’ll hang out tomorrow.


Yep, see you then!

John exits into a room with a crudely taped sign reading,

"DA-TEN-SHUN" meanwhile Matt stands in the hall which is now

practically vacant.


Detention has ended, John is seen coming up to his house,

having walked from school. He enters, throws his backpack to

the ground and proceeds to look for his mother.



(walking up the stairs)

Mom, you up there? I’m kinda hungry

and I was wondering what’s for

dinner. MOM!

John hears someone in his mother’s room and proceeds to walk

in, the door is slightly open.

(cont.) Oh there you...

John is nearly paralyzed after what he sees, his best friend

Matt and Stacey, his mother are in her room, on her bed,

making out. Matt, notices someone has walked in and

immediately flees.


JOHN! Go to your room immediately!


What the fuck is going on here?!


I’m not going to tell you again

John, go to your room!

John exits his mom’s room



Not believing what he just saw, John sits in his room

staring at the wall with a blank expression. There is a

knock at the door.


Come in!


Hi sweety, I know you saw something

today, but its not what you think

it was.

(Sits at the edge of the bed)


Well then you tell me, what did I

just see?


I’m just saying, you were at school

for a really long time today, you

must be tired, I was in my room

taking a nap.


Mom! I know I didn’t just imagine I

saw someone run away from you’re



No one was in there! You oughtta

get some sleep.


[Gasp] It was Matt! It was Matt

wasn’t it?

(punching bed)

Yeah, I recognize that sweater

anywhere, Matt was wearing it

today! Mom, you’re messing around

with my best friend?!


Johnny! You’re delusional, I’m

doing no such thing! Go to sleep

young man!

Stacey exits the room turning off the lights, John crawls up

into bed and falls right asleep.



Its lunch time on the following, John is eating lunch lunch

all alone, just when Matt enters the cafeteria from a door

leading outside. John gets up to go talk to him.


Where you been at Matt?


Uh, at home, I just woke up.


Oh, dude, what’d you do Friday

after school?


Friday? I went home right after

school. I don’t really remember,

although I did watch Ghost Busters

over the weekend.


That’s weird, cause I think you

were at my place on Friday.


Nah, I don’t think so, dude, you

must be ceazy, I haven’t been to

your place since like last Tuesday,



I’m sure it was you, I saw you’re



You know what, John, I’msorry but I

gotta go.


No wait.


I’ll see you round, Ok?

Matt exits angrily the cafeteria meanwhile John just stands

there perplexed. Both are physically upset.



The deafening crowd of homeward bound students is once again

in the hall, John is seen anxiously waiting by Matt’s locker

for him to come by. At last, as the kids in the hall start

to leave, Matt emerges from the crowd.


Matt, dude, I know that was you in

my mom’s room. I just came here to

tell you that we can’t be friends



Ok, you know what? Just stop it!

Alright, yeah, I AM kinda messing

around with Stacey but I don’t see

how this is your business!


My business? Dude, you’re trying to

get it in with my mom!


Stacey is a grown woman with grown

woman needs!


Stacey? Dude, stop talking about my

mom like that! That’s it! I don’t

ever want to so you anywhere near

my mom again! We can no longer be

friends any more.


I can assure you that you’ll never

see me and Stacey together ever


Matt gives John a rather sinister smile and walks off into

the emptiness of the hallway and down the stairs. John

stands there outraged and punches a locker out of anger.


It is bright and early on a Saturday morning, it seems that

throughout the week everything has returned to normal. Just

after dawn, light begins seeping into John’s room, waking

him up to an empty house.




MOM! Hello! You Home?!

Looking out the window, John notices skid marks in the

driveway. The worst comes to his mind.

(cont.) Goddammit!

JOHN anxiously dashes to MATT’S house and knocks the door,

a woman answers.


Hello there, It’s awefully early,

what can I do for you?


Hi ma’am, I’m a friend of Matt’s

and I was wondering if he was



Oh, no, Matt left earlier today,

packed up. Said he was going

camping with a friend and his mom.


Do you know where it is that they

went camping?


I believe he said that his friend

John’s mom had gotten a cabin out

in Harrison Park.


Thanks ma’am


By the way son, what’s your name?


Oh, I’m THE John.


Oh dear!

John laves Matt’s house and walks down the street headed

back to his place.



