Tel: (519) 252  · 2021. 1. 2. · calendar in Coptic Orthodox practice, as opposed to the...


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    St. Mary and St. Moses Coptic Orthodox Church 1334 Benjamin Avenue. Windsor, Ontario Canada. N8X 4M9

    Tel: (519) 252 – 7366 Fax: (519)252 - 5936

    Kiahk / Tobeh |Issue 61| January 2021

    Under the auspices and guidance of H.G. Bishop Mina bishop of Mississauga, Vancouver and west of Canada


    by His Grace Bishop Angaelos Bishop

    of Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London, UK

    The feast of the Nativity, one of the major feasts in the Coptic Orthodox Church, is a time at which the faithful gather to commemorate the receiving of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, and His gift of salvation to all

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    humanity. Though for many this season becomes overshadowed by frantic preparation for a number of gatherings and festivities, for the Coptic Orthodox faithful there is a variety of deeply rooted traditional practices that enable all, regardless of age or circumstance, to fully engage in the true meaning and significance of the Virgin Birth.

    As the largest Christian denomination in the Middle East, the Coptic Orthodox Church

    dates back to the first century, founded by St Mark the Apostle and writer of the second

    Gospel. The Middle East was a place of refuge for our Lord in His childhood, and it is

    poignant to realise during this season that the birthplace of Christianity is now a place

    most in need of the hope of the Nativity, being more commonly identified as a region

    overtaken by conflict.

    Having said that, however, the Coptic Orthodox Church, among other Christian

    denominations within Egypt and the Middle East, continues to testify to the presence of

    our Lord Jesus Christ, providing a source of light and hope for all despite the various

    challenges faced.

    Along with other Eastern and Oriental

    Orthodox Churches, the feast of the Nativity is

    celebrated on January 7 every year, differing

    from the western celebration on December 25.

    This difference is due to the use of the Julian

    calendar in Coptic Orthodox practice, as

    opposed to the Gregorian calendar used by the

    western Church, this day always coincides with

    the 29th day of the Coptic month of Kiahk. Regardless of this distinction, however, the

    core of the celebration is fundamentally the same, serving as a joyous reminder to the

    arrival of the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour to all who accept Him into

    their lives.

    As part of their preparatory and ascetic practice Coptic Orthodox Christians, both in

    Egypt and around the world, begin to prepare for the feast of the Nativity with a

    dedicated fast 43 days prior. Fasting is a principal foundation in the life of the Church,

    and of the 365 days of the year Copts fast for more than 210. Of the 43 days of the

    Advent fast, 40 signify the period of time that Moses waited to receive the word of God

    in the form of the Ten Commandments, and three commemorates those days fasted by

    Christians in Egypt which led to the miraculous moving of Muqattam mountain.

    Likewise, Coptic Christians fast in preparation to receive the Word of God.

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    Hymnology is also a core element in the Church, and is used to celebrate the various

    seasons in the Church calendar. The feast of the Nativity falls at the end of the Coptic

    month of Kiahk, and throughout this month, all liturgical and worship hymnology is

    focused on the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Liturgical script is seasonal, used to focus

    on the holy virginal Birth and the good news of the arrival of Our Lord. There are also

    extended praise and worship sessions with seasonal hymnology which focus on God’s

    deliverance in the Old Testament with stories such as Moses’s crossing of the Red Sea

    and the three young men in the book of Daniel who were delivered from the fiery

    furnace. Hymnology, along with other spiritual components, seeks to help worshippers

    focus on the deliverance of salvation through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

    For the Coptic Orthodox community in the United Kingdom during this season, and

    alongside traditional hymnology, carol services are also incorporated into the calendar

    as a means of modern-day worship, merging ancient practices with the contemporary.

    All the praise and worship sessions during this month are often considered as the most

    joyous and widely celebrated among Copts. Churches are often at full capacity and the

    praise sessions extend until the early hours of the morning concluding with the

    Eucharistic Liturgy.

    The days of preparation, spent in liturgical practice and worship sessions, draw to a

    close with the climax of the feast of the Nativity itself, which is celebrated with a

    midnight Eucharistic Liturgy on the evening of January 6. Family and friends congregate

    around the Eucharist, the most tangible manifestation of our Lord’s sacrifice to, and

    love for, mankind to fully appreciate and receive the Word Himself.