John manages to find the keys to his mom’s old car and is

seen out in the drive contemplating.


I wonder where the hell they are?

(Gets in car)

ok, so they’re at Harrison Park,

right? Ok, Ok, lemme just think

this through.

(turns on car)

Alrighty then.

John heads out of the drive way in a very similar fashion to

that of his mother, leaving skid marks.


JOHN makes it to the camp site; he finds a small tent

circled by luscious green trees which houses his mother

STACEY and her lover MATT are laying.


And what the fuck do I suppose is

going on here?!


John! What the hell are you doing



Mom? You got some nerve asking me

that. What are you doing?


John, didn’t I tell not to go

meddling in things that don’t

concern you?


What do you mean,"Don’t concern

me"? This is my mom muthfucker!


Muthafucker? Yeah, you got that


Matt gives off another of his sinister expressions, John

loses his cool and swings at him leading to a brawl.




Stop it! Stop it!

(runs to center to stop the



Mom? It’s either him or me!


But John?


That’s it!

Stacey is silent and pans out her options.


So, who’s it gonna be Stace?



I don’t know how to say this but,

I’m sorry honey... I’m going to

have to choose Matt.




I see, you made your choice, now

I’m making mine.

John walks away into the endless trees which engulf him as

he walks through. Matt and Stacey are seen kissing

passionately in front of the tent.





Scene Shot Description Elements

1 1 Wide Shot: Busy School Hallway Background: school hallway PROPS: bookbags/books

2 Two Shot: Matt and John crash into each other. Background: school hallway PROPS: bookbags/books Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

3 Medium Shot: Matt and John’s hands picking up books

Background: Hallway floor PROPS: books Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

4 Two Shot: John and Matt reorganizing Background: school hallway PROPS: books/ backpacks Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

5 Close Up: Matt’s face - introduces self Background: school hallway Character 1: Matt

6 Close Up: John’s face- introduces self Background: school hallway Character 1: John

7 Close Up: Matt’s face- goodbye Background: school hallway Character 1: Matt

8 Close Up: John’s face- goodbye Background: school hallway Character 1: John

2 1 Wide Shot: John in busy hallway Background: school hallway PROPS: books/backpacks Character 1: John

2 Wide Shot: Matt enters Background: school hallway PROPS: books/backpacks Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

3 Two Shot: John and Matt converse Background: school hallway

PROPS: backpacks Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

4 Close Up: Matt Background: school hallway Character 1: Matt

5 Close Up: John Background: school hallway Character 1: John

6 Two Shot: Matt and John Converse Background: school hallway PROPS: backpacks Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

7 Close Up: John Background: school hallway Character 1: John

8 Long Shot: John and Matt depart Background: school hallway Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

3 1 Long Shot: John and Matt converse Background: neighborhood PROPS: backpacks Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

2 Two Shot: John and Matt converse Background: John’s front yard PROPS: backpack Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

4 1 Long Shot: John and Matt enter home Background: enterance hall PROPS: backpacks Character 1: John Character 2: Matt

2 Close Up: Stacey- enter Stacey Background: enterance hall Character 1: Stacy

3 Two Shot: Matt greets Stacy Background: enterance hall Character 1: Matt Character 2: Stacy

4 Close Up: Stacy rants Background: enterance hall Character 1: Stacy

5 Close Up: John gets angry Background: enterance

hall Character 1: John

6 Long Shot: John runs up stairs Background: enterance hall Character 1: John Character 2: Matt Character 3: Stacy

7 Wide Shot: Matt walks up stairs Background: enterance hall Character 1: Matt Character 2: Stacy

8 Close Up: Matt- converses with Stacy Background: enterance hall Character 1: Matt

5 1 Wide Shot: Matt enters Background: Johns room Character 1: Matt

2 Two Shot: Matt and John Converse Background: John’s room Character 1: Matt Character 2: John

Scene Shot Description Elements

6 1 wide shot: students waiting outside of school forit to start. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

2 medium shot: Matt sitting on th steps outside of school. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

3 two shot: John walks up towards where Matt is. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

Character 2: John

4 POV shot: John walking towards camera(Matt). Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

Character 2: John

5 two shot: John and Matt talking Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

Character 2: John

6 medium shot: John laughing Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

7 close uProps: Matt serious talking. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