    The liturgical service is then followed by a fellowship meal where the faithful break

    their fast and continue to rejoice in the Nativity in a spirit of joy and love.

    As we celebrate these festive days, and approach this joyous feast, let us remember our

    brethren in the Middle East, acknowledging that for many millions of Christians in the

    region, these days commemorate the Birth of the Incarnate Word, Who is still the

    source of the hope and courage with which they live till today. Let us also remember all

    those who are in need of the love and hope that the Nativity brings, seeking to be a

    window into the heart of God, who gave Himself to us all so that we can in turn share

    that love and spirit of reconciliation with all who we encounter.

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    By: Fr. Moses Sadik St. Mary and St. Moses Windsor, ON. Merry Christmas and happy new Year, we thank God who has kept us safe

    and in good health until now. This year many of us have gone through

    tough situations. 2020 was a heavy year for the entire world, but the good

    thing is that this year brought many people back to God.

    ❖ During the Coptic month of Kiahk (December), the church has

    been preparing us to receive our Lord Jesus Christ by sharing the

    stories around His birth. We heard the birth announcement of St.

    John the Baptist, the announcement of Archangel Gabriel to St.

    Mary, the visitation of St. Mary to St. Elizbeth, and the birth of St.

    John the Baptist. The month of Kiahk ends with the birth of our

    Lord Jesus Christ on the 29th of Kiahk. Our church shares these

    stories with us not just so we can remember these events but to teach us how we can benefit from the

    characters and situations around these events.

    ❖ The goal is how to receive our Lord in our life and how to prepare us for that.

    God Keeps His Promises

    ❖ Throughout the month, we experienced the fulfillment of God’s promise to Adam and Eve that the son of

    Man will defeat the Satan, “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.” Ge 3:15

    ❖ The universe waited thousands of years until the fulfillment of God promise, God continues to keep His

    promises for many years and for many generation

    Therefore, know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a

    thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments) Deuteronomy 7:9

    God always keeps his promises to those who love him and follow His Commandments, this what King

    Solomon emphasized when he prayed to God saying: “Lord God of Israel, there is no God in heaven or

    on earth like You, who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your servants who walk before You with all

    their hearts. 2 Ch 6:14

    God is always faithfull

    ❖ Moreover, God is always faithful, even if we are not, St. Paul said:

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    ❖ If we endure (be patient and wait for His promises), we shall also reign with Him. …If we are faithless

    (Not faithful), He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself. 2 Ti 2:12–13

    ❖ So, He gave Himself on the Cross to save us

    ❖ He protects us despite our sins

    ❖ He gives us The Holy Spirit as he promised

    ❖ He gives us many gifts and talents, even though we are sinners who are not worthy

    The benefits of reciting, remembering and apply God’s promise

    ❖ There are many benefits of remembering and calling God promises, i will just mention few of them.

    1) To Be blessed

    ❖ God promises us blessings if we apply His commandments, He promises us a long and blessed life here

    on earth as well in heaven when we honor our parents, He said

    “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is

    giving you” Ex 20:12

    Also, God promises us blessings if we give our tithes;

    “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house,

    And try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour

    out for you such blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it. Mal 3:10

    2) To be comforted

    When you hear His promises and trust Him, you will be comforted. Especially when you are going

    through tough time: “do not fear, for I am with you. I will bless you and multiply your descendants for My

    servant Abraham’s sake.” Ge 26:24 this what he said to Issac.

    When Jacob was running from his brother Esau, God came to him in dream and siad, “Behold, I am with

    you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until

    I have done what I have spoken to you.” Ge 28:15

    So, during any tough time when you hear “do not fear, for I am with you” or “I am with you and will keep

    you wherever you go” you will be comforted.

    3) To be not encouraged:

    God told us that we will face many tribulations and persecutions, but he promised us that He is with us:

    “In the world you will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Jn 16:33

    He encouraged St. Paul saying “for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you “ Ac 18:10

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    He promised us that “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Mt 28:20

    4) To be protected

    His Holiness the late Pope Shenoda said “keep and recite the Psalms, so the Psalms will keep you safe”, all

    the words of God are promising and give us protection.