8 medium shot: John responding. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

9 medium shot: Matt attemting to laugh it off. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

10 two shot: John and Matt talking Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

Character 2: John

SFX: Ringing School Bell

11 close uProps: John exclaiming "FUCK!" Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

12 two shot: Matt and John talking. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

Character 2: John

13 tracking long shot: John walking towards his class Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

14 POV shot: John being given a detention from teacher's POV Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Detention slip

Character 2: John

Character 3: teacher

7 1 long shot: John slamming locker open and gathering stuff Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

2 over shoulder shot: Matt talking to John Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

Character 2: John

3 medium shot: John responding. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

4 medium shot: Matt talking. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

5 close uProps: Matt laughing. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

6 long shot: John talking and walking away from Matt Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

Character 2: John

7 medium shot: John entering the detention room. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

Props: Detention Slip

8 wide shot: Matt standing alone in a vacant hallway Background: School

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

9 close uProps: John sitting in detention. Background: School w/ extras

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

10 tracking long shot: Matt exiting the school Background: School

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 1: Matt

8 1 wide shot: John is walking up his street toward his house. Background: Neighborhood

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

2 medium shot: John is approaching the door steps Background: Neighborhood

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

3 close up (on his hand): John opens the door. Background: Neighborhood

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

4 medium shot: John makes it through the door Background: Living Room

Props: Books/ Bookbags

Character 2: John

5 medium shot: John walking into kitchen Background: Living Room

Character 2: John

6 medium shot: John walking up the stairs Background: Stairs

Character 2: John

7 close uProps: John walking down the hall Background: Hall way

Character 2: John

8 POV shot: John opening door to mother's bedroom. Background: Hall way

Character 2: John

9 two shot: Matt and Stacey on a bed making out. Background: Bedroom

Character 1: Matt

Character 4: Stacey

10 extreme close uProps: John's reaction to what he sees Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

11 medium shot: Matt runs awayfrom room. Background: Bedroom

Character 1: Matt

12 close uProps: Stacey ordering John out. Background: Bedroom

Character 4: Stacey

13 tracking medium shot: John running to his room. Background: Hall way

Character 2: John

14 tracking medium shot: Stacey making her way soon after. Background: Hall way

Character 4: Stacey

9 1 close uProps: John contemplatively stares at ceiling Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

2 long shot: John lying in his bed. Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

Props: Rubiks Cube

SFX: knocking on door

3 close uProps: Stacey enters room. Background: Bedroom

Character 4: Stacey

4 two shot: Stacey talks to John Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

Character 4: Stacey

5 medium shot: John questions Stacey. Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

6 close uProps: Stacey retaliates. Background: Bedroom

Character 4: Stacey

7 medium shot: Stacey gets up and heads towards the door. Background: Bedroom

Character 4: Stacey

8 close uProps: John yells at Stacey Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

9 medium shot: John punches his bed. Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

10 long shot: Stacey denies allegations. Background: Bedroom

Character 4: Stacey

11 mediuim shot: John is lying in his be with pillow over face. Background: Bedroom

Character 2: John

Props: Pillow

12 medium shot: Stacey walks out the door. Background: Bedroom

Character 4: Stacey

13 extreme close uProps: Stacey's hand turns off light Background: Bedroom

Character 4: Stacey

VFX: Lights go out

14 long shot: John is lying in his bed in the dark Character 2: John

Background: Bedroom


10 1 Wide Shot: School-hall during passing period Close-shot John Matt Appears in Screen Chatting noise of nearby students

10 2 Wide shot Standing by lockers during the end of the pass Close-up of John Matt entering the shot

10 3 Mid shot Of John and Matt side by side; Students have already left the hallways

Background is lockers Props: Backpacks Sound effecTwo Shot: Bell ringing for class to start

10 4 Close-up on Matt Sound Effects-Hallways are silent

10 5 Medium Close of Matt and John Sound Effects- Locker Door Slamming

10 6 Extreme Close-up of Matt’s smile Sound Effects of Yelling

10 7 Wide shot of Matt and Hallways Sounds Effects- Noisy Footsteps Props- Backpacks

10 8 Medium Shot of John Sound Effects- Punching of the Locker

10 9 Close-Up of John’s Face Props Backpack Sound Effects of deep breathing

11 1 Extreme Wide shot of city at sunrise Sound effects of birds chirping

11 2 Wide Shot of John’s neighborhood Sound Effects, mowing of the lawn and cars driving by