    “…the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Mt 16:18

    “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Ps 34:7

    He said also that we inscribed in His palm and we are in his apple of His eye,

    “For he who touches you touches the apple of His eye” Zec 2:8

    Also, He said:

    And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. 18 But not a hair of your head shall be lost. 19 By your

    patience possess your souls. Lk 21:17–19

    ❖ Use God’s promises in your prayers

    When you pray, try to use God’s promises. The best way to receive God’s mercy, is to cry to him using his

    promises when you are in tribulation. Pray to him saying “I am troubled, O my God, didn’t you say come to

    me all who are troubled and I will comfort to you, now I am coming to you with all these problems and sins

    and I want you to comfort me”

    Nehemiah did the same, we read about it in Nehemiah 1:2–11

    “that Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews who

    had escaped, who had survived the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. 3 And they said to me, “The

    survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall

    of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire.”

    4 So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting

    and praying before the God of heaven.

    5 And I said: “I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and

    mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, 6 please let Your ear be attentive and

    Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night,

    for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned

    against You. Both my father’s house and I have sinned. 7 We have acted very corruptly against You, and

    have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant

    Moses. 8 Remember, I pray, the word that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are

    unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations; 9 but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and

    do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from

    there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name.’ 10 Now these are Your

    servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand. 11 O

    Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your

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    servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy

    in the sight of this man.” Ne 1:2–11

    When Daniel the prophet faced trouble, he fasted and cried and prayed to God saying:

    “Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting,

    sackcloth, and ashes. 4 And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, “O Lord, great

    and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep

    His commandments, 5 we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even

    by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments” Da 9:3–5

    I am asking you to keep and remember God’s promises in this coming year to be blessed, encouraged, protected.

    Pray for me

    Question and Answer:

    By: Late Pope Shenouda III

    Who are the wise men? Why did the star appear to them? How did they overcome the Jews? Was the star a natural star? Or was it a heavenly power in the form of a star? What

    are the symbols which the story of the wise men bear, and what are their relationships with the Gentiles and the Jews??

    The wise men came from the East, probably from the countries of Persia. They were from the rank of princes, or scientists, or priests. They worshipped the ancient eastern gods, probably the fire; and they may have been among the followers of Zaradesht. They were experts in astronomy and in the stars. Perhaps they had heard from the Jews in the dispersion about a Saviour who will come to deliver them and to become the king of the Jews. Saint John Chrysostom says: "[My brothers, we urgently need long watching and many prayers in order to be able to answer these questions, and to know who are those wise men? and where did they come from? Because Satan suggested to the enemies of the truth to say: "When Christ was born, His star appeared: Is this not a sign which proves that astrology is a true industry? If He was born in this manner, why did He eradicate astrology, fortune-telling, and magic, and did he render the devils to silence?! Let us then examine what was that star: was it one of the numerous stars? Or was it an alien to them, from another nature than their nature? 14 Or was it that only the person who looked at it, that thought it was a star? If we know the answer to these questions, we shall know the other matters with greater facility. That star was not one of the numerous stars; and it is more convenient to say, according to what I think, that it was not a star. But it was