11 3 Medium shot of Johns House Sounds Effects mowing of the lawn

11 4 Close-up of John awakening Light effect: Sun coming thru window

11 5 Medium Shot of hallway Light effect, dim light hallway

11 6 Medium shot of staircase Light effects with the sun shining thru the windows

11 7 Close-up of John opening the door Sound effects of the mower turning off from nearby. Light effect of the sun

11 8 Wide shot of the house Sound EffecTwo Shot: Birds still chirping Props- Newspaper

11 9 Two- Shot over John’s Shoulder Props- tire tread on driveway Sound Effects- Birds still chirping

11 10 Cut-away shot of neighbor’s mower starting up Sound effecTwo Shot: Mower and birds

11 11 Medium Shot of street Sound effects of mower and birds

11 12 Close-up of John walking down the street Sound effects of birds and mower

12 1 Wide shot of Matt’s house Birds chirping and door creaking open

12 2 Close up of matt’s mother Birds chirping and sun is shining on door

12 3 Close of John’s face Sweat dripping off the forehead

12 4 Middle shot of the two Birds chirping in the back ground ascars pass by. Props: newspaper in hand

12 5 Wide shot as John walks away from the house Birds chirping kicking rocks as walking

12 6 Wide shot of John’s house Sound effects of time come in

12 7 Close-up from inside the house when door opens Sound effects of the dog barking

12 8 Mid-shot of the kitchen The noise of keys being found.

12 9 Close-up of John’s face Anger and frustration Props: keys and dog

12 10 Medium shot of the house Birds chirping and dog barking Props keys

12 11 Close up on the car when he gets in Noise of the keys

Props keys

12 12 Wide shot from the end of the street Props car Sound effect engine noise

13 1 Wide shot of highway Engine noise and yelling

13 2 Medium shot of camp site Pops car, tent, table

13 3 Close-up of car door opening Car is prop, with bird noises

13 4 Close-up of John’s face getting out Car engine stops and everything becomes silent

13 5 Two side view of john and matt’s face Stacy screams

13 6 Medium shot of the three Birds resume chirping props backpack and tent

13 7 Midshot on John Birds chirping and sunlight beaming through the trees

13 8 Close up on matts face Props backpack and tent

13 9 Close up on stacy as she intervines Props stick

13 10 Mid shot as matt and john brawl Music enters the shot dust flying in the air

13 11 Close up on both bloody faces Panting with hard breath. Props sticks

13 12 Close up on Stacy Sound effects all silent props stick

Mid shot on the brawl Dust is still going everywhere

14 1 Wide shot of the area and the three They all stop what they are doing everything is silent

14 2 Close up on stacy Props stick

14 3 Close up on matt Dust still settling

14 4 Mid shot on john and matt Birds start making noise again

14 5 Wide shot on all three Props stick tent

14 6 Close up on stacy Props stick sound effects birds

14 7 Mid shot on stacy and john Props birds and sticks

14 8 Midshot on the trees Props sunlight shining through

14 9 Then close up of a bird flying away Props bird

14 10 Wide shot of all three Complete silence

14 11 Close up on johns face Past memory noises

14 12 Close up on john covering face with hands Sobbing noise with birds flying away

15 1 Wide shot of the trees and surrounding things Tent car sticks backpack all props

15 2 Point of view shot as john walks to the trees Loud stepping noises

15 3 Point of view shot as john turns arounds for a final look Memories flash again

15 4 Mid shot of the sky breaking through the top A final goodbye is said

15 5 Mid shot of stacy and matt Kissing noises

15 6 A long shot of the three as john is walking towards the camera

Sticks breaking as he walks over them

15 7 Wide shot as it fades out Kissing continues as stick breaks as john disappears from sight.

Hometown Gym High School Hallways

House In My Subdivision. Entrance To City Woods

High School Football

Mortal combat theme song when they fight at the end

Staind –Outside (Acoustic Version) During the last scene as he walks away and looks into the trees.

Fountains of Wayne – Stacy’s mom (Change the main lyric to John’s mom)playing when John finds them

two kissing.

Sum 41- Hell Song- Scene 11 when he is driving to find Matt and Stacy.