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    one of the invisible powers, and was transformed to that aspect. The evidence is clear: Firstly: from the way of its movement: Because there is no star which can possibly move in that manner. If you consider the other stars, you will find that their movement is from West to East. But this star went in its course from the North to the South, because that is the direction from the countries of Persia to Palestine. Secondly: as regards the time of its appearance: because it did not appear by night, but rather in the daytime when the sun has risen. And this appearance is neither due to the strength of a star, nor to the strength of the moon, nor was it due to all these astral bodies which hide and set down when the sun rays appear. But this star had overcome the sun rays by the abundance of its brilliancy, and was more visible and more glittering than all of them. Thirdly: this truth becomes obvious from that the star appeared for some time and then disappeared for some other time. Because it appeared in order to show them the way to Palestine. When they came to Jerusalem, it hided itself. And when they left Herod after he had questioned them, and intended to walk to Bethlehem, the star reappeared to them again. This appearance and disappearance does not happen in the movement of an ordinary star, but it is due to a power which is, above measure, different from others. Because it did not march in a special way. But when it was necessary that they would march, it marched. And when they needed to stop, it stopped, thus controlling all the conditions of their march according to what was convenient for them. It was like the column of clouds in its conduct of the Jewish people. When they entered Jerusalem, the star was hidden from them, so that having lost their guide, they were compelled to ask the Jews, in order that the matter would become notorious and well-known to everybody....... Thus the appearance and the disappearance brought a determined providence that had a special wisdom. Fourthly: by its descending downwards: The meditator must in an obvious manner, necessarily find out another characteristic from the guidance of the wise men by the star. Because it was not possible to show them the way while it was high over them, but it achieved that action by coming downwards. Because while it was high over them, it could not determine precisely a narrow place like a hut where a small baby is lying down. We can know this from the 15 example of the moon, which appears greater than many stars, and how it appears to all the inhabitants of the world in all its vastness, and everyone thinks that the moon is near to him. Tell me how would the star have shown them a small place like a hut and a manger, if it had not left this high place, and gone downwards till it stopped over the head of the child. That is what the evangelist indicated saying: "and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was." (Matt. 2:9). When the star recognized the Child, it stopped, and its stopping there, while it was descending downwards, is a great testimony. It had a great influence upon the wise men and guided them to the worship of the Child. They did not worship Him as an ordinary human being. That is obvious from the gifts which they presented to Him, and which are not convenient for a small child in its swaddling clothes..... Did you see with what arguments, it has been shown that this star was not one of the ordinary stars?.....

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    Saint of the month:

    “Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of

    God. Whose faiths follow, considering the outcome of their conversation?” Heb


    St. Nicholas “the Confessor”


    St. Nicholas, Bishop of Mora (Myra) was from the

    city of Mora, his father's name was Epiphanius and

    the name of his mother was Tona. They were rich, as

    well as God-fearing, people. They had no children to

    bring joy to their hearts and to inherit their wealth

    after their deaths. They remained without a son until

    they grew old and they were enveloped with despair.

    God had pity on them and gave them this saint. He was filled with the Divine grace

    since his young age. When he reached school age, he demonstrated, through

    intelligence and knowledge, that he learned far more from the Holy Spirit than he

    did from his teachers. He learned all the doctrine and the teachings of the church

    since his young age and was ordained deacon.

    Then he became a monk in a monastery wherein his cousin was the abbot. He lived

    an ascetic and a righteous life, and was ordained a priest when he was 19 years old.

    God gave him the gift to work signs and wonders and to heal the sick.

    St. Nicholas is too illustrious to describe all the signs that were performed by his

    hands, but an example of his good deeds and benevolent works follows:

    There was a very rich man in the city of Mora who lost all his wealth. He had three

    daughters who had passed the age of marriage, and he could not marry them

    because of his poverty. Satan tempted the man to think that he should make his

    daughters live in sin so that they might get their food by means of fornication. God

    revealed to St. Nicholas the thoughts which were in this man's head, and what he

    intended to do. St. Nicholas took 100 dinars of his father's money and tied it up in

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    a sack. During the night, secretly and without anyone seeing him, he

    threw the money into the window of that poor man's house. When the

    man found the gold, he was astonished and rejoiced exceedingly and

    was able to give his eldest daughter away in marriage. During another

    night the saint threw another hundred dinars into the man's house and the man

    was able to give his second daughter away in marriage. The man wanted to know

    who this charitable person was. The third time when the saint threw the gold into

    the house, the man was watching and immediately when he felt the drop of the

    sack, he ran out of his house to see who was throwing the gold to him. He found

    the kind bishop St. Nicholas and the man bowed down at his feet and paid him great

    homage and thanked him because he saved his daughters from poverty and from a

    life of sin. The saint refused to accept any thanks and asked them to thank the

    Lord Who put this thought in his heart.

    St. Nicholas drove out the devil and his angels from people, he healed many sick

    people, and he blessed little bread to satisfy many people, with much more left


    Before being selected bishop, he saw in a vision, a great throne and magnificent

    vestments placed on it and a man said to him, "Put on these vestments and sit on

    this throne." Another night he saw our Lady, St. Mary, giving him the vestments of

    the priesthood and our Lord Jesus Christ gave him the Gospel.

    When the Bishop of Mora departed, the Angel of the Lord appeared to the

    Archbishop and told him the one who was chosen for this rank was Nicholas and

    described his virtues to him. When he woke up he told the bishops what he had

    seen, and they all believed that vision. They knew that it was from the Lord Jesus

    Christ. They took St. Nicholas and made him Bishop over the city of Mora.

    Shortly thereafter, Diocletian reigned, and incited the pagan worship. When

    Diocletian arrested many of the believers, he heard about this saint. He seized him

    and tortured him severely for many years. The Lord Christ strengthened him,

    protected him, and raised him whole from all these tortures so that he might

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    become a mighty branch of the tree of faith. When Diocletian was tired of

    torturing him, he cast him into prison. Saint Nicholas wrote to his congregation

    from prison to teach, encourage and confirm them in the faith. He remained in

    prison until God perished Diocletian and established the reign of Constantine the

    Just. Constantine brought out all the confessors from prison, among them was St.

    Nicholas, who returned to his city.

    When the Council of Nicea convened in the year 325 A.D. to judge Arius, he was

    one of the 318 fathers assembled there.

    Having finished his course and guarded his flock, he departed to be with the Lord.

    He sat on the episcopal throne for more than 40 years, and all the days of his life

    were about 80 years.

    May His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

    Sayings of the Desert Fathers:

    ❖ What joy does the Nativity of the Mother of God bring us?


    ❖ Created man cannot become a son of God and a god by grace through deification,

    unless he is first through his own free choice begotten in the Spirit by means of the

    self-loving and independent power dwelling naturally in him.

    St. Maximos the Confessor

    ❖ He took our flesh and our flesh became God, since it is united with God and forms a

    single entity with him. For the higher perfection dominated, resulting in my becoming

    God as fully as he became man.

    St. Gregory Nazianzen

    ❖ This is the Great Work of a man: always to take the blame for his own sins before God

    and to expect temptation to his last breath

    St. Anthony

    ❖ what was said about Him during His Incarnation, that He “went about doing good.”

    (Acts 10:38) It is a lesson to us in our lives, to be like Him, going about doing good.

    Pope Shenouda III

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    ❖ Departure of David, the Prophet and King. (23 KiaHK)………..…………………………..…………1 January

    ❖ Birth of St.Takla-Haymanot, the Ethiopian. (24 Kiahk)……………...………………………………3 January

    ❖ Martyrdom of One Hundred and Fifty Men and Twenty-Four Women

    from Ansena (28 Kiahk)……………………………………………………………………………………………….………6 January

    ❖ Feast of the Glorified Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas).

    (29 Kiahk)……………………………………………………………………………….………………………….……………….….7 January

    ❖ Departure of St.John, Archpriest of Scetis (29 Kiahk)..……………………………………………8 January

    ❖ Martyrdom of St.Stephen the Archdeacon (1 Tobeh)…………………………………………..…..…9


    ❖ Commemoration of the Slain Children of Bethlehem

    by the order of King Herod (3 Tobeh)……………….……………………………………………………….….11 January

    ❖ Departure of St.John the Evangelist and Theologian (4 Tobeh)………………………….….12 January

    ❖ Commemoration of the Circumcision of the Lord Christ (6 Tobeh)…………………………14 January

    ❖ Departure of St.Andronicus, the Thirty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria.

    (8 Tobeh)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…16 January

    ❖ Paramone of Holy Theophany (Epiphany) (10 Tobeh)……………………………………………………18 January

    ❖ Holy Epiphany of Our Lord, God and Savior. (11 Tobeh)………………………………………….…19 January

    ❖ Commemoration Feast of the Archangel Michael. (12 Tobeh)………………………………….…20 January

    ❖ Commemoration of the Miracle at Cana of Galilee. (13 Tobeh)……………………..……….…21 January

    ❖ Departure of St.Maximus, the Brother of St.Domadius. (14 Tobeh)…………………….…22 January

    ❖ Discovery of the Relics of St.Abahour (Pihour),

    St.Bisoura (Pisoura), and Their Mother Ampera (Asra). (19 Tobeh)…………………….…27 January

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    ❖ Departure of Our Lady,the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God (21 Tobeh)……….…….29 January




